Barack Obama,James Woolsey: Ban CIA Front Booz Allen Hamilton, From Federal Contracts,Reward NSAWhistleblower Edward Snowden
Barack Obama:Bar Booze Allen CIA Front From Federal Contracts,Reward Whistleblower Edward Snowden for exposing their involement with NSA internet,phone spying conspiracy.In fact bring back the Federal prosecution and conviction of conspiracies,particularly against those who use their public and political postions to aid and abet them.
Ex CIA Director and Booze Allen exec James Woolsey is little more than a degenerate offshore money launderer and war racketeer who lied us into Iraq post 9/11 to the profit of his Dyncorp and other military industrial complex ventures.He could and should have been charged and convicted along with Pakistani American and Islamic Zionist Mansoor Ijaz and Lt.General McInerney,(who all promoted the war on Iraq and post 9/11 disinfo and lies on Rupert Murdoch's Fox News),for a fraud on the London Stock Exchange AIM called
Crescent Hydropolis that lied about bulding underwater hotels in Dubai,etc. and had an offshore account in Isle of Man for their stock fraud money laundering 'needs'.Mansoor Ijaz was a bigtime contributor to Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro,by the way.It should be added that while I emphasize offshore stock fraud activities against both Americans and British citizens perpetrated by ex CIA Director and Booz Allen exec James Woolsey and his Islamic Zionist sidekick Mansoor Ijaz,it should be emphasized that Crescent hedge fund operates in and protected by Zionist billionair NY Mayor Michael Blumberg's 'offshore' New York City.
ABC News
Leaker's Employer Became Wealthy by Maintaining Government Secrets
New York Times - 3 hours ago
Edward Snowden's employer, Booz Allen Hamilton, has become one ...and both the Bush and Obama administrations have chosen to rely on ...
6 hours ago – · @FloridaJayhawk : NSA Whistleblower: Edward Snowden: "I mistakenly believed in Obama's promises.
Under 18 U.S.C.A. § 372, it is a crime to conspire to impede or injure a federal lawenforcement officer. The U.S. Congress has made specific conspiracies illegal ...
Feb 5, 2012 – James Woolsey in turn is directly connected with ..... business partner ex CIA James Woolsey of Dyncorp and Booz Allen Hamilton 'consultants' ...
Dec 31, 2008 – ... about Mansoor Ijaz and his coauthor and business partner ex CIAJames Woolsey of Dyncorp and Booz Allen Hamilton 'consultants' etc.,role ...
Apr 26, 2011 – James Woolsey, the former CIA director and venture partner with VantagePoint Venture Capital, has joined Lux Capital along with Richard ...
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Subject:Booz Allen Hamilton barred from federal contracts
To: President Barack Obama Rep. Lee Terry Sen. Mike Johanns
March 3, 2012
Booz Allen Hamilton managers and employees barred from federal contracts
Defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton may lose up to $500 million in contracts because of corruption, insider hacking and fraud in San Antonio
Air Force top brass want Booz Allen Hamilton debarred for 3 years
Sig Christenson and Patrick Danne San Antonio Express-News Saturday, February 11, 2012
Booz Allen Hamilton's downtown San Antonio office has been barred from doing business with the federal government after a retired Air Force officer was accused of feeding the firm confidential information.
In a letter dated Monday, Air Force Deputy General Counsel Steven Shaw found that Booz Allen received the information from former USAF Lt. Col. Joselito Meneses, who went to work for the company.
Shaw stated that Meneses brought a hard drive into a Booz Allen office on his first day of work in April. The drive held another company's private pricing data and labor rates from an information technology contract worth up to $75 million. That contract was about to expire, and Booz Allenwas an interested prospective bidder.
Meneses, who was responsible for business development at Booz Allen, was terminated almost three months later, Shaw wrote. The Air Force moved to exclude him, four other current or former Booz Allen employees, 700 current employees, and the company from receiving future government contracts.
Booz Allen spokesman James Fisher said the firm would formally respond to the government. But Shaw's letter said the conduct of Booz Allen and the five employees "raises serious concerns regarding subjects' business integrity, business honesty and compliance with government contracting requirements."
Booz Allen is the primary operating subsidiary of Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp., a publicly traded company based in McLean, Va., that provides technology and consulting services to the government. It has offices at 700 N. St. Mary's St. as well as Port San Antonio and in Houston.
In its last fiscal year ending March 31, the holding company posted a nearly $85 million profit on $5.59 billion in revenue. It received 3,600-plus government contracts and task orders.
The letter and a memorandum from Shaw informing Booz Allen executives here of his decision to debar the company is not the final step. Booz Allen, Meneses and the four others can appeal within 30 days.
Typically, debarments last up to three years.
In the meantime, the company, Meneses and the other four workers aren't allowed to do business with the federal government. The action applies to potential new business, not existing contracts.
The four other employees identified in Shaw's letter are Gary Triche, David Henderson, Steve Park and Paul Baca, who also is known as Pablo. All are retired Air Force senior officers. Neither they nor Meneses could be reached.
Meneses had been deputy chief of the Air Force surgeon general's Medical Support Agency information technology division at Brooks City-Base until retiring in May 2008. On his first day of work, last April 12, he brought an external hard drive that contained "nonpublic information he obtained during his Air Force employment," Shaw wrote.
Shortly after arriving at the office, Meneses sent an email to colleagues containing detailed information about the IT contract, which was up for renewal. It had been awarded to another company, referred to by Shaw as "Company K," in 2006.
Shaw wrote that the information in the email could not be disclosed under federal law. Since Booz Allen's local office planned to compete for the new contract, the information would have given the firm "an unfair competitive advantage," Shaw wrote. He added that Meneses' colleagues failed to tell him that the disclosure was improper.
A Booz Allen employee recognized the sensitivity of the matter and told the company's law department that same month. Meneses learned of his termination in June, and Booz Allen decided not to seek the contract.
Two of the other four Booz Allen workers also no longer are with the firm, it reported in a regulatory filing Wednesday. Their identities could not be determined.
Booz Allen's Fisher wouldn't discuss the scope of the company's operations in San Antonio.
One contract that could be affected by Shaw's decision is managed by the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment in San Antonio.Booz Allen is one of four companies that services the Global Engineering, Integration and Technical Assistance contract, a hodgepodge of programs ranging from pollution prevention to housing.
That contract, worth up to $200 million, expires next week and is to be put out to bid. Booz Allen has about 100 employees in that project, said Mike Briggs, a spokesman with the Center for Engineering and the Environment.
The Air Force has taken a dim view of the fact that two Booz Allen people linked with the incident are still on the payroll.
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Papillion , NE
Nov 3, 2005 – James Dale Davidson Dear Vantage Point Investor, You may be as startled and upset as I am by the sudden collapse in the price of GeneMax ...
... Options Hotline, Outstanding Investments, Jim Davidson's Vantage Point Investing, Richebacher Letter, Strategic Opportunities, and the Contrarian Speculator ...
Aug 12, 2011 – Agora Inc.,Bill Bonner,James Davidson,Securities and Political Fraud.... just like the one Davidson pulled with NAANS and Vantage Point'.
Aug 27, 2011
Aug 13, 2011
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