Creator of formula to clean the lake is questioned in Israel
Products Israeli scientist, in charge of cleaning the lake, were not endorsed by the Ministry of Health of Israel, being a danger, according to a report of "Public Square".
Ury Roitman, representante de M. Tarcic, defendió la semana pasada el líquido, el embajador de Israel estuvo presente en la actividad. Atrás de ellos, de camisa azul, el científico Hanan Elraz
In a statement released by the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel, on December 31, 2013, warns the population of that country that the substances created by scientist Hanan Elraz can "pose a health hazard." Elraz is the same person who was presented by M. Tarcic Engineering Company Ltd., responsible for the chemical formula which acquired the Authority for the Sustainable Management of the Basin and Lake Amatitlán (Amsa) for an amount of Q137.8 millions.
Data from the inventor of the formula were revealed yesterday by Public Plaza. In the report The opaque and perhaps dangerous Israeli formula to purify the lake Amatitlan, states that Elraz is inventor of various products, all based on plant extracts, which were commercially suspended by the Ministry of Health of Israel.
On 12 March, the scientist, through his translator and Ury company Roitman -representative Israeli company in Guatemala, Ambassador of the State of Israel, Moshe Bachar, and representatives of Amsa, without the presence of the director entity, Edwin Ramos, defended the formula applies the lake.
Two stickers on the door of another company are the only identification M. Tarcic.
the opinion of the Israeli Embassy sought to determine the legality of the document the Ministry of Health and to know if they had data Elraz, but his media office said they have no knowledge about what kind of companies are working with Guatemala. About the inventor of the formula, they said not place it. This response occurred despite the Ambassador of that country was present last week at a conference where representatives of M. Tarcic tried to defend the product with a millionaire cost.
Meanwhile, Roitman, through his secretary, said he would be interested in talking about the subject, but did not return the call. Meanwhile, scientists and professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) said they would start a search abroad Hanan Elraz.
Today, the University Council of the USAC know the observations made by researchers of the academic unit. the opinion of Marlon Valladares, Communication Manager Amsa, but did not address calls again sought.
MARCH 18, 2015
Carlos Kaji Noj
03/27/2015 10:50:27
There is no doubt that pollution and corrosion of morals and ethics to Guatemala levels of government and the Israeli embassy same is evident. The problem is that their mode of action can lead to irreparable impacts on our society and on the environment. It saddens also note the complicity of the so-called Ministry of Environment and AMSA. Well, suddenly teaching is that: the street thieves choose their victims; on the contrary political thieves they are elected by their victims. Thanks to elPeriódico space. Atte.//
Carlos Kaji Noj
27/03/2015 10:43:34
There is no doubt that pollution and corrosion of morals and ethics to Guatemala levels of government and the Israeli embassy same is evident. The problem is that their mode of action can lead to irreparable impacts on our society and on the environment. It saddens also note the complicity of the so-called Ministry of Environment and AMSA. Well, suddenly teaching is that: the street thieves choose their victims; on the contrary political thieves they are elected by their victims. Thanks to elPeriódico space. Atte.//
César Bernal
03/21/2015 11:16:55
The solution will not be clear the body of water as it is subsequently again be contaminated by rivers that carry wastewater from many communities upstream. The solution is to build treatment plants in each colony or population that pollutes rivers and streams, as it is much easier and cheaper to treat small quantities.
Gost Ala
03/20/2015 23:37:08
The Israelite, Roitman is a thief, liar, operator. says that Guatemalans are a m ... but we keep giving hartar .. must to his breeches, is a farce like this unhappy q government, you can not wait q that useless handle this issue well, if not know dq this speaking. q porq let these dirty handle our country abroad
Estefania Harr
03/20/2015 22:01:31
How is it possible that the Embassy of Israel lends itself to this impudence. If hide is because they can not face. The Vice president to return the money to the national treasury to good use. And repudiate all such attitudes.
alex castle
03/19/2015 13:27:53
invited us to eat a crappie to intoxicate and send to the hospital and see if we cater for lack of supplies.
Mario Lopez
19/03/2015 10:41:14
It is very clear that here there were great journeys Israel, paid by the company, for the award. But we are so benevolent and that all these rulers do behind us and while we sleep, we never said anything.You will now be so sarscastico wait to tell us that the results are like the results of secondary and tertiary colors, which effrontery.
Robert Doelek
03/18/2015 21:00:23
Only in Guatemala, a policeman "caring" environment, of course, not be the commission of the armored cars of government, and gave prize that SAT would accept his company "security" to issue electronic invoices, for cover the marimba, has the acceptance of the ambassador, his presence guarantees that not invent who do not know or do not know.
Blood Chapin
03/18/2015 19:57:57
I think that first of all you wash the snout to Baldetti and his brother with the liquid and then the mess the lake to see if it really clean. What if they can not clean are all stinking ruses to steal so much money IS THE PEOPLE !! Because they are the ones who give the order to both hueveo!
03/18/2015 18:53:00
When we believe we often inadvertently offending very good professionals and I do not mean to Israel, but to the San Carlistas if you have not created "MAGICAL Agüitas" should be for their technical, legal and procedural difficulty defending those who have been called "wise guys" in clear pejorative expression, I AM nOT SAN CARLISTA but applaud them, because although they have not created an antidote pronounced to avoid spilling poison, because that if they can determine. Now, the operation of the current government is very simple; They pour the liquid, it can be even harmless salt water, then the formula will fail because of unscrupulous citizens who polluted the lake with unforeseen substances, for example, and problem solved
Jose Lopez
03/18/2015 16:36:17
As you know that in these countries may well babosearse people come to sell useless formulas that instead of bringing good will cause evil.
03/18/2015 13:08:15
Dicoprom as one of the organizations that seeks ways to help Lake Atitlan, go with disbelieving eyes "magic formulas" and does not share the government to spend so much money on something that we really can be very risky. We have spent years studying how to help and after finding a viable alternative we still lack raise the money by our media (self-sustaining projects) to do so. So we will be using our resources couple investigate and verify the accuracy of this method. And if we do not see what happened to the famous "dry canal"
July Cifuentes
03/18/2015 12:17:43
Now you no longer know who to trust regardless of nationality, the fact is that there is great advantage aforethought SCAM !! Let her a field test to that formula and you will see that neither CAL residues in water
03/18/2015 11:16:20
Uri Roitman is a security specialist, and it is he is charged to defend the liquid that these irresponsible piemsan dress in the lake? How far will bring to Guatemala corruption, ignorance and irresponsibility of this government.
Luis dleon
18/03/2015 10:14:20
Every inventor deserves respect, because it provides solutions to somehow various problems. Israel State scientists have excelled for their great contributions to science throughout history. Now, very different it is that a scientist of that country wants to sell us the magic formula to clean up a polluted lake, without taking into account that the first step for this purpose is the STOP POLLUTION SOURCES OF EXISTING. This business is appreciated flawed from any edge display. And here there are only two options: that the type is a GREAT naive, or is a great CORRUPT. I lean toward the latter, because the business model is flawed.
Roberto Ximenej
18/03/2015 10:10:05
Neither the liquid has no scientific backing and history of Ury Roitman, representing M. Tarcic is clean in their business. What is unacceptable is the support of the Ambassador of Israel with its presence, representative of a country that "supposedly" great friend of Guatemala is allowing this kind of deception, inadvertently, wanting to harm relations between our countries is made.
03/18/2015 9:45:40
Please do not call this senior scientist .... I know his career, but although he had several doctorates does not behave as such, does not follow the guidelines, code of ethics, etc. It is a veguenza for science.
Dick Fletcher A
03/18/2015 8:40:31
Again, another scandal hiring from government authorities on the table as possible before making the contract does not investigate this scientist, but Mrs. Baldetti made a theater that was conducting talks with NASA about time and just trying to deceive the population that is immoral by the authorities and left bankrupt health, education and the state itself with both loan for personal wealth you Otto Perez, Baldetti and his forty military and civilian friends traitors that bad Otto government truth I say and you escucha.- me
alfonso villacorta
03/18/2015 8:39:43
Maybe he had sold the cleaner as piss of some Biblical character because would have more credibility if faith can move mountains, could also clean lakes. how fucked up it is that it is a chemical that can be radioactive or chemical components simply, lethal to aquatic species and can degenerate into another kind of death, faster and polluting not only the lake but its entire area of influence. but these are not playing with fire and hueveando is that they have neither knowledge nor compunction about threatening nature or life in general just to earn money. if for a construction must be dictums environmental impact, the more chemically intervene for a natural heritage without saying "dirty water goes"
Carlos Perez
18/03/2015 7:48:06
This asuntode the "mysterious" substance sounds like it is a serious scam AMSA. Here the Public Ministry should act on its own and put the tampo the entire board of directors and swindlers who sell the product. Not only they were stealing the money to the rescue of Lake Amatitlan, but adiconalmente pollute worse pouring additional chemicals, without the corresponding Environmental Impact Study duly authorized.
Eagle Eye
18/03/2015 6:39:19
.... So if you call me much attention, as it is empowered, gifted, experts, scholars, geniuses, University of San Carlos, never had a genuine initiative to reorganize and long Lake Amatitlan , elcual it could declare as a university project lake rescue ARE sO aS EMINENT aND SMARTY, aND GREAT MANAGERS aND RESUELVELOTODO, already since times had applied the formula and proper procedure to clean up the lake ... such a proposal, since LES TIMES THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY hAS SUPPORTED AS PROJECT aND NOW WE HAD tO IMPLEMENT THE NATIONAL EXPERIENCE SOMETHING iN OUR OTHER LAGOS ... But it seems that everything just react passively trta and bla, bla, bla, bla .. but without But this bullet, bla, bla, has achieved something positive Elde stop this fraud if there is one!
Eagle Eye
18/03/2015 6:29:41
.... It is not enough to read and accept the following statement departe documented health ministry of the state of Israel: In a statement released by the Ministry of Health of the State of Israel, on December 31, 2013, warns the population of that country that the substances created by scientist Hanan Elraz can "pose a health hazard." Elraz is the same person who was presented by M. Tarcic Engineering Company Ltd., responsible for the chemical formula which acquired the Authority for the Sustainable Management of the Basin and Lake Amatitlán (Amsa) for an amount of Q137.8 millions. ... Unfortunately in our country, no quein or who protect the population, and will not humanism, and worst of all is that this chemical is already calse of derramoo in the lake water ... ... More however, my respect for the Israelites, and not by this error and imprudence of some, let them be a blessed nation and fully protected by God ..
Guillemo Toriello C
03/18/2015 5:51:36
Another scam but now who is the one who is stealing all the rogues of this government, while the problem of the river wolves villa takes waste from the capital to the lake not fix it is impossible to clean it so we know that this is another scam Guatemalans.
hugo leonel lopez
18/03/2015 5:11:04
Scammers trashy. Profiteers first mark, including the mafia that sponsors.
03/18/2015 4:43:17
Hopefully this clean well
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