Boston Marathon Amputee Victim Heather Abott Is A Raytheon Employee
The blast had broken her ankle and shattered several small bones in her foot.
That same day, first lady Michelle Obama visited Abbott’s room. She told Abbott how brave she was, and gave her a presidential ‘challenge coin’ – a token traditionally presented to wounded service members and their families. One side bears the presidential seal, the other an engraving of the White House.
Raytheon stock was up 36% in the month following 911 while the rest of the stock market crashed. ......
Heather Abbott posing in her birthday suit,the worst scoundrels always hide behind pseudo-patroitism and or religion and the flag of course..........Just call her Aunt Sam
Strange that Heather Abbott had paid what would be a lot of money to go to a Boston Red Socks game
on the day of the Boston Matathon and not even finish watching the game but instead early in the afternoon decides leaving the game and going to a bar near the Boston Marathon,She wasn't even going to watch the runners cross the finish line but to drink early in the day ? Is she an alcoholic ?
Boston Bombings Victim Heather Abbott: 'Things Will Get Better ...
Perhaps she realised how much money her company has made all due to 911 and all that drone technology that has killed and maimed so many innocent victims in the Middle East and perhaps even in America before it's all over ! What goes round comes round or so some say.I guess that's another way of saying you'll reap what you sow,sort of like the karma theory.Maybe now that she knows what it's like she will levae Raytheon and that is why she and or her cohorts have been just like the Sandy Hook 'victims' before her,beeb setting up internet donation sites because a Raytheon employee with insurance is the last one to need any money to pay for their hospital or recovery expenses.
Heather's Recovery Fund by Julie Moura - GoFundMe
4 days ago – Heather was badly injured in the blasts at the Boston Marathon on ...Heather
Abbott, 38, said to be 'in great spirits' after having lower left leg amputated ...friends and has
been visited in the hospital by First Lady Michelle Obama, gave .... In Heather's own words,
"Thanks to all who have shown their support.
4 days ago – Heather was badly injured in the blasts at the Boston Marathon on ...Heather
Abbott, 38, said to be 'in great spirits' after having lower left leg amputated ...friends and has
been visited in the hospital by First Lady Michelle Obama, gave .... In Heather's own words,
"Thanks to all who have shown their support.
Disaster donations: Texas lags way behind Boston
As millions of dollars flood into relief efforts for the Boston bombing victims, donations to devastated West, Texas, are lagging far behind. |
This story of Raytheon employee Heather Abbott with her Raytheon connections reminds me somwhat of Sandy Hook,Newtown's Robbie Parker who could barely stop laughing as he anounced the death of hiss daughter and how he turned on to be a defense contractor from Utah although sometimes when he´s hosting and doing honoray pitching for W Bush´s Texas Rangers basesball team he lyingly claims he´s a Texan ands other times he´s from New Mexico or Oregan or whereever.At least Heather Abbott admits she´s a prostitute for mass murderers and proud of it but then after so many years of war from W Bush and now Barack Osama what jobs are left in the U.S. economy anyways other than McDonald's or Raytheon ?And financial military industrial corporations such as Raytheon have and are doing more damage to America than Saddam Hussein could ever imagine.Surprising is after all this theft in the chaos and aftermath of 911 that anyone can even afford to eat at McDonald's but that's because the CIA's Barack Obama just prinmts more dolars to replace that stolen by his real bosses in stock fraud and offshore accounts.
Below Heather compares her experience at the Boston Marathon with 911 which is additionally paradoxical because some actually believe that it was Raytheeon 'drone ' or UAV technology as W Bush called it right after 911 when he lyingly accused Saddam Hussein of being the developer or inventor, immediately after 911 when virtually no one had heard of it,that allowed those planes to collide into the WTC in NYC and perhaps even into the Pentagon on that day.......
Raytheon Employee and alleged Boston Matathon Victim Heather Abbott
Here is a quote from the psyco-pathic war criminal W Bush from 2002 in which he brings up ftone technology for the first time using the tern UAVS or unmanned aerial vehicles because in fact the term
was unknown to the public at that time and even UAVS was new to us.But note although it is probable
that os was drone remote guiding tch that guided those planes into the WTC and perhaps whatvr hit th Pentagon as well,W Bush makes no mention that the U.S. military industrial complex has or is developing
the very UAV weapons he tells us Saddam has developed.: “We've also discovered through intelligence that Iraq has a growing fleet of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad areas. We're concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using these UAVS for missions targeting the United States. The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his “nuclear mujahideen” - his nuclear holy warriors. Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities at sites that have been part of its nuclear program in the past. Iraq has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes and other equipment needed for gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons.”
~George W. Bush, October 7, 2002
daniel hopsicker raytheon uav
Subject: WTC Passengers Connected to Global Hawk
Wed Feb 27, 2002
1) Herbert Homer, god bless him, was on United Airlines Flight 175, from
Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California.
That was the second hijacked plane to strike the World Trade Center.
Herbert Homer, described as "..worked for Raytheon Co." was more than
only a
worker for Ratheon.
He was the DCE CACO under DCMC Commander - Col. Bryon Young of the RSC
Corporate Management (Raytheon)
Raytheon is the most succesful military-industrial complex, who is also in
charge of Haarp
(after they bought APTI from ARCO in 1994).
They also developed the SCUD-busting Patriot Missile, which was used in
Gulf War.
But Raytheon also developed Global Hawk, which is a "..high altitude, long
endurance unmanned aerial
reconnaissance system.." and includes "..Raytheon Systems (sensors)"
A coincidence? Sure, maybe.
But maybe Homer was on another "harmless" test flight, but not involved
it will end this time?
The other passenger with connections to Global Hawk:
2) Charles S. Falkenberg
He was on AA 77 American Airlines Flight 77, from
Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon with 64 people aboard
Falkenberg, god bless him too, was described as "..director
of research at ECOlogic Corp., a software engineering firm.
He worked on data systems for NASA.."
This looks already like another connection, but there is more.,,,,,,,,
Drone maker Raytheon target of first RNC-related protest | Tampa ...
LARGO — Seventy-five protesters, many dressed in pink, gathered outside the local production plant of Raytheon on Thursday, denouncing the defense contractor for its role in drone warfare.
The demonstration, organized by the groups CodePink and St. Pete for Peace, marked the unofficial start of protests surrounding the Republican National Convention, set to kick off Monday in Tampa.
"Raytheon, shame on you," they chanted. "Children die because of you."......
Find business contact information for Heather Abbott, SHRM Rhode Island State Council and see work history, affiliations and more.
Current NEILG Officers: Co Chairs. Heather J. Abbott, PHR HR Operations – Shared Services Manager, Compliance/Employee Relations Raytheon Integrated ...
4 days ago – Heather Abbott, 38, said to be 'in great spirits' after having lower left leg amputated ... Before taking her job at Raytheon, she worked for Roger Williams University and .... I'm a prosthetist with Rhode Island Limb Company.
Heather Abbott, SHRM Rhode Island State Council |
NEILG Officers – Your EEOC and OFCCP Source
Heather's Recovery Fund by Julie Moura - GoFundMe
Boston victim opts for amputation, sees better life with prosthetic ...
“I felt like I was watching the footage on 9/11,” said Abbott, who works in human resources for Raytheon Company in Portsmouth, R.I. Abbott was scrambling to get off the sidewalk when the force of a second blast blew her through the restaurant doorway.
“I felt like my foot was on fire. I knew I couldn’t stand up,” she said. “I was thinking, ‘who’s going to help me?’”
Unable to find her friends in the smoke and confusion, she called out to the panicked crowd, while doubting anyone would respond.
As people scrambled for the rear exits, not knowing whether there were more explosions to come, Abbott says two men and two women grabbed her and rushed her out the back door into an alley.
She would later learn the man who carried her was former Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham.
Abbott was eventually loaded into a packed ambulance and rushed to Brigham and Women’s.
During the ambulance ride, Abbott struggled to keep her eyes open.
“I felt like if I closed them,” she said, “maybe I wouldn’t be able to open them again.”
When the ambulance arrived, workers rushed Abbott to surgery, where doctors stabilized her and cleaned her wound. She had a second surgery on Thursday to clean the wound and allow specialists to better assess the situation. The blast had broken her ankle and shattered several small bones in her foot.
(Photo Credit: Alfred Colonese)
That same day, first lady Michelle Obama visited Abbott’s room. She told Abbott how brave she was, and gave her a presidential “challenge coin” — a token traditionally presented to wounded service members and their families. One side bears the presidential seal, the other an engraving of the White House.
Floating on a cloud of pain medication and family/friend support in the days before the surgery, Abbott hadn’t watched any television until Monday morning. To brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged bombers, she has given hardly a thought.
“I haven’t thought that much about them at all. I don’t even know how to pronounce their names,” she said.
If you’re interested in donating, here’s the link to Heather’s personal recovery fund page and here’s more information and a link for One Fund Boston.
(TM and © Copyright 2013 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2013 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)
Heather Abbott |
Are Drones About to Take Over the Sea? - The Motley Fool
Raytheon Wins $82 Million Contract for "Jamming Drones" (RTN)
Raytheon Company (RTN), SAIC, Inc. (SAI): Are Drones About to ...
Raytheon develops 13-pound 'smart bomb' for drone aircraft [Video ...
Israel: Drones To Replace Aircraft Eventually - Huffington Post
Drone List Released By FAA Shows Which Police Departments ... 8, 2013 – as he joins others in a protest in front of a Raytheon companybuilding which they say is building military drones on August 23, 2012 in Largo, ...
Drone maker Raytheon target of first RNC-related protest | Tampa ...
Raytheon Company: US Navy Tactical Systems › Capabilities › Products and Capabilities
0:35 Laser Weapon Shoots Down Drone in Test (Raytheon Company)
Jul 21, 2010 - Uploaded by raytheoncompanyA Raytheon-U.S. Navy team used a high power, solid-state laser combined with a Phalanx Close-in Weapon ...- More videos for Raytheon Company drones »
Raytheon Company Rtn Saic Inc Sai Are Drones About To Take ...
in the case We the people vs. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

source: Ottawa Citizen
Heather Abbott lost a leg in the Forum explosion. She was waiting outside the restaurant to come in and was blown inside by the blast, through the doorway. It is impossible that the mailbox was the epicenter of this blast.
Here are two of her accounts (there are probably more):
She was injured by the second bomb, which went off in front of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street. She was waiting in line with friends to get into the bar after taking in a Red Sox game, which is a Patriot's Day tradition for the Newport, R.I., resident. She and friends had come up by train from Providence.
After hearing the first, nearby explosion, Ms. Abbott immediately thought it was a terrorist attack—something she said leaves her leery of returning to the marathon or other crowded venues again. The next bomb went off quickly. Ms. Abbott, last in line among her friends, was on the floor as people scrambled to the back of the bar.
"I felt like my foot was on fire," she said. "I knew I couldn't stand up."
She wondered who could answer her cries for help in the chaos, but she was rescued quickly by several people. One, Matt Chatham, a former linebacker with the New England Patriots, helped carry her outside. They have talked since, and Ms. Abbott plans to meet him in the future.
Abbott was at the back of the long line, waiting as bouncers checked ID's, when the first blast went off. Unlike many, she knew exactly what it was.
"I felt like I was watching the footage on 9/11," said Abbott, who works in human resources for Raytheon Company in Portsmouth, R.I.
Abbott was scrambling to get off the sidewalk when the force of a second blast blew her through the restaurant doorway.
After she'd regained her senses, she tried to stand, but her left foot felt "as if it were on fire." Unable to find her friends in the smoke and confusion, she called out to the panicked crowd.
"Somebody, please help me," Abbott shouted as people scrambled for the rear exits, not knowing whether there were more explosions to come. She'd begun to give up hope when a woman walked up and began dragging her toward the door, quietly reciting a Catholic prayer as she tugged.
"Hail Mary, full of grace...," the woman intoned.
The woman had pulled Abbott a few feet when a burly man stepped in, picked her up and carried her out the back door into an alley. She would later learn it was former Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Heather Abbott - Witness for the Defense
in the case We the people vs. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
source: Ottawa Citizen
Heather Abbott lost a leg in the Forum explosion. She was waiting outside the restaurant to come in and was blown inside by the blast, through the doorway. It is impossible that the mailbox was the epicenter of this blast.
Here are two of her accounts (there are probably more):
She was injured by the second bomb, which went off in front of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street. She was waiting in line with friends to get into the bar after taking in a Red Sox game, which is a Patriot's Day tradition for the Newport, R.I., resident. She and friends had come up by train from Providence.
After hearing the first, nearby explosion, Ms. Abbott immediately thought it was a terrorist attack—something she said leaves her leery of returning to the marathon or other crowded venues again. The next bomb went off quickly. Ms. Abbott, last in line among her friends, was on the floor as people scrambled to the back of the bar.
"I felt like my foot was on fire," she said. "I knew I couldn't stand up."
She wondered who could answer her cries for help in the chaos, but she was rescued quickly by several people. One, Matt Chatham, a former linebacker with the New England Patriots, helped carry her outside. They have talked since, and Ms. Abbott plans to meet him in the future.
Abbott was at the back of the long line, waiting as bouncers checked ID's, when the first blast went off. Unlike many, she knew exactly what it was.
"I felt like I was watching the footage on 9/11," said Abbott, who works in human resources for Raytheon Company in Portsmouth, R.I.
Abbott was scrambling to get off the sidewalk when the force of a second blast blew her through the restaurant doorway.
After she'd regained her senses, she tried to stand, but her left foot felt "as if it were on fire." Unable to find her friends in the smoke and confusion, she called out to the panicked crowd.
"Somebody, please help me," Abbott shouted as people scrambled for the rear exits, not knowing whether there were more explosions to come. She'd begun to give up hope when a woman walked up and began dragging her toward the door, quietly reciting a Catholic prayer as she tugged.
"Hail Mary, full of grace...," the woman intoned.
The woman had pulled Abbott a few feet when a burly man stepped in, picked her up and carried her out the back door into an alley. She would later learn it was former Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham.
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