by Anon4 days ago - In Kenya, the Chinese have invested in mining and offshore oil exploration, plus some big infrastructure projects, such as new bypasses around Nairobi. (The sound of silence) Kenya is the base for US intelligence .... Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein's Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy's Westfield America secured a 99-year lease on World Trade Center Buildings One, Two, Four and Five. Silverstein already owned Building Seven. Silverstein and Westfield ...
Attack in Nairobi Shopping Mall - Page 6 - David Icke's Official ...
2 days ago - 20 posts - 11 authorsThe New York Times staff photographer Tyler Hicks was nearby .... He lives in Nairobi,Kenya, and married the photojournalist Nichole Sobecki on Sept. ... +100 plus theSAS guy being there and pictured rescuing 2 young ...
Remember the Westfield Mall in Nairobi belongs to Frank Lowy the same Israeli-Australian financial criminal and suspect terrorist Frnk Lowy who made another fortune 'coincidentally' when the WTC in New York CITY COLLAPSED on 9/11/01 after he and Israeli American Zionist financial criminal and terrorist criminal rented and had it insured insured for a few only a months BEFORE IT MYSTERIOUSLY COLLAPSED AFTER PLANES ALLEGEDLY ORIGINATED FROM ISRAELI CONTROLLED LOGAN AIRPORT BOSTON HIT IT.

Laban Onditi Rao, the vice-chairman of the Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce, has asked "how these people carried so many weapons into that place without being found.".......
Agents of the the American and British security agencies were in the mall when the attack began.
In March 2013, an extra 3,000 British troops arrived in Kenya.
The Kenyan police and military are also in bed with the Israelis.
"We are not going to apologize for being friends with Israel and other nations," Amina Mohammed, the Kenyan foreign minister, said.
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has told the Kenyan Senate that security organs and intelligence officers were aware of an impending attack on ... the Westgate Mall.
"Sonko claimed that he had helped two women of either Asian or Arabic origin to offer information to police...
"He said the women had approached him three months ago with information to the effect that the gang, which had rented a house in Parklands and Westlands, were planning a major attack.
"They mentioned Westgate Mall..." - aangirfan.com
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

At the Kenyan mall, the man with the gun is in the UK's Special Air Services (SAS).
According to the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph:
"The SAS soldier shown above was having coffee at the Westgate mall (in Kenya) when it was attacked.
"With a gun tucked into his waistband, he was pictured helping two women out of the complex.
"He is said to have returned to the building on a dozen occasions, despite intense gunfire.
"Sources said the soldier was with the SAS, but he cannot be named for security reasons.
"A friend in Nairobi said: 'He went back in (the mall) 12 times."
Nairobi terror attack: 'SAS hero' saves up to 100 lives - Telegraph...

Samantha Lewthwaite, suspected of working for Britain's MI6.
The Mail revealed yesterday that soldiers say they saw a white woman shouting orders to gunmen, while a Twitter account purporting to represent Al Shabaab praised Lewthwaite.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

Terrorist gave my kids Mars bars
Israel - no deaths reported
USA - no deaths reported
The dead were reported to be citizens of KENYA, GHANA, INDIA, CHINA, PERU, SOUTH AFRICA...
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

Kenyan Mall attackers
Britain's SAS (Special Air Services) have reportedly trained the Khmer Rouge, the Tamil Tigers and Indonesia's notorious Kopassus.
Britain's SAS trained the Khmer Rouge
It was the British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services which reportedly trained the Tamil Tigers.
(Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups)
Mall Attack in Kenya ... this just smells ...
In Spain, website owners can now get six years in prison for linking to copyrighted material Posted by retank
Vice President William Ruto of Kenya's Message:
“Its really unfortunate that this terrorist attack was timed to coincide with my presence here at the Hague and the visit by His Excellency the president of Kenya to New York for the UN general Assembly."
SHOCK: RUTO CLAIMS West Gate Mall Attack was ARRANGED to FIX him and President Kenyatta

The Kenyan Daily Post has "identified different codes" used by the group that attacked the Kenyan Mall on 21 September 2013.

Reportedly, the codes relate to Masonic lodges in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Harvey Point was used by Navy SEAL Team Six to train for the raid that pretended to kill Osama bin Laden, in a scale mockup of the secret compound.[3][4]

Reportedly, Somalia's al-Shabaab terror group has released the names and nationalities of 9 attackers at the Westgate mall in Nairobi.
Alleged Kenya Mall Attackers Named by Al Shabaab - All Africa
They released the names via a Twitter account which is now suspended.
Below are the names and nationalities of 'the attackers'.
1: Ahmed Mohamed Isse, 22 years old from Minnesota, USA
2: Abdifatah Osman Keynadiid, 24 years old from Minnesota, Minneapolis
3: General Mustaf Nuradin, 27 years from Kansas City, America

4: Qasim Said, 22 year old from Garissa Kenya
5: Ahmed Nasir Shirdon, 24 years old from UK
6: Zaki Jma'a Arale, 20 years old from Hargeisa Somalia.
7: Ismail Guled, 23 years old from Finland
8: Siad Nuh, 25 years old from Kismayu, Somalia
9: Abdirazaq Mowlid, 24 years old from Canada

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the usual suspects have carried out an attack on a church (above).
Did Americans help

Reportedly, Somalia's al-Shabaab terror group has released the names and nationalities of 9 attackers at the Westgate mall in Nairobi.
Alleged Kenya Mall Attackers Named by Al Shabaab - All Africa
They released the names via a Twitter account which is now suspended.
Below are the names and nationalities of 'the attackers'.
1: Ahmed Mohamed Isse, 22 years old from Minnesota, USA
2: Abdifatah Osman Keynadiid, 24 years old from Minnesota, Minneapolis
3: General Mustaf Nuradin, 27 years from Kansas City, America

4: Qasim Said, 22 year old from Garissa Kenya
5: Ahmed Nasir Shirdon, 24 years old from UK
6: Zaki Jma'a Arale, 20 years old from Hargeisa Somalia.
7: Ismail Guled, 23 years old from Finland
8: Siad Nuh, 25 years old from Kismayu, Somalia
9: Abdirazaq Mowlid, 24 years old from Canada

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the usual suspects have carried out an attack on a church (above).
Did Americans help

"Lockerbie campaigners have called for a group of international prosecutors to investigate the Scottish government’s handling of complaints about the inquiry into the Lockerbie bombing.
"Pressure group Justice for Megrahi says the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) should examine Scottish justice minister Kenny MacAskill and Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland’s “objectivity and independence”.
"The group has made eight separate allegations against police and the Crown Office over the investigation that led to the conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi for carrying out the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103.
"It has also submitted a petition to Holyrood’s Justice Committee calling for the case to be reopened, despite Megrahi dropping his appeal just before he was released from prison on compassionate grounds in 2009. He died in May 2012 from prostate cancer.
"The group claims the Crown Office has ordered police to stop their investigation into three of the eight allegations."
Lockerbie campaign calls for inquiry into Megrahi prosecution
Monday, September 23, 2013

The Kenyan Daily Post has "identified different codes" used by the group that attacked the Kenyan Mall on 21 September 2013.

Reportedly, the codes relate to Masonic lodges in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Harvey Point was used by Navy SEAL Team Six to train for the raid that pretended to kill Osama bin Laden, in a scale mockup of the secret compound.[3][4]

Reportedly, Somalia's al-Shabaab terror group has released the names and nationalities of 9 attackers at the Westgate mall in Nairobi.
Alleged Kenya Mall Attackers Named by Al Shabaab - All Africa
They released the names via a Twitter account which is now suspended.
Below are the names and nationalities of 'the attackers'.
1: Ahmed Mohamed Isse, 22 years old from Minnesota, USA
2: Abdifatah Osman Keynadiid, 24 years old from Minnesota, Minneapolis
3: General Mustaf Nuradin, 27 years from Kansas City, America

4: Qasim Said, 22 year old from Garissa Kenya
5: Ahmed Nasir Shirdon, 24 years old from UK
6: Zaki Jma'a Arale, 20 years old from Hargeisa Somalia.
7: Ismail Guled, 23 years old from Finland
8: Siad Nuh, 25 years old from Kismayu, Somalia
9: Abdirazaq Mowlid, 24 years old from Canada

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the usual suspects have carried out an attack on a church (above).
Did Americans help

Reportedly, Somalia's al-Shabaab terror group has released the names and nationalities of 9 attackers at the Westgate mall in Nairobi.
Alleged Kenya Mall Attackers Named by Al Shabaab - All Africa
They released the names via a Twitter account which is now suspended.
Below are the names and nationalities of 'the attackers'.
1: Ahmed Mohamed Isse, 22 years old from Minnesota, USA
2: Abdifatah Osman Keynadiid, 24 years old from Minnesota, Minneapolis
3: General Mustaf Nuradin, 27 years from Kansas City, America

4: Qasim Said, 22 year old from Garissa Kenya
5: Ahmed Nasir Shirdon, 24 years old from UK
6: Zaki Jma'a Arale, 20 years old from Hargeisa Somalia.
7: Ismail Guled, 23 years old from Finland
8: Siad Nuh, 25 years old from Kismayu, Somalia
9: Abdirazaq Mowlid, 24 years old from Canada

Meanwhile, in Pakistan, the usual suspects have carried out an attack on a church (above).
Did Americans help

Britain's top diplomat in Kenya is the 'spooky' Christian Philip Hollier Turner.
As such he had responsibility for all UK policy and operations in this region which has been wrecked by the CIA-NATO's Arab Spring.
Prior to this Turner served variously as First Secretary in the British Embassy in Washington, as Private Secretary to the Prime Minister and in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit.
New envoy's a Zionist

Samantha, brainwashed MI6 spy?
Al Shabaab has claimed on Twitter that Samantha Lewthwaite is 'in their ranks'.
Al Shabaab's messages are all in perfect English and use the sort of sophisticated vocabulary used by Cambridge spies.
Al Shabaab has also claimed that two British men from London, Liban Adam, 23, and Ahmed Nasir Shirdoon, 24 are in their ranks.
Al Shabaab has also claimed that two British men from London, Liban Adam, 23, and Ahmed Nasir Shirdoon, 24 are in their ranks.
British, US and Israeli security forces are all involved in the mall incident.
"The group is said to be highly organised, with huge amounts of
ammunition as well as night vision equipment. They have destroyed CCTV cameras inside the shopping mall, meaning they cannot be watched."

Spooky Samantha, mother-of-four, "is now one of the main financiers and bomb-making tutors for the CIA's Al Shabaab...
"A senior Kenyan terrorist official said last night: ‘I suspect this woman is behind this attack because she has been financing the activities of the Al-Qaeda cell in Mombasa.’"

Message from al Shabaab; or from MI6, the people who gave us Operation Gladio?
"A senior Kenyan terrorist official said last night: ‘I suspect this woman is behind this attack because she has been financing the activities of the Al-Qaeda cell in Mombasa.’"

Samantha, who met Germaine Lindsay at the spooky School of Oriental and African Studies. ( Daily Mirror)
Samantha was married to Germaine Lindsay, the alleged 7/7 London Tube bomber.
Samantha Lewthwaite
Samantha Lewthwaite is from posh Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK.
She may have been brainwashed by the military?
As a teenager, she wore make-up and dresses, and went to parties with her friends.

Samantha Lewthwaite is from posh Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK.
She may have been brainwashed by the military?
As a teenager, she wore make-up and dresses, and went to parties with her friends.

Samantha and Germaine Lindsay
While studying for a degree at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London Samantha met Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay.
Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.
There is a suspicion that he was protected by the police and the security services.
The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a car used by Lindsay.
(7/7 inquests: police failed.)
While studying for a degree at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London Samantha met Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay.
Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.
There is a suspicion that he was protected by the police and the security services.
The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a car used by Lindsay.
(7/7 inquests: police failed.)

Lindsay had a conviction for importing drugs.
CCTV of the car could not be used "because it was obscured by a Bedfordshire police poster."
The investigating officer went on holiday and then went on a residential training course.
Eventually Lindsay's car was found at Luton railway station as part of the investigation into the July 7 bombings.
Allegedly, Germaine Lindsay was one of the 2005 London Tube Bombers and died at King's Cross in London.
After the 7 July bombings, Samantha was placed by the authorities in a ‘safe house’.

Samantha's villa in Mombassa, reportedly.
Police in Kenya said they found Samantha Lewthwaite's luxury villa in the holiday resort of Mombassa in Kenya.
They suggest she was involved in a plot to blow up hotels and shopping centres in Mombassa.
She has a South African passport under the name of Natalie Faye Webb.

Police in Kenya said they found Samantha Lewthwaite's luxury villa in the holiday resort of Mombassa in Kenya.
They suggest she was involved in a plot to blow up hotels and shopping centres in Mombassa.
She has a South African passport under the name of Natalie Faye Webb.

Police believe that the people living at the Mombassa villa were Samantha Lewthwaite and Habib Ghani, who is originally from Hounslow, in the UK.
The Landlord, Nelson Korir, said the man called himself Mark and spoke with an English accent.
He said three children were with the couple.
He said the woman wore western clothing and didn't cover her head.
Had the Kenyan police stumpled upon an MI6 or Mossad cell?

Vice President
What does the Kenyan leadership gain from the current crisis?
"Judges at the International Criminal Court on Monday adjourned the trial of Kenyan Vice President William Ruto for a week to allow him to return home and deal with the hostage crisis at a Nairobi mall that has left at least 68 people dead.
"Ruto and Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta, face charges of crimes against humanity in relation to their role in coordinating a wave of violence that swept Kenya in the aftermath of the country's contested 2007 elections."

The CIA is said to have a presence in Kenya.

On 21 September 2013, an upscale mall (photo above) became a war zone in Kenya.

This mall attack is partly about oil, oil pipelines, naval bases and the US struggle against China.

Samantha Lewthwaite is linked to the London Tube Bombings of 2005, and to a bombing campaign against tourist hotels in Kenya. Her father was a soldier in the UK military. SAMANTHA OF MI6?
Kenya has become friendly with China.
A few years ago, the Chinese defence minister agreed to modernise Kenya's armed forces.
(The sound of silence)
China's trade with Kenya has been rising.

The leaders of Kenya's Mau Mau, who fought the British, were given military training in Israel. Kenya has many Israeli businessmen and a Mossad presence. In 1998, the US embassy in Nairobi was bombed. WSWS wondered about links to Mossad (Questions mount in Kenya / Israel and Africa) :
In Kenya, the Chinese have invested in mining and offshore oil exploration, plus some big infrastructure projects, such as new bypasses around Nairobi.
(The sound of silence)
Kenya is the base for US intelligence operations in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.
(Kenya: post-election violence continues)

There are newly discovered oil reserves in Eastern Congo. The oil is to be brought by pipeline through Kenya to Mombasa on the coast.
China is currently involved in major highway projects in Kenya."
Kenya: post-election violence continues

In Belgium, in the mid-80s, hooded gunmen walked into crowded supermarkets and began firing at shoppers.
The massacres were later discovered to be linked to Operation Gladio, which was a CIA-NATO enterprise.
"The Supermarket massacres occurred during the period when the U.S. was pushing a plan to base the Euro-Missiles (nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles) in different European countries...
"The Belgian Parliament, which investigated the incidents, felt that they were another attempt to sow confusion and fear among the populace, thereby generating public outcries for a law-and-order government which would be amenable to the Euro-Missles."
In Kenya, the Chinese have invested in mining and offshore oil exploration, plus some big infrastructure projects, such as new bypasses around Nairobi.
(The sound of silence)
Kenya is the base for US intelligence operations in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.
(Kenya: post-election violence continues)

Michael Adebolajo released from Kenya, with the help of MI5? The London Woolwich 'terrorist' Michael Adebolajo is thought to have been working for MI5-MI6 for many years. When the police in Kenya arrested Michael in 2010, MI5-MI6 are said to have organised his release. Michael Adebolajo was arrested in ... / ADEBOLAJO WAS PAID BY MI6'
There are newly discovered oil reserves in Eastern Congo. The oil is to be brought by pipeline through Kenya to Mombasa on the coast.
China is currently involved in major highway projects in Kenya."
Kenya: post-election violence continues

Uhuru Kenyatta prefers China and Russia.
In a snub to Washington, the Kenyan president visits China and Russia first
Kenya's Kenyatta and China's Xi sign $5bn of deals.

In a snub to Washington, the Kenyan president visits China and Russia first
Kenya's Kenyatta and China's Xi sign $5bn of deals.

Two Canadians among dead. Currently, a Briton called Jermaine Grant is about to go on trial in Kenya, charged with organising a bombing campaign.
The Somalian terrorist group al-Shabaab, which has links to the CIA's Al-Qaeda, has now claimed responsibility for the 21 September 2013 Westlands shopping mall attack in Nairobi, in Kenya.

Al Shabaab, reportedly working for the CIA.
Somalia has oil and both China and the USA/NATO want to grab this oil.
Kenya is interested in the oil. Kenya has troops in Somalia.

Al Shabaab
In the Westlands shopping mall, there are at least 50 people dead and more than 150 injured.
The Somalian terrorist group al-Shabaab, which has links to the CIA's Al-Qaeda, has now claimed responsibility for the 21 September 2013 Westlands shopping mall attack in Nairobi, in Kenya.

Al Shabaab, reportedly working for the CIA.
Somalia has oil and both China and the USA/NATO want to grab this oil.
Kenya is interested in the oil. Kenya has troops in Somalia.

Al Shabaab
In the Westlands shopping mall, there are at least 50 people dead and more than 150 injured.
The "terrorists" stormed the Westgate Mall and sprayed shoppers with bullets.
This is similar to the CIA's attacks in Belgium, India...

Kenya - acting scared. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
The massacres were later discovered to be linked to Operation Gladio, which was a CIA-NATO enterprise.
"The Supermarket massacres occurred during the period when the U.S. was pushing a plan to base the Euro-Missiles (nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles) in different European countries...
"The Belgian Parliament, which investigated the incidents, felt that they were another attempt to sow confusion and fear among the populace, thereby generating public outcries for a law-and-order government which would be amenable to the Euro-Missles."

Kenya mall September 2013. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
In India, the Mumbai Attacks of 2008 involved 'white men' who may have been 'mercenaries' employed by the CIA.
Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men'
Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men'
The Mumbai attacks were planned by the American called David Headley, who worked for the USA's Drugs Enforcement Administration.

The Kenyan shopping mall. The
operatives in the CIA's Operation Gladio were told they "had to attack
civilians, the people, women, children..." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
The people who attacked the Kenyan shopping mall are described as follows:
"The attacker they arrested was a Kenyan Muslim convert."
"They spoke something that seemed like Arabic..."
"They spoke something that seemed like Arabic..."
"One had dreadlocks."
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

In 2002, it was reported that 'al Qaeda' had bombed the Israeli Paradise Hotel (above) at Kikambala Beach near Mombasa.
13 Kenyans died.
It looked like an Israeli false flag operation.
Before bombings... / Kenyan hotel bombs the work of the security services?

Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
COMMENTS from readers:
1. The photographer Tyler Hicks always seems to be there to capture the moment.
Witness to a Massacre in a Nairobi Mall
That means psyop.
What is the chance that this top notch photographer would be in the mall to "record the event"
Tyler Hicks, who always somehow seems to be at the hottest of hot spots and war zones when things explode, did it again today, improbably being inside the mall in Nairobi when the bomb went off.

Before bombings... / Kenyan hotel bombs the work of the security services?
Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
COMMENTS from readers:
1. The photographer Tyler Hicks always seems to be there to capture the moment.
Witness to a Massacre in a Nairobi Mall
That means psyop.
What is the chance that this top notch photographer would be in the mall to "record the event"
Tyler Hicks, who always somehow seems to be at the hottest of hot spots and war zones when things explode, did it again today, improbably being inside the mall in Nairobi when the bomb went off.

Nairobi mall. www.dailymail.co.uk
2. "We knew the shopping center is owned by Israelis and renowned as a place where many Israelis hang out," Lopez told Maariv.
2. "We knew the shopping center is owned by Israelis and renowned as a place where many Israelis hang out," Lopez told Maariv.
"Four of the restaurants there are also owned by Israelis and many Israelis are employed in the place."
Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to Kenya Yaki Lopez and the embassy’s security officer arrived early in the afternoon Saturday at the command center of the local security forces, following the first reports about the attack.
Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to Kenya Yaki Lopez and the embassy’s security officer arrived early in the afternoon Saturday at the command center of the local security forces, following the first reports about the attack.

3. Can this destabilization be linked to the recent discovery of a huge underground water reserve?
BBC News - Kenya aquifers discovered in dry Turkana region
4. Also the killings of Brit Ex-pats linked to the goings on around the election
because Kenyatta won.
Lots of bad blood there with the UK establishment.

Frank Lowy
5. shirlz007 comments:
A WESTFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE - Owned by none other than Frank Lowy!
'these global shopping centres you own seem to attract a suspiciously unusual amount of terrorist activity Frank!'
Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein's Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy's Westfield America secured a 99-year lease on World Trade Center Buildings One, Two, Four and Five. Silverstein already owned Building Seven.
Silverstein and Westfield America insured the WTC complex for $3.55 billion, but after the attacks of September 11 lodged a claim for $7.1 billion on the premise that each plane collision constituted a separate act of terrorism, doubling thepayout.
-11 September 2001: New York, the WTC complex buildings 1, 2, and 7 along with Westfield Hotel were ruined in the 9/11 attacks, and consequently about $5.4 billion went into the pockets of Lowy and Silverstein.
-21 September 2005: Westfield Mall in Perth, Australia, bomb threat.

Frank Lowy reportedly owns Marriott hotels
-21 July 2007: Court house adjacent Westfield Centre Derby, England, bomb threat, which caused evacuation of Westfield premises.
-01 March 2008: Westfield Old Orchard Mall, Skokie, Illinois, bomb threat.
-20 April 2009: Westfield Hotel Annapolis, bomb threat.
-20 September 2008: Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan, bombing.
-17 July 2008: Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, bombing.
-August 2012: London... wait, that one didn't quite happen for ya did it Frank!)

In 2011, Kenya's Raila Odinga and Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu promised to strengthen security ties. Odinga was defeated in the 2013 presidential election in Kenya.
6. "Israeli agents" were involved "in the siege"...
"The Israelis have just entered"... a Kenyan security source told AFP....
"Kenyan Vice President William Ruto has asked the International Criminal Court to delay his trial for crimes against humanity over deadly 2007-08 post election violence because of the mall standoff, his lawyer said...
"Foreign security agents - from Israel as well as the United States and Britain - were also seen at the complex throughout the drama...
Israeli forces in Kenya battle in mall.

7. Here are the addresses of the Israeli and US embassies to Kenya.
You can politely ask the representatives of these nations what they know about the terrorist attack.
Israeli Embassy:
Bishop Road (near the intersection with Second Ngong Avenue).
US Embassy:
United Nations Avenue
Both are just a short walk from Westgate Mall on Mwanzi Road.
Or ask the embassy staff at their places of residences. No doubt Russian and Chinese diplomatic staff know their locations. The wealthy expats areas are small and close-knit. And probably not very well guarded either...
Ask them if they've ever heard of the NATO "Strategy of Tension". Or read the legal transcripts in the aftermath of the Bologna train station bombing.

Also ask their opinions on Chinese oil exploration in Somalia, and recent foreign partitioning of Somalia into controllable fragments such as Jubaland.
An action which benefits both Kenya and Ethiopia. Oh, and Western geostrategy and oil interests.
Northern Somalia would also be an excellent location for Chinese naval basing to protect China's economically critical sea lines of communication for oil transport.
Northern Somalia would also be an excellent location for Chinese naval basing to protect China's economically critical sea lines of communication for oil transport.
Unless Somalia were fragmented, weakened and run by CIA-backed warlords.
And maybe you can ask why the gunmen didn't take a leisurely stroll down to the Israeli and US embassies and unleash hell there, instead of killing innocent people.
Hmm, and why were those Israeli soldiers there? Can Kenyan special forces not handle a ragtag bunch of bloodthirsty amateurs?
And isn't it unusual how Al Shabab's Twitter updates are in fluent English.
8. "Ilana Stein, a spokeswoman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the attack took place near the ArtCaffe, an Israeli-owned coffee shop and bakery popular with foreigners that is one of 80 businesses in the mall.
And maybe you can ask why the gunmen didn't take a leisurely stroll down to the Israeli and US embassies and unleash hell there, instead of killing innocent people.
Hmm, and why were those Israeli soldiers there? Can Kenyan special forces not handle a ragtag bunch of bloodthirsty amateurs?
And isn't it unusual how Al Shabab's Twitter updates are in fluent English.
8. "Ilana Stein, a spokeswoman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the attack took place near the ArtCaffe, an Israeli-owned coffee shop and bakery popular with foreigners that is one of 80 businesses in the mall.
"Ms. Stein said that one Israeli had been lightly injured, that three
others had escaped unharmed and that Israelis had not been specifically
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bendita Malakia of the World Bank, who was rescued by an American security team.
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has told the Kenyan Senate that, three months
ago, two women gave the Kenyan authorities information about a proposed
attack on the Westgate mall.
In terrorist attacks, such as 9 11, the Mumbai attacks and the Norway
attacks, the attackers usually have the support of elements of the local
police, military and intelligence services.

Kenya Mall - continuation of the CIA's Operation Gladio?
Laban Onditi Rao, the vice-chairman of the Kenyan National Chamber of
Commerce, has asked "how these people carried so many weapons into that
place without being found."
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome

On 21 September 2013, when the attack began, "Harvard educated, World Bank lawyer Bendita Malakia was rescued by an 'American security team'
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome

The SAS man who was at the mall when the attack began.
Agents of the the American and British security agencies were in the mall when the attack began.
The Kenyan police did not arrive at the mall until half an our after the attack began.

In March 2013, an extra 3,000 British troops arrived in Kenya.
23,000 British Troops Arrive in Kenya.
The Kenyan police and military are also in bed with the Israelis.
"We are not going to apologize for being friends with Israel and other nations," Amina Mohammed, the Kenyan foreign minister, said.
Kenya and Israel have maintained close security and intelligence cooperation for many years.
Kenya, Israel's forward base in Africa - Diplomacy and Defense ...

Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has told the Kenyan Senate that security
organs and intelligence officers were aware of an impending attack on
... the Westgate Mall.
"Sonko claimed that he had helped two women of either Asian or Arabic origin to offer information to police...
"He said the women had approached him three months ago with information to the effect that the gang, which had rented a house in Parklands and Westlands, were planning a major attack.
"They mentioned Westgate Mall..."
Kenyan security organs knew of attack in advance - September 24, 2013

When the British ran Kenya (above), there was a "constant stream of reports of brutalities by police, military and home guards", wrote Canon Bewes, a British missionary. "Some of the people had been using castration instruments and two men had died under castration." Other brutalities included slicing off ears, boring holes in eardrums, flogging people to death, pouring paraffin over suspects and setting them alight and burning eardrums with cigarettes. A mobile gallows travelled the country. Over 1,000 were hanged, their bodies displayed at crossroads and market places.
Al-Shabaab, the Somali terrorist group that is believed to be run by the western security services, apparently boasted on Twitter that the mall massacre was 'our Woolwich' - a reference to the alleged murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in south-east London earlier in 2013.
Kenya counts its losses as terrorists are overcome

"It numbers around 500 or 600 people...
"It is made up of (white)
Kenyan Jews of European origin, some of whom have now been here for
three or four generations; many Israelis - on long or short contracts,
working at the Israeli Embassy, for two or three large Israeli
construction or agriculture companies, or running their own businesses;
American, British and South African expats working here; and also a
contingent of (black) Kenyans who have aspirations to become Jewish.
"There is also an ongoing stream of Jewish visitors, here on safari tours or for business.
"One Israeli working in the mall was shot lightly in the foot. Other community members were also in the mall at the time, but escaped unscathed."
Too Close For Comfort In Nairobi
"There is also an ongoing stream of Jewish visitors, here on safari tours or for business.
"One Israeli working in the mall was shot lightly in the foot. Other community members were also in the mall at the time, but escaped unscathed."
Too Close For Comfort In Nairobi

British run concentration camp in Kenya. According
to some historians, Britain bears “significant responsibility” since
1945 for the direct or indirect deaths of 8.6 million to 13.5 million
people throughout the world from military interventions and at the hands
of regimes strongly supported by Britain. (Unpeople, Dirty Wars and a Web of Deceit – Britain’s Foreign ...)
The Kenyan police and military are also in bed with the Israelis.
"We are not going to apologize for being friends with Israel and other nations," Amina Mohammed, the Kenyan foreign minister, said.
Kenya, Israel's forward base in Africa - Diplomacy and Defense ...
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko
"Sonko claimed that he had helped two women of either Asian or Arabic origin to offer information to police...
"He said the women had approached him three months ago with information to the effect that the gang, which had rented a house in Parklands and Westlands, were planning a major attack.
"They mentioned Westgate Mall..."
Kenyan security organs knew of attack in advance - September 24, 2013

When the British ran Kenya (above), there was a "constant stream of reports of brutalities by police, military and home guards", wrote Canon Bewes, a British missionary. "Some of the people had been using castration instruments and two men had died under castration." Other brutalities included slicing off ears, boring holes in eardrums, flogging people to death, pouring paraffin over suspects and setting them alight and burning eardrums with cigarettes. A mobile gallows travelled the country. Over 1,000 were hanged, their bodies displayed at crossroads and market places.
Al-Shabaab, the Somali terrorist group that is believed to be run by the western security services, apparently boasted on Twitter that the mall massacre was 'our Woolwich' - a reference to the alleged murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in south-east London earlier in 2013.
The Woolwich psy-op is believed to have been the work of the western security services.
The British soldiers are NOT heroes; they are agents of the oligarchs.
The British soldiers are NOT heroes; they are agents of the oligarchs.
Tyler Hicks, New York Times Photographer, Witnessed Nairobi Mall ...
Witness to a Massacre in a Nairobi Mall - NYTimes.com
lens.blogs.nytimes.com/.../witness-to-a-massacre-in-a-nairobi-m...4 days ago - Tyler Hicks, a Times photographer, was nearby when gunmen opened fire ... Kenya, and married the photojournalist Nichole Sobecki on Sept.
Attack in Nairobi Shopping Mall - Page 6 - David Icke's Official ...
2 days ago - 20 posts - 11 authorsThe New York Times staff photographer Tyler Hicks was nearby .... He lives in Nairobi,Kenya, and married the photojournalist Nichole Sobecki on Sept. ... +100 plus theSAS guy being there and pictured rescuing 2 young ...
update from aangirfan:
Nairobi attack VIDEO: The escape route tunnel used by terroristsApparently, some of the Kenyan security forces were on the side of the attackers in the Mall.
"A team from the Recce General Service Unit of the Kenya Police, early in the rescue operation, made its way into the mall and secured most of it, pinning down the terrorists at one end around Nakumatt Supermarket and Barclays Bank.
"However, the team pulled out after its commander was fatally shot in ‘friendly fire’ following the arrival of a KDF (army) unit.
"Also pulling out at the same time was a small group of policemen from various units and armed civilians, who were the first to enter the mall from the rooftop parking and the front entrance and led hundreds of shoppers to safety."Strategy of Terror."One officer involved said that some units had a priority to locate and rescue a specific group of VIPs..."
NEWS Blame game over Westgate attack
"It also emerged on Wednesday that the police had been given advance intelligence on the planned terrorist attack, but failed to act."
NEWS Blame game over Westgate attack
"Many businesses in the mall are operated by Israeli’s like the ArtCaffe owned by Alex Traitenberg."
Israeli connection in Westgate Mall terror attack
Those reportedly killed:
From ISRAEL and the USANone
1. Peter Ldhituachi Simani, chairman of the Political Parties Dispute Tribunal. 2. Anuj Shah of Sona Shoppe, a photography studio. 3. Harun Oyieke, a lecturer at Co-operative University College of Kenya.4. Ruhila Adatia-Sood, a local TV and radio personality, who was married to Ketan Sood, who worked for USAid in Nairobi.5 and 6. President Uhuru Kenyatta's nephew Mbugua Mwangi and his fiancee Rosemary Wahito.7. Mitul Shah: A sales and marketing director. 8. Nehal Vekaria. 9. Martin Munene Kithinji: A police officer attached to GSU Recce company. 10. Wilkista Vizengwa Angoro 11. Crispal Gaitung'u Ng'ang'a: of Genesis Office Solutions 12 - 14. Kennedy Mogaka Mochere, Veronicah Wairimu Kamau, and John Mutando Musango : employees of Nakumatt.
Mitul Shah
CANADA 15. Annemarie Desloges: A 29-year-old Canadian diplomat. 16. Vancouver hotelier Naguib Damji, 59
GHANA 17.Kofi Awoonor: a renowned poet.
INDIA 18. Sridhar Natarajan: working for a pharmaceutical firm. 19. Paramshu Jain: The eight-year-old son of a branch manager for the Bank of Baroda.
PERU 20. Juan Jesus Ortiz: A doctor.
SOUTH KOREA 21. Kang Moon-heeSimon Belcher, from Scotland, survived.
AUSTRALIA AND HOLLAND 22 and 23. A 33-year-old Dutch woman and her Australian husband. 24 and 25. Australian Ross Langdon, of Regional Associates Ltd, and his wife from Holland, Elif Yavuz, a malaria specialist.
CHINA 26. A 38-year-old Chinese woman.FRANCE 27. A mother and daughter.
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 28. Ravindra Ramrattan
SOUTH AFRICA 29. One national
30 and 31. Other victims identified by Daily Telegragh are Zahara Bawa and her eight-year-old daughter Jenah.We Googled each of the following:1. Kenya mall attack MI6 whatreallyhappened2. Kenya mall attack MI6 prison planet3. Kenya mall attack MI6 IckeAll that comes up on our Google page is:Cia Attacks Mall Shoppers? Dark Politricks
Prison Planet.com » Some Got Warning To Avoid Westgate Before ...
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