UK Jew Mark Clarke, Masonic Lodges,Child Pimping,Trafficking,Sex Blackmail
Mark Clarke goes to same Freemason lodge as Tory councillor
... a new turn last night after it emerged that Mark Clarke and his cronies are Freemasons.
Daily Mail - 21 hours ago
Profile of admitted freemasons presently serving in U.S. ...
Jan 30, 2010 - CNN recently reported on Freemasons in the U.S. Congress, with the anchor noting that "getting someone to chat about it can sometimes be ...Freemasons in U.S. Congress (CNN) - YouTube
Jan 30, 2010 - Uploaded by freedommv1
Profile of admitted freemasons presently serving in U.S. Congress http://ROBERTO CALVI: Murder, Mafia, Masonic And Vatican ...
... The Inquisition: A Medieval Holocaust · The Jewish Peril And The Catholic Church .... Murder, Mafia, Masonic And Vatican Cover-ups. (Roberto Calvi, before his suspicious death) .... Calvi's style of death was a Masonic form of punishment. (Interestingly enough the City of London Coroner, Dr. David Paul, was my father'sI Banchieri di Dio - God's Bankers - Masons, P2 and The ...
Now the Vatican suddenly realized Freemasonry was still a perfect vehicle for ... So was another controversial banker, Roberto Calvi, who would later be found ...... He and Bugnini paid 5 Protestant Ministers and one Jewish Rabbi to create the ...Mark W. Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mark Wayne Clark (May 1, 1896 – April 17, 1984) was a senior officer of the United ... His mother was the daughter of Romanian Jews but Clark was baptized
Can Pope Francis clean up God's bank?
The Guardian-Aug 12, 2015
A mural of Pope Francis in downtown Rome near the Vatican. ... who turned out to have links with the Sicilian mafia and the masonic lodge known ... On Calvi's instructions, banks in Peru and Nicaragua loaned “hundreds of ...
June 19, 1982: Conspiracy reigns supreme as 'God's banker' is ... 19, 2015
The dapper victim turned out to Italian banker Roberto Calvi, the chairman ... an illegal pseudo-Masonic lodge dedicated to serving the interests of the ... Calvi's main contact in the Vatican was Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, the ...
On the Trail of Turkey's Terrorist Grey Wolves
Consortium News-Jun 27, 2015
At the same time in the mid- and late 1970s, Calvi's bank handled ... In effect, theVatican Bank — by virtue of its interlocking relationship ... In a similar vein, Grey Wolf literature warned of a vast Jewish-Masonic-Communist ...
1. A secret archive containing the names of two million Freemasons has been made public for the first time on the genealogy site Ancestry.
2. Top freemasons were involved in the 'cover-up' of the reasons for the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
"The whole of the ruling class was Masonic, from the heir to the throne down," says Bruce Robinson.
3. Top freemasons were involved in the 'cover-up' of who was behind the Jack the Ripper murders in London.

Gerard Elias QC, the leading counsel to the Waterhouse Tribunal which investigated child abuse in North Wales, 'is a freemason.'
Reportedly, top freemasons are involved in top pedophile rings.
"Keith Harding, former membership secretary of the Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie) was made Worshipful Master of the Mercurius Lodge in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in 2011.
"The Mercurius Lodge is known as the Spies Lodge because it was set up by GCHQ (security services) and over the years many intelligence officers have become members.
Harding was convicted of indecent assaults against children.
Harding met MPs Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan in the 1980s
Paedophile Mason............
"One of the fundamental symbols of Masonry is the Temple of Solomon and the Second Temple, which also figured as the central part of the Jewish religion. King Solomon, one of the greatest figures in Jewish history, is also one of the most important figures in Masonic rituals."
"One of the fundamental symbols of Masonry is the Temple of Solomon and the Second Temple, which also figured as the central part of the Jewish religion. King Solomon, one of the greatest figures in Jewish history, is also one of the most important figures in Masonic rituals."
Yes, I have regrets but I am still proud to be a Tatler Tory ...
Nov 26, 2015 - Do Jews read Tatler? ... Over the past two weeks, one of the photographed, Mark Clarke, has been plastered all over the nation's front pages in ...Elliott Johnson: the young Tory destroyed by the party he ... › Politics › Conservatives
Nov 27, 2015 - What they do know is that Mark Clarke is a prominent Conservative ..... off the Jewish Tory party chairman … who was offended by her speech.
The Guardian
Lord Feldman 'terrified' the Mark Clarke scandal will force ...
Nov 28, 2015 - The Tatler Tory Mark Clarke allegedly blackmailed a political aide ...... to his mosque three weeks ago, argued with Jewish coworker and was.
Daily Mail
Mafia boss breaks silence over Roberto Calvi killing | UK ... › World › UK News › Crime
May 12, 2012 - Calvi, dubbed "God's banker" because of his work with the Vatican, was found ... from scaffolding beneath Blackfriars bridge in London on 18 June 1982. ... protected by the Italian state, by members of the P2 masonic lodge.
The Guardian
St. Peter's Squared - Roberto Calvi and the P2 Masonic ...
After fleeing Italy in 1982 Brother Calvi is found hanging under London's ... Now theVatican suddenly realized Fremasonry was still a perfect vehicle for ...The Hanged Man: Roberto Calvi|MurderMap - London ...
The Mafia, the Vatican and a secret Masonic society have all been implicated in the murder of 'God's Banker' Roberto Calvi. A passerby on his way to work ...CONSERVATIVE PARTY SEX AND DEATH MYSTERY

Tory Sex Scandal: Who Shagged Whom? | Guido Fawkes.
Mark Clarke is the UK Conservative politician who has been linked to the death of Elliott Johnson.
Marke Clarke
A whistleblower says that the UK Conservative Mark Clarke recently provided young lads and lasses to Conservative Members of Parliament for sex.

Mark Clarke and his 'cronies' are Freemasons, who have attended Phoenix Lodge, in Wandsworth, South London.

One of Clarke's fellow Phoenix Freemasons is lawyer and Conservative councillor Andy Peterkin.

Elliot Johnson with Ken Clarke.
Phoenix Freemasons include Andre Walker, "who helped bully Elliott Johnson", and "who tried to trap one of Clarke's female Tory foes into being caught on camera snorting cocaine."

Peterkin (left)
One of Clarke's fellow Phoenix Freemasons is lawyer and Conservative councillor Andy Peterkin.
Clarke's close friend Peterkin formerly worked for Clifford Chance, the London law firm chosen by Tory chairman Lord Feldman to conduct an independent inquiry into the Clarke scandal.

Elliot Johnson with Ken Clarke.
Phoenix Freemasons include Andre Walker, "who helped bully Elliott Johnson", and "who tried to trap one of Clarke's female Tory foes into being caught on camera snorting cocaine."
UKIP general secretary Matthew Richardson, a close friend of Clarke, is a former Worshipful Master of Phoenix Lodge.
Clarke's friend Greg Smith, an aide to Cabinet Minister Greg Hands, is also a former Phoenix Worshipful Master.
Clarke's friend Greg Smith, an aide to Cabinet Minister Greg Hands, is also a former Phoenix Worshipful Master.
Phoenix Freemason Donal Blaney runs the Thatcherite Conservative Way Forward.

Clarke with former deputy Conservative party chairman Emma Pidding.
Clarke's friend Emma Pidding, who became a baroness partly as a result of backing Mark Clarke's political work, "promised to help secure Clarke a safe Parliamentary seat".
Allies of Grant Shapps have attacked Pidding, Cabinet Minister Robert Halfon and Tory chairman Lord Feldman.
Clarke's friend Emma Pidding, who became a baroness partly as a result of backing Mark Clarke's political work, "promised to help secure Clarke a safe Parliamentary seat".

Mark Clarke with Grant Shapps, who is a former Minister of State at the Department for International Development ('part of MI6') and who is a former co-chairman of the Conservative Party.
Allies of Grant Shapps have attacked Pidding, Cabinet Minister Robert Halfon and Tory chairman Lord Feldman.
One member of Parliament says "They are far more culpable than Grant Shapps who has been made a scapegoat."

Robert Halfon (left) and former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. UK Conservative MP Robert Halfon says that a Palestinian state "already exists in Jordan."
Robert Halfon, a Jewish UK government cabinet minister, was 'being blackmailed' over his six-month affair with PR executive Alexandra Paterson.
Alexandra Paterson is chairman of the Conservative party's youth wing
Halfon 'was being blackmailed' by Mark Clarke, an aide to David Cameron.
Mark Clarke 'bullied' Tory activist Elliott Johnson, who died in mysterious circumstances.

Halfon, Paterson, Clarke
Robert Halfon was educated at Arnold House school, near Hampstead in London.

Robert Halfon was born to a Jewish family living in Hampstead, London.[4][5]. His grandfather was an Italian Jew, living in Libya.
Robert Halfon has been the Political Director for Conservative Friends of Israel.
Halfon says Mark Clarke tried to get film of him leaving London's East India Club with Alexandra Paterson.
Halfon stays three nights a week at the East India Club.
Alexandra Paterson reportedly stayed with Halfon at the club, while Halfon's partner of six years, Vanda Colombo, remained in Halfon's home in his Harlow constituency.
According to The UK's Telegraph:
"The list, seen by the Telegraph, could lead to a re-examination of almost 200 years of British history, by revealing the extent of Masonic influence in the upper reaches of society."

Gerard Elias QC, the leading counsel to the Waterhouse Tribunal which investigated child abuse in North Wales, 'is a freemason.'
Reportedly, top freemasons are involved in top pedophile rings.
"Keith Harding, former membership secretary of the Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie) was made Worshipful Master of the Mercurius Lodge in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in 2011.
"The Mercurius Lodge is known as the Spies Lodge because it was set up by GCHQ (security services) and over the years many intelligence officers have become members.
Harding was convicted of indecent assaults against children.
Harding met MPs Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan in the 1980s
Paedophile Mason.

According to The UK's Telegraph:
1. A secret archive containing the names of two million Freemasons has been made public for the first time on the genealogy site Ancestry.
2. Top freemasons were involved in the 'cover-up' of the reasons for the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
"The whole of the ruling class was Masonic, from the heir to the throne down," says Bruce Robinson.
3. Top freemasons were involved in the 'cover-up' of who was behind the Jack the Ripper murders in London.

Gerard Elias QC, the leading counsel to the Waterhouse Tribunal which investigated child abuse in North Wales, 'is a freemason.'
Reportedly, top freemasons are involved in top pedophile rings.
"Keith Harding, former membership secretary of the Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie) was made Worshipful Master of the Mercurius Lodge in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in 2011.
"The Mercurius Lodge is known as the Spies Lodge because it was set up by GCHQ (security services) and over the years many intelligence officers have become members.
Harding was convicted of indecent assaults against children.
Harding met MPs Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan in the 1980s
Paedophile Mason.

Freemason handshake.
A List of 33rd Degree Masons includes both 'right wing' figures and 'left wing' figures, and, both 'friends' and 'enemies':
1. Chaim Weizmann, Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres, Yitzak Rabin, James Rothschild (a son of Victor Rothschild) , Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Paul Moritz Warburg.
The Reformed Rabbi Gotthold Saloman wrote that Freemasonry was more a Jewish movement in origin than Christian.
2. Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Alfred Milner, Cecil Rhodes.
Churchill was part of a cabal that is said to have deliberately started World War I.
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard. (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)
Freemasonry was behind the 'right-wing' Fascist Nazis. The Prussian Lodges in Germany were integral to building up the Nazi party. The Swastika is a symbol used in high Masonic Degrees today; apparently it is the ancient "Furthore" Rune Script for the letter "G", the most important and universal symbol in Freemasonry. "Nazis were Against Freemasonry" - Masonic Ruse
The top freemasons are said to go in for a policy of supporting both sides in any conflict.
"One of the fundamental symbols of Masonry is the Temple of Solomon and the Second Temple, which also figured as the central part of the Jewish religion. King Solomon, one of the greatest figures in Jewish history, is also one of the most important figures in Masonic rituals."
What is the connection between Judaism and Freemasonry?
Israel is now Bombing Syria: Claims of Airstrikes on Syrian Army Convoy.
A List of 33rd Degree Masons includes both 'right wing' figures and 'left wing' figures, and, both 'friends' and 'enemies':
1. Chaim Weizmann, Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimon Peres, Yitzak Rabin, James Rothschild (a son of Victor Rothschild) , Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Paul Moritz Warburg.
The Reformed Rabbi Gotthold Saloman wrote that Freemasonry was more a Jewish movement in origin than Christian.
2. Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Alfred Milner, Cecil Rhodes.
Churchill was part of a cabal that is said to have deliberately started World War I.
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard. (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)

3. Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez, Rev. Jesse Jackson
Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Frederick Engels, Karl Marx, Mikhail Gorbachev,
Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Frederick Engels, Karl Marx, Mikhail Gorbachev,
The top freemasons are said to go in for a policy of supporting both sides in any conflict.

4. Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Walt Disney, Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Gerald Ford, Henry Ford, Al Gore, Billy Graham, Richard Holbrooke, J. Edgar Hoover, Col. Edward Mandell House, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Kohl, Lyman Lemnitzer, Robert McNamara, Henry Morgenthau, Prince Phillip, Colin Powell, Ronald Reagan, Franklin D.Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Earl Warren
5. King Frederick II, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Alexander Kerensky, King Hussein, Francois Mitterand, Olof Palme, Gerhard Schroeder
5. King Frederick II, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Alexander Kerensky, King Hussein, Francois Mitterand, Olof Palme, Gerhard Schroeder
Rudolph Steiner, H.G. Wells.

According to Fritz Springmeier "there has been such a powerful cover up of the role Jews have played in Freemasonry."
"One of the fundamental symbols of Masonry is the Temple of Solomon and the Second Temple, which also figured as the central part of the Jewish religion. King Solomon, one of the greatest figures in Jewish history, is also one of the most important figures in Masonic rituals."
Israel is now Bombing Syria: Claims of Airstrikes on Syrian Army Convoy.
vatican calvi masonic jewish
I Banchieri di Dio - God's Bankers - Masons, P2 and The ...
Now the Vatican suddenly realized Freemasonry was still a perfect vehicle for ... So was another controversial banker, Roberto Calvi, who would later be found ...... He and Bugnini paid 5 Protestant Ministers and one Jewish Rabbi to create the ...Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936 ...
Oct 4, 2015 - Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936 .... Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish .... Most point toVatican II as the date of this revolution, but regardless of when it ...Operation Gladio - Deep Black Lies
But if the Gladio network was the armed force, the secret Masonic lodge ... Calvi began to illegally siphon money from his bank, using the Vatican bank - the ...ROBERTO CALVI: Murder, Mafia, Masonic And Vatican ...
ROBERTO CALVI: Murder, Mafia, Masonic And Vatican Cover-ups. (Roberto Calvi, before his suspicious death). Please click here to see our video of where ...Vatican, the P2 Masonic Lodge, and the Mafia - YouTube
Jan 15, 2010 - Uploaded by Anthony Johnson
"... a former Masonic lodge known as Propaganda Due, or P2, a lodge ... Claims have been made that Calvi's ...Pope John Paul I (1978) - Wikipedia
The suddenness of the death, together with the Vatican's difficulties with the ceremonial and legal ... Calvi was a member of P2, an illegal Italian Masonic lodge.
Most of us would laugh at the idea of a masonic mafia at ...
Jul 30, 2013 - 'The idea that there is a lobby of masons at work in the Vatican is an old one' (
The Catholic Herald
The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism the ...
Christopher Story - 2007 - Corruption
Calvi had belonged to Licio Gelli's secret P-2 Masonic Lodge, an Illuminati ... gangster-priest Paul Marcinkus, of Jewish extraction, P-2 ran the Vatican Bank.General Mark Clark - English
Eisenhower's Fair Haired Boy and a Jewish Clown. An Egotistical and Vain Perfumed Prince. He Was Famous For Posing With His Colt 45, Which He Kept ...Who were the highest ranking Jewish officers in the World War II ...
Oct 21, 2009 - Mark Wayne Clark Commanded Fifth Army and British/American 15th Army Group in Italy ... Jewish Generals and Admirals in America's MilitaryCorbyn's Stop the War comrade: are Zionists at the heart of ...
6 days ago - As details have emerged regarding the Mark Clarke bullying scandal that ... She says that Shapps — who is Jewish — took too long to look into ...
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