WTC,9/11,Barack Obama,,Netherlands Queen Bitch Beatrix,Pedophile Husband Prince Claus, Joris Demmink and ICTS Israel's 'Isamic Crotch Bomber Mutallab
wolfblitzzer0: Netherlands',Queen Beatrix's Dutch Perverts Protect ...
Dec 13, 2012 – Note below Uri Rosenthal meets with his RAW or Indian intelligence or... the Schiphol Airport working with the Israeli Shin Bet terrorists of ICTS ...Joris Demmink was-is one of Netherlands' Queen Bitch Beatrix highly placed Dutch perverts who along with white scumbag and Israeli war criminal Uri Rosenthal who lies about being a 'Semite' as well as the drunken Dutch bitch and cheap floozy Mrs. Ter Horst, like rthe Queen Bitch herself and her pedophile hubby Pince Claus,just prostitutes of the Rothschild crime family and Royal Dutch Shell who dictate Israeli ICTS International Israeli terrorosists,Menachem Atzmon,'s continuing precence and control of Schiphol international airport even though Israel presided over largest airport disaster in Amsterdam history with tons of poisonous chemical weapons aboard and use Schiphol for terrorist attacks on the U.S.and Europe.The International Court of the Hague is worse than those they pretend to convict with scum like Argentine lawyer Luis Moreno Ocampo getting away with raspre of a South African journalist while he lies with
the U.S.and Susan Rice about Moamar Gaddafi feeding Viagra to Libyan soldiers for the express purpose of encourging the disastous NATO bombings and interventions there that brought to power the very Islamo-fascists they claim to oppose while condeming Libya to a dark age just as we have all been driven to a post 9/11 Dark Age.............
UN Susan Rice:ICC Luis Moreno-Ocampo rapes African woman Susan Rice:ICC Luis Moreno-Ocampo rapes African woman ! Tony Ryals - 12.06.2011 07:33. Since I first received information on 29 March 2005 regarding ...ICC budget cuts halt probes into mass rapes | Radio Netherlands ... 19, 2011 – Mr Moreno-Ocampo said he may have to halt probes into alleged massrapes and killings by Muammar Gaddafi's forces in Libya, and by forces ...

Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus. "In sworn testimony, a couple claimed to have seen Claus in a brothel in a compromising position with a 12 or 13
Above photo and comment from:
Below comment by Hans Vogel regarding Barack Obama and Queen Bitch Beatrix cover-up for Israeli Logan Airport Boston terrorists of ICTS International after they aided Nigerian Islamic 'crotch bomber' Mutallab to board flight 253 on Christmas 2009 from Schiphol Amerstdam airport that they control to Detroit with his alleged 'crotch bomb' that led to windfall profits for Israeli 'sirport decurity' sales and more repression and police tate measures for the rest of us !Barack Obama's lie at the time about 'onnecting the dots' while remaining silent about ICTS International's role in the Schiphol incident that had direct connections to 9/11 because it was the
same Israelis who guardedLogan Airport in both cases was proof enough the Obama or Barry Soetoro is part of the continuing cover up of of 9/11
The first Dutch actor to make a public
statement was the Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin. It is a
mystery how this man ever made it back to a cabinet position, after
being forced to resign in 1994 as justice minister for his involvement
in a billion dollar drug trafficking operation. The man is also
suspected of paedophilia. Moreover, the highest ranking public servant
in the justice ministry is a notorious paedophile. Hirsch Ballin called
for the immediate introduction of full body scanners at Dutch airports.
A few days later, Dutch interior minister, Mrs. Guusje ter Horst was
cued to chip in. This woman, an alcoholic who is routinely let off the
hook by the police whenever she is caught driving while drunk, actually
had the nerve to say that the world had escaped disaster when the
“crotch bomber” plan was foiled.
To call the bombing of a plane carrying 250 passengers a world disaster
is to scoff at the daily massacre of dozens of Iraqis and Afghans that
has been going on since 2001. Indeed, one either has to be drunk, stupid
or plain evil to ignore the genocide against Iraqis and Afghans, a crime
against humanity which the Dutch government fully supports and even
participates in. Apparently, for the Dutch government, the life of an
Iraqi or Afghan is worth less than the life of a European or a US
citizen. The fact that no one so far has chided Mrs. Ter Horst, the
“minister of alcoholic affairs” for her racist and
discriminatory remarks is yet more proof of the moral decrepitude of the
main stream media.
After the Dutch cabinet ministers had played their bit parts, the
leaders of other European vassal states came on stage. One after the
other, Germans, Italians and Englishmen gave their performance, with the
main stream media predictably spreading the message without any
accompanying critical editorial commentary. Thus within two weeks, the
European public has ostensibly been won over to support the introduction
of security measures that will make air travel an even more miserable
experience, and that will certainly not improve security.
However, the fact that the Obama regime now has to rely on vassal state
officials with demonstrable criminal records an assorted deviant
behavior, is another indication that the US empire is in a deep crisis.
Nor does the support from the vassal states come spontaneously. For
instance, the chief explanation for the obsequiousness of the Dutch
seems to be blackmail. That is right, blackmail. Mr. Joris Demmink, the
justice ministry's director general, is being blackmailed by the Turkish
intelligence service at least since 2002. The blackmail concerns Mr.
Demmink's orgies with under age boys in Turkish seaside resorts. Given
the close ties the Turkish intelligence services have with their US
counterparts, it can be easily understood the US is blackmailing the
Dutch as well. In other words, what we are witnessing are scenes from a
Hollywood mafia movie, only this time its title reads
“international diplomacy, US style.”- Hans Vogel
statement was the Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin. It is a
mystery how this man ever made it back to a cabinet position, after
being forced to resign in 1994 as justice minister for his involvement
in a billion dollar drug trafficking operation. The man is also
suspected of paedophilia. Moreover, the highest ranking public servant
in the justice ministry is a notorious paedophile. Hirsch Ballin called
for the immediate introduction of full body scanners at Dutch airports.
A few days later, Dutch interior minister, Mrs. Guusje ter Horst was
cued to chip in. This woman, an alcoholic who is routinely let off the
hook by the police whenever she is caught driving while drunk, actually
had the nerve to say that the world had escaped disaster when the
“crotch bomber” plan was foiled.
To call the bombing of a plane carrying 250 passengers a world disaster
is to scoff at the daily massacre of dozens of Iraqis and Afghans that
has been going on since 2001. Indeed, one either has to be drunk, stupid
or plain evil to ignore the genocide against Iraqis and Afghans, a crime
against humanity which the Dutch government fully supports and even
participates in. Apparently, for the Dutch government, the life of an
Iraqi or Afghan is worth less than the life of a European or a US
citizen. The fact that no one so far has chided Mrs. Ter Horst, the
“minister of alcoholic affairs” for her racist and
discriminatory remarks is yet more proof of the moral decrepitude of the
main stream media.
After the Dutch cabinet ministers had played their bit parts, the
leaders of other European vassal states came on stage. One after the
other, Germans, Italians and Englishmen gave their performance, with the
main stream media predictably spreading the message without any
accompanying critical editorial commentary. Thus within two weeks, the
European public has ostensibly been won over to support the introduction
of security measures that will make air travel an even more miserable
experience, and that will certainly not improve security.
However, the fact that the Obama regime now has to rely on vassal state
officials with demonstrable criminal records an assorted deviant
behavior, is another indication that the US empire is in a deep crisis.
Nor does the support from the vassal states come spontaneously. For
instance, the chief explanation for the obsequiousness of the Dutch
seems to be blackmail. That is right, blackmail. Mr. Joris Demmink, the
justice ministry's director general, is being blackmailed by the Turkish
intelligence service at least since 2002. The blackmail concerns Mr.
Demmink's orgies with under age boys in Turkish seaside resorts. Given
the close ties the Turkish intelligence services have with their US
counterparts, it can be easily understood the US is blackmailing the
Dutch as well. In other words, what we are witnessing are scenes from a
Hollywood mafia movie, only this time its title reads
“international diplomacy, US style.”- Hans Vogel
Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where Terrorist
Boarded Aircraft\
Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where
Terrorist Boarded Aircraft
December 27, 2009
An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the
airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The
Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security, &
operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries.
ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security
personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the Israeli
expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers and
According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted
Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did undergo
a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the information
pertaining to the inspection.
When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to the
aircraft, Langer responded, “You too can set the seat on fire,
using a lighter”.........................
Boarded Aircraft\
Israeli Firm Responsible for Amsterdam Airport Security Where
Terrorist Boarded Aircraft
December 27, 2009
An Israeli firm is responsible for security inspections in the
airport in Schiphol, Holland, the airport where Umar Farouk
Abdulmutallab boarded the Airbus 330 heading for Detroit (USA). The
Israeli company, ICTS, is reportedly one of the leaders in security, &
operates in Amsterdam and a number of other European countries.
ICTS was established in 1982 and today employs 11,000 security
personnel in 22 countries. Many airports and airlines seek the Israeli
expertise and opt for ICTS to provide security for passengers and
According to Rom Langer, the director of the company, who granted
Channel 2 News an interview on motzei shabbos, the terrorist did undergo
a security inspection in Amsterdam, but he does not have the information
pertaining to the inspection.
When asked about the fact that the suspect attempted to set fire to the
aircraft, Langer responded, “You too can set the seat on fire,
using a lighter”.........................
Source: Pravda.Ru
By Hans Vogel
This winter, instead of the traditional story about a little orphaned
ice bear cub or cute little elephant baby, the world was fed a different
kind of story. For variation's sake, the cute animal tales are sometimes
replaced by some horror story. Just before last Christmas, a carefully
scripted charade was enacted by the combined security services of the US
and one of its European client states. There is no need to retell the
details of the Detroit incident starring the “crotch
bomber,” or “underpants bomber,” as the poor
Nigerian patsy is usually referred to. Anyone with a minimum of
intelligence should have immediately seen the story for what it is: a
In its efforts to institute the ultimate totalitarian state, the US has
taken yet another step. For some time now, the US government has been
looking for a justification to subject airline passengers to even more
humiliating security checks, forcing everyone to undergo full body
scanning. The Detroit charade was designed specifically for this
purpose. No sooner had the charade's main character been carried off to
some unknown destination, then the first round of lunatic new on board
security measures was announced. During the last hour of flight before
landing, passengers are no longer allowed to have anything in their laps
and are prohibited from visiting the lavatory. As if these new rules had
been designed beforehand and were put into effect at the first
One crucial detail is mostly left out of the Detroit charade story as it
is being handled by the mainstream media worldwide: at Amsterdam
airport, the “crotch bomber” boarded the US-bound flight
without a passport and without going through any security check.
Instead, he was escorted by a “well-dressed” gentleman
who apparently had access to the boss of the Israeli firm that handles
security at Amsterdam. If the same “well-dressed”
gentleman would render this service to all passengers, flying would
certainly be a more pleasant experience than it is for most of us at
this moment.
Curiously, the only answer the US government could think of, seconded by
the usual orchestrated choir of its vassal states, was to increase
security checks for all passengers, subjecting them to full body scans.
Just pause here for a moment. Does this sound logical to you? Of course
it does not! If there actually has been an attempt to blow up an
airplane and the would-be “crotch bomber” was escorted
by another person, the logical thing to do would be to check out
security at Amsterdam airport. Not to increase security measures for all
passengers. However, the stupidity of the US government may actually be
so serious that they actually believe they could tackle the issue by the
measures they have taken so far. In the light of the endless series of
stupid mistakes the US government has over the past decade been making
in Afghanistan and Iraq, it may even be conceivable they figure to be on
track with their response to the Detroit incident.
Yet I think this is not the case. I believe the Detroit charade was part
of a concerted scheme to increase passenger “security”
which I suspect has very little to do with any genuine concern for the
passengers. It certainly seems part of a grand design to make airline
travel unattractive and to get the public used to police state controls.
Unfortunately, most of the public numbly believes the official
government story. Does nobody wonder why on the one hand his government
would go to great lengths to protect the safety of citizens when they
board an airplane, while on the other the same government could not care
less about his economic security? What about the irresponsible bank
bailouts of the past year, the home foreclosures affecting millions of
people, the mounting unemployment, the collapse of social security? It
just does not square.
In its sinister efforts, the US government is supported by the
governments of its vassal states. This time, a major role was assigned
to the Dutch government. The first Dutch actor to make a public
statement was the Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin. It is a
mystery how this man ever made it back to a cabinet position, after
being forced to resign in 1994 as justice minister for his involvement
in a billion dollar drug trafficking operation. The man is also
suspected of paedophilia. Moreover, the highest ranking public servant
in the justice ministry is a notorious paedophile. Hirsch Ballin called
for the immediate introduction of full body scanners at Dutch airports.
A few days later, Dutch interior minister, Mrs. Guusje ter Horst was
cued to chip in. This woman, an alcoholic who is routinely let off the
hook by the police whenever she is caught driving while drunk, actually
had the nerve to say that the world had escaped disaster when the
“crotch bomber” plan was foiled.
To call the bombing of a plane carrying 250 passengers a world disaster
is to scoff at the daily massacre of dozens of Iraqis and Afghans that
has been going on since 2001. Indeed, one either has to be drunk, stupid
or plain evil to ignore the genocide against Iraqis and Afghans, a crime
against humanity which the Dutch government fully supports and even
participates in. Apparently, for the Dutch government, the life of an
Iraqi or Afghan is worth less than the life of a European or a US
citizen. The fact that no one so far has chided Mrs. Ter Horst, the
“minister of alcoholic affairs” for her racist and
discriminatory remarks is yet more proof of the moral decrepitude of the
main stream media.
After the Dutch cabinet ministers had played their bit parts, the
leaders of other European vassal states came on stage. One after the
other, Germans, Italians and Englishmen gave their performance, with the
main stream media predictably spreading the message without any
accompanying critical editorial commentary. Thus within two weeks, the
European public has ostensibly been won over to support the introduction
of security measures that will make air travel an even more miserable
experience, and that will certainly not improve security.
However, the fact that the Obama regime now has to rely on vassal state
officials with demonstrable criminal records an assorted deviant
behavior, is another indication that the US empire is in a deep crisis.
Nor does the support from the vassal states come spontaneously. For
instance, the chief explanation for the obsequiousness of the Dutch
seems to be blackmail. That is right, blackmail. Mr. Joris Demmink, the
justice ministry's director general, is being blackmailed by the Turkish
intelligence service at least since 2002. The blackmail concerns Mr.
Demmink's orgies with under age boys in Turkish seaside resorts. Given
the close ties the Turkish intelligence services have with their US
counterparts, it can be easily understood the US is blackmailing the
Dutch as well. In other words, what we are witnessing are scenes from a
Hollywood mafia movie, only this time its title reads
“international diplomacy, US style.”
The US government does not seem to realize that its hold on the vassal
states is becoming a tenuous one, since the popular acceptance of their
puppets and stooges is dwindling at an ever faster rate.
Hans Vogel
© 1999-2009. «PRAVDA.Ru». When reproducing our materials
in whole or in part, hyperlink to PRAVDA.Ru should be made. The opinions
and views of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view
of PRAVDA.Ru's editors.
This winter, instead of the traditional story about a little orphaned
ice bear cub or cute little elephant baby, the world was fed a different
kind of story. For variation's sake, the cute animal tales are sometimes
replaced by some horror story. Just before last Christmas, a carefully
scripted charade was enacted by the combined security services of the US
and one of its European client states. There is no need to retell the
details of the Detroit incident starring the “crotch
bomber,” or “underpants bomber,” as the poor
Nigerian patsy is usually referred to. Anyone with a minimum of
intelligence should have immediately seen the story for what it is: a
In its efforts to institute the ultimate totalitarian state, the US has
taken yet another step. For some time now, the US government has been
looking for a justification to subject airline passengers to even more
humiliating security checks, forcing everyone to undergo full body
scanning. The Detroit charade was designed specifically for this
purpose. No sooner had the charade's main character been carried off to
some unknown destination, then the first round of lunatic new on board
security measures was announced. During the last hour of flight before
landing, passengers are no longer allowed to have anything in their laps
and are prohibited from visiting the lavatory. As if these new rules had
been designed beforehand and were put into effect at the first
One crucial detail is mostly left out of the Detroit charade story as it
is being handled by the mainstream media worldwide: at Amsterdam
airport, the “crotch bomber” boarded the US-bound flight
without a passport and without going through any security check.
Instead, he was escorted by a “well-dressed” gentleman
who apparently had access to the boss of the Israeli firm that handles
security at Amsterdam. If the same “well-dressed”
gentleman would render this service to all passengers, flying would
certainly be a more pleasant experience than it is for most of us at
this moment.
Curiously, the only answer the US government could think of, seconded by
the usual orchestrated choir of its vassal states, was to increase
security checks for all passengers, subjecting them to full body scans.
Just pause here for a moment. Does this sound logical to you? Of course
it does not! If there actually has been an attempt to blow up an
airplane and the would-be “crotch bomber” was escorted
by another person, the logical thing to do would be to check out
security at Amsterdam airport. Not to increase security measures for all
passengers. However, the stupidity of the US government may actually be
so serious that they actually believe they could tackle the issue by the
measures they have taken so far. In the light of the endless series of
stupid mistakes the US government has over the past decade been making
in Afghanistan and Iraq, it may even be conceivable they figure to be on
track with their response to the Detroit incident.
Yet I think this is not the case. I believe the Detroit charade was part
of a concerted scheme to increase passenger “security”
which I suspect has very little to do with any genuine concern for the
passengers. It certainly seems part of a grand design to make airline
travel unattractive and to get the public used to police state controls.
Unfortunately, most of the public numbly believes the official
government story. Does nobody wonder why on the one hand his government
would go to great lengths to protect the safety of citizens when they
board an airplane, while on the other the same government could not care
less about his economic security? What about the irresponsible bank
bailouts of the past year, the home foreclosures affecting millions of
people, the mounting unemployment, the collapse of social security? It
just does not square.
In its sinister efforts, the US government is supported by the
governments of its vassal states. This time, a major role was assigned
to the Dutch government. The first Dutch actor to make a public
statement was the Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin. It is a
mystery how this man ever made it back to a cabinet position, after
being forced to resign in 1994 as justice minister for his involvement
in a billion dollar drug trafficking operation. The man is also
suspected of paedophilia. Moreover, the highest ranking public servant
in the justice ministry is a notorious paedophile. Hirsch Ballin called
for the immediate introduction of full body scanners at Dutch airports.
A few days later, Dutch interior minister, Mrs. Guusje ter Horst was
cued to chip in. This woman, an alcoholic who is routinely let off the
hook by the police whenever she is caught driving while drunk, actually
had the nerve to say that the world had escaped disaster when the
“crotch bomber” plan was foiled.
To call the bombing of a plane carrying 250 passengers a world disaster
is to scoff at the daily massacre of dozens of Iraqis and Afghans that
has been going on since 2001. Indeed, one either has to be drunk, stupid
or plain evil to ignore the genocide against Iraqis and Afghans, a crime
against humanity which the Dutch government fully supports and even
participates in. Apparently, for the Dutch government, the life of an
Iraqi or Afghan is worth less than the life of a European or a US
citizen. The fact that no one so far has chided Mrs. Ter Horst, the
“minister of alcoholic affairs” for her racist and
discriminatory remarks is yet more proof of the moral decrepitude of the
main stream media.
After the Dutch cabinet ministers had played their bit parts, the
leaders of other European vassal states came on stage. One after the
other, Germans, Italians and Englishmen gave their performance, with the
main stream media predictably spreading the message without any
accompanying critical editorial commentary. Thus within two weeks, the
European public has ostensibly been won over to support the introduction
of security measures that will make air travel an even more miserable
experience, and that will certainly not improve security.
However, the fact that the Obama regime now has to rely on vassal state
officials with demonstrable criminal records an assorted deviant
behavior, is another indication that the US empire is in a deep crisis.
Nor does the support from the vassal states come spontaneously. For
instance, the chief explanation for the obsequiousness of the Dutch
seems to be blackmail. That is right, blackmail. Mr. Joris Demmink, the
justice ministry's director general, is being blackmailed by the Turkish
intelligence service at least since 2002. The blackmail concerns Mr.
Demmink's orgies with under age boys in Turkish seaside resorts. Given
the close ties the Turkish intelligence services have with their US
counterparts, it can be easily understood the US is blackmailing the
Dutch as well. In other words, what we are witnessing are scenes from a
Hollywood mafia movie, only this time its title reads
“international diplomacy, US style.”
The US government does not seem to realize that its hold on the vassal
states is becoming a tenuous one, since the popular acceptance of their
puppets and stooges is dwindling at an ever faster rate.
Hans Vogel
© 1999-2009. «PRAVDA.Ru». When reproducing our materials
in whole or in part, hyperlink to PRAVDA.Ru should be made. The opinions
and views of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view
of PRAVDA.Ru's editors.

Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.
Censored31 threatens to spread picture of naked SG of Justice
Manuel's mother thinks that a boy who appears in a child-porn film is her son.
In an apartment in Zandvoort in the Netherlands thousands of child-porn photos were discovered.
The photos include the torture and rape of children as young as two.
It is believed that the international pedophile ring includes Portuguese, British, Belgians, Dutch and Germans.
Die Gier nach kleinen Kindern kennt keine Grenzen mehr ... - Die Welt / When sex abuse can lead to murder | World news | The Guardian

"Marcel Vervloesem confirmed what earlier sources already reported: Joris Demmink attended the satanic lust murder of the German boy Manuel Schadwald."Die Gier nach kleinen Kindern kennt keine Grenzen mehr ... - Die Welt / When sex abuse can lead to murder | World news | The Guardian

Joris Demmink is one of the top people in the Netherlands.
Marcel Vervloesem has said in a Dutch radio programme that he has a video of Joris Demmink, on a boat called Apollo, while Manuel Schadwald was being murdered.
On 27 November 1995, Belgian police searched premises used by the Rajneesh - Osho cult (a cult linked to the CIA)
They were looking for Eric Mattheeussen, who had been accused of taking photographs of a traffic accident. The police found many boxes.
"In these boxes ... we find hundreds of pictures of corpses of children, often in the most hideous poses.
"Many of the pictures have been made by himself; other pictures were made on order by other photographers. ...
"In several boxes we find child pornography. ... Hundreds of magazines. ... The lecture shows penetrations of often very young children by grown ups, and also some very unusual pedophile fantasies. ... newspaper clippings of prominent disappearances."
(De Demmink Doofpot Institute for the Study of Globalization and ...)

Beat Meier is Swiss.
"His name appears in the Dutroux police files."
"Scotland Yard detectives travelled to Switzerland to try to interview him in prison... Scotland Yard officers wanted to talk to him about a video they had obtained.
"This video featured a boy who was tied to a chair and horrifically tortured and abused by two masked men.
"Through great detective work Scotland Yard identified the boy, even though his face never appeared on the video. Fortunately the boy had survived his ordeal and he was tracked down to his home in Liverpool.
"The boy’s explanation was very revealing.
"Beat Meier had befriended his parents and suggested taking the boy back to Switzerland for a holiday..."
(4 2011-01-15 09:10 - Bende van Nijvel » Forum)

Dutroux victims
Zev Barkan aka Bruckenstein was at one time a Mossad agent in Brussels.
Reportedly, Barkan got Bernard Weinstein involved with Marc Dutroux's organisation, so that blackmail could be applied to Dutroux's customers.
Dutroux was at the centre of an international child abuse and murder ring.

Zev Barkan
Reportedly, Mossad operative Zev Barkan and his accomplices ran a studio making snuff and porno movies in the Mekong River town of Pen Yauin in Cambodia.

Of course, all these top child abusers are untouchable.
And it is the intelligence services who organise the system.
aangirfan: ELM HOUSE - CHILD SEX RING - TOP PEOPLE 18, 2013 – ELM HOUSE - CHILD SEX RING - TOP PEOPLE. The UK police are to... Met investigates guesthouse child abuse claims. Elm Guest House ...Jimmy Savile's 'Top of the Pops paedo ring' | The Sun |News 16, 2012 – FOUR Top of the Pops staff who worked with shamed star Jimmy Savile have ... The National Association for People Abused in Childhood has ...Tory child sex abuse ring claim: Cameron races to control scandal ... › Society › Child protectionNov 5, 2012 – PM's office unveils two inquiries into child sex abuse claim • North ... He adds: "Since sharing my concerns with you at PMQs, a number of people ....Antibiotic- resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says; 3.
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