Israelis Celebrate ISIS(False Flag) Attacks On Brussels,Belgium
Israel rejoiced at many attacks
Delivery in News 23/03/2016 8 Comments 1,900 Pageviews
Syrian activist Mimi al-Laham uploaded to Twitter yesterday screenshots Israelis shocking reactions related to the Brussels attacks.
Hebrew-speaking left-wing turning social media messages Israeli Jews consider attacks as legitimate, because the victims were non-Jews.
Liat Mamus: "I'm actually happy about this. Now the world to realize how much we [Jews] suffer every day. Thank the Lord that none of us [Jews] did not hurt. "
Ariel Portinasky: "Let them explode into pieces, because they do not care about us [Jews]. Let them experience it, which we also had to endure. European Jews are hateful filth. Sending Breaking the Silence [Israeli war crimes documenting NGO] Belgium, together with all other Israel-haters.Have a nice holiday! "
Shai Levi: "As fate would! Europe will have to pay a high price! "
Nachum Pizem: "As many Europeans have to die. Europe is responsible for the murder of millions of Jews. I do not pity them. They are evil and ruthless people-goy [non-Jews, the Hebrew word for goy means also "tuholaisparvea" and "herd animal". Eng. Note.]. "
Avi Aziz: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! This is not the creator of Karma, but Revenge! "
Yaniv Hadad: "ISIS arranged for us the great gift of Purim celebrations. Belgium was a great destination. Next to bombard Sweden as punishment for their lutkamaisen Foreign Minister'sactivities. "
ISIS to implement the "Gentiles" mass murder
Hadad refers to the traditional Jewish Purim -juhlaan. The Zionists call their enemies often "Amalek".Amalek is the Hebrew Bible character who is often identified with Israel and fight. The Jews are according to tradition, received from his God command "to destroy the seed of Amalek". This is often interpreted to mean and fight genocide.
Purim celebration joy descendant of Amalek led tens of thousands of "Gentiles" massacre, which is described in the book of Esther.
We have previously reported on by the resident of the West Bank, for example, the leading Rabbi Baruch Ephrath , "the European Islamification is a good thing," for the destruction of European identity is a fitting punishment for centuries of "anti-Semitism".
Ephrath, it is, however, important to ensure that the European Islamification incur problems, "the people of Israel," that is, Jews.