New York Times (blog)-Sep 16, 2013Share
Many Times readers have been writing to me for several days about a story The Guardian broke last week, describing how the United States ...
‘This is very good for Israel' -Benjamin Netanyahu one day after 9/11
Sep 11, 2013 - NEW YORK – Twelve years after the day that no one will forget, New ...Group calls on 'all Muslim hackers' to attack Israel, US on anniversary of 9/11 ... last year the New York Times famously excluded 9/11 coverage from its ...
On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ... The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras .... A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick ...
Aug 23, 2012 - The New York Times has a longstanding history of pro-Israeli bias. An earlier If ... Times Ochs and Sulzberger controlling families are Jewish. .... DAVID SCHNEIDERMAN, owner of the Village Voice and the New Times network of “alternative weeklies. .... 9/11 Perp Giuliani Joins Terrorists to Attack Rouhani.
Zionism means Rothschild just as Israel means Rothschild. .... and newspaper empire, and the Sulzberger family (Zionists) who own the New York Times.
Jan 9, 2013 - Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, (1926 -2012), publisher of the New York Times,.... agenda of the Rothschild family and their Zionist state of Israel.
Dec 1, 2010 - Netanyahu's Smuggling of Nuclear Triggers; Israel at the U.N. - Who is Ron Prosor? ..... On December 30, 2012, the New York Times published a disturbing ...The Sulzberger and Rothschild families work together to advance ...
Mar 9, 1998 - He became a New York Times Company executive in 1969 and rose to ...the United States operation of the Rothschild group in London and Paris. ... in New York, it was as assistant to Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who was ... In 1948, he covered the Arab-Israeli war of that year and the Soviet blockade of Berlin.
... wrote the following letter to Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times: ..."Your paper's scandals, Pro-Israel and Pro-Iraq War will continue to bleed ...
Unfortunatley the Sulzberger crime family does not make its money off of printing news but Zionist propaganda that endangers America and they should have to register as representatives of foreign agents and governments and be forced cto disclose where their real income is derived from.The fact that they promote the CIA and Rothschild connected Agora Inc
of James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner and Porter Stansberry, and all their sleazy offshore 'investment' books at NY Times 'bestsellers' tells much.And no one investigated when Agora Inc employee,Cuban-American Rey Rivera fell 'mysteriously to his death from the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore in 2006 while the video surveillance cameras were conveniently not functioning and he was made to look 'crazy' by other establioshed media for enquiring about the local Masonic Lodge which was probably involved in stock fraud and money laundering ops with his emploers Porter Stansberry and Agora Inc who placed his name on one of their frud promoting penny stock 'newsletters' called Rebound Report' although obviously Mr.Rivera never 'rebounded' from his 14 floor fall off the Belvedere Hotel that day,almost a year before Agora Inc's Porter Stansberry and Lila Rajiva began emailing me inm 2005 to get me to stop blooging about Jasmes Dale Dvidson and come to Agora Inc.'s CIA office in Baltimore so they could prove to me first hand that Agora Inc was now a legit operation and founder James Dale Davidson didn't work there anymore !
Apr 17, 2012 - James Dale Davidson, and NOT Bill Bonner,(as erroneously claimed by The New Times' article about Mr.William Bonner's Saint Simon ...
‘This is very good for Israel' -Benjamin Netanyahu one day after 9/11
Larry Silverstein,Israeli Australan Frank Lowy Make 'Windfall Profits' on WTC Insurance Scam
Because convisted in Israel money launderer Menacgem Atzom and Shin Bet controlled Logan Airport and Newark New Jersy airport through stock fraud that bought Huntleigh airport secuiry contarct to guard those airports.No proof and Saudis really boarded at those airports because Menachem Atzmon
and Shin Bet-Mossad claimed they didn't have even 7 Eleven video surveillance technology to capture them entering and boarding flights 11 and 175 at Logan Airport Boston !
Jan 11, 2007 - Uploaded by vinayakaya
Larry Silverstein admits to having demolished wtc building 7 ....That is was not possible to bring building 7 ...
Larry Silverstein and his partner Frank Lowy acquired a 99-year lease on the entire World Trade Center complex just weeks before the 9/11/01 attack. The deal ...
Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein's Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy's ...Silverstein and Westfield America insured the complex for $3.55 billion, but ...
5 days ago - His insurance claim was ... Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein'sSilverstein Propertiesand Frank Lowy's Westfield America secured a ...
AND PROVEN stock fraud and money launderers of ICTS
International's worthless fraudulent shares on their on 'business news' website rather than warning potential investors ! The New York Times also knows that Atzmon and ICTS Shin BET AGENT SABATEURS allowed Richard Reid 'the shoe bomber' to board an American AIRLINES flight one month after 9/11 with his alleged 'shoe bomb' that he allegedly accoprding to Israel Debka report from Hamas - BUT ONLY because the Mossad criminals of ICTS International and the Israeli government got him a visa to Israel and a flight to Israel to cross over to meet qwith Hamas pre 9/11! And on Christmas 2009 ICTS International that still controls Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam not only allowed but facilitated if not pushed Nigerian Islamic 'crotch' bomber Mutallab aboard flight 253 of Christmas 2009 HOO HOO HOO flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit with his sdo-called 'crotch bomb' that allowed Michael Chertoff to make untold millions selling more worthless or dangerous Israeli 'high tech' airport security X Ray and scanning equipment to Zionist Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security while the queer Barck Obama plagiarizing the idiot W Bush claimed he would 'connect the dotas' which he never did,of course ! Etc.,Etc.,Etc.........
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
ICTS International N.V. - An Israeli Owned Company:
ICTS International N.V. was founded in 1982 by a select group of security experts, former military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies. |
ICTS buys USA Huntleigh Corporation and expands into US in 1999:
In keeping with ICTS International N.V.’s objective of significantly expanding its presence in the USA, in January 1999 the company acquired the Huntleigh Corporation. |
Expands into Europe - Including the Netherlands (where they're registered, btw) who keeps letting idiots through their airports, interestingly!
Since 2005, new I-SEC subsidiaries have been established in numerous European countries in order to efficiently supply aviation security services locally. Additionally, highly specialized security service contracts with major US carriers across Europe have been awarded to I-SEC.
Today, I-SEC operates in The Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Russia, and is continuing to expand to other countries in Europe. |
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
After reading thousands of documents, articles, books, white papers, etc there is no doubt that Israel was involved on 911. NO DOUBT!
More research needed on this topic, but this is looking very interesting!
I hope my regular guest to this forum from the Netherlands will look into this, or do they already know? 
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
Ezra Harel - Who is he? Is this his obit?
After I saw this article I realized why the obit above doesn't have anything to say about the guy:
The mills of justice do grind slowly. Sometimes it can take 16 years for them to finish the job.
In the last couple of weeks, we've been mulling the gay days of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in the early 1990s. No, we weren't waxing gauzily nostalgic: The local stock market was just as sleazy and corrupt as it is today. Investment methods were more primitive and the money involved was smaller, but the spirit was about the same. Nothing to pine for in all that.
We were just thinking about the gay days of 1993 and 1994 because of two extraordinary steps taken by the state prosecution last week: the request to extradite former judge Dan Cohen, who fled Israel for the embrace of Peru, and the indictment of a former prime minister, Ehud Olmert.
Two businessmen were prominently mentioned in the prosecution's documents: Yosef "Joe" Elmaliach, and Ezra Harel.
The indictment against Olmert relates that Joe Elmaliach gave Olmert $172,000 in two installments, in 1993 and 1998.
The request to extradite Dan Cohen says that Ezra Harel, since deceased, paid the judge a $2 million bribe.
The names Joe Elmaliach and Ezra Harel probably don't mean much to most of you. But for anybody who was involved in the stock market back in the early 1990s, the fact that they're cropping up again closes a circle.
Sixteen years late, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, and what we see is a picture of how befouled the Israeli business world was back then.
Joe Elmaliach and Ezra Harel were two of the more dubious business types on the stock market scene back then. Elmaliach headed the oil exploration company JOEL, while Harel took over a faltering industrial company called Rogosin.
Both found ways to speedily shovel public money into their own pockets, both made a fortune in no time and both promptly disappeared. Elmaliach moved to the United States and hasn't been heard of since. Harel had a heart attack on his yacht in the middle of the sea and died.
I described how Elmaliach and Harel milked the public at length in Haaretz in 1993 and 1994. But the police, the prosecution and the Israel Securities Authority did nothing. No investigation, no charges. Elmaliach remained free to live the life of Riley in the States, and Harel became a distinguished, sought-after businessman until his death in 2003.
Harel's story was disturbingly simple. Shortly after he took over Rogosin, it turned out the company was sitting on a gusher. Namely, 40 dunams of land next door to the Israel Electric Corporation's compound in Ashdod. Suddenly it turned out that the IEC desperately needed that land to expand. Harel demanded $72 million for the land, and ultimately "compromised" on the price of $62.5 million.
Guess who
The deal stank to high heaven. We showed back then that the utility didn't need the land, and that the price was excessive. But the directors on the IEC board, led by chairman Adi Amorai, were unmoved by our articles. The one working behind the scenes, making sure the deal would go through, was none other than the chairman of the IEC board's assets committee - Dan Cohen.
Now that the state is demanding his extradition, we learn that 16 years ago, Cohen received $2 million in cash from Ezra Harel.
Sixteen years later, that land in Ashdod stands fallow and unused. The IEC hadn't needed that land at all. Ezra Harel stole $62 million, which is nearly half a billion shekels in 2009 values, from the Israeli taxpayer. A bribe of $2 million got him half a billion in ill-gotten gains.
Harel, Cohen and their cronies at the IEC and the stock market thought the newspaper reports were hilarious. The press could sputter, but they were sitting pretty. People in the business scene reported that the two were running around town looking for similar deals where they could harness public money to pull their private chariots.
Elmaliach was a different type. He wasn't as arrogant, and mainly he kept to himself. His methods of milking the public were far more conservative: He raised hundreds of millions of shekels from investors, to search for oil. Yet tremendous sums leaked into his pockets and those of his associates through insider transactions. For example, Elmaliach appointed himself underwriter when JOEL set out to raise money, and took money from the company as an underwriting fee.
At some point Elmaliach got tired of the press reports about him, and decided to go for broke. He cobbled together a dubious transaction: JOEL sold a subsidiary for peanuts to businessman Kobi Maimon, who used public money to buy out Elmaliach at top-dollar prices.
This week we learned of another angle to Elmaliach's dealings in the early 1990s.
On page 34 of the indictment against Olmert, the state writes: "Around the date January 1, 1993, under circumstances not known to the prosecution, the defendant received $72,000 from Dr. Yosef (Joe) Elmaliach, citizen of the U.S. On February 19, 1998 Dr. Elmaliach transferred, for a reason not known to the prosecution, a sum of $100,000 to the private account of the defendant at Bank Hapoalim."
One has to wonder why the circumstances are "unknown" to the prosecution.
The antics of Joe Elmaliach were perfectly well-known in capital market circles back in the early 1990s. His close friendship with Ehud Olmert was also known, and the legitimacy that relationship conferred upon the businessman was also clear. What is also known is that in 1993, Olmert served as a director on JOEL's board, the same board of directors that approved many of the transactions through which Elmaliach milked the company dry.
Elmaliach, Harel and their abettors would have had a lot more difficulty milking the taxpayers and investors if the State of Israel had a law, a simple, clear law, requiring all public servants to file personal financial statements each year. From prime ministers to members of Knesset to directors at government companies to top bureaucrats, anybody with any control over public money should have to reveal his or her personal wealth once a year.
It is now up to the Israel Securities Authority, the state comptroller, the prosecution and the police to make sure we don't have to wait another 16 years to find out how the capital market superstars of 2009 are looting the public's pocket. |
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
Israeli ICTS Connection To Pollard & Schiphol Airport:
By Wayne Madsen 1-2-10
"ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. An ICTS board member, retired Major General Amos Lapidot, served as commander of the Israeli Air Force and authorized Israeli Air Force Colonel Aviem Sella, operating under official cover at the Israeli Consulate General in New York, and Rafael Eitan, head of LAKAM, an Israeli military technical intelligence gatherer, to accept U.S. Navy intelligence official Jonathan Pollard's offer to spy for Israel."
December 26-29, 2009 -- Who let security fail at Schiphol Airport and why?
Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the University College London student from Nigeria accused of trying to detonate a mixed liquid-powder device on a Northwest Airlines/Delta Airbus 330, flight 253, as it approached Detroit from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on Christmas Day appears to have received some special treatment from security at the Amsterdam airport. The Mutallab case also resembles that of another attempted plane bombing, that of the hapless "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.
It has also been revealed that Mutallab is the son of Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, the former chairman of First Bank of Nigeria. According to This Day of Lagos, the elder Mutallab claims he reported the extremist views of his son to Nigerian security agencies, as well as to the U.S. embassy in Abuja, yet no attempt was made to prevent the radically-inclined Nigerian student to board the plane in Schiphol. The attempted plane bomber was schooled at the British International School in Lome, Togo and attended college in London and moved to Egypt and Dubai. The elder Mutallab is a frequent visitor to the United States and he is married to a Yemeni woman. ...
For a number of years, passengers at Schiphol flying to the United States have been subjected to intense grilling by security personnel linked to an Israeli firm. In fact, these procedures were in effect even prior to the 9/11 attacks and many were put into place after the Pan Am 103 bombing in December 1998. U.S.-bound passengers at Schiphol are asked a number of personal questions, including where they have stayed either in the Netherlands or in their country of origin. Hotel receipts are routinely requested by security personnel and the addresses of private temporary residences are recorded. Mutallab boarded a KLM flight in Lagos for Schiphol where he transited for his onward flight to Detroit on Northwest/Delta.
Six months prior to Reid's near shoe bombing of American Airlines flight 63 from Paris to Miami in December 2001, while memories of 9/11 were still fresh in everyone's mind, Reid attempted to board an El Al flight from Schiphol to Tel Aviv. Reid was taken aside by El Al security and identified as a terrorist suspect. Reid paid for a one-way ticket with cash and would not reveal what he planned to do in Israel. However, rather than turning Reid into Dutch security for further action, he was allowed to board the El Al flight by Israel's Shin Bet security so his movements during his five days in Israel could be monitored. Six months later, Reid attempted to ignite his shoe on the flight from Paris to Miami. Israel had not informed British, American, or any other security agency of the concerns about Reid. Reid's aunt, Claudette Lewis who raised Reid in south London, was quoted as saying she believed her nephew had been "brainwashed."
Reid later said El Al failed to detect that he had explosives in his shoes on the flight to Tel Aviv, an amazing revelation considering the Israeli airline's tight security. .. The links between El Al security and Mossad are extremely close with abundant cross-pollination of senior personnel back and forth.
The security company that allowed Reid to board American Airlines 63 at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris was ICTS (International Consultants on Targeted Security) International. ICTS's senior management are all ex-Israeli security officials, many of whom worked for El Al security.
In 2003, ICTS's chairman, Ezra Harel, and director Menachem Atzmon were detained and questioned by police in a criminal investigation of Harel's business dealings. Harel was accused of paying bribes to Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) director Dan Cohen, an Israeli attorney who subsequently fled to Peru, for a lucrative contract involving Harel's company Rogosin Industries and IEC. The illegal deals involved off-shore entities created by Cohen in the Channel Islands, Velsheda, CN, Cusley International Ltd. and APK Ltd. and Cobalt, an entity created by Harel to launder money through Bank Leumi in New York. Harel and Atzmon were also involved in a questionable deal in acquiring the port of Rostock, Germany through an entity called Kent Investment Holding Ltd. Atzmon operated through a number of entities, including Harmony Ventures, BV, Albermale Investment, Ltd., and Seehafen Rostock, the company that was managing the operations of thr port of Rostock.
ICTS's president was Lior Zouker. Zouker stepped down in 2004. Harel, who started ICTS in 1982, retired in 2003 and was replaced by Elie Housman. Harel, a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen, died shortly after retiring. Harel for years had used Delawar-based corporations to conduct his worldwide business activities while his Israeli banking partner, Atzmon, was based in Zurich.
It was ICTS that largely developed the passenger "profiling" procedures used at Schiphol and other airports around the world through its subsidiary, ICTS Holland Products BV.
A significant shareholder in ICTS is an entity called "Everest Special Situations Fund LP" of Platinum House, 21 Ha'arba'a St.. Tel Aviv. According to Securities and Exchange Commission filings, the Everest entity is also financially linked to Metro One Telecommunications of Beaverton, Oregon; Simon Worldwide, an advertising firm in Los Angeles; Gyrodyne of New York City, a non-residential building operator; and Concord Camera Corporation, which, significantly, was headquartered at 4000 Hollywood Boulevard, Presidential Circle, 6th Floor, North Tower, Hollywood, Florida.
ICTS is also linked with Israeli espionage against the United States. An ICTS board member, retired Major General Amos Lapidot, served as commander of the Israeli Air Force and authorized Israeli Air Force Colonel Aviem Sella, operating under official cover at the Israeli Consulate General in New York, and Rafael Eitan, head of LAKAM, an Israeli military technical intelligence gatherer, to accept U.S. Navy intelligence official Jonathan Pollard's offer to spy for Israel.
ICTS International, headquartered in Amstelveen, Netherlands, is also involved in providing various security controls at Schiphol airport. ICTS has a major presence around the world in airport security with contracts at Hong Kong, Bangkok, Suva, Auckland, Singapore, Macau, Chicago O'Hare, London Gatwick, Newark, Los Angeles, and Belfast. In 1999, Detroit airport abruptly canceled its security contract with Argenbright Security Inc. and replaced it with Huntleigh of St. Louis. Huntleigh had recently been purchased by ICTS. In December 2001, Huntleigh/ICTS screeners at San Diego Interntional Airport placed a dummy "test" grenade in the carry-on baggage of an unwitting Chicago-bound passenger. Huntleigh/ICTS also provided "security" at Boston's Logan Airport on September 11, 2001.
In June 2009, ICTS was reportedly teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and was attracting a number of potential buyers. |
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
Why haven't we seen the routine video surveillance tapes of ANY of the passengers alleged to have boarded the ill-fated 9/11 flights at Boston's Logan, Newark's Liberty and Washington's Dulles international airports?
Author: Stephen M. St. John Source:
NEW YORK, 6 NOVEMBER 2005 -- Those who have bothered to read the 9/11 skeptics know about the extraordinary "coincidences" that took place that fateful morning. One of them happens to be the lack of routine video surveillance tapes of ANY of the passengers alleged to have boarded the ill-fated flights at Boston's Logan, Newark's Liberty and Washington's Dulles international airports.
The 9/11 Commission simply ignored this issue even though it can be fairly said that not only did the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington originate at these airport gates, but so did the resulting invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Why haven't we seen these video tapes? Why has the Fourth Estate failed to ask, Why haven't we seen these video tapes? Why the conspiracy of silence?
Well, the answer may very well lie in Holland. You see, security at some if not all of these airport gates of 9/11 was in the hands of an American minimum-wage subsidiary of a Dutch corporation called ICTS-International. What is most remarkable about this arrangement is that the Dutch corporation ICTS-International was, as of 9/11, Dutch in name only. An early 2003 check of its web-site showed a Board of Directors consisting entirely of nationals of the Zionist state with the single exception of the Comptroller, who apparently was the nominal Dutchman. And if I need to clue in the clueless, the Zionists were hellbent on finding a reason for the USA to invade Iraq. And it would be fair to say that these Zionists of ICTS-International were the gatekeepers of 9/11 and all that followed, such as the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Interesting, eh?
But the story gets even wilder. Not long after 9/11, the chairman of ICTS, Ezra Harel, whose surname is famous in the annals of the Mossad, died suddenly of a heart attack in his early 50s on his yacht off the coast of Palestine. Talk about not being available for comment!
But that's not the kicker. Hours before the House version of the first Patriot Act went to a vote, "technical corrections" were inserted into the body of the legislation whereby foreign security companies such as ICTS-International would be immune from lawsuits related to the events of 9/11. Talk about not being available for deposition! This "Patriot" act legislative sleight of hand occurred before the inception of the 9/11 Commission when Fearless Leader George W. Bush was still resisting the very IDEA of an investigation into 9/11.
Hence, in the face of an institutional cover-up, citizens were denied the possibility of a discovery process which is normally afforded to litigants. Without such discovery process, ICTS-International would never be compelled by a court of law to give testimony and show evidence related to the missing airport video surveillance tapes of 9/11 or any other aspect of security measures in place on 9/11.
The legal situation has since changed and ICTS-International is now a co-defendant in a lawsuit in Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York. (More about this will follow.) |
You want to bet that this scumbag is really still alive? Did you notice the obit for him previously posted??? Not your typical obit!
UPDATE: Yes the guy is dead as shown by the SEC filing below mentioning the "Estate of Ezra Harel" - See the 10th pg of 99:
Patriot Act 1 - Immunity pg 60: (Not sure if this applies in this case, but immunity was given to some agencies)
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
Icts International NV · 20-F/A · For 12/31/03 - SEC Filings:
Legal Proceedings
As a result of the September 11th terrorists attacks numerous lawsuits have commenced against Huntleigh and ICTS. Huntleigh has been named in approximately 70 lawsuits and ICTS in approximately 70 lawsuits. All of the cases were filed in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York. The cases arise out of Huntleigh's airport security service for United Flight 175 out of Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts. At the present time Huntleigh and ICTS are in 65 remaining cases. All of the cases involve wrongful death except 16 which involve property damage. The cases are in their early stages with depositions to begin on September 12, 2006.
Although these are the only claims brought against Huntleigh and ICTS with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Huntleigh and ICTS anticipate additional related claims. See "Risk Factors-Potential For Liability Claims."
Under current legislation Huntleigh and one other security company have their liability limited to the amount of insurance coverage that they carry. The legislation applies to Huntleigh, but not ICTS. |
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
By Victor Thorn
“His explosives couldn’t have blown up his own seat. Even if full power, it wouldn’t have worked.” These were the words relayed to me during a Jan. 2 interview with military analyst and counterinsurgency specialist Gordon Duff in regard to the attempt of Christmas Day underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab [sometimes referred to as Abdulmutallab] to ignite 80 grams of the explosive PETN on a flight destined for America. He also explained how the patsy’s country of origin, Nigeria, is clandestinely controlled by the Israeli army and Mossad.
These entities train the military, sell weapons, run the airports, and wield power over DICON (Defense Industries Corporation). Furthermore, Mutallab’s father is a Mossad partner and Israel’s No. 1 contact in Nigeria. As the former CEO of his country’s most influential bank and the man who ran their national arms industry, Mr. Mutallab also harbors extremely close relationships with the U.S. ambassador and CIA chief in Nigeria.
On Nov. 19, 2009, Mutallab supposedly felt so alarmed about his errant son’s behavior that he met with the CIA’s station chief in Nigeria. Duff describes the father in a Dec. 31 article for Veterans Today as “one of the richest people in the world, head of a major bank, head of the national armaments industry, and close associate of the U.S. ambassador,” as well as being a Mossad asset. Yet we’re to believe that nobody prevented his Yemeni-influenced “terrorist” son from boarding a plane ultimately bound for Detroit?
Another significant detail is being neglected by mainstream media sources. The firm in charge of security at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is the Israeli-owned International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS).They’re also the same outfit responsible for all three airports used by “Muslim hijackers” on 9-11. ICTS also handled security for London’s bus system during their 7-7 “Muslim bombing,” while doing the same at Charles de Gaulle Airport when “shoe bomber” Richard Reid boarded a plane in Paris on Dec. 22, 2001.
When a Michigan passenger, attorney Kurt Haskell, reported that a “well-dressed” Indian man arranged for Umar Mutallab to perform a “walkaround” without a passport in Amsterdam, ICTS was one of only a few entities that could have permitted this security breach to take place.
Despite tighter screening processes since 9-11, Northwest Airlines Flight 253 experienced no delays in takeoff. According to the Mathaba News Agency on Jan. 2, “It is evident that clearing the terrorist with higher-ups took a matter of a minute or so—the ‘Indian’ obviously had a high-level pass (CIA, Mossad or high-level security clout).”
Then, during the flight, onlookers noted that another passenger spent a great deal of time filming 23-year-old Mutallab with his camcorder. Even stranger, once the suspect tried to ignite his “crotch bomb,” Mathaba reported, “Throughout the incident, the man continued recording the terrorist, calmly and without interruption.”
Next, after the plane landed, another Indian man was led away in handcuffs after bomb-sniffing dogs smelled explosives in his luggage. Now, more than a week later, officials have refused to release Schiphol CCTV airport footage from Amsterdam, the air-bound “video passenger” film, or identify the man arrested in Detroit.
This Indian link doesn’t surprise Duff. “Israel and India are very close business partners, especially via their military contracts. Also, the Indian intelligence agency (Research and Analysis Wing) works hand-in-hand with Israel. Essentially, the two governments are one.”
But the Mossad’s reach extends even further, directly into the country where Mutallab purportedly trained. On Oct. 7, 2008, BBC News reported, “Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has said that security forces have arrested a group of alleged Islamist militants linked to Israeli intelligence.”
The ties go even deeper, straight to Mutallab’s home country. In a Sept. 5, 2008 article by Tashikalmah Hallah and Francis Okeke entitled “Nigeria: Lawmakers Divided Over Mossad,” Sen. Nuhu Aliyu voiced his support for their pact with Israel. “They (Mossad) are professionals, and they are here to help train our own intelligence agents. I don’t see any way by which their presence in the country poses a threat to our national security.”
One final element of the equation needs to be addressed; specifically, the “terrorist cell” that ostensibly trained Mutallab prior to his Christmas Day terror attempt.
However, Duff paints an entirely different picture. “There is no al-Qaeda in Yemen. George Bush released a couple of phony operatives from Guantanamo, and after traveling to the Middle East, they hooked up with the Mossad. The only reason Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez released them is because they’re assets.”
Of course, the American public is being misled again into believing that this “lone nut” terrorist sneaked through the system (no-fly lists, airport scrutiny etc) due to mere incompetence, similar to what occurred on 9-11.
Yet Israeli intelligence provided security at the Amsterdam Airport, where Mutallab boarded a plane with no passport; the NSA is equipped to electronically eavesdrop anywhere around the world; the Mossad is tied to Yemen, Nigeria and India; while the suspect’s father opened up banking and arms contacts in the Middle East while harboring an extremely close relationship with American and Israeli intelligence.
What we’re being fed is another propagandized cover story that is intended to keep ratcheting up Orwellian-style trauma and fear, all the while further spreading our global “terror war” to Yemen and the African continent. |
Just more confirmation!
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
Israeli firm blasted for letting would-be plane bomber slip through
The Israeli firm ICTS International (not to be confused with ICTS Europe, which is a different company), and two of its subsidiaries are at the crux of an international investigation in recent days, as experts try to pinpoint the reasons for the security failure that enabled Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to board Northwest flight 253 and attempt to set alight explosives hidden in his underwear.
A Haaretz investigation has learned that the security officers and their supervisor should have suspected the passenger, even without having early intelligence available to them.
At this time, ICTS and the Dutch security firm G4S are hurling recriminations at each other, as are the authorities at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, the Federal Aviation Authority and U.S. intelligence officials. Advertisement
The failure was a twin flop: An intelligence failure, which U.S. President Barack Obama has already stated, in the poor handling of information that arrived at the State Department and probably also the CIA from both the father of the would-be bomber and the British security service; and a failure within the security system, including that of the Israeli firm ICTS.
The ICTS daughter company, I-SEC, has another daughter company - called PI (Pro-Check International). The firms provide security services to airports: consultation, instruction, training, inspection and supervision.
Two decades ago, ICTS adopted the system used in Israel, namely of profiling and assessing the degree to which a passenger is a potential threat on the basis of a number indicators (including age, name, origin and behavior during questioning). At the same time, a decade ago, the company developed a technological system called APS (Advanced Passenger Screening).
This system is based on a computerized algorithm, and is fed passenger information from the airline company. The system was offered to the Israel Airports Authority and the Shin Bet in the past, but rejected. According to the company's Web site, most of the large airlines in the United States use the system.
However - in real time - the system of ICTS failed. Even if U.S. intelligence failed and the name of the Nigerian passenger was not pinpointed as a suspect for the airline, he should have stirred the suspicion of the security officers. His age, name, illogical travel route, high-priced ticket purchased at the last minute, his boarding without luggage (only a carry on) and many other signs should have been sufficient to alert the security officers and warrant further examination of the suspect.
However, the security supervisor representing I-SEC and PI allowed him to get on the flight.
ICTS was established in 1982 by former members of the Shin Bet and El Al security. Menachem Atzmon, who has been chairman of the board of directors since 2004, holds the controlling shares in the firm.
The ICTS headquarters are in the Netherlands and the company is traded in the New York Stock Exchange. Some senior managers are Israeli, including the joint managing director Ran Langer.
Another important figure is Doron Zicher, general manager of I-SEC. Zicher has been in charge of operations in the Netherlands for more than two decades and has served as adviser to the Dutch Justice Ministry, which is responsible for setting guidelines for airport security.
The company prides itself on employing 1,300 persons and providing security services to airports in 11 countries including France, Britain, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Russia. |
jofortruth |
Group: Admin Posts: 32,425 Member No.: 1 Joined: 1-May 07
Huntleigh USA Corporation (“Huntleigh”) is a corporation in the business of providing passenger and baggage screening services at airports throughout the United States. During the period between 1989 and early 2002, airlines contracted with Huntleigh in order to meet their responsibilities for passenger and baggage screening under the Air Transportation Security Act of 1974, Pub.L. No. 93-366, 88 Stat. 415 (1974) (“Air Transportation Security Act”) (repealed 1994).
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress enacted, and the President signed into law, the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, Pub.L. No. 107-171, 115 Stat. 597 (2001) (codified in scattered sections of 5 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C.) (“ATSA”). Two of ATSA's provisions are pertinent to this appeal. The first provision, section 101(g)(1), 49 U.S.C. § 44901 (note) (Supp. I 2001), provided that the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security was to assume all security and screening functions at United States airports. The second provision, section 101(g)(2), id., provided that the Under Secretary of Transportation could perform those functions by assuming the contracts of private companies that, at the time, provided security and screening functions at airports. If the government chose to accomplish its security and screening obligations via this route, the statute required that it pay adequate compensation to the private companies whose contracts were assumed. Id. ATSA's transfer of responsibility for passenger and baggage screening from airlines to the federal government had the effect of bringing to an end Huntleigh's security screening contracts with airlines. |
What's interesting about this case is that a criminal founded and headed this company (ICTS is an Israeli company founded by a criminal, Menahem Atzmon) and yet his company was in charge of security at Boston Logan and Newark on 911! (So much for credibility on "screening" for criminals, when their head guy was one!) 
The question is: Did Congress know this, and strip them of their security contracts to punish them, OR TO PROTECT THEM? Also, the families of 911 victims were not allowed to sue Huntsleigh! WHY? Judge Hellerstein, NYC saw to that!
On pg 328 of Barry Chamish (a Jewish man exposing the corruption in Israel) book "The conPromised Land" says:
Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel, went on to become the founder and head of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), the parent company of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and Newark on 9/11.
Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by “former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies.” |
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