Sandy Hook,Newtown,CT.:Gene Rosen: FEMA Child Abuser or Just Government Fairfield Hospital Psychiatric Mind Control Abuser ? ?
Allleged father of alleged murdered Sandy Hook Elementary School child Noah Posner whose mother Veroinque Posner is VERY suspect is named Reuben Vabner.Note NEITHER VERONIQUE POSNER NOR REUBEN VABNER HAVE OFFERED AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY Noah Posner would have a different name than his alleged father Reuben Vabner but also no place of birth is mentioned in the profile below for the alleged father either,he just happens to appear one day in Stamford CT and then in Wshington D.C. COULD BE FROM ISRAEL FOR ALL WE KNOW........Also no oine can find any photo of Noah with his twin sister before his alleged death either ! How often do proud parents of twins NEVER take photos of their twins together ?! Yes both Veronique and Reuben appear to be a fishy pair and perhaps that's why Reuben joined an 'aquaponic' club as well as a kayaking group.Seems to be a very affluent man about town in Washington,D.C. although he doesn't explain what he does there for a 'living' either.Just another gentleman 'aquaponcs' farmer in Washington,D.C. I GUESS.....:
About Reuben Vabner
Reuben M Vabner was born in 1955. Reuben currently lives in Washington, District Of Columbia. Before that, Reuben lived in Washington, DC from 2009 to 2010. Before that, Reuben lived in Stamford, CT in 2003.
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Gene Rosen worked at the Fairfield Hills mental hospital.
Gene Rosen had four little girls and two little boys staying in his home for a few hours.
Was he using mind control?
Fairfield Hills
Newtown is home to the "Fairfield Hills" Hospital, used as the set of the Wilkinson Home for Boys in the film Sleepers in 1995.
In the Wilkinson Home for Boys, children are systematically beaten, abused, and raped.
State mental hospitals have been used by the CIA in the Monarch brainwashing programme.

Fairfield University
According to Yoichi Shimatsu:
Brewster Jennings became closely associated with the CIA.
Fairfield University reportedly recruited people for the CIA.
J D Salinger, of Russian Jewish descent, worked for US intelligence and was involved in bringing Nazi scientists into the USA.
Salinger lived near Fairfield University in Connecticut.

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (the pseudonym of Joseph Schieder) ran the main mind-control (MK ULTRA) lab at Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
In Connecticut, Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye, "which contains the command code-words for MK-ULTRA assassins."

The CIA recruited a convict nicknamed 'Whitey' Bulger to supply young runaways for the mind-control experiments, being set up at 44 universities across the United States.
The CIA and FBI put Bulger in charge of organising crime in Connecticut and the rest of new England.
"Finally, all of New England was safe for CIA smuggling, support for terrorism, money-laundering and mind-control operations."

Newtown is part of the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Bridgeport supplies child prostitutes for VIP clients in New York and Washington.
The pedophile rings get children from Catholic priests, social-services managers and money-hungry willing parents.
In Bridgeport, in 2001, the Diocese petitioned the US Supreme Court to quash the thousands of documents detailing sex crimes.
In 2009 Opus Dei's Justice Antonin Scalia determined that the court records should not be made public.
"The MK-ULTRA program that reached into campuses across Connecticut quickly created... wrecked minds and twisted souls."

"Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins .... Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention America’s own homegrown pervs."
According to Yoichi Shimatsu:
MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault - Rense
The Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in Connecticut on the country estate of oil executive Brewster Jennings.
The Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in Connecticut on the country estate of oil executive Brewster Jennings.
Brewster Jennings became closely associated with the CIA.
Fairfield University reportedly recruited people for the CIA.
J D Salinger, of Russian Jewish descent, worked for US intelligence and was involved in bringing Nazi scientists into the USA.
Salinger lived near Fairfield University in Connecticut.

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (the pseudonym of Joseph Schieder) ran the main mind-control (MK ULTRA) lab at Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
In Connecticut, Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rye, "which contains the command code-words for MK-ULTRA assassins."

The CIA recruited a convict nicknamed 'Whitey' Bulger to supply young runaways for the mind-control experiments, being set up at 44 universities across the United States.
The CIA and FBI put Bulger in charge of organising crime in Connecticut and the rest of new England.
"Finally, all of New England was safe for CIA smuggling, support for terrorism, money-laundering and mind-control operations."

Newtown is part of the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Bridgeport supplies child prostitutes for VIP clients in New York and Washington.
The pedophile rings get children from Catholic priests, social-services managers and money-hungry willing parents.
In Bridgeport, in 2001, the Diocese petitioned the US Supreme Court to quash the thousands of documents detailing sex crimes.
In 2009 Opus Dei's Justice Antonin Scalia determined that the court records should not be made public.
"The MK-ULTRA program that reached into campuses across Connecticut quickly created... wrecked minds and twisted souls."

"Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins .... Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention America’s own homegrown pervs."

Dylan Hockley, victim of CIA brainwashing?
Nicole Hockley says: ‘Dylan and all the other children and teachers who lost their lives are butterflies now.'

Ian Hockley at the funeral of Dylan. Butterfly on lapel.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple.
MKULTRA {Monarch} - La Caverna
At Dylan's funeral, the mourners were able to watch a clip of Dylan popping out of a jack-in-the-box, as the organist played Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

Some mourners dressed in purple
At Dylan's funeral, many people wore purple, and there were purple balloons.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple.
MKULTRA {Monarch} - La Caverna

Funeral of Dylan Hockley -December 2012
At the funeral, a singer reworked Dylan’s favorite song from Shrek, “Hallelujah,” to pay tribute to Dylan and the other victims.
Shrek links to butterflies.

Butterflies in Shrek.
"Because I am a beautiful butterfly" - spoken by a 6 year old whose favourite movies are said to have included Shrek and whose favourite colour is "said" to have been purple, ditto for fellow victims, Oliver Engel and Josephine Gay.

Grace Audrey McDonnell
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple.
MKULTRA {Monarch} - La Caverna
At Dylan's funeral, the mourners were able to watch a clip of Dylan popping out of a jack-in-the-box, as the organist played Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
Nicole Hockley recalled asking Dylan at one time why he flapped his arms...
“Because I am a beautiful butterfly,” he told her.
“Because I am a beautiful butterfly,” he told her.
Some mourners dressed in purple
At Dylan's funeral, many people wore purple, and there were purple balloons.
In the CIA's brainwashing programme, use is made of butterflies, the song 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' and the colour purple.
Funeral of Dylan Hockley -December 2012
At the funeral, a singer reworked Dylan’s favorite song from Shrek, “Hallelujah,” to pay tribute to Dylan and the other victims.
Shrek links to butterflies.

Butterflies in Shrek.
"Because I am a beautiful butterfly" - spoken by a 6 year old whose favourite movies are said to have included Shrek and whose favourite colour is "said" to have been purple, ditto for fellow victims, Oliver Engel and Josephine Gay.

Grace Audrey McDonnell
Grace Audrey McDonnell's Mum Lynn:
"She just had a birthday in November when she turned 7 and ... she said, 'I want a purple cake...'"
Remembering Sandy Hook Victims; NRA Proposes to Arm -

"She just had a birthday in November when she turned 7 and ... she said, 'I want a purple cake...'"
Remembering Sandy Hook Victims; NRA Proposes to Arm -

Lauren Rousseaux
Sandy Hook substitute teacher, Lauren Rousseau:
"It helped that she still lived in her purple room in the sprawling, warmly decorated Victorian house she was born in ..."
Newtown shootings: Lauren Rousseau Never Let Go Of Her Dream ...

"It helped that she still lived in her purple room in the sprawling, warmly decorated Victorian house she was born in ..."
Newtown shootings: Lauren Rousseau Never Let Go Of Her Dream ...

Below is material related to Gene Rosen's possible role as an employee as a sort of child psychologist for FEMA which is really just a part of NAZI,(National Zionist),Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security and for that reason just as dangerous.
Whether precisely true or not I have no doubt that he is lying for Zionist fascists and CIA,etc.,in control of U.S.government about what really happened at Sandy Hook Newtown on December 14,2012.The website clearly names a 'Gene Rosen' as a 'Fema Representative' ,however claims it is a hoax within a hoax and explains that there is no Harlinger Texas which is where the FEMA meeeting that Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook was supposed to attend in 2008 exists - which is true.However the videos accompanying the that the didinfo is posted on is pretty good otherwise so I leave it along with's criticism and link right here above it.:
Eugene Rosen Does Not Work For FEMA! DISINFO Agents Are Posting This
DISCLAIMER: This information is a hoax posted by disinfo agents. Now many of you know Eugene Rosen’s story doesn’t make sense. If this info is true; it will confirmed a False Flag attack on our Second Amendment rights. Even the medical examiner said it was a HOAX! Now If that wasn’t enough, READ THIS: SSDI Says Adam Lanza Died a Day Before Sandy Hook Massacre? Or any of the articles on our website; ill add a few more at the end of the article. Now on to the information about Gene Rosen:
If you go to wikipedia and click edit summary on this wiki page you will find it says:
Harlinger, TX, August 19, 2008 — FEMA Eugene Rosen representatives participate in the 25th National Law Enforcement celebration in Harlinger, Texas. FEMA is working with local and state agencies to bring services to residents affected by Hurricane Dolly. Photo by Patsy Lynch/FEMA
HARLINGER, TEXAS??? IT DOESN’T EXIST.. Harlingen, TX is the correct town if they mistakenly misspelled the name. That takes away from the credibility of this information. Could this be a hoax created by some disinformation agents. You will notice, these people are paid to spread lies to distract and redirect the real truth. These people will post it on multiple websites/forums. Now lets look at the close up comparison between these two people:
Seems to be a hoax! It’s interesting, but it seems like they look alike from a distance but up-close it debunks this information so don’t be fooled. Disinformation agents are posting this information on different forums and websites, please debunk this people when you identify them.. Now another interesting thing about Rosen is his Pet Service Website and when it was updated:
Created on: 19-Jan-04
Expires on: 19-Jan-15
Last Updated on: 20-Dec-12
Created on: 19-Jan-04
Expires on: 19-Jan-15
Last Updated on: 20-Dec-12
Gene Rosen and his wife have been residents of Sandy Hook, Connecticut for the past twenty years. He is a retired psychologist who worked for several years in Newtown at Fairfield Hills State Hospital.As an active member of the community, he serves as a volunteer member of Charter Cable’s Advisory Council and reads to elementary school children.In the past, Gene has been involved in community theater and Public Access Television where he hosted a program that reported on the local theater scene.Gene believes that trust lies at the heart of his pet sitting service and he looks forward to serving his neighbors in Sandy Hook and Newtown.
There might be some weird things about this guy and his connection to Sandy Hook but he DOES NOT WORK FOR FEMA. DISINFO agents seem to be creating and posting fake information about Sandy Hook to discredit the legitimate theories that prove nothing happened.. Don’t believe everything you read
Thread: FEMA Gene Rosen
- 02-01-2013 02:35 AM#1gringoloidSenior Member
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FEMA Gene Rosen
i'm getting really tired of this sick fuck, but it's time for him to have his own thread.
i think we have a motive here, courtesy of Gene Rosen. Josh Sugarmann created the Violence Policy Center and he's from Newtown. He's credited for popularizing the world war 2 term, 'assault rifle'.
Is Gene part of this movement? I dunno.
But check out this video at 4:45........"we want the kids to be a basis for our solution". what solution?
by all means listen to the whole thing, the uploader makes some funny comments, but if you're tired of this jackass like i am, then fast forward to the end.
read the comments below the video as well.
- 02-01-2013 02:35 AM# ADS
Your Code ADS - 02-01-2013 02:45 AM#2gringoloidSenior Member
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- 02-01-2013 02:47 AM#3gringoloidSenior Member
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- 02-01-2013 02:51 AM#4gringoloidSenior Member
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- 02-01-2013 02:57 AM#5gringoloidSenior Member
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- 02-01-2013 03:02 AM#6gringoloidSenior Member
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FEMA Gene is quite a showman as well.......19th paragraph:
'''Adding another entry to her résumé, television work, Diana recently joined Fairy Tale Theater director Elyse Jasensky for an episode of Center Stage, a Charter Communications program created by Newtown resident Gene Rosen. A fairly new production, Center Stage is a weekly program designed, says its creator, to highlight local and regional theater and personalities in Charter's viewing domain and surrounding areas.''' - 02-01-2013 03:23 AM#7gringoloidSenior Member
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this page has been taken down by FEMA, watch it while you can, it's cached on Yahoo and when they decide to ax's gone.
half way down, FEMA Gene again.... - 02-01-2013 03:31 AM#8gringoloidSenior Member
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here's another discovery that i went around the world.
this picture has long been available, but no one noticed that it appears to be photoshopped. FEMA Gene has a really strange ear and i think that someone shopped it so as not to be compared to the FEMA pictures where that Gene has the same ear.
his left ear appears to be gone......and the right ear is blacked out.
the 'FEMA' Gene guy, whoever he is, also has the same weird ear. - 02-01-2013 03:44 AM#9gringoloidSenior Member
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this is about it for today, i am really sick of Gene Rosen, and now i hear he'll be at the Super Bowl with some kids. what an exploitation.
i'll get to this video later as it has some very interesting info, but i believe that's FEMA Gene at about 2:55. if that's true, then FEMA Gene's story is completely blown out of the water. this video is at about 10:25AM, so he's nothing but a liar......actually he's just a bad actor.
a guy blew this video up, but i can't find his copy. it's actually much clearer and if i find it, i'll repost it.
- 02-01-2013 03:55 AM#10gringoloidSenior Member
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i have to leave you with a funny one, watch the video at about :40, another actor busted.
the woman is making a sign of the cross, pretending to be a christian, but she does it wrong, she's probably jewish.
a real christian would not make that mistake. watch closely, because it happens pretty fast.
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