Really! UK Jewish PM David Cameron Fucks A Dead Pig's Mouth! Is That 'Kosher'?
Did, 'I'm proud to be a Jew' UK PM David Cameron, REALLY stick his dirty dick into the mouth of a dead pig? Is that kosher ? Maybe he put it in Lord Ashcroft's mouth and now they're both confused.......As you will see below,Jewish Lord Ashcroft has himself been caught in drug,money laundering scandal operating out of Belize by a DEA research specialist but the whistleblower Jonathan Randel 'was sentenced to a year in a federal prison, followed by three years probation- by the U.S. government for his efforts.
Although opium cultivation gradually increased in China, opium ...
Lord Ashcroft has written a book about his fellow(Jewish) Conservative David Cameron (above).
Lord Ashcroft reminds people that David Cameron is a close friend of Derek Laud.

Derek Laud, who is gay, is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.
According to Angus James: "Derek Laud sodomised an underage boy at one children's home so savagely that the child received hospital treatment for a ruptured anus."

Michael Ashcroft and David Cameron.
Billionaire Lord Ashcroft has been associated with 'dodgy goings-on' in Belize.
Lord Ashcroft. / U.S. DEA leak scandal / Belize Bank: A $10m mystery - The Economist
When Ashcroft worked at the Conservative Party Central Office, he was known as Blofeld, after the Bond villain.
Ashcroft's book on Cameron is called Call Me Dave.....................
Lord Ashcroft reminds people that David Cameron is a close friend of Derek Laud.

Derek Laud, who is gay, is a long standing family friend of Samantha Cameron's family and a personal friend of David Cameron and attended their wedding at Ginge, in Oxfordshire.
According to Angus James: "Derek Laud sodomised an underage boy at one children's home so savagely that the child received hospital treatment for a ruptured anus."

Michael Ashcroft and David Cameron.
Billionaire Lord Ashcroft has been associated with 'dodgy goings-on' in Belize.
Lord Ashcroft. / U.S. DEA leak scandal / Belize Bank: A $10m mystery - The Economist
When Ashcroft worked at the Conservative Party Central Office, he was known as Blofeld, after the Bond villain.
Ashcroft's book on Cameron is called Call Me Dave.....................
David Cameron's Roots in Jewish Banking, Opium -
27 May 2010 ... (Editor's Note: British Prime Minister David
Cameron is the scion of the ...
Although opium cultivation gradually increased in China, opium ...
Google news search 'uk david cameron dead pig'
The BBC's decision not to report the dead pig allegations against ...
The Independent - 4 hours ago
We are currently trialling our new-look website - please ... Ashcroft's account of David Cameron's alleged excesses as an Oxford student. ... But search the BBC story for “pig” and you'll find nothing. ... initiation ceremony… involving a dead pig” at Oxford's Piers Gaveston dining society.
David Cameron's debauchery laid bare in Lord Ashcroft's book Call ... Daily Mail9 questions about David Cameron's #PigGate you were too ... Vox British PM David Cameron did unmentionable things to a dead pig ... Firstpost - Huffington Post |
The Independent
How David Cameron took part in dead pig initiation ceremony at ...
Daily Mail - 1 day ago
The late Count Gottfried von Bismarck (left), an Oxford contemporary of Cameron's, reportedly threw dinner parties featuring the heads of pigs.
David Cameron Pig Allegation Journalist Says Story Is 'Colourful ... Huffington Post UK |
Daily Mail
Local Tory group to go ahead with 'pig race' fundraiser after David ...
The Independent - 1 day ago
A local Conservative party group will go ahead with a planned “pig ... that David Cameron inserted his private parts into a dead pig's head at ...
Local Tory group confirm pig race fundraiser will go ahead despite ... Scottish Daily Record |
The Independent
Cameron dead pig claims 'hardly Watergate', author protests
The Times (subscription) - 8 hours ago
A claim that David Cameron engaged in obscene activities with a dead pig's head at university was “not Watergate” and was just intended to ...
The Times (subscription)
Charlie Brooker on Cameron and #piggate: 'I'd have been ...
The Guardian - 1 day ago
David Cameron with Florence the pig: Black Mirror's pig/prime minister ... in which the prime minister of Britain – to hoots of derision on social media – is ... a private part of his anatomy” into the mouth of a dead pig during an ...
After David Cameron's pig-gate, more disturbing Charlie Brooker ... |
The Guardian
Jeremy Corbyn's Twitter account had an unlikely response to the ...
The Independent - 1 day ago
As speculation continued to rage about allegations David Cameron placed his genitals in a dead pig's mouth during his time at university, ...
What David Cameron did to the pig, his party is now doing to the ... New StatesmanSeven ways Jeremy Corbyn can get his pig digs into PMQs and ... Metro |
The Independent
UK Prime Minister David Cameron's #PigGate Sex Scandal Eerily ...
Decider - 1 day ago
... biography of British Prime Minister David Cameron claims that he placed a “private part of his anatomy” into the mouth of a dead pig during ...
'Black Mirror' Creator Charlie Brooker Responds to David Cameron ... Exclaim! |
David Cameron Pig Scandal: UK Prime Minister Put 'A Private Part ...
Enstarz - 1 day ago
A new biography about David Cameron reveals a sordid little secret about ... that Cameron committed a rather seedy deed with a dead pig at a ...
Morrissey Comments on Allegations That British Prime Minister F ...
SPIN - 22 hours ago
... that current British Prime Minister David Cameron sexually violated a pig ... the future world leader put his member into a dead pig's mouth as ...
Listen to anti-Tory band's David Cameron tribute song 'Pig's Mouth ... Digital Spy UK |
On the day David Cameron is dragged into 'PigGate' he meets the ...
Daily Mail - 22 hours ago
And yet after spending hours fending off questions over lurid claims he violated a dead pig's head, the Prime Minister tonight welcomed the ...
Luckily his wife Samantha Sheffield Cameron who proudly descends from old Christian aristocratic roots is not of Jewish origen and can suck his piggy dickkk without fear of beind un- kosher.
All in the Family: David Cameron's Jewish Roots and the ... -the-coreligionists-who-brought-him-to-power/
7 Jan 2014 ... While speaking to a 500-strong group of Jewish lobbyists in London in 2007, UK
Prime Minister David Cameron declared,(1) "I am a Zionist". He. ... Kerry Sr had
married into one of Boston's top families, in the early '40s, when ...
Prime Minister David Cameron declared,(1) "I am a Zionist". He. ... Kerry Sr had
married into one of Boston's top families, in the early '40s, when ...
David Cameron tells Israelis about his Jewish ancestors - Telegraph about-his-Jewish-ancestors.html
12 Mar 2014 ... David Cameron has said he has Jewish ancestors. ... Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu (L) meets with British Prime Minister David ...
Benjamin Netanyahu (L) meets with British Prime Minister David ...
Is Britain ready for (another) Jewish PM? | The Times of Israel
18 Feb 2013 ... Labor holds its biggest lead in a decade over David Cameron's governing ...
Miliband wouldn't be the first British Jewish-born prime minister, ...
Miliband wouldn't be the first British Jewish-born prime minister, ...
Prime Minister David Cameron: “Israel will never be alone ...
19 Mar 2015 ... Prime Minister David Cameron pledged his support to Israel's ... [British]
freedoms and more proudly part of Britain than our Jewish community”.
freedoms and more proudly part of Britain than our Jewish community”.
U.S. DEA leak scandal
In the U.S., an intelligence research specialist for the Drug Enforcement Agency, Jonathan Randel, leaked Ashcroft's name as being in the DEA's files, although it later emerged that Ashcroft was one of 5 million people they had files on.
Randel claims to have believed the DEA was ignoring Ashcroft in its investigation of money laundering, so Ashcroft sued. A U.S. attorney investigated Randel for his leak. On January 9, 2003, Randel was sentenced to a year in a federal prison, followed by three years probation.
"Belize's secretive tax haven"
In June 2001, the Guardian reported that the Conservative party's multi-millionaire treasurer, Lord Ashcroft, was embroiled in new controversy over his business dealings in the offshore tax haven of Belize in central America. The report said:
- US state department and drug enforcement administration (DEA) documents obtained by the Guardian disclose that the US government fears that Belize's secretive tax haven "created to provide tax shelters for companies owned by Ashcroft" is being easily exploited by money launderers and fraudsters... They warn that continued lack of controls may make Belize "an inviting target" for drug traffickers seeking to hide their profits. In one report last year, Washington noted concern over the increase "in the number of individuals found bringing large amounts of currency into the country in briefcases or concealed under clothing"... Another DEA report in 1999 records intelligence that the quantity of US cash flowing into Belize had "increased dramatically"... A previous report describes the Ashcroft-inspired offshore legislation as "a mechanism whereby illicit activities could be disguised", giving "drug traffickers freedom in establishment of companies ... to conceal or transfer drug proceeds ... money launderers never have to leave the safety of their own countries".
The report further points out:
- The disclosures reignite the question of Lord Ashcroft's suitability to sit in the House of Lords, where the Tory leader William Haguepromoted him. But yesterday Lord Ashcroft's spokesman, Alan Kilkenny, said money laundering in Belize did not occur on a wide scale: "Why pick on Belize?" [8]
Anonymous22 September 2015 at 00:24
'Incidently,Gilad Atzmon is note for being a Jew willing to call the shots on Jews BUT he is giving Corbyn a free ride...saying Corbyn is removing Zionist influence from the Labour party.But it is obvious to anyone familiar with how Jewish power works that Corbyn is himself Jewish....So what exactly is Atzmon up to?.'
Gilad Atzmon is part of the U.S. VeteransToday who are war and money laundering criminals,particularly editor Gordon Duff whose 'reasoning' for bombing Libya and mass murdering innocent civilians was, according to him,because Israel didn't want us to! Duff refused to answer my query as to whether or not Gilad Atzmon was in fact a relative of Israeli convicted money launderer Menachem Atzmon,(convicted in Israel of transferring Israel government funds into the coffers of the Likud Party with collusion of Ehud lmert who got off and became PM).And even though a convicted money laundering felon in Israel with decades of running financial frauds in U.S. against Americans, with deceased Ezra Harel, they were allowed to incorporate
ICTS International in present President Of Vice and proud 'Zionist Catholic' Joe Biden's state of Delaware in 2009,(with help amongst others of a Rothschild concern), and buy Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops and their contract to guard Logan Airport Boston where the two planes, 11 and 175, alleged to hit hit the WTC on 911, originated from.
I emailed Chistopher Bollyn about this long ago,and while he never replied to me,he did a long while later at a chance meeting with Gilad asked and verified that yes indeed Gilad and Menachem Atzmon are related.I guess that Gilad doesn''t make his living as the greatst Jewish jazz musician in the world,(in hi own mind),but more than likely along with Gordon Duff make their ral living fom financial frauds against th Ameican and British public.
PS - Did, 'I'm proud to be a Jew' UK PM David Cameron, REALLY stick his dirty dick into the mouth of a dead pig? Is that kosher ? Maybe he put it in Lord Ashcroft's mouth and now they're both confused.
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