9/11:Rothschild's, Hitler's And NOW Trump's Israel
Trump so far has proven to be little more than a Zionist agent. He quickly backtracked on a campaign promise to be "even-handed"
on the Palestinians and promised to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. He pretended that Muslims cheered 9-11 when everyone knows that Israeli Mossad agents were arrested for this. He practically performed fellatio on the delegates at the [Israel Lobby] AIPAC Conference.
Trump appointed Steve Bannon as his "strategic advisor." Bannon comes from Breitbart.com which was established in Jerusalem, is staffed by Jews and no doubt is a Mossad front. His job is conning the American people.
Trump appointed Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. Since his retirement, Flynn has become known for his extreme views on Muslims. In June, he joined the board of ACT for America, part of the "inner core" of America's Islamophobia industry, a nationwide network of far-right NGOs with access to hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to spreading fear and misinformation about Muslims and the Islamic faith.
In a speech given on behalf of ACT on Aug. 9 in a church in San Antonio, Texas, Flynn repeated Islamophobic misinformation about Muslims, including the notion that Muslims want to impose "Shariah law" on Americans. "I don't see Islam as a religion. I mean, I see it as a political ideology," Flynn told the audience. "I've studied it, I've looked at it, I see it as a political ideology."
Trump's other appointees are distinguished by their loyalty to Israel, not the USA. This is from Mondoweiss:
After Netanyahu's speech to the Congress in March 2015, Tom Price, the new Health and Human Services secretary-appointee, who is a Georgia congressman and member of the Israel allies caucus in the House, praised the PM over President Obama, who was "appease"-ing Iran:
"At a time when there are grave concerns over Iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapon, it is my hope that Congress, and more importantly the Obama Administration, will listen carefully to Prime Minister Netanyahu's perspective. We cannot turn a blind eye toward or attempt to appease an Iran that would further destabilize the Middle East and threaten the survival of Israel. Such a situation would be profoundly dangerous to the well-being of the American people, our interest and our allies."
How about Nikki Haley, the South Carolina governor Trump chose for United Nations ambassador. From Haaretz:
Under her leadership, South Carolina became one of the first two states to enact legislation outlawing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel....
In January, Haley championed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's objections to the 2014 Iran deal in the Republican Party's official response to President Barack Obama's last State of the Union. While not mentioning Israel by name, Haley said that were the GOP to control the White House, "we would make international agreements that were celebrated in Israel and protested in Iran, not the other way around."
Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner on the controversial Steve Bannon:
"All I know about Steve is my experience working with him. He's an incredible Zionist and loves Israel," Kushner told Forbes.
Jewish News Service report on the Attorney General choice, Sen. Jeff Sessions:
The Mobile Area Jewish Federation last year presented Sen. Jeff Sessions with its first "Yedid L'Yisrael" [friend of Israel] award, a sculpture fashioned from a Hamas rocket that had been fired at Israel. The federation praised his consistently pro-Israel voting record and his advocacy of "the principle that it is in the national interest of the U.S. to ally itself with Israel." Sessions has earned a zero rating from the Arab-American Institute.
Times of Israel on CIA pick Mike Pompeo:
Pompeo is a reliable backer of Israel and last November had high praise for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after they met on an Israel tour.
Pompeo tweeted on [Nov. 17]: "I look forward to rolling back this disastrous deal with the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism." Pompeo had warned last year that the agreement is "empowering an Iranian regime that is intent on destroying America."
Of course the feeling is mutual: rightwing Israeli politicians say Trump's election means there will never be a Palestinian state, and Jewish folks in Jerusalem praise Trump to the heavens...........................
Trump's Real Mission: Make Israel Great Again
November 30, 2016
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Trump's election heralds a return to sanity on domestic policy but an alarming cognitive dissonance still exists in terms of Iran and the so-called war on terror. All of Trump's appointees are advocates of war on "militant Islam" and blame Iran for "sponsoring
terror." They ignore evidence that Saudi Arabia and Quatar and not Iran fund ISIS. They ignore evidence that ISIS was trained, armed and supported by Mossad, CIA and the West.
All of Trump's appointments point to a gratuitous confrontation with Iran orchestrated by Benjamin Netanyahu. This could easily lead to World War Three. In the current issue of The Atlantic, Uri Friedman writes:
Several of the president-elect's national-security appointees have argued that the United States is at war with "radical Islamic terrorism," or "radical Islam," or something broader still, such as "Islamism." They have described this war as a primarily ideological struggle to preserve Western civilization, like the wars against Nazism and communism. The war is not confined to extremist Sunni Muslims or extremist Shia Muslims; the Islamic State and the Islamic Republic of Iran are seen as two sides of the same coin. (The Coming War on 'Radical islam')
While Trump is saving jobs in Indiana, the US House of Representatives is calling for 'no fly zones' in Syria and the Senate is planning to reinstate sanctions on Iran.
While globalist Jews (Soros) are responsible for flooding the West with Muslims, Zionist Jews (the Mossad) are fanning the flames of Islamophobia and organizing terror attacks. We can expect a series of "ISIS terror attacks" like the one Monday in Ohio to increase the war hysteria.
This is consistent with the Illuminati's long-term manufacture of a "War of Civilizations" between Islam and the West reminiscent of Albert Pike's prophecy of a Third World War.

Trump so far has proven to be little more than a Zionist agent. He quickly backtracked on a campaign promise to be "even-handed"
on the Palestinians and promised to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. He pretended that Muslims cheered 9-11 when everyone knows that Israeli Mossad agents were arrested for this. He practically performed fellatio on the delegates at the [Israel Lobby] AIPAC Conference.
Trump appointed Steve Bannon as his "strategic advisor." Bannon comes from Breitbart.com which was established in Jerusalem, is staffed by Jews and no doubt is a Mossad front. His job is conning the American people.
Trump appointed Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. Since his retirement, Flynn has become known for his extreme views on Muslims. In June, he joined the board of ACT for America, part of the "inner core" of America's Islamophobia industry, a nationwide network of far-right NGOs with access to hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to spreading fear and misinformation about Muslims and the Islamic faith.
In a speech given on behalf of ACT on Aug. 9 in a church in San Antonio, Texas, Flynn repeated Islamophobic misinformation about Muslims, including the notion that Muslims want to impose "Shariah law" on Americans. "I don't see Islam as a religion. I mean, I see it as a political ideology," Flynn told the audience. "I've studied it, I've looked at it, I see it as a political ideology."
Trump's other appointees are distinguished by their loyalty to Israel, not the USA. This is from Mondoweiss:
After Netanyahu's speech to the Congress in March 2015, Tom Price, the new Health and Human Services secretary-appointee, who is a Georgia congressman and member of the Israel allies caucus in the House, praised the PM over President Obama, who was "appease"-ing Iran:
"At a time when there are grave concerns over Iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapon, it is my hope that Congress, and more importantly the Obama Administration, will listen carefully to Prime Minister Netanyahu's perspective. We cannot turn a blind eye toward or attempt to appease an Iran that would further destabilize the Middle East and threaten the survival of Israel. Such a situation would be profoundly dangerous to the well-being of the American people, our interest and our allies."
How about Nikki Haley, the South Carolina governor Trump chose for United Nations ambassador. From Haaretz:
Under her leadership, South Carolina became one of the first two states to enact legislation outlawing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel....
In January, Haley championed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's objections to the 2014 Iran deal in the Republican Party's official response to President Barack Obama's last State of the Union. While not mentioning Israel by name, Haley said that were the GOP to control the White House, "we would make international agreements that were celebrated in Israel and protested in Iran, not the other way around."
Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner on the controversial Steve Bannon:
"All I know about Steve is my experience working with him. He's an incredible Zionist and loves Israel," Kushner told Forbes.
Jewish News Service report on the Attorney General choice, Sen. Jeff Sessions:
The Mobile Area Jewish Federation last year presented Sen. Jeff Sessions with its first "Yedid L'Yisrael" [friend of Israel] award, a sculpture fashioned from a Hamas rocket that had been fired at Israel. The federation praised his consistently pro-Israel voting record and his advocacy of "the principle that it is in the national interest of the U.S. to ally itself with Israel." Sessions has earned a zero rating from the Arab-American Institute.
Times of Israel on CIA pick Mike Pompeo:
Pompeo is a reliable backer of Israel and last November had high praise for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after they met on an Israel tour.
Pompeo tweeted on [Nov. 17]: "I look forward to rolling back this disastrous deal with the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism." Pompeo had warned last year that the agreement is "empowering an Iranian regime that is intent on destroying America."
Of course the feeling is mutual: rightwing Israeli politicians say Trump's election means there will never be a Palestinian state, and Jewish folks in Jerusalem praise Trump to the heavens.
Now there is nothing impeding the Illuminati goal of destroying the Muslim Dome of the Rock and rebuilding the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, an act which ushers in the reign of the Antichrist.
We are being manipulated by a satanic cult whose goal is, in the words of banker Otto Khan, " Purify the idea [of God] by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel... "
The traitors within always have sought to create an external enemy. Americans will never be free until they realize that Illuminati Jews and Freemasons, not Muslims, are their real enemy.
Related- Phil Giraldi - Will Iran be Target of Trump Regime?
----------- YouTube MustSee - Trump's Jewish Cabal
------------Donald Drumpf - Illuminati Jew
------------Michael Flynn - Islam hater
---------------- Trump- Likud Trojan Horse
---------------- Mossad Blackmail-Tempering Our Expectations of Trump
-----------------Have Americans Been NeoConned?
-----------------Islamophobe Appointed to DHS Team
First Comment by BK
[Flynn's colleague Michael] Ledeen has gained notoriety in recent months for the following paragraph in his latest book, The War Against the Terror Masters. In what reads like a prophetic approval of the policy of chaos now being visited on Iraq, Ledeen wrote,
Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence--our existence, not our politics--threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.
Thanks BK
The Very Creepy, Kissinger Connected, Theranos
Jul 29, 2014 - Could this mean it is a scam to siphon UN and WHO money for the test? ... MajorTheranos Scandal Brewing; Henry Kissinger Involvement ...
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