Gladio In AmeriKKKa
The CIA should not legally be operating within the U.S.anyway and besides they work hand in hand with Israeli government terroroists such as those of ICTS International who had control of Logan Airport Boston on 9/11 and at best allowed it to happen or more probably aided it to happen.That to Texas religious pervert Dick Army ex congressman from Texas they were never even questioned even though they were also running a stock fraud in incorporated in pesent President of Vice,Joe Biden's state of Delaware.
Operation Gladio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stay-behind operations were prepared in many NATO member countries, and some neutral countries. The role of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Gladio ...
Membership (1990): 622 (only in Italy)
Motto: "Silendo Libertatem Servo"; (In sil...
Purpose: Defense of Europe from invasi...
Founded at: Italy
Operation Gladio - Wikispooks
Jump to Silence from NATO, CIA & MI6 - NATO reacted to these revelations in November 1990 with confusion. Against a background of newspaper ...Operation Gladio: CIA Network of “Stay Behind” Secret Armies
Jul 17, 2008 - Through NATO, working with various Western European intelligence agencies, the CIA set up a network of stay behind “secret armies” which ...Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican ... › Religion › Religion & Politics
Prometheus Books Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, theCIA, and the Mafia [978-1-61614-974-1] - “For decades the CIA has been ...

The Oregon shooting took place at Umpqua Community College, where the Oregon 'shooter' Christopher Harper-Mercer was enrolled
The French train attack 'hero' Alek Skarlatos was enrolled at Umpqua Community College.
(Thanks to AkhaldanSolo for the links).
Is the CIA recruiting false flag operatives at umpqua community college in Roseburg in Oregon?

Aleksander Skarlatos is the American Oregon Army National Guardsman specialist who, along with fellow Americans, Spencer Stone and Anthony Sadler, a Briton and two Frenchmen, allegedly stopped the 'gunman' on the Paris-bound train travelling from Amsterdam via Brussels in August 2015.
Reportedly, Operation Gladio-style false flag operations, such as those at the Oregon college and on the French train, are part of the CIA's Strategy of Tension.
The CIA shootings and killings in Italy, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, Austria, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland had nothing to do with promoting gun control.
Is the CIA recruiting false flag operatives at umpqua community college in Roseburg in Oregon?

Aleksander Skarlatos is the American Oregon Army National Guardsman specialist who, along with fellow Americans, Spencer Stone and Anthony Sadler, a Briton and two Frenchmen, allegedly stopped the 'gunman' on the Paris-bound train travelling from Amsterdam via Brussels in August 2015.
Reportedly, Operation Gladio-style false flag operations, such as those at the Oregon college and on the French train, are part of the CIA's Strategy of Tension.
The Strategy of Tension is designed to keep the rich elite in power and to advance their conservative right-wing agenda.

The Oregon shooter, Chris Harper-Mercer, did U.S. Army training.
Oregon shooter: New details emerge about Chris Harper-Mercer
During training, Chris Harper-Mercer may have met army veteran Chris Mintz, who was also involved in the Oregon shooting?
Oregon gunman did Army basic-training
During training, Chris Harper-Mercer may have been mind controlled?

Basic Training at Fort Jackson.
The Washington Post points out that there hasn't been a single week during Obama's second term when there has not been a mass shooting.

Chris Harper-Mercer trained at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Dylann Roof (above) was arrested in Shelby, in South Carolina. Much of the Hunger Games was filmed in Shelby. Elliot Rodger is the son of The Hunger Games assistant director Peter Rodger. Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, resides in Sandy Hook. DYLANN ROOF LINK TO SANDY HOOK, ELLIOT RODGER, HUN....

Does the CIA create psychopaths with its 'Monarch' brainwashing of children?

Basic Training at Fort Jackson.
In 2015, in the USA, there have been nearly 300 mass shootings and almost 10,000 people killed by guns.
The Washington Post points out that there hasn't been a single week during Obama's second term when there has not been a mass shooting.
It may well be orchestrated.

48% of Americans oppose more gun control; 45% support gun control.
Aangirfan is opposed to people being allowed to own guns.
Recently a farmer in our area, who was allowed to own a gun, shot himself dead.
Recently a man in our area, who was allowed to shoot rabbits, shot himself dead.

Does the CIA create psychopaths with its 'Monarch' brainwashing of children?
There may be at least 2 million mind-control victims in the USA
(Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind ...)
In the US, UK and Australia, the incidence of mental illness in both children and adults almost doubled between the early 1980s and 2000.
dailymail. / More Kids Diagnosed With Mental Health Disabilities

The CIA's Strategy of Tension involves carrying out acts of terrorism.
(Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind ...)
(Guardian Unlimited Comment is free Oliver James; Selfish ...)
"More than 145,000 New York City kids between the ages of 6 and 12 - about 20 percent of the population - struggle with mental health conditions."
Twenty percent of New York pre-teens have mental issues — RT USA

In the USA a survey has found that, in children under six years of age, the rate of mental disabilities has nearly doubled over the last ten tears.
The rate doubled from 19 cases to 36 cases per 1,000 children.
"More than 145,000 New York City kids between the ages of 6 and 12 - about 20 percent of the population - struggle with mental health conditions."
Twenty percent of New York pre-teens have mental issues — RT USA

In the USA a survey has found that, in children under six years of age, the rate of mental disabilities has nearly doubled over the last ten tears.
The rate doubled from 19 cases to 36 cases per 1,000 children.
dailymail. / More Kids Diagnosed With Mental Health Disabilities

The CIA's Strategy of Tension involves carrying out acts of terrorism.
That's what the psyops is projected to do, make people beg the government to take away citizen's guns.
Why doesn't one of these deranged murderers ever shoot up a NRA meeting or a gun range or just go into a police station and start blasting?
Because they know people are armed and have the ability to shoot back, taking all the fun out of the mass murder.
Conversely, the rural environs, traditionally, look upon guns as an essential, for a wide variety of reasons. Partially, for protection from urbanite predatory (Lebensraum)confiscation of natural resources (among others).
It certainly is a psyop but sorry girls Greg is right on this issue.
"Aangirfan is opposed to people being allowed to own guns".
By people I am assuming you are including police, the military etc and what you are saying is you are opposed to guns, full stop. Is that a correct interpretation?
- Aangirfan
Are guns a problem in Switzerland, where every house has a military assault rifle?
If someone wants to smoke cigarettes, eat fast food, do no exercise, snort coke, inject heroin, or even shoot themselves with their own gun, it is their right to do so. It is a matter of personal sovereignty.
To solve the problem miscreants create guns, one should deal with the problem on the plane of causality (miscreants), and not the level of effects (guns fired).
You have done as good or better job, Aang, as anyone on the net exposing the nature of false flags, Gladio, strategy of tension etc. Ask yourself why TPTB want to disarm America. 150 million armed Americans are the ONLY thing preventing the complete take over of the New World Order and the complete ENSLAVEMENT of humanity. Once that happens, it will be game over. End of sports. The end of any semblance of freedom for ever.
It boils down to a matter of sovereignty. Are people ready to realise what the elites have feared that we would eventually work out? That we DO NOT NEED THEM. We can take personal soverignty for our own lives and our own protection.
I do not wish to sully my argument with logical fallacies like ad misericordiam, or the statistics of small samples, as I feel my argument stands as is but, if I can add a personal note, my grandmother was raped, murdered and mutiliated by some sick fuck teenager and, I promise you, if she was a free woman free to arm herself in the manner of a shotgun toting granny, she could have blown that sick fuck out of his socks as he battered his way into her council flat intent on killing her.
"Ask yourself why TPTB want to disarm America."
I believe that the TPTB do not want to disarm America.
"150 million armed Americans are the ONLY thing preventing the complete take over of the New World Order and the complete ENSLAVEMENT of humanity."
I suspect that the 150 million armed Americans are already slaves of the New World Order.
The government departments dealing with "mental 'elf" are largely run by Jews.
In most cases these kids are not mentally ill at all,rather they are just being kids.
If political correctness keeps advancing you will end up with the absurd situation where the majority of people in a country can be "legitimately" diagnosed as suffering from some sort of mental problem.
This gets very dangerous for freedom of the individual when the government in power decides political "dissidents' are mentally unwell....and carts them off to an asylum.
This is precisely what happened in Jewish controlled USSR.
Ezra Pound the American poet was targeted by the Jew controlled USA in this manner....Pound may very well have been a Jew.Bobby Fischer the chess player was HUNTED by the US government and they even got him expelled from Japan.What Pound and Fischer had in common was they were both prepared to comment on Jewish power and influence.
Incidently the Jews robbed Fisher of most of his possessions and money.
No academics seem to want to call a halt to the psychology industry....mind you most academics in the previously mentioned countries are fully signed up to the PC agenda! doubt a pretty selection takes you only get a job if you are with the programme.
The very best example is when these marrano popes show up at the wailing wall,bowing their head in contemplation. This dupes catholics into believing the head of their church is paying homage to the Jews.....perhaps they should follow their leaders example?!!.
Note: George Bush purported to be some wacky christian.He had a road to Damascus conversion prior to running for president.(The Damascus is a well known drinking hole in Texas).The Bush Family are crypto Jews of that there is no doubt.His daughter married an obvious Jew,just like the Clinton's daughter.
Speaking of Damascus... At the current rate of things there won't be much left of it...and that would suit one country to a tee,no prizes for guessing which one...Harper would sort you out on the answer.
More important is the right of people to have weapons to protect themselves from armed thugs, robbers and lunatics. A friend of our family, a farmer, was murdered by thieves when he tried to stop them stealing his car. He stood in their way and the ran him down. If he'd had a double barrel shot gun, he could have stepped out of the way and given them a blast as they went by.
We do not have a massive knife crime problem in Lancashire and are experiencing the lowest crime rate in the county in over thirty years.
But some young people still make the decision to carry a blade. They tell us that there are four main reasons why:
1.It makes them feel big
2.To earn respect
3.For street cred
4.And the biggest one – for protection
None of these are good enough reasons for carrying a knife and will not stop you being prosecuted.
In fact, 7 out of 10 young people who end up in A&E with a knife injury have been stabbed with their own knife. Carrying a blade actually puts you at risk.
All debate as to who is behind the Rape Wave and Mass Immigration Genocide against White Europeans is now over:
9 September 2015, Jerusalem,
The Leader of the Jewish Sanhedrin calling for the Genocide of all non-Jews
All those non-Jews who do not submit to the 7 Noahide Laws to be killed by Order of the Sanhedrin.
As if on cue (well it was) right after this the Mass Immigration Wave was released across Europe of hordes of foreign races.
There is now no doubt. The Jews themselves have announced their guilt.
Iran nearly doubles its death toll from hajj stampede
In the statement, Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization offers condolences to all Iranians for the loss of 464 pilgrims, while 20 are still hospitalized.
A state television newscaster said missing Iranian pilgrims who remain unaccounted for are included in this latest toll.
meanwhile how sweet -
World Jewish Congress sends sympathies to Saudis after haj disaster - Middle East
Jerusalem Post
Saudis know what is important -
Pilgrims frequent Jeddah shops to boost sales in post-Haj period
Saudi Gazette-5 hours ago
It's horrendous and is most certainly a crime against humanity. The people of Fallujah had nothing to do with 9/11 but civilians, including women and children, were incinerated but their clothes left intact as MK77 only burns when in contact with moisture. Also animals lay dead with no visible outward signs of what killed them because MK77 get inhaled and it burns you from the inside out. The US used these chemical weapons on a massive scale.
The Western press only made a small deal about this to pretend that it is fair and balanced, but really it was a cover up. Imagine if the Russians had done something like that? The 'good guys', us in the West, would have wanted a war with Russia, and then the ruling elite could have made a whole load of more money. War is big business.
Apparently this film was put on Italian TV in 2005, and it's in English. It should have been put on all our mainstream television.
Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
Fallujah epitomizes armed resistance.Fallujah was a very macho/alpha male society. Consequently, the Anglo-Zionist Masonic orders, another alpha male, gun culture, had to crush them. Sadly, this same Masonic group now know the media is key to their success and or failure. Vietnam's war crimes were televised for the world to see.The world reacted and Vietnam freed itself from conquest. Fallujah was not televised.Fallujah was conquered.
Women should run the world, cuz if they don't, we are all toast like the people of Fallujah.