Major Radiation Emergency Los Angeles
- Newsroom
- - Feb 03, 2016
A leaking natural gas well is spewing LETHAL LEVELS of naturally-occurring Uranium, Radon and other radioactive materials into the air around Los Angeles. Parts of the city may be "uninhabitable" for years!
In October, 2015, a gas well began leaking in the Aliso Canyon gas storage field, in the Porter Ranch area of Los Angeles. Now, it has been revealed that naturally-occurring radiation from ground Uranium, has also been spewing out of that leaking well and so much has come out, that the situation constitutes a "Massive Radiation Emergency." The photo below shows how severe the well is leaking. The photo is INFRA-RED so you can see the otherwise invisible gas:

As you can see from the image above, the leak is huge, and the plume of gas stretches literally for MILES above heavily populated and wealthy areas of Los Angeles.
Southern California Gas is trying to seal the leak, but things aren't going as planned. Below is a graphic showing how the Company hopes to seal the leak:

The trouble is that the volume of gas is coming out so forcefully, it has been described as being "like a volcano" and all efforts to shut the leak down have thus far failed. Sadly, those efforts have only served to "destabilize the well" causing other leaks to begin in other areas of the gas field. Late last week, officials described the leak as "totally out of control."
According to experts from the International Association for Protection from Ionizing Rays (AIPRI) in France, lethal levels of naturally-occurring radiation are coming out of the well and people will die from that radiation.
The “methane” coming out of the well is usually called Natural Gas. It normally contains “natural radioactive materials” that are made in the inside of exploding stars. They are things like Uranium 238 and Radon which have been here since the planet was formed. They are in the very dirt of the Earth and thus are in natural gas, naturally. You can’t have one without the other.
AIPRI notes the rogue well is spewing huge amounts of Natural Gas and about1.91 Curie an hour maximum of natural radioactive material in the natural gas. Not much, you think? That is about 45.95 Curies per day. It is a really, really big leak of natural gas and the radiation it always carries.
A Curie is a unit of measure used in the United States to describe very large radioactive releases easily and this is a very big radioactive release.
The French Becquerel is a much more human sized unit of measure for radiation. One Becquerel is one Radioactive Disintegration (Count) per Second.One Curie equals 37 Billion Becquerels or Radioactive Counts per Second.One point Seven Trillion Becquerels per day spew from the Natural Gas well.That’s a number with a bunch of Zeros – a real Fukushima-class disaster number, right here in the USA.
From Europe, AIPRI finds:
“In 80 days of viscous and gaseous fumes at a breakneck pace of 1.7 million m3 per day (1115 tons per day at a rate of 46 tons per hour escape from the underground storage), 136 million m3Natural gas dispersed in the air could carry with them having TBq 301.24 (3,01E14 Bq) is 8.14 KCI natural radioactivity for respirable (breathable) emanation of 12.060 Million Sieverts is equivalent 2.41 million potential lethal doses by inhalation according to the same dose coefficients from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).”
Recently, however, officials in California began to publicly acknowledge that the amount of gas spewing from the well had been dramatically under-estimated. In fact, officials now admit that THREE TIMES AS MUCH GAS has been leaking as originally thought!
Using the same analysis from the AIPRI and the ICRP but with the newest numbers as to the amount of gas leaking, AIPRI amended their report to say the following:
If the leak, as it is now admitted, is actually 3 timesgreater i.e. 5.1 million m3 of effluent per day (3346 tons per day), with the same content per meter cube of radon 222 the natural radionuclides contained in the underground gas would skyrocket to 30.75 MBq (3.53 mCi) per second, of 470.69 GBq (12,72 Ci) per hour, 11.30 TBq (305.31 Ci) per day for an excursion in 90 days 1.02 PBq (27,48 KCi) a dispersion of 40.7 million Sieverts representing 8.14 million lethal doses by inhalation.
What it all means is it is time for people in LA and the San Fernando Valley to get out of town. All the homes in the path of the gas leak are now contaminated with radiation. It is on the roofs, on the sidewalks, the grass, the furniture in the backyards, children's swings, sliding ponds, play toys and sand boxes outside. It has drifted INSIDE those homes via open windows. It's on the floor where you walk into the house, on the chairs where you sit (after it fell on your clothes outside as you walked into the house). It's on your pillows in bed, after radiation got onto your hair outside, and on your bed sheets, from exposed body parts where radiation fell on them outside. It's everywhere.

Natural Gas can explode if exposed to an ignition source like a pilot light on a stove or in a hot water heater. Less likely is a spark from a light switch, or a bad distributor cap or spark plug wire in a car.
Those of you who have seen stories in the past about "gas explosions" in homes or buildings, know that such explosions are utterly devastating. The photo below shows the results of a single home exploding in Indianapolis, IN. The explosion destroyed thirty (30) homes!

This is what Chatsworth, Northridge and Granada Hills will look like if the gas plume floating above those homes, ignites! The only difference will be that the entire communities would be flattened, not just a few homes. The deaths and injuries from such an event would be mind-boggling, yet people are not being told how dangerous this leak is, and many are remaining in the area!
Why the public in Los Angeles is not being told this by authorities is simple to understand: They don't want a panic on their hands and, more importantly, they don't want business and industry to be shut down, costing jobs and billions in tax revenues to be lost.
Put simply, it is better for the government to keep you in the dark to collect tax money than it is for them to admit what's happening, have you leave, and thus cut-off their cash from your labor. The fact that many of you will die is really not important to them.
Don't believe us? Buy your own little Geiger Counter and take some readings yourself. Folks in the area where this gas is blowing will see radiation counts exceeding 2,000 counts-per-minute. In some cases, exceeding that by many times. Then ask the California Highway Patrol what their criteria is for a "Radiation Emergency?" They'll tell you "Any reading of 500 Counts-Per-Minute CPM or higher is considered a radiation emergency." It's been their protocol for years. Same thing with the LA Fire Department. Ask them. They'll tell you...........................................
"Fukushima Class Disaster" - L.A. Gas Leak Spewing Lethal Levels Of Breathable Nuclear Material
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/05/2016 22:00 -0500
In a breaking development that has been completely ignored by mainstream news sources, the leaking natural gas well near Los Angeles, California is now reportedly spewing lethal levels of radioactive material, according to a report from Steve Quayle and a group with expertise in nuclear material.
A leaking natural gas well outside Los Angeles is spewing so much naturally-occurring Uranium and Radon, that “breathable” radiation levels have hit “lethal levels” according to a Nuclear Expert group.
Hal Turner of Super Station 95 reports that the well is releasing 1.91 Curies (Ci) of radiation per hour.
This rogue well is spewing huge amounts of natural gas and about 1.91 curies an hour of natural radioactive material in the natural gas… 1.91 curies an hour is about 45.9 curies per day… It’s a really, really big leak.A curie is a unit of measure in the U.S. to describe very large radioactive releases.
The French utilize a unit of measure called a Becquerel to measure radiation levels. A single Becquerel measures the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.
To put things into perspective, Turner explains that a single Curie is equivalent to about 37 Billion Becquerels (Bq) of radiation:
A Becquerel is a much more human sized unit of measure… it’s one radioactive burst of energy per second… One Curie is 37 billion Becquerels per second.That’s 1.7 trillion Becquerels per day coming out of that natural gas well.This is a real Fukushima class disaster and it’s happening right here in the USA.…In 80 days of fumes at a pace of 1,115 tons per day coming out of that ground… could carry with it 301.2 terra-Becquerels of natural radioactivity… This converts to a resperable… a breathable emanation of 12 million Sieverts (Sv)… 2.4 million times the lethal dose by inhalation.Full audio report via Hal Turner (begins at approximately 49:00 minutes)
In short, the leak is massive and researchers at UC Davis have indicated that they have never encountered as much methane in the air as they have over suburban Los Angeles in recent months.
While resident complaints of feeling ill, vomiting and nausea have been chalked off by officials as the result of breathing in the natural gas, it is quite possible and increasingly likely that what they are experiencing is actually radiation poisoning.
According to one report, the radiation levels in the Chernobyl control room following the 1986 disaster reached about 300 Sv per hour. That was enough to provide a lethal dose to anyone in the room within 1-2 minutes.
While the Los Angeles leak is widespread with radiation disbursing across the city, the fact remains that millions of Sieverts of radiation have been released and will continue to be released until such time that the well is permanently sealed.
“lost control entirely of entire field” involved in LA gas ...
Jan 28, 2016 - Experts: Magnitude of LA gas leak “way beyond what any of us have ever been ... Months To Monitor California's Massive Gas Leak — A massive natural gas.... ..... 15,000 Abandoned Uranium Mines Protested At DC EPA Headquarters.Major Radiation Emergency Los Angeles - Superstation95
5 days ago - A leaking natural gas well is spewing LETHAL LEVELS of ... SouthernCalifornia Gas is trying to seal the leak, but things aren't going as planned. ... They are things like Uranium 238 and Radon which have been here since ...Experts: Multiple types of radioactive material constantly ...
Jan 14, 2016 - By ENENews ... Radon is going to be constantly generated by theuranium contained in ... supply of hazardous radon gas coming out of this breach inCalifornia. ... The radon is heavier than air, with the natural gas, most of it is ...THE LA METHANE LEAK UPDATE 1/15/16 - InvestmentWatch
Jan 16, 2016 - Radon is going to be constantly generated by the uranium ... So really you've got a chronic constant supply of hazardous radon gas coming out of this breach in California ... ... The compounds we add into natural gas to give it its smell, ...Policy: Reassess New Mexico's nuclear-waste repository 13, 2016
Proposals to bury plutonium from nuclear weapons must address chemical ... More than 600 metres below ground near Carlsbad, New Mexico, is the world's ... The 2014 radioactive leak at WIPP was caused by heat from a ..

Nuclear Watch to sue over LANL cleanup problems
Albuquerque Journal-Jan 20, 2016
SANTA FE – Nuclear Watch New Mexico on Wednesday put the federal ... The work of manufacturing plutonium “pits,” the triggers for nuclear weapons, ... finding that decades worth of radioactive and hazardous waste at Los Alamos ... that has shut down the nation's nuclear waste repository near Carlsbad.
Dismantling Nukes is Good, But How To Safely Bury Them?
World Affairs (blog)-Feb 2, 2016
The town of Carlsbad, by contrast, has a clear future ahead. ... (42 kilometres) from Carlsbad, New Mexico, toxic material is stored 2,150 ... medium for permanently isolating long-lived radioactivewastes from the environment.
"Fukushima Class Disaster" - L.A. Gas Leak Spewing Lethal Levels Of Breathable Nuclear Material
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/05/2016 22:00 -0500
In a breaking development that has been completely ignored by mainstream news sources, the leaking natural gas well near Los Angeles, California is now reportedly spewing lethal levels of radioactive material, according to a report from Steve Quayle and a group with expertise in nuclear material.
A leaking natural gas well outside Los Angeles is spewing so much naturally-occurring Uranium and Radon, that “breathable” radiation levels have hit “lethal levels” according to a Nuclear Expert group.
Hal Turner of Super Station 95 reports that the well is releasing 1.91 Curies (Ci) of radiation per hour.
This rogue well is spewing huge amounts of natural gas and about 1.91 curies an hour of natural radioactive material in the natural gas… 1.91 curies an hour is about 45.9 curies per day… It’s a really, really big leak.A curie is a unit of measure in the U.S. to describe very large radioactive releases.
The French utilize a unit of measure called a Becquerel to measure radiation levels. A single Becquerel measures the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.
To put things into perspective, Turner explains that a single Curie is equivalent to about 37 Billion Becquerels (Bq) of radiation:
A Becquerel is a much more human sized unit of measure… it’s one radioactive burst of energy per second… One Curie is 37 billion Becquerels per second.That’s 1.7 trillion Becquerels per day coming out of that natural gas well.This is a real Fukushima class disaster and it’s happening right here in the USA.…In 80 days of fumes at a pace of 1,115 tons per day coming out of that ground… could carry with it 301.2 terra-Becquerels of natural radioactivity… This converts to a resperable… a breathable emanation of 12 million Sieverts (Sv)… 2.4 million times the lethal dose by inhalation.Full audio report via Hal Turner (begins at approximately 49:00 minutes)
In short, the leak is massive and researchers at UC Davis have indicated that they have never encountered as much methane in the air as they have over suburban Los Angeles in recent months.
While resident complaints of feeling ill, vomiting and nausea have been chalked off by officials as the result of breathing in the natural gas, it is quite possible and increasingly likely that what they are experiencing is actually radiation poisoning.
According to one report, the radiation levels in the Chernobyl control room following the 1986 disaster reached about 300 Sv per hour. That was enough to provide a lethal dose to anyone in the room within 1-2 minutes.
While the Los Angeles leak is widespread with radiation disbursing across the city, the fact remains that millions of Sieverts of radiation have been released and will continue to be released until such time that the well is permanently sealed.
The following map shows the spread of methane over the Los Angeles area and researchers from Eco Watch report that elevated levels of natural gas have been detected as far as 10 miles from the leak:
For those living in the area, be warned: you are inhaling deadly radiation. And while the dose is not immediately lethal, prolonged inhalation and exposure may lead to a spike in cancer-related disease and deaths over coming years.
Methane makes up the largest component of natural gas, which is both invisible and odorless. It is considered a much worse offender as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide – 86 times greater over 20 years, tapering off to 29 times the effect of carbon dioxide over a 100-year time frame. Odorants such as mercaptan added to the gas are responsible for the symptoms of headache and nausea.
Health officials have said the gas is not harmful. The Los Angeles Times states, "State regulators and scientists monitoring methane from the leak throughout the Los Angeles region emphasized the gas is not at concentrations that pose a health or safety risk to residents."
But alarmists have claimed the leak is far more serious than health officials are letting on, citing the radioactive material such as uranium and radon in the natural gas. "This rogue well is spewing huge amounts of natural gas and about 1.91 curies an hour of natural radioactive material in the natural gas ... 1.91 curies an hour is about 45.9 curies per day," notes Superstation95. "It's a really, really big leak."
Certainly the scale of the leak is unprecedented. In three months, the Porter Ranch leak "has spewed more greenhouse gases than any other facility in California. At its height, the leak more than doubled the methane emissions of the entire Los Angeles Basin and surpassed what is released by all industrial activity in the state," reported the LA Times.
Column: Former Energy Secretary backs MOX, pans WIPP plan
Aiken Standard-Jan 14, 2016
New Mexicans and anyone else who cares about the safe re-opening of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico, should be concerned about recent ... to move tons of dangerous nuclear weapons-grade plutonium to WIPP, ... drum burst underground, releasing radioactivity to the surface.
Nuclear waste returned to Australia, raising concerns about future ...
The Guardian-Dec 4, 2015
A ship carrying 25 tonnes of radioactive waste arrived in Australia on ... Australia sent spent nuclear fuel to France for reprocessing in the 1990s ...
India's Reckless Nuclear Mining Industry Ignores Poison Risks
Newsweek-Feb 5, 2016
The water was adulterated with radioactive alpha particles that cannot be absorbed ... footprint cast by the country's secret nuclear mining and fuel fabrication program. ... have been corrected and that no cases of radiation poisoning have been proven. ..... We checked the radiation level soon after the leak.
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