WTC,911 Logan Airport Israeli Terrorists lacked 7/11 Store Video Technology and FBI Boston Bombing investigators don't know how to use it
Funny that for years I have posted on indymedias around the world, (and particularly on Boston Indymedia where my complaint was always censored immediately many times),that Israel's Menachem Atzmon and the other Israeli criminals of ICTS International and Huntleigh airport security,( that they bought along with its contract to guard Logan and Newark airports through stock fraud against Americans thanks to U.S.government protection and collusion with these Israeli government terrorists at the highest levels),that they , while bragging of 'Israeli high technolgy', didn't even have 1980's 7/11 Store technology to get a video shot of Egyptian Mohamed Atta and his alleged Saudi terrorists boarding flights 11 and 175 before allegedly plowing into the New York WTC after boarding those planes in Massachussetts.And now 7- Eleven has spoken up on the Boston Marathon bombings to say the FBI was,(to put it politely),'confused' in claiming that 7-Eleven video of a robbery suspect entering a Boston Seven/Eleven shortly after the Marathon bombing and before the death and capture of the Tsarnaev brothers,that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had entered a Seven Eleven and robbed it ! If the FBI WILL LIE ABOUT THAT HOW MUCH MORE HAVE THEY AND WILL THEY LIE ABOUT !? Below is the statement by Seven Eleven director of communications
contradicting FBI claim that the Tsarnaev brothers robbed a Seven Eleven at all as well as an example of my past complaint that the Israeli government criminals money launderers and terrorists of ICTS International didn't even have Seven - Eleven video surveillence technology of the 1980's to prove that Mohamed Atta and his band of Saidis with plastic cookie cutters boarded those planes at Logan Airport on September 11, 2001 !
9/11,WTC,Boston Logan Airport,SEC Christopher Cox,ICTS Israeli ...
Jun 22, 2007 – This site is an archived version of Indymedia prior to 5th November 2012. .... to guard a 7/11,much less a major target of terrorism as was Logan ....Below,link to icts International penny stock fraud and InkSure Technologies ...NASDAQ:ICTS International,Boston Logan 9/11 Israeli Security Firm Delisted ...UK Indymedia - Swissair 111,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris ...
Aug 25, 2008 – He was also a big investor in Global Technologies a company whose ...or stock fraud was in charge of security at Logan Airport, Boston on 9/11/01. .... on 9/11,("Margaret Chabris, the director of corporate communication at 7- Eleven, says the surveillance video of the crime was not taken at a 7-Eleven and that the suspect that did rob the 7-Eleven does not look like Tamerlan or Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
"'The suspect in the photos for that particular 7-Eleven robbery looks nothing like the suspects,' Chabris says. 'The police or someone made a mistake. Someone was confused.'"
The notorious FBI alleges that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, in his Israeli-run hospital in Boston, "has admitted that he and his brother planted two bombs at the race - and had learned how to make them through reading Inspire magazine."
Reportedly, this is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, seen on a store security camera, just before the alleged shootout with police.
"With a bomb strapped to his chest, one of the Boston Marathon suspects was killed early Friday after he and his accomplice brother robbed a 7-Eleven..."
Boston Marathon suspect is killed, second on loose after extraordinary firefight
"Police said Friday the suspects didn't hold up the store."
Boston Bomber Manhunt: Shots, Suspect Cornered
"'The suspect in the photos for that particular 7-Eleven robbery looks nothing like the suspects,' Chabris says. 'The police or someone made a mistake. Someone was confused.'"
7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston...
Boston Marathon suspect is killed, second on loose after extraordinary firefight
"Police said Friday the suspects didn't hold up the store."
Boston Bomber Manhunt: Shots, Suspect Cornered

"'The suspect in the photos for that particular 7-Eleven robbery looks nothing like the suspects,' Chabris says. 'The police or someone made a mistake. Someone was confused.'"
7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston...
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