Israel's NaZis(National Zionists),Continue Struggle For Liebensraum(More Territory)
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Part 1 (Full Book By Craigg639 ...
Oct 28, 2011 - Uploaded by Craig Grierson
Mein Kampf (My Struggle) is a book written by Adolf Hitlerduring his .... If you think hitler is great you're ...Lebensraum: Living Space for the German Race | Holocaust ...
The main reason for the Nazi expansion into its neighboring western countries was built upon the principle of lebensraum. Even though it translates literally to ...

Professor Alon Tal, of Ben-Gurion University, says of Israel: "As the population density rises it becomes more violent, congested and unpleasant to live in..."
Israel's population has doubled in the last 25 years and it needs lebensraum (additional territory).
Israel has a high birthrate and high Jewish immigration from the former Soviet Union.
Tiny Israel's current population of 8.4 million could reach 20.6 million by 2059.

Turkey, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Reportedly, the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, was a crypto-Jew. Jewish origin of Saudis and Wahabis.
Expect Israel to hasten its plans for the takeover of the land of its neighbours.
Expect Israel to force European governments to accept more Moslem refugees.

The Palestinians outnumber the Jews.
So the Jews have a policy of driving the Palestinians out of their homeland.
The Jews already have their illegal settlements in the 'occupied territories'.

Israel and its friends are highly skilled at manipulating Moslems.
Israel secretly promotes Hamas and all the fundamentalist Islamist groups.

It is possible that Muhammad lived from c. 570 - 632 AD, and that his religion was one of peace and tolerance.
It is possible that Islam was relatively obscure until it was hijacked by Abd al Malik ibn Marwan, the Arab Emperor from 685 - 705AD.
Abd al Malik ibn Marwan may have turned Islam into the official religion of his warlike empire.
It is possible that Islam was relatively obscure until it was hijacked by Abd al Malik ibn Marwan, the Arab Emperor from 685 - 705AD.
Abd al Malik ibn Marwan may have turned Islam into the official religion of his warlike empire.
The official story is that Muhammad died in 632 AD.
In 661 AD, Muawiyah I became the leader of the Arab Empire.
No mention of Muhammad or Islam can be found in any of Muawiyah's inscriptions, coins, or documents.
Islam: The Untold Story.
In 661 AD, Muawiyah I became the leader of the Arab Empire.
No mention of Muhammad or Islam can be found in any of Muawiyah's inscriptions, coins, or documents.
Islam: The Untold Story.
Was Caliph Abd Al-Malik the real creator and the prophet?
Apart from 'a single ambiguous reference in the Koran', there is no mention of Mecca in any datable text for a century after 'Muhammed's death'.
Islam: The Untold Story.

It is thought that the prophet who attacked Palestine was not actually Muhammad. Sira - biographies of Muhammad..
In the Koran, 'Muhammad' addresses farmers and agriculturalists while his opponents are described as keeping cattle and growing olives and vines.
The home environment described by 'Muhammad' as having farmers and agriculturalists could be in the Negev desert in Southern Israel.
There was no agriculture in Mecca.
Islam: The Untold Story.
Under the reign of the Arab Emperor Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Mecca may have been erroneously portrayed as Muhammad's home, in order to provide Islam with Arabian origins.
Abd al Malik ibn Marwan, the Arab Emperor from 685 - 705AD, may have been the inventor of the warlike form of Islam.
Was Caliph Abd Al-Malik the real creator and the prophet?
The home environment described by 'Muhammad' as having farmers and agriculturalists could be in the Negev desert in Southern Israel.
There was no agriculture in Mecca.
Islam: The Untold Story.
Under the reign of the Arab Emperor Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Mecca may have been erroneously portrayed as Muhammad's home, in order to provide Islam with Arabian origins.
Abd al Malik ibn Marwan, the Arab Emperor from 685 - 705AD, may have been the inventor of the warlike form of Islam.
Was Caliph Abd Al-Malik the real creator and the prophet?

1. There is little evidence to support the 'official' story of Muhammad.
2. There are questions about when the Koran was written.
3. Mecca may not have been the birthplace of Muhammad.
Holland asked why it took several decades after the death of Muhammad for his name to appear on surviving documents or artifacts.
Holland claimed that much of the story of Muhammad was developed some time after the death of Muhammad.
Islam - The Untold Story - on Vimeo. / The Search for Muhammad: Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan.

According to the official story, the prophet Muhammad's mother was Aminah, who claimed to be descended from Abraham, and who was reportedly Jewish.
Muhammad the Jew

The original Kaaba was at some point dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and contained 360 idols.
Reportedly, Muhammad decided to reject idol-worship and adopt the Jewish religion.

Safiyah, one of Muhammad's Jewish wives.
Two of Prophet Muhammad's wives were Jewish.
"Muhammad clearly saw himself as part of the Jewish tradition. …
"Islam was a radical call back to the basic values of the Torah and even talmudic stories."
Muhammad bio

The Dome of the Rock marks the spot from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven.[92]
Muhammad regarded himself as the last prophet of the Jewish-Christian tradition.
The Koran is based mainly on the Old Testament.
Muhammad required that his followers were kosher.
Muhammad required that his followers keep the fast of Yom Kippur.
Muhammad required that his followers be circumcised.
Muhammad required that his followers pray facing Jerusalem.
The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish Messiah.
Muhammad only fell out with the Jews when they refused to accept him as their prophet.
There is always a suspicion that the 'official story' is not entirely true.
There is a suspicion that the 'biography' has had untrue bits added, and that there is a lot of 'spin'.
"Late in the third century B.C. Cleomenes, king of Sparta, embarked on a revolutionary policy of cancellation of debts, redistribution of land and emancipation of the helots (slaves).
"He was driven out of Sparta...
"In the story preserved by Plutarch, Cleomenes and twelve friends have a last supper together on the night before his death.
"He is betrayed to his enemies...
"His dead body is crucified.
"A prodigy occurs after the crucifixion; and the people of Alexandria call him a 'hero and son of the gods'."
So, the 'real Jesus', who taught that one should tune in to the Holy Spirit, may not have been crucified?
Professor Robert M. Price has investigated Jesus, Muhammad and Buddha and gives his thoughts in Of Myth and Men.
Price asks: was Jesus a holy man especially close to God, or a wise man filled with divine wisdom, or a mythic hero?
With the typical mythic hero from ancient times:
1. The hero's mother is a virgin
2. He is reputed to be a son of a god
3. Evil forces attempt to kill the infant or boy hero
4. He is spirited away to safety.
David Friedrich Strauss in The Life of Jesus Critically Examined suggests that Luke invented his story of the nativity.
Herod the Great died in 4 B.C.
New Testament accounts of the death of Jesus appear to be rewrites of various earlier stories.
The anointing of Jesus at Bethany is similar to Isis anointing the corpse of her husband Osiris to resurrect him, part of the mummy-resurrection mythos of Egypt.
Luke has one of Jesus' crucified colleagues bid him, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom," a phrase borrowed directly from Diodorus Siculus.
The divine portents attending Jesus' death on the cross reflect those at the crucifixion of rebel king Cleomenes of Sparta at Alexandria according to Plutarch.
These omens cause visitors to the cross in each case to declare the crucified one to be son of god.
As the Gospels have Mary Magdalene and her companions seek the body of Jesus only to find it gone, so do Isis, her sister Nephthys, and their maidens seek the slain Osiris.
The appearance of the risen Jesus to two disciples on the road to Emmaus is similar to the story of Asclepius appearing unrecognized to a woman.
Buddha taught that by not grasping for things, life goes better.
Buddha taught that by not grasping for things, life goes better.
He did not see himself as being any kind of God.
However, bits seem to have been added to the story:
Some Buddhists are taught that:
Young Buddha was miraculously conceived and announced before birth as the saviour of the world.
One by one four deities appeared to him in human disguises...
The story of Buddha abandoning affluence is similar to that of the Jaina saint Vardhamana (usually called Mahavira), who supposedly lived a single generation earlier than Buddha.
When Buddha sits beneath the Bodhi Tree, he is protected from the demon's assaults by the hood canopy of the mythical Naga King, a hydralike cobra deity.
And so was the Jain hero Parsva, the predecessor of Mahavira.
Some Western scholars of Buddhism, including R. Otto Franke, think that Buddha is simply a collective name for earlier generations of unnamed Buddhist teachers.
Buddhist texts appear to disagree about whether or not there is an individual soul.
According to a reconstruction of Islamic origins entitled Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World by Patricia Crone and Michael Cook (1977):
Some Jews saw Umar, the second caliph of the Arab Empire, as the messiah.
These Jews saw Muhammad as the prophetic herald of 'Umar'.
The term "Muslim" appears first on the Dome of the Rock in 691 AD and nowhere else till the late eighth century.
The early Muslims were known as Hagarenes because they were engaged in a Hegira/Hijra, an Exodus from Arabia to Palestine, the Promised Land where the messiah must manifest himself.
The Hagarenes built the Dome of the Rock.
The Hagarenes then broke with Judaism and turned to Christianity.
The Hagarenes then broke with Judaism and turned to Christianity.
'Umar's messianic status was forgotten.
Jesus was accepted as messiah.
The first Arabic "king" of Jerusalem made a show of praying at Christian sites.
The Hagarenes come to adopt the name "Islam" seeing Muhammad as the person who has revived the Abrahamic faith.
The direction of prayer was switched from Jerusalem to Mecca.
The caliphs and imams were originally a priesthood and were called kahins (originally Cohens).
The rabbinical character of Sunni Islam came from the influence of Babylonian Judaism.
The caliphs and imams were originally a priesthood and were called kahins (originally Cohens).
The rabbinical character of Sunni Islam came from the influence of Babylonian Judaism.
Robert M. Price is Professor of Biblical Criticism at the Center for Inquiry Institute and a member of the Free Inquiry Editorial Board. He is a member of the Jesus Seminar and is Regional Director of New York and North New Jersey for the Council for Secular Humanism. His book,Deconstructing Jesus is from Prometheus Books.
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