White UK Jews Who Run The U.S.,Russia,Israel And International Zionist Terrorism,Financial Military Industrial Complex
Anonymous11 November 2015 at 03:47
If you read "Defence of the Realm, the Official History of MI5" By Christopher Andrew, it says Anthony Blunt was recruited to MI5 by Victor Rothschild.
I think there was a book written some years ago that claimed Victor Rothschild was the fifth man in the Cambridge spy ring.
I think there was a book written some years ago that claimed Victor Rothschild was the fifth man in the Cambridge spy ring.
"There is a suspicion that certain Jews, in alliance with certain other dark forces, now run the UK government."
Which is why David Cameron refers to his party as the Torah Party.
Which is why David Cameron refers to his party as the Torah Party.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Matthew Gould (centre)
Matthew Gould is in charge of UK Government cyber security.
Matthew Gould reportedly has links to Mossad.
Matthew Gould (Goldkorn) is descended from Polish Jews.
In 1993, Gould joined the Foreign office and served as Assistant Desk Officer (NATO/Bosnia) in the Security Policy Department.
This could suggest that Gould was recruited by MI6?

Not long ago, Gould was involved in a number of secret meetings organised by Denis MacShane (a top Jew).
These meetings involved Gould, the Zionist Liam Fox (former UK Defence Minister), Adam Werritty (a close personal friend of Fox and of Israel) and 'agents of Mossad'.

A former Director of MI6 and two deputy directors, including Hayman above, have been named as child abusers.
In Manila, Gould launched a programme which included getting UK detectives to train Filipino police officers to deal with child abuse.[6][7]
In other words, Gould will know about child abuse rings.

Liam Fox and his close friend Adam Werrity.
Not long ago, Gould was involved in a number of secret meetings organised by Denis MacShane (a top Jew).
These meetings involved Gould, the Zionist Liam Fox (former UK Defence Minister), Adam Werritty (a close personal friend of Fox and of Israel) and 'agents of Mossad'.
In other words, Gould is likely very close to Mossad.
Craig Murray, a former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, claimed to have evidence connecting Gould and his friends with a secret plan to attack Iran.

Sir Leon Brittan, a Jew, formerly the minister in charge of MI5, has been linked to the top child abuse rings.
From 2005 to 2007, Gould was the UK's Foreign and Security Policy Counsellor and theRepresentative of the Joint Intelligence Committee in Washington, DC.
In 2010, Gould became the UK's Ambassador to Israel.

As Britain’s first Jewish ambassador to Israel, Gould described himself as a 'passionate' Zionist.
Gould helped set up the UK-Israel Tech Hub, a UK-Israel partnership in technology.

Saul Klein
David Cameron appointed venture capitalist Saul Klein as the UK Tech Envoy to Israel - bringing Israeli start-ups to Britain.
Britain's National Health Service has now formed strong links with Israeli life sciences companies conducting clinical trials in the UK.
In March 2015, Francis Maude, the previous Cabinet Office minister responsible for cyber security, announced three UK-Israel cyber research collaboration ventures.

There is a suspicion that certain Jews, in alliance with certain other dark forces, now run the UK government.

Robert Halfon.
Robert Halfon, who has Italian Jewish origins, is now Minister without Portfolio (attending Cabinet)[3] and Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party.
As Britain’s first Jewish ambassador to Israel, Gould described himself as a 'passionate' Zionist.
Gould helped set up the UK-Israel Tech Hub, a UK-Israel partnership in technology.

Saul Klein
David Cameron appointed venture capitalist Saul Klein as the UK Tech Envoy to Israel - bringing Israeli start-ups to Britain.
Britain's National Health Service has now formed strong links with Israeli life sciences companies conducting clinical trials in the UK.
In March 2015, Francis Maude, the previous Cabinet Office minister responsible for cyber security, announced three UK-Israel cyber research collaboration ventures.

There is a suspicion that certain Jews, in alliance with certain other dark forces, now run the UK government.

Robert Halfon.
Robert Halfon, who has Italian Jewish origins, is now Minister without Portfolio (attending Cabinet)[3] and Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party.

Oliver Letwin.
Oliver Letwin, a Jew, has overall responsibility for the Cabinet Office and is a member of the Cabinet.
He is also Chairman of the Conservative Research Department and chaired the Conservative Party's Policy Review from 2005 to 2010.

Here is a list of some of the UK's Jewish politicians, past and present:
Robert Maxwell influential Labour MP and 'a top spy for Mossad'.
His daughter Ghislaine Maxwell was 'an accomplice' of Jeffrey Epstein who reportedly ran a child abuse ring.

Lord Victor Rothschild (above) who reportedly controlled Churchill, Thatcher and Heath and who reportedly gave Britain's nuclear secrets to Israel.
His daughter Ghislaine Maxwell was 'an accomplice' of Jeffrey Epstein who reportedly ran a child abuse ring.

Lord Victor Rothschild (above) who reportedly controlled Churchill, Thatcher and Heath and who reportedly gave Britain's nuclear secrets to Israel.
Victor Rothschild worked for both MI5 and MI6 and was a friend of Sir Anthony Blunt, 'a dangerous child abuser who was part of a VIP child abuse ring'.

Margaret Hodge, nee Oppenheimer.
BABY P, THE SECURITY SERVICES / Jason Swift; Islington children's home / Jersey child abuse link to Islington / MARGARET HODGE.
Keith Joseph, one of the Kosher Nostra.
Keith Joseph Conservative cabinet minister linked to child abuse.

Margaret Hodge, nee Oppenheimer.
Margaret Hodge Labour Minister, linked to the VIP child abuse rings and murdered children.
Margaret Hodge was the Council Leader in Islington, which was at the centre of a UK-wide child abuse network 'linked to the security services'.
BABY P, THE SECURITY SERVICES / Jason Swift; Islington children's home / Jersey child abuse link to Islington / MARGARET HODGE.
Keith Joseph Conservative cabinet minister linked to child abuse.

Leo Abse
Leo Abse Labour MP linked to child abuse.

Uri Geller and Lord Greville Janner, former President of the Board of British Jews, vice president of the World Jewish Congress.

Sir Clement Freud, who persuaded Yuri Geller to come to England and settle in Sonning. Clement Freud is related to Yuri Geller on Geller's mother's side.
Clement Freud, whose brother was a friend of the Kray Twins, who are linked to child abuse.
Clement Freud helped the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann

Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the cousin of Leon Brittan.
Rifkind was formerly head of Britain's 'spy watchdog'.
Malcolm Rifkind is related to Ann Dexter-Jones. Ann is related to Sir Oscar Deutsch and to Russian spy Arnold Deutch, who recruited Kim Philby.

Rifkind was formerly head of Britain's 'spy watchdog'.
Malcolm Rifkind is related to Ann Dexter-Jones. Ann is related to Sir Oscar Deutsch and to Russian spy Arnold Deutch, who recruited Kim Philby.

Lord Carlile (Alex Carlile).
Alex Carlile Liberal MP, son of Polish Jewish immigrants.
In 2005, Lord Carlile has been the 'independent' reviewer of Britain's anti-terrorist laws.
Alex Carlile Liberal MP, son of Polish Jewish immigrants.
In 2005, Lord Carlile has been the 'independent' reviewer of Britain's anti-terrorist laws.
In 2002, it was revealed that former Conservative Prime Minister John Major had had an affair with a Jewish mistress, Edwina Currie.

Michael Howard.
Michael Howard (1983-2010) [31], Conservative cabinet minister who has been linked to gangsters.

John Bercow.
John Bercow Speaker of the British House of Commons
MP Julian Lewis, who has been a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee which oversees MI5 and the other security services.
John Bercow Speaker of the British House of Commons

Julian Lewis Conservative MP linked to the security services, VIP child abuse rings and murdered children.
Lord Goodman
Arnold Goodman, Baron Goodman [45], solicitor linked to child abuse rings.

David Miliband.
David Miliband formerly the minister in charge of MI6.
Zac Goldsmith Conservative MP for Richmond, a centre of child abuse.
Zac Goldsmith Conservative MP for Richmond, a centre of child abuse.
Anna Gaitskell, Baroness Gaitskell,[21] Labour politician
Peter Goldsmith, Baron Goldsmith former Attorney General
David Young Conservative politician

The discredited Sir Jimmy Savile and the discredited NSPCC (National Society for the Promotion of Cruelty to Children)
Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Strensall
"Witnesses have spoken of an extended child abuse ring capitalising on their connections to Savile and Jaconelli, plying young girls with money, alcohol and drugs before renting them out to pre-booked clients in motor-homes that travelled to Middlesbrough, York and further afield.
"Including to a hidden location convenient to Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Strensall, where they were reportedly clandestinely filmed in a caravan, with the resultant hard-core pornography exported to Holland and beyond."
North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

North Yorks Enquirer."Including to a hidden location convenient to Queen Elizabeth II Barracks, Strensall, where they were reportedly clandestinely filmed in a caravan, with the resultant hard-core pornography exported to Holland and beyond."
North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

"The ring that Conservative Councillor Peter Jaconelli led in Scarborough was known to North Yorkshire Police from at least the 1970’s, some sources say since the 1950’s and was involved in trafficking..."

"'I have received information via recorded witness statements from three former serving Police personnel stationed at Scarborough Police Station in the 1970s, ’80s and 90s which confirms that both Savile and Jaconelli were frequent visitors to the Police Station, where they were treated like visiting royalty, despite it being well-known by the Police that they were paedophiles (by the common-usage phrase “kiddy fiddlers”) acting in joint enterprise and with others.
"'One witness has stated that Police cars were provided to convey Jaconelli to County Hall in Northallerton, then on to Leeds for casual liaisons...'"
North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

"'I have received information via recorded witness statements from three former serving Police personnel stationed at Scarborough Police Station in the 1970s, ’80s and 90s which confirms that both Savile and Jaconelli were frequent visitors to the Police Station, where they were treated like visiting royalty, despite it being well-known by the Police that they were paedophiles (by the common-usage phrase “kiddy fiddlers”) acting in joint enterprise and with others.
"'One witness has stated that Police cars were provided to convey Jaconelli to County Hall in Northallerton, then on to Leeds for casual liaisons...'"
North Yorks Enquirer Savile/Jaconelli.

Darren is a survivor of sadistic child abuse.
The reprisals from the police towards me and others for speaking out have also been terrifying and life changing @SuffolkPolice @metpoliceuk

John Allen (Mr X), who ran children's care homes in Wales, and who supplied young boys to top child abusers in London and in Holland.
A few years ago, there was an Inquiry into organised child abuse at care homes in Wales.
Certain police officers and certain VIPs were part of a child abuse ring sexually abusing children from care homes in Wales.
"At least 12 children formerly in care homes covered by the inquiry are dead.
"One witness, who alleged that policemen used him for sex, has complained of a campaign of intimidation, including the destruction of his home and repeated harassment."
- The Times 4th October 1997 wp.me/p3aerI-nu

Sir Jimmy Savile, friend of Israel and various prime ministers, was reportedly a frequent visitor to Bry Estyn, one of the homes run by John Allen in North Wales. SAVILE ABUSED BOYS AT BRYN ESTYN.
One victim told the inquiry:
"When (a magazine) printed an article and linked me with (surname) and other people my house was destroyed, my car was destroyed and I had numerous threats and I am not taking any chances any more.
"The police weren't willing to do anything."
According to The Times:
"The earliest public allegation that a gay paedophile ring led from children’s homes to the doors of Parliament was made by Angus James in the satirical journal Scallywag .
"He, too, is unavailable to give evidence.
"He was killed in a car crash in Cyprus last year shortly after Mr Hague announced the inquiry.
"The St Pancras Coroner recorded an open verdict."

Spooky David Aaronovitch
The top propagandist who is claiming that the child abuse scandal has been greatly exaggerated is the Jewish journalist David Aaronovitch.
"Aaronovitch has a history of making some rather ridiculous statements.
"Whether defending the mythology of WMD's in Iraq...
"Or defending Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, Aaronovitch has a pretty shameless record as an establishment gatekeeper..."
Gatekeepers - 21st Century Wire

Who is pulling the strings?