WTC,9/11:Fake Jumping - No Photos Of Bodies On Ground
9/11/2001 Jumper And Ground Images - Let's Roll Forums
Sep 23, 2010 - 10 posts - 5 authors
9/11/2001 Jumper And Ground Images The World Trade Center - Hollow ... seejumpers at the street level, or FEMA images of bodies found on the ground. ... Why was the World Trade Center giving off White Smoke on 9/11?
9/11 victims who fell from Twin Towers 'appeared to be blinded by ...
Sep 11, 2011 - Nothing more graphically spells out the horror of 9/11 than grainy images ... Star Wars spin-off Rogue One is 'so bad Disney chiefs ordered FOUR ... When they hit the pavement, their bodies were not so much broken as obliterated. .... but no one has ever investigated at Ground Zero who may have jumped.
Daily Mail
ALL looks like what we would expect to see (apart from being deserted), anyways here the cream.........
taken from the "9/11 elevator music played on" FOIA clip...(i already made a post with total of 5 unexplainable things, BUT THIS BEATS THOSE STRANGE EVENTS simply because it proves all the jumper videos are faked..
The image i captured is only a few seconds before the "floating/cgi/dummy man on the rope guy" has landed out of shot behind what i see as wtc4 which is just to the left of our cameraman. The camera has just panned down from the burning tower above so we can safely say this is after both towers have been hit and burning for a while...(the wtc2 corner u can see just ahead is where the same cameraman filmed the security allowing fireteams in to access basement....
taken from the "9/11 elevator music played on" FOIA clip...(i already made a post with total of 5 unexplainable things, BUT THIS BEATS THOSE STRANGE EVENTS simply because it proves all the jumper videos are faked..
The image i captured is only a few seconds before the "floating/cgi/dummy man on the rope guy" has landed out of shot behind what i see as wtc4 which is just to the left of our cameraman. The camera has just panned down from the burning tower above so we can safely say this is after both towers have been hit and burning for a while...(the wtc2 corner u can see just ahead is where the same cameraman filmed the security allowing fireteams in to access basement....
NOTICE THE LOVELY UNDAMAGED STAGE ROOF? ......i have spent last few hours making sure what i see is in the correct timeline before posting this, but the milenium video clearly shows jumpers body mess on the stage roof just after 1st plane and way before (10 mins) before 2nd plane, yet our cameraman down on the plaza itself filmed an unmarked virgin like tent roof when both towers had been burning for ages.
those radio people who filmed from milenium hotel need to be looked into............they "accidently" missed the 2nd plane hit and the first collapse and they convienienly added some jumpers for us too?...
PROOF BBC & CNN Knew WTC 7 Would Collapse - YouTube
Nov 26, 2012 - Uploaded by Veritas Vincit Omnia
Veritas ✟ Vincit ✟ Omnia ✟ ~ This video is clear proof the BBCknew in advance about WTC-7.. It ...
BBC Reports 911, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens - YouTube
Jun 4, 2013 - Uploaded by PeaceGardenSecrets
BBC Reports 911, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens .....CNN also tried to report the collapse way ...
9/11 CNN Reports World Trade Center Tower 7 Collapse Before it ...
Aug 15, 2011 - Uploaded by Christ Conquers
9/11 CNN Reports World Trade Center Tower 7 Collapse Before it .... BBC did say it collapsed 20 minutes ...
I found some fakery proof that has been staring us in the face...
The FOIA release of "wtc plaza jumpers filmed from millenium hotel" and "wtc plaza, elevator music played on" are both close up and very good videos showing the aftermathon the plaza and surrounding rooftops that we havnt seen in the past.
as i just watched again it was so ov=bvious i cant believe i never spotted it before.........
millenium hotel footage...very start of video just after first plane has hit.....oh look jumpers have landed on the outdoor stage:(
millenium hotel footage again, this is just after 2nd plane hit, same plaza, lots more debris and lots of jumpers from wtc1 onto plaza and tent...
heres another photo i found showing same plaza mess and tent roof taken from somewhere to the left of milenium hotel?
ALL looks like what we would expect to see (apart from being deserted), anyways here the cream.........
taken from the "9/11 elevator music played on" FOIA clip...(i already made a post with total of 5 unexplainable things, BUT THIS BEATS THOSE STRANGE EVENTS simply because it proves all the jumper videos are faked..
The image i captured is only a few seconds before the "floating/cgi/dummy man on the rope guy" has landed out of shot behind what i see as wtc4 which is just to the left of our cameraman. The camera has just panned down from the burning tower above so we can safely say this is after both towers have been hit and burning for a while...(the wtc2 corner u can see just ahead is where the same cameraman filmed the security allowing fireteams in to access basement....
NOTICE THE LOVELY UNDAMAGED STAGE ROOF? ......i have spent last few hours maing sure what i see is in the correct timeline before posting this, but the milenium video clearly shows jumpers body mess on the stage roof just after 1st plane and way before (10 mins) before 2nd plane, yet our cameraman down on the plaza itself filmed an unmarked virgin like tent roof when both towers had been burning for ages.
those radio people who filmed from milenium hotel need to be looked into............they "accidently" missed the 2nd plane hit and the first collapse and they convienienly added some jumpers for us too?
The 911 Jumper Frauds:
| |||||||
Re: 9/11 Jumpers Video's - Observations & Critical Thinking
No ,,pictures of people in mid air,,,,that were jumping on a trampoline,,then their IMAGE cut and pasted to the background(towers) photos.
Re: 9/11 Jumpers Video's - Observations & Critical Thinking
If you check around these posts, I am in total agreement with you re the trampoline. And also look at the silhouettes that I posted. Many shapes very similar to our 'black coloured' jumpers. The two jumping holding hands could be the same silhouette but rotated. And in the video regarding the person in the north tower, if you put it on full screen, you will notice that our waver becomes a load of white smoke/powder.
Regard Clive
Fl# 11 Fraud - Carolyn Mayer-Beug; Passenger on Flight 11? Or 9/11 Planner?
Carolyn Mayer-Beug, fake passenger on Flight 11, was another very remarkable person among the fake dead of the four 9/11 flights. She had been a Senior Vice President at Walt Disney, President of Disney Records, and won an MTV Video Award for Van Halen's "Right Now" video. Yet her memorial portrays her as a regular "track mom".
Carolyn Beug
Her Husband, John Beug, is a Senior Vice President of Home Video for Warner Strategic Marketing, a division of Warner Brothers. He has produced concert movies for some of the top names in music. He is also President of Rhino Records on the side.
Mrs. Beug had just finished helping her twins settle in at The Rhode Island School of Design, and as the above article references, the family has been a big donor to the school. He is on the school's Board of Trustees.
Carrying on in the family tradition, Lauren Mayer-Beug was credited for Design/Concept/Animation/Production as well as Director for the Obama "True Colors" ad, among many others.
Her twin sister Lindsey, is also a designer.
The Mayer-Beug family is connected to the top of the industry which manages what America listens to, what kids are listening to, shaping and selling is what they do.
On the 5th Anniversary of 9/11 John Beug gave an interview to Scott Simon of NPR. In my opinion, he gave some very strange answers. Especially this one;
Why would the FBI brief John Beug about the Moussaoui case? What does that have to do with the question asked?
There is only one answer when asked that question. Of course you would turn the clock back, of course you would want your loved one back. What kind of answer was that?
Read the whole interview here:
At about this same time, Mr. Beug wrote a letter to Robert Iger, President of Disney, expressing his concerns about their "ThePath to 911" movie.
He says their movie "The Path to 911" fictionalizes certain aspects of flight 11. Does he claim to know what actually occurred on Flight 11? He then says it is because they are not true to the 911 Commission's report which "was a correct and very responsible accounting of the terrorist attacks of 2001".
Considering his connections, and the fact that his wife was part of the Disney inner circle, why didn't he just call his friend Bob Iger?
Is John Beug playing the well connected role of shill fake family member?
Anyone who lost a loved one in 911 and believes the above about the Omission commission is either stupid, crazy, or on the inside. His position would seem to rule out the first two and confirm the third.
So how did Mrs. Beug end up on the Flight 11 Passenger List?
Was she part of the 9/11 team? Her Memorial states she quit her Mega-job at Disney to write a kid's book on Noah's Ark. Why would she have to quit that job to write a children's book? If she really was writing it full time, could it possibly take two years? Was she "Producing" 9/11 the whole time?
Known for her emotionally evocative videography, did she set up the TV camera shots of falling buildings and plane smashing into them, did she stage the necessary spots with actors for family members and experts, did she consult on scripted coverage for maximum emotional impact? She did not die on Flight 11. She may not have died at all. |
PROOF BBC & CNN Knew WTC 7 Would Collapse - YouTube
Nov 26, 2012 - Uploaded by Veritas Vincit Omnia
Veritas ✟ Vincit ✟ Omnia ✟ ~ This video is clear proof the BBCknew in advance about WTC-7.. It ...BBC Reports 911, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens - YouTube
Jun 4, 2013 - Uploaded by PeaceGardenSecrets
BBC Reports 911, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens .....CNN also tried to report the collapse way ...9/11 CNN Reports World Trade Center Tower 7 Collapse Before it ...
Aug 15, 2011 - Uploaded by Christ Conquers
9/11 CNN Reports World Trade Center Tower 7 Collapse Before it .... BBC did say it collapsed 20 minutes ...
I found some fakery proof that has been staring us in the face...
The FOIA release of "wtc plaza jumpers filmed from millenium hotel" and "wtc plaza, elevator music played on" are both close up and very good videos showing the aftermathon the plaza and surrounding rooftops that we havnt seen in the past.
as i just watched again it was so ov=bvious i cant believe i never spotted it before.........
millenium hotel footage...very start of video just after first plane has hit.....oh look jumpers have landed on the outdoor stage:(

millenium hotel footage again, this is just after 2nd plane hit, same plaza, lots more debris and lots of jumpers from wtc1 onto plaza and tent...

heres another photo i found showing same plaza mess and tent roof taken from somewhere to the left of milenium hotel?

ALL looks like what we would expect to see (apart from being deserted), anyways here the cream.........
taken from the "9/11 elevator music played on" FOIA clip...(i already made a post with total of 5 unexplainable things, BUT THIS BEATS THOSE STRANGE EVENTS simply because it proves all the jumper videos are faked..
The image i captured is only a few seconds before the "floating/cgi/dummy man on the rope guy" has landed out of shot behind what i see as wtc4 which is just to the left of our cameraman. The camera has just panned down from the burning tower above so we can safely say this is after both towers have been hit and burning for a while...(the wtc2 corner u can see just ahead is where the same cameraman filmed the security allowing fireteams in to access basement....

NOTICE THE LOVELY UNDAMAGED STAGE ROOF? ......i have spent last few hours maing sure what i see is in the correct timeline before posting this, but the milenium video clearly shows jumpers body mess on the stage roof just after 1st plane and way before (10 mins) before 2nd plane, yet our cameraman down on the plaza itself filmed an unmarked virgin like tent roof when both towers had been burning for ages.
those radio people who filmed from milenium hotel need to be looked into............they "accidently" missed the 2nd plane hit and the first collapse and they convienienly added some jumpers for us too?
The FOIA release of "wtc plaza jumpers filmed from millenium hotel" and "wtc plaza, elevator music played on" are both close up and very good videos showing the aftermathon the plaza and surrounding rooftops that we havnt seen in the past.
as i just watched again it was so ov=bvious i cant believe i never spotted it before.........
millenium hotel footage...very start of video just after first plane has hit.....oh look jumpers have landed on the outdoor stage:(
millenium hotel footage again, this is just after 2nd plane hit, same plaza, lots more debris and lots of jumpers from wtc1 onto plaza and tent...
heres another photo i found showing same plaza mess and tent roof taken from somewhere to the left of milenium hotel?
ALL looks like what we would expect to see (apart from being deserted), anyways here the cream.........
taken from the "9/11 elevator music played on" FOIA clip...(i already made a post with total of 5 unexplainable things, BUT THIS BEATS THOSE STRANGE EVENTS simply because it proves all the jumper videos are faked..
The image i captured is only a few seconds before the "floating/cgi/dummy man on the rope guy" has landed out of shot behind what i see as wtc4 which is just to the left of our cameraman. The camera has just panned down from the burning tower above so we can safely say this is after both towers have been hit and burning for a while...(the wtc2 corner u can see just ahead is where the same cameraman filmed the security allowing fireteams in to access basement....
NOTICE THE LOVELY UNDAMAGED STAGE ROOF? ......i have spent last few hours maing sure what i see is in the correct timeline before posting this, but the milenium video clearly shows jumpers body mess on the stage roof just after 1st plane and way before (10 mins) before 2nd plane, yet our cameraman down on the plaza itself filmed an unmarked virgin like tent roof when both towers had been burning for ages.
those radio people who filmed from milenium hotel need to be looked into............they "accidently" missed the 2nd plane hit and the first collapse and they convienienly added some jumpers for us too?
The 911 Jumper Frauds: | |||||||
Re: 9/11 Jumpers Video's - Observations & Critical Thinking
No ,,pictures of people in mid air,,,,that were jumping on a trampoline,,then their IMAGE cut and pasted to the background(towers) photos.
Re: 9/11 Jumpers Video's - Observations & Critical Thinking If you check around these posts, I am in total agreement with you re the trampoline. And also look at the silhouettes that I posted. Many shapes very similar to our 'black coloured' jumpers. The two jumping holding hands could be the same silhouette but rotated. And in the video regarding the person in the north tower, if you put it on full screen, you will notice that our waver becomes a load of white smoke/powder. Regard Clive
Fl# 11 Fraud - Carolyn Mayer-Beug; Passenger on Flight 11? Or 9/11 Planner?
Carolyn Mayer-Beug, fake passenger on Flight 11, was another very remarkable person among the fake dead of the four 9/11 flights. She had been a Senior Vice President at Walt Disney, President of Disney Records, and won an MTV Video Award for Van Halen's "Right Now" video. Yet her memorial portrays her as a regular "track mom".
Carrying on in the family tradition, Lauren Mayer-Beug was credited for Design/Concept/Animation/Production as well as Director for the Obama "True Colors" ad, among many others.
Quote: The Mayer-Beug family is connected to the top of the industry which manages what America listens to, what kids are listening to, shaping and selling is what they do. On the 5th Anniversary of 9/11 John Beug gave an interview to Scott Simon of NPR. In my opinion, he gave some very strange answers. Especially this one;
There is only one answer when asked that question. Of course you would turn the clock back, of course you would want your loved one back. What kind of answer was that? Read the whole interview here: At about this same time, Mr. Beug wrote a letter to Robert Iger, President of Disney, expressing his concerns about their "ThePath to 911" movie.
Considering his connections, and the fact that his wife was part of the Disney inner circle, why didn't he just call his friend Bob Iger? Is John Beug playing the well connected role of shill fake family member? Anyone who lost a loved one in 911 and believes the above about the Omission commission is either stupid, crazy, or on the inside. His position would seem to rule out the first two and confirm the third. So how did Mrs. Beug end up on the Flight 11 Passenger List? Was she part of the 9/11 team? Her Memorial states she quit her Mega-job at Disney to write a kid's book on Noah's Ark. Why would she have to quit that job to write a children's book? If she really was writing it full time, could it possibly take two years? Was she "Producing" 9/11 the whole time? Known for her emotionally evocative videography, did she set up the TV camera shots of falling buildings and plane smashing into them, did she stage the necessary spots with actors for family members and experts, did she consult on scripted coverage for maximum emotional impact? She did not die on Flight 11. She may not have died at all. |
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