Funny that Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro would cry more crocodole tears over Ferguson, Missouri police when he and U.S.Congress STOOD UP AND APPLAUDED THE UNEXPLAINED AND UNINVESTIGATED SECRET SERVICE CHASE AND SHOOTING OF MIRIAM CAREY NEAR THE WHITE HOUSE IN 2013.Who the fuck is alledged sperm doner Eric G FranciS and why was he given custody of her daughter over her dead body when she herself had made official police complaints against him before her death 'DOES HE REALLY HAVE NUMEROUS GOVERNMENT PROTECTED ALIASES AND IDS ?
Obama calls for peace, transparency in investigation of shooting in ...
President Barack Obama on Thursday called for peace on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black ...
Obama: Teen's shooting 'heartbreaking'
President Obama called for “reflection and understanding” after the “heartbreaking” killing of an unarmed black 18-year-old shot to death by ...
Obama calls Missouri shooting death tragic, urges reflection
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama called the police shootingdeath of an unarmed black teenager a tragedy and called on Tuesday for ...The Unresolved Death of Miriam Carey | Behind The 'Line
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Mystery man
Eyewitnesses said Miriam Carey spent weekends at Eric Francis’ cul-de-sac home in Bloomfield, CT where he also owned an HVAC business.Little is known about Carey’s boyfriend, Francis, including the nature of his relationship with her and when he last saw her before her trip to Washington, D.C.More importantly, it’s unclear how law enforcement and social services were able to contact him so quickly and give him custody of Carey’s daughter shortly after her untimely death.Francis has spoken with criminal investigators, child services agency and Stamford judicial personnel, and presumably was asked these and other important questions; he has not spoken to anyone in the media.In an October 2013 custody application filed with Stamford’s Judge Jane Emons, Carey’s sister, Valerie, called Francis “the alleged father” of the minor child.Further, she maintained that the 55-year old Francis goes by more than one name and has multiple Social Security numbers, and that the family didn’t know where he was staying since he got custody of the young girl after Carey’s death.About two months after the custody application was filed, Francis listed a Windsor, Connecticut address with the court.Public court records also show that Francis had a Bloomfield, Connecticut home with significant financial problems during the past couple years, including a $282,000 debt owed against the property which was foreclosed on in October 2012.On March 6, 2014, State Marshal Joseph A. Homelson served Superior Court papers to Francis in Hartford, Connecticut in a separate civil matter.According to the more than $15,000 five-count complaint against Francis and his heating and cooling business, a Hartford contractor alleges that Francis failed to complete any of the work he had agreed to, and what work was completed was not done so “in a professional or workmanlike manner but in an unskilled, haphazard and negligent manner…”The contractor also alleges that Francis “failed to correctly install certain items as required, retrieve a permit as required and in accordance with town code…” The unsatisfactory work was performed on October 10, 2013, just seven days after Carey’s death.State licensing records show Francis’ credentials for heating, piping & cooling are inactive or expired. On Feb. 4, 2014, Francis became credentialed as a limited sheet metal contractor in Hartford, Connecticut.Francis has been involved in a number of commercial and other ventures, according to state business records:- Francis Heating & Cooling, LLC (Business ID# 1021284)
- Wings And Jerk Land, LLC (Business ID# 0918521)
- HoodCT
- Francis Maintenance & Repairs
- BluPrint Bar & Restaurant, LLC (formerly BluPrint Cafe, LLC) (Business ID# 1097195)
- West Indian Social Club
This blogger made several unsuccessful efforts to reach out to Francis directly to clear up some of the questions surrounding the events leading up to Carey’s death.And while some fringe elements on the Internet have speculated that Francis’ involvement in Carey’s life has a more conspiratorial aspect — including the claim he is a former CIA agent who has connections to President Obama — there is little, if any, valid proof available to validate these views.“My beliefs are these, and I cannot substantiate them, but when I heard of (Carey’s) death, I made a commitment I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” Rev. James David Manning, of New York-based ATLAH Ministries, said in a Nov. 22, 2013 YouTube video after an interview with Carey’s sister, Valerie. “Pray that the mother can get through this and get to the bottom of why her daughter was slaughtered.“And if her granddaughter is the daughter of the sitting President, Barack Hussein Obama, that child should not grow up thinking that one person is her father, and that the sitting President of the United States of America is her father, and that her father had her mother murdered and then covered it up using his powers to stop an investigation and to silence leaders and the American people from demanding an investigation.”Questions remain
If the 34-year old mom did get in her vehicle with her daughter and make the trip from Connecticut to Washington, D.C., were there clues found on the day of her death, or in the days leading up to it, that would explain a motive?It seems unremarkable that Carey owned a lock box with important documents. What does seem odd, though, is that Carey had it in her vehicle on the day she was shot.Was she running from something or someone? Was she having domestic problems with her boyfriend, as one of the police reports in Dec. 2012 suggested when she asked police to have Francis removed from her house?What was contained in the letter Carey left for her boyfriend which investigators found at her Stamford condo?What else was found in Carey’s Infiniti? Was there luggage packed that would be needed for an extended trip? Did Carey’s young girl have extra baby supplies such as diapers and bottles?Was the apartment lease found in Carey’s possessions for a new place for her and her daughter to live?Who was the check from and what was it for, which was just forty dollars more than the $1,759 Carey was sued for by her housing association eight months earlier?On the same day that Carey was killed and found with an uncashed check in her Infiniti, a Waterbury, Connecticut bank cleared a check made out to her boyfriend’s heating and cooling business on Oct. 3, 2013 for $8,000 as part of a deposit from a contractor. A second payment to Francis by the contractor was made on Nov. 4, 2013 for $1,800. Are the funds connected?Why does Francis go by more than one name and have multiple social security numbers?Will law enforcement be held accountable for their “shoot first” actions that day?
The answers to these and other important questions can help resolve the death of Miriam Carey.
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