wolfblitzzer0: CNN,Wolf Blitzer,CIA:Percy Lipinski Says King ...
Oct 24, 2015 - CNN,Wolf Blitzer:Percy Lipinski Says King Mohammed VI Of Morrocco ... Pussy Von Lipinski Consul General To The Queer of Morocco King ...
Paris Theater Had Been Owned by a Jewish Family - The ...
The Bataclan, the storied, 150-year-old Paris music hall where four men with AK- 47assault rifles killed 89 people on Friday, was until recently owned by a ...
http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/11/paris-attacks-moroccan-connection.htmlJewish owners recently sold Paris's Bataclan theater, where ...
4 days ago - The Bataclan theater, targeted in Friday night's Paris terror attacks, wasJewish- owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former ..

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli army is General Gadi Eisenkot.
General Gadi Eisenkot is a Jew of Moroccan origin.

Azoulay, who runs Morocco.
André Azoulay is senior adviser to king Mohammed VI of Morocco.
André Azoulay is a Moroccan Jew.
The CIA is said to have a record of the King of Morocco visiting gay bars in Brussels.

Above we see "the Stade de France bomber Bilal Hadfi".
Brussels is home to a large number of Jewish Moroccans.
In the 1990s, Abdelkader Belliraj worked for the main Belgian intelligence agency, the Sûreté de l'État, and he had dinner with Osama bin Laden less than two weeks before the September 11 attacks. (Abdelkader Belliraj - Wikipedia)
The Moroccan terrorist Abdelkader Belliraj is expected to be freed by the King of Morocco on 18 November 2015.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du MarocAbdelkader Belliraj is from Molenbeek in Brussels and he worked for the CIA and for Belgian intelligence.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - Moroccan Belgian (Jew?) from Molenbeek in Brussels
The mastermind of the 13 November 2015 Paris Attacks is said to be the Moroccan Abdelhamid Abaaoud.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud is from Molenbeek in Brussels.

A French official has identified the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks as Belgian-born Abdelhamid Abaaoud, AP reports.
Abaaoud is also linked, to the Paris train attack in August 2015. (Paris terror)
The PARIS TRAIN incident was a FALSE FLAG attack, linked to CAZENEUVE and MOSSAD
Abaaoud grew up in Brussels' Molenbeek district. Abaaouda was described as a happy-go-lucky student who went to one of Brussels' most prestigious high schools, Saint-Pierre d’Uccle. He may have been mind controlled and he may have a double.
Monday, 16 November 2015

In the 13 November 2015 Paris attack, one of the 'patsies' was Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Ibrahim's former wife says says of Ibrahim:
1. He never went to the mosque.
2. He was not opposed to the West.
2. He was a jobless layabout who smoked cannabis 'all day every day'.
3. He had spent time in prison.
Ibrahim, 31, lived in Brussel's Molenbeek district, where the CIA reportedly recruits its patsies.
On 13 November, Ibrahim 'blew himself up' outside the Comptoir Voltaire cafe in Paris.
.dailymail. Paris bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam 'smoked cannabis every day' but 'had no gripe with the West', says former wife.

In the 13 November 2015 Paris attack, one of the patsies was Salah Abdeslam, the brother of Ibrahim Abdeslam.
Salah Abdeslam was stopped three times by the police, but each time the police let him go.

In some recent false flag operations, the killers have been white men, trained by military.

The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about making money.
Weapons manufacturers had a good opening at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday 16 November, with Lockheed Martin trading 3.5 percent higher, Northrop Grumman up 4.4 percent, and Raytheon up 4 percent.
Stocks of French defense giant Thales were up 3 percent, even as French markets were down overall, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
The Western security services put both the Ayatollah Khoemini and Saddam Hussein into power and then manipulated them into having a war. This made lots of money for the arms dealers.

The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about creating a Greater Israel.
This Greater Israel will contain a part of Syria.
France and the USA have been protecting ISIS and killing innocent Syrian civilians.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that the US and French airstrikes "didn't touch those ISIS units, which were capable of seriously challenging the Syrian army... They want ISIS to weaken Assad..."

The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about helping President Hollande win in the coming French elections.
According to Paul Craig Roberts:
"It is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue."
The 13 November 2015 Paris Attack is partly about the CIA using its Wahhabi-Salafi Moslem forces to destabilise parts of Europe.

Only the very stupid Moslems do not know that Osama worked with the Jewish Mafia in the narcotics trade.
British spies used the Salafi/Wahhabis to break up the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire.
MI6 used the Salafi/Wahhabis in Aceh to help topple President Sukarno in Indonesia.
The CIA used the Salafi/Wahhabis in Afghanistan to frustrate the Russians.
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar (L) and Israel Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Reportedly, the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, was a crypto-Jew.
"The ancestral lineage of the Saudi royal family goes back to the Jewish tribe of Banu Qunaiqa of 7th century Arabia.
"The 18th century founder of the Wahabi sect, Muhammed ibn Abd Al Wahhab, had his origin from the Jewish community of Turkey.
"His grandfather was a Turkish Jew belonging to the Doenmeh community."
British spy boss John Buchan wrote the spy novel Greenmantle in 1916. In Greenmantle a shadowy Moslem figure, working for certain Western Intelligence services, tries to spark an Islamic jihad "that will throw the whole of the Middle East, India and North Africa into turmoil..." (Greenmantle - Wikipedia)
In real life, it is Britain's MI6, mossad and the CIA who reportedly control the shadowy Moslem figures.
Before World War I, the Salafi-Wahhabi form of Islam was promoted by the Western security services in order to try to break up the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which contained Palestine.

In some recent false flag operations, the killers have been white men, trained by military.
The patsies who end up being killed are usually Moslem petty criminals.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris
In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café.
A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter.
"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.
"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.
"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...
"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.
"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.
"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."

On 13 November, various friends, some of whom worked at the nearby Café des Anges, were in La Belle Equipe celebrating the 35th birthday of Cafe des Anges waitress Houda Saadi.
Eleven of these friends were gunned down when La Belle Equipe was attacked by two gunmen.
Houda Saadi is Tunisian.
She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.
Both Houda and Halima were killed.
The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris
Psychotherapist Mark Colclough, a 43-year-old British-Danish dual citizen, was with a colleague on Rue de la Fontaine when he witnessed a gunman attack a cafe
The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli army is General Gadi Eisenkot.
General Gadi Eisenkot is a Jew of Moroccan origin.

Azoulay, who runs Morocco.
André Azoulay is senior adviser to king Mohammed VI of Morocco.
André Azoulay is a Moroccan Jew.
The CIA is said to have a record of the King of Morocco visiting gay bars in Brussels.

Above we see "the Stade de France bomber Bilal Hadfi".
Brussels is home to a large number of Jewish Moroccans.
In the 1990s, Abdelkader Belliraj worked for the main Belgian intelligence agency, the Sûreté de l'État, and he had dinner with Osama bin Laden less than two weeks before the September 11 attacks. (Abdelkader Belliraj - Wikipedia)
The Moroccan terrorist Abdelkader Belliraj is expected to be freed by the King of Morocco on 18 November 2015.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du MarocAbdelkader Belliraj is from Molenbeek in Brussels and he worked for the CIA and for Belgian intelligence.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - Moroccan Belgian (Jew?) from Molenbeek in Brussels
The mastermind of the 13 November 2015 Paris Attacks is said to be the Moroccan Abdelhamid Abaaoud.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud is from Molenbeek in Brussels.

A French official has identified the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks as Belgian-born Abdelhamid Abaaoud, AP reports.
Abaaoud is also linked, to the Paris train attack in August 2015. (Paris terror)
The PARIS TRAIN incident was a FALSE FLAG attack, linked to CAZENEUVE and MOSSAD
Abaaoud grew up in Brussels' Molenbeek district. Abaaouda was described as a happy-go-lucky student who went to one of Brussels' most prestigious high schools, Saint-Pierre d’Uccle. He may have been mind controlled and he may have a double.

According to Paul Craig Roberts:
"It is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue."
On 9 November 2015, just before the Paris Attack, the UK's finance minister George Osborne stated that his government would be funding an extra 1,900 intelligence personnel.
Allegedly, the Paris Attack was reported on WIKIPEDIA before it happened. However, a lot of fake stuff is being put out on the internet in order to discredit the alternative news sites.

A Turkish official has told the Guardian that French authorities were informed twice about the Paris attack 'terrorist' Omar Ismail Mostefai by Turkey, but only received an information request about him after the Paris attacks.
French intelligence was reported to have been tracking Mostefei in 2010.
Activists have noted the Balaclan Theatre's association with pro-Israel activities.

Robert Halfon (left) and former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. UK Conservative MP Robert Halfon says that a Palestinian state "already exists in Jordan."
Robert Halfon, a Jewish UK government cabinet minister, was 'being blackmailed' over his six-month affair with PR executive Alexandra Paterson.
Alexandra Paterson is chairman of the Conservative party's youth wing
Halfon 'was being blackmailed' by Mark Clarke, an aide to David Cameron.
Mark Clarke 'bullied' Tory activist Elliott Johnson, who committed suicide.

Halfon, Paterson, Clarke
Robert Halfon was educated at Arnold House school, near Hampstead in London.

At the general election, the Conservative's Robert Halfon (above) almost doubled his majority to retain Harlow, a previously marginal seat.
Robert Halfon was born to a Jewish family living in Hampstead, London.[4][5]. His grandfather was an Italian Jew, living in Libya.
Robert Halfon has been the Political Director for Conservative Friends of Israel.
Halfon is currently deputy chairman of the UK Conservative Party.
London's East India Club, where "a group of Conservative societies planned to celebrate Osborne’s economic measures at a black tie snouts-in-troughs dinner 'on the eve of the Chancellor’s Autumn statement'."
Halfon says Mark Clarke tried to get film of him leaving London's East India Club with Alexandra Paterson.
Halfon stays three nights a week at the East India Club.
Alexandra Paterson reportedly stayed with Halfon at the club, while Halfon's partner of six years, Vanda Colombo, remained in Halfon's home in his Harlow constituency.
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