After the shooting began, San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said that their SWAT team happened to be conducting training nearby -
us police travel to israel to learn methods of brutality and ...
Aug 31, 2015 - Some police officers are actually being flown to Israel for the training, not .... December 4, 2015; SAN BERNARDINO SHOOTING HAS ALL THE ...ADL(ISRAEL) trains law enforcement in San Bernardino and ...
3 days ago - U.S. Law Enforcement Receive Counter-Terrorism Training in Israel 04/15/ . ... After the shooting began, San Bernardino Police Department Lt.Israel,ADL,Trained San Bernadino,California police.No synangogue or Jewish Center was targeted.Police drill was in progress in same area Islamic terrorism 'coincidentally' occured.
No Arabs were cheering the 911 WTC attack either,only Israeli Jews who somehow knew in advance from their observation site in New Jersey,Donald Trump.
U.S. Police Get Antiterror Training in Israel on Privately ...
Sep 23, 2014 - Israeli security forces' history of training police in counterinsurgency tactics predated that trip. ... San Diego Assistant Police Chief Walt Vasquez was on the same .... San Bernardino Killings Unleash Wave of Right-Wing ...
Anti-Defamation League | FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief ...
Jun 9, 2015 - FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief Among Law Enforcement Trained by ADL ... Southwest Region attended ADL's Advanced Training School (ATS) ... in fighting terrorism from the Chief Superintendent of the Israel Police.
Anti‑Defamation League
San Bernardino attacker was 'normal guy' while practicing at shooting range
Describing Malik as the "wild card" in the plot, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), said investigators were looking into her activities in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Malik, 29, was born to a politically influential family in Pakistan's southern Punjab province, moved to Saudi Arabia as a child and returned to Pakistan to begin studying pharmacology in 2007...................
In 2014, she came to the United States on a K-1 visa, also called a fiancee visa, with Farook, who worked as an inspector with San Bernardino County.
The limited salary of a county employee has aroused suspicion that the cache of weapons found in the couple's Redlands home -- including pipe bombs and ammunition -- may have been purchased with funds from a foreign source, McCaul said...........
Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife are alleged to be the San Bernardino shooters.
However, the wife, when she was apprehended by the police "was in shorts, high heels, and a short bare tummy blouse."

The police believe that Enrique Marquez (above) is the person who bought the two 'assault-style' weapons that were used in the shooting in San Bernardino, California.

Syed Rizwan Farook's father Syed Farook is an alcoholic and mentally ill, according to Syed Farook's ex-wife.
San Bernardino Shooter: Mother

The CIA has a history of making use of the mentally unstable.
Hours after the shootings in San Bernardino, Enrique Marquez entered a mental health clinic in Long Beach, California.

Marquez is 'quiet' and 'shy' according to Lorena Agurre, who lives across the street from the home Marquez shares with his parents and brothers.

In other words, these weapons were not bought by Syed Rizwan Farook (above), who has been accused of doing the shootings.

San Bernardino Shooter: Mother
Syed Farook is the source of some of the statements critical of Syed Rizwan Farook.

Enrique Marquez
The CIA has a history of making use of the mentally unstable.
Hours after the shootings in San Bernardino, Enrique Marquez entered a mental health clinic in Long Beach, California.
He has not been seen since.
Marquez is 'quiet' and 'shy' according to Lorena Agurre, who lives across the street from the home Marquez shares with his parents and brothers.

San Bernardino Country Sheriff’s Department said that it was looking for three white malesdressed in military gear who fled in a black SUV, FOX 11 Los Angeles reports.
The 2 December 2015 shooting in San Bernardino, in California, appears to be a government false flag operation.
The attack took place at the Inland Regional Center which helps disabled people.
Los Angeles police use the building for active shooter drills carried out every month.
As the police raid began, one staffer from inside the building tweeted, "drill started."
At least two gunmen opened fire, killing 14 people.
Two suspects - Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27 - were killed in a police shootout several miles from the site of the original attack.
A third suspect who had been seen fleeing the shootout was taken into custody.

Elliot Rodger - mind controlled patsy.
The San Bernardino shooting was the 355th in the USA during the year 2015.
Two dead suspects named after mass shooting that killed 14 at Calif. office party
The shooters were dressed in black masks.

Elliot Rodger - mind controlled patsy.
Two dead suspects named after mass shooting that killed 14 at Calif. office party
The shooters were dressed in black masks.
They could have been agents working for the security services.
They wore tactical gear and carried multiple weapons.
Large numbers of armed police arrived at the scene.
However, the attackers were able to flee in a black SUV and elude capture.

The real killers usually work for the security services. Above we see the CIA's Doku (Dokka) Umarov, believed to be behind the Moscow Metro bombing in 2010 which killed at least 40.

The real killers usually work for the security services. Above we see the CIA's Doku (Dokka) Umarov, believed to be behind the Moscow Metro bombing in 2010 which killed at least 40.
The Los Angeles police, searching for the San Bernardino shooters, visited a house in the nearby city of Redlands.
When the house occupants drove away in an SUV, the police gave chase.
The two suspects were then killed.
Two dead suspects named after mass shooting that killed 14 at Calif. office party
Two dead suspects named after mass shooting that killed 14 at Calif. office party

Kasab - innocent patsy in the Mumbai attacks of 2008.
Former CIA agent Robert Baer said the San Bernardino shooting was carried out using tactics that are used in the Middle East.
The attack also resembles the false flag Charlie Hebdo attack.
Donald Trump tweeted "Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!"
After the shooting began, San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said that their SWAT team happened to be conducting training nearby.
The team was suited, “ready to roll” and responded rapidly, Lawhead said.
Nearby police training was underway, response was fast b/c of that. #SanBernardinoShooting
— Good Day Atlanta (@GoodDayAtlanta) December 2, 2015
What makes this noteworthy is that this is not the first time that emergency drills for the exact scenario unfolding were taking place at virtually the same moment the actual terrorist attacks began.
Paris-area emergency personnel and ambulance crews were taking part in a simulated emergency exercise on the very same day the Paris terrorist attacks took place.
During the 9/11 attacks on the U.S., North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) was in the midst of a training exercise called Vigilant Guardian, which “coincidentally” simulated planes being hijacked by terrorists.
Breaking: SWAT Team Drill Turns into REAL Mass Shooting Scenario in San Bernardino, CA
U.S. Police Get Antiterror Training in Israel on Privately ...
Sep 23, 2014 - Israeli security forces' history of training police in counterinsurgency tactics predated that trip. ... San Diego Assistant Police Chief Walt Vasquez was on the same .... San Bernardino Killings Unleash Wave of Right-Wing ...
Anti-Defamation League | FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief ...
Anti‑Defamation League
Jun 9, 2015 - FBI, San Bernardino Police Chief Among Law Enforcement Trained by ADL ... Southwest Region attended ADL's Advanced Training School (ATS) ... in fighting terrorism from the Chief Superintendent of the Israel Police.
San Bernardino attacker was 'normal guy' while practicing at shooting range
Describing Malik as the "wild card" in the plot, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), said investigators were looking into her activities in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Malik, 29, was born to a politically influential family in Pakistan's southern Punjab province, moved to Saudi Arabia as a child and returned to Pakistan to begin studying pharmacology in 2007...................
In 2014, she came to the United States on a K-1 visa, also called a fiancee visa, with Farook, who worked as an inspector with San Bernardino County.
The limited salary of a county employee has aroused suspicion that the cache of weapons found in the couple's Redlands home -- including pipe bombs and ammunition -- may have been purchased with funds from a foreign source, McCaul said.
Federal authorities continued to scour the backgrounds of Farook and Malik to determine what sparked their radical turn and whether they received any outside financial support to carry out the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. The married couple died in the shootout with police hours after their rampage at the Inland Regional Center.............
The couple fired at least 65 shots when they stormed a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center, where about 80 of Farook’s co-workers at the San Bernardino Department of Public Health had gathered. Twelve of the 14 who died and 18 of the 21 injured were county employees, police said........
Farook's father told the Italian newspaper La Stampa that his son agreed with the ideology of Islamic State leaders and was "obsessed" with Israel.
But a local activist, speaking alongside one of the family's attorneys, later backtracked and said the elder Farook did not recall the comments he made to the publication.
Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in the L.A. area, said the father, like the rest of the family, is “dealing with a lot of stress.”
“He’s on medication,” he said. “He doesn’t recall saying that.”............
One of the San Bernardino attackers practiced firing a military-style weapon at a Riverside County gun range, according to an employee who described him as a "normal guy." John Galletta, a firearms instructor at Riverside Magnum Range, said shooter Syed Rizwan Farook had practiced there before, but couldn't comment on when or how frequently he stopped by.
Galletta said Farook's wife, Tashfeen Malik, had never been there. As for Farook, a co-worker at the range described him as "a normal guy," Galletta said. The company has turned over surveillance footage and sign-in logs to the FBI, he said. Galletta said Farook practiced with an AR-15 and that he brought his own weapon. It wasn't clear if that is the only type of weapon he practiced with, he said.
The other two weapons were purchased by Farook's friend, Enrique Marquez of Riverside.
Marquez entered a mental hospital after the attacks, according to two law enforcement sources.
Federal authorities interviewed Marquez over the weekend after discovering that he had given the assailants two semiautomatic weapons. A source said there was no indication at this time that Marquez had any knowledge of the plot.
On Sunday, the FBI seized items from Marquez's home after having spent several hours there the day before, according to neighbors.
A law enforcement source said the weapons were purchased at least three years ago and that there is no paperwork of them being transferred to Farook..........
The couple fired at least 65 shots when they stormed a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center, where about 80 of Farook’s co-workers at the San Bernardino Department of Public Health had gathered. Twelve of the 14 who died and 18 of the 21 injured were county employees, police said......
The younger Farook, who grew up in Riverside and has family spread across the Inland Empire, met Malik on a dating website. The couple were married last year in Islam’s holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi officials confirmed that Farook spent nine days in the kingdom in the summer of 2014. In May, the couple’s daughter was born, according to records...........
After the shooting began, San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said that their SWAT team happened to be conducting training nearby -
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