Donald Trump,Israel And Dallas Police Shooting False Flag
From NYC, Ferguson To Baltimore, American Police Are Trained In Apartheid Israel
WASHINGTON — The Black Lives Matter movement became a fixture in American cities after the 2014 death of Michael Brown, and grows with each new police killing. As activists realize that the same systems of oppression killing them in the United States are active worldwide, the movement spreads beyond American borders and forges links as far away as Palestine. Activists from Ferguson, Missouri, traveled to Palestine in January to cement a growing sense of solidarity and connection with the shared struggles of Palestinians against the Israeli occupation. That connection is more than just a philosophical one: Although it’s been largely ignored by the mainstream media, research by independent journalists reveals that American police leadership routinely travel to Israel on mysterious training missions. Journalist Rania Khalek is a contributor to the Electronic Intifada, an independent news and education organization focused on Palestine, and a key expert on the subject. For years she primarily covered police brutality in the U.S., but, “I started covering Palestine/Israel related stories because I kept finding connections,” she told MintPress by phone on Wednesday.
The NYPD openly maintains an office in Israel, but according to Khalek, the ties are more widespread. “Almost every single police department in the United States has sent high-level commanders to Israel to receive lessons in occupation enforcement,” Khalek said. In an August article on the repeated use of tear gas and brutality against non-violent Ferguson activists, Khalek revealed that two of the four police agencies used against the protests were trained in Israel. She reported: “Decades of testing and perfecting methods of domination and control on a captive and disenfranchised Palestinian population has given rise to a booming ‘homeland security industry’ in Israel that refashions occupation-style repression for use on marginalized populations in other parts of the world, including St. Louis.” Months later, as Baltimore responded angrily to the death of Freddie Gray at the hands of six police officers, Khalek documented how the city’s response echoed the occupation of Palestine — from violent overreaction to thrown bottles and rocks to multiple reports of police brutality against journalists in Baltimore. She reported that Baltimore police traveled to Israel 13 years ago on a trip sponsored by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA)..
The Dallas shootings, of 7 July 2016, resulted in 5 police officers killed.
"This was a very well-planned and well-coordinated attack that was executed with a disturbing level of precision."
The Hagmann Report
Commenting on the shootings, Donald Trump said America needs 'strong leadership'.
'We must restore law and order. We must restore the confidence of our people to be safe and secure in their homes and on the street,' he said.

Micah Xavier Johnson
The person being blamed for the shootings is Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old Army veteran with no criminal history.
Drills before the shootings.
The Dallas shootings, of 7 July 2016, resulted in 5 police officers killed.
"This was a very well-planned and well-coordinated attack that was executed with a disturbing level of precision."
The Hagmann Report
This looks like the Operation Gladio Strategy of Tension designed to get people scared and promote 'right wing' authoritarian leadership.
'We must restore law and order. We must restore the confidence of our people to be safe and secure in their homes and on the street,' he said.

Micah Xavier Johnson
The person being blamed for the shootings is Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old Army veteran with no criminal history.
Johnson lived with his white stepmother.
Neighbor Jowanda Alexander, 36, a mother of four, said that Johnson was 'not an angry guy'.
Israel Cooper says Johnson wasn't 'a violent or rough dude.'
Neighbor Jowanda Alexander, 36, a mother of four, said that Johnson was 'not an angry guy'.
Israel Cooper says Johnson wasn't 'a violent or rough dude.'
Johnson may have been killed before the 'shootings of the policemen' began.
Johnson's Facebook page may now have been altered.

Most USA urban police departments have had extensive training contacts with Israel in recent years.
"Police officer minds can be agitated via pulses in their always-on shoulder radios."
Preston James, Ph.D False-flag terror
In his book The Rise of the Warrior Cop, journalist Radley Balko writes that since the 1960s:
Johnson's Facebook page may now have been altered.

Most USA urban police departments have had extensive training contacts with Israel in recent years.
"Police officer minds can be agitated via pulses in their always-on shoulder radios."
Preston James, Ph.D False-flag terror
In his book The Rise of the Warrior Cop, journalist Radley Balko writes that since the 1960s:
"Law-enforcement agencies across the U.S., at every level of government, have been blurring the line between police officer and soldier.
"Driven by martial rhetoric and the availability of military-style equipment - from bayonets and M-16 rifles to armored personnel carriers - American police forces have often adopted a mind-set previously reserved for the battlefield."