As far as I can tell the Barack and Michelle Obama protected Saudi caught fleeing the area of the Boston Marathon bombing is indeed related to many Al Qaeda terrist suspects by way of his own family and based uon his financial ability to instigate fRivolous litigation in the U.S. HE IS CETAINLY FROM AN ELITE sAUDI FAMILY WITH DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO AND WITH THE WITCH HUNTING TERRORIST kING aBDULLAH AND EVN MORE SO WITH THE BIN LADEN CLAN WHO HE NO DOUBT KNOWS ON A FIRST NAME BASIS !
Boston Marathon bombing victim suing Glenn Beck for defamation ...
Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor Sues Glenn Beck for Defamation
Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, bombing 'person of interest' has 6 Saudi ...
Following The Saudi Angle – Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi Terrorist ...
Background points:
- A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing
- As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.
- An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.
- A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.
- Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano
- Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted. Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.
- New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges
- Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts
- Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.
Glenn Beck: Osama Bin Laden's Son was at the Boston Marathon ... 22, 2013 - Uploaded by ammiralowlingOsama Bin Laden's son Hamza Bin Laden is even rumored to have ... At any rate Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi ...
Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, Bombing ‘Person Of Interest’ Has 6 Saudi ‘Terrorists’ In Family,5 More Are In Gitmo
Confirmation that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, the Saudi national and initial “person of interest,” is indeed being deported this week now is spreading across the Internet. More details are emerging this weekend as Arabic sources and Saudi papers themselves are confirming “rumors” swirling in the US. (more at bottom)
Moreover, the Saudi papers are detailing the visit by the Obamas, especially Michelle to the hospital and this man. The “rumors” of the President meeting with Saudi officials in the hospital just prior to his “approved deportation” is abragging right in their press.
More notable is the assertions that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi is free an clear of terrorist ties, when in fact over 10 names from his clan are already linked to Al-Qaeda.
Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are entrenched in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda as identified by the Islamic governements.
Out of a list of 85 terrorists listed by the Saudi government shows several of Al-Harbi clan to have been active fighters in Al-Qaeda:
#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
Then you have Al-Harbi clan members in Gitmo:
Salim Salman Awadallah Al-Sai’di Al-Harbi
Majid Abdullah Hussein Al-Harbi
Muhammad Abdullah Saqr Al-Alawi Al-Harbi
Ghanem Abdul Rahman Ghanem Al-Harbi
Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awfi Al-Harbi
There are specific Saudi clans that are rife with members of Al-Qaeda, which has fueled critics questions the hundred thousand student visas are issued to these and how ICE officials seem clueless to make the connection with the clans when it comes to terrorism..........................
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
Majid Abdullah Hussein Al-Harbi
Muhammad Abdullah Saqr Al-Alawi Al-Harbi
Ghanem Abdul Rahman Ghanem Al-Harbi
Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awfi Al-Harbi
Boston Marathon bombing victim sues Glenn Beck
A Saudi Arabian man injured by one of the two bombs that detonated at last year’s Boston Marathon is suing conservative commentator Glenn Beck in federal court for defamation.
Abdulrahman Alharbi, then 20, was among the hundreds hurt during last April’s footrace in the metropolitan Massachusetts city after a pair of homemade pressure cooker bombs exploded near the finish line, killing three. Now nearly a year later, attorneys for the manhave filed suit against Beck in response to erroneous on-air remarks he made repeatedly about their client in the aftermath.
Federal authorities eventually narrowed in on brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaevas their main suspects in the days that followed the bombing, but Beck — a radio and television personality who previously spent years hosting a program on Fox News — broadcasted his own bombastic theories for weeks, including allegations that tied Alharbi to the terror attack.
Indeed, Alharbi was questioned by authorities shortly after the incident — as were many others, the lawsuit filed on Friday reads. But while officials ultimately cleared the student of any involvement in the plot, Beck insisted to his audience that there was more to the story.
According to the lawsuit, for weeks Beck continued to try and link Alharbi to the terrorist attack, and repeatedly referred to him as “the money man” who helped to fund the event.
“While the media continues to look at what the causes were of these two guys, there are, at this hour, three people involved,” Beck said during an April 22 episode of his radio program.
”We know who this Saudi national is. … We know who this man is and, listen to me carefully, we know he is a very bad, bad, bad man,” he said in another cited by theWashington Post.
Attorneys for Alharbi are now suing Beck, as well as his website The Blaze and the radio entities that carried the pundit’s program, for defamation and defamation with malice.....
Who is Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, (OSAMA Bin laden - David Icke's ... › ... › The Awakening / What we Can Do
David Icke
Sep 7, 2013 - 7 posts - 2 authors
Glenn Beck: Osama Bin Laden's Son was at the Boston Marathon Alleged ....Michelle Obama met with him in the hospital along with Barry.TheBlaze Exclusive: Congressional sources confirm ... - Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
Apr 22, 2013
According to two FBI sources, Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi was taken
Glenn Beck
Apr 22, 2013
According to two FBI sources, Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi was taken
Are These Pictures of Michelle Obama Visiting the Saudi Student Put on a Watchlist Last Week?
Photos of a visit Michelle Obama is alleged to have had with Abdul Rahman Alharbi — the Saudi national previously considered to be “person of interest,” “armed and dangerous,” and worthy of inclusion on a watch list — may have appeared on a Facebook page associated with an English language school in Boston or students who share a common bond of going to English schools in the area.
The above photo montage, which was posted at FreeRepublic today, originally appears on the Facebook page for “EC Boston Saudi’s.” EC Boston most likely refers to the EC Boston English Language School. The Arabic caption on the photo reads: “اخونا عبدالرحمن الحربي مع ميشيل أُباما واصاحبة”
Filtered through Google Translate, this comes out to: “Brother Abdul Rahman Alharbi with Michelle [untranslatable] and Asahabh.” The photos were originally posted by Facebook user Yazeed Salem, who appears to be pictured with Alharbi in the top-left photo.
The individual photographs give every appearance of being genuine. There is no obvious sign of Photoshopping (although it’s possible they have been). Moreover, the business card in the photosbelongs to an actual White House Staffer — namely, Robert Schmuck, Special Assistant to the President and Traveling Aide (although his title appears to have changed in the last year). The First Lady is also pictured in the outfit she wore to visit Boston area hospitals last week.
First Lady Michelle Obama was laso reported to have visited with Alharbi on Thursday, after arriving in Boston with President Obama to visit victims of the bombings being treated in three separate hospitals, according to the well known Saudi Arabian news site
Who is Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi,
(OSAMA Bin laden SON) and the
Saudi Terrorist groups what were
all their Agenda against the USA?
Glenn Beck: Osama Bin Laden's Son was at the
Boston Marathon
Alleged Abdul Rahman Ali alharbi 2 Background points: A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill. An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings. A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress. Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted. Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation. New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed. Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, Bombing ‘Person Of Interest’ Has 6 Saudi ‘Terrorists’ In Family,5 More Are In Gitmo Confirmation that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, the Saudi national and initial “person of interest,” is indeed being deported this week now is spreading across the Internet. More details are emerging this weekend as Arabic sources and Saudi papers themselves are confirming “rumors” swirling in the US. (more at bottom) Moreover, the Saudi papers are detailing the visit by the Obamas, especially Michelle to the hospital and this man. The “rumors” of the President meeting with Saudi officials in the hospital just prior to his “approved deportation” is abragging right in their press. More notable is the assertions that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi is free an clear of terrorist ties, when in fact over 10 names from his clan are already linked to Al-Qaeda. Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are entrenched in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda as identified by the Islamic governements. Out of a list of 85 terrorists listed by the Saudi government shows several of Al-Harbi clan to have been active fighters in Al-Qaeda: #15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi #73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi #26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi #29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi #43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader) #60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi Source: Then you have Al-Harbi clan members in Gitmo: Salim Salman Awadallah Al-Sai’di Al-Harbi Majid Abdullah Hussein Al-Harbi Muhammad Abdullah Saqr Al-Alawi Al-Harbi Ghanem Abdul Rahman Ghanem Al-Harbi Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awfi Al-Harbi Source:مو There are specific Saudi clans that are rife with members of Al-Qaeda, which has fueled critics questions the hundred thousand student visas are issued to these and how ICE officials seem clueless to make the connection with the clans when it comes to terrorism. The BBC reported Khaled Alharbi was married to the daughter of al-Qaida’s number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri. He reportedly appeared with bin Laden in a video praising the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Another top al-Qaida operative is Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi, a Saudi national identified by the State Department as “a key member of an al-Qaida network operating in Iran.” tp:// Obama to Deport Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ to Boston Atrocity: Saudi is Osama Bin Laden‘s Son Source: Before it’s NewsAnalyst’s note: Absolutely must read. Apparently Hamza (currently in Boston) was educated in Qatar as a Islamic religious scholar (at the request of his father) so that he could “refute the wrong and the suspicions raised around Jihad.”… and follow in the foot steps of his father Osama Bin Laden. If this report is true, I want to see Barack Hussein Obama try to justify releasing this young man. Read the original report to learn the details about one of Osama Bin Laden’s son captured here in Boston near the point of the recent Islamist jihad atrocity, then to be released. When I hear that Hamza is to be processed for revocation of his visa based on national security grounds, I begin to question, “Who’s national security?” … it doesn’t seem to be the security of the United States. That will be the story tomorrow. Osama Bin Laden's son Hamza Bin Laden is even rumored to have assassinated Benazir Bhutto the former president of Pakistan. At any rate Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi(Saudi allowed to go free) has many ties to Al Qaeda and has 5-6 relatives in Guantanamo Bay. Michelle Obama met with him in the hospital along with Barry. After he called home(Saudi) a Saudi diplomat arranged his deportation. homeland security refuses to answer questions about him posed by congress. ![]() Osama Bin Laden's son Hamza Bin Laden OMAR BIN LADEN Beck Gives Obama Till Monday to Admit Boston Bombing was Inside Job Becks's Monday Boston Bombings Conspiracy Revealed, He Warned Them lol Obama Buries Boston Massacre Saudi Connection Michael Savage Interviews Walid Shoebat on Boston Marathon Bombing Incident - 4/16/13 Glenn Beck: Osama Bin Laden's Son was at the Boston Marathon Bombing and Obama is Letting Him Go |
... wealthy Saudi Arabians, including ...
Who is Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, (OSAMA Bin laden - David Icke's ... › ... › The Awakening / What we Can Do
David Icke
Sep 7, 2013 - 7 posts - 2 authors
Glenn Beck: Osama Bin Laden's Son was at the Boston Marathon ... More notable is the assertions that Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi is free an ...Who is Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, (OSAMA Bin laden SON)
Glenn Beck Conspiracy: Abdul Rahman Ali AlHarbi Is Osama Bin ...
Apr 24, 2013 - As part of the Glenn Beck conspiracy, some people are claiming Abdul Rahman Ali AlHarbi is Osama bin Laden's son Hamza bin Laden. As previously ... Michelle Obama visited three hospitals to see the bombing victims.
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