Yes,there is an international Jewish Rothschild conspiracy and Israel is its largest offshore entity
Most of my posts on the internet since 2005 when I left the 'dark alleys' of the internet,- i.e.-, penny stock 'message boards,etc.,that led to British Israeli Michael Zwebner suing Wolf Blitzer and CNN for $100 million in a Florida court because one of my many psuedonyms while criticising his use of U.S.indorporated penny stock shares to defraud Americans and send the money to ISRAEL AND OTHER OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS was wolfblizzer0
The so-called 'fiscal cliff' as Barack Obama and his Republican Zionist buddy ,House Speaker John Boehner,is in many ways the result of allowing the UK Zionist crime family into the U.S.economy in the first place.Most of their 'Lords' are Jewish meaning non-Christian white people of Eastern European origin in the first place who put Israel on a pedastal above and beyond England or Europe or British or European peoples and their economies.Jewish Zionists have long since eclipsed anything associated with any other ethnic minoriry,Italain otherwise and the have infiltrated and perverted and destroyed our governments.My friends at anngirfan often explain this more eloquently than I do although by reviwing my posts on the world wide internet and particularly on the indymedias you wil come away with some added material that no one else has covered .Its time to go to te Rothschild crime family and its corruptindustrial entities such as BP tht has done so well since we invaded Iraq and te Middle Est under false pretenses and 9/11 myths and lies created by the Zionist media of CNN,Fox News,CNBC,ABC,etc., with hat or gun in hand and raid THEIR BANKS AND ASSETS and re-patriate' what has been stolen and punish our politicians for the crimes they have perpetrated with them !The young people of OWS who stood up and proved the U.S.Zionist government,(some believe the 'Zi' IN nazi may stand for Zionist in our hidden repressed true history),is much more supportive of protests and demonstrations against governments tey wish to overthrow than with prostests against themselves and their international fascist allies and puppet states in the Mid East and elsewhere were and are corrct and the American prople should admire and their parents be proud of them.
-Tony Ryals
Well, here we are less than a week before the "fiscal cliff" hits and lawmakers are scrambling to come up with at least a partial solution President Obama has cut short his Hawaiian vacation to help push Congress along as lawmakers return to get to the business of dealing with the "cliff."
What happens if the country is forced over the "fiscal cliff" on January 1?
Various federal tax cuts and breaks enacted under President George W. Bush expire as well as the payroll tax holiday enacted under President Obama.
About $1.2 trillion in federal spending cuts begin to kick in (approximately $110 billion a year for 10 years), divided equally between the Pentagon and most other federal agencies.
And federal jobless benefits expire for 2 million unemployed Americans...........

Marcell Reich, who calls himself Marc Rich, was born into a Jewish family in Belgium.
Allegedly, Marc Rich is an asset of the CIA, Mossad and the Russian Jewish Mafia.
According to Newsmax, Saturday, March 31, 2001:
"Mark Rich was a key figure in the .... creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."

Denise Rich (Denise Eisenberg), formerly married to Marc Rich. Website for this image
Mark Rich Helped KGB Create Hidden Government
Former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak mentioned Rich’s contributions to Israel’s "national security" in phone calls to Clinton, according to statements from Barak’s spokesman, Gadi Baltiansky.
A letter from former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit to Clinton confirmed that Rich had given "assistance" to Mossad.
Former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak mentioned Rich’s contributions to Israel’s "national security" in phone calls to Clinton, according to statements from Barak’s spokesman, Gadi Baltiansky.
A letter from former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit to Clinton confirmed that Rich had given "assistance" to Mossad.

Denise Rich (Denise Eisenberg), formerly married to Marc Rich. Website for this image
"Lewis Libby's real claim to fame is his 18-year collaboration with Russian Mafiya 'godfather' Marc Rich...
"Libby was the personal attorney for Rich from 1985, shortly after Rich fled the United States to avoid criminal prosecution for tax evasion and "trading with the enemy" - for illegal oil dealings with the Khomeini regime in Iran, while they were holding American hostages.
"Rich set up in Zug, Switzerland, and became one of the most important figures in busting the oil embargoes against apartheid South Africa, Iran, and, later, Iraq.
"All the while, Libby toiled as Rich's legal flack in America, presenting the swindler and Mossad bankroller as a victim of overzealous prosecutors."
LaRouche Points to Marc Rich's White House Mole: Lewis Libby

Ayatollah Khomeini, friend of Marc Rich and the CIA.
In 1974, Rich created Glencore, the world's largest commodity trader.
One of the places where Glencore makes money is Zambia, which has copper mines.
In 1964, Zambia nationalised its mines, but, the IMF and World Bank forced Zambia to privatise them.
Thus, Switzerland now makes more money from Zambia's copper than Zambia itself.

Children in Katanga Show Off Copper Finds. Photo: FairPhone. Children as young as ten climb down hand dug shafts into the Tilwezembe mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with no protective equipment, to recover cobalt and copper. A new BBC investigation alleges that copper ore is then trucked to buyers from Glencore
Rich was wanted by the US justice system for having traded with Iran and for tax evasion.
Rich had a special relationship with the CIA-MI6 asset Ayatollah Khomeini.
In 2001, Rich received a presidential pardon from Bill Clinton.
Rich has lived in Switzerland since 1983.
After spending several years in Zug, a place loved by Margaret Thatcher, Rich moved to Meggen, a city in the German speaking Canton of Lucerne.
Rich owns property in the ski resort of St. Moritz, Switzerland, and inMarbella, Spain.

marc rich home.
According to an article at :
"Marc Rich, the commodity bandit and 'spook' was so interwoven with the White House of George Bush The Elder and later, Bill Clinton, you could not hardly tell whether the White House dirty tricks department was in Washington or Zug, Switzerland, one of Rich's outpposts...
"U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Rudolph W. Giuliani (later N.Y. city Mayor), wanted to put Rich in jail.
"A Bush Family confidant, Giuliani nevertheless found out too late that Marc Rich was the American CIA's laundry man and was immune."

The late sheikh.
"Libby was the personal attorney for Rich from 1985, shortly after Rich fled the United States to avoid criminal prosecution for tax evasion and "trading with the enemy" - for illegal oil dealings with the Khomeini regime in Iran, while they were holding American hostages.
"Rich set up in Zug, Switzerland, and became one of the most important figures in busting the oil embargoes against apartheid South Africa, Iran, and, later, Iraq.
"All the while, Libby toiled as Rich's legal flack in America, presenting the swindler and Mossad bankroller as a victim of overzealous prosecutors."
LaRouche Points to Marc Rich's White House Mole: Lewis Libby

Ayatollah Khomeini, friend of Marc Rich and the CIA.
In 1974, Rich created Glencore, the world's largest commodity trader.
One of the places where Glencore makes money is Zambia, which has copper mines.
In 1964, Zambia nationalised its mines, but, the IMF and World Bank forced Zambia to privatise them.
Thus, Switzerland now makes more money from Zambia's copper than Zambia itself.
Children in Katanga Show Off Copper Finds. Photo: FairPhone. Children as young as ten climb down hand dug shafts into the Tilwezembe mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with no protective equipment, to recover cobalt and copper. A new BBC investigation alleges that copper ore is then trucked to buyers from Glencore
Rich was wanted by the US justice system for having traded with Iran and for tax evasion.
Rich had a special relationship with the CIA-MI6 asset Ayatollah Khomeini.
In 2001, Rich received a presidential pardon from Bill Clinton.
Rich has lived in Switzerland since 1983.
After spending several years in Zug, a place loved by Margaret Thatcher, Rich moved to Meggen, a city in the German speaking Canton of Lucerne.
Rich owns property in the ski resort of St. Moritz, Switzerland, and inMarbella, Spain.

marc rich home.
According to an article at :
"Marc Rich, the commodity bandit and 'spook' was so interwoven with the White House of George Bush The Elder and later, Bill Clinton, you could not hardly tell whether the White House dirty tricks department was in Washington or Zug, Switzerland, one of Rich's outpposts...
"U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Rudolph W. Giuliani (later N.Y. city Mayor), wanted to put Rich in jail.
"A Bush Family confidant, Giuliani nevertheless found out too late that Marc Rich was the American CIA's laundry man and was immune."

The late sheikh.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Saqr Al Qassimi was reportedly the victim of a conspiracy to defraud him and thousands of others out of millions of dollars they had invested in the global foreign exchange markets.
A company called Creative Finance had its assets frozen by the state prosecutor in Zug.
The Sheikh's company, Al Wafa Broker, had used Creative Finance to carry out foreign exchange transactions.
Around $20 million of Creative Finance’s frozen assets were Al Wafa’s.
There was a suspicion that certain people in Switzerland, linked to Marc Rich, were responsible for the situation.
"Rich was represented in Switzerland by Rudolf Mosimann, the chief prosecutor for canton Zug, who was also a director of Marc Rich AG, as well as thirty three other foreign firms registered in Zug."
Zug’s former Mayor, Othmar Kamer, reportedly said: "We have six large tax contributors who influence our financial budget. Marc Rich is one of them."

The Sheikh's company, Al Wafa Broker, had used Creative Finance to carry out foreign exchange transactions.
Around $20 million of Creative Finance’s frozen assets were Al Wafa’s.
There was a suspicion that certain people in Switzerland, linked to Marc Rich, were responsible for the situation.
"Rich was represented in Switzerland by Rudolf Mosimann, the chief prosecutor for canton Zug, who was also a director of Marc Rich AG, as well as thirty three other foreign firms registered in Zug."
Zug’s former Mayor, Othmar Kamer, reportedly said: "We have six large tax contributors who influence our financial budget. Marc Rich is one of them."

According to an article at Lookingglassnews:
Indicted GOP lobbyist Abramoff operated sex, spy ring at Watergate ...
"Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury heard several agents testify in April that the 'Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff,' said national security expert Thomas Heneghan."

John le Carré, who was once a British spy, has written a spy novel entitled 'Our Kind of Traitor'.
The key character is Dima, whose money-laundering business is based in Switzerland.
Dima launders money for the Russian mafia, whom some call the Jewish Russian mafia.
Dima wants to retire to Britain.
He wants Britain's MI6 to arrange asylum in exchange for evidence incriminating his fellow bad guys who occupy top positions in Britain, Europe and America.
The top bad guy in the Russian mafia, the Prince, has killed Dima's ex-hooker wife.

John Le Carre, born David Cornwell
Le Carré alludes to the story of George Osborne, Peter Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska. (Our kind of Traitor by John le Carré.)
He refers to conflict diamonds, illegal oil deals with Iran, fake medicines and the banks kept afloat by drugs money.
He refers to a crooked British MP, on a yacht in the Adriatic.
Are there British traitors who have given away secrets to certain Russians?
Those who reportedly were traitors include Lord Victor Rothschild, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt and John Cairncross.

Le Carre's father had links to The Kray Twins, who were Jewish gangsters. In 1999, the (London) Daily Mail pointed out that the gangster Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were "of Jewish... stock."
John le Carré was a spook.
His father was a con man. (John le Carré interview - Telegraph)
Le Carre says of his father:
"He was a con man, a fraudster.
"He served four years for fraud, several of them in Wormwood Scrubs...
"When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother.
"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins.
The Krays were murderous homosexual gangsters, allegedly linked to boy prostitution and top people.
Le Carre joined the secret service at the age of 17.

Marc Rich
In 2008, The London Evening Standard (That's Rich News)reported:
"Few recognised the avuncular American chuckling with Naomi Campbell at one of the summer's most spectacular parties in St Tropez...
"This was Marc Rich, one of the world's most secretive billionaires...
"Rich ... has emerged from the shadows, quitting his fortress-like home above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland...
"His house, in Meggen, Switzerland, is his stronghold...
"Rich employs an impressive corps of security people...
"Investigators in the United States claimed Rich's company was dealing with Iran during the US hostage crisis... They also believed he was dealing with other rogue states, including North Korea and Colonel Gaddafi's Libya.

Osama bin Laden worked for the Jewish Russian Mafia.
1. The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported, 16/9/ 2001, that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.
Osama is from a billionaire family which has close ties to the Bush family and the Saudi royal family. (aangirfan: The bin Laden Family)
According to Wayne Madsen, "The Bin Laden drug network ... intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States." (aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs....)
2. During the Yeltsin era, the Russian government allegedly allowed certain Jewish gangsters to steal a lot of the countries wealth.
"The fact is that Yeltsin was a hired tool whose job it was to turn Russia's wealth over to the same cartel of Jewish racketeers who controlled Clinton." (Digg - Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin dies)

After Friedman’s book was published, Russian Jewish Mafia leaders put a bounty on his head.
3. "The Russian Mafiya is into everything from Wall Street to African diamonds... It has compromised governments and threatens the integrity of world banking."
"Sometime in the '90s, the number of Russian mobsters in New York surpassed the head count of all five (Italian) famiglias combined." ( Books "Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded ...)

"If Marc Mukasey, the Attorney General's son, can be the lawyer forMadoff's top executive Frank DiPascali via his firm Bracewell & Giuliani in New York, and if Madoff turns out as laundering for the Russian mob and drug cartels, then how in the world could Marc have avoided turning them in?" (Euddoggwyn's World: MADOFF AND THE RUSSIAN MAFIA?)
4. Bernie Madoff made $50 billion disappear.
Madoff may have links to the Mafia. (Was Bernie Madoff a Mafia Front? - Jon Taplin’s Blog)

5. Michael Collins Piper, at American Free Press, December 2007, writes about ' rudy giuliani godfather of the russian mob'
According to Piper:
Giuliani closed down the local, mainly Italian-American, mafias.
This allowed certain foreign mafias to take over.
These foreign mafias were mainly Jewish and mainly from Russia and Israel.
Sam Kislin is 'a Ukraine-born and now New York-based patron of Israel'.
Kislin is reportedly linked to high-ranking figures in the 'Russian' mafia.
Kislin raised more than $2 million for Giuliani’s intended bid for the Senate in 2000.
The initial base of operations for the Jewish (so-called 'Russian') mafia was the Brighton Beach area in Brooklyn.
Giuliani 'looked the other way'.
Robert I. Friedman wrote in his book Red Mafia that 'one of the leading figures' in the Jewish mafia, Shabtai Kalmanovitch, was also working for Mossad.
Friedman pointed out that 'Russian mafia' figures, such as Joseph Kobson, have links to Likud in Israel.
Friedman wrote: "With two decades of unimpeded growth, the Russian Mafiya has succeeded in turning Israel into its very own 'mini-state,' in which it operates with virtual impunity.
"Although many in international law enforcement believe that Israel is by now so compromised that its future as a nation is imperiled, its government, inexplicably, has done almost nothing to combat the problem."

According to an article at Lookingglassnews:
Indicted GOP lobbyist Abramoff operated sex, spy ring at Watergate ...
"Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury heard several agents testify in April that the 'Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff,' said national security expert Thomas Heneghan."

John le Carré, who was once a British spy, has written a spy novel entitled 'Our Kind of Traitor'.
The key character is Dima, whose money-laundering business is based in Switzerland.
Dima launders money for the Russian mafia, whom some call the Jewish Russian mafia.
Dima wants to retire to Britain.
He wants Britain's MI6 to arrange asylum in exchange for evidence incriminating his fellow bad guys who occupy top positions in Britain, Europe and America.
The top bad guy in the Russian mafia, the Prince, has killed Dima's ex-hooker wife.

John Le Carre, born David Cornwell
Le Carré alludes to the story of George Osborne, Peter Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska. (Our kind of Traitor by John le Carré.)
He refers to conflict diamonds, illegal oil deals with Iran, fake medicines and the banks kept afloat by drugs money.
He refers to a crooked British MP, on a yacht in the Adriatic.
Are there British traitors who have given away secrets to certain Russians?
Those who reportedly were traitors include Lord Victor Rothschild, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt and John Cairncross.

Le Carre's father had links to The Kray Twins, who were Jewish gangsters. In 1999, the (London) Daily Mail pointed out that the gangster Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were "of Jewish... stock."
John le Carré was a spook.
His father was a con man. (John le Carré interview - Telegraph)
Le Carre says of his father:
"He was a con man, a fraudster.
"He served four years for fraud, several of them in Wormwood Scrubs...
"When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother.
"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins.
The Krays were murderous homosexual gangsters, allegedly linked to boy prostitution and top people.
Le Carre joined the secret service at the age of 17.

Marc Rich
In 2008, The London Evening Standard (That's Rich News)reported:
"Few recognised the avuncular American chuckling with Naomi Campbell at one of the summer's most spectacular parties in St Tropez...
"This was Marc Rich, one of the world's most secretive billionaires...
"Rich ... has emerged from the shadows, quitting his fortress-like home above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland...
"His house, in Meggen, Switzerland, is his stronghold...
"Rich employs an impressive corps of security people...
"Investigators in the United States claimed Rich's company was dealing with Iran during the US hostage crisis... They also believed he was dealing with other rogue states, including North Korea and Colonel Gaddafi's Libya.

Osama bin Laden worked for the Jewish Russian Mafia.
1. The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported, 16/9/ 2001, that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.
Osama is from a billionaire family which has close ties to the Bush family and the Saudi royal family. (aangirfan: The bin Laden Family)
According to Wayne Madsen, "The Bin Laden drug network ... intersects with Geneva-based financial entities established by George H. W. Bush while he was CIA director and Vice President and President of the United States." (aangirfan: Bush, Bin Laden, Drugs....)
2. During the Yeltsin era, the Russian government allegedly allowed certain Jewish gangsters to steal a lot of the countries wealth.
"The fact is that Yeltsin was a hired tool whose job it was to turn Russia's wealth over to the same cartel of Jewish racketeers who controlled Clinton." (Digg - Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin dies)

After Friedman’s book was published, Russian Jewish Mafia leaders put a bounty on his head.
3. "The Russian Mafiya is into everything from Wall Street to African diamonds... It has compromised governments and threatens the integrity of world banking."
"Sometime in the '90s, the number of Russian mobsters in New York surpassed the head count of all five (Italian) famiglias combined." ( Books "Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded ...)

"If Marc Mukasey, the Attorney General's son, can be the lawyer forMadoff's top executive Frank DiPascali via his firm Bracewell & Giuliani in New York, and if Madoff turns out as laundering for the Russian mob and drug cartels, then how in the world could Marc have avoided turning them in?" (Euddoggwyn's World: MADOFF AND THE RUSSIAN MAFIA?)
4. Bernie Madoff made $50 billion disappear.
Madoff may have links to the Mafia. (Was Bernie Madoff a Mafia Front? - Jon Taplin’s Blog)

5. Michael Collins Piper, at American Free Press, December 2007, writes about ' rudy giuliani godfather of the russian mob'
According to Piper:
Giuliani closed down the local, mainly Italian-American, mafias.
This allowed certain foreign mafias to take over.
These foreign mafias were mainly Jewish and mainly from Russia and Israel.
Sam Kislin is 'a Ukraine-born and now New York-based patron of Israel'.
Kislin is reportedly linked to high-ranking figures in the 'Russian' mafia.
Kislin raised more than $2 million for Giuliani’s intended bid for the Senate in 2000.
The initial base of operations for the Jewish (so-called 'Russian') mafia was the Brighton Beach area in Brooklyn.
Giuliani 'looked the other way'.

Robert I. Friedman wrote in his book Red Mafia that 'one of the leading figures' in the Jewish mafia, Shabtai Kalmanovitch, was also working for Mossad.
Friedman pointed out that 'Russian mafia' figures, such as Joseph Kobson, have links to Likud in Israel.
Friedman wrote: "With two decades of unimpeded growth, the Russian Mafiya has succeeded in turning Israel into its very own 'mini-state,' in which it operates with virtual impunity.
"Although many in international law enforcement believe that Israel is by now so compromised that its future as a nation is imperiled, its government, inexplicably, has done almost nothing to combat the problem."

Website for this image...
Friedman suggested that U.S. law enforcement has done little to counter the 'Russian' mafia.
The reason, Friedman said: "A large part of the problem was political: the Russian mob was predominantly Jewish."
Patrick Cotter, a top Justice Department prosecutor, reportedly said that while the FBI had squads targeting the Italian-American mafias, there was no squad targeting the 'Russian' mafias.
The Russian-Jewish mafia is "protected by the most powerful political force in the United States today: the Jewish lobby, represented by such groups as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a documented arm of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, as well as the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee.
"The mass media, largely controlled by Zionist interests, has also redirected attention away from these elements."

6. Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov is linked to the Russian Mafia and he is an Israeli citizen, according to reports in the Russian media. (Radio Islam: Mobster linked to Olympics bribe scandal has Israeli)

7. On 17 November 2008, Yaakov Alperon, an Israeli mobster was assassinated in a car bomb attack.
Alperon's enemies included drug lord Zeev Rosenstein.
Alperon was killed by a bomb explosion in his car at a crowded Tel Aviv intersection. At least three other people were wounded in the attack, including a 13-year-old boy.

8. Sam Zemurray was a Russian Jew who became head of theUnited Fruit Company.
Reportedly, he made his money by keeping in power those dictators who would help keep down workers' wages.
"His 'style' in establishing his own company ... involved bribery and the subsidizing of revolution to overthrow a legitimate government [in Honduras] in order to place someone more favorable to his interests in the executive office." (Langley/Schoonover - The Banana Men. American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930, 1995)

Friedman suggested that U.S. law enforcement has done little to counter the 'Russian' mafia.
The reason, Friedman said: "A large part of the problem was political: the Russian mob was predominantly Jewish."
Patrick Cotter, a top Justice Department prosecutor, reportedly said that while the FBI had squads targeting the Italian-American mafias, there was no squad targeting the 'Russian' mafias.
The Russian-Jewish mafia is "protected by the most powerful political force in the United States today: the Jewish lobby, represented by such groups as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a documented arm of Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, as well as the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee.
"The mass media, largely controlled by Zionist interests, has also redirected attention away from these elements."

6. Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov is linked to the Russian Mafia and he is an Israeli citizen, according to reports in the Russian media. (Radio Islam: Mobster linked to Olympics bribe scandal has Israeli)

7. On 17 November 2008, Yaakov Alperon, an Israeli mobster was assassinated in a car bomb attack.
Alperon's enemies included drug lord Zeev Rosenstein.
Alperon was killed by a bomb explosion in his car at a crowded Tel Aviv intersection. At least three other people were wounded in the attack, including a 13-year-old boy.

8. Sam Zemurray was a Russian Jew who became head of theUnited Fruit Company.
Reportedly, he made his money by keeping in power those dictators who would help keep down workers' wages.
"His 'style' in establishing his own company ... involved bribery and the subsidizing of revolution to overthrow a legitimate government [in Honduras] in order to place someone more favorable to his interests in the executive office." (Langley/Schoonover - The Banana Men. American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930, 1995)

Jean-Paul Votron, of Fortis, Maurice Lippens, of Fortis, Fred Goodwin, former CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), and Emilio Botin, of Santander. Maurice Lippens has been linked to the Dutroux Affair and Bilderberg.
9. The executive directors of Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds and HBOS earned a combined £122m in pay and cash bonuses over a recent period of 5 years. (what bank chiefs earned before meltdown)
Banks have lots of Jewish executives.
Eric Daniels, chief executive at Lloyds Bank, earned £10 million.
Sir Fred Goodwin, whose mother was Jewish, earned £15 million.
10. According to Mordechai Zalkin, a senior history lecturer in Israel, it was mainly Jewish mafias who, in the period before World War II, controlled the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and certain other large cities in Europe. (World of our (god)fathers,/ the brains behind the sexslave trade)
Reportedly, "Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members."
In his novel, In the Vale of Tears, Mendele Mocher Sforim describes how Jewish mobsters use underhanded methods to kidnap Jewish girls from poor, remote towns and then force them to work as prostitutes. (the brains behind the sexslave trade)

Bugsy Siegel was Jewish
The sources for the following include: jewishtribalreview 'The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews' by Norman Cantor - Harper Collins, 1995
11. "It was the Jews, by and large," says Norman Cantor, "not the Italians, who created what was later called the Mafia.
"In the 1920s the Italians began to replace the Jews in the New York organized crime industry, but as late as 1940 if you wanted a spectacular hit you were looking for a representative of the Lepke Buchalter Gang, also known as Murder Inc.
"Jews were also prominent in the gambling trade and developed Las Vegas in the 1940s. It was a Jewish gambler who fixed the 1919 baseball World Series - what became known as the Black Sox scandal."

Thaçi, prime minister of Kosovo, is alleged to have extensive criminal links.
Marvin Kitman has written: "The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime an organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall."
Reportedly, the Seagram's alcohol fortune (the Canadian Bronfman family) 'grew to power by getting their alcohol into criminal hands who smuggled it into the United States. Bronfman, who bristled when anyone called him a bootlegger, had a distribution deal for his booze with Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky.'

Ben Gurion
David Ben-Gurion was jailed in Warsaw, Poland.
"That was the first time," he said, "that I ever came into contact with the dregs of society. I was shaken to the core at the language and behavior. I never had the slightest notion that such people ever existed ... The thing that shook me most was that these criminals were Jews."
According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, September 15, 1999,"Between 50 and 80 percent of the Russian economyis said to be in Jewish hands, with the influence of the five Jews among the eight individuals commonly referred to as 'oligarchs' particularly conspicuous."

On 6 September 2010, Russia and Israel signed an agreement on military cooperation.
When we were in Greek Cyprus we noted the presence of a number of Russian millionaires with the most expensive cars you can imagine.
When we were in Italy we also sighted millionaire Russians.
Is Russia a Mafia state and is it close friends with Israel?
It is not just the UK security services which have strong links to Israel (THE CLASSIC SEX SCANDAL), it is also the Russian security services.
The KGB and Mossad used to share their secrets.

Marc Rich is Jewish.
According to Newsmax (Marc Rich Helped KGB Create Hidden Government,), 31 March 2001:
"Marc Rich, the most-wanted fugitive pardoned by former President Clinton, was a key figure in the Communist Party and the KGB's creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."

Medvedev has Jewish origins?
What are we to make of Russian prime minister Putin and Russian president Medvedev?
Medvedev's "maternal grandfather's first name was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a Jewish name." (Rumors that Putin's successor is Jewish.)
"Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews," just as Putin was, declared Israeli-Russian businessman Lev Leviev, who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. (Rumors that Putin's successor is Jewish.)

Reportedly, Stalin was Jewish and had Jewish mistresses.Reportedly, his top spy was Victor Rothschild.
In November 2009, Russian President Dimitry Medvedev told a visiting delegation from the European Jewish Congress that the Iranian threat is very real, as are the threats posed by North Korea and Pakistan, and should be treated seriously.(Medvedev to European Jewish Congress: Iran threat very real ...)
According to a western diplomat: "Russia's main problem ... is that an unholy nexus of politics, big business and organised crime still dominates the ruling class." (Putin legacy - Telegraph )

Mogilevich is Jewish
Reportedly, Putin Dared To Call The Bluff Of The Global Jewish Mafia.
In 2008, "according to Russian media reports, Mogilevich, a Ukrainian business tycoon and Mafia godfather, was arrested in a Moscow shopping center. (Die Welt, 26 Jan 2008, p. 11.)...
"Semion Mogilevich, mass murderer and global swindler, has officially been on the 'wanted' list for decades, but he enjoyed the protection of the most powerful government ministries in the world.
"This was especially true where the BND: Federal German Intelligence Agency was concerned...
"According to the ZDF German Television magazine 'Kennzeichnen D' (1 Sep 1999), Semion Mogilevich, the presumed godfather of the largest Russian crime syndicate, who has been named who in connection with billions swindled by the Yeltsin Clan, enjoys protection at the highest levels in all Europe.."
Mogilevich was arrested in Moscow on January 24, 2008, for suspected tax evasion.[25] [26]
He was released on July 24, 2009.
The Russian interior ministry stated that the charges against him "are not of a particularly grave nature."[27][28]

Beria was Jewish. "Beria was noted for having his bodyguards kidnap young schoolgirls so that he could rape them in his Lubyanka office, which doubled as a torture chamber."
General Leonid Ivashov is a former joint chief of staff of the Russian army.
On 28 September 2010, at, Ivashov suggests that Medvedev has opted for the US-Israeli camp.
("In the Interests of Israel": Why Russia will not sell the S-300 Air Defense System to Iran)

Russian girl, from
7. On 6 September 2010, the defense ministers of Russia and Israel A. Serdyukov and Ehud Barak signed a first-ever agreement on military cooperation between the two countries.
This includes sharing intelligence and could mean that Russia spies on Turkey and passes information onto Israel.
8. Russia seems to be turning a blind eye to Israel's role in the attack on its troops in South Ossetia.
Israel assisted in organizing and launching the August 2008 unprovoked Georgian aggression against South Ossetia and the deadly raid against the Russian peacekeepers deployed in the republic.
9. Russia has a problem with its Moslem population in the Caucasus. (This may be being stirred up by the CIA and Mossad - Aangirfan)
10. There is a fear that Russia will join the "military escapades of the Anglo-Saxons and of the Israeli Zionist leadership in the name of the shadowy financial oligarchy’s global dominance."

Putin, from
Anonymous added this comment:
"Medvedev might be leaning towards the Zionazis but dont count out the formidable chess player Vladimir Putin and remember that he won a stunning popularity because he threw the Jewish oligarch-mafia crooks behind bars.
"He also vapourized the Israeli base and their local infrastructure intended for an imminent attack on Iran, in Georgia. (IDF participated directly in the Georgian suprise attack on Russian peace keepers)
"The fact that Iranian critisism of the move is close to zero speaks something too and besides, Syria (host to the Russian mediterrian base at Tartus), which is a close ally of Iran, will get a similar defence system..."

Yuri Andropov, former leader of the USSR, was Jewish.
Winston Churchill wrote that: "in the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is astonishing.
"And the prominent, if not indeed, the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses...
"The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with villainies which are now being perpetrated..."
Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of Jews."(
The Siberian novelist Valentin Rasputin wrote in 1990: "I think today the Jews here in Russia should feel responsible for the sin of having carried out the revolution and for the shape it took.
"They should feel responsible for the terror - for the terror that existed during the revolution and especially after the revolution ... their guilt is great.
"They perpetrated the relentless campaign against the peasant class whose land was brutally expropriated by the state and who themselves were ruthlessly murdered."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's biographer wrote: "By the age of ten he had the cross ripped from his neck by jeering Pioneers and for over a year was held up to ridicule...
"Solzhenitsyn was, as a boy, exposed to students whose parents had an officially superior status.
"Most of the members of the Young Pioneers and Komsomol movements, at least in Rostov, were Jewish children..." (Michael Scammell, Solzhenitsyn: A Biography, p. 64).
According to the RNS wire service (reprinted in "The Christian News," Jan. 8, 1996, p. 2), "Some 200,000 (Christian) clergy, many crucified, scalped and otherwise tortured, were killed during the approximately 60 years of communist rule in the former Soviet Union, a Russian commission reported Monday (Nov. 27, 1995)...
"40,000 churches (were) destroyed in the period from 1922 to 1980..."
Russia's concentration camps and slave labor system were "staffed in its upper echelons by Jewish Communists."
Sixteen million ethnic Germans were forcibly expelled from Silesia, Moravia and the Volga at the end of the Second World War. Two million perished. 800,000 mostly Muslim Chechens were deported to Kazakhstan; a quarter of a million died enroute. 12% of the Baltic population was either deported to Siberia or executed.
In the Bolshevik era, 52 percent of the membership of the Soviet communist party was Jewish, though Jews comprised only 1.8 percent of the total population (Stuart Kahan, The Wolf of the Kremlin, p. 81)

Reportedly, Tito was the only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain in the late 1940s. However, the Yugoslavian communist party sent massive arms shipments to Jewish fighters in Palestine in the 1940s.
9. The executive directors of Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds and HBOS earned a combined £122m in pay and cash bonuses over a recent period of 5 years. (what bank chiefs earned before meltdown)
Banks have lots of Jewish executives.
Eric Daniels, chief executive at Lloyds Bank, earned £10 million.
Sir Fred Goodwin, whose mother was Jewish, earned £15 million.
10. According to Mordechai Zalkin, a senior history lecturer in Israel, it was mainly Jewish mafias who, in the period before World War II, controlled the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and certain other large cities in Europe. (World of our (god)fathers,/ the brains behind the sexslave trade)
Reportedly, "Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members."
In his novel, In the Vale of Tears, Mendele Mocher Sforim describes how Jewish mobsters use underhanded methods to kidnap Jewish girls from poor, remote towns and then force them to work as prostitutes. (the brains behind the sexslave trade)

Bugsy Siegel was Jewish
The sources for the following include: jewishtribalreview 'The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews' by Norman Cantor - Harper Collins, 1995
11. "It was the Jews, by and large," says Norman Cantor, "not the Italians, who created what was later called the Mafia.
"In the 1920s the Italians began to replace the Jews in the New York organized crime industry, but as late as 1940 if you wanted a spectacular hit you were looking for a representative of the Lepke Buchalter Gang, also known as Murder Inc.
"Jews were also prominent in the gambling trade and developed Las Vegas in the 1940s. It was a Jewish gambler who fixed the 1919 baseball World Series - what became known as the Black Sox scandal."

Thaçi, prime minister of Kosovo, is alleged to have extensive criminal links.
Marvin Kitman has written: "The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime an organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall."
Reportedly, the Seagram's alcohol fortune (the Canadian Bronfman family) 'grew to power by getting their alcohol into criminal hands who smuggled it into the United States. Bronfman, who bristled when anyone called him a bootlegger, had a distribution deal for his booze with Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky.'

Ben Gurion
David Ben-Gurion was jailed in Warsaw, Poland.
"That was the first time," he said, "that I ever came into contact with the dregs of society. I was shaken to the core at the language and behavior. I never had the slightest notion that such people ever existed ... The thing that shook me most was that these criminals were Jews."
According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, September 15, 1999,"Between 50 and 80 percent of the Russian economyis said to be in Jewish hands, with the influence of the five Jews among the eight individuals commonly referred to as 'oligarchs' particularly conspicuous."

On 6 September 2010, Russia and Israel signed an agreement on military cooperation.
When we were in Greek Cyprus we noted the presence of a number of Russian millionaires with the most expensive cars you can imagine.
When we were in Italy we also sighted millionaire Russians.
Is Russia a Mafia state and is it close friends with Israel?
It is not just the UK security services which have strong links to Israel (THE CLASSIC SEX SCANDAL), it is also the Russian security services.
The KGB and Mossad used to share their secrets.

Marc Rich is Jewish.
According to Newsmax (Marc Rich Helped KGB Create Hidden Government,), 31 March 2001:
"Marc Rich, the most-wanted fugitive pardoned by former President Clinton, was a key figure in the Communist Party and the KGB's creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."

Medvedev has Jewish origins?
What are we to make of Russian prime minister Putin and Russian president Medvedev?
Medvedev's "maternal grandfather's first name was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a Jewish name." (Rumors that Putin's successor is Jewish.)
"Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews," just as Putin was, declared Israeli-Russian businessman Lev Leviev, who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. (Rumors that Putin's successor is Jewish.)

Reportedly, Stalin was Jewish and had Jewish mistresses.Reportedly, his top spy was Victor Rothschild.
In November 2009, Russian President Dimitry Medvedev told a visiting delegation from the European Jewish Congress that the Iranian threat is very real, as are the threats posed by North Korea and Pakistan, and should be treated seriously.(Medvedev to European Jewish Congress: Iran threat very real ...)
According to a western diplomat: "Russia's main problem ... is that an unholy nexus of politics, big business and organised crime still dominates the ruling class." (Putin legacy - Telegraph )

Mogilevich is Jewish
Reportedly, Putin Dared To Call The Bluff Of The Global Jewish Mafia.
In 2008, "according to Russian media reports, Mogilevich, a Ukrainian business tycoon and Mafia godfather, was arrested in a Moscow shopping center. (Die Welt, 26 Jan 2008, p. 11.)...
"Semion Mogilevich, mass murderer and global swindler, has officially been on the 'wanted' list for decades, but he enjoyed the protection of the most powerful government ministries in the world.
"This was especially true where the BND: Federal German Intelligence Agency was concerned...
"According to the ZDF German Television magazine 'Kennzeichnen D' (1 Sep 1999), Semion Mogilevich, the presumed godfather of the largest Russian crime syndicate, who has been named who in connection with billions swindled by the Yeltsin Clan, enjoys protection at the highest levels in all Europe.."
Mogilevich was arrested in Moscow on January 24, 2008, for suspected tax evasion.[25] [26]
He was released on July 24, 2009.
The Russian interior ministry stated that the charges against him "are not of a particularly grave nature."[27][28]

Beria was Jewish. "Beria was noted for having his bodyguards kidnap young schoolgirls so that he could rape them in his Lubyanka office, which doubled as a torture chamber."
General Leonid Ivashov is a former joint chief of staff of the Russian army.
On 28 September 2010, at, Ivashov suggests that Medvedev has opted for the US-Israeli camp.
("In the Interests of Israel": Why Russia will not sell the S-300 Air Defense System to Iran)

Russian girl, from
7. On 6 September 2010, the defense ministers of Russia and Israel A. Serdyukov and Ehud Barak signed a first-ever agreement on military cooperation between the two countries.
This includes sharing intelligence and could mean that Russia spies on Turkey and passes information onto Israel.
8. Russia seems to be turning a blind eye to Israel's role in the attack on its troops in South Ossetia.
Israel assisted in organizing and launching the August 2008 unprovoked Georgian aggression against South Ossetia and the deadly raid against the Russian peacekeepers deployed in the republic.
9. Russia has a problem with its Moslem population in the Caucasus. (This may be being stirred up by the CIA and Mossad - Aangirfan)
10. There is a fear that Russia will join the "military escapades of the Anglo-Saxons and of the Israeli Zionist leadership in the name of the shadowy financial oligarchy’s global dominance."

Putin, from
Anonymous added this comment:
"Medvedev might be leaning towards the Zionazis but dont count out the formidable chess player Vladimir Putin and remember that he won a stunning popularity because he threw the Jewish oligarch-mafia crooks behind bars.
"He also vapourized the Israeli base and their local infrastructure intended for an imminent attack on Iran, in Georgia. (IDF participated directly in the Georgian suprise attack on Russian peace keepers)
"The fact that Iranian critisism of the move is close to zero speaks something too and besides, Syria (host to the Russian mediterrian base at Tartus), which is a close ally of Iran, will get a similar defence system..."

Yuri Andropov, former leader of the USSR, was Jewish.
Winston Churchill wrote that: "in the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is astonishing.
"And the prominent, if not indeed, the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses...
"The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with villainies which are now being perpetrated..."
Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of Jews."(
The Siberian novelist Valentin Rasputin wrote in 1990: "I think today the Jews here in Russia should feel responsible for the sin of having carried out the revolution and for the shape it took.
"They should feel responsible for the terror - for the terror that existed during the revolution and especially after the revolution ... their guilt is great.
"They perpetrated the relentless campaign against the peasant class whose land was brutally expropriated by the state and who themselves were ruthlessly murdered."
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's biographer wrote: "By the age of ten he had the cross ripped from his neck by jeering Pioneers and for over a year was held up to ridicule...
"Solzhenitsyn was, as a boy, exposed to students whose parents had an officially superior status.
"Most of the members of the Young Pioneers and Komsomol movements, at least in Rostov, were Jewish children..." (Michael Scammell, Solzhenitsyn: A Biography, p. 64).
According to the RNS wire service (reprinted in "The Christian News," Jan. 8, 1996, p. 2), "Some 200,000 (Christian) clergy, many crucified, scalped and otherwise tortured, were killed during the approximately 60 years of communist rule in the former Soviet Union, a Russian commission reported Monday (Nov. 27, 1995)...
"40,000 churches (were) destroyed in the period from 1922 to 1980..."
Russia's concentration camps and slave labor system were "staffed in its upper echelons by Jewish Communists."
Sixteen million ethnic Germans were forcibly expelled from Silesia, Moravia and the Volga at the end of the Second World War. Two million perished. 800,000 mostly Muslim Chechens were deported to Kazakhstan; a quarter of a million died enroute. 12% of the Baltic population was either deported to Siberia or executed.
In the Bolshevik era, 52 percent of the membership of the Soviet communist party was Jewish, though Jews comprised only 1.8 percent of the total population (Stuart Kahan, The Wolf of the Kremlin, p. 81)

Reportedly, Tito was the only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain in the late 1940s. However, the Yugoslavian communist party sent massive arms shipments to Jewish fighters in Palestine in the 1940s.
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