Sure if someone hurts or physically attacks someone(s) based on race or even religion that IS a hate crime.However simply denying or not believing an even occured or denies the accuracy of a certain
portrayal of an event dogmatically espoused to be fact such a the Nazi holocaust against German Jews or the US.,EU or UK and their ally Israel's official government stories about the events as well as their mass media that even lied about WMDS in Iraq immediately after the event to stir us to genocidal wars in the Islamic Middle Est for the good of oil companies and Israeli Zionists evil ends
then perhaps it is our very governmentsd that now force us to belive their lies who are responsiblenot only for hate crimes but for war crimes !
Angela Merkel who sold German submarines to Israel for mounting nd transporting and potentially nuclear missilles at any of us it decides is its enemy is indeed a hate crime and war crime against us all including German citizens who are also threatened by her and her Israeli bosses war crimes !She should be in jail NOT the German grandmother mentioned below and German Jewish Zionists who were part of the Nazi regime and who were founders of Israel are the war criminals and their children in Israel are much more guilty for having colluded with and having been part of the Nazi regime than any innocent Germans who also died because Jewish Nazis supported Hitler and many Israelis have family ancestors who thus commited war drimes against innocent Germans and others they NEVER have to apologise.If exactly 6 million Jews or white European who erroneously thought they were 'Semites' WERE INDEED MURDERED BY THE NAZIS THEN WAR CRIMINALS SHOULD HAVE BEEN PUNISHED WHO WWERE GERMAN JEWS BECUSE MANY NAZIS WWERE GERMAN JEWS !
- Anonymous1 September 2018 at 07:43A recent study showed that practically none of the present Jewish inhabitants of Israel are semites. The are mostly Khazars and their people originated in Eastern Europe. The Palestinians are of course semites and that makes the whole slur of being anti-semitic take on a different colour.Reply
- Anonymous1 September 2018 at 09:54
- Anonymous1 September 2018 at 12:40Like millions of people, I'm an anti-racist.Reply
People like me actively oppose racist attitudes, actions and behaviours.
We call out the structural, institutional and legacy forms of racism in our society.
It's abhorrent to us that anyone should suffer any undesirable impact whatsoever because of their skin colour.
It's not only racism we detest and oppose.
People like me oppose discriminatory attitudes, actions and behaviors that impact people based on age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion and culture. We too oppose the structural, institutional and legacy forms of discrimination that affect many minorities and women.
Now I'll get to the point.
What millions of folks like me REFUSE to do, is to buy into this false notion that people ***who are NOT discriminated against because of their inalienable characteristics, but who instead CHOOSE TO SUBSCRIBE TO AND ENACT A POLITICAL "CHOSEN PEOPLE" IDEOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, and FOR THAT REASON ALONE bring criticism upon themselves*** are to be regarded as having purely inalienable characteristics (race, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion or culture).
ZIONISM IS NOT A RACE: 'CHOSEN-PEOPLE' POLITICAL IDEOLOGY AND POLICY ENACTMENT IS NOT AN INALIENABLE CHARACTERISTIC. Zionism is not an age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion or culture.
We shall not be fooled by, or buckle to, those who wish to conflate Zionism with Jewishness (ethnicity, religion or culture) in order to defame we anti-racists as racists.
Zionists wish to bamboozle public opinion: turning night into day and day into night.
It is NOT racist to be fiercely anti-Zionist.
One does, and must, defend Jews as an ethnic group; Jewishness as a culture; Hebrew as a language; and tolerant Judaism as a religious belief system; yet peacefully and respectfully oppose Zionism as a damaging political ideology and policy agenda.
Love Jews. Defend Jews. Oppose Zionism to the hilt.
- Anonymous1 September 2018 at 19:14Israeli geneticists released data showing that modern Ashkenazis are from KHAZAR region of former Caucasus and migrated there from a certain area along the southern Black Sea, home of many present day Kurds. When scientists published the findings, of course an uproar ensued and the govt went around literally seizing magazine copies off store shelves to cover it up. More recently, a younger millenial archeological linguist ratified the claims, saying that much of their language can be traced to a very small in acres area located in the exact same place. The modern Khazar-Zionist-Pharisees are NOT anything Chosen or unique. They fulfill prophecy via Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9- as the tribe of Great Deception who brings in AntiChrist, certainly nothing blessed or holyReply
- Anonymous1 September 2018 at 22:50Some comments from the Independent's latest string of hatchet jobs on Corbyn:Reply
Last week Uri Averny died
He was the founder of Gosh Salem and has worked tirelessly for peace between Israel and Palestine yet - not a mention - either by the Rabbi or the Independent or other British press. I did mention it on the Daily mail and was not printed on the web site
Corbyn lead the tributes to this great Israeli, but of course only the Morning Star followed it.
"Britain fought the Second World War to banish these views from our politics"
We didn't know about the Holocaust in 1939. It wasn't even a factor in planning D-Day. We 'fought WW2' to stop the Axis powers taking over the world not to 'banish anti-semitism from British politics'. Bizarre. Why are the media allowing this historical revisionism to go unchallenged?
Based on some of the bizarre opinions from Zionists in the comments someone needs to analyse the intersection of neo-Nazi and Zionist beliefs on the subjects of immigration, multiculturalism, racism, genocide and historical revisionism. If I was a Jew I'd be as terrified of Zionism as much as Nazism given the comparable levels of inhumanity.
Frank Field is on record praising Enoch Powell. Rabbi Sacks is on record praising Douglas Murray. Douglas Murray is on record praising Enoch Powell. Bishop Peter Selby called Frank Field "the new Enoch Powell". And Jeremy Corbyn is the racist? Why aren't journalists raising these points?
The ‘fat lady’ (Netanyahu) has already already sung. And yet this bizarre opera continues. How many more quislings are lined up to sing for Israel?
Quite a few it seems - all LFI members curiously enough.
Ms Joan Ryan Enfield North MP
Ms Ruth Smeeth Stoke North MP
Mr Chukka Umunna Streatham MP
Ms Louise Ellman Liverpool MP
Ms Yvette Cooper Normanton MP
Ms Margaret Hodge Barking MP
Ms Siobhain McDonagh Mitcham MP
Mr Tom Watson West Brom MP
Ms Luciana Berger Liverpool Wavertree MP
Mr Chris Leslie: Nottingham East MP
Mr Neil Coyle: Bermondsey MP
Mr Wes Streeting: Ilford North MP
Mr Ian Austin: Dudley North MP
Mr John Mann Bassetlaw MP
Mr Stephen Kinnock Aberavon MP
Mr Peter Kyle Hove MP
Mr Pat McFaddem Wolverhampton MP
Mr Daniel Jarvis Barnsley Central MP
"In Tel Aviv’s Yitzhak Rabin Square on Tuesday evening, thousands of Israelis rallied in support of Elor Azarya, the soldier filmed executing a gravely wounded Palestinian last month. Rally-goers shouted anti-Arab slogans such as "Death to the Arabs" and attacked persons perceived as being leftists or journalists."
Attacking journalists I can understand, you don't want people to see your racist banners otherwise they might come to the conclusion you're a racist. But what is it about the left that zionists hate so much? Is it the insatiable lust for truth, peace and justice for all? They better hope Labour never adopts a working definition of Racism otherwise a few Friends of Israel might find themselves in deep water concerning their associations. - Anonymous1 September 2018 at 22:57Some more:Reply
Oh dear …. leaks n squeaks to the press - the titled and priviledged are out in force aren’t they … (all at the expense of the ordinary Jews I might add).
*Lord* Sacks, who goes on terror marches advocating murder of arabs …
*Lord* Sugar, doesnt like darker skin-tones, a well-known racist twitter troll …
*Lord* Blunkett, publisher of the Iraqi torture manual. Just a reliable supply of electricity needed.
*Dame* Hodge …. the tax dodge, whose company paid 0.01% tax on a UK t/o of £2.1 billion …
I wonder what these tax dodging millionaires have GOT to lose …. ?
Drain the swamp, Jeremy … they are terrified.
You’re doing something right, old boy …
John Rentoul is related to Sir Gervais Rentoul, the Conservative MP who was the founding Chairman of the 1922 Committee....go figure.
Is Margaret Hodge’s daughter really a senior news editor at the Beeb and if so does it make any difference to their coverage? What about the polls which show much more anti-Semitism in the Tory party? Why aren’t they news? How about the corresponding fact that anti-Semitic attitudes have actually diminished in Labour during Corbyn’s leadership? Doesn’t that deserve a mention? What about those well-documented links between the Board of Deputies, the Council of Jewish Leaders and the Tory party? Why aren’t they news either? Do these much-quoted “community leaders” with their Tory links really speak for all British Jewry? Or just its more conservative wing? Are dissident voices within the Jewish community, who disagree with Netanyahu’s brand of violent right-wing Zionism, being suppressed just as firmly as pro-Arab voices are?
Members have given Corbyn an overwhelming mandate to reject Blairism and neoliberalism. Labour voters and members generally respect Corbyn's honest and fair criticism of Israel and many are disgusted by the orchestrated, racist and hypocritical media smear campaign to shut down free speech over Israel by shouting 'antisemite'.
Whenever you hear the name Margaret Hodge, just think child abuse. As leader of Islington Council, a post she held from 1982-92, Hodge was aware of previous, horrendous child sex abuse in the care homes for which she was responsible, and did nothing about it. - Anonymous1 September 2018 at 23:02And:Reply
"Jeremy Corbyn, who on Holocaust Memorial Day 2010 chaired an event whose title compared Israel to the Nazis" which a holocaust survivor - an elderly Jewish man, likened Israeli policy to the nazis. If you were not at Auschwitz then you are definitely less well qualified than Hajo Meyer to comment. To suggest that Jews in the UK face an existential threat is to cheapen the idea of anti-semitism.
Why you illustrated the article with a photo from Auschwitz I that was a camp and jail (the building) mainly for Polish political prisoners and smaller number of French and
Greek resistance; and Yugoslav partisans (some awaiting execution)? Holocaust machine was working in Auschwitz II, BIRKENAU. There were located all Auschwitz gas chambers and crematoria.
A propos the modern anti-Semitism: generally it has a form of Strasserism. The racial and/or religious elements don't exist; no one blames the Jews in murdering Christian children for their blood, and track the Jews for a shape of their noses. The modern Jewish crime - sorry: the Zionist one - is a worldwide financial/banking conspiracy; the NWO and etc. The myth is so common that I found it among Russian National Bolsheviks; young educated Indians in Mumbai, and...Corbyn's Momentum.
To correct the author.. Anti-Semitism in the UK is amongst the lowest in the world. On the political left and far left it is at the same level as the general population, 3%.
In the UK the big problem is with the far right. 13% is the far right have strong Anti-Semitic views, seriously worrying.
The presently definitive 2017 Report on antisemitism in the UK, by the respected Jewish body, the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, states all the above very clearly.
Furthermore, 1% of UK people think that violence against Jews can be justified. This is the same number who think violence against Hindus is justified. Interestingly 7.5% think that violence against Muslims is justified. - Anonymous1 September 2018 at 23:21And also:Reply
I found this quote from Sacks' book particularly chilling.
"moral consensus disappears and moral conversation dies. Opponents are demonized. Ever-new ‘isms’ are invented to exclude ever more opinions. New forms of intimidation begin to appear: protests, threats of violence, sometimes actual violence. For when there are no shared standards, there can be no conversation, and where conversation ends, violence begins" - Jonathan Sacks, The Home We Build Together – Recreating Society (London: Continuum, 2007)
If you read it like he's telling you their plan instead of criticising suddenly it takes on whole new meaning. Wolves in sheeps clothing, Blairites pretending to be left-wing while they orchestrate muslim terrorism and bomb muslim civilians..
Sacks is on the Tony Blair Faith Foundation's Religious Advisory Council. The foundation was criticised in 2014 when it was claimed that two advisers had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. - Anonymous1 September 2018 at 23:22In related news, those fundamentalist muslims in that terrorist training camp in New Mexico were let go due to a 'technicality' even though police found the dead body of a kidnapped child, evidence of brutal child torture (MkUltra?), the terrorists favourite mass shooting tool the AR-15, and a terror training manual.Reply
"For whatever reason the state did not obtain a preliminary hearing date within 10 days. It's absolutely bizarre. I would have thought they'd be more on top of things, the way they continued to seek to hold them without bond." - Anonymous1 September 2018 at 23:26Israel is making a killing selling DNA testing to Jews desperate to prove their heritage.Reply
"The Israeli State recently announced that it may begin to use genetic tests to determine whether potential immigrants are Jewish or not. This development would demand a rethinking of Israeli law on the issue of the definition of Jewishness. In this article, we discuss the historical and legal context of secular and religious definitions of Jewishness and rights to immigration in the State of Israel. We give a brief overview of different ways in which genes have been regarded as Jewish" - Anonymous2 September 2018 at 00:01If you ever needed proof Nick Griffin is an MI5 stooge they got him to 'endorse' Corbyn's 'stance' on anti-semitism. I believe propagandists call this Labelling & Guilt By Association.Reply
"In another awkward development, Mr Corbyn also gained the backing of the former BNP leader Mr Griffin, who said he will vote Labour if the party’s leader resists the “psychotic rush to [World War 3]” in Syria, following the recent chemical weapons attack in Damascus."
As if Nick Griffin cares about muslim children being bombed, but the half of the country who can't think to save their lives are sold this fabrication that Corbyn and the BNP have the same views.. -
hitlers head on body looks photoshopped....... lol - Anonymous4 September 2018 at 19:02Parliament should debate whether Israel has 'improper influence' over British Politics. Sign if you care about UK democracy.
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and ...
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish ... The Transfer Agreement--25th Anniversary Edition: The Dramatic Story of the ... "Through videotaped interviews, painstaking attention to personnel files, and .
German court rejects case of Holocaust-denying 'Nazi grandma'
2:09:52 PM
3:10:33 PM

Paul Zinken / AFP
She was convicted in October last year on eight counts of incitement and sentenced to two years behind bars
Germany's jailed "Nazi grandma" Ursula Haverbeck, 89, lost a challenge before the country's highest court, which reaffirmed that constitutional free speech guarantees do not cover Holocaust denial, it was cleared for publication on Friday.
Haverbeck started her latest prison term in May for insisting that Nazi Germany's mass murder of millions of Jews and others was "only a belief" and that Auschwitz was "not historically proven" to have been a death camp.
German law makes it illegal to deny the genocide committed by Adolf Hitler's regime, which in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in occupied Poland alone claimed some 1.1 million lives, mostly of European Jews.
Holocaust denial and other forms of incitement to hatred against segments of the population carry up to five years in prison, while the use of Nazi symbols such as swastikas is also banned.
The Constitutional Court ruled on July 22 that "punishment for denying the National Socialist genocide is fundamentally compatible with Article 5 (1) of the Basic Law," which guarantees freedom of speech.
"The dissemination of claims that are proven to be untrue and of deliberately false assertions" was not covered by free speech, the court ruled, adding that Holocaust denial "breaches the limits of peaceful public debate and represents a disruption of the public peace."
The same court, however, also made clear in which cases controversial remarks regarding the Holocaust can be tolerated. Reviewing the appeal of a right-wing internet activist fined for incitement over his Holocaust-related statements, the Karlsruhe-based court decided to cancel the 3,000 euro fine, since his comments did not "pose a danger to public peace."
The man, identified only as S., stated on his online radio station "network radio Germania" that thousands of Auschwitz inmates "voluntarily went with the satanic SS."
But the court ruled that this assertion did not exceed the boundaries of freedom of expression, "even if it refuses to accept recognized historical studies or victims' accounts. Unless such statements threaten public peace, a democratic society should be able to tolerate even "disturbing opinions," the court stressed.
Haverbeck, who was once chairwoman of a far-right training center shut down in 2008 for spreading Nazi propaganda, was convicted in October last year on eight counts of incitement and sentenced to two years behind bars.
She had previously been sentenced on several occasions to jail for denying the Nazi genocide, once declaring on television that "the Holocaust is the biggest and most sustained lie in history".
Last month, the leader of the far-right populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) said that the Nazi era was “bird shit” in an otherwise glorious German history. His statement was immediately condemned by all other political parties.
In the United States, a Holocaust-denying white supremacist has become the Republican party nominee for a US Congressional seat representing portions of Chicago and neighboring suburbs.
i24NEWS' correspondent in Germany Polina Garaev contributed to this report.
Roughly 20% of those who say they are Jews are Sephardic; Sepharvaim replaced Israel under Sargon II; they are Medean, Canaanite, Babylonian, Cuthites listed in 2 Ki 17:30.
Oriental or Eastern Rite "Jews" are often seen wearing Phylacteries in Iraq/Iran; the cube represents Saturn; they descend from Ham-Mizraim and are once again, not Jewish.