WTC,9/11:OWS and U.S.Government Agent Saboteurs:Veterans Today's Gordo Duff ,Arizon Militia Killer JT Ready,Sheriff Arpaio,
Note Gordon's self made resume.He claims 'extensive experience in international banking'.While he is really connected to stock fraudsters like Bud Burrell and James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc through CIA ex Director George Tenet who was actulally involved in pointing the finger at Iraq and away from Israel and Saudi Arabia, immediately after 9/11.Duff as I have saiud before has a criminal mind and told his readers we should be in favor of bombing innocent civilians in Libya supposedly because Israel was against it which is and was as far from the truth as you can get.
Strange that Gordon Duff who has far right and Washington,D.C. CIA connections,ast least to ex CIA Director George Tenet who in turn is connected to Agora Inc of James Dale Davidson founder of the Alexandria,Virginia National Taxpayers Union with CIA and City of London money laundering connections through Lord William Rees-Mogg and according to Agora Inc. and VeteransToday 'journalist' who united with Duff in attacking Julian Assange and Wikileaks in 2010,,ay very well have Rothschild financial crime family links as well.And he calls himself an 'American Patriot' and 'war heroe' ? Ha.
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, surveillance technologies, intelligence analysis,defense technologies or acting as a UN diplomat and "special consultant."
Duff currently serves on the boards of the Adamus Group, one of the world's largest energy technology firms and of a private financial institution participating in the Federal Reserve Banking group.
His most recent project adapts advanced military technologies to wildlife and land management in cooperation with the UN, USAID and International Wildlife Federation.
Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. Duff, military affairs analyst for Press TV, is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest. Visit Gordon Duff's YouTube Channel.
My note to Steve Pieczenik :
Watch out for being associated with or even lauded by Gordon Duff's VeteransToday digital rag which like I said features the pseudo anti Zionist Gilad Atzmon who doesn't even have the balls,or should I say ethics,to acknowledge he familial connection to Shin Bet murder suspect of 9/11 infamy Menachem Atzmon of ICTS International who STILL has the run of Queen Bitch Beatrix's Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam even after allowing the so-called Nigerian Islamic 'crotch bomber' Mutallab to board flight 253 from Schiphol to Detroit aboard flight 253 on Christmas 2009 !
And while you might not be too shocked because George Tenet is someone you have probably met and even chatted with just like Henry Kissinger,I was not pleased at all when Duff bragged of his close and approving connections with that lieing 9/11 mass murdering scum bag and also CIA money laundering SON OF A BITCH.
Yes he created the CIA employee's self enriching In-Q-Tel as much to put extra cash in his corrupt CIA boys pockets or offshore accounts to boost their 'morale',(not to be confused with morals),as for the purpose of using this fraudulent 'non-profit' for corporate sabotage and spying on private enterprise.
Besides hinting that he is some kind of 'war heroe' Duff also hints at having some kind of connections to and with international banking although leaves any details as vague as his supposed Vietnam war heroism.I cringed when he said claimed to be sending people to aid the innocent young Americans of OWS as they were exercising their non existent right to freedom of assembly on the streets of Amerikkka.A while back one of those he Duff endorsed and who showed up to 'help' those innocent OWS protesters in Sheriff Arpaio's corrupt Phoenix,Arizona was a 'man' with a militia name J T or Jason T Ready with guns in hand - the last thing peaceful young Americans want to be associated with ! Ands only a short while ago this armed militias bully who should have been arrested by Sheriff Arpaio in order to protect OWS protesters and others in Phoenix but wasn't,and who began to run for sheriff in another Arizona county,up and killed himself with his own militia guns that Arpaio ignored - but not until he mass murdered the woman he lived with and her daughter and an ex Iraq veteran who lived with the daughter among others !
So much for the credibility of Gordon Duff much less his Zionist City of London Israeli pal Gilad Atzmon, relative of 9/11 mass murder suspect Menachem Atzmon.
I think its ashame those scum at VeteransToday are even allowed to co opt the name of Veterans and use it for their right wing fascist political agenda such as promoting the bombing of Libya etc. and pretending-lieing that Israel opposed the bombing of Libya !
Godon Duff quote:
Back during the 70′s, police were seen by many as the enemy of all Americans. Police died. Police forces had become bands of rabble, ripping off drug dealers, shaking down prostitutes, stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down. Cops drank on the job, got high every day and, often as not shot themselves. I have some experience with such things.
I am more than familiar with what “on the job” means.
Another Dangerous Terrorist Captured - Oh She's a Bad One for Sure! - Just Look at Those Eyes
Let’s talk a bit about 9/11. I have friends in NYPD. They know 9/11 was an inside job, that Building 7 was blown up that Mossad terror teams were chased all over town.
More than a few were threatened with losing their pensions or being returned to uniform if they opened their mouths.
A policy department is a petty tyranny, run by small time crooks and no matter how many brave and decent officers make up a department, it is still run by crooked politicians.
NYPD has a tough history, has had a lot to overcome and has brought itself back from a very sad state.
Because of that, officers serving in NYPD can be proud or, at least could have until recently.
Now some of you have crossed the line. I’ve been there. This “us v. them” bull doesn’t work anymore. We have put veterans on the streets and we plan to send in more. I don’t care if every protestor is gay, communist or a rich college kid.
I could care less........ - Gordon Duff
Now note this involvement with and support or right wing militia killer from Arizona RT Ready who he defended even after Ready who was running for sheriff in Arizona cold bloodedly murders at least 4 people before committing suicide !:
Sheriff’s candidate J.T. Ready’ body was discovered along with his family, either a murder/suicide or ambush/execution. Ready, of Mormon heritage, had been fighting a running battle with the local Village Voice and Steve Lemon over issues of “decency” and the Voice’s support for an “open border” and an end to all immigration controls.
Ready questioned both the Voice and Lemon as being “pro-crime” though there is no evidence of their involvement in the killings. J.T. told VT reporters:
“I see them as traitors. Peddling the rhetoric of “poor immigrants” no longer applies. We are being flooded with drug couriers and terrorists. Several hundred thousand illegals went back to Mexico recently because the job situation there for real workers is actually better. The “Voice agenda” smells of organized crime, not “liberal heartbreak.”
One disturbing fact upsets the common misreporting and the police coverup. Ready had never fired a weapon, had no GSR (gun-shot residue) on his hands or clothing and his weapons, a .223 rifle and 9mm pistol were unfired.
All information about the ballistics of this shooting has been withheld. The results of the autopsies have been withheld. In fact, calling this a “crime scene” at all is an abuse of the term. Forensics did everything but burn down the house and use a fire hose on the neighborhood.
The news and police had lied about this and so much more. Now Ready, a flawed man, as imperfect as many, is the victim of a smear campaign orchestrated, oddly enough by a publication owned by Wall Street bank, Goldman/Sachs and police agencies under investigation for accepting bribes from narcotics cartels.
We will lay out the truth, if you can “handle it”
I interviewed Ready not long before he died. He, along with other regional Sheriffs/candidates had asked Veterans Today for our support and the best known of them for me to come out and appear on stage with him. This was not “J.T. Ready.”
Mike Harris interviewed Ready twice before and was photographed near him when Ready attended Republican Party gatherings. Mike was then the GOP candidate for Governor of Arizona. The purpose of this is clear, after the Zimmerman shooting, the piracy and executions on the Mavi Marmara, Libya and so many other times when real military and intelligence leaders could only speak through Veterans Today to protect American freedoms and openly express support for justice and equality, things in short supply around here now, it is time for me to “take the gloves off.”
Here are some facts that the news suppressed, police lied about, agencies have misled the public on. Later we will talk about who Ready was, the real person. The story isn’t going to be pretty.
9 days ago, 4 people were killed at 1pm in Gilbert, Arizona. Among them was J.T. Ready who had most recently been seen running for sheriff of Pinal County Arizona, and defending “Occupy” protestors. This wasn’t the J.T. Ready of years before, during his one visit to the NSM. Mike Harris checked with that organization, one Ready was said to be closely aligned to. The NSM regional director said that J.T. Ready only attended one meeting, years ago.
Careful investigation of the National Socialist Movement or “NSM” showed us several things:
J. T. Ready was not an active member.
Their beliefs are 90% “Ron Paul” or “Libertarian” with a bit of “Progressive” mixed in. In fact, none of this fits together, as though someone were “trying too hard.”
They have reprehensible racial policies that parallel, not Nazi Germany but, in fact, the Likuist ultra-nationalists of Israel. They are an apartheid group.
They are very small and deeply infiltrated and influenced by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, two groups that fund and back “white supremacist” groups as a way of raising funds from Jews and African Americans.
In fact, most “white supremacist” groups are, as investigations have shown, organized and funded by Jewish groups as a way of raising funds. If only I were kidding.
Several years ago, Mike Harris reproached J.T. Ready for his short term association with this group, the NSM pointing out these obvious facts:
How can you be a constitutionalist and favor apartheid at the same time. This is why Veterans Today has placed Israel on their list of “least democratic states” with North Korea and others.
J.T. Ready served in the United States Marine Corps. This organization has a significant Hispanic presence, African American also, has Jews serving too, and members of all of these groups have given their lives for America.
Ready admitted his error but was not interviewed by or spoken with by Harris for 2 years.
Ready then formed the US Border Guards. The organization had an active working relationship with ICE, Homeland Security and the DEA. Ready socialized with members of these organizations and various Arizona police groups. He told Mike Harris, in a 2012 interview that it was at the recommendation of the DEA that he run for sheriff of Pinal County. To quote Ready:
“My friends at the DEA said they needed someone like me as sheriff there, someone who would finally stand up to the drug gangs that were running the county. They said they were tired of having local law enforcement ‘always looking the other way’ when it came to drug cartels and organized crime.”.-Gordon Duff,VeteransToday.con
Note that while this right wing website tries to use JT or Jason Todd Ready's appearance at an OWS or Occupy Wall Street protest as a 'proof' that OWS are or were 'terrorists' the fact is that it was racist Sheriff Jor Arpaio of Phoenix who allowed him to strut around with his guns endangering peaceful OWS protestoras and others in the vicinity and it was CIA George Tenet connected Veterans Today fascist and money launderer Gordon Duff posing as an anti-Semitic 9/11 'conspiracy theorist when in fact like his pal Tenet he is a Zionist himself and just the type of stock fraud and money launderer connected to CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network money launderer Bud Burrell who is also 'coincidentally' connected to both SDheriff Arpaio of Phoenix as well to a convicted Rothsshild attorney in the UK !sTRQANGELY I CAN'T FIND OLD YOUTUBE VIODEO OF THIS RIGHT WING TERRORIST OF MEXICAN MIGRANTS AND NOW MASS MURDERER THAT GORDON DUFF AND VETERANSTODAY STILL DEFENDS AND EUOLOGIZES ON YOUTUBE.I guess threy have been removed to protect the guilty.
JT Ready, Arizona Border Vigilante Blamed for Mass Murder, Had State Republican Party Ties
Posted: 05/ 3/2012 6:34 pm
FOLLOW: Arizona Politics, Latino Politics, J.T. Ready, Jason Ready Murders, Jason Todd Ready, U.S. Border Guard, Gilbert Arizona, Gilbert Killing, Gilbert Mass Shooting, Gilbert Shooting, J.t. Ready Arizona, Jason Ready, Jason Ready Arizona, Jt Ready, Jt Ready Arizona, Jt Ready Gilbert, Jt Ready Mesa, Mesa Arizona, Russell Pearce, Russell Pearce Arizona, Russell Pearce Jt Ready, Politics News
A border vigilante and avowed white supremacist who police believe killed four people and himself in a suburban Phoenix home on Wednesday was once allied with the Republican Senate majority leader who pushed through Arizona's harsh anti-illegal immigration bill in 2010.
Police in Gilbert, Ariz. said evidence at the scene indicated that Jason Todd Ready, 39, shot and killed his girlfriend, the woman's daughter and her boyfriend, and her 15-month-old granddaughter before turning the gun on himself. Hazardous chemicals and "military grade munitions" were found at the home, police said.
Ready, a former Marine known as "J.T.," founded and led the U.S Border Guard, a vigilante group that conducted heavily armed patrols of the Arizona-Mexico border with the aim of disrupting the flow of illegal immigration and drug smuggling.
Ready served for several years as a Republican precinct committeeman in Mesa, a Phoenix suburb, and Russell Pearce, a Mesa Republican and former Arizona Senate majority leader, endorsed Ready's run for Mesa City Council in 2006, which he lost. The two were linked over their shared opposition to illegal immigration.
"One of the things that I appreciate about J.T. is the fact that I think he's committed, as a true patriot, to the real purpose and the limited purpose of government, kind of like the Republican platform that we have," Pearce said in an interview in 2006.
Pearce then appeared with Ready at an anti-illegal immigration rally in Phoenix in 2007. But he disavowed the relationship in 2008 after his political opponents exposed Ready's extremist views, and he worked to have Ready removed from his position as Republican committeeman.
On Thursday, Pearce issued a lengthy statement denouncing the killings and distancing himself from Ready.
"Regarding whether I knew J.T. Ready, I did, as did many of us who have been involved in Mesa politics for a long time," Pearce said. "When we first met J.T. he was fresh out of the Marine Corp and seemed like a decent person."
"At some point in time darkness took his life over, his heart changed, and he began to associate with the more despicable groups in society. They were intolerant and hateful and like so many who knew him from before, I was upset and disappointed at the choices he was making."
A posting on the Facebook page for Ready's border vigilante group speculated that their leader might have been the victim of a "hit" by Mexican drug cartels.
"Reports are unconfirmed that a cartel assassination squad murdered J.T. Ready and several of his friends and family this afternoon in Gilbert, Arizona," said the post, written by the page's administrator.
But police said that that all of the evidence indicated that Ready killed his girlfriend and the other victims.
"Everything is looking to be domestic-violence related," said Sgt. Bill Balafas, a spokesman for the Gilbert Police Department.
Balafas said police received a 911 call "about Mr. Ready going crazy inside the house," then a report about gunshots. By the time police arrived, Ready and three of the victims were dead. The 15-month-old girl was found severely wounded and died shortly afterward at the hospital.
Police had been called to the house after previous domestic disturbances, Balafas said, but specific details about those incidents were not yet available.
Harry L. Hughes III, the leader of a Phoenix white supremacist group, called Ready a "patriotic American," in a Facebook posting about the killings.
"J.T. Ready was my friend. He was a patriotic American, despite any negative views other people may have," he said. "Mr. Ready risked his life to protect this country from drugs and worked hard to help other people."
Elise Foley contributed reporting.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
U.S.Ambassador Chris Stevens Murder in Libya:Hillary Clinton State Department lied for British,(Israeli?),Blue Mountain Security Firm
U.S.Ambassador Chris Stevens Murder in Libya:Hillary Clinton State Department lied for British,(Israeli?),Blue Mountain Security Firm
Strange that Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro called his Kenyan grandfather the 'N' word for his collaboration with the British empirialists who took over that country and treated black inhabitants
like their personal cattle.And now he protects the Rothschilds and the UK's BP or British Petroleum from all responsibilty for the Louisiana Gulf oil spill and insists on allowing BP a world moopoly in supplying fuel for the U.S. MILITARY !And he has more faith in UK private security with UK SAS and probably by extntion Israeli 'security' involvement than he does in the U.S.Marines ! If he calls his own granfather a 'n---ger' for even lesser offenses thn what does he call himself !? aPPARENTLY NOT 'Barry Soetoro' anymore although there is no indication he ever legally changd his name back to Barack Obama.
However, Blue Mountain has other qualifications that would appeal to British ass-kisser Barack Obama. Blue Mountain’s website boasts: “Our core expertise derives from our heritage, gained from many years service in UK Special Forces, with operational skills and expertise acquired from both the SBS and SAS, together with specialist police and intelligence units.” (SBS refers to Special Boat Services, and SAS to Special Air Services, both long-standing components of the British special operations forces.)
Clinton denies any advance warning of Libya attack
Mail & Guardian Online-15 hours ago
A Libyan security guard holds a slogan, which reads in Arabic "Where ... hired a private security firm called the Blue Mountain Group – believed to ... years' service in UK Special Forces" – to hire local Libyan staff in Benghazi......
Among the dead are four diplomatic staff in Libya, including ambassador Chris Stevens, killed when militants besieged the US mission in Benghazi a week ago on September 11 in a four-hour sustained attack with heavy arms.
"We will not rest until the people who orchestrated this attack are found and punished," Clinton said.
Security arrangements
But she insisted there had been adequate security arrangements in Benghazi, and said that ahead of last week's anniversary of the September 11 2001 attacks a full evaluation of "threat streams" had been carried out.
"Let me assure you that our security in Benghazi included a unit of host government security forces, as well as a local guard force of the kind that we rely on in many places around the world," she told reporters.
It emerged on Tuesday that the state department had hired a private security firm called the Blue Mountain Group – believed to be a British company which says on its website it has a heritage "gained from many years' service in UK Special Forces" – to hire local Libyan staff in Benghazi.
State department spokesperson Victoria Nuland admitted she had made a mistake when she said last week the US had not signed any private security contracts with firms to guard the Benghazi mission.
"The external security, external armed security, as we have been saying, outside of the perimeter, was fully handled by the Libyan side," Nuland told reporters on Tuesday.
Operating permits
"There was a group called Blue Mountain Group, which is a private security company with permits to operate in Libya. They were hired to provide local Libyan guards who operated inside the gate doing things like operating the security access equipment, screening the cars, that kind of thing."
It was unclear whether any of the local staff had been killed in Tuesday's attack, she said, nor whether the state department had worked with the company in other countries.
Blue Mountain deliver world-class security solutions for a diverse range of private, corporate and government clients. We do this to the very best of our capabilities, in a safe, personable and professional manner, allowing our clients to conduct their business in safety and with peace of mind.
Our core expertise derives from our heritage, gained from many years’ service in UK Special Forces, with operational skills and expertise acquired from both the SBS and SAS, together with specialist police and intelligence units. We combine these exceptional technical skills and expertise with our commercial acumen and experience to provide a range of professional security solutions for our clients.
We have provided security solutions and training services in more than 20 countries around the world (across Europe, Africa, the US and Asia), for clients that have included: Barclays Bank; General Motors; Romec; Jaguar Land Rover; ING Barings; Google; the United Nations; International Monetary Fund; and Lloyds Bank.
Every single one of our assignments has required the very best security professionals with broad-ranging expertise and experience; each carefully selected, trained and supported, to ensure our clients can focus on their business in safety, and with complete security. More…
MI6 Involved in Libyan Benghazi Massacre of Envoy Stevens, And How the State Department Lies to Cover up for Englands and Israels Involvement in the Massacre
Want to bet Jeff Rense and Alex Jones don’t cover this story? Of course since the so called indy scum are some of the biggest readers of our work but never link to it, perhaps they will be shamed into it, before they are seen as irrelevant. Yet, only Americans were killed as the Brits cleared out ahead of time on MI6/Mossad warnings. This British-Israel cult is hard to miss.
The State Department signed a six-figure deal with a British firm to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya just four months before a sustained attack on the compound killed four U.S. nationals inside.
Contrary to Friday’s claim by State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland that “at no time did we contract with a private security firm in Libya,” the department inked a contract for “security guards and patrol services” on May 3 for $387,413.68. An extension option brought the tab for protecting the consulate to $783,000. The contract lists only “foreign security awardees” as its recipient.
The State Department confirmed to Danger Room on Monday that the firm was Blue Mountain, a British company that provides “close protection; maritime security; surveillance and investigative services; and high risk static guarding and asset protection,” according to its website. Blue Mountain says it has “recently operated in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, the Caribbean and across Europe” and has worked in Libya for several months since last year’s war.
A representative for Blue Mountain, reached at its U.K. offices Monday, said no one was available to comment.
The State Department signed a six-figure deal with a British firm to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya just four months before a sustained attack on the compound killed four U.S. nationals inside.
Contrary to Friday’s claim by State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland that “at no time did we contract with a private security firm in Libya,” the department inked a contract for “security guards and patrol services” on May 3 for $387,413.68. An extension option brought the tab for protecting the consulate to $783,000. The contract lists only “foreign security awardees” as its recipient.
The State Department confirmed to Danger Room on Monday that the firm was Blue Mountain, a British company that provides “close protection; maritime security; surveillance and investigative services; and high risk static guarding and asset protection,” according to its website. Blue Mountain says it has “recently operated in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, the Caribbean and across Europe” and has worked in Libya for several months since last year’s war.
A representative for Blue Mountain, reached at its U.K. offices Monday, said no one was available to comment.
Feds Hired British Security Firm to Protect Benghazi Consulate
- By Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman
- Email Author
- September 17, 2012 |
- 2:38 pm |
- Categories: Mercs, Rogue States
The State Department signed a six-figure deal with a British firm to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya just four months before a sustained attack on the compound killed four U.S. nationals inside.
Contrary to Friday’s claim by State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland that “at no time did we contract with a private security firm in Libya,” the department inked a contract for “security guards and patrol services” on May 3 for $387,413.68. An extension option brought the tab for protecting the consulate to $783,000. The contract lists only “foreign security awardees” as its recipient.
The State Department confirmed to Danger Room on Monday that the firm was Blue Mountain, a British company that provides “close protection; maritime security; surveillance and investigative services; and high risk static guarding and asset protection,” according to its website. Blue Mountain says it has “recently operated in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, the Caribbean and across Europe” and has worked in Libya for several months since last year’s war.
A representative for Blue Mountain, reached at its U.K. offices Monday, said no one was available to comment.
The State Department frequently hires security companies to protect diplomats in conflict zones. It usually is done through what’s known as the Worldwide Protective Services contract, in which a handful of approved firms compete to safeguard specific diplomatic installations. In 2010, State selected eight firms for the most recent contract. Blue Mountain wasn’t among them, and the State Department did not explain why the Benghazi consulate contract did not go to one of those eight firms.
It isn’t known how the Blue Mountain contractors performed Tuesday when the consulate came under sustained attack by small arms fire. In an official account provided Wednesday by the Obama administration, embassy security staff — both American and Libyan — failed to break the assault. They required help from Libyan security forces, assisted by a sympathetic Libyan militia, to regain control of the consulate’s main building and end a pitched battle that raged for 4.5 hours.
Nor is it clear if two former Navy SEALs killed in the assault were Blue Mountain employees. One of them, Glen Doherty, told ABC News last month that he was part of a mission sent to Libya to lock down Moammar Gadhafi’s missiles to prevent them from reaching the black market. Blue Mountain’s contract doesn’t refer to safeguarding thousands of rockets and missiles that have gone missing in the aftermath of the 2011 war.
But the call for contract security came at an opportune moment. Shortly after the department issued the contract, extremist elements active in Libya began targeting U.S. and allied installations. On June 5, the consulate sustained a rocket attack shortly after news spread that Abu Yahya al-Libi, a Libyan member of al-Qaida, was killed in a drone strike in Pakistan. Another rocket attack in the city attempted to kill the visiting British ambassador on June 11. (Both attacks allegedly were by the same extremist organization, the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades, which may have played a role in last week’s consulate assault.)
The final modification to the contract came on June 15. It is unknown when Blue Mountain contractors arrived to help secure the consulate. The State Department would not specify how many guards Blue Mountain had posted in Benghazi during last week’s attack. (A department official said that Nuland misspoke about State not hiring private guards in Libya.)
Blue Mountain representatives have yet to respond to an inquiry about the contract. UPI reported in December that the firm “has been operating with Western companies in Libya for several months.”
Much remains unclear about the attack on Benghazi. But the presence of private security guards in the lightly-defended compound helps explain how approximately 25 to 30 diplomatic staff held out for over four hours against a crowd of possibly hundreds armed with rifles, rockets and other small arms without massive loss of life.
Clinton denies any advance warning of imminent attack on US mission in Benghazi.
Among the dead are four diplomatic staff in Libya, including ambassador Chris Stevens, killed when militants besieged the US mission in Benghazi a week ago on September 11 in a four-hour sustained attack with heavy arms.
"We will not rest until the people who orchestrated this attack are found and punished," Clinton said.
But she insisted there had been adequate security arrangements in Benghazi, and said that ahead of last week's anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks a full evaluation of "threat streams" had been carried out.
"Let me assure you that our security in Benghazi included a unit of host government security forces, as well as a local guard force of the kind that we rely on in many places around the world," she told reporters.
It emerged on Tuesday that the State Department had hired a private security firm called the Blue Mountain Group -- believed to be a British company which says on its website it has a heritage "gained from many years' service in UK Special Forces" -- to hire local Libyan staff in Benghazi.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland admitted she had made a mistake when she said last week the US had not signed any private security contracts with firms to guard the Benghazi mission.
"The external security, external armed security, as we have been saying, outside of the perimeter, was fully handled by the Libyan side," Nuland told reporters Tuesday.
"There was a group called Blue Mountain Group, which is a private security company with permits to operate in Libya. They were hired to provide local Libyan guards who operated inside the gate doing things like operating the security access equipment, screening the cars, that kind of thing."
Blue Mountain deliver world-class security solutions for a diverse range of private, corporate and government clients around the world, allowing each to conduct their business in safety, and with complete security.
Our team comprises exceptional people, each with a positive attitude and outlook, who care passionately about their work for our clients.
At the heart of all we do is our company ethos, our Professional Code of Conduct and our Customer Charter.
Our ‘Blue Mountain’ name derives from a poem inscribed on the clock tower at the headquarters of 22 Special Air Service Regiment in Hereford:
Blue Mountain organise an annual St David’s Day Charity Dinner (now in its eleventh year) in aid of local Multiple Sclerosis charities; the HOPE Centre in Neyland; and the Oxygen Therapy Centre in Cardigan. We have also donated money to Blesma, the Brain and Spine Foundation and, more recently, £5000 to the Ray Gravell Charitable Trust.
Fighting erupted at about 9:30 p.m., said Abdulaziz Mezhbury, who works for a Libyan-British security firm called Blue Mountain and was responsible for security around the main villa. Mr. Mezhbury faced a storm of grenades and small-arms fire from militants who had breached the 12-foot wall around the compound. He was shot three times in the leg and suffered shrapnel wounds from grenades.
As the compound was being overrun, the Americans started returning fire, said Mr. Farraj. "But we were totally outgunned. I called more of the brigade to come reinforce us." He said a lull developed around 11 p.m. and the Americans and Libyan military appeared to be back in control. At this point, Mr. Farraj said, he believed that the bulk of the American consulate staff were evacuated. But the ambassador was missing and the villa was on fire.
The security guards made a decision to brave the flames to find the missing ambassador but were beaten back by the fire and couldn't find Mr. Stevens.
—Julian E. Barnes, Siobhan Gorman and Hakim Almasmari contributed to this article.
It was unclear whether any of the local staff had been killed in Tuesday's attack, she said, nor whether the State Department had worked with the company in other countries......
British SAS-linked Firm Was in Charge of “Security” at Benghazi Consulate
After forcefully denying it last week, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland admitted yesterday that a British private security company, the Blue Mountain Group, was contracted by the State Department to provide security for the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where the U.S. Ambassador and other Americans were murdered on Sept. 11.
According to’s “Danger Room,” the State Department signed a contract with Blue Mountain on May 3 to provide security for the consulate, even though Blue Mountain is not on the State Department’s list of approved contractors for diplomatic security.
However, Blue Mountain has other qualifications that would appeal to British ass-kisser Barack Obama. Blue Mountain’s website boasts: “Our core expertise derives from our heritage, gained from many years service in UK Special Forces, with operational skills and expertise acquired from both the SBS and SAS, together with specialist police and intelligence units.” (SBS refers to Special Boat Services, and SAS to Special Air Services, both long-standing components of the British special operations forces.)
“Our Blue Mountain name derives from a poem inscribed on the clock tower at the headquarters of 22 Special Air Service Regiment in Hereford:
‘We are the pilgrims, master; we shall go
‘Always a little further; it may be
‘Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow
‘Across that angry or that glimmering sea.’”
Blue Mountain says that its logo is also derived from this same poem, and is shared with the SAS Regimental Association.
State Department spokesman Nuland also specified yesterday that Blue Mountain operated inside the gate of the consulate, not outside; she said they were hired to provide Libyan guards who operated inside, doing things like operating security access equipment, screening cars, etc. But this contradicts other accounts, which say that Blue Mountain hirees were also outside. Last week, for example, McClatchy Newspapers ran an interview with a purported Libyan security guard who was injured in the assault, who says he was hired by a British company seven months ago. This account, also reported in, says that the security force outside the perimeter consisted of four other contracted guards, and three members of Libya’s 17th of February Brigade (formed at the start of the uprising that ousted Gaddafi, and integrated into the Libyan security forces). This means that the total security team guarding the perimeter of the compound was made up of eight guards.
The Administration’s reasons for hiring Blue Mountain are still more suspect. says that an intelligence source told it that the Administration’s policy following Gaddafi’s death has been to keep a low profile, and this is why U.S. Marines were not stationed at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli or the American mission in Benghazi, as would typically have been the case. Further, in the spirit of keeping a low profile, the Obama Administration didn’t even want an American company in charge of private security, so it hired a British firm, Blue Mountain, which was willing to abide by the ‘no bullets’ Rules of Engagement (ROE). “In essence,” Breitbart says, “the Obama Administration tasked an unarmed British firm with security responsibilities that should have been handled by armed American servicemen.”.....
According to’s “Danger Room,” the State Department signed a contract with Blue Mountain on May 3 to provide security for the consulate, even though Blue Mountain is not on the State Department’s list of approved contractors for diplomatic security.
However, Blue Mountain has other qualifications that would appeal to British ass-kisser Barack Obama. Blue Mountain’s website boasts: “Our core expertise derives from our heritage, gained from many years service in UK Special Forces, with operational skills and expertise acquired from both the SBS and SAS, together with specialist police and intelligence units.” (SBS refers to Special Boat Services, and SAS to Special Air Services, both long-standing components of the British special operations forces.)
“Our Blue Mountain name derives from a poem inscribed on the clock tower at the headquarters of 22 Special Air Service Regiment in Hereford:
‘We are the pilgrims, master; we shall go
‘Always a little further; it may be
‘Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow
‘Across that angry or that glimmering sea.’”
Blue Mountain says that its logo is also derived from this same poem, and is shared with the SAS Regimental Association.
State Department spokesman Nuland also specified yesterday that Blue Mountain operated inside the gate of the consulate, not outside; she said they were hired to provide Libyan guards who operated inside, doing things like operating security access equipment, screening cars, etc. But this contradicts other accounts, which say that Blue Mountain hirees were also outside. Last week, for example, McClatchy Newspapers ran an interview with a purported Libyan security guard who was injured in the assault, who says he was hired by a British company seven months ago. This account, also reported in, says that the security force outside the perimeter consisted of four other contracted guards, and three members of Libya’s 17th of February Brigade (formed at the start of the uprising that ousted Gaddafi, and integrated into the Libyan security forces). This means that the total security team guarding the perimeter of the compound was made up of eight guards.
The Administration’s reasons for hiring Blue Mountain are still more suspect. says that an intelligence source told it that the Administration’s policy following Gaddafi’s death has been to keep a low profile, and this is why U.S. Marines were not stationed at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli or the American mission in Benghazi, as would typically have been the case. Further, in the spirit of keeping a low profile, the Obama Administration didn’t even want an American company in charge of private security, so it hired a British firm, Blue Mountain, which was willing to abide by the ‘no bullets’ Rules of Engagement (ROE). “In essence,” Breitbart says, “the Obama Administration tasked an unarmed British firm with security responsibilities that should have been handled by armed American servicemen.”.....
Blue Mountain deliver world-class security solutions for a diverse range of private, corporate and government clients around the world, allowing each to conduct their business in safety, and with complete security.
Our team comprises exceptional people, each with a positive attitude and outlook, who care passionately about their work for our clients.
At all times, and in all we do, we work with honesty, integrity, passion, dedication and commitment.
We have recently operated in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, the Caribbean and across Europe, for clients that have included: BAT, BG Group, Cadburys, Cannon, CapGemini, DHL, Excel, Google, Jaguar Landrover, Lufthansa, Motorola, Orange, OSCE, Romec, Sealed Air, Sony and Viacom.
We currently provide our services through two divisions:Security services
We provide a broad range of professional security solutions, including: close protection; maritime security; surveillance and investigative services; and high risk static guarding and asset protection more..Professional training
We deliver high quality, specialist training courses for security professionals, including: Close Protection; Medical (First Person on Scene, Team Medic and First Aid at Work); Maritime security (STCW 95 and Anti-piracy); and Professional Driving (Evasive and Defensive; Blue/green light; and Security Chauffeur) more..At the heart of all we do is our company ethos, our Professional Code of Conduct and our Customer Charter.
Our ‘Blue Mountain’ name derives from a poem inscribed on the clock tower at the headquarters of 22 Special Air Service Regiment in Hereford:
“We are the pilgrims, master; we shall goOur ‘pilgrim’ logo is also derived from this same poem (‘The Golden Journey to Samarkand’ by J E Flecker) and is shared with the SAS Regimental Association.
Always a little further; it may be
Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow
Across that angry or that glimmering sea”.
Blue Mountain organise an annual St David’s Day Charity Dinner (now in its eleventh year) in aid of local Multiple Sclerosis charities; the HOPE Centre in Neyland; and the Oxygen Therapy Centre in Cardigan. We have also donated money to Blesma, the Brain and Spine Foundation and, more recently, £5000 to the Ray Gravell Charitable Trust.
Company registration 3722107 | VAT registration 742487319
Fighting erupted at about 9:30 p.m., said Abdulaziz Mezhbury, who works for a Libyan-British security firm called Blue Mountain and was responsible for security around the main villa. Mr. Mezhbury faced a storm of grenades and small-arms fire from militants who had breached the 12-foot wall around the compound. He was shot three times in the leg and suffered shrapnel wounds from grenades.
As the compound was being overrun, the Americans started returning fire, said Mr. Farraj. "But we were totally outgunned. I called more of the brigade to come reinforce us." He said a lull developed around 11 p.m. and the Americans and Libyan military appeared to be back in control. At this point, Mr. Farraj said, he believed that the bulk of the American consulate staff were evacuated. But the ambassador was missing and the villa was on fire.
The security guards made a decision to brave the flames to find the missing ambassador but were beaten back by the fire and couldn't find Mr. Stevens.
—Julian E. Barnes, Siobhan Gorman and Hakim Almasmari contributed to this article.
Jason Toovey
Security Consultant and Trainer with Blue Mountain Group, Libya
- Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom (Leicester, United Kingdom)
- Security and Investigations
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Jason Toovey's Overview
- Current
- Security Consultant and Trainer at Blue Mountain Group
- Past
- Security & Risk Consultant at Maritime Asset Security & Training
- Team Leader at G4S Secure Solutions Afghanistan - South
- Close Protection Officer at UKME Ltd & UniTrust
- Education
- Robert Smyth School
- Recommendations
- 4 people have recommended Jason
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- 174 connections
Jason Toovey's Summary
A dedicated security professional with over 13 years exemplary service in the British Army and 6 years in the Security and Risk Management sector. Consulting, training and performing executive protection duties, in both hostile and none hostile environments. Conversant on many levels, an adept multi-tasker and dynamic risk assessor, who’s calm, confident and able to make quick exacting decisions should the need arise.
Jason Toovey's Experience
Security Consultant and Trainer
Blue Mountain Group
May 2012 – Present (5 months) Tripoli, Libya
Training and mentoring consultant for the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli. Training of the hotel security team and providing security briefings to visiting corporate clients. Liaising with hotel management and visiting security teams to ensure a secure working and living environment for all visitors and guests.
Security & Risk Consultant
Maritime Asset Security & Training
January 2011 – February 2012 (1 year 2 months) Indian Ocean
Accountable for the training, securing and security of varying types of ships around the Indian Ocean, to counter piracy attacks. Regular training of crews involved detailed defensive planning of the ships and the emergency procedures to be carried out should an attack occur.
Team Leader
G4S Secure Solutions Afghanistan - South
October 2007 – December 2010 (3 years 3 months) Helmand Province, Afghanistan
Responsible for the protection of British Foreign and Commonwealth Office personnel including the British Ambassador, Members of Parliament, British Security Services, Police Mentors and the full array of Embassy support staff. In addition operating in Forward Operating Bases located in Garmsir and Nad E Ali to assist FCO stabilisation and political advisers.
Close Protection Officer
UKME Ltd & UniTrust
June 2006 – September 2007 (1 year 4 months) London, United Kingdom
Personal Protection Officer, designated to a senior member of the Dubai Royal family during their visit to the United Kingdom for the summer, over a period of four years. Carrying out a full spectrum of CP duties.
Close Protection Team Member
Page Protective Services - Israel
February 2006 – May 2006 (4 months) Israel
Team member on the Emergency Deployment of The Close Protection Team sent to Israel for the Protection of the Head of Delegation for the European Commission in Jerusalem. We regularly operated throughout Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip regions
British Army
British Army
October 1992 – February 2006 (13 years 5 months) World Wide
Assigned to the Royal Military Police (RMP) Close Protection Team, responsible for the security and protection of the British Commander of European Forces in Bosnia. Operations took the team extensively throughout the Balkan regions by land and air. Liaising and working with local and other European forces.
Deployed to Iraq with the RMP Close Protection Team assigned to the Senior British Military Representative Iraq, and all visiting British Government Officials based in Baghdad. The position held was that of Principal Driver, and at times team member on the ground, requiring us to operate the length and breadth of Iraq by both vehicle and helicopter, gaining a comprehensive insight into the region.
Principal PMS driver assigned to the RMP Close Protection Teams operating throughout Northern Ireland.
Our duties were to protect high profile senior Military Commanders and visiting Dignitaries. Heavily involved in the training and selection of new CP team members focusing on the driving skills and techniques required for operating armored and high-powered cars.
Driver in The Royal Logistics Corps completing tours in Angola, Canada and Bosnia. Main responsibilities were fleet and personnel management and maintenance of vehicles.
Deployed to Iraq with the RMP Close Protection Team assigned to the Senior British Military Representative Iraq, and all visiting British Government Officials based in Baghdad. The position held was that of Principal Driver, and at times team member on the ground, requiring us to operate the length and breadth of Iraq by both vehicle and helicopter, gaining a comprehensive insight into the region.
Principal PMS driver assigned to the RMP Close Protection Teams operating throughout Northern Ireland.
Our duties were to protect high profile senior Military Commanders and visiting Dignitaries. Heavily involved in the training and selection of new CP team members focusing on the driving skills and techniques required for operating armored and high-powered cars.
Driver in The Royal Logistics Corps completing tours in Angola, Canada and Bosnia. Main responsibilities were fleet and personnel management and maintenance of vehicles.
Jason Toovey's Skills & Expertise
Jason Toovey's Education
Robert Smyth School
1990 – 1992
Grade: 7 GCSE's
Activities and Societies: English Literature, Science 1 & 2, Maths, Human Studies, Computer Literacy and Information Technology and Technology
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Monday, September 17, 2012
9/11,WTC:US Kissinger State Department, Jewish psychiatrist,Steve Pieczenik, says Israel Netenyahu,CIA behind murder of U.S.Libya Ambassador Stevens
9/11,WTC:US Kissinger State Department, Jewish psychiatrist,Steve Pieczenik,
says Israel Netenyahu,CIA behind murder of U.S.Libya Ambassador Stevens
Note we didn't say 'Semitic' psychiatrist because he is a white guy like Netenyahu and like Yitzak Rabin who was assassinated by his fellow Israeli Jews or European Jews because he suggested peace with the long time Palestinianian inhabitants of the lands these white usurpers were occupying under the false prestense of being 'Semitic' Jews thermselves who just happened to grow a bit palid from too many centuries out of the sun in the cold northlands of Russia and Esatern Europe !
Nonetheless and as much as I despise Alex Jones who interviews him,Steve Pieczenik,has VERY interesting credentials working under mass murderer Henry Kissinger among others and knows of those wehom he speaks of from close hand experience.He even, besides praising Hillary and Bill Clinton too much in my opinion,acknowledges Barack Obama's CIA connections as well or at AS WELL AS HIS family's CIA
connections,(on his mother's side),as well. Pieczenik SAYS A LOT IN THIS SHORT INTERVIEW THAT GOES FAR AFIELD FROM JUST THE DEATH OF U.S.Ambassador to Libya Stevens.He doesn't touch on the rumor that Stevens may have been gay and if he approved of the visciuos sadistic homosexually 'erotic' death that was forced upon Libyan leader Moamar Kaddafi then he was truly a sick man just as the black UN U.S.Secretray to the UN,Susan Rice is a very sick woman to have lied about Gadafi distributing Viagra to his troops to get them to rape Libyan women.He does however refer to Stevens as an 'Arabist', meaning basaically one of the few U.S.Middle East Ambassadors who took the time to immerse himself more fully in Arab culture and beliefs and presumably the Arab language or at least one or more Arabic dialects .
Also Steve Pieczenik doesn't even hint but comes right out and says that Benjamin Netenyahu should be assassinated by his fellow Israelis !
He also pretty much admits that 9/11 was an inside job at that many Israelis took part - something people like his heroes Hillary Clinton and General Petraeus obviously then know as well but obviously have aided to cover up for over a deacade !
I have not seen a translation of this recent interview so I put some of his comments in written form here.Others can just go to the interview at the link aboves and listen for themselves.:
What's behind this geopolitically is the extension of what you are brave enough and your audience are brave enough to understand what this all an extention of 9/11 CIA disinformation and false flag episode it continued on into the issue of and CIA and the and the militaryWhile the military under General Petreaus and trying to pull us out of all this Middle East General Petraeus has stated that Israel has been and continueds to be a liabilty Israel is not innocent of any He has repeatedly stated that Israel protected us from under the flank for first time israel is confronted by H islamic brotherhood In the middle is playing
Israel a liability
And contrary to Bibi Netenyahu's speech today to CNN where he wished everybody a happy new year I in return wish Bibi Netenyahu and Israelis a Happy New Year and wish that he'd first begin to tell the truth that the involvement of Israel was in 9/11 over 130 former Mossad officers were picked up in 911 the fbi picked them up ,debriefed them, they were clearly involved with Pakistani ISI and Saudi Arabia intelligence.And then we get to the old issue of Osama bin Laden which Obama said incorrectly and lied to the public that osamsa was killed by field team 6 and said that that saids that and Barack Obama lied that Field Team 6
The Navy Field Team will be disciplined A decent Admiral
So what this means is that we had an Ambassador
Hillary Clinton whose been doing a very good job of keeping everything quiet Mark Grossman
And may have been
Chickenhawks all hiding behind Mitt Romney Bob Zelick Roger Ailes
And Chertoff all hiding behind Mitt Romney with an entire team Murdoch says Russia is we are a super poer Paul Wolfwitz neo con Jews spilt under General Petraus trying to maintasin peace and stability and that has been agitation to destabilize foreigners destabilize Libya why this Ambassador Stevens Arabist Arabist a term used by neocons who were trained by missionarires which eventually became an Arabist who I ever worked with specially trained in Presbyterian Missionaries
(obviously I'm not a good stenographer or secretary so just listen to Alex Jones interview of Steve Pieczenik and not to forget he is himself a CIA and Citry of London connecvted scumbag but this statement by ex Kissinger connected high level technocrat and psyops pro is VERY real)
What we are is at brink of war that is being precipitated by two major countries Netenayahu that knows his country is failing economically socially politically he is who is isolated
mobilize I'm Jewish.I come out of the holocaust but remmber Netenyahu did not come out of the Holocaust contrary to everything Netenyahu is telling obama is a lie including his father who was a teacher at Cornel what he continually says and Im saying this as a Jew at the brink of
nothing could have been
When Eichman came in 1928 and he was trsained in Hebrew a deal offered by Adolf Hitler offered
Ben Gurioin said I 'd rather have 400 cows than one diaspora Jew. They did however take Jews in return for money there were 100,000 German Jews in not sinxce 1968 was ever interested in
Saudi Arabia
the wife of
And they used
The Faison Saud are not legitimate ç
they distort the
are not the King Saudis
Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD is a Jewish psychiatrist who worked for the US State Department.
He says that Israel killed the US ambassador to Libya.
Pieczenik was deputy assistant secretary of state under Kissinger, Vance and Baker.
In 1979, he resigned as deputy assistant secretary of state over the handling of the Iranian hostage crisis.[4]
In the early 1980s, Pieczenik wrote an article for The Washington Post in which he claims to have heard a senior U.S. official in the State Department Operations Center give permission for the attack that led to the death of U.S. Ambassador Adolph Dubs in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1979.[16]
On May 3, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Pieczenik claimed that Osama Bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by the American government.[29]
On October 20, 2011 in an interview with the Alex Jones, where Pieczenik claimed that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is alive and said "There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and regime changes."

Stevens was a 'Moslem Arabist' and reportedly stood in the way of the Israeli policy of preventing any Libyan recovery.
The Zionists are influential in many areas, from Nigeria to the UK to Syria to Turkey.
David Icke Promotes The Zionist Agenda
Turkish Airline Flying Al-Qaeda from Pakistan to Syrian Borders
So many 'Moslems' and 'Christians' work for the Zionists.

Website for this image
Note we didn't say 'Semitic' psychiatrist because he is a white guy like Netenyahu and like Yitzak Rabin who was assassinated by his fellow Israeli Jews or European Jews because he suggested peace with the long time Palestinianian inhabitants of the lands these white usurpers were occupying under the false prestense of being 'Semitic' Jews thermselves who just happened to grow a bit palid from too many centuries out of the sun in the cold northlands of Russia and Esatern Europe !
Nonetheless and as much as I despise Alex Jones who interviews him,Steve Pieczenik,has VERY interesting credentials working under mass murderer Henry Kissinger among others and knows of those wehom he speaks of from close hand experience.He even, besides praising Hillary and Bill Clinton too much in my opinion,acknowledges Barack Obama's CIA connections as well or at AS WELL AS HIS family's CIA
connections,(on his mother's side),as well. Pieczenik SAYS A LOT IN THIS SHORT INTERVIEW THAT GOES FAR AFIELD FROM JUST THE DEATH OF U.S.Ambassador to Libya Stevens.He doesn't touch on the rumor that Stevens may have been gay and if he approved of the visciuos sadistic homosexually 'erotic' death that was forced upon Libyan leader Moamar Kaddafi then he was truly a sick man just as the black UN U.S.Secretray to the UN,Susan Rice is a very sick woman to have lied about Gadafi distributing Viagra to his troops to get them to rape Libyan women.He does however refer to Stevens as an 'Arabist', meaning basaically one of the few U.S.Middle East Ambassadors who took the time to immerse himself more fully in Arab culture and beliefs and presumably the Arab language or at least one or more Arabic dialects .
Also Steve Pieczenik doesn't even hint but comes right out and says that Benjamin Netenyahu should be assassinated by his fellow Israelis !
He also pretty much admits that 9/11 was an inside job at that many Israelis took part - something people like his heroes Hillary Clinton and General Petraeus obviously then know as well but obviously have aided to cover up for over a deacade !
I have not seen a translation of this recent interview so I put some of his comments in written form here.Others can just go to the interview at the link aboves and listen for themselves.:
What's behind this geopolitically is the extension of what you are brave enough and your audience are brave enough to understand what this all an extention of 9/11 CIA disinformation and false flag episode it continued on into the issue of and CIA and the and the militaryWhile the military under General Petreaus and trying to pull us out of all this Middle East General Petraeus has stated that Israel has been and continueds to be a liabilty Israel is not innocent of any He has repeatedly stated that Israel protected us from under the flank for first time israel is confronted by H islamic brotherhood In the middle is playing
Israel a liability
And contrary to Bibi Netenyahu's speech today to CNN where he wished everybody a happy new year I in return wish Bibi Netenyahu and Israelis a Happy New Year and wish that he'd first begin to tell the truth that the involvement of Israel was in 9/11 over 130 former Mossad officers were picked up in 911 the fbi picked them up ,debriefed them, they were clearly involved with Pakistani ISI and Saudi Arabia intelligence.And then we get to the old issue of Osama bin Laden which Obama said incorrectly and lied to the public that osamsa was killed by field team 6 and said that that saids that and Barack Obama lied that Field Team 6
The Navy Field Team will be disciplined A decent Admiral
So what this means is that we had an Ambassador
Hillary Clinton whose been doing a very good job of keeping everything quiet Mark Grossman
And may have been
Chickenhawks all hiding behind Mitt Romney Bob Zelick Roger Ailes
And Chertoff all hiding behind Mitt Romney with an entire team Murdoch says Russia is we are a super poer Paul Wolfwitz neo con Jews spilt under General Petraus trying to maintasin peace and stability and that has been agitation to destabilize foreigners destabilize Libya why this Ambassador Stevens Arabist Arabist a term used by neocons who were trained by missionarires which eventually became an Arabist who I ever worked with specially trained in Presbyterian Missionaries
(obviously I'm not a good stenographer or secretary so just listen to Alex Jones interview of Steve Pieczenik and not to forget he is himself a CIA and Citry of London connecvted scumbag but this statement by ex Kissinger connected high level technocrat and psyops pro is VERY real)
What we are is at brink of war that is being precipitated by two major countries Netenayahu that knows his country is failing economically socially politically he is who is isolated
mobilize I'm Jewish.I come out of the holocaust but remmber Netenyahu did not come out of the Holocaust contrary to everything Netenyahu is telling obama is a lie including his father who was a teacher at Cornel what he continually says and Im saying this as a Jew at the brink of
nothing could have been
When Eichman came in 1928 and he was trsained in Hebrew a deal offered by Adolf Hitler offered
Ben Gurioin said I 'd rather have 400 cows than one diaspora Jew. They did however take Jews in return for money there were 100,000 German Jews in not sinxce 1968 was ever interested in
Saudi Arabia
the wife of
And they used
The Faison Saud are not legitimate ç
they distort the
are not the King Saudis
Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD is a Jewish psychiatrist who worked for the US State Department.
He says that Israel killed the US ambassador to Libya.
Pieczenik was deputy assistant secretary of state under Kissinger, Vance and Baker.
In 1979, he resigned as deputy assistant secretary of state over the handling of the Iranian hostage crisis.[4]
In the early 1980s, Pieczenik wrote an article for The Washington Post in which he claims to have heard a senior U.S. official in the State Department Operations Center give permission for the attack that led to the death of U.S. Ambassador Adolph Dubs in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1979.[16]
On May 3, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Pieczenik claimed that Osama Bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by the American government.[29]
On October 20, 2011 in an interview with the Alex Jones, where Pieczenik claimed that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is alive and said "There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and regime changes."

Stevens was a 'Moslem Arabist' and reportedly stood in the way of the Israeli policy of preventing any Libyan recovery.
The Zionists are influential in many areas, from Nigeria to the UK to Syria to Turkey.
David Icke Promotes The Zionist Agenda
Turkish Airline Flying Al-Qaeda from Pakistan to Syrian Borders
Syrian rebels burn American flag.
So many 'Moslems' and 'Christians' work for the Zionists.
Thierry Meyssan,

Website for this image
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Ambassador Christopher Stevens Death in Libya,SF Bar Association US.Ambassador to Australia Jeff Bleich the other ambassador from Piedmont,California,Julian Assange Wikileaks
I recently discovered that deceased U.S.Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was from the California Bay Area and known by U.S.Jewish Ambassador to Austrailia Jeff Beicher who also heils from that region although he is probably more allied to Israel and just uses California as he does his ambassadorship in Australia to represent the Zionist or Jewish Nazis of the Israeli religious police state.
If indeed U.S.Ambassador to Libya was raped or sexually tortured,as in the case of Moamar Gaddaffi under the Islamic fascists the U.S. and NATO and Israel's controlled French President Sarkozy allowed and encouraged be done to Moamar Gadaffi before assassinating him so he could not bare witness against them in court or anywhere else,then we can only assume that it was the very Islamic terrorists the U.S. and NATO and France's Sarkozy turned loose on innocent Libyans who did the rape-murder of Ambassador because this is the very modus operandi of the sick Islamic fascists the U.S. and Qatar armed and turned loose in Libya as well as Syria.
Paradoxical that Susan Rice's role in egging and cheering the U.S.military and NATO INTO THE GENOCIDAL AND ECO-CIDAL BOMBING OF LIBYA was feeding the media such blatent and sick lies as that of Moamar Gaddafi was forcing his troops to take Viagra in order to rape his own citizens who certainly supported him much more than they supported the U.S.and NATO who destroyed their country, their economy and their lives.
As a result of the inhumane bombing of Libya and mass murder of it's citizens perpetrated by Barack Obama following the lead of NATO and European fascists and Zionists such as French President Sarkozy America dioes itself no favors and simply goes further into debt to the international elite including the UK and Rothschild crime fanmily that has been pulling our strings for years in favor of its international petroleum,arms,drug trafficking and money laundering interests.Canada sghould have been more concerned with maintaining sovereignty over its own oil and gas interests rtather than selling Canadians souls and savings to this international elite as well.
While we allowed the international billionaire controlled 'news' media in the U.S.,EU,etc.,to demonize Gaddafi and for the U.S.' or Barack Obama's or the City of London's UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, to openly lie in collusion with the Hague Court's or Rothschild's International Criminal Court (ICC). Argentine henchman Luis Moreno-Ocampo,(a known rapist posing as an international war crimes expert!),about Gadaffi forcing his troops to take Viagra in order to rape the very Libyan citizens who supported him of the U.S. and NATO'S fascist military MURDERERS who bombed them and their irrigation and water works and schools and homes indiscriminately in a way that would make what the U.S. government and Israel and its Saudi and Kuwait perpetrated on 9/11 at the WTC seem like nothing by comparison.
And what has all this done for Americans or Canadians or Europeans or most people around the world !? The price of a barrell of oil was about $30 a barrell before 9/11 and so all that money has slipped into offsahore accounts or even gold holding and more wealth in land and industry that was boiught by the very terrorists,the international elite that controls and manipulates our economies and our governments from offshore accounts and manbipulates our stock markets and businesses form anywhere in the world from their computers.Yes the internet has provided information from the bottom up but has brought more cointrolof our stock markets and facilitation of financial frauds and dangerous strangleholds and our economiees from those with wealth using computers anyywhere in the world !As much as I detest Agora Inc and National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson and his co-author of fraudulent offshore 'investment' books Lord William Rees-Mogg authors of Blood in the Streets and Sovereiegn Individual',etc......
Former ICC Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo, Front Man For The Empire ...
Funny that searching Obama's U.S.Ambassador to Australia Jeff Beicher and his connection to the Bar Association of San Francisco I came across this story from my corrupt SF attorney Johua A Ridless
who charged me for documents he then lied asbout having lost even though he still had his attorney fee for procuring those documents in his records that he sent to me.He is himself a fraud and money launderer and so his self confessed association with and to Scientology fascists should come as no surprise I guess and his ties to Israel as well and his money laundering activities in stocks or 'securities' as exemplified by a fraudulant Hollywood film 'public company' used to launder money with its shares called Image Entertainment.So it was funny to find an article by the legal scamster Josh Ridless posted to the very indymedias that I used to write about stock fraud and 9/11 and that he used to harrass in order to intimidate the indymedias to remove my writing as 'anti-Semitic' ! And to think I paid him to steal material I paiod him to retrieve and without knowing at the time I was also paying his time to write emails to to indymedias to censor.And then we find he has now begun weriting on the indymwedias at least one article and acknowledes his links to the L Ron Hubbard Scientology money laundering cult !
Anyway just a coincidence that Obama's U.S.Ambassador to Australia is also an SF Bar Association money launderer.........
Jul 27, 2011 – Ambassador Jeffrey L. Bleich – Capital Jewish Forum. Page 1 of 7. Remarks of Ambassador Bleich at the Capital Jewish Forum, Melbourne ...
, a California delegate for Obama and the past president of ...
If indeed U.S.Ambassador to Libya was raped or sexually tortured,as in the case of Moamar Gaddaffi under the Islamic fascists the U.S. and NATO and Israel's controlled French President Sarkozy allowed and encouraged be done to Moamar Gadaffi before assassinating him so he could not bare witness against them in court or anywhere else,then we can only assume that it was the very Islamic terrorists the U.S. and NATO and France's Sarkozy turned loose on innocent Libyans who did the rape-murder of Ambassador because this is the very modus operandi of the sick Islamic fascists the U.S. and Qatar armed and turned loose in Libya as well as Syria.
Paradoxical that Susan Rice's role in egging and cheering the U.S.military and NATO INTO THE GENOCIDAL AND ECO-CIDAL BOMBING OF LIBYA was feeding the media such blatent and sick lies as that of Moamar Gaddafi was forcing his troops to take Viagra in order to rape his own citizens who certainly supported him much more than they supported the U.S.and NATO who destroyed their country, their economy and their lives.
US, Libya differ on accounts of Benghazi attack (Rape story ... - Traducir esta página16 Sep 2012 – US, Libya differ on accounts of Benghazi attack (Rape story confirmed soon) ... The US ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said it ...U.S. officials appear less certain of events ahead of Libya attack ... - Traducir esta página20 Sep 2012 – U.S. officials appear less certain of events ahead of Libya attack ...Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, delivered the ...... raped, tortured, and dragged the Ambassador through the streets on 9/11. He had ...
As a result of the inhumane bombing of Libya and mass murder of it's citizens perpetrated by Barack Obama following the lead of NATO and European fascists and Zionists such as French President Sarkozy America dioes itself no favors and simply goes further into debt to the international elite including the UK and Rothschild crime fanmily that has been pulling our strings for years in favor of its international petroleum,arms,drug trafficking and money laundering interests.Canada sghould have been more concerned with maintaining sovereignty over its own oil and gas interests rtather than selling Canadians souls and savings to this international elite as well.
While we allowed the international billionaire controlled 'news' media in the U.S.,EU,etc.,to demonize Gaddafi and for the U.S.' or Barack Obama's or the City of London's UN Ambassador, Susan Rice, to openly lie in collusion with the Hague Court's or Rothschild's International Criminal Court (ICC). Argentine henchman Luis Moreno-Ocampo,(a known rapist posing as an international war crimes expert!),about Gadaffi forcing his troops to take Viagra in order to rape the very Libyan citizens who supported him of the U.S. and NATO'S fascist military MURDERERS who bombed them and their irrigation and water works and schools and homes indiscriminately in a way that would make what the U.S. government and Israel and its Saudi and Kuwait perpetrated on 9/11 at the WTC seem like nothing by comparison.
And what has all this done for Americans or Canadians or Europeans or most people around the world !? The price of a barrell of oil was about $30 a barrell before 9/11 and so all that money has slipped into offsahore accounts or even gold holding and more wealth in land and industry that was boiught by the very terrorists,the international elite that controls and manipulates our economies and our governments from offshore accounts and manbipulates our stock markets and businesses form anywhere in the world from their computers.Yes the internet has provided information from the bottom up but has brought more cointrolof our stock markets and facilitation of financial frauds and dangerous strangleholds and our economiees from those with wealth using computers anyywhere in the world !As much as I detest Agora Inc and National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson and his co-author of fraudulent offshore 'investment' books Lord William Rees-Mogg authors of Blood in the Streets and Sovereiegn Individual',etc......
Former ICC Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo, Front Man For The Empire ...
- 13 Nov 2012 by Ken StoneOn November 9, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) conducted an interview with Luis Moreno-Ocampo, former chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC).1 During the interview, Ocampo called for the ICC to ... on the original charges contained in the indictment.2 Ocampo was also ridiculous for announcing that he was taking his lead from US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, and launching an investigation into the outrageous slander that ...More results from ExcitingAds! Research
- 11 Jun 2011 by Tony RyalsUN Susan Rice:ICC Luis Moreno-Ocampo rapes African woman ! Tony Ryals - 12.06.2011 07:33. Since I first received information on 29 March 2005 regarding the actions of Moreno-Ocampo I have known that at some point I would be ...
Funny that searching Obama's U.S.Ambassador to Australia Jeff Beicher and his connection to the Bar Association of San Francisco I came across this story from my corrupt SF attorney Johua A Ridless
who charged me for documents he then lied asbout having lost even though he still had his attorney fee for procuring those documents in his records that he sent to me.He is himself a fraud and money launderer and so his self confessed association with and to Scientology fascists should come as no surprise I guess and his ties to Israel as well and his money laundering activities in stocks or 'securities' as exemplified by a fraudulant Hollywood film 'public company' used to launder money with its shares called Image Entertainment.So it was funny to find an article by the legal scamster Josh Ridless posted to the very indymedias that I used to write about stock fraud and 9/11 and that he used to harrass in order to intimidate the indymedias to remove my writing as 'anti-Semitic' ! And to think I paid him to steal material I paiod him to retrieve and without knowing at the time I was also paying his time to write emails to to indymedias to censor.And then we find he has now begun weriting on the indymwedias at least one article and acknowledes his links to the L Ron Hubbard Scientology money laundering cult !
Anyway just a coincidence that Obama's U.S.Ambassador to Australia is also an SF Bar Association money launderer.........
portland imc - 2010.06.17 - The face of Evil
17 Jun 2010 – author: Joshua A. Ridless. The face of Evil. I was a highly-positioned staff member of the Church of Scientology for many years and most people................
U.S.SEC Cyber Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig, Joshua A Ridless,Image Entertainment Pump
by Tony Ryals Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2008 at 9:31 PM
by Tony Ryals Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2008 at 9:31 PM
Before 'my attorney' Joshua A Ridless,(who lied to indymedia volunteers who he was harrassing to remove my posts about not being able to contact me while he told me he was blocking my emails to him), begins a new assault on free speech on the internet in general and the indymedias - in particular over this writing - and maybe even throws the 'anti semitic' slur against me again for good measure, he should first go to Yahoo!'s Image Entertainment Inc., or 'DISK' message board where his and Steve Honig's,'s 'press release' is being called a 'pump and dump' press release first.And no I didn't post anything on Yahoo! about his Image Entertainment being a 'pump and dump',as he knows because Yahoo! stole my email and prevents me or blocks me from warning about scams like his.Glad to see someone is warning on Yahoo! though because those promoting frauds are generally given the greatest voice there.
SEC Cyber Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig, Joshua A Ridless,Image Entertainment
Before 'my attorney' Joshua A Ridless,(who lied to indymedia volunteers who he was harrassing to remove my posts about not being able to contact me while he told me he was blocking my emails to him), begins a new assault on free speech on the internet in general and the indymedias - in particular over this writing - and maybe even throws the 'anti semitic' slur against me again for good measure, he should first go to Yahoo!'s Image Entertainment Inc., or 'DISK' message board where his and Steve Honig's,'s 'press release' is being called a 'pump and dump' press release first.And no I didn't post anything on Yahoo! about his Image Entertainment being a 'pump and dump',as he knows because Yahoo! stole my email and prevents me or blocks me from warning about scams like his.Glad to see someone is warning on Yahoo! though because those promoting frauds are generally given the greatest voice there. .....
Before 'my attorney' Joshua A Ridless,(who lied to indymedia volunteers who he was harrassing to remove my posts about not being able to contact me while he told me he was blocking my emails to him), begins a new assault on free speech on the internet in general and the indymedias - in particular over this writing - and maybe even throws the 'anti semitic' slur against me again for good measure, he should first go to Yahoo!'s Image Entertainment Inc., or 'DISK' message board where his and Steve Honig's,'s 'press release' is being called a 'pump and dump' press release first.And no I didn't post anything on Yahoo! about his Image Entertainment being a 'pump and dump',as he knows because Yahoo! stole my email and prevents me or blocks me from warning about scams like his.Glad to see someone is warning on Yahoo! though because those promoting frauds are generally given the greatest voice there. .....

Mr. Derek Anthony West (AKA Tony West) Acting Associate Attorney General, the third highest official at the United States Department of Justice. He joined Morrison & Foerster in 2001. While at MoFo, West represented "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh alongside partners James Brosnahan and Raj Chatterjee. West's sister-in-law -- Ms. Kamala Harris -- is the California attorney general who was part of sham non-profit entity CaliforniaALL. Suspicious and unsettling circumstances surrounding CaliforniaALL have caused some to speculate about the possibility that West was somehow involved in improperly transferring money from Cal Bar Foundation to Barack Obama's coffers, via CaliforniaALL, while serving as Barack Obama's California Co-Chair of the California Finance Committee and concurrently working for Morrison & Foerster -- the law-firm which created CaliforniaALL

(L-R) John Keker, Kamala Harris, Maya Harris, Tony West and Willie Brown. John Keker is a long time mentor of Kamala Harris who is the sister of Maya Harris who is married to Tony West who is "mentee" of Willie Brown who is Kamala Harris' former paramour. (Sources please see HERE and HERE andHERE)

Mr. Chris Young of Keker & Van Nest. During the 2008 election, while employed as an associate with Morrison & Foerster, Young served as Barack Obama's Northern California Deputy Finance Director and as National Campaign's Northern California representative. USDOJ's Tony West (also of Morrison & Foerster) served as Co-Chair, California Finance Cmt. Recently, Keker & Van Nest abruptly removed Young's name from the roll of lawyers associated with the firm

Above (L-R) Mr. David Werdegar of IOA; State Bar of California BOG Member Jeannine English; Mr. Thomas Girardi of embattled Voice of OC; Executive Director of State Bar of California Joe Dunn of embattled Voice of OC; California Supreme Court Associate Justice Hon. Kathryn Werdegar; really special prosecutor in matter of In Re Girardi and controversial judicial aspirant Prof. Rory Little; controversial gambling attorney Howard Dickstein (spouse of Jeannine English and a client of Keker & Van Nest), MoFo's James Brosnahan of embattled Voice of OC; Keker & Van Nest partner Matthew Werdegar - son of David and Kathryn Werdegar; Keker & Van Nest partner Jan Little (spouse of Rory Little); Keker & Van Nest partner Elliot Peters -- attorney for Howard Dickstein; California Democratic Party operative and mentor to Willie Brown's former paramour -- Mr. John Keker; Keker & Van Nest partner, attorney for Howard Dickstein, controversial judicial aspirant, and President of the State Bar of California -- Mr. Jon Streeter. (Image:courtesy photo)
CaliforniaALL -- entity created by Morrison & Foerster obtained "hush-hush" sub-rosa award of $774,247 from the Foundation of the State Bar of California (AKA California Bar Foundation)

Morrison & Foerster Team (L-R) Ms. Dian Grueneich — Former Commissioner with California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC”); Mr. Raj Chatterjee — current board member of the Foundation of State Bar of California (DBA California Bar Foundation, entity headed by Arnold & Porter's Douglas Winthrop formerly of Howard Rice which represented PG&E ; Ms. Susan Mac Cormac — part of MoFo's legal team which created CaliforniaALL. Mr. Tony West – a "mentee” of Willie Brown and CaliforniaALL's Kamala Harris brother-in-law; Mr. James J. Brosnahan — original member of the BOD at Joe Dunn's Voice of OC. Brosnahan represented El Paso Corp during California Energy Crisis opposing Pierce O'Donnell, Joe Cotchett, and Thomas Girardi who also served as original BOD member at Joe Dunn's Voice of OC, alongside Martha Escutia. Ms. Annette Carnegie, formerly member of the board of California Bar Foundation during the Hush-Hush subrosa transfer of $780,000 to CaliforniaALL; Ms. Diane Pritchard who practiced extensively before the CPUC while at MoFo.
SF-based U.S. Ambassador to Australia — also from Piedmont — mourns death in Libya
The tragic death of J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, in this week’s assault on the American Embassy in Benghazhi has hit another Bay Area-based American diplomat especially hard.
Jeff Bleich, the former president of the California Bar Association — and the San Francisco Bar Association — is today U.S. Ambassador to Australia.
And, like Stevens, he is also from Piedmont, in the East Bay.
We contacted Bleich yesterday by email on his reaction to his colleague’s death. Here’s his response from Canberra, Australia:
“This is a hard and painful time, as we mourn these shocking deaths. The foreign service is a small and close community where, because of overlapping assignments, many members of our mission personally knew Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.”
“We are grieving for them and their fallen colleagues. I met Chris back in DC while he was preparing for his assignment as Ambassador. He was a smart, energetic and optimistic, a man who you couldn’t help but like.”
“After years of seeing the Libyan people’s aspirations smothered by the Ghadafi regime, he was genuinely excited about returning to Tripoli and having the chance to help Libyans reclaim their lives and future. He was fearless and utterly committed to helping others.”
“We connected over our Piedmont and UC Berkeley roots. Soon after he arrived as Ambassador we had a chance to work together to resolve an issue in concert with our Australian colleagues in Libya, and I had the privilege of seeing him work.”
“He had a quick and searching mind, a deep appreciation of history, and a love of diplomacy as a way to bring people together and improve their lives.”“His loss, and the loss of Sean Smith and our other colleagues, is very tough for all of us. We are sending our deepest sympathies to their families and other friends around the world.”
Jeff Bleich
United States Ambassador
Jeff Bleich, the former president of the California Bar Association — and the San Francisco Bar Association — is today U.S. Ambassador to Australia.
And, like Stevens, he is also from Piedmont, in the East Bay.
We contacted Bleich yesterday by email on his reaction to his colleague’s death. Here’s his response from Canberra, Australia:
“This is a hard and painful time, as we mourn these shocking deaths. The foreign service is a small and close community where, because of overlapping assignments, many members of our mission personally knew Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.”
“We are grieving for them and their fallen colleagues. I met Chris back in DC while he was preparing for his assignment as Ambassador. He was a smart, energetic and optimistic, a man who you couldn’t help but like.”
“After years of seeing the Libyan people’s aspirations smothered by the Ghadafi regime, he was genuinely excited about returning to Tripoli and having the chance to help Libyans reclaim their lives and future. He was fearless and utterly committed to helping others.”
“We connected over our Piedmont and UC Berkeley roots. Soon after he arrived as Ambassador we had a chance to work together to resolve an issue in concert with our Australian colleagues in Libya, and I had the privilege of seeing him work.”
“He had a quick and searching mind, a deep appreciation of history, and a love of diplomacy as a way to bring people together and improve their lives.”“His loss, and the loss of Sean Smith and our other colleagues, is very tough for all of us. We are sending our deepest sympathies to their families and other friends around the world.”
Jeff Bleich
United States Ambassador
To: Shelly Sloan
Shelly is correct, Jeff Bleich is a gentleman.
HOWEVER, during the time he (Bleich) served as co-chair of Obama’s national finance committee, $780,000.00 mysteriously left the Foundation of the State Bar of California.
As matters presently stand, prima facie evidence creates the appearance of a sophisticated financial scheme executed in 2008 involving Democratic party operatives James Brosnahan of Morrison & Foerster, Jeffrey Bleich , Assistant Attorney General Derek Anthony West (aka Tony West), Judy Johnson, Chris Young, as well as others to misuse the $780,000 originating from the California Bar Foundation by improperly transferring money from California Bar Foundation to Barack Obama’s coffers.
The Leslie Brodie Report offers coverage of this matter @
Scrutiny of Fund-Raiser for Barack Obama -- Keker & Van Nest's Jon Streeter -- Intensifies As Shocking Revelations Further Implicate USDOJ's Tony West, Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich, HUD's Ophelia Basgal
by lesliebrodie Pro @ 26/06/2012 – 15.52:01
CaliforniaALL-- Team Barack Obama (L-R) USDOJ's Tony West, Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich, HUD's Ophelia Basgal, Judy Johnson, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie, James Brosnahan, and Kamala Harris
TLR has learned that a recent abrupt move by a politically-connected litigation boutique firm is the subject of an intense and comprehensive examination that the septet of James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie, Ophelia Basgal, Judy Johnson, and Jeff Bleich was somehow involved in improperly transferring money from Cal Bar Foundation to Barack Obama's coffers.
As matters presently stand, prima facie evidence creates the appearance of a sophisticated financial scheme executed in 2008 involving Democratic party operatives James Brosnahan of Morrison & Foerster, Jeffrey Bleich of Munger Tulles & Olson (the current U.S. Ambassador to Australasia and friend of President Obama), Assistant Attorney General Derek Anthony West (aka Tony West), and Chris Young, as well as others to misuse the $780,000 originating from the California Bar Foundation.
According to the sources, in 2007-2008:
--James Brosnahan, the self proclaimed "mastermind behind the Democratic Party" (and former prosecutor of Caspar Weinberger), while associated with Morrison & Foerster executed from behind the scenes a scheme known as CaliforniaALL, which collected "hush-hush" sub rosa funds totaling approximately $780,000 from the Foundation of the State Bar of California.
--Chris Young, while associated with Morrison & Foerster, served as Barack Obama's Northern California Deputy Finance Director.
--Tony West, while associated with Morrison & Foerster, served as Barack Obama's California Co-Chair of the California Finance Committee.
--Susan MacCormac, while associated with Morrison & Foerster, legally created the entity known as CaliforniaALL and served as its legal counsel.
--Annette Carnegie, while associated with Morrison & Foerster, served as a board member of the California Bar Foundation during the period of the sub rosa transfer of the above-referenced $780,000.
--Jeffrey Bleich, while associated with Munger Tolles & Olsen, served as a member of both the Board of Governors and the California Bar Foundation's board during the period of the sub rosa transfer of $780,000. Bleich is a friend of President Obama who presently serves as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia. Verizon Communications (which heavily contributed to CaliforniaALL) is a client of Munger Tules & Olson, where Bleich serves as partner.
The California Bar Foundation is maintained and controlled by the Board of Governors of the State Bar of California -- which is largely comprised of California Democratic Party operatives such as "Shakedown Artist" Gwen Moore of Shrimpscam ; Jeannine English -- the wife of controversial gambling attorney and Democratic Party operative Howard Dickstein; "Gay Godfather" Dennis Mangers; Democratic Party operative Joseph Lawrence Dunn (aka Joe Dunn) of Voice of OC; Nancy Fineman, a partner at the firm of Democratic party operative Joe Cotchett; and Jon Streeter, President of the California State Bar Board of Governors and a partner at the firm of Democratic Party operative John Keker, former prosecutor of Oliver North.
The State Bar of California has been involved in numerous financial scandals, the most notable of which involved the prolonged embezzlement of close to $900,000 by employee Sherri Pearl (who many believed was in cahoots with Executive Director Judy Johnson) , as well as the scandal involving Geoffrey Brown (former CPUC Commissioner) and Judy Johnson, as a result of which close to $30 million in fines and settlements the CPUC imposed on utility companies was funneled to the California Consumer Protection Foundation ("CCPF"), an entity for which Judy Johnson secretly served as its president. From there, CCPF funneled most of the money to ACORN-like entities in South Los Angeles -- Gwen Moore's territory -- and to an entity associated with Michael Shames in San Diego which is presently under grand jury investigation.
Mr. Derek Anthony West (AKA Tony West) Acting Associate Attorney General, the third highest official at the United States Department of Justice. He joined Morrison & Foerster in 2001. While at MoFo, West represented "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh alongside partners James Brosnahan and Raj Chatterjee. West's sister-in-law -- Ms. Kamala Harris -- is the California attorney general who was part of sham non-profit entity CaliforniaALL. Suspicious and unsettling circumstances surrounding CaliforniaALL have caused some to speculate about the possibility that West was somehow involved in improperly transferring money from Cal Bar Foundation to Barack Obama's coffers, via CaliforniaALL, while serving as Barack Obama's California Co-Chair of the California Finance Committee and concurrently working for Morrison & Foerster -- the law-firm which created CaliforniaALL
Per the sources, and in addition to the above, other suspicious and unsettling circumstances surrounding CaliforniaALL have caused some to speculate about the possibility that the quintet of Brosnahan/West/Young/Carnegie/Bleich was somehow involved in improperly transferring money from Cal Bar Foundation to Barack Obama's coffers, via CaliforniaALL.
In particular, sources have referenced as examples of suspicious circumstances the false and misleading claim by CaliforniaALL that it was the force behind the creation of the Saturday Academy of Law at UC Irvine known as SAL UCI. (This claim has been refuted by The Leslie Brodie Report. Please see "The Make Believe Launching of SAL," HERE).
Moreover, the source alluded to the fact that CaliforniaALL sought around 16,000 of deduction in its tax-return for "occupancy," where in fact CaliforniaALL was housed pro-bono at the Sacramento offices of DLA Piper.
(L-R) John Keker, Kamala Harris, Maya Harris, Tony West and Willie Brown. John Keker is a long time mentor of Kamala Harris who is the sister of Maya Harris who is married to Tony West who is "mentee" of Willie Brown who is Kamala Harris' former paramour. (Sources please see HERE and HERE andHERE)
According to the sources, the recent sudden departure of associate Christopher J. Young (aka Chris Young) from San Francisco based Keker & Van Nest (formerly of Morrison & Foerster) is viewed as an attempt by John Keker and Jon Streeter (also a fund-raiser for Barack Obama) to "hide" Young, as well as and further attempt to conceal evidence in the mystery surrounding a sub rosa "hush-hush" transfer of $780,000 from the California Bar Foundation to the now defunct non-profit entity CaliforniaALL, and subsequent related events.
Mr. Chris Young of Keker & Van Nest. During the 2008 election, while employed as an associate with Morrison & Foerster, Young served as Barack Obama's Northern California Deputy Finance Director and as National Campaign's Northern California representative. USDOJ's Tony West (also of Morrison & Foerster) served as Co-Chair, California Finance Cmt. Recently, Keker & Van Nest abruptly removed Young's name from the roll of lawyers associated with the firm
In 2008, KVN's Chris Young was employed (as his confederate Tony West) at San Francisco-based Morrison & Foerster , please see below:

Interestingly, Keker & Van Nest's recently saw fit to remove the name of Chris Young from its web-site, please see below:
Nevertheless, State Bar of California membership record provides that Chris Young is still an employee of KVN, please see below:
Jon Streeter
Sources close to the inquiry, speaking on condition of anonymity, maintain the multi-prong inquiry into Jon Streeter and Keker & Van Nest is rapidly expanding and encompasses broader inquiries than had been acknowledged, with "major breakthroughs” the sources describe as "alarming.”
More specifically, TLR has learned that special consideration is afforded to the examination of the relationship between Jon Streeter and the campaign for Barack Obama around 2007-2008, as well as subsequent actions (and/or lack thereof) taken by Keker & Van Nest and Jon Streeter.
Above (L-R) Mr. David Werdegar of IOA; State Bar of California BOG Member Jeannine English; Mr. Thomas Girardi of embattled Voice of OC; Executive Director of State Bar of California Joe Dunn of embattled Voice of OC; California Supreme Court Associate Justice Hon. Kathryn Werdegar; really special prosecutor in matter of In Re Girardi and controversial judicial aspirant Prof. Rory Little; controversial gambling attorney Howard Dickstein (spouse of Jeannine English and a client of Keker & Van Nest), MoFo's James Brosnahan of embattled Voice of OC; Keker & Van Nest partner Matthew Werdegar - son of David and Kathryn Werdegar; Keker & Van Nest partner Jan Little (spouse of Rory Little); Keker & Van Nest partner Elliot Peters -- attorney for Howard Dickstein; California Democratic Party operative and mentor to Willie Brown's former paramour -- Mr. John Keker; Keker & Van Nest partner, attorney for Howard Dickstein, controversial judicial aspirant, and President of the State Bar of California -- Mr. Jon Streeter. (Image:courtesy photo)
CaliforniaALL -- entity created by Morrison & Foerster obtained "hush-hush" sub-rosa award of $774,247 from the Foundation of the State Bar of California (AKA California Bar Foundation)
(L-R) Honoring Jeffrey Bleich 2007 Dinner Chairman James Brosnahan, Mark Bostick, Honoree Jeffrey Bleich (AKA Renaissance Superman), Ninth Circuit Judge William A. Fletcher -- a FOB (friend of Bill Clinton) who served as Clinton's campaign manager in Northern-California.
Mr. James J. Bronsnahan of Morrison & Foerster: "I was suddenly elevated from an infrequent contributor to Democratic politicians to being the mastermind behind the Democratic Party.”
Morrison & Foerster Team (L-R) Ms. Dian Grueneich — Former Commissioner with California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC”); Mr. Raj Chatterjee — current board member of the Foundation of State Bar of California (DBA California Bar Foundation, entity headed by Arnold & Porter's Douglas Winthrop formerly of Howard Rice which represented PG&E ; Ms. Susan Mac Cormac — part of MoFo's legal team which created CaliforniaALL. Mr. Tony West – a "mentee” of Willie Brown and CaliforniaALL's Kamala Harris brother-in-law; Mr. James J. Brosnahan — original member of the BOD at Joe Dunn's Voice of OC. Brosnahan represented El Paso Corp during California Energy Crisis opposing Pierce O'Donnell, Joe Cotchett, and Thomas Girardi who also served as original BOD member at Joe Dunn's Voice of OC, alongside Martha Escutia. Ms. Annette Carnegie, formerly member of the board of California Bar Foundation during the Hush-Hush subrosa transfer of $780,000 to CaliforniaALL; Ms. Diane Pritchard who practiced extensively before the CPUC while at MoFo.
In 2008, California Bar Foundation quietly transferred $780,000.00 to CaliforniaALL. CaliforniaALL never acknowledged receipt of the $780,000.00 from the Cal Bar Foundation in any of its publications, although it did acknowledge the transfer on its IRS tax returns. Likewise, California Bar Foundation never acknowledged the largest grant it ever bestowed in its newsroom, the California Bar Journal, or similar publications; it did, however, recognize the transfer on its IRS returns, and in a 2 by 2 inch blurb in its annual report.
See below Cal Bar Foundation newsroom which makes no mention of the subrosa transfer of funds.
In 2008, serving as President of the Foundation was Mario Camara. A joint letter published and signed by Camara and Hatamiya also made no mention of the hush-hush transfer. Wasn't Mr. Camara proud of it, just like he was proud of other money which went to support "pipelines?” After all, CaliforniaALL was also intended to support "pipelines”. See below:
Below an image taken from CaliforniaALL own newsletter which alludes to the fact that the State Bar of California is a "Founding Partner” of CaliforniaALL. Stingy with credit and despite the transfer of close to $780,000 from the California Bar Foundation to CaliforniaALL, only utility companies are listed as "Founding Funders.” See below:
Members of CaliforniaALL board of directors and advisory council, see below:
MISSING LINK MEDIA VENTURES was formed on 2005-06-24 in California by JOSHUA A. RIDLESS located at 314 11TH STREET, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 .
Universal ID | CA-C2754586 |
Registration Number | C2754586 |
Type | CORP |
Status | SUSPENDED |
Address | 314 11TH STREET, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94103 |
Formation Date | 2005-06-24 |
Larry Sonsini Asked to Investigate Ambassador John Roos
Press Release ^ | September 5, 2012 | YoloanR
TOPICS: Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: californiaall; joedunn; johnroos; kamalaharris; markparnes; mofo; mungertolles; sce; ucirvine; wilsonsonsini
Larry Sonsini Asked to Investigate Ambassador John Roos
Press Release ^ | September 5, 2012 | YoloanR
Posted on Wed Sep 05 2012 21:52:56 GMT-0600 (Hora est. de América Central) by YoloanR
Wilson Sonsini's Larry Sonsini Asked to Probe US Ambassador John Roos, Mark Parnes
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: californiaall; joedunn; johnroos; kamalaharris; markparnes; mofo; mungertolles; sce; ucirvine; wilsonsonsini
Larry Sonsini, the chairman of Palo Alto-based Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, was asked to investigate allegations of improprieties involving John Roos -- Wilson Sonsini's former CEO who now serves as the US Ambassador to Japan.He was also asked to investigate allegations dealing with Wilson Sonsini's assistant general counsel, Mark Parnes.
The request comes amidst revelations that in 2007-2008, OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini participated in what appears to be a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL as a vehicle to embezzle and launder funds originated from major utility companies and the California Bar Foundation.
OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives Ambassador John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini were added recently to the list of potential wrongdoers in what appears to be a a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL as a vehicle to embezzle and launder funds originated from major utility companies and the California Bar Foundation.
Although other potential explanations certainly exist, as matters presently stand, it appears that these operatives organized to push for the election of Barack Obama on behalf of those seeking to promote green energy. In addition to John Roos and Mark Parnes, also viewed as potential wrongdoers are Jeffrey Bleich, Ron Olson, Brad Phillips (of Munger Tolles & Olson -- on behalf of Southern California Edison), James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie (of Morrison & Foerster -- on behalf of PG & E), Steven Churchwell (of DLA Piper -- on behalf of Sempra Energy), and Tony West's sister-in-law -- Kamala Harris.
In 2007, Jeffrey Bleich was a ready-to-wage-war attorney working at Munger Tolles & Olson. Bleich was dubbed by some media outlets as Superman. He launched and co-chaired the national finance committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
Bleich -- while serving as member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors and as director of the California Bar Foundation (alongside another attorney from Munger Tolles, Bradley Phillips) -- was a man on a mission in pushing for the urgent creation of a non-profit entity known as CaliforniaALL.
1. AMBASSADOR JEFFREY BLEICH -- Mr. Bleich served as a director with the Foundation in approximately 2007-2008, as well as president of the State Bar of California. In 2007, Mr. Bleich established Barack Obama's National Finance Committee and served as its Chair.
He is a personal friend of President Obama, who served as President Obama's personal attorney and subsequently was appointed as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia. Prior to joining the Obama administration, Bleich was a partner with the San Francisco office of Munger Tolles & Olson, which represents clients Southern California Edison and Verizon Wireless.
Out of close to 230,000 lawyers in California, also serving as a director with the Foundation in approximately 2007-2008 was another attorney from Munger Tulles Olsen, Mr. Bradley Phillips. Presently, Ms. Mary Ann Todd (also of Munger Tolles & Olson) is a director with the Foundation.
2. DEREK ANTHONY WEST OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE -- Mr. West, who goes by the name "Tony West," presently serves as third in command within the Department of Justice below Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer.
Around 2007-2008, Mr. Tony West also served as Chair of the "California Finance Committee" of OBAMA FOR AMERICA .
Prior to joining the DOJ, Mr. West was a partner at the San Francisco office of Morrison & Foerster, the law firm which assisted with the legal aspects of creating CaliforniaALL. Along with attorneys Raj Chaterjee and Susan Mac Cormac, Mr. West was part of senior partner James Brosnahan's clique. For example, it was Brosnahan, West, and Chaterjee who defended John Walker Lindh, who is more widely known as the "American Taliban." (It should be noted that it was actually Mr. Brosnahan who initially agreed to the representation since he knows Lindh's father -- Frank Lindh -- who served as in-house Chief Legal Counsel at PG&E; Mr. Lindh is presently the Chief Legal Counsel of the CPUC.)
Mr. West is married to Maya Harris, sister of Kamala Harris, who was part of CaliforniaALL.
3. JAMES J. BROSNAHAN OF MORRISON & FOERSTER - Mr. Brosnahan is presently a senior partner at the San Francisco office of Morrison & Foerster.
He considers himself to be the "mastermind behind the Democratic Party." CaliforniaALL was created by Morrison & Foerster, under the supervision of Mr. Brosnahan (known as the prosecutor of Caspar Weinberger). Specifically Susan Mac Cormac and Eric Tate assisted with the legal aspects of creating the entity. Mr. Brosnahan represented utility companies during California's energy crisis (which Joe Dunn, Martha Escutia, and Geoffrey Brown were investigating) opposite Thomas Girardi.
Later, Dunn, Escutia, Brosnahan, and Girardi launched the online publication known as Voice of OC.
4. STEVEN CHURCHWELL OF DLA PIPER - Mr. Churchwell is presently a partner at the San Sacramento office of DLA Piper.
During Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Mr. Churchwell served as Treasurer of the Draft Committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA located at DLA Piper offices in Sacramento, as was non-profit CaliforniaALL.
5. MARK PARNES / JOHN ROOS OF WILSON SONSINI -- Mr. Parnes is presently a partner at the Palo Also office of Wilson Sonsini. He served as a director and secretary with the California Bar Foundation in approximately 2007-2008.
In 2007-2008, the California Bar Foundation poured into CaliforniaALL the large sum of $774,247, sub-rosa.
Mr. Roos is the former CEO of Wilson Sonsini in Palo Alto. He is a personal friend of both President Obama and Jeffrey Bleich. He presently serves as the U.S. Ambassador to Japan.
Similar to Ambassador Bleich, Ambassador Roos acted as a "bundler" and raised over $500,000 for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.
6. CHRISTOPHER JACOB YOUNG OF KEKER & VAN NEST -- Mr. Young, commonly known as "Chris Young," is currently listed on the State Bar of California's database as an associate with Keker & Van Nest. Around 2007-2008, Mr. Young was an associate at Morrison & Foerster.
Around 2007-2008, Mr. Young served as "Northern California Deputy Finance Director" for OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
State Bar of California records still show that Chris Young is an employee of Keker & Van Nest. However, very recently, Keker & Van Nest ( at the direction of partners John Keker and Jon Streeter, who also worked on the 2008 campaign as a "bundler" and is presently a director with the Foundation) abruptly removed Chris Young's name from its web-site.
7. ANNETTE CARNEGIE -- Ms. Carnegie is presently employed at the Kaiser Foundation. Around 2007-2008, she was a partner at Morrison & Foerster and served as a director of the Foundation. In 2007-2008, the Foundation poured into CaliforniaALL the large sum of $774,247; by comparison, most other donations were around $10,000 to $20,000. As shown below, the transfer of said money appears to be imbued with fraud and secrecy, especially in connection with four utility companies (Verizon, PG&E, Edison, and AT&T).
8. KAMALA HARRIS -- In around 2007-2008, Ms. Harris served as the District Attorney in San Francisco while at the same time she was also Co-Chair of "Obama for America." Ms. Harris was part of CaliforniaALL's "Advisory Council." She is the sister of Maya Harris, who is married to Tony West. Media reports provide that parliamentarian Willie Brown served as mentor to both Tony West and Kamala Harris, and was Ms. Harris's paramour. John Keker of Keker & Van Nest (known as the prosecutor of Oliver North) is also considered to be a "mentor" of Kamala Harris. (Incidentally, State Bar of California Board of Governor member Gwen Moore -- also a "mentee" of Willie Brown -- was honored by CaliforniaALL at a lavish dinner in a Sacramento hotel. Parliamentarian Moore is no stranger to your agency, having been the target of a sting operation known as Shrimpscam.)
9. OPHELIA BASGAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ("HUD") -- In around 2007-2008 , Ms. Basgal was Vice President of Civic Partnership and Community Initiatives at PG&E, where she managed the company’s $18 million charitable contributions program, and oversaw its community engagement programs and partnerships with community-based organizations. Separately, around that time she surprisingly served as "Treasurer" with the "California Supreme Court Historical Society." In that role, she presumably had contact with many judges, including those who were handling matters dealing with PG&E, such as Justice (Ret.) Joseph Grodin who acted as the mediator in a case Attorney General Bill Lockyer advanced against PG&E, which Jerry Brown (cousin of Geoffrey Brown) later dismissed in his capacity as the new Attorney General for California.
Ms. Basgal served as a director of CaliforniaALL.
10. VICTOR MIRMAONTES -- Mr. Victor Miramontes, a resident of San Antonio, TX and business partner of former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros in an entity known as CityView, was the chairman of CaliforniaALL.
Mr. Miramontes has various connections to Orange County, and is otherwise familiar with its various legal circles.
11. SARAH E. REDFIELD -- Ms. Redfield is presently a professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law, and served as the interim director of CaliforniaALL. Events surrounding Redfield, as shown below, also appear to be imbued with fraud and deceit, and it appears her role was to create a subterfuge to justify the existence of CaliforniaALL. Since CaliforniaALL's main achievement was the purported creation of a "Saturday Academy of Law" at UC Irvine ("SALUCI"), Ms. Redfield pretended to have engaged in Requests for Proposals ("RFP"), as well as falsely claiming that she "launched" SALUCI. For her services as interim executive director and an alleged consultant of CaliforniaALL, Professor Redfield was paid approximately $160,000 as an "independent contractor." She gave very little, if anything, in return for the $160,000 she was paid. In fact, she took credit for the extremely hard work of others, especially that of Rob Vacario of Santa Ana who co-founded SALUCI several years earlier.
12. JUDY JOHNSON – Ms. Johnson is the former Executive Director of the State Bar of California. Ms. Johnson (along with Robert Hawley and Starr Babcock) is no stranger to financial schemes. For the past 8 years, she has been quietly serving as the president of an entity with a misleading name (California Consumer Protection Foundation AKA "CCPF"). This entity absorbed close to $30 million in class action cy pres awards, as well as fines and settlements imposed by the CPUC on utility companies. CCPF forwarded those funds to mostly questionable ACORN-like entities in South Los Angeles or to an entity headed by Michael Shames known as UCAN -- presently under federal grand jury investigation in San Diego.
It appears that Ms. Johnson used her position as executive director of the State Bar of California (which is supposed to supervise and discipline lawyers) as "clout" to obtain cy pres awards from the settlement of class actions prosecuted and defended by various law firms in courts and before the CPUC. In addition, while never prosecuted for the scheme, some have speculated that Johnson and cohorts Hawley (whom Johnson labeled the "Wizard of OZ") and Babcock were "in" on a financial scheme perpetrated by former State Bar employee Sharon Pearl, who was lightly prosecuted by then-attorney general Jerry Brown, cousin of Geoffrey Brown. Ms. Johnson was part of CaliforniaALL's Advisory Council and was responsible for maintaining secrecy over the project by misleading the public, including a quadriplegic law-student, litigant Sara Granda.
13. RUTHE CATOLICO ASHLEY -- Ms. Ashley is a former employee of McGeorge School of Law who later served as a "Diversity Officer" at Cal PERS. Ms. Ashley also served as member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors alongside Mr. Bleich, and came up with the idea to create CaliforniaALL during a meeting with Sarah Redfield and Peter Arth, Jr. (the assistant to CPUC President Michael Peevey). After CaliforniaALL came into existence, Ms. Ashley, after a simulated search, was selected to serve as CaliforniaALL's executive director.
14. SONIA GONZALES -- Ms. Gonzales presently serves as the Foundation's executive director as of earlier this year, after the former executive director (Ms. Leslie Hatamyia) suddenly quit. Ms. Gonzales is a close friend and confidante of Ms. Maya Harris, the wife of Mr. Tony West. She presently serves the same function as current Foundation directors Mary Ann Todd of Munger Tolles & Olson, Jon Streeter of Keker & Van Nest, Douglas Winthrop of Howard Rice, and Raj Chatterjee of Morrison & Foerster.
At the outset, and to deflect potential allegations that I am motivated by politics, I wish to assure the reader my inquiry into these issues was not and is not motivated by politics. In fact, the only actor referenced above that I have ever met is James Brosnahan, who I met once for a short period of time while a volunteer with BASF - VLSP, a volunteer organization that awarded me a volunteer of the year award. In fact, I initially suspected the misconduct described herein was committed primarily by various other people (i.e. Holly Fujie, Leslie Hatamiya, Ruthe Catolico Ashley, Robert Hawley, Starr Babcock, and Judy Johnson). However, the facts eventually led me to Mr. Brosnahan. Following is a brief overview describing how I stumbled upon this information.
In 2010, the United States Federal Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit issued its final ruling in the disciplinary matter of In Re Girardi by imposing close to $500,000 in sanctions on Walter Lack of Engstrom Lispcomb & Lack and Thomas Girardi of Girardi & Keese stemming from an attempt to defraud the court and cause injury to Dole Food Company in the underlying litigation.
You may have heard of Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi as they are the lawyers who were featured in the movie "Erin Brokovich" involving utility company PG&E. The court ruled that Walter Lack (who stipulated to special prosecutor Rory Little that his prolonged acts of misconduct were intentional) and Thomas Girardi intentionally and recklessly resorted to the use of known falsehoods for years. The Ninth Circuit ordered Girardi and Lack to report their misconduct to the State Bar of California. The State Bar of California disqualified itself from handling the matter since Howard Miller (of Girardi & Keese) served at that time as its president, and had also made the decision to hire then-chief prosecutor, James Towery.
Mr. Towery, in turn, appointed Jerome Falk of Howard Rice (now Arnold & Porter) as outside "special prosecutor" to determine whether or not to bring charges against Girardi and Lack. (Mr. Falk is a colleague of Douglas Winthrop, and both represented PG&E in its massive bankruptcy proceedings.)
Mr. Falk, in turn, exercised prosecutorial discretion and concluded that he did not believe Lack acted intentionally and that no charges will be brought against the two attorneys. Within days of Mr. Falk's decision, I filed an ethics complaint with the State Bar of California against Jerome Falk, James Towery, Howard Miller, and Douglas Winthrop (managing partner of Howard Rice and then-elected president of the Foundation), alleging that it was improper for Mr. Towery to appoint Mr. Falk given the close personal relationship between Howard Miller and Douglas Winthrop. Specifically, Howard Miller -- in his capacity as president of the State Bar -- had appointed Douglas Winthrop as president of the California Bar Foundation, a foundation maintained and controlled by the State Bar. (Much later I also discovered that Jerome Falk is actually the personal attorney of Thomas Girardi, and that Howard Rice and Jerome Falk represented Walter Lack, Thomas Girardi, Engstrom Lispcomb & Lack, and Girardi & Keese in approximately 2007, and for a period of 2 years, in a malpractice action.)
As such, while at the time I was not familiar with those individuals, I reviewed the Foundation's annual reports to familiarize myself with the names of the Foundation's board of directors, and to try to resolve various inconsistencies regarding who was serving as the Foundation's president and why Robert Scott Wylie appeared to be the president when data showed that he had relocated to Indiana in 2006. I checked the Foundation's tax returns and it was then that I fortuitously stumbled upon the fact that the Foundation ended 2008 close to $500,000 in the negative. Specifically, the Foundation reported to the IRS that REVENUE LESS EXPENSES in 2007 equaled plus +$373.842.00. However, in 2008, the Foundation reported to the IRS that REVENUE LESS EXPENSES equaled minus -$537,712.
I was also troubled by the fact that the 2008 California Bar Journal Annual Report noted that the Foundation was the "fiscal sponsor" of CaliforniaALL, while the same report also mentioned that the source of the money was 4 utility companies.
In its 2008 Annual Report ( See page 9: , the Foundation alludes to CaliforniaALL by stating:
"In 2007-2008, the Foundation supported the launching of CaliforniaALL and, as the project filed for incorporation and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, served as CaliforniaALL’s fiscal sponsor. A collaboration between the California Public Employment Retirement System, the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Department of Insurance, and the State Bar of California, CaliforniaALL was created in an effort to close the achievement gap among California students from preschool to the profession and, specifically, to bolster the pipeline of young people of diverse backgrounds headed for careers in law, financial services, and technology. Once CaliforniaALL obtained its tax-exempt status and was able to function as a fully independent nonprofit organization, the foundation granted the balance of funds raised for the project – totaling $769,247 – to the new entity."
Also cleverly buried in the California Bar Foundation's 2008 annual report was the following sentence ( See page 24 : ): "We thank the following corporations for their gifts in support of CaliforniaALL:
AT & T Edison International PG & E Corporation Foundation Verizon"
Most troubling, however, is the fact that Verizon did not report to the IRS either in 2007 or 2008 that it had contributed any money to the California Bar Foundation or CaliforniaALL. See:
Ultimately, by conducting further research into the actors and events surrounding the Foundation, CaliforniaALL, and related entities, individuals, and events, I unearthed what appears to be a lengthy trail of attempts to mislead and defraud.
FACTUAL BACKGROUND: In approximately 2007, Ruthe Catolico Ashley -- an attorney from Sacramento and a member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors -- was employed by Cal PERS as a "Diversity Officer." Jeffrey Bleich of Munger Tolles & Olson was serving as President of the State Bar. Both Bleich and Ashley are politically active, and were supporting the 2008 campaign of Barack Obama for President. Ruthe Ashley was involved in the Asian-Americans for Obama branch in Sacramento.
In April 2007, Chief of Staff to CPUC's President Michael Peevey, Peter Arth, Jr. urged Ruthe Catolico Ashley to meet him at a restaurant in San Francisco. During that meeting, the idea to create CaliforniaALL (initially named CaAAL or CaALL) was conceived.
In its brief existence, CaliforniaALL collected close to $2 million from utility companies (AT&T, PG&E, Verizon, Sempra, Southern California Edison), including a sub-rosa "hush -hush"contribution of $769,247.00 from the California Bar Foundation -- --CaliforniaALL appears to have been be a sham, phantom entity.
The transfer of 769,247.99 from the California Bar Foundation to CaliforniaALL was never mentioned in the Foundation's "newsroom" or by any other of its publications such as the California Bar Journal or by any of the newsletters and alerts published by CaliforniaALL.
CaliforniaALL only alleged achievement was providing some money for the creation of the Saturday Academy of Law at UC Irvine ("SALUCI") in approximately 2008-2009. Here too vast and intense suspicious circumstances exist as the funds from CaliforniaALL actually went to the UC Irvine Foundation, where the present executive director of the State Bar of California (Senator Joe Dunn) serves as a member of the audit committee, and it turns out that the SALUCI was actually already created in 2005 and was fully operational before CaliforniaALL arrived on the scene. In addition, some records seem to indicate that Verizon Wireless funneled the money directly to SALUCI , while CaliforniaALL took the credit.
Subsequent to the election of Barack Obama, CaliforniaALL was dissolved.
The California Attorney General RCT reflects that CaliforniaALL obtained its "Charity" status on March 14, 2008 (FEIN Number 510656213). The address for CaliforniaALL is listed as 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2400, Sacramento, California. This is actually the address of the law firm of DLA Piper, where CaliforniaALL resided free of charge courtesy of partner Steven Churchwell -- Treasurer of the draft committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
Nevertheless, CaliforniaALL's 2008 tax-return shows an expense of around $16,000 for "occupancy." See
In June 2008, after a nationwide search and aided by a pro bono head-hunting firm in its search for a permanent CEO, CaliforniaALL not surprisingly hired Ruthe Catolico Ashley as its chief executive officer. (See Press Release )
As the purpose of CaliforniaALL was to transfer funds forward, it did so by awarding small grants to the UCI Foundation (FEIN Number 952540117), where State Bar of California executive director Joe Dunn serves as trustee and chair of the Audit Committee, for the purported purpose of establishing a Saturday Law Academy at UC Irvine known as SALUCI. Sarah Redfield's CV, which states (falsely) that she launched SALUCI, can be found at:
In September 2009, Ruthe Catolico Ashley exited CaliforniaALL ( ), the entity which she previously proclaimed "will change the face of the future in the workplace and of our leaders," "will be a model for other states," and "is here to stay for the foreseeable future."
Ultimately, the following events prompted me to ask Voice of OC to make its tax returns available for my review, as required by IRS regulations: the sham RFP by Sarah Redfield, who pre-selected the UCI Foundation as the only recipient of funds from CaliforniaALL; Joe Dunn served as chair of the UCI Foundation audit committee; in September 2009 Ruthe Ashley abruptly exited CaliforniaALL; in September 2009 Joe Dunn (together with his business partner Martha Escutia, James Brosnahan -- who created CaliforniaALL, and Thomas Girardi of In Re Girardi, Erin Brokovich, and the one who James Towery appointed his personal attorney (Jerome Falk of Howard Rice) to act as special prosecutor against him) launched an online "news agency" known as Voice of OC. I also suspected that James Brosnahan of Morrison & Foerster (who represented various utility companies during California's energy crisis) may have engaged in a scheme with Joe Dunn, as Dunn was the person investigating those utility companies and California's energy crisis. In fact, Dunn was discredited by the media for claiming that he was the one who "cracked" Enron.
Voice of OC ignored my request for its tax records, whereupon I filed a complaint with the IRS. To date, I have not received a response from the IRS indicating that it has taken any steps to help me obtain those much needed records and impose the appropriate sanctions against Voice of OC.
Nevertheless, I continued with the inquiry as large pieces of the puzzle were missing. Later, when Mr. Tony West was appointed third in command at the DOJ, I learned of his identity due to wide media coverage and his association with Morrison & Forester and James Brosnahan. From there, it became harder to ignore the common denominator of OBAMA FOR AMERICA involving James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie, Susan Mac Cormac (of Morrison & Foerster) Jeffrey Bleich, Ron Olson, Bradley Phillips (of Munger Tolles & Olson) John Roos, Mark Parnes (of Wilson Sonsini) and Kamala Harris-- which is that money was misappropriated and/or laundered through the Foundation.
The request comes amidst revelations that in 2007-2008, OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini participated in what appears to be a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL as a vehicle to embezzle and launder funds originated from major utility companies and the California Bar Foundation.
OBAMA FOR AMERICA operatives Ambassador John Roos and Mark Parnes of Wilson Sonsini were added recently to the list of potential wrongdoers in what appears to be a a sophisticated financial scheme to misuse the California Bar Foundation and non-profit entity CaliforniaALL as a vehicle to embezzle and launder funds originated from major utility companies and the California Bar Foundation.
Although other potential explanations certainly exist, as matters presently stand, it appears that these operatives organized to push for the election of Barack Obama on behalf of those seeking to promote green energy. In addition to John Roos and Mark Parnes, also viewed as potential wrongdoers are Jeffrey Bleich, Ron Olson, Brad Phillips (of Munger Tolles & Olson -- on behalf of Southern California Edison), James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie (of Morrison & Foerster -- on behalf of PG & E), Steven Churchwell (of DLA Piper -- on behalf of Sempra Energy), and Tony West's sister-in-law -- Kamala Harris.
In 2007, Jeffrey Bleich was a ready-to-wage-war attorney working at Munger Tolles & Olson. Bleich was dubbed by some media outlets as Superman. He launched and co-chaired the national finance committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
Bleich -- while serving as member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors and as director of the California Bar Foundation (alongside another attorney from Munger Tolles, Bradley Phillips) -- was a man on a mission in pushing for the urgent creation of a non-profit entity known as CaliforniaALL.
1. AMBASSADOR JEFFREY BLEICH -- Mr. Bleich served as a director with the Foundation in approximately 2007-2008, as well as president of the State Bar of California. In 2007, Mr. Bleich established Barack Obama's National Finance Committee and served as its Chair.
He is a personal friend of President Obama, who served as President Obama's personal attorney and subsequently was appointed as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia. Prior to joining the Obama administration, Bleich was a partner with the San Francisco office of Munger Tolles & Olson, which represents clients Southern California Edison and Verizon Wireless.
Out of close to 230,000 lawyers in California, also serving as a director with the Foundation in approximately 2007-2008 was another attorney from Munger Tulles Olsen, Mr. Bradley Phillips. Presently, Ms. Mary Ann Todd (also of Munger Tolles & Olson) is a director with the Foundation.
2. DEREK ANTHONY WEST OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE -- Mr. West, who goes by the name "Tony West," presently serves as third in command within the Department of Justice below Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer.
Around 2007-2008, Mr. Tony West also served as Chair of the "California Finance Committee" of OBAMA FOR AMERICA .
Prior to joining the DOJ, Mr. West was a partner at the San Francisco office of Morrison & Foerster, the law firm which assisted with the legal aspects of creating CaliforniaALL. Along with attorneys Raj Chaterjee and Susan Mac Cormac, Mr. West was part of senior partner James Brosnahan's clique. For example, it was Brosnahan, West, and Chaterjee who defended John Walker Lindh, who is more widely known as the "American Taliban." (It should be noted that it was actually Mr. Brosnahan who initially agreed to the representation since he knows Lindh's father -- Frank Lindh -- who served as in-house Chief Legal Counsel at PG&E; Mr. Lindh is presently the Chief Legal Counsel of the CPUC.)
Mr. West is married to Maya Harris, sister of Kamala Harris, who was part of CaliforniaALL.
3. JAMES J. BROSNAHAN OF MORRISON & FOERSTER - Mr. Brosnahan is presently a senior partner at the San Francisco office of Morrison & Foerster.
He considers himself to be the "mastermind behind the Democratic Party." CaliforniaALL was created by Morrison & Foerster, under the supervision of Mr. Brosnahan (known as the prosecutor of Caspar Weinberger). Specifically Susan Mac Cormac and Eric Tate assisted with the legal aspects of creating the entity. Mr. Brosnahan represented utility companies during California's energy crisis (which Joe Dunn, Martha Escutia, and Geoffrey Brown were investigating) opposite Thomas Girardi.
Later, Dunn, Escutia, Brosnahan, and Girardi launched the online publication known as Voice of OC.
4. STEVEN CHURCHWELL OF DLA PIPER - Mr. Churchwell is presently a partner at the San Sacramento office of DLA Piper.
During Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Mr. Churchwell served as Treasurer of the Draft Committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA located at DLA Piper offices in Sacramento, as was non-profit CaliforniaALL.
5. MARK PARNES / JOHN ROOS OF WILSON SONSINI -- Mr. Parnes is presently a partner at the Palo Also office of Wilson Sonsini. He served as a director and secretary with the California Bar Foundation in approximately 2007-2008.
In 2007-2008, the California Bar Foundation poured into CaliforniaALL the large sum of $774,247, sub-rosa.
Mr. Roos is the former CEO of Wilson Sonsini in Palo Alto. He is a personal friend of both President Obama and Jeffrey Bleich. He presently serves as the U.S. Ambassador to Japan.
Similar to Ambassador Bleich, Ambassador Roos acted as a "bundler" and raised over $500,000 for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.
6. CHRISTOPHER JACOB YOUNG OF KEKER & VAN NEST -- Mr. Young, commonly known as "Chris Young," is currently listed on the State Bar of California's database as an associate with Keker & Van Nest. Around 2007-2008, Mr. Young was an associate at Morrison & Foerster.
Around 2007-2008, Mr. Young served as "Northern California Deputy Finance Director" for OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
State Bar of California records still show that Chris Young is an employee of Keker & Van Nest. However, very recently, Keker & Van Nest ( at the direction of partners John Keker and Jon Streeter, who also worked on the 2008 campaign as a "bundler" and is presently a director with the Foundation) abruptly removed Chris Young's name from its web-site.
7. ANNETTE CARNEGIE -- Ms. Carnegie is presently employed at the Kaiser Foundation. Around 2007-2008, she was a partner at Morrison & Foerster and served as a director of the Foundation. In 2007-2008, the Foundation poured into CaliforniaALL the large sum of $774,247; by comparison, most other donations were around $10,000 to $20,000. As shown below, the transfer of said money appears to be imbued with fraud and secrecy, especially in connection with four utility companies (Verizon, PG&E, Edison, and AT&T).
8. KAMALA HARRIS -- In around 2007-2008, Ms. Harris served as the District Attorney in San Francisco while at the same time she was also Co-Chair of "Obama for America." Ms. Harris was part of CaliforniaALL's "Advisory Council." She is the sister of Maya Harris, who is married to Tony West. Media reports provide that parliamentarian Willie Brown served as mentor to both Tony West and Kamala Harris, and was Ms. Harris's paramour. John Keker of Keker & Van Nest (known as the prosecutor of Oliver North) is also considered to be a "mentor" of Kamala Harris. (Incidentally, State Bar of California Board of Governor member Gwen Moore -- also a "mentee" of Willie Brown -- was honored by CaliforniaALL at a lavish dinner in a Sacramento hotel. Parliamentarian Moore is no stranger to your agency, having been the target of a sting operation known as Shrimpscam.)
9. OPHELIA BASGAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ("HUD") -- In around 2007-2008 , Ms. Basgal was Vice President of Civic Partnership and Community Initiatives at PG&E, where she managed the company’s $18 million charitable contributions program, and oversaw its community engagement programs and partnerships with community-based organizations. Separately, around that time she surprisingly served as "Treasurer" with the "California Supreme Court Historical Society." In that role, she presumably had contact with many judges, including those who were handling matters dealing with PG&E, such as Justice (Ret.) Joseph Grodin who acted as the mediator in a case Attorney General Bill Lockyer advanced against PG&E, which Jerry Brown (cousin of Geoffrey Brown) later dismissed in his capacity as the new Attorney General for California.
Ms. Basgal served as a director of CaliforniaALL.
10. VICTOR MIRMAONTES -- Mr. Victor Miramontes, a resident of San Antonio, TX and business partner of former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros in an entity known as CityView, was the chairman of CaliforniaALL.
Mr. Miramontes has various connections to Orange County, and is otherwise familiar with its various legal circles.
11. SARAH E. REDFIELD -- Ms. Redfield is presently a professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law, and served as the interim director of CaliforniaALL. Events surrounding Redfield, as shown below, also appear to be imbued with fraud and deceit, and it appears her role was to create a subterfuge to justify the existence of CaliforniaALL. Since CaliforniaALL's main achievement was the purported creation of a "Saturday Academy of Law" at UC Irvine ("SALUCI"), Ms. Redfield pretended to have engaged in Requests for Proposals ("RFP"), as well as falsely claiming that she "launched" SALUCI. For her services as interim executive director and an alleged consultant of CaliforniaALL, Professor Redfield was paid approximately $160,000 as an "independent contractor." She gave very little, if anything, in return for the $160,000 she was paid. In fact, she took credit for the extremely hard work of others, especially that of Rob Vacario of Santa Ana who co-founded SALUCI several years earlier.
12. JUDY JOHNSON – Ms. Johnson is the former Executive Director of the State Bar of California. Ms. Johnson (along with Robert Hawley and Starr Babcock) is no stranger to financial schemes. For the past 8 years, she has been quietly serving as the president of an entity with a misleading name (California Consumer Protection Foundation AKA "CCPF"). This entity absorbed close to $30 million in class action cy pres awards, as well as fines and settlements imposed by the CPUC on utility companies. CCPF forwarded those funds to mostly questionable ACORN-like entities in South Los Angeles or to an entity headed by Michael Shames known as UCAN -- presently under federal grand jury investigation in San Diego.
It appears that Ms. Johnson used her position as executive director of the State Bar of California (which is supposed to supervise and discipline lawyers) as "clout" to obtain cy pres awards from the settlement of class actions prosecuted and defended by various law firms in courts and before the CPUC. In addition, while never prosecuted for the scheme, some have speculated that Johnson and cohorts Hawley (whom Johnson labeled the "Wizard of OZ") and Babcock were "in" on a financial scheme perpetrated by former State Bar employee Sharon Pearl, who was lightly prosecuted by then-attorney general Jerry Brown, cousin of Geoffrey Brown. Ms. Johnson was part of CaliforniaALL's Advisory Council and was responsible for maintaining secrecy over the project by misleading the public, including a quadriplegic law-student, litigant Sara Granda.
13. RUTHE CATOLICO ASHLEY -- Ms. Ashley is a former employee of McGeorge School of Law who later served as a "Diversity Officer" at Cal PERS. Ms. Ashley also served as member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors alongside Mr. Bleich, and came up with the idea to create CaliforniaALL during a meeting with Sarah Redfield and Peter Arth, Jr. (the assistant to CPUC President Michael Peevey). After CaliforniaALL came into existence, Ms. Ashley, after a simulated search, was selected to serve as CaliforniaALL's executive director.
14. SONIA GONZALES -- Ms. Gonzales presently serves as the Foundation's executive director as of earlier this year, after the former executive director (Ms. Leslie Hatamyia) suddenly quit. Ms. Gonzales is a close friend and confidante of Ms. Maya Harris, the wife of Mr. Tony West. She presently serves the same function as current Foundation directors Mary Ann Todd of Munger Tolles & Olson, Jon Streeter of Keker & Van Nest, Douglas Winthrop of Howard Rice, and Raj Chatterjee of Morrison & Foerster.
At the outset, and to deflect potential allegations that I am motivated by politics, I wish to assure the reader my inquiry into these issues was not and is not motivated by politics. In fact, the only actor referenced above that I have ever met is James Brosnahan, who I met once for a short period of time while a volunteer with BASF - VLSP, a volunteer organization that awarded me a volunteer of the year award. In fact, I initially suspected the misconduct described herein was committed primarily by various other people (i.e. Holly Fujie, Leslie Hatamiya, Ruthe Catolico Ashley, Robert Hawley, Starr Babcock, and Judy Johnson). However, the facts eventually led me to Mr. Brosnahan. Following is a brief overview describing how I stumbled upon this information.
In 2010, the United States Federal Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit issued its final ruling in the disciplinary matter of In Re Girardi by imposing close to $500,000 in sanctions on Walter Lack of Engstrom Lispcomb & Lack and Thomas Girardi of Girardi & Keese stemming from an attempt to defraud the court and cause injury to Dole Food Company in the underlying litigation.
You may have heard of Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi as they are the lawyers who were featured in the movie "Erin Brokovich" involving utility company PG&E. The court ruled that Walter Lack (who stipulated to special prosecutor Rory Little that his prolonged acts of misconduct were intentional) and Thomas Girardi intentionally and recklessly resorted to the use of known falsehoods for years. The Ninth Circuit ordered Girardi and Lack to report their misconduct to the State Bar of California. The State Bar of California disqualified itself from handling the matter since Howard Miller (of Girardi & Keese) served at that time as its president, and had also made the decision to hire then-chief prosecutor, James Towery.
Mr. Towery, in turn, appointed Jerome Falk of Howard Rice (now Arnold & Porter) as outside "special prosecutor" to determine whether or not to bring charges against Girardi and Lack. (Mr. Falk is a colleague of Douglas Winthrop, and both represented PG&E in its massive bankruptcy proceedings.)
Mr. Falk, in turn, exercised prosecutorial discretion and concluded that he did not believe Lack acted intentionally and that no charges will be brought against the two attorneys. Within days of Mr. Falk's decision, I filed an ethics complaint with the State Bar of California against Jerome Falk, James Towery, Howard Miller, and Douglas Winthrop (managing partner of Howard Rice and then-elected president of the Foundation), alleging that it was improper for Mr. Towery to appoint Mr. Falk given the close personal relationship between Howard Miller and Douglas Winthrop. Specifically, Howard Miller -- in his capacity as president of the State Bar -- had appointed Douglas Winthrop as president of the California Bar Foundation, a foundation maintained and controlled by the State Bar. (Much later I also discovered that Jerome Falk is actually the personal attorney of Thomas Girardi, and that Howard Rice and Jerome Falk represented Walter Lack, Thomas Girardi, Engstrom Lispcomb & Lack, and Girardi & Keese in approximately 2007, and for a period of 2 years, in a malpractice action.)
As such, while at the time I was not familiar with those individuals, I reviewed the Foundation's annual reports to familiarize myself with the names of the Foundation's board of directors, and to try to resolve various inconsistencies regarding who was serving as the Foundation's president and why Robert Scott Wylie appeared to be the president when data showed that he had relocated to Indiana in 2006. I checked the Foundation's tax returns and it was then that I fortuitously stumbled upon the fact that the Foundation ended 2008 close to $500,000 in the negative. Specifically, the Foundation reported to the IRS that REVENUE LESS EXPENSES in 2007 equaled plus +$373.842.00. However, in 2008, the Foundation reported to the IRS that REVENUE LESS EXPENSES equaled minus -$537,712.
I was also troubled by the fact that the 2008 California Bar Journal Annual Report noted that the Foundation was the "fiscal sponsor" of CaliforniaALL, while the same report also mentioned that the source of the money was 4 utility companies.
In its 2008 Annual Report ( See page 9: , the Foundation alludes to CaliforniaALL by stating:
"In 2007-2008, the Foundation supported the launching of CaliforniaALL and, as the project filed for incorporation and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, served as CaliforniaALL’s fiscal sponsor. A collaboration between the California Public Employment Retirement System, the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Department of Insurance, and the State Bar of California, CaliforniaALL was created in an effort to close the achievement gap among California students from preschool to the profession and, specifically, to bolster the pipeline of young people of diverse backgrounds headed for careers in law, financial services, and technology. Once CaliforniaALL obtained its tax-exempt status and was able to function as a fully independent nonprofit organization, the foundation granted the balance of funds raised for the project – totaling $769,247 – to the new entity."
Also cleverly buried in the California Bar Foundation's 2008 annual report was the following sentence ( See page 24 : ): "We thank the following corporations for their gifts in support of CaliforniaALL:
AT & T Edison International PG & E Corporation Foundation Verizon"
Most troubling, however, is the fact that Verizon did not report to the IRS either in 2007 or 2008 that it had contributed any money to the California Bar Foundation or CaliforniaALL. See:
Ultimately, by conducting further research into the actors and events surrounding the Foundation, CaliforniaALL, and related entities, individuals, and events, I unearthed what appears to be a lengthy trail of attempts to mislead and defraud.
FACTUAL BACKGROUND: In approximately 2007, Ruthe Catolico Ashley -- an attorney from Sacramento and a member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors -- was employed by Cal PERS as a "Diversity Officer." Jeffrey Bleich of Munger Tolles & Olson was serving as President of the State Bar. Both Bleich and Ashley are politically active, and were supporting the 2008 campaign of Barack Obama for President. Ruthe Ashley was involved in the Asian-Americans for Obama branch in Sacramento.
In April 2007, Chief of Staff to CPUC's President Michael Peevey, Peter Arth, Jr. urged Ruthe Catolico Ashley to meet him at a restaurant in San Francisco. During that meeting, the idea to create CaliforniaALL (initially named CaAAL or CaALL) was conceived.
In its brief existence, CaliforniaALL collected close to $2 million from utility companies (AT&T, PG&E, Verizon, Sempra, Southern California Edison), including a sub-rosa "hush -hush"contribution of $769,247.00 from the California Bar Foundation -- --CaliforniaALL appears to have been be a sham, phantom entity.
The transfer of 769,247.99 from the California Bar Foundation to CaliforniaALL was never mentioned in the Foundation's "newsroom" or by any other of its publications such as the California Bar Journal or by any of the newsletters and alerts published by CaliforniaALL.
CaliforniaALL only alleged achievement was providing some money for the creation of the Saturday Academy of Law at UC Irvine ("SALUCI") in approximately 2008-2009. Here too vast and intense suspicious circumstances exist as the funds from CaliforniaALL actually went to the UC Irvine Foundation, where the present executive director of the State Bar of California (Senator Joe Dunn) serves as a member of the audit committee, and it turns out that the SALUCI was actually already created in 2005 and was fully operational before CaliforniaALL arrived on the scene. In addition, some records seem to indicate that Verizon Wireless funneled the money directly to SALUCI , while CaliforniaALL took the credit.
Subsequent to the election of Barack Obama, CaliforniaALL was dissolved.
The California Attorney General RCT reflects that CaliforniaALL obtained its "Charity" status on March 14, 2008 (FEIN Number 510656213). The address for CaliforniaALL is listed as 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2400, Sacramento, California. This is actually the address of the law firm of DLA Piper, where CaliforniaALL resided free of charge courtesy of partner Steven Churchwell -- Treasurer of the draft committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
Nevertheless, CaliforniaALL's 2008 tax-return shows an expense of around $16,000 for "occupancy." See
In June 2008, after a nationwide search and aided by a pro bono head-hunting firm in its search for a permanent CEO, CaliforniaALL not surprisingly hired Ruthe Catolico Ashley as its chief executive officer. (See Press Release )
As the purpose of CaliforniaALL was to transfer funds forward, it did so by awarding small grants to the UCI Foundation (FEIN Number 952540117), where State Bar of California executive director Joe Dunn serves as trustee and chair of the Audit Committee, for the purported purpose of establishing a Saturday Law Academy at UC Irvine known as SALUCI. Sarah Redfield's CV, which states (falsely) that she launched SALUCI, can be found at:
In September 2009, Ruthe Catolico Ashley exited CaliforniaALL ( ), the entity which she previously proclaimed "will change the face of the future in the workplace and of our leaders," "will be a model for other states," and "is here to stay for the foreseeable future."
Ultimately, the following events prompted me to ask Voice of OC to make its tax returns available for my review, as required by IRS regulations: the sham RFP by Sarah Redfield, who pre-selected the UCI Foundation as the only recipient of funds from CaliforniaALL; Joe Dunn served as chair of the UCI Foundation audit committee; in September 2009 Ruthe Ashley abruptly exited CaliforniaALL; in September 2009 Joe Dunn (together with his business partner Martha Escutia, James Brosnahan -- who created CaliforniaALL, and Thomas Girardi of In Re Girardi, Erin Brokovich, and the one who James Towery appointed his personal attorney (Jerome Falk of Howard Rice) to act as special prosecutor against him) launched an online "news agency" known as Voice of OC. I also suspected that James Brosnahan of Morrison & Foerster (who represented various utility companies during California's energy crisis) may have engaged in a scheme with Joe Dunn, as Dunn was the person investigating those utility companies and California's energy crisis. In fact, Dunn was discredited by the media for claiming that he was the one who "cracked" Enron.
Voice of OC ignored my request for its tax records, whereupon I filed a complaint with the IRS. To date, I have not received a response from the IRS indicating that it has taken any steps to help me obtain those much needed records and impose the appropriate sanctions against Voice of OC.
Nevertheless, I continued with the inquiry as large pieces of the puzzle were missing. Later, when Mr. Tony West was appointed third in command at the DOJ, I learned of his identity due to wide media coverage and his association with Morrison & Forester and James Brosnahan. From there, it became harder to ignore the common denominator of OBAMA FOR AMERICA involving James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie, Susan Mac Cormac (of Morrison & Foerster) Jeffrey Bleich, Ron Olson, Bradley Phillips (of Munger Tolles & Olson) John Roos, Mark Parnes (of Wilson Sonsini) and Kamala Harris-- which is that money was misappropriated and/or laundered through the Foundation.
We don't care about extraditing Julian Assange, says US ... ...
May 31, 2012 – THE US said it had no plans to extradite Julian Assange from Sweden as the Australian government declared the WikiLeaks founder would ...Australia will continue consular assistance: Gillard - ABC News ...
May 31, 2012 – The US ambassador Jeffrey Bleich has rejected the argument that Mr Assange's extradition could be more easily achieved from Sweden.US Ambassador: we have no interest in Assange | Crikey
Aug 29, 2012 – ... Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich talked extensively about WikiLeaks and the ... The Ambassador rejects the central argument of Assange and his ...US doesn't want Assange, says ambassador | Delimiter
Jun 4, 2012 – Tags: activism, ambassador, extradition, jeff bleich, julian assange, sweden, ... citizen Julian Assange being extradited from Sweden to the US?US denies Assange 'secret warrant' › National Times › Political News
Jun 1, 2012 – The US ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, yesterday rejected as ... On Wednesday, Mr Assange lost a British Supreme Court appeal that ...Authorities still gunning for Assange, cables show › National
May 28, 2012 – WIKILEAKS publisher Julian Assange remains the target of a major US ... Mr Assange to US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich, US Homeland Security ...US claims 'no interest' in Assange — RT
Jun 1, 2012 – His defense activists also give counter-arguments to Jeffrey Bleich's contention that it would be more difficult for his country to get Assange from ...We're not after Assange: US ambassador | Herald Sun
Aug 2, 2012 – WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange is not being targeted by the United States government, US ambassador Jeffrey Bleich says.Australian TV program exposes Assange frame-up
Jul 28, 2012 – Assange remains inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, seeking ... a May 2012 clip from the US Ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, ...We're not after Julian Assange: US ambassador
Jul 5, 2012 – Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange is not being targeted by the United States government, US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich says.
New U.S. Ambassador to Australia is Jewish | J-Wire › News
Sep 13, 2009 – Jeff Bleich has been appointed the new U.S. Ambassador to Australia. The new ... Jewish Online News from Australia and New Zealand ...Ambassador Bleich | Embassy of the United States Canberra, Australia › About Us › Ambassador Bleich
"In his first public address to an Australian Jewish community group, America's ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, spoke to more than 40 Capital Jewish ...Bleich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jeff Bleich, current US Ambassador to Australia; Jeremy Bleich (born 1987), ... J. David Bleich (born 1936), rabbi and authority on Jewish law and ethics; Judith ...Ambassador Bleich on the importance of relationships, free trade ... | | 25, 2010 - 9 min - Uploaded by usstudiescentre
US Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich is a long-time friend of President ... Capital Jewish Forum event ... |
Jewish Taskforce
Presented by the United States Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey L. Bleich - Click Here. Jewish News Article - "When Push Comes to Shove" by Debbie Weiner ...Remarks of Ambassador Bleich at the Capital Jewish Forum ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewJul 27, 2011 – Ambassador Jeffrey L. Bleich – Capital Jewish Forum. Page 1 of 7. Remarks of Ambassador Bleich at the Capital Jewish Forum, Melbourne ...
Bound for D.C.: Local Jews make their way to Obama inauguration ...
Jan 16, 2009 – He is one of several Bay Area Jews planning to witness history and ... Attorney Jeffrey Bleich of Piedmont has known the president-elect a bit ...1 person named Jeff Bleich in the US | WhitePages
... WhitePages. There is 1 person named Jeff Bleich in places like Michigan. ... German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname from German bleich 'pale'. See more ...Munger Tolles & Olson's Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway ...
Aug 15, 2012 – Follow Jeffrey Bleich Updates: ... Reaction of MTO's Jewish Partners Henry Weismmann, Jeff Bleich, Alan Friedman, and Bradley Phillips ?) ...Definition of bleich. Meaning of bleich. Synonyms of bleich
bleich is a surname and may refer to: jeff bleich , current us ambassador to ... bleich (born 24 august 1936, tarrytown, new york ) is an authority on jewish law and ...
Israel takes center stage at feisty presidential forum in S.F. | j. the ...
Oct 10, 2008 – In their guts, in their kishkes, they know they've never been pro-Israel." Jeff BleichNew U.S. Ambassador to Australia is Jewish | J-Wire › News
Sep 13, 2009 – Jeff Bleich has been appointed the new U.S. Ambassador to Australia. The new Ambassador is a 48-yr-old lawyer from San Francisco who will ...Canberra Power and Influence - The Diplomats who have a say in ...
Apr 17, 2012 – US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich and. Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem. Born in: Home Town: Canberra. Diplomats move around the corridors of ...Bleich, Jeffrey L. › ... › Biographies Listed Alphabetically by Last Name
Biography for Jeffrey L. Bleich Ambassador to Australia. ... Jeffrey L. Bleich is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America ...
aseemjunejaThursday, September 6 2012
Solyndra = Bain Capital
Most troubling, however, is the fact that Verizon did not report to the IRS either in 2007 or 2008 that it had contributed any money to the California Bar Foundation or CaliforniaALL. See:
Ultimately, by conducting further research into the actors and events surrounding the Foundation, CaliforniaALL, and related entities, individuals, and events, I unearthed what appears to be a lengthy trail of attempts to mislead and defraud.
In approximately 2007, Ruthe Catolico Ashley — an attorney from Sacramento and a member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors — was employed by Cal PERS as a “Diversity Officer.” Jeffrey Bleich of Munger Tolles & Olson was serving as President of the State Bar. Both Bleich and Ashley are politically active, and were supporting the 2008 campaign of Barack Obama for President. Ruthe Ashley was involved in the Asian-Americans for Obama branch in Sacramento.
In April 2007, Chief of Staff to CPUC’s President Michael Peevey, Peter Arth, Jr. urged Ruthe Catolico Ashley to meet him at a restaurant in San Francisco. During that meeting, the idea to create CaliforniaALL (initially named CaAAL or CaALL) was conceived.
In its brief existence, CaliforniaALL collected close to $2 million from utility companies (AT&T, PG&E, Verizon, Sempra, Southern California Edison), including a sub-rosa “hush -hush”contribution of $769,247.00 from the California Bar Foundation — –CaliforniaALL appears to have been be a sham, phantom entity.
The transfer of 769,247.99 from the California Bar Foundation to CaliforniaALL was never mentioned in the Foundation’s “newsroom” or by any other of its publications such as the California Bar Journal or by any of the newsletters and alerts published by CaliforniaALL.
CaliforniaALL only alleged achievement was providing some money for the creation of the Saturday Academy of Law at UC Irvine (“SALUCI”) in approximately 2008-2009. Here too vast and intense suspicious circumstances exist as the funds from CaliforniaALL actually went to the UC Irvine Foundation, where the present executive director of the State Bar of California (Senator Joe Dunn) serves as a member of the audit committee, and it turns out that the SALUCI was actually already created in 2005 and was fully operational before CaliforniaALL arrived on the scene. In addition, some records seem to indicate that Verizon Wireless funneled the money directly to SALUCI , while CaliforniaALL took the credit.
Subsequent to the election of Barack Obama, CaliforniaALL was dissolved.
The California Attorney General RCT reflects that CaliforniaALL obtained its “Charity” status on March 14, 2008 (FEIN Number 510656213). The address for CaliforniaALL is listed as 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2400, Sacramento, California. This is actually the address of the law firm of DLA Piper, where CaliforniaALL resided free of charge courtesy of partner Steven Churchwell — Treasurer of the draft committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
Nevertheless, CaliforniaALL’s 2008 tax-return shows an expense of around $16,000 for “occupancy.” See
In June 2008, after a nationwide search and aided by a pro bono head-hunting firm in its search for a permanent CEO, CaliforniaALL not surprisingly hired Ruthe Catolico Ashley as its chief executive officer. (See Press Release )
As the purpose of CaliforniaALL was to transfer funds forward, it did so by awarding small grants to the UCI Foundation (FEIN Number 952540117), where State Bar of California executive director Joe Dunn serves as trustee and chair of the Audit Committee, for the purported purpose of establishing a Saturday Law Academy at UC Irvine known as SALUCI.
Sarah Redfield’s CV, which states (falsely) that she launched SALUCI, can be found at:
In September 2009, Ruthe Catolico Ashley exited CaliforniaALL ( ), the entity which she previously proclaimed “will change the face of the future in the workplace and of our leaders,” “will be a model for other states,” and “is here to stay for the foreseeable future.”
Ultimately, the following events prompted me to ask Voice of OC to make its tax returns available for my review, as required by IRS regulations: the sham RFP by Sarah Redfield, who pre-selected the UCI Foundation as the only recipient of funds from CaliforniaALL; Joe Dunn served as chair of the UCI Foundation audit committee; in September 2009 Ruthe Ashley abruptly exited CaliforniaALL; in September 2009 Joe Dunn (together with his business partner Martha Escutia, James Brosnahan — who created CaliforniaALL, and Thomas Girardi of In Re Girardi, Erin Brokovich, and the one who James Towery appointed his personal attorney (Jerome Falk of Howard Rice) to act as special prosecutor against him) launched an online “news agency” known as Voice of OC. I also suspected that James Brosnahan of Morrison & Foerster (who represented various utility companies during California’s energy crisis) may have engaged in a scheme with Joe Dunn, as Dunn was the person investigating those utility companies and California’s energy crisis. In fact, Dunn was discredited by the media for claiming that he was the one who “cracked” Enron.
Voice of OC ignored my request for its tax records, whereupon I filed a complaint with the IRS. To date, I have not received a response from the IRS indicating that it has taken any steps to help me obtain those much needed records and impose the appropriate sanctions against Voice of OC.
Nevertheless, I continued with the inquiry as large pieces of the puzzle were missing. Later, when Mr. Tony West was appointed third in command at the DOJ, I learned of his identity due to wide media coverage and his association with Morrison & Forester and James Brosnahan. From there, it became harder to ignore the common denominator of OBAMA FOR AMERICA involving James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie, Susan Mac Cormac (of Morrison & Foerster) Jeffrey Bleich, Ron Olson, Bradley Phillips (of Munger Tolles & Olson) John Roos, Mark Parnes (of Wilson Sonsini) and Kamala Harris– which is that money was misappropriated and/or laundered through the Foundation.
Most troubling, however, is the fact that Verizon did not report to the IRS either in 2007 or 2008 that it had contributed any money to the California Bar Foundation or CaliforniaALL. See:
Ultimately, by conducting further research into the actors and events surrounding the Foundation, CaliforniaALL, and related entities, individuals, and events, I unearthed what appears to be a lengthy trail of attempts to mislead and defraud.
In approximately 2007, Ruthe Catolico Ashley — an attorney from Sacramento and a member of the State Bar of California Board of Governors — was employed by Cal PERS as a “Diversity Officer.” Jeffrey Bleich of Munger Tolles & Olson was serving as President of the State Bar. Both Bleich and Ashley are politically active, and were supporting the 2008 campaign of Barack Obama for President. Ruthe Ashley was involved in the Asian-Americans for Obama branch in Sacramento.
In April 2007, Chief of Staff to CPUC’s President Michael Peevey, Peter Arth, Jr. urged Ruthe Catolico Ashley to meet him at a restaurant in San Francisco. During that meeting, the idea to create CaliforniaALL (initially named CaAAL or CaALL) was conceived.
In its brief existence, CaliforniaALL collected close to $2 million from utility companies (AT&T, PG&E, Verizon, Sempra, Southern California Edison), including a sub-rosa “hush -hush”contribution of $769,247.00 from the California Bar Foundation — –CaliforniaALL appears to have been be a sham, phantom entity.
The transfer of 769,247.99 from the California Bar Foundation to CaliforniaALL was never mentioned in the Foundation’s “newsroom” or by any other of its publications such as the California Bar Journal or by any of the newsletters and alerts published by CaliforniaALL.
CaliforniaALL only alleged achievement was providing some money for the creation of the Saturday Academy of Law at UC Irvine (“SALUCI”) in approximately 2008-2009. Here too vast and intense suspicious circumstances exist as the funds from CaliforniaALL actually went to the UC Irvine Foundation, where the present executive director of the State Bar of California (Senator Joe Dunn) serves as a member of the audit committee, and it turns out that the SALUCI was actually already created in 2005 and was fully operational before CaliforniaALL arrived on the scene. In addition, some records seem to indicate that Verizon Wireless funneled the money directly to SALUCI , while CaliforniaALL took the credit.
Subsequent to the election of Barack Obama, CaliforniaALL was dissolved.
The California Attorney General RCT reflects that CaliforniaALL obtained its “Charity” status on March 14, 2008 (FEIN Number 510656213). The address for CaliforniaALL is listed as 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2400, Sacramento, California. This is actually the address of the law firm of DLA Piper, where CaliforniaALL resided free of charge courtesy of partner Steven Churchwell — Treasurer of the draft committee of OBAMA FOR AMERICA.
Nevertheless, CaliforniaALL’s 2008 tax-return shows an expense of around $16,000 for “occupancy.” See
In June 2008, after a nationwide search and aided by a pro bono head-hunting firm in its search for a permanent CEO, CaliforniaALL not surprisingly hired Ruthe Catolico Ashley as its chief executive officer. (See Press Release )
As the purpose of CaliforniaALL was to transfer funds forward, it did so by awarding small grants to the UCI Foundation (FEIN Number 952540117), where State Bar of California executive director Joe Dunn serves as trustee and chair of the Audit Committee, for the purported purpose of establishing a Saturday Law Academy at UC Irvine known as SALUCI.
Sarah Redfield’s CV, which states (falsely) that she launched SALUCI, can be found at:
In September 2009, Ruthe Catolico Ashley exited CaliforniaALL ( ), the entity which she previously proclaimed “will change the face of the future in the workplace and of our leaders,” “will be a model for other states,” and “is here to stay for the foreseeable future.”
Ultimately, the following events prompted me to ask Voice of OC to make its tax returns available for my review, as required by IRS regulations: the sham RFP by Sarah Redfield, who pre-selected the UCI Foundation as the only recipient of funds from CaliforniaALL; Joe Dunn served as chair of the UCI Foundation audit committee; in September 2009 Ruthe Ashley abruptly exited CaliforniaALL; in September 2009 Joe Dunn (together with his business partner Martha Escutia, James Brosnahan — who created CaliforniaALL, and Thomas Girardi of In Re Girardi, Erin Brokovich, and the one who James Towery appointed his personal attorney (Jerome Falk of Howard Rice) to act as special prosecutor against him) launched an online “news agency” known as Voice of OC. I also suspected that James Brosnahan of Morrison & Foerster (who represented various utility companies during California’s energy crisis) may have engaged in a scheme with Joe Dunn, as Dunn was the person investigating those utility companies and California’s energy crisis. In fact, Dunn was discredited by the media for claiming that he was the one who “cracked” Enron.
Voice of OC ignored my request for its tax records, whereupon I filed a complaint with the IRS. To date, I have not received a response from the IRS indicating that it has taken any steps to help me obtain those much needed records and impose the appropriate sanctions against Voice of OC.
Nevertheless, I continued with the inquiry as large pieces of the puzzle were missing. Later, when Mr. Tony West was appointed third in command at the DOJ, I learned of his identity due to wide media coverage and his association with Morrison & Forester and James Brosnahan. From there, it became harder to ignore the common denominator of OBAMA FOR AMERICA involving James Brosnahan, Tony West, Chris Young, Annette Carnegie, Susan Mac Cormac (of Morrison & Foerster) Jeffrey Bleich, Ron Olson, Bradley Phillips (of Munger Tolles & Olson) John Roos, Mark Parnes (of Wilson Sonsini) and Kamala Harris– which is that money was misappropriated and/or laundered through the Foundation.
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