it ?
Sheriff Grayson Robinson of the recent Arapahoe County high school shooting is also the sheriff involved in
the Aurora Colorado Batman movie shooting..........
Behind Bars: Inside 'Batman Shooter' James Holmes' Jail Life ...
Aug 3, 2012 - While he awaits his next court appearance, James Holmes is being held in solitary ... cases,” Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson told Reuters. ... 20 during a premiere showing of The Dark Knight Rises in an Aurora, ...Colorado sheriff blasts colleagues over refusal to enforce gun laws ...
Jan 23, 2013 - The Colorado sheriff whose county includes the Batman shooting movie ... issue,” Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said in a statement. ... mass shooting in Aurora, where James Holmes allegedly killed 12 people ...The Sand Creek Colorado Massacre
Where's Sandy Hook Newtown,CT.'s Principal Dawn Hochsprung when you need her ?
Or Sandy Hook janitor Rick Thorne and 'custodian' Kevin J. Anzellotti ?- they could certainly help Arapahoe High janitor “Fabian” to sweep this whole messy affair under the rug.
Notice there was no description for the gunman, but a quick answer for the names of the victims yields “Matt” and “Reagan.” -
Matt and Reagan ?!
Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said the gunman was targeting a teacher. He said the gunman entered the school just after 12:30 p.m. with a shotgun and identified the teacher he was targeting.
Now, by the way, it’s two students injured, not one.
Robinson himself proves the fraud. Watch his body language, aggression, and head swinging. Not normal.
‘If you’re lucky, I’ll answer your questions. But make them short.’
Hey, what about the bomb squad trucks that just went by? ‘You’ll learn about that later at the press conference,’
It doesn’t matter what the person says. He is surely a crisis actor, faking the story for public consumption, especially in Zionist-controlled anti-gun Colorado. Awfully calm, no adrenalin, for a youth just confronted virtually in the face with a shotgun. Notice there was no description for the gunman, but a quick answer for the names of the victims yields “Matt” and “Reagan.”
This man, though, “Fabian,” claiming to be the janitor, gives it all away. Fabian is hereby given’s Greatest Hack-Job Award for giving away the hoax by lying multiple times with multiple contradictions, despite wearing what may well have been a wire: he wins the it, no contest...........................
About a half hour after wounding the girl, Pierson was found dead in the school, apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
"I believe the shooter took his life because he knew he had been found," Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said.
Other HoaxesZionist Terror— 13 December 2013
Colorado Shooting is an Absolute Hoax
Same, old (and tired) story. The supposed Arapahoe County, Colorado, school shooting is yet another diabolical fake and fabrication. Here is the standard story:
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (CBS4) – An Arapahoe High School student is dead after shooting and injuring another student inside the school on Friday afternoon and then apparently killing himself. One other student has been injured but it’s not clear if that person is dead.
Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said the gunman was targeting a teacher. He said the gunman entered the school just after 12:30 p.m. with a shotgun and identified the teacher he was targeting.
Now, by the way, it’s two students injured, not one.
Robinson himself proves the fraud. Watch his body language, aggression, and head swinging. Not normal.
‘If you’re lucky, I’ll answer your questions. But make them short.’
Hey, what about the bomb squad trucks that just went by? ‘You’ll learn about that later at the press conference,’
It doesn’t matter what the person says. He is surely a crisis actor, faking the story for public consumption, especially in Zionist-controlled anti-gun Colorado. Awfully calm, no adrenalin, for a youth just confronted virtually in the face with a shotgun. Notice there was no description for the gunman, but a quick answer for the names of the victims yields “Matt” and “Reagan.”
This man, though, “Fabian,” claiming to be the janitor, gives it all away. Fabian is hereby given’s Greatest Hack-Job Award for giving away the hoax by lying multiple times with multiple contradictions, despite wearing what may well have been a wire: he wins the it, no contest.
Note: like the other ‘witnesses’ of these hoaxes, he prefers to look away, never directly at anyone, when he comes up with the fabrications.
Fabian: I was turning the corner when I saw a kid moving side-to-side (what was he doing, hunting for people in the parking lot?), kind of military-style (appearance). When I saw that, I double looked to see if it was a gun. It was a shotgun (gets this part of the line correct). So, right away, I get on the radio to call everyone on staff and when he went in, and that’s when I heard the shots (with emphasis and much drama).
Editor’s note: OK: he was outside and heard those shots, right away. Sounds phony. Back to his drivel:
He went in there, turned to go in the library (wait a minute: he was outside, presumably in his car; how would he know that?), cause he was looking for one person in specific.
Reporter: How do you know that?
Fabian (answers immediately, a major sign of a person creating a fabrication and cover-up): Because the person he was looking for when he went into the library, he said, “Where is Murphy?” (again, with much drama), and he saw Murphy, and he turned and he ran out (reaches up to his ear, as if he is being instructed; now see what happens)
- and that’s when he took a shot at Murphy…” WAIT A MINUTE: he just said he ran out. How can he run out AND take a shot at his main target. “Fabian” was obviously attempting to cover for his blundering lie. Back to the transcription:
…at Murphy, missing him, and he ran out through the back. And that’s when I ran into hm, got him into the truck, and kind of moved him across. He was very ‘shooken’ up (now comes cover-up attempt no. 2); and that’s what he told me, his statement given to me.
Statement, really?
Fabian: “I saw him; we’re going into the building. I went around into the library, called Murphy’s name andattempted to kill him.
Sure he did, by running out and the, wait a minute, not running out, but running out a little bit then shooting – shooting on the run at the man he wanted to kill. HOAX.
No doubt, the Arapahoe County shooting was a non-existent event, an absolute hoax perpetrated by the same style of DHS-inspired fraudsters who were behind all the other filthy hoaxes this year, as well as the Sandy Hook hoax. This is merely a distraction as a result of the thorough unwinding of all the cabal’s vile fakes.
7NEWS - Inmate found dead at the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office ...
Sep 25, 2013 - Inmate found dead at the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office ... the death was a result of natural causes, but the Sheriff's Office says it will continue ...Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office Investigates Inmate's Death « CBS ...
Jul 19, 2011 - Authorities say a Denver man being held at the Arapahoe County jail has killed himself.Inmate: Aurora shooting suspect 'would be killed' if released from ...
by Will C. Holden
Jul 23, 2012 - A man who was recently released from the Arapahoe County Jail, the same place where suspected shooter James E. Holmes is being held, told FOX31 that Holmes “would be killed” if he is ever housed with other inmates.
Other HoaxesZionist Terror— 13 December 2013
Colorado Shooting Hoax Includes Crisis Actors
Preliminary post only. To be updated shortly, but because of the importance, for your perusal.
The Arapahoe, Colorado, shooting wasn’t a shooting. It didn’t happen. It is merely a hoax, like all the others. See the crisis actors in this video. There are many of them. All those who claim to have heard shots or witness a shooting (no one thus far has stated they saw anyone physically wounded; no one claims to have seen anyone with a gunshot wound or who was bleeding): anyone who makes the claim is a fabricator.
Here are two crisis actors on the track and field track; note the oft-held cell phone, which is a standard for such fraudsters. Man in the grey sweatshirt is likely a producer.
This is a preliminary post for your review: to be updated shortly with commentary. The crisis actors are everywhere in this event. Note the cell phones and water bottles plus the director with the clip board.
Same two people as in the previous picture; different people in the background; slightly different pose. Note the phone position: she has switched hands: 100% fake. The young man is looking on in a relaxed pose, hands in his pockets. Nothing here to consider. No adrenalin. It’s a Sandy Hook supportive hoax to give some basis for the so-called anniversary and also act as a cover for the systematic exposure of that wretched event.
Two additional crisis actors. Note the absolutely relaxed nature of the countless students in the background, with the occasional smile caught incidentally.
These SWAT team members seem to like the attention of the camera, looking right into it.
Now, watch this set of images derived from the NBC footage. Not much time should be wasted on this scam: it’s a farce.
Producer mole is revealed in the background; seems to be a kind of coordinator.
They are all actors, but he seems to be saying something to the actor in the blue and black jacket.
Pencil in hand, there is some kind of interaction with the actor-fakes. He is saying something. ‘Hey, at least wait before you do the gig for me to get out of the view.’
A still shot derived from another video of the same two crisis actors in another pose; note that it is the same purse. This time, though, she is caught smiling.
Here are two additional fraudsters. Water bottle, courtesy of the US taxpayer and it would appear a free lunch for all at Burger King. Plenty of wasted police tape to boot, used senselessly and well squandered plus all that wasted gasoline and much wasted energy: fraud, fake, phony – absolute.

A well secured water bottle and another object wedged between the man’s arm and chest; 100% crisis actors. Nothing to be emotional about here, except a bit of righteous rage against all these hucksters and fraudsters.
The Araphahoe County school shooting is a fake, 1000% a hoax, where there was no shooter, despite the occasional crisis actor/fabricator, who claims otherwise. Who can prove that it is not a hoax? Let anyone try. The Sheriff: just announced his retirement, just before the hoax. That is no coincidence. There were some favors exchanged for this scam. To what degree is yet to be revealed.
Uncategorized— 14 December 2013
Fake Colorado Hoax Witness Spews Lies to Support Official Story
Regarding the inane hoax of the so-called shooting and suicide at Arapahoe High School no-gun-land, socialist, Obama-loving Colorado, replete with macho-hancho moles of every description, is proving its worth, at least at an official end: of nothing less than the hoaxer state of the century.
Already, the powerful ones of that state perpetrated the Aurora super-phony theater (fake) shooting. Now, the miserable moles of this entity have dug deep into the morass to unearth other moles and scoundrels, liars galore, who tell tall tales to support the ultra-Zionist, extremist agenda of the Obama cabal.
Who is this student, Max Minne, who would tell such bold-faced lies before the whole world? All he says is fabrications to support what is nothing other than a hoax, a shooting which never occurred. He claims that this nonexistent shooter fired three shots and then barged into the school library, shouting, “Where is Murphy?” Who could actually believe in a ludicrous story line? As if anyone is going to tell the shooter or even have the faculty of mind to do so is such a desperately dire circumstance. Then, he says, this person mindlessly shot a girl in what he claims to be the stomach.
That’s a crime scene. There was no crime scene at this school. Nor were there any actual wounded students. Nor was there any blood spilled.
Minnie: “I heard the three shots, and then he came into the library, and the first shot, I though it was something dropping, something really heavy: and I knew it was in the hallway – but the second shot, that’s a shotgun for sure. I know it was a shotgun, too.”
Next, he claims, so brave, that he decides to follow the supposed shooter. By the way what ever happened to the now not discussed student that supposedly confronted the gunman? Even so, Minnie’s interview all occurs not in the field but, rather, in the comfort of Psyops News’ (CNN’s) studios.
Minnie: …Walked toward the door, because I wanted to see what happened,
and he was wearing a ballcap; I think he had boots, jeans, and a dark shirt.”
Yet, what did the first person who purportedly saw this ghost of a gunman, a man who claims to be the school janitor, Fabian Llerenas, report?

“and, uh, he shot a student in the stomach, yelling, “Where is Murphy?” And right as he walked in I just bolted – I just didn’t really took a look at his face.”
Reporter: “You saw the gunman.”
Minnie (begins answering immediately): “Yea…I know it was a shotgun, too, just by the sound and the looks of it, too. I was probably 25 to 30 feet away.
Reporter: When you saw him and you heard him, it seemed like he was on a mission (complete Zionist psyops; puts words in his mouth to guide his next statement).
Minnie: Yea. “When he busted through the doors, shotgun cocked, yelling, it looked like he was going for Mr Murphy, specifically. He ran through the classroom and…into the hallway, and on my way there there’s this girl on the ground (local news first reported this downed student as a male, who confronted the gunman; now it is changed to an innocent girl, who was shot in a discharge meant for Murphy, truly inane). And I’m pretty sure she’sbleeding out of her stomach. She’s on her hands and knees. There’s blood all over the tile and the hallway.”
Editor’s note: Really, bleeding out of her stomach from a gunshot would from a shotgun; that would potentially prove to be fatal. It’s a crime scene regardless, which would require hazmat and forensics, none of which were applied. Too, why isn’t anyone in a panic over such an injury? How about at least a bit of adrenalin and shock?
Then, there is this, the Radio Transmission, which proves this so-called senior student at Arapahoe High School to be nothing other than a bold-faced liar:
Can’t he tell the difference between a shotgun blast to the head and face, presumably, at least according to that “first (Sandy Hook-style) deputy” on the scene and a blast to the belly? Yet, then, when it is nothing other than a gun-control and martial law drill, how could multiple witnesses keep the story straight, since there was nothing to experience or record:
Is the world sufficiently intimidated yet at Police State America?
He continued:
“And there’s this giant cloud of smoke. Smelled like gunpowder.”
Supportive lines for the cloud of smoke claim are found on Yahoo news:, as seen below, though it merely means in all likelihood that this is a coordinate effort at making the hoax appear more legitimate:
Sheriff’s deputies and police converging on the school encountered heavy smoke in the building from a Molotov cocktail-like incendiary device Pierson had set off, one of two he was carrying.
Note: it is no possible to “set off” a Molotav cocktail. That is gasoline in a bottle with a burning wick. There would have been a gasoline fire, not just a cloud of smoke. This is all from drama lines, fake: no such bomb was exploded. The Sheriff and Co. made up this tag line to add to the drama; that explains his deployment of the bomb squad.
Minnie: When I was running out, I could see the people in the gym were all just standing, and they heard the gunshots, but they didn’t know really what happened.
He was just always the type that wanted to be right. He’d always argue with the teacher about scholastic thins Whenever we were talking he’d always have something to say, wanted to be right. Never wanted anybody to tell he was wrong; definitely I’ve noted that in classes I was in with him. He’s kind of an odd guy. He woreCommunist shirts; the whole Russian sickle with the hammer type deal: he wore that all the time.
Caption: Wouldn’t someone have noticed?
He spoke intelligently. He’s pretty smart guy. I think he did pretty well in school.
Reporter: What are the questions (about this event) you still have?
Minnie: Why he shot a girl – that’s my number one. Students get mad at teachers all the time…but I don’t get why he’d shoot a girl just doing her own thing.
End of transcription
Minnie has one phony story, the ‘janitor’ another, the Sheriff yet another, and who knows how many others: Hoax, no doubt about it.
Furthermore, who is this individual or face that is being used? Did he and his family grant the use of his images for the purposes of this fraud? Clearly, he was not a shooter on that day of the grand hoax, Friday the 13 of December, an expected hoax, since it was the even of the greatest and most ludicrous fake of all, Sandy Hoax.
See also this video, where the student “gives it away,” saying that the entire event was announced as merely a drill.
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