Sandy Hook,Newtown,CT.: CNN CIA Anderson Cooper,Emillie Parker,Americares,Knights of Malta

1. "Rabbi Praver was at the aftermath of the (Sandy Hook) tragedy early on to provide emotional support.
"The Rabbi stoically revived painful memories of arriving at the fire station.
"The station was surrounded by news teams, and within its walls were the CIA, police forces, and despairing parents..."
Newtown Visits for Project 20/20 Siyum
2. "Anderson Cooper (known by well researched individuals to be a CIAoperative embedded in within the mainstream media) has seemingly been ordered by his masters to launch a massive disinformation campaign (cover-up) of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting."

3. A CIA front organization Americares, renovated a Newtown Parker family home in 2010.
"The AmeriCares angle was brought to the attention of Red Dirt Report via a comment made by a poster ... on the following story posted at The Intel Hub:

Tom Heneghan has alleged that Nancy Lanza, the mother Adam Lanza, "was a CIA P2 analyst working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)." Psyops, Black Ops and Rip Offs

AmeriCare's warehouse in Stamford, Connecticut. "Just down the road from Newtown, the town of New Canaan is headquarters to AmeriCares, which did the gunrunning to the neofascist militias in Croatia during the break-up of Yugoslavia."
"Digging deeper, we discover that Stamford, Conn.-based AmeriCares does indeed have links to Newtown, Conn, as well as to 'a secretive Catholic order called the Knights of Malta.'

"Connecticut has been an Agency stronghold since before the CIA came into existence."
"During this era, AmeriCares brazenly 'took sides' and would offer humanitarian aid only if right-wing forces were in control, often working with the CIA’s infamous Southern Air Transport...

.... Or are you just pleased to see me?
"Reports that members of the clergy and ... some burly-looking nuns (one which appeared to have an AR-15 under her clothing) were on the scene of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last month has led this reporter to begin looking into the activities of the international aid organization AmeriCares, an organization connected to a powerful and influential 'secret order' linked to the Vatican.
SANDY HOOK: Links to CIA's AmeriCares, Knights of Malta. - Red Dirt Report
SANDY HOOK: Links to CIA's AmeriCares, Knights of Malta. - Red Dirt Report

Beslan School Shooting. Beslan and the CIA
"The AmeriCares angle was brought to the attention of Red Dirt Report via a comment made by a poster ... on the following story posted at The Intel Hub:
During my continuing investigations I’ve found that ‘AmeriCares’ paid for the renovations of several homes in Newtown a couple of years back.
One of these homes just happened to be a ‘Parker’ family home.
My research indicates they are related to Robbie Parker, who moved there 8 months ago.

Tom Heneghan has alleged that Nancy Lanza, the mother Adam Lanza, "was a CIA P2 analyst working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)." Psyops, Black Ops and Rip Offs
"Indeed, look at this link noting the Newtown Lions Club working with AmeriCares on houses in Newtown.
"And more interestingly, a 2009 article in theNewtown Bee reports that "AmeriCares Program brings spring renewal to two Sandy Hook homes."
"A family named Parker does indeed receive some help via AmeriCares.
"But are those Parkers, and the Parkers who lost their daughter in the Dec. 14, 2012 massacre, related?

Sandy Hook victim Emilie Parker. Reportedly, the CIA uses 'Satanism' as part of mind control.
"Robbie Parker, as readers may recall, was the father of Emilie Parker, the six-year-old girl who died in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting...
"Parker is originally from Ogden, Utah and has bounced around a bit...

AmeriCare's warehouse in Stamford, Connecticut. "Just down the road from Newtown, the town of New Canaan is headquarters to AmeriCares, which did the gunrunning to the neofascist militias in Croatia during the break-up of Yugoslavia."
"Digging deeper, we discover that Stamford, Conn.-based AmeriCares does indeed have links to Newtown, Conn, as well as to 'a secretive Catholic order called the Knights of Malta.'
"A 1989 National Catholic Reporter article on the Knights goes into the Catholic order's history and it notes that some Knights, in recent decades, 'have been involved in fascist plots and CIA covert wars'...
"Founded in 1982 by Robert 'Bob' Macauley, AmeriCares gained attention after Macauley (who attended Yale University and roomed with notorious "Bonesman," former President George H.W. Bush) 'organized shipments of humanitarian aid to Poland at the behest of Pope John Paul II... He received the coveted Cross of the Commander of the Order of Malta,” as noted at

"Connecticut has been an Agency stronghold since before the CIA came into existence."
"During this era, AmeriCares brazenly 'took sides' and would offer humanitarian aid only if right-wing forces were in control, often working with the CIA’s infamous Southern Air Transport...
"AmeriCares was noted in the National Catholic Reporter as having 'Close links to right-wing militaries in Central America and for providing medical aid to Nicaraguan contras in Honduras.'
"The NCR also noted in the 1996 article that 'One of AmeriCares' largest funders has been the Christian Broadcasting Network run by (televangelist) Pat Robertson.' Robertson has been linked to African dictators time and again, also getting caught involved in a shady diamond-mining deal in the 1990's."

Note the Butterfly, the CIA Monarch Brainwashing symbol, used in the above Sandy Hook TV interview.
sandy hook - dylan hockley - butterfly, wizard of oz, purple - Aangirfan
By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
Posted: January 21, 2013
OKLAHOMA CITY – Reports that “members of the clergy” and photographs of some burly-looking “nuns” (one which appeared to have an AR-15 under her clothing) were on the scene of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last month has led this reporter to begin looking into the activities of the international aid organization AmeriCares, an organization connected to a powerful and influential “secret order” linked to the Vatican.
The AmeriCares angle was brought to the attention of Red Dirt Report via a comment made by a poster named “Ken” on the following story posted at The Intel Hub: “During my continuing investigations I’ve found that ‘AmeriCares’ paid for the renovations of several homes in Newtown a couple of years back. One of these homes just happened to be a ‘Parker’ family home. My research indicates they are related to Robbie Parker, who moved there 8 months ago.” Indeed, look at this link noting the Newtown Lions Club working with AmeriCares on houses in Newtown. And more interestingly, a 2009 article in theNewtown Bee reports that "AmeriCares Program brings spring renewal to two Sandy Hook homes." A family named "Parker" does indeed receive some help via AmeriCares. But are those Parkers, and the Parkers who lost their daughter in the Dec. 14, 2012 massacre, related?
Indeed. Robbie Parker, as readers may recall, was the father of Emilie Parker, the six-year-old girl who died in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. A lot of independent researchers have pointed to Robbie Parker as a suspicious character, based on his bizarre, post-shooting behavior, oddities about his “family photos” and other issues, particularly that news conference where he was smiling, joking around and then forcing some "tears." Parker is originally from Ogden, Utah and has bounced around a bit.
So, where is Red Dirt Report on the "Sandy Hook hoax" issue? It's all the rage right now in some corners of the alternative-media community. And conspiracy analysts are all over the place. There is plenty of compelling evidence to suggest that what the media-military-industrial complex has told us is not true. Adults and children did die, we are convinced. And here is the Connecticut State Police report on what weapons were found in the school - if that is to be believed. But we are not convinced Adam Lanza acted alone, if at all. Just take a moment to read Jon Rappoport's new column "Sandy Hook actors, robots, androids and television creations," just as an example of what we are looking at.
Digging deeper, we discover that Stamford, Conn.-based AmeriCares does indeed have links to Newtown, Conn, as well as to “a secretive Catholic order called the Knights of Malta.” A 1989 National Catholic Reporter article on the Knights goes into the Catholic order's history and it notes that some Knights, in recent decades, "have been involved in fascist plots and CIA covert wars." Is what we are witnessing, regarding the current hue and cry for gun control by the Obama camp, the establishment media and coastal elites part of a CIA "covert war"? After all, Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro is reportedly CIA linked (read Wayne Madsen's report here)and was involved with the US Agency for International Development (USAID). AmeriCares, meanwhile, works alongside USAID.
One only look to the equally respected and criticized global charity AmeriCares and their historical embrace of fascist governments and movements.
Founded in 1982 by Robert “Bob” Macauley, AmeriCares gained attention after Macauley (who attended Yale University and roomed with notorious "Bonesman," former President George H.W. Bush) “organized shipments of humanitarian aid to Poland at the behest of Pope John Paul II. Seven years earlier he airlifted Vietnamese orphans to California at the end of the Vietnam War. He also organized an airlift to provide medicine to victims of the Lebanese Civil War. He would spend the next 20 years serving as the chief executive of AmeriCares and would die in 2010, dying as the first non-Catholic to received the coveted Cross of the Commander of the Order of Malta,” as noted at
Also noted at in 2011: “A look at AmeriCares activity during this period (Reagan era 1980’s) gives the unavoidable impression that Macauley was running the charity, first and foremost, as a the velvet glove to Reagan and Bush’s radical hardline approach to communism and indigenous left-wing political movements across the globe.”
During this era, AmeriCares brazenly “took sides” and would offer humanitarian aid only if right-wing forces were in control, often working with the CIA’s infamous Southern Air Transport. This was the case throughout Central America in the 1980’s. For instance, in 1988, AmeriCares refused to send aid to hurricane-ravaged Nicaragua because Daniel Ortega and the leftist Sandinista government was in power. Of course during this era, the Roman Catholic Church was fighting the rising interest in “liberation theology,” often linked to Marxism. AmeriCares was noted in the National Catholic Reporter as having “Close links to right-wing militaries in Central America and for providing medical aid to Nicaraguan contras in Honduras.” The NCR also noted in the 1996 article that “One of AmeriCares’ largest funders has been the Christian Broadcasting Network run by (televangelist) Pat Robertson.” Robertson has been linked to African dictators time and again, also getting caught involved in a shady diamond-mining deal in the 1990's.
Interestingly enough, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, even saw to it that injured members of Afghanistan’s mujahideen were evacuated to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington during the bloody Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980’s. And Brzezinski (father of MSNBC’s shrill, anti-2nd Amendment Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski) was also an honorary chairman of the spooky AmeriCares.
Meanwhile, Macauley built “one of the largest private health care charities in the world, delivering more than $10 billion in medicines and humanitarian aid to people in 147 countries,” according to the website. Of course one look at AmeriCares current board of directors and one sees Big Pharma threaded throughout, with heavy links in Connecticut, particularly Norwalk Hospital - which is only 20 miles away from Newtown. They embrace a firm "vaccination" program at AmeriCares, particularly in the vulnerable Third World.
Undoubtedly, AmeriCares has done plenty of aid work around the world, including aid to help survivors of Hurricane Sandy. But with their links to the Knights of Malta (originally known as the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John), they have achieved a certain “diplomatic immunity,” moving from nation to nation. This, of course, became very helpful for the U.S. intelligence community, especially when guys like former CIA director William Casey (during the Reagan administration) was even a member of the Knights.
One year ago today, The Washington Post noted how “legendary journalist” Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker was attacked in the neoconservative Foreign Policy magazine for comments he made in a speech in Doha, Qatar where he said the U.S. military was very hostile to Muslims and wanted to “change mosques into cathedrals” and that disgraced former Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, head of the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command and “briefly the top commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, was “among several senior officers who are members or supporters of exclusive Roman Catholic organizations such as Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta.”
Of course McChrystal – exposed in a Rolling Stone article and in the excellent Michael Hastings book The Operators (which we reviewed here) – denied linkage to the Knights of Malta. McChrystal, now out with a new book, My Share of the Task, has been making the rounds on neocon talk shows like Hannity, as well as on the aforementioned Morning Joe, where he appeared on January 8, 2013. In fact, in what can only be called a scripted, set-up question, co-host Mika Brzezinski asks McChrystal to comment on “assault weapons, like the Bushmaster” and whether it has a place in “American civil society.” (ed. Note: It is still unclear what firearms were used at Sandy Hook. NBC’s Pete Williams reported early on that only handguns were used. And later, a long gun (AR-15) was pulled out of the car Adam Lanza allegedly drove to the school).
Notes “So while crackpot speculations about this particular Catholic order are legion, its ties to intelligence organizations in the U.S. and Western Europe are well-documented.”
And Hersh knows this. He is famous for his 1969 reportage on the Army massacre (and subsequent coverup) of a Vietnamese village at My Lai. He also exposed, in 2004, the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal in Iraq. Hersh has excellent contacts in the military and throughout the U.S. government. If Hersh suspects McChrystal and other top brass are promoting Christianist beliefs and the goals of the Knights of Malta, I’d take it pretty seriously. The neocons, however, want Hersh committed. Figures. And yet Foreign Policy admits the Knights of Malta "have been an anomalous presence in international politics and have provoked their share of conspiracy theories."
Back to McChrystal. He responds to Morning Joe’s Brzezinski’s question thusly: “I spent a career carrying typically either an M16 or an M4 Carbine. An M4 Carbine fires a .223 caliber round which is 5.56 mm at about 3000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It’s designed for that. That’s what our soldiers ought to carry. I personally don’t think there’s any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and particularly around the schools in America.”
The pro-gun rights website was critical of McChrystal’s comments and said “Stanley McChrystal’s confusing commentary on January 8 unfortunately added to his legacy of credibility problems and may signal serious antipathy toward armed citizens and their civil rights.” Continuing: “McChrystal should know his comments strongly indicate he does not support the Constitution or the check against tyranny and illegal aggression that is the Second Amendment.” speculates that McChrystal, like New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, is simply insensitive and out of touch with the civil rights concerns of armed Americans.” And with his longtime involvement in a world “not especially known for its human-rights advocacy,” he may be transitioning into what he hopes is a career in politics. Of course Sy Hersh’s reporting may be spot on and that McChrystal’s alleged ties to the Knights of Malta and other secretive orders may be helping him transition in that direction. So far he appears to be following the Knights script on firearms and freedom. After all, just a few days ago, Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of the press office of the Holy See, said the Obama administration's gun-control efforts are "a step in the right direction." Indeed, according to a recent Catholic News Service article, the Vatican feels "(f)irearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated."
Copyright Red Dirt Report 2013
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