Anonymous17 November 2015 at 03:06
Massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks.
Among other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance. The attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware.
Such an attack is beyond the capability of most organizations and requires capability that is unlikely to be in ISIL’s arsenal.
The Jewish owner of Le Bataclan who bought it in 1976 sold it 2 months before the attacks and flew to Israel
Among other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance. The attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware.
Such an attack is beyond the capability of most organizations and requires capability that is unlikely to be in ISIL’s arsenal.
The Jewish owner of Le Bataclan who bought it in 1976 sold it 2 months before the attacks and flew to Israel
Courthouse high drama actually just high jinks - San ...
Oct 20, 2011 - Five French citizens arrested at the Bexar County Courthouse early ... were from Morocco but corrected themselves later in the day, saying they ...
San Antonio Express‑News
Texas court break-in was prank, not terrorism: officials ...
Oct 19, 2011 - Officials in San Antonio say five Moroccan men arrested during acourthouse ... All five were born in Morocco, live in France, and arrived in the ...
wolfblitzzer0: San Antonio Courthouse Drunk Moroccan ...
Oct 23, 2011 - that when they broke into the San Antonio Courthouse they didn't know it WAS ..... French-Moroccan Muslims Arrested Broke Into San Antonio ..............................
All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
... was employed at Charles de Gaulle airport to screen passengers boarding US planes. ... The point of the article was that ICTS knew shoe bomber Richard Reid was dangerous, but allowed him on board a flight from Tel Aviv to Paris. ... But the idea that an Israeli owned company had inside access to the airport used to ..Courthouse high drama actually just high jinks - San ...
Oct 20, 2011 - Five French citizens arrested at the Bexar County Courthouse early ... were from Morocco but corrected themselves later in the day, saying they ...
San Antonio Express‑News
WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert ...
Independent Media Center
Sep 9, 2010 - Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris (2001). Logan airport in ... Both Obama and Wilders are still covering up for Israelis of ICTS International regarding the ... thatICTS also allowed Richard Reid the shoe bomber to board a flight
Sep 9, 2010 - Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris (2001). Logan airport in ... Both Obama and Wilders are still covering up for Israelis of ICTS International regarding the ... thatICTS also allowed Richard Reid the shoe bomber to board a flight
Independent Media Center

In some recent false flag operations, the killers have been white men, trained by military.
The patsies who end up being killed are usually Moslem petty criminals.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris
In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café.
A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter.
Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and ...
"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.
"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.
"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...
"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.
"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.
"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."
On 13 November, various friends, some of whom worked at the nearby Café des Anges, were in La Belle Equipe celebrating the 35th birthday of Cafe des Anges waitressHouda Saadi.
In the 13 November 2015 Paris Attack, one of the targets was La Belle Equipe café.
A witness, Mr Admo, 26, described the shooter.
Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and ...
"He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed.
"He was dressed all in black accept for a red scarf.
"The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms...
"The driver had ... a machine gun rested on the roof of the car. He stood there ... acting as a lookout.
"I would describe him as tall, with dark hair and also quite muscular.
"They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation."

Eleven of these friends were gunned down when La Belle Equipe was attacked by two gunmen.
Houda Saadi is Tunisian.
She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.
Both Houda and Halima were killed.
The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.

Psychotherapist Mark Colclough, a 43-year-old British-Danish dual citizen, was with a colleague on Rue de la Fontaine when he witnessed a gunman attack a cafe
The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."
Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional ....
She was in La belle Equipe with her sister Halima, and her two brothers Khaled and Bashir.
Both Houda and Halima were killed.
The majority of the 19 victims at the La Belle Equipe café were from the birthday celebrations.

Near the Cafe La Belle Equipe at the Rue de Charonne in Paris
The gunman was "a man in military uniform, black jumper, black trousers, black shoes or boots and a machine gun."
Paris attack witness: 'he was dressed in black, professional ....
Texas court break-in was prank, not terrorism: officials ...
Oct 19, 2011 - Officials in San Antonio say five Moroccan men arrested during acourthouse ... All five were born in Morocco, live in France, and arrived in the ...
5 Moroccan Muslims Arrested After Breaking into Texas ...
Oct 19, 2011 - 5 Moroccan Muslims Arrested After Breaking into Texas Courthouse(Video) ... were arrested today after breaking into the San Antonio Courthouse. ... Five men in their twenties, described as French-Moroccan Muslims, are ...
Oct 19, 2011 - National security news breaks in San Antonio, Texas, as reported by ...French-
Human Events

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli army is General Gadi Eisenkot.

Azoulay, who runs Morocco.
André Azoulay is a Moroccan Jew.
The CIA is said to have a record of the King of Morocco visiting gay bars in Brussels.

Above we see "the Stade de France bomber Bilal Hadfi".
Brussels is home to a large number of Jewish Moroccans.
Un centre de culture judéo-marocaine inauguré à Bruxelles ..

In the 1990s, Abdelkader Belliraj worked for the main Belgian intelligence agency, the Sûreté de l'État, and he had dinner with Osama bin Laden less than two weeks before the September 11 attacks. (Abdelkader Belliraj - Wikipedia)
Brussels is home to a large number of Jewish Moroccans.
Un centre de culture judéo-marocaine inauguré à Bruxelles ..

In the 1990s, Abdelkader Belliraj worked for the main Belgian intelligence agency, the Sûreté de l'État, and he had dinner with Osama bin Laden less than two weeks before the September 11 attacks. (Abdelkader Belliraj - Wikipedia)
The Moroccan terrorist Abdelkader Belliraj is expected to be freed by the King of Morocco on 18 November 2015.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du MarocAbdelkader Belliraj is from Molenbeek in Brussels and he worked for the CIA and for Belgian intelligence.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du Maroc

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - Moroccan Belgian (Jew?) from Molenbeek in Brussels
The mastermind of the 13 November 2015 Paris Attacks is said to be the Moroccan Abdelhamid Abaaoud.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du MarocAbdelkader Belliraj is from Molenbeek in Brussels and he worked for the CIA and for Belgian intelligence.
Belliraj pourrait être gracié le 18 novembre par le roi du Maroc

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - Moroccan Belgian (Jew?) from Molenbeek in Brussels
Abdelhamid Abaaoud is from Molenbeek in Brussels.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud - belonging to ISIS, which is financed by the West.
A French official has identified the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks as Belgian-born Abdelhamid Abaaoud, AP reports.
Abaaoud is also linked, to the Paris train attack in August 2015. (Paris terror)
The PARIS TRAIN incident was a FALSE FLAG attack, linked to CAZENEUVE and MOSSAD
Abaaoud grew up in Brussels' Molenbeek district. Abaaouda was described as a happy-go-lucky student who went to one of Brussels' most prestigious high schools, Saint-Pierre d’Uccle. He may have been mind controlled and he may have a double.