Barack Obama,CT.Joe Lieberman's Israel Allie Avigdor Liebeman tied to Stasi member Martin Schlaff ,
Prostitution, U.S.penny stock money launderers Grinshpon Brothers
My first 'introduction' to Austrian Jewish billionaire and Stasi Nazi Martin Schlaff was due to a U.S. penny
stock fraud and money laundering operation called Endovasc that used a Stanford patent from the con artists
Stanford University professors Chris Heeschen and John Cooke to use nicotine for blood vessel formation in the year 2000.Curiously on and around 9/11 when all stocks were collapsing this fraud went up 500% from around 3 cents to 25 before collapsing back dow to nothing again.Two offshore corporations caled Balmore Funds and Celeste held many of its worthless shares in the Caymans and some was in Israel,etc..Also there was James Dale Davidson founder of CIA and Rothschild connected Agora Inc of Baltimore and the National Taxpayers Union near the SEC headquarters in Alexandria,Virginia involved as well as a banker named David P Summers of Virginia and Maryland banking and penny stock fraud who claimed to reside in Montgomery,Texas and hid his Beltway banking and money laundering activities.Last I heard he was doing 'business' as Virginia Heritage Bank.
As it turned out Balmore and Celeste was connected to Schlaff by way of the infamous Grin brothers of Israel by way of the Ukraine who a while back bragged of having the ear and more of Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro and this was probably true as his SEC until recently under Chairwoman Mary Schapiro continues to protect them and Barack Obama's biggest backer Goldman Sahs was backing their PetroAlgae penny stock fraud and money laundering for Israel op.
Although most Americans don't know of Martin Schlaff and his U.S.opearationss and frauds against them they should.Even possible murder supicions have been raised against Martin Schlaff in regards to his ex business partner Obstfeld.Martin Schlaff was also a supporter and 'business' partner to Libya's Moamar Gaddafi until he and his Zionist allies turned on him,etc.
Eugene David and Abraham Grin or Grinshpon have been allowed as so many far right Israel government connected Jews to run frauds and steal American dollars for their offhore including Israeli accounts for decades thanks to scum in our government who dare call thenmselves Americans !Their frauds are also Martin Schlaff's frauds as well as the deceased Obsterfeld mentioned below,
A friend of the Obstfeld family told Haaretz on Sunday that Obstfeld, 55, was murdered as the result of a conflict with an Israeli rabbi who had cast a "pulsa denura" death curse on Obstfeld.
According to the police investigation, no ladder or chair was found near the spot from which Obstfeld plunged to his death, a fact that bolsters the family's belief that he was murdered.
At this point, however, it does not appear that police are taking the family's suspicions seriously.
Many in New York's Jewish community are wondering whether a devout Orthodox father of five would take his own life.......
The New York Daily News reported that Obstfeld was connected with former Israeli prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert and also had ties with Austrian businessman Martin Schlaff, who attended Obstfeld's funeral.
Israeli police suspect Schlaff of having bribed Sharon and want to question him.
It has also been reported that Olmert visited Obstfeld's office two weeks before Obstfeld's death.
Honorable Robert B. Propst, United States District Judge - Court of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewSolomon Obstfeld, Eugene Grin, Samuel Rothman, and Global Equities & Realty, ...Obstfeld, Grin, and Rothman on or about September 15, 1995. Global ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 PetroAlgae opens D.C. office Washington ... ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewMay 19, 2009 – “These three talented individuals will lead PetroAlgae's discussions with the Obama. Administration, Members of Congress and others in ...
Obama's Stimulus Keeps the Solar Power Dream Alive for Start-ups ... › News
Mar 9, 2009 – Florida where the Grin brothers of Israel's Petroalgae scam is ... are in turn connected to Austrian Jewish billionaire Martin Schlaff who is part of ..The Schlaff Saga / Laundered funds & 'business' ties to the Stasi ...
Sep 7, 2010 – In Austria, Martin Schlaff has long been identified with the Social ... of the meeting gave Schlaff the code name “Landgraf” and the registration ...Charles Schwab,Virginia Senator George Allen,Balmore Fund ...
Oct 20, 2006 – I believe Balmore Fund and Celeste Trust were major beneficiaries of that ..... family trust of Martin Schlaff, a billionaire Austrian businessman and one ...Schlaff also controls Balmore, a British Virgin Islands-based hedge fund ...UK Indymedia - U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War ...
Apr 9, 2007 – One of Schlaff's companies used in the PIPE market was Balmore, a British ... Martin Schlaff, and Austrian billionaire and friend of Sharon, ...It should come as no surprise that a 'man', or white scumbag,like Avigdor Lieberman who began his 'career' as a strip club bouncer in Russia and migrated to Israel to pretend he is a 'Semite' shoud get his wealth and clout to become Benjamin's Netenyahu's Finance Minister by his association with ex East German Stasi agent Martin Schlaff who unfortunately also for whatever reason has greater influence in the U.S. than most or any Americans outside the far right Washingtion,D.C.elite would know.Paradoxically if disclosures from the former Stasi files are real and not just propaganda for the western NATO allies,it appears that MartinSchlaff, a Jew,used the Stasi for his and Jewish partners' personal financial and political gain just as pre WWII ZIONISTS DID in the time of Hitler ! They and thus he profited from terrorizing Jews remaining in East Germany after the fall of the Nazis and rise of the East German Communist Stasi Party ! And while the Israeli far right has pretended to keep a distance from him even though his parents reside in Israel,they have greatly benefitted and profited from his political and financial connections straetching from Germany to Russia and around the gflobe - INCLUDING the U.S. itself !
HellasFrappe : Stasi - And The Cold War in Germany Decoded
13 hours ago by Hellas Frappe
The Stasi labeled Jews as capitalists and criminals.Gypsies .... Martin Schlaff, According to the German parliament's investigations, the Austrian billionaire's Stasicodename was “Landgraf” and registration number "3886-86".
Interesting history on the rise of the Israeli far-Right ... › Discuss
12 posts - 7 authors - Mar 13, 2007
Martin Schlaff's apparent financier of far-Right Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman - and finally, the potential for a crisis in Israel's democracy ...
Posted By Joshua Keating
Monday, February 23, 2009 - 3:12 PM
U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman was in Israel over the weekend where he got the chance to meet withhis namesake, right-wing politician and recent electoral kingmaker Avigdor Lieberman. Joe says he wanted to meet with Avigdor because "he will play an important role in the next government so it's important that we in the US get to know him well." But as the senator well knows, the controversial Israel Beiteinu leader is auditioning for the job of foreign minister and a meeting with a high-profile U.S. politician can only help his cause, and undermine negotiation efforts......................
But the Netanyahus are not Yaniv's only target. He also tells the story of how Avigdor Lieberman corrupted a police officer to bring down the commander in charge of his money-laundering investigation and how he got Yaakov Neeman appointed as justice minister, to bring in a new attorney general, Yehuda Weinstein, who would cancel the indictment against him. (Yaniv calls Weinstein "the Kosher consigliere" in a clip with images and music from "The Godfather" in the background.) In the same video (with an over-18 warning), Yaniv also mentions how Lieberman regularly visits Vienna and goes to the city's finest brothel with his old buddy and casino-owner Martin Schlaff, who has also come under investigation in Israel for his ties to leading politicians...........
Barack Obama,CT.Joe Lieberman's Israel Allie Avigdor Liebeman tied to Stasi member Martin Schlaff ,
Prostiuttion, U.S.penny stock money launderers Grinshpon Brothers
Profile: Netanyahu: Israel's uncontended ruler
Global Times-22 hours ago
... and in March 2010, while US Vice President Joe Biden was visiting ... it is safe to say that Netanyahu and his new ally, Avigdor Lieberman ...
Obama Touts Israeli-Developed Solar Company BrightSource ... › Cleantech, Science & Technology
Oct 4, 2010 – To support his agenda, Obama pointed out the importance of the ...Florida where the Grin brothers of Israel's Petroalgae scam is officially ...The Real Reason For The PetroAlgae IPO - Forbes 21, 2010 – Now brothers Eugene and David Grin, who have run Laurus since 2001, are ... The proposed PetroAlgae initial public offering is crucial for the Grins. .... any better than Barack Osama Obama can connect the dots of ICTS ...Brightsource,Petroalgae,Obama and Goldman Sachs - Israel ... 14, 2010 – Israel National News: Brightsource,Petroalgae,Obama and Goldman Sachs ... Florida where the Grin brothers of Israel's Petroalgae scam is ...
Conflict diamonds, Israeli settlements and the Lieberman-Gertler ...
Jan 15, 2011 – ... be an Austrian businessman named Martin Schlaff, who is also suspected ... and a cabinet minister: from about NIS [Israeli new shekel] 1 million in 1999 .... According to research done by Adalah-NY, Leviev's investment in ...The Schlaff saga - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Sep 7, 2010 – Austrian billionaire Martin Schlaff has long-time connections to Israeli ...Haim Schlaff, Martin's ultra-Orthodox father, who died shortly before the ... Jew and the Schlaff family's partner in its real estate businesses in New York.The mysterious death of an Orthodox Jewish millionaire – murder or ...
Jun 21, 2010 – The New York medical examiner ruled Solomon Obstfeld's June 9 death... Olmert and also had ties with Austrian businessman Martin Schlaff, ...Shady, 'thuggish' mogul Solomon Obstfeld ran with powerful pals, no ... 18, 2010 – Businessman Solomon Obstfeld (pictured with his family second from l.) ... Schlaff's brother James invested in the Hello Living condo project in ...More results for solomon obstfeldMartin Schlaff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and his brother James took over the commercial firm Robert Placzek AG. .... In June 2010 Schlaff's NYC business partner, Solomon Obstfeld, who ran LH ...More results for solomon obstfeldThe World According to AmericanGoy: A tale of two suicides 22, 2010 – The medical examiner has ruled Solomon Obstfeld's June 9 death a suicide. ... Title: Police recommend indicting Sharon brothers for fraud.In June 2010 Schlaff's NYC business partner, Solomon Obstfeld, who ran LH Financial, was found dead in an apparent suicide or murder.
Criminal charges against Badian - OffshoreAlert › Forum › Old Message BoardAlso got information from old case that mentiones Eugene Grin, Sholam Weiss, .....Limited, Soreq, Inc., Silenus Limited, Mary Park Properties, L.H. Financial ...
Motion to Dismiss - District Court of Connecticut - TURNER & CO., LLC, KCM Group, LLC, Keshet Fund, L.P., Nesher, Ltd., Talbiya B. Investments Ltd., Balmore Funds, S.A., David Grin, LH Financial Services ...
The Next Level :: View topic - Mary Helburn,Anti-Naked Shorting ... › ... › General Discussion15 posts - 4 authors - Jul 20, 2010These are people the Grin brothers of PetroAlgae and so many stock ... Bawag also has a financial interest in LH Financial Services Corp., ...
Obstfeld, LH Financial owner, "kills himself" - OffshoreAlert 13, 2011 – Obstfeld, principle of LH Financial and pal of Martin Schlaff kills himself (?) ... Petroalgae - that's Laurus/Valens etc, not LH, as far as I know. ... Obstfeld was also a business partner of Eugene Grin at one time (of Laurus/Valens), ...wolfblitzzer0: Charles Schwab,Thomas Stern,Jonathan Feldman ... 29, 2012 – kind of person with her Isreali Grin brothers penny stock fraud connections,that ..... Matthew Goldstein re BAWAG, Schlaff, LH Financial etc . ... has been the penny stock PetroAlgae that uses the idea of algae as an altrernative ...
The Schlaff Saga / Laundered funds & 'business' ties to the Stasi
Schlaff is considered very daring in business, a man who takes great risks and has succeeded in refining to an art the alliance between wealth and government, and not just in his home country. Israeli attorney Ram Caspi describes him as 'a sophisticated and tough businessman,' adding that Schlaff combines 'Austrian squareness and Jewish cunning.'
In addition to the cell-phone businesses, Schlaff holds huge real estate assets, some in the United States. He is involved in the gas trade in Eastern Europe and is the main shareholder in RHI, one of the world's largest manufacturers of fireproof materials (metals, ceramics and so on ). A few months ago he established a bank in Liechtenstein called Sygma, and in recent years he has also invested in various computer and Internet ventures...........
In June 1982, at a time when most of Europe was preoccupied with the World Cup competition taking place in Spain, an official car was making its way from East Berlin to Schoenefeld Airport, then the principal airfield in East Germany. In it sat Schlaff and “X,” the director of an East Berlin import-export company. During the ride in the car, X later testified to East German authorities, Schlaff gave him an envelope with 5,000 deutsche marks in it. “I put the money in the glove compartment,” he related, “and I hid it in my garage at home.”
Shortly before that meeting, X had gone to Vienna, where he met with Schlaff at the Robert Placzek company offices. During the meeting Schlaff asked him and a colleague if they needed money for shopping. Both men replied in the affirmative and received 20,000 Austrian schillings in cash. One described to interrogators what he had bought with the help of the gift: “Two pairs of trousers, clothes for my children, T-shirts, one summer suit, and for the wife, Carrera sunglasses.”
In documents from East German archives that have come into Haaretz’s possession, among them Stasi records from the early 1980s, Schlaff is described as a junior executive at the Robert Placzek company, a man in his early 30s and a lover of hunting, especially of wild boar. In June 1982, he had a number of meetings with representatives of the East German regime. They were lodged, claimed the Germans, in the Hilton in Vienna and all their expenses were covered by the host.
In March 1986, Schlaff, together with one of his partners, attended a meeting with three East German businessmen in a hotel in Zagreb. In the book “Seduced by Secrets: Inside the Stasi’s Spy-tech World,” by historian Kristie Macrakis, there is a description of the project discussed at that Zagreb meeting: establishment of a production plant for computer hard disks in East Germany. At the time, the Western allies were united in an embargo on trade with the country. According to Macrakis, the three businessmen were in fact senior officials in the Stasi, who at the end of the meeting gave Schlaff the code name “Landgraf” and the registration number 3886-86.
The officers “were impressed with Schlaff,” she writes, “his extensive holdings, his various companies, and his access to the needed America technology.” According to Macrakis, Schlaff was supposed to “build a factory in a suburb of Vienna, but the components would be bought in duplicate − one set would stay in Vienna, the other would be smuggled to the East German factory,” under the radar of the Western authorities.
But the Netanyahus are not Yaniv's only target. He also tells the story of how Avigdor Lieberman corrupted a police officer to bring down the commander in charge of his money-laundering investigation and how he got Yaakov Neeman appointed as justice minister, to bring in a new attorney general, Yehuda Weinstein, who would cancel the indictment against him. (Yaniv calls Weinstein "the Kosher consigliere" in a clip with images and music from "The Godfather" in the background.) In the same video (with an over-18 warning), Yaniv also mentions how Lieberman regularly visits Vienna and goes to the city's finest brothel with his old buddy and casino-owner Martin Schlaff, who has also come under investigation in Israel for his ties to leading politicians. |
So far in this election season, the party with the best viral campaign -- featuring carefully thought-out and well-produced videos that have been watched by hundreds of thousands of Israelis -- is a party that none of the polls, if they mention them at all, have crossing the electoral threshold.
Eretz Hadasha (New Land), the party founded earlier this year by former political consultant Eldad Yaniv and a bunch of friends, mainly from Tel Aviv's filmmaking community, is devoted to ousting the power of big money in Israeli politics. In an earlier incarnation, the party called itself the National Left, and for the last three years it sought to present a platform that was both unabashedly liberal and proudly Zionist......
The series opens with a detailed description of how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walks around with wads of unmarked dollar bills in his socks, which he uses to pay for various off-the-book political and personal expenses.
Netanyahu and his wife feature prominently in the videos, in which Yaniv details how Sara Netanyahu sometimes forces her husband to sit outside the prime minister's residence, how she controls his schedule and appointments (he apparently uses his late father's house in Jerusalem for meetings he hides from her) and how she claims to have appointed the new Shin Bet chief.
But the Netanyahus are not Yaniv's only target. He also tells the story of how Avigdor Lieberman corrupted a police officer to bring down the commander in charge of his money-laundering investigation and how he got Yaakov Neeman appointed as justice minister, to bring in a new attorney general, Yehuda Weinstein, who would cancel the indictment against him. (Yaniv calls Weinstein "the Kosher consigliere" in a clip with images and music from "The Godfather" in the background.) In the same video (with an over-18 warning), Yaniv also mentions how Lieberman regularly visits Vienna and goes to the city's finest brothel with his old buddy and casino-owner Martin Schlaff, who has also come under investigation in Israel for his ties to leading politicians.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Yaniv's old boss, is another target. At the height of Operation Pillar of Defense, which Yaniv claimed was launched for cynical political purposes, he recounted how, in 2000, when Barak was struggling to remain prime minister, he asked him to check whether assassinating Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti would give him a boost in the polls.
Another favorite target is Ofer Eini, the secretary-general of the Histadrut labor federation who has major influence within Labor and also Likud, and whom Yaniv says is an inveterate poker-player whose gambling debts are paid for by shadowy benefactors.
The videos are wildly popular on the Web but have been downplayed by some of the popular media. Israel's biggest news website, Ynet, and its owner mass tabloid Yedioth Ahronoth, have not mentioned him at all. In the latest video, No. 10, Yaniv explains why: Yedioth's proprietor, Arnon "Noni" Mozes, is terrified that Yaniv is about to reveal how he allegedly controls politicians, law and treasury officials and the owners of Israel's largest banks by threatening negative publicity against them in his media empire.
What is the veracity of these allegations? Yaniv claims to be speaking from personal knowledge and he has certainly been around the block. Meanwhile, none of his main targets have responded to these allegations or challenged them with libel suits.
Yaniv promises that as MKs, he and his partners would serve as an opposition force and use parliamentary privilege and Knesset committee powers to summon and cross-examine all the links in corrupt networks, and to break the power of money over politics. But so far Eretz Hadasha has failed to make a mark in the polls. (Yaniv probably believes the polling companies are too afraid to include him in their surveys.)
It is impossible to gauge whether the party has any electoral potential and its leaders have promised that, if on the eve of elections, the polls show they have no chance of getting into the next Knesset, they will withdraw, rather than wasting potential opposition votes. But even if it fails at the ballot box, Eretz Hadasha can claim at least one achievement -- leaving many Israelis incapable of looking at their prime minister without thinking of the dollar bills stashed in his socks weighing him down.
By Ralph Forbes
Israeli Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman, a particularly nasty piece of work, was forced to resign on December 18 afterbeing charged with fraud, just weeks before the Israeli elections.
Earlier in the year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Lieberman had announced the merger of their rival political parties, Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu, to run together on a single ballot in Israel’s upcoming January 22, 2013 general elections.
After 16 years of investigations of accepting bribes, the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars, money laundering, setting up a network of shell companies, aggravated fraud, graft and witness tampering, Israel’s Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein decided to indict Lieberman only on lesser charges of fraud and breach of trust, which resulted from Lieberman receiving privileged information passed to him by Ze’ev Ben Aryeh, Israel’s ambassador to Belarus in 2008. Ben Aryeh had warned Lieberman that there was a criminal investigation into his business dealings abroad. Lieberman reportedly flushed documents down the toilet and then promoted the ambassador twice.
Barack Obama,CT.Joe Lieberman's Israel Allie Avigdor Liebeman tied to Stasi member Martin Schlaff ,
Prostiuttion, U.S.penny stock money launderers Grinshpon Brothers
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