Sandy Hook,Newtown,CT.,Reverend Jim Solomon,UK Rev Clive Calver, Pedophiles,Guns and Nuns
Below from brings to light the little known and unreportedd mass media story of possible suspects in the Sandy Hook incident her were disguised as nuns ! This appears to explain black cloth near car alleged to be that of Adam Lanza or his mother Nancy.
Also it must be noted that a number of sleazy and suspect far right and probable US and UK pro Zionist or pro Israeli 'Christian' religious characters appear in the story of Sandy Hook from BBC made Clyde Calver who would never have made it on BBC if he were not part of the UK's MI5 and or MI6 ' intelligence which is tied to and with U.S. CIA as well as well as to Israeli Mossad.BBC has recently been exposed as promoters of pedophiles such as long term deceased Israeli plant Jimmy Savile.Also anothr 'religious' character is a Reverend Solomon who appears to have a similar bacjground and was a money launderer in Boston with unnamed 'financial organization' before 'seeiing the light' and joining or creating the corrupt New Hope Church in Newtown,CT..
I only came upon this now,several days after posting this blog, about Monsignor Kevin Wallin of Bridgeport,Connecticut and his involvement in dealing methamphetamine a truly toxic synthetic drug as well as using the profits to buy a 'sex toy shop' called ''Land of Oz & Dorothy's Place'' which is all the more bizare because of various blogs including making a case for the Newtown incident having many connections to and with both Monarch butterflies as well as The Wizard of Oz symbology that they asociate with CIA and known government mind control programs such as MK Ultra that was started with covert U.S.government funding as early as the 1940's or 1950's by Nelson Rockefeller whose was responsible for a number of fascist CIA coups in South America in the 1950's as well as infesting and permantly infiltrating our government with Zio-Nazi scum like Henry Kissinger who besides aiding Chile's Pinochet in the probable assasination of Allende and torture of Chjiean citizens,etc., was involved in the overthrow of the U.S.Constitution folowing 9/11 and replacement with the Michael Chertoff-Israeli 'Patriot Act'.So perhaps its only a coincidence that a Connecticut Monsigner of the Catholic Church racketeers in Zionist fascist Senator Joe Lieberman's corrupt state of Connecticut while others launder billions or trillions of stolen dollars from Wall Street criminal finace for Zionist causes and for their own offshore accounts including in and around Newtown,Connecticut such as Peter Lanza,et,al. of GE Capital and Ernst and Young,etc., -and the fact that nuns or men dressed as nuns as well as 'Father' Weiss of the Church of the Rose in Newtown appear in and around Sandy Hook as events were unfolding on December 14,2012 and that his own Catholic school and church have come under scrutiny as well as inconsistencies or lies told by Father Weiss regarding the events of that day.
Catholic Monsignors Robert Weiss and Wallin of perversion and vice ? While Adam Lanza attended the Newtown Catholic Saint Rose of Lima at a time a known Catholic pedophile priest was beuing given safe haven there where was Monsignor Weiss who was one of the first on the scene at Newtown Sandy Hook massacre coincidentally where the police at first acknowledged or their radio communications did,that possible shooters were dressed as nuns !? And note that the Bridgeport Monsignor traffics in the most toxic of chemical 'drugs' - methamphetamines and invests his profits in a sex shop called Land of Oz and Dorothy's Place !
Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple. MKULTRA ...
Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple. MKULTRA ...
I only came upon this now,several days after posting this blog, about Monsignor Kevin Wallin of Bridgeport,Connecticut and his involvement in dealing methamphetamine a truly toxic synthetic drug as well as using the profits to buy a 'sex toy shop' called ''Land of Oz & Dorothy's Place'' which is all the more bizare because of various blogs including making a case for the Newtown incident having many connections to and with both Monarch butterflies as well as The Wizard of Oz symbology that they asociate with CIA and known government mind control programs such as MK Ultra that was started with covert U.S.government funding as early as the 1940's or 1950's by Nelson Rockefeller whose was responsible for a number of fascist CIA coups in South America in the 1950's as well as infesting and permantly infiltrating our government with Zio-Nazi scum like Henry Kissinger who besides aiding Chile's Pinochet in the probable assasination of Allende and torture of Chjiean citizens,etc., was involved in the overthrow of the U.S.Constitution folowing 9/11 and replacement with the Michael Chertoff-Israeli 'Patriot Act'.So perhaps its only a coincidence that a Connecticut Monsigner of the Catholic Church racketeers in Zionist fascist Senator Joe Lieberman's corrupt state of Connecticut while others launder billions or trillions of stolen dollars from Wall Street criminal finace for Zionist causes and for their own offshore accounts including in and around Newtown,Connecticut such as Peter Lanza,et,al. of GE Capital and Ernst and Young,etc., -and the fact that nuns or men dressed as nuns as well as 'Father' Weiss of the Church of the Rose in Newtown appear in and around Sandy Hook as events were unfolding on December 14,2012 and that his own Catholic school and church have come under scrutiny as well as inconsistencies or lies told by Father Weiss regarding the events of that day.
Catholic Monsignors Robert Weiss and Wallin of perversion and vice ? While Adam Lanza attended the Newtown Catholic Saint Rose of Lima at a time a known Catholic pedophile priest was beuing given safe haven there where was Monsignor Weiss who was one of the first on the scene at Newtown Sandy Hook massacre coincidentally where the police at first acknowledged or their radio communications did,that possible shooters were dressed as nuns !? And note that the Bridgeport Monsignor traffics in the most toxic of chemical 'drugs' - methamphetamines and invests his profits in a sex shop called Land of Oz and Dorothy's Place !
FBI reveals drug-dealing Catholic priest bought a sex shop to ...
Daily Mail-2 hours ago
Trusted: Msgr Wallin served as the pastor at St. Augustine's in Bridgeport for nine years before taking a sabbatical in 2011 for health and ...
2010 Annual Bishop's Appeal Brochure
Monsignor Matthew Bernelli, St. Mary Parish, Bridgeport ... by Bishop MonsignorKevin W. Wallin, Saint Augustine Cathedral Parish, Bridgeport ... Please consult with your Monsignor Robert E. Weiss, Saint Rose of Lima Parish, Newtown ...
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — To onlookers, Monsignor Kevin Wallin's fall from grace at his Connecticut parish was like something out of "Breaking Bad," the television series about a high school chemistry teacher who becomes a methamphetamine lord.
The suspended Roman Catholic priest was arrested on federal drug charges this month for allegedly having methamphetamine mailed to him from co-conspirators in California and making more than $300,000 in drugs sales out of his apartment in Waterbury in the second half of last year.
Along the way, authorities said, he bought a small adult video and sex toy shop in the nearby town of North Haven named "Land of Oz & Dorothy's Place," apparently to launder all the money he was making. He has pleaded not guilty, and jury selection in his trial is scheduled to begin March 21.
Jan 1, 2013 – In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'aangirfan: SANDY HOOK NEWTOWN CONNECTICUT SHOOTINGS ...
Jan 1, 2013 – In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Sandy Hook kids made to sing SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW
21 posts - 6 authors - 5 days ago
As the article says, this is a popular MK ultra programming tool (Wizard of Oz). ...Sandy Hook is an area of Newtown. ... Place Like Home" [sic], and used to close their live shows with the song "Somewhere Over The Rainbow"...........................................
Jan 1, 2013 – Jim Solomon, linked to a 'child abuse' church? 2. A is for Author. Jim Solomons is the pastor in the video shown above. His church in Newtown ...political and science rhymes: Pastor Jim Solomon New Hope ...
Jan 1, 2013 – Pastor Jim Solomon New Hope Church,Sandy Hook Child Murders,Newtown CT
below quote from :
Perhaps the most startling link to a possible shooter is the MailOnline report entitled, I was first to see the Sandy Hook carnage: British clergyman describes agony of comforting parents as they asked: ‘Where’s my child?’.
This clergy member claims to be first on scene, raising considerable suspicion or adding provided cover for a likely militarized operation to carry out a covert agenda against the American populace to take away our 2nd Amendment rights granted to us by the US Constitution.
The article except reads;
- Rev Clive Calver went straight to the school after hearing of the shooting
- He was with parents as they heard that their children were among the dead
- He also held the funeral of only British victim six-year-old Dylan Hockley
A British clergyman has described how he was among the first on the scene of the Sandy Hook school shooting – and was with the families when they heard the news their children had died.Rev Clive Calver, who was born in London but now leads the Walnut Hill Community Church, in Conneticut, took the funeral of Dylan Hockley, the six-year-old British boy who was killed when crazed gunman Adam Lanza went on a rampage which left 20 children and six teachers dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School,Dylan, who suffered from autism, died cradled in the arms of his devoted special needs teacher Anne Marie Murphy who was also killed.
Wikipedia describes Clive Calver as;
Clive Calver (born 1949)[1] is an EvangelicalChristian leader, teacher, author and international speaker.[2][3][4] He is the senior pastor of Walnut Hill Community Church,Bethel, Connecticut. For seven years he was president of World Relief and he traveled around the world, ministering to the poor and networking with churches to follow after the teachings of Jesus Christ and bring help to those in need. Calver previously led the Evangelical Alliance of the United Kingdom and was a major spokesperson for Evangelicals on both sides of the Atlantic. It was during that time that Calver and his commentaries on current issues were featured often on the BBC. During the early 1970s, he founded and led the groundbreaking mission team “In the Name of Jesus” (ITNOJ), which included Graham Kendrick, Stephen Maxted, Steve and Cathy Coupe and Rob Buckridge among its members. He also went on to lead British Youth for Christ, and was heavily involved in the Spring Harvest series of Christian Conferences. He has also appeared on ABC’s Nightline, CNN, and National Public Radio. He has authored twenty books and has been published in many national and local print media. He married Ruth Kirby, daughter of Gilbert Kirby, the principal of London Bible College that both he and Ruth attended.
wolfblitzzer0: Newtown Sandy Hook,CT.,and Catholic Pedophile ... days ago – And just who was the armed tacticle police officer who was from another.... ... WhenWeiss heard that the shooting had occurred at Sandy Hook, less ... aangirfan: SANDY HOOK; TURF WAR; JEWISH COUPLE; LANZA ... days ago – Sandy Hook Truth asks How Are St. Rose Of Lima School And Church... "News 12 Connecticut aired video of police storming into a school and ... "It is a Roman Catholic Church with an adjacent school, which Lanza attended briefly. ..."When Weiss heard that the shooting had occurred at Sandy Hook, less ...How Are St. Rose Of Lima School And Church Connected to Sandy ...;read...4 days ago – News 12 Connecticut aired video of police storming into a school and ... It is a Roman Catholic Church with an adjacent school, which Lanza attended briefly. ...Monsignor Weiss of St. Rose church was reportedly at the scene of the ..................................
I recently came across a short news clip from the afternoon/evening of the Sandy Hook elementary shootings. News 12 Connecticut aired video of police storming into a school and then captions appeared “shooting in Newtown earlier today”. The problem is, the school shown in the video was not Sandy Hook elementary. It was St. Rose of Lima school, about a mile away from Sandy Hook school. How did this happen?........
I also found this:
It’s not clear whether there actually was a threat or if, like many tragedies, whether it was a hoax or the result of a community on edge.
At least a dozen police in camouflage SWAT gear and carrying guns arrived at the St. Rose of Lima Church. An Associated Press photographer saw police leave carrying something in a red tarp. (???)
Guns drawn, they searched the church and adjacent buildings. After about an hour, police still kept onlookers back but were no longer carrying drawn guns and appeared much more relaxed than the tense period after their arrival.There was no official report from police about the threat or evacuation.Gunman Adam Lanza, his mother and eight of the child victims attended St. Rose of Lima. It is a Roman Catholic Church with an adjacent school, which Lanza attended briefly.Were they trying to suggest that Lanza had help? That someone else was continuing to threaten this community? What is the connection between the video blunder and the “actual” raid of the church that morning?Monsignor Weiss of St. Rose church was reportedly at the scene of the school shooting almost immediately after shots were fired.On Friday morning, Weiss was working in his office when he received a call from authorities to lock down the school at St. Rose. There had been a school shooting. Weiss left the rectory and walked 100 yards to the church, where students were gathered for regular Friday morning Mass. Weiss interrupted the priest who was officiating and told him to stop and keep the students inside the church.When Weiss heard that the shooting had occurred at Sandy Hook, less than a mile away, he grabbed two other priests from St. Rose, and they rode in Weiss’s BMW to the school. Three priests in clergy collars were a welcome sight.“I’m so glad you’re here,” said the police officer who flagged them through the secured perimeter.When Weiss pulled up, he saw teachers organizing students into lines in the parking lot. The second-grade teacher held up a sign that said two, and the third-grade teacher held up a sign that said three. And the students — who had been told to close their eyes while they evacuated the building to avoid seeing the carnage as they rushed past — obediently began forming lines.Not every child was there. Some had run into the woods when they heard the shots. A few had run home. And some were inside the school.Frantic parents were arriving. Children burst from their lines upon seeing their mother or father, while parents ran toward the lines.Reunion after reunion whittled the lines down, leaving only parents, empty-handed and desperate. They were taken to the nearby firehouse where the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company operated.I don’t want to nit-pick but this story (like most pertaining to this event) is contrary to what Monsignor Weiss reported in a separate interview. He described how he walked into the fire station, the children ran over to him crying and then the teachers lined the kids up to take attendance … there at the fire station, not at the school as described above.......
Sandy Hook Shooters Described by Officials as ‘Members of the Clergy’
The Sandy Hook investigation gets even deeper as new evidence has no surfaced that the corporate controlled traitor media (including CNN’s host Anderson Cooper) still refuses to cover.
NEWTOWN — It turns out everything has been reporting about the involvement of multiple shooters disguised as “nuns” has come to pass as the situation gets even grimmer.
It has now been brought to our attention that the shooters were identified by authorities as being dressed like members of the clergy, ‘definitely dressed in black clothing’ according to officials.
The following is a transcript of the above video:
- 0:0:1 – clergy
- 0:34 – that he was defiantly dressed in black
- 0:38 – there is just as a member of the clergy
- 0:41 – the actually they thought he was a minister
- 1:43 – there was a masked man that just started shooting started shooting
- 1:51 – I don’t know how he got in
- 1:52 – every time you come you have to ring a bell from the office
- 1:54 – I don’t know who let him in if it’s somebody they knew
Another analysis reveals that there were possibly 2 nun outfits were discarded at the scene of the crime. The video also shows why the shooters chose to enter the school from the location they did as they were possibly impervious to some cameras and the classrooms from that vantage point.
The two nuns that were actually on scene were in my opinion planted as a diversion if for instance official police radio chatter audio was to surface identifying the shooters as possibly being disguised as nuns.
The nuns looked rather official wearing badges and all. However, local residents claim they have never seen such nuns or attire in any local church.
Lt, Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police was also somehow involved in the Active-Shooter segment that was taking place simultaneously with the realtime shooting as reported by in various reports.
There has been some evidence uncovered and some information uncovered that our investigators have been able to put their hands on.
I don’t have definitive information we’re ready to publicize at this point in the investigation.” The sheriff also admits a crisis team is at a nearby hospital.
Perhaps the most startling link to a possible shooter is the MailOnline report entitled, I was first to see the Sandy Hook carnage: British clergyman describes agony of comforting parents as they asked: ‘Where’s my child?’.
This clergy member claims to be first on scene, raising considerable suspicion or adding provided cover for a likely militarized operation to carry out a covert agenda against the American populace to take away our 2nd Amendment rights granted to us by the US Constitution.
The article except reads;
- Rev Clive Calver went straight to the school after hearing of the shooting
- He was with parents as they heard that their children were among the dead
- He also held the funeral of only British victim six-year-old Dylan Hockley
A British clergyman has described how he was among the first on the scene of the Sandy Hook school shooting – and was with the families when they heard the news their children had died.Rev Clive Calver, who was born in London but now leads the Walnut Hill Community Church, in Conneticut, took the funeral of Dylan Hockley, the six-year-old British boy who was killed when crazed gunman Adam Lanza went on a rampage which left 20 children and six teachers dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School,Dylan, who suffered from autism, died cradled in the arms of his devoted special needs teacher Anne Marie Murphy who was also killed.
Wikipedia describes Clive Calver as;
Clive Calver (born 1949)[1] is an EvangelicalChristian leader, teacher, author and international speaker.[2][3][4] He is the senior pastor of Walnut Hill Community Church,Bethel, Connecticut. For seven years he was president of World Relief and he traveled around the world, ministering to the poor and networking with churches to follow after the teachings of Jesus Christ and bring help to those in need. Calver previously led the Evangelical Alliance of the United Kingdom and was a major spokesperson for Evangelicals on both sides of the Atlantic. It was during that time that Calver and his commentaries on current issues were featured often on the BBC. During the early 1970s, he founded and led the groundbreaking mission team “In the Name of Jesus” (ITNOJ), which included Graham Kendrick, Stephen Maxted, Steve and Cathy Coupe and Rob Buckridge among its members. He also went on to lead British Youth for Christ, and was heavily involved in the Spring Harvest series of Christian Conferences. He has also appeared on ABC’s Nightline, CNN, and National Public Radio. He has authored twenty books and has been published in many national and local print media. He married Ruth Kirby, daughter of Gilbert Kirby, the principal of London Bible College that both he and Ruth attended.
Calver appears to be an embedded member of the media and a possible government or CIA sponsored shill.
Another interesting aspect of the case is that Lauren Rousseau’s car was riddled with bullet holes that the media reports as assault rifle rounds being fired from inside the school.
However, the photos and images suggest that the bullet holes are pistol rounds signifying a possible gun battle taking place in the parking lot of the school.
An open independent investigation can be found between the following links:
- (Updated) Evidence: Sandy Hook School Shooting Staged by Factions of US Government and Mainstream Media?
- Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter Drill Confirmed by Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of False Flag Operation
- Sandy Hook Shooting Suspects ‘Last Seen on Stony Hill… Multiple People in a Van with Masks… One Appears to be Dressed in a Nun Outfit’
Shepard Ambellas is the founder & director of (a popular alternative news website), researcher, investigative journalist, radio talk show host, and filmmaker.
Follow Shepard on Twitter/NotForSale2NWO.
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Please feel free to checkout (An Ambellas & Bermas Film).
Newtown Police: 'Two Occupants with Ski Masks, One ... - TheIntelHub 23, 2012 – Shepard Ambellas | Now evidence has come forth confirming school staff reports that the shooters were disguised group of nuns in a shocking ...Televised News Broadcast on Day of Sandy Hook ... - TheIntelHub 16, 2013 – | As reported earlier by the ... There were two nuns spotted on scene along with two possible nun outfits left at ...(Updated) Evidence: Sandy Hook School Shooting ... - TheIntelHub 9, 2013 – Two unidentified nuns leave the scene of the aftermath at Sandy ... Please send all information and tips to as we will be ...
Note: The following transcript is timestamped from the code on the actual videoimage displayed not the YouTube time counter.
11:13:33 am - Be advised that the suspect has a carry permit.11:16:57 - Last seen on Stony Hill by exit 8, multiple people in a van with masks on, one appears to be dressed in a nun outfit.11:29:43 - Last seen by exit 8 on 84, unknown plate, unknown travel direction, possibly involved in shooting, use caution there may be a weapon involved.11:31:35 - I am in the school, I can confirm the school has been checked three times over and they are doing a fourth.11:38:25 - “I’m transporting him over to Newtown PD.” – (Question: Who is him? Possibly another suspect?)11:38:38 - Vehicle showing expired as of yesterday, 2011 Chevy???11:40 - Going down the ramp on the main road 11:40:55 drew, if you can ucom 33, regarding the “situation”.
Intense police audio from the day of the shooting points to a deeper more sophisticated type of operation.
January 15, 2013
January 15, 2013
In the weeks since the seemingly horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, numerous inconsistenciesand outright frauds have been detailed in regards to the actual facts surrounding the mass shooting.
Never before has a story been so hard to cover. Dozens of independent news outlets and journalists who are usually right on the mark have either gone completely silent or fell victim to the psychological manipulation that was the Sandy Hook mass shooting and. by doing so, have refused to cover discrepancies that simply cannot be ignored.
From active shooter drills, to multiple suspects in what can only be described as extremely strange clothing, the facts surrounding this case, at the very least, require further investigation.
Below are a few quotes from the over 2 hour long video of police scanner audio from the Newtown area on the the day of the shooting. It further paints a picture as to what may have actually happened that day.
If you haven’t read the two articles below, we suggest you start with them.
If you still do not believe false flag terror is a possibility in America, you can read a recent report on Operation Gladio which details the 100% fact that the CIA has indeed been involved in numerous acts of false flag terror.
Note: The following transcript is timestamped from the code on the actual videoimage displayed not the YouTube time counter.
11:13:33 am - Be advised that the suspect has a carry permit.11:16:57 - Last seen on Stony Hill by exit 8, multiple people in a van with masks on, one appears to be dressed in a nun outfit.11:29:43 - Last seen by exit 8 on 84, unknown plate, unknown travel direction, possibly involved in shooting, use caution there may be a weapon involved.11:31:35 - I am in the school, I can confirm the school has been checked three times over and they are doing a fourth.11:38:25 - “I’m transporting him over to Newtown PD.” – (Question: Who is him? Possibly another suspect?)11:38:38 - Vehicle showing expired as of yesterday, 2011 Chevy???11:40 - Going down the ramp on the main road 11:40:55 drew, if you can ucom 33, regarding the “situation”.
- Evidence: Sandy Hook School Shooting Staged by Factions of US Government and Mainstream Media?
- Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter Drill Confirmed by Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of False ...
- Sandy Hook Police Audio Confirms Multiple Shooters on the Scene
- Sandy Hook: Aleister Crowley, Interview Freak-Show, Police Audio
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