For frauds and criminals such as Sandy Hook's aanti-gun lobbyist Francine Lobis Wheeler it is paradoxical or perhaps not that she has remained totally silent about her former drunken DNC crime boss Maureen White who is wife to Barack Obama and NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg's hedge fund and stock fraud money launderer Steve Ratner who just happens to be or have been invested in Cerberus hedge fund of ex U.S.Treasury Secretary John Snow,Dan Quayle and Israeli American Stephen Feinberg who among other crimes gutted and looted Chrysler and then received money from Barack Obama's bail out for their 'losses' - AND WHO ARE THE FINANCIAL BENEFICIARIES OF ALL THOSE US GOVERNMENT PURCHASED HOLLOW POINT BULLETS THAT SANDY HOOK ANTI-GUN LOBBYIST FRANCINE WHEELER HAS REMAINED MYSTERIOUSLY QUIET ABOUT!!And like his Zionist war and 9/11 crime buddies of Cerberus Steve Ratner also profited from the collapse of the industry of 2008 and then profited again by being balied out by CIA PROSTITUTE BARACK OBAMA WHO WAS INVOLVED IN CIA FINANCIAL FRAUDS AGAINST AMERICAN INVESTORS HIMSELF IN THE 1980'S.
And THEN they invested in small arms manufacturers throughout the U.S. that just happened to make the
very dreath dealing 'hollow point bullets' that for some unexplained reason anti-gun lobbyist Barack Obama
and his stinking pedophile promoting Jewish Homeland Security Department Czarina Janet Napolitano decided they needed hundreds of millions if not billions of some some unexplained reason.At U.S.taxpayer expense of course !
Mother of Sandy Hook victim to speak in weekly presidential address
Apr 12, 2013 - 26 posts - 2 authors
no worries..i joined the sandy hook hoax facebook page lol..not many ... White, who Francine Lobis was personal assitant to, is Steven Rattner
There were no wounded children but there was a report of a couple of wounded adults. One of the wounded adults is Natalie Hammond and there has been no news of her since this report (as far as I know). Also, as far as I know, the second wounded adult has not been named.
I think it is interesting that one of the parents of the victims had a connection to the wife of Steve Rattner who has close ties to Mayor Bloomberg.
Hard Proof that Sandy Hook is a Zionist Plot | NODISINFO
Dozens of Mossad operatives are responsible for Sandy Hook. ... NODISINFO .... Francine Lobis (now Lobis-Wheeler) is a Jew of eastern European heritage.
The Fake Faces of Sandy Hook: Actor and Actress ... - NODISINFO
Jan 20, 2013 - At the Sandy Hook Promise press conference, the purpose of which is to steal ... This is my wife Francine Lotus Wheeler, and (holds up the infamous ... On the contrary the opposite is the case, especially the Lobis-Wheeler.
Nodinsinfo's List of Phony "Sandy Hook" Parents | NODISINFO
Perpetrators #s 2 & 3: David Wheeler and Francine Lobis-Wheeler. ... Phonies to the most extreme degree these individuals posed as Sandy Hook parents, .............................
WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — The White
House says the mother of a Newtown shooting victim will deliver the
weekly presidential radio and Internet address.
President Barack Obama typically gives the talk, focusing on a topic that’s in the news or a policy the White House is pushing.
This week, Obama has asked Francine
Wheeler to deliver the address instead. Wheeler and her husband, David,
lost their 6-year-old son Ben in the December schoolhouse shooting in
Newtown, Conn.......
Wheeler, mother of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victim
Benjamin Wheeler, cries as she listens to Vice President Joe Biden speak
during a gun violence conference in Danbury, Conn., Thursday, Feb. 21,
2013. The conference, held near Newtown, where 26 lives were lost in the
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, was organized by members of the
state’s congressional delegation is to push President Barack Obama’s gun
control proposals. Credit: AP
Steve Rattner, Cerberus Capital and a Less-Than-Competent Car ... - Since Marcy and Josh have both done the blogospheric head scratch overSteve Rattner as car czar, I'd like to dial things back to something ...
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Rattner Had Investment in Cerberus - - Steven Rattner, one of the president's leading advisers on the automotive... But Mr. Rattner had a prior relationship with Cerberus Capital ...
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Cerberus | emptywheel - Government Teat-Sucking Bankster, Steven Rattner, Calls Auto ... As such, it was also the bailout of the Private Equity firm, Cerberus, that had ...
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Government Teat-Sucking Bankster, Steven Rattner, Calls Auto ... - This entry was posted in automobiles, Financial Fraud, Manufacturing and tagged Cerberus, Chrysler, GM, Steven Rattner by emptywheel.
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And THEN they invested in small arms manufacturers throughout the U.S. that just happened to make the
very dreath dealing 'hollow point bullets' that for some unexplained reason anti-gun lobbyist Barack Obama
and his stinking pedophile promoting Jewish Homeland Security Department Czarina Janet Napolitano decided they needed hundreds of millions if not billions of some some unexplained reason.At U.S.taxpayer expense of course !
NSA,Terrorist Senator Coats:Did Cerberus Profit from sale of Hollow ...
- - Dear NSA Barack Obama,Senator Coats,Janet Napolitano :Did CerberusProfit from sale of Hollow Point Bullets to Homeland Security AND ...
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Also interesting to note is Francine Wheeler's possible connection through a website link to Barack Obama's aka Barry Soetoro's Cointelpro terrorist pal Bill Ayers !
Mother of Sandy Hook victim to speak in weekly presidential address
Apr 12, 2013 - 26 posts - 2 authors
no worries..i joined the sandy hook hoax facebook page lol..not many ... White, who Francine Lobis was personal assitant to, is Steven Rattner
There were no wounded children but there was a report of a couple of wounded adults. One of the wounded adults is Natalie Hammond and there has been no news of her since this report (as far as I know). Also, as far as I know, the second wounded adult has not been named.
I think it is interesting that one of the parents of the victims had a connection to the wife of Steve Rattner who has close ties to Mayor Bloomberg.
Obama Car Czar Steve Rattner Met with Indicted New York Pension ...
The last thing President Obama needs in the wake of widespread "Tax Tea Parties" is the flame-out of another presidential appointment. Though President Obama's popularity ratings remain high, his choice of appointees may be causing some credibility problems and embarrassment as media outlets report a string of what may be generously termed "indiscretions" on the part of prospective appointees. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson withdrew himself from nomination for Commerce Secretary while a grand jury investigated state contracts awarded to Richardson's political contributors. Health and Human Services Nominee, Kathleen Sibelius improved her vetting profile by correcting three years of tax returns and paying back taxes of $7,000. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, referred to on conservative blogs as "Turbo-Tax Tim," paid back $17,000 in taxes he failed to pay the government while working for the International Monetary Fund. The current ethical spotlight is being trained on another Obama appointee, Steven Rattner, chosen to head the government's auto task force.
Mr. Rattner has not been accused of any crime but was named in a criminal complaint filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission against two men accused in a bribery and kickback scheme involving the New York State Pension Fund. According to the Wall Street Journal and the SEC,Rattner is the "senior executive" mentioned in the complaint, the person who met with a politically connected liaison representing New York pension fund managers. Rattner's firm, Quadrangle Group, paid middleman Hank Morris $1.1 million as a "finder's fee" and then received $100 million of New York State's investment dollars.
Two men have already been arrested and charged in a multi-count indictment which includes moneylaundering, operation of corrupt enterprises, and bribery. David Loglisci was serving as Deputy Controller under New York Chief Controller Alan Hevesi, also under scrutiny for a variety of violations of state laws and ethical codes. Loglisci is said to have directed Steve Rattner's investment firm, Quadrangle Group, to hire Hank Morris as a go-between, even though Quadrangle was also paying other representatives to solicit business. Morris got the money from Quadrangle; Quadrangle got $100 million of New York state pension funds to invest, and Loglisci and his brother obtained financial backing from a Quadrangle affiliate for a 2003 B-movie entitled "Chooch."
What this means for the Obama administration remains to be seen. According to the April 17 Wall Street Journal story "Authorities Investigate Payments By Rattner," Treasury officials said that Mr.Rattner informed them of the ongoing investigation being conducted by New York Attorney General, Andre Cuomo. The newspaper reported that its calls for comments from car czar SteveRattner were not returned.New York Times Jewish Zionist owner
Mother of Sandy Hook victim to speak in weekly presidential address
Apr 12, 2013 - 26 posts - 2 authors
no worries..i joined the sandy hook hoax facebook page lol..not many ... White, who Francine Lobis was personal assitant to, is Steven Rattner
There were no wounded children but there was a report of a couple of wounded adults. One of the wounded adults is Natalie Hammond and there has been no news of her since this report (as far as I know). Also, as far as I know, the second wounded adult has not been named.
I think it is interesting that one of the parents of the victims had a connection to the wife of Steve Rattner who has close ties to Mayor Bloomberg.
"People to the manner born once deemed Manhattan apartment-living déclassé. A century ago, only ostentatious mansions—of Astors and other aristocrats—occupied "Millionaires' Row," the most gilded stretch of that blue-blooded artery, Fifth Avenue. But that all changed in 1912 when a luxurious new 12-story Italian Renaissance building rose near the Metropolitan Museum of Art. And it is here, in the marbled grandeur of a sprawling palazzo, that Wall Street veteran and onetime New York Times reporter Steve Rattner today hosts the beau monde of Manhattan.
The gatherings are like "a grand salon, a throwback to New York of old," says indie-film mogul Harvey Weinstein, who along with billionaire buyout king Henry Kravis, Internet mogul Barry Diller and assorted Democratic presidential hopefuls have gathered at Rattner's home for evenings of high living, highbrow discourse, high finance—and the high art of exercising influence.
From the wallets of donors wined and dined here, Rattner and his wife, Maureen White, have raised millions for the presidential runs of Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry (White was formerly national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee). And it is also in this sumptuous abode that Rattner cultivated lucrative ties to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. In January, Rattner's firm, Quadrangle Group, was tapped to manage the mayor's $16 billion-plus fortune, and in July, Quadrangle advised Bloomberg L.P., the financial-media empire he controls, on its repurchase of a $4.5 billion stake held by Merrill Lynch. "Steve Rattner has the ability to do almost anything," Bloomberg says..."
Of course, parents that are in the entertainment field might be more comfortable talking to reporters or being interviewed by Anderson Cooper, for example, and that may be why these individuals are the ones being exposed by the media in terms of the deaths of their children. There were many children who died that day and only a handful, it seems, have spoken to the media.
That some of these parents are speaking to the media are without the usual signs of grief -- tears, puffy eyes, red nose -- especially for a sudden and brutal loss of a children has been a topic on the internet. Of course, people grieve in their own way but some of their reactions so soon after the event have raised eyebrows.
I don't think it is necessarily worthwhile to concentrate on the parents of this horrific event. What is most interesting is the police scanner talk at the time of the shooting. ........
Cold Case File: The Missing Daily News Steve Rattner Maureen White Story
By John Koblin 2/06/09 9:43pm
The article is about how journalist-turned-private equity investor Steve Rattner’s wife was pulled over for a D.U.I. But, for some reason, the story disappeared. The New YorkTimes, which is published by Mr. Rattner’s close friend Arthur Sulzberger Jr., never ran the story, nor did The New York Post. Mr. Wolff wondered:
It is possible, of course, that the Daily News website has malfunctioned. And that the Times and the Post were asleep at the switch. And that the Rattners are the luckiest public couple in New York.
After the jump, the story, as it appeared originally, via Nexis:
Today on Newser, Michael Wolff writes about a New York Daily News story that appeared back in October, but then—whooosh!—disappeared from the News‘ Web site.
The article is about how journalist-turned-private equity investor Steve Rattner’s wife was pulled over for a D.U.I. But, for some reason, the story disappeared. The New York Times, which is published by Mr. Rattner’s close friend Arthur Sulzberger Jr., never ran the story, nor did The New York Post. Mr. Wolff wondered:
It is possible, of course, that the Daily News website has malfunctioned. And that the Timesand the Post were asleep at the switch. And that the Rattners are the luckiest public couple in New York. Anything is possible.

Will New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and SEC Chair Mary Schapiro have the balls to go after former White House car czar Steven Rattner for his role in a New York State Pension “pay to play” scandal?
Here is the story, as it appeared originally, via Nexis:
Daily News (New York)
October 26, 2008 Sunday
LENGTH: 239 words
A HEAVYWEIGHT political fund-raiser who has pulled in millions for the Clintons, Barack Obama and Mayor Bloomberg was busted for driving while intoxicated in the Bronx, NYPD sources said yesterday.
Maureen White, 54, the former national finance chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee and wife of private equity investor Steve Rattner, was pulled over at the Throgs Neck Bridge Friday night.
Bridge and tunnel officers approached her 2006 Mercedes-Benz when it mysteriously stopped at the toll of an E-ZPass lane.
“Where do I go now?” White oddly asked.
The officers pulled her over, smelled alcohol and noticed that White had difficulty walking.
Sources said the officers gave her a field sobriety test, which registered a .17 blood alcohol level – more than twice the legal limit.
White, who had a 2008 Democratic National Convention pass in her car, was taken to the 45th Precinct, where she then refused a sobriety test, sources said. She was arraigned yesterday in Bronx Criminal Court.
A man who answered the phone at the couple’s Westchester residence said they were out to dinner.
The powerhouse couple, who married in 1986 and have four children, have long campaigned for the Clintons and raised millions of dollars for various candidates.
White’s April 2006 retirement fete alone raised $1.3 million for the party and was hosted by the Mandarin Oriental Hotel by Bill Clinton, Howard Dean and Al Gore.
Steven Rattner’s “Conduct Was Inappropriate, Wrong, and Unethical”
Steven Rattner
We will learn a lot about Cuomo and Schapiro in the process. Let’s not overlook what we’ll learn about the White House, as well.
Recall that Rattner, prior to serving as car czar, was co-founder of Quadrangle, the firm implicated in the New York State Pension “pay to play” scheme exposed by Cuomo. The SEC had a separate investigation of Quadrangle’s activities, as well.
Rattner is no longer affiliated with Quadrangle which just settled with the state. The Wall Street Journal highlights this story in writing, Quadrangle Agrees to Settle Pension Fund Case:
Private-equity firm Quadrangle Group LLC has settled with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s office and the Securities & Exchange Commission in the ongoing “pay to play” investigation involving New York’s largest pension fund.Quadrangle agreed to pay $7 million to New York state and fully cooperate with the government’s ongoing investigations, Mr. Cuomo said. Quadrangle said in a statement that it also settled an SEC suit over its involvement in the scandal at the New York State Common Retirement Fund.The private-equity group said both investigations related “solely to the actions of former Quadrangle employees.” Quadrangle neither admitted nor denied any allegations.Mr. Cuomo’s office said Quadrangle, as well as GKM Newport Generation Capital Services LLC, paid Henry “Hank” Morris, then-Comptroller Alan Hevesi’s paid political adviser, to arrange investments from the pension fund.Quadrangle retained Mr. Morris as a placement agent to increase from $25 million to $100 million an investment Quadrangle was seeking from the fund, the release said.“We wholly disavow the conduct engaged in by Steve Rattner, who hired the New York State Comptroller’s political consultant, Hank Morris, to arrange an investment from the New York State Common Retirement Fund,” Quadrangle was quoted as saying in Mr. Cuomo’s release. “That conduct was inappropriate, wrong, and unethical.”
What does the White House have to say about Mr. Rattner’s conduct? What kind of vetting process does the White House utilize prior to bringing on a person such as Mr. Rattner in a role such as the car czar? Does the White House believe in the principle of ‘you are known by the company you keep’?
Quadrangle just implicated Mr. Rattner in this “pay to play” scheme. Let’s see what kind of American justice gets meted out here. I repeat my call from a month ago: “Throw the Book at Steven Rattner.”
Who in America is coming to Rattner’s defense? Barack? Rham? We’re waiting. What do you have to say? America is listening!!
CIA Prostitute Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro,Business International Corp,Pakistan,Al Qaeda
CIA Prostitute Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro,Business International Corp,Pakistan,Al Qaeda
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