Russian passenger aircraft with 220 onboard crashes in Egypt
4 days ago - A Russian plane carrying over 220 people from Egypt to Russia ... Airport Security company (ICTS International) runs Sharm El-Sheikh airport.One thing is for sure,while our U.S. AND RUSSIAN 'LEADERS' EMBRACE AND INVITE RUSSIAN=
YOU can call it ICTS International as it was called at time of 911 and until so many airport terrorist incidents and even LONDON SUBWAY BOMBINGS can be linked to them - or you can call it ICTS Europe - it is the same thing even if Menachem Atzmon's name and other Mossad Israelis names with it and now has other names such as Zionist prostitute and traitor ex San Jose Mayor and W Bush Traqnsportation SecretaryNorm Minneta's,'s names in their place !

Africa and the Middle East - Airport Projects Category ...
Al Maktoum International Airport, Dubai (DWC/OMDW) Al Maktoum ... Emirates ·Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport, Egypt · Sikhuphe International Airport, Swaziland ... Gunnebo and ICTS Europe Improve Passenger Processing at AirportsInternational Institute For Counter-Terrorism
The(Israeli) ICT Database Team is pleased to present a brief overview of the terrorist incidents ... Bosnia, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Iraq, Israel and the West Bank, Lebanon, ..... In 2008-2009 and 2010, Dr. Ganor served as a Koret Distinguished Visiting .... but seeks to establish a solid strategic base for Russia in the Middle East.WTC,9/11,ICTS International:Israeli NSA,Military ...
Sep 6, 2013 - Aug 29, 2013 - The 8200 unit is Israel's equivalent of the National Security Agency; it intercepts and collects electronic intelligence.Indymedia NL (The Netherlands) - 911,ICTS Europe,Mumbai,Schiphol ...
Jan 29, 2011 - 911,ICTS International,Mumbai Terror,Schiphol Christmas 2009 and Chabad ... Israel Reports No Israeli Casualties in Moscow Airport Attack ... satisfied with Russian 'goyim' surviving the Moscow bombing and figured some Rubashkin .....'s 'source' on Syrian gas attack–Israel's Unit 8200 ...
Sep 4, 2013 - Obama's 'source' on Syrian gas attack–Israel's Unit 8200 ... The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian .... the 5 dancing Israelis on 911 ...SEC,9/11:Israel IDF,NSA Snooping Technology 'Start Ups ...
Jun 8, 2013 - Note that UK's GCHQ compared to Israel Defense Force'Unit 8200 is ..... WTC,9/political and science rhymes: 9/11,Mossad,Unit 8200 ...
Sep 16, 2014 - In San Francisco the "secret room" is Room 641A at 611 Folsom Street, the site of a large SBC ... Mossad Unit 8200 Prism Spying Scandal ...9-11 and Alvin Krongard - Israel's Agent at the CIA
A collection of articles and videos about 9-11 being an inside job, ending the Federal ... ORCKIT AND UNIT 8200 OF ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCEChristopher Bollyn
2 days ago - The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World ..... The Israeli signal intelligence facility, known as Unit 8200, has "rows of ..From The Israeli Army Unit 8200 To Silicon Valley ...
Mar 20, 2015 - The 8200 is a special unit, and in many ways, it's run like a high-tech startup. .... us foreign aid to israel is earmarked directly to go BACK to US ...
Meet The Ex-NSA And Ex-Unit 8200 Spies Cashing In On ...
Sep 10, 2014 - From left to right: Cybersecurity investor Ted Schlein of Kleiner Perkins;Unit 8200 alum Lior Div of Cybereason; NSA alum Jay Kaplan of ...
Tuesday, 3 November 2015

A victim of the Metrojet crash in Egypt.
An American infra-red satellite detected a heat flash seconds before the Russian plane fell from the sky, suggesting there was some sort of explosion on board.
The passengers "in the tail section of the liner died because of so-called blast injuries."
Signs of explosion
"Several military experts say a small bomb - either with a timer, or triggered by altitude - now appears to be the most likely cause of the Russian plane crash in Egypt's Sinai desert."
Signs of explosion
"Several military experts say a small bomb - either with a timer, or triggered by altitude - now appears to be the most likely cause of the Russian plane crash in Egypt's Sinai desert."
Russia's Tass news agency reported that debris not belonging to the plane was found at the crash site.

There is a belief that Israel used its spy base near the crash site to interfere with the Russian plane.
Egypt's Civil Aviation Authority reported that no Mayday signal was sent from the plane and that communication with the aircraft was normal until the aircraft disappeared from radar.
"This suggests that the normal communication links with the plane had been cut before the plane was remotely hijacked and sabotaged."
According to the London Independent, "At least 16 passengers due to fly on Metrojet flight 9268 did not board the plane on the day it crashed."
According to the London Independent, "At least 16 passengers due to fly on Metrojet flight 9268 did not board the plane on the day it crashed."

A victim of the Metrojet crash.
It looks as though Israel and its friends may have brought down the Russian Metrojet plane which crashed in Egypt on 31 October 2015.
Israel is angry that Russia has been frustrating its plans for Syria.
The Israeli Defence Forces has confirmed that it had intelligence assets in the region at the time of the crash.

Victim of the Metrojet crash.
Egypt's civil aviation minister Hossam Kamal said communications between the pilot and air traffic controllers were 'normal' ahead of the disaster.
'There was nothing abnormal... and the pilot didn't ask to change the plane's route,' he said, adding that the controllers recorded no distress calls.
His comments contradicted earlier claims that the pilot had reported technical difficulties and made clear his intention to land at the nearest airport.
Airline spokeswoman Oxana Golovina said the airline's pilot Valery Nemov had more than 12,000 hours of flying experience with 3,860 on the Airbus A321.
She said: 'Our aircraft was in full working order, our crew was experienced, our pilot had a great deal of flying experience, so we don't know (what caused the crash).'

Victim of the Metrojet crash.
Professor Michael Clarke, Director General of the Royal United Services Institute says that early indications suggest that the jet may have been destroyed by a bomb on the aircraft.
"Early reports said it split into two and that suggests a catastrophic failure, not a mechanical failure, but perhaps an explosion on board, so I would be much more inclined to think, if we have to guess at this stage, it is much more likely to have been a bomb on board than a missile fired from the ground.
"And there’s no sign of a distress call, so the idea that the aircraft was undergoing a mechanical problem, or an engine problem, or a fire, or something like that, you would expect that there would be some sort of distress call beforehand.
"So the fact that there was a catastrophic failure at 31,000 feet, with the aircraft falling in two pieces, suggests to me an explosion on board. So was this caused by some form of terrible accident, which is unlikely, or a bomb, which is much more likely, my mind is moving in that direction rather than anything that happened on the ground."

There have been conflicting reports.
"Egyptian media had reported that the pilot radioed about technical problems and told air traffic controllers he needed to make an emergency landing.
"The plane was trying to land at the airport in the city of Al-Arish, in northern Sinai, when it crashed in the mountainous Hasana region, it was said."
Translation of the above Tweet from ISIS:
"ISIS (the CIA and its friends) were able to bring down a Russian plane above Sinai Province with at least 220 Russian crusaders aboard.
"They were all killed, praise be to God. O Russians, you and your allies take note that you are not safe in Muslim lands or their skies.
"The killing of dozens of ISIS forces daily in Syria with bombs from your planes will bring woe to you. Just as you are killing others, you too will be killed, God willing."
"John McCain confirmed the plan; everything is in place so you know we got cover from the US Senate.
John McCain wanted Russian planes brought down.

"Aviation sources claim the tail section of the aircraft shows evidence of 'the fuselage skin peeling outwards possibly indicative of a force acting outwards from within' - possibly a bomb - which could be linked to the earliest moments of the aircraft's disaster sequence."
- Anonymous1 November 2015 at 11:15Lackeys are the U.S., Greece, Poland, Italy plus the IAF.Reply
Good analysis here: - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 11:28Victims were Russian and Ukrainian:Reply - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 11:31Did CIA & Mossad Shot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?Reply - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 12:02 - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 09:08"One possibility is that the airliner was carrying a bomb placed by a third party" Official Sources say that no signs of explosives have been found.*after some browsing* Reuters report: No sign of external explosion (?)Great: News are collapsing like a castle of cards.If I remember well, early info said the pilot sent an SOS. But the Russian Metrojet said officially the opposite - again !!There's a lot of DISinfo... Raw data: November 2015 at 18:00to be taken into account:PHOTO: Source: Reuters - Sat, 31 Oct 2015 10:54 AM: The Metrojet's Airbus A-321 with registration number EI-ETJ that crashed in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, is seen in this picture taken in Antalya, Turkey September 17, 2015.Picture taken September 17, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Philipp Piskol all MSM - none showed Israel's name on the map, yet Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria all shown. none mentioned plane was near border with guess is the plane was brought down electronically.Debka & other media tried to claim plane was in Cypriot (Turkish Cypriot?) or Turkish air space (contested region?) presumably in order to try to gain control over the investigation, but that apparently hasn't worked.
- Anonymous2 November 2015 at 09:15Good point. Flight was allegedly going to Al Arish Airport (AAC).
Note that the flight was alongside Israeli territory. Eilat is a big port with an airport and most probably they monitored the flight from there. - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 14:48I found the GPS location (1) of the crash, here's on a map:,34.7240386,10z
The Negev Desert is close and there are many MIL bases there, as:
The discreet complex atop Mt. Keren is a U.S. military installation, and the 100 U.S. service members who staff it are the only foreign troops stationed in Israel.
- Anonymous2 November 2015 at 11:49
John McCain: Arm Syrian Rebels to Shoot Down Russian Planes - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 13:03"MALFUNCTION IN THE WIRELESS DEVICES"
Suspicions about the Russian Plane Crash
THE LOCATION OF UNIT 8200 - Israel's main satellite signal intelligence facility is located on Kibbutz Urim, less than 60 miles NNE of the location where the Russian plane went down.
" This Israeli spy facility would have had the ability to monitor and communicate directly with the aircraft's navigation system - without the knowledge of the crew.
- Anonymous2 November 2015 at 13:27The terrorist state of IsraHell must be dismantled and the jewish question solved for good.Reply
Jews must renounce their racist jewishness. As long as there are people calling themselves jews there won't be peace on earth. - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 15:04Air Duel between the Sukhoi Su - 30 Russian SM and Israeli F-15Reply
Read more at - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 16:10Israel and the USA are certainly the prime suspects if this was sabotage. Both nations have the means, motive and track record of murdering innocent civilians. Just look at the how the CIA has spent 25 years trying to blame the Libyans and Iranians for Lockerbie.Reply
- Anonymous3 November 2015 at 01:13
- Anonymous1 November 2015 at 10:11given the altitude the flight had reached, only a very sophisticated ground based anti-air system could have downed the flight, most analysts would assume that ISIS and cohorts do not possess such weapons.Reply
I am very surprised that nobody is talking about the fact that Israel and some of her lackeys are presently running exercise “Blue Flag”, just a few flight minutes away from the crash site..
Wouldn’ it be possible that an air-to-air missile could have been fired and found the Russion jet “by error”..
Caveman - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 11:15Lackeys are the U.S., Greece, Poland, Italy plus the IAF.Reply
Good analysis here: - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 11:28Victims were Russian and Ukrainian:Reply - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 11:31Did CIA & Mossad Shot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?Reply - Anonymous1 November 2015 at 12:02 - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 09:08"One possibility is that the airliner was carrying a bomb placed by a third party" Official Sources say that no signs of explosives have been found.*after some browsing* Reuters report: No sign of external explosion (?)Great: News are collapsing like a castle of cards.If I remember well, early info said the pilot sent an SOS. But the Russian Metrojet said officially the opposite - again !!There's a lot of DISinfo... Raw data: November 2015 at 18:00to be taken into account:PHOTO: Source: Reuters - Sat, 31 Oct 2015 10:54 AM: The Metrojet's Airbus A-321 with registration number EI-ETJ that crashed in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, is seen in this picture taken in Antalya, Turkey September 17, 2015.Picture taken September 17, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Philipp Piskol all MSM - none showed Israel's name on the map, yet Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria all shown. none mentioned plane was near border with guess is the plane was brought down electronically.Debka & other media tried to claim plane was in Cypriot (Turkish Cypriot?) or Turkish air space (contested region?) presumably in order to try to gain control over the investigation, but that apparently hasn't worked.
- Anonymous2 November 2015 at 09:15Good point. Flight was allegedly going to Al Arish Airport (AAC).
Note that the flight was alongside Israeli territory. Eilat is a big port with an airport and most probably they monitored the flight from there. - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 14:48I found the GPS location (1) of the crash, here's on a map:,34.7240386,10z
The Negev Desert is close and there are many MIL bases there, as:
The discreet complex atop Mt. Keren is a U.S. military installation, and the 100 U.S. service members who staff it are the only foreign troops stationed in Israel.
- Anonymous2 November 2015 at 11:49
John McCain: Arm Syrian Rebels to Shoot Down Russian Planes - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 13:03"MALFUNCTION IN THE WIRELESS DEVICES"
Suspicions about the Russian Plane Crash
THE LOCATION OF UNIT 8200 - Israel's main satellite signal intelligence facility is located on Kibbutz Urim, less than 60 miles NNE of the location where the Russian plane went down.
" This Israeli spy facility would have had the ability to monitor and communicate directly with the aircraft's navigation system - without the knowledge of the crew.
- Anonymous2 November 2015 at 13:27The terrorist state of IsraHell must be dismantled and the jewish question solved for good.Reply
Jews must renounce their racist jewishness. As long as there are people calling themselves jews there won't be peace on earth. - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 15:04Air Duel between the Sukhoi Su - 30 Russian SM and Israeli F-15Reply
Read more at - Anonymous2 November 2015 at 16:10Israel and the USA are certainly the prime suspects if this was sabotage. Both nations have the means, motive and track record of murdering innocent civilians. Just look at the how the CIA has spent 25 years trying to blame the Libyans and Iranians for Lockerbie.Reply
- Anonymous3 November 2015 at 01:13
I am very surprised that nobody is talking about the fact that Israel and some of her lackeys are presently running exercise “Blue Flag”, just a few flight minutes away from the crash site..
Wouldn’ it be possible that an air-to-air missile could have been fired and found the Russion jet “by error”..