Update January 16,2012:
I came across this information about the,'off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town'
who was encountered by local Newtown police in the woods in back of SandY HOok Elemetary School,Newton,CT.on December,14,2012 the day of the shooting,from a comment posted on sandyhooktruth.com so it is worthwhile checking their site now and then.
who was encountered by local Newtown police in the woods in back of SandY HOok Elemetary School,Newton,CT.on December,14,2012 the day of the shooting,from a comment posted on sandyhooktruth.com so it is worthwhile checking their site now and then.
A man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town, according to the source. - The Bee,Newtown,Connecticut
Sandy Hook:Obama cries crocodile tears,Still silent on Napolitano Homeland Security Purchase of Hundreds of Millions Hollow Point Bullets:Ryan & Adam Lanza's father Vice President at Ernst & Young GE Capital
Some good questions:
What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
Did the school have security cameras?
Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said that "Lanza and his friends" always gathered in a group.
Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it is for their own benefit?
This is another website besides mylife.cm where I found mention in this case an advertisement to teach drum lessons - from a Michael or Mike Schapiro who I believe may likely be the friend besises Jessica O'Brien who also posted a note to Ryan Laza,brother of dead murder or child massacre suspect Adam Lanza. And like I mentioned and linked above,Shapiro may still be in police custody along with Ryan Lanza.If he has a Facebook page I haven't found it and probably couldn't peruse it because I AM NOT A SUBSRIBER TO FACEBOOK.
All Levels And Styles
Learn The Things You Need To Know
And The Things You Want To Know
Mike Has 25 Years Gigging And Teaching Experience
Address: Hoboken: Midtown West (full address will be revealed after host approves your booking)
Some good questions:
What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
Did the school have security cameras?
Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said that "Lanza and his friends" always gathered in a group.
Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it is for their own benefit?
Did the school have security cameras?
Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said that "Lanza and his friends" always gathered in a group.
Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it is for their own benefit?
This is another website besides mylife.cm where I found mention in this case an advertisement to teach drum lessons - from a Michael or Mike Schapiro who I believe may likely be the friend besises Jessica O'Brien who also posted a note to Ryan Laza,brother of dead murder or child massacre suspect Adam Lanza. And like I mentioned and linked above,Shapiro may still be in police custody along with Ryan Lanza.If he has a Facebook page I haven't found it and probably couldn't peruse it because I AM NOT A SUBSRIBER TO FACEBOOK.
All Levels And Styles
Learn The Things You Need To Know
And The Things You Want To Know
Mike Has 25 Years Gigging And Teaching Experience
Learn The Things You Need To Know
And The Things You Want To Know
Mike Has 25 Years Gigging And Teaching Experience
Address: Hoboken: Midtown West (full address will be revealed after host approves your booking)
One mystery I don't see the main stream media asking or investigating is WHO ARE Michael Shapiro and Jessica O'Brien who responded so coldly and callously in messages on deceased mass murder suspect Adam Lanza's brother 's Facebook page?Although they may be very close friends or reratives of his or the Lanza family and might want to show some support for the brother of the dead suspect,their responses are sick in light of the fact that they know that over twenty innocent liittle children have just been blown away with their blood and guts all over the school they attended ! And yet the seeming maniac Michael Shapiro says,'"this is batshit insane" and "how the fuck do they jump to such a conclusion with zero evidence."Uh well we now know that the mass murder suspect died with his brother's ID on his person.That might explain some of the confusion about,'"how the fuck do they jump to such a conclusion......'. I don't envy the police or anyone else who has to try and make sense of that bloody massacre's crime scene and don't fault anyone for confusing the suspect with his brother particularly when he is found dead with his brother's ID on his body. But the unanswered question remains, just who is this Michael Shapiro who is so quick to criticise the police and media trying to find answers quick,as they should,and why could he not have shown the least concern for over twenty cold bloodedly murdered children !? Is he some kind of monster as well ?
Of course it must not be forgotten that GE owns CNBC which is part of the Zionist and even CIA,ETC., news
In fact,'coincidentally',CNBC as well as the CNN as Ryan Lanza yelled,' "Fuck you CNN it wasn't me" on his Facebook page ,both promoted the endofamerica2011.com gold and fear promotion fraud of James Dale Davidson's and Bill Bonner's and Rothschild crime family connected UK Lord William Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. of Baltimore where their ex employee Rey Rivera mysteriously 'fell' to his death at the Belvedere Hotel in 2006.
Public records searches also show that the same Ryan Lanza who lived in Newtown has recently shared an address in Hoboken, N.J., with people named Jessica O’Brien and Michael Shapiro. The circulated screenshots of Ryan Lanza’s Facebook account show responses from a Jessica O’Brien and a Michael Shapiro. In response to Lanza posting "Everyone shut the fuck up it wasn’t me," O’Brien wrote: "Do you need anything ready for when you get home? Can I set anything out for you to grab and go? Anything else I can do L". In response to Lanza writing "Fuck you CNN it wasn’t me," Shapiro wrote "this is batshit insane" and "how the fuck do they jump to such a conclusion with zero evidence."
Because the Lanza family is not your average struggling middle class family but instead the father, Peter Lanza, is VERY well placed in the GE corporate structure and in fact must have been very important in saving GE, not millions - but perhaps LOTS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN TAXES -then just who is Michael Shapiro, just a low level nobody, or is he related perhaps to the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro ? Or maybe to former Under Secretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro, (who I personally know to be a cold blooded money laundering securities criminal) ? Robert Shapiro is protected by the corrupt U.S.SEC as well as by both the W Bush and Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro regimes.He aided myriad penny stock frauds pump and dump unaudited worthless share on investors, and lyingly claimed for the U.S. and Israeli government connnected criminals involved, that the shares had been 'naked shorted' ,a term made up by National Taxpayers Union and Agora Inc. founder, James Dale Davidson, who has connections to far right U.S.government officials as well as to the elite UK Lords of the City of London and to Irael as his involvement in the U.S. and Nevada incorporated Pluristem penny stock fraud with its Technion University and Mossad connections among others,clearly documents !
And obviously the tax accountant of GE, Peter Lanza,and thus CNBC connected ,Peter Lanza -the known father of the mass murder suspect,Adam Lanza and presumed father of Ryan Lanza,has similar high level elite money laundering connections as well ! In fact,'coincidentally',CNBC as well as the CNN as Ryan Lanza yelled,' "Fuck you CNN it wasn't me" tooon his Fcebook page ,both promoted the endofamerica2011.com gold and fear promotion fraud of James Dale Davidson's and Bill Bonner's and Rothschild crime family connected UK Lord William Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. of Baltimore where their ex employee Rey Rivera mysteriously 'fell' to his death at the Belvedere Hotel in 2006.
And obviously the tax accountant of GE, Peter Lanza,and thus CNBC connected ,Peter Lanza -the known father of the mass murder suspect,Adam Lanza and presumed father of Ryan Lanza,has similar high level elite money laundering connections as well ! In fact,'coincidentally',CNBC as well as the CNN as Ryan Lanza yelled,' "Fuck you CNN it wasn't me" tooon his Fcebook page ,both promoted the endofamerica2011.com gold and fear promotion fraud of James Dale Davidson's and Bill Bonner's and Rothschild crime family connected UK Lord William Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. of Baltimore where their ex employee Rey Rivera mysteriously 'fell' to his death at the Belvedere Hotel in 2006.
Most of Barack Obama's or Barry Soetoro's selections to ambassadorships such as Dan Shapiro in Israel Barry White in Norway or Fay Hartog Levin(who along with her relative Carl Levin Senator Michigan covered up with Obama for the Israelis of ICTS International who allowe the Nigerian 'Islamic 'crotch bomber Mutallab to board flight 253 from Schiphol Airport Amsterdam and the 9/11 Saudi terrorists to board at Logan,Boston on 9/11) or U.S.Ambassador to Australia,Jeffrey Laurence "Jeff" Bleich - are all usually Zionist money bundlers for his election campaigns which is the same as money launderers - just as were those of his role model W Bush.
aangirfan: Is your money being stolen and sent to Israel?
14 Dec 2008 – "Remember Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Marty Siegel, Dennis Levine, and the insider-trading ..... The president of NBC News is Neal Shapiro.
9 hours ago by rss-feed
Mike Rogers told the Times. “What is the more realistic discussion is how do we target people with mental illness who use firearms?” The New York Daily News reports Lanzawas “dark and disturbed, a deeply troubled boy” who suffered from a troubled mental state, perhaps related to Asperger's syndrome or a form of personality disorder. Share.... Dan Shapiro, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, participates in a Hanukkah candle lighting with Chabad Hasidim in Tel Aviv.
`Phantom Shares,' Failed Trades and Naked Shorts: (Transcript ...
SCHNEIDER: Former Under Secretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro works as a consulting for lawyers representing alleged victims of naked short sellers.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_B._Shapiro
Daniel B. Shapiro (born 1969) is diplomat and the 19th and current Ambassador of the United States of America to the State of Israel. He was nominated by President Obama on March 29, 2011, and confirmed by the Senate on May 29.[1][2] He was sworn in as ambassador by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on July 8, 2011.[3]
Previously, he was the senior director for the Middle East and North Africa on the United States National Security Council. Shapiro is active in the Washington Jewish community and speaks fluent Hebrew and some Arabic.
The mystery deepened as Newtown education officials said they had found no link between Lanza's mother and the school, contrary to news reports that said she was a teacher there. Investigators said they believe Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook Elementary many years ago, but they had no explanation for why he went there on Friday.
Lanza shot to death his mother, Nancy Lanza, at the home they shared, then drove to the school in her car with at least three of her guns, forced his way inside and opened fire in two classrooms, authorities said. Within minutes, he killed 20 children, six adults and himself.......
School board chairwoman Debbie Leidlein spent Friday night meeting with parents who lost children and shivered as she recalled those conversations. "They were asking why. They can't wrap their minds around it. Why? What's going on?" she said. "And we just don't have any answers for them."
Nancy Lanza, who was once a stockbroker for John Hancock in Boston and once lived in Kingston, N.H., was a kind, considerate and loving person, Kingston Police Chief Donald Briggs Jr. said.
Obama Just Bought One Billion Hollow Point Bullets 08/26 by NTEB ...
25 Aug 2012Various Federal agencies acting under Obama's direct orders have now requested and purchased nearly one billion rounds of the deadly hollow point bullet. When he ran forpresident in 2008, he told people that he was ...
President Obama's Social Security Administration to Purchase ...
16 Aug 2012 by BooIn an absolute head scratcher, it has been learned that the social security administration is going to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets. Why on earth is the SSA wasting money purchasing bullets. What on earth ...
Feds' explanation of hollow point bullets raises more questions ...
19 Aug 2012 by truther... has only raised more questions. On Friday the government stated that the hollow point bullets it has procured are standard issue and that they are used to train security agents used by each of the various federal agencies. ... Curry confirmed these suspicions in his article for The Daily Caller, it became clear that the ObamaAdministration has not been honest with the public concerning the current mass stockpiling of ammunition. Curry stated,. Hollow point bullets are ...More results from Pakalert Press
Hollow-point bullets … for gunning down seniors?
24 Aug 2012 by Kathy ShaidleSavage devoted considerable airtime this week to troubling reports that federal agencies are stocking up on, of all things, hollow-point bullets. “Why does the Social Security Administration suddenly need 174,000 rounds of ...
Agencies tamp down speculation over hollow-point ammo ...
18 Aug 2012 by Cowboy ByteFurther more ask yourself, do I really trust Barack Obama? Sam. Has anyone any idea what a hollow point does> Entry wound is small (about the size of the bullet) and thebullet mushrooms from that point on. Exit wound is ...
Nancy Lanza took her son, Adam, to a shooting range and taught him how to use a firearm before he turned a gun on her and shot her dead, then executed more than two dozen terrified children and teachers at an elementary school. -iconocast.com
What Are the implications of Peter Lanza working as TAX guy for GE???
Can someone explain the implications of this thread a little more clearly so we can get to the
bottom of this???
Re: What Are the implications of Peter Lanza working as TAX guy for GE???
first thought: GE = NBC = MSM (able to cover-up)
Re: What Are the implications of Peter Lanza working as TAX guy for GE???
first thought: GE = NBC = MSM (able to cover-up)

The Dunblane school shootings are linked to a pedophile ring involving top people. 'Covering up paedophile scandal?'...
Is there a link between the Connecticut shootings and child abuse rings?
In 2011, "Operation Rescue" rescued 230 sexually abused children.
The abusers included teachers.
"Arrests so far have been made in ... Connecticut."
Some of the children were as young as seven.
"Some Columbine victims’ family members suspect that Sheriff Sullivan was involved in a “butt rape” incident involving the alleged Columbine shooters."
Who really killed the Connecticut children?

Remember Thomas Hamilton?
The UK's George Robertson was Secretary General of NATO.
Reportedly, on 13 March 1996, in Dunblane in Scotland, Thomas Hamilton, armed with four hand-guns, opened fire on a junior school class, killing 16 children.
"Lord Robertson was the referee on Thomas Hamilton's shotgun licence."
('Blair covering up paedophile scandal?' www.tpuc.org)
It has been suggested that Thomas Hamilton was a brainwashed patsy and that the real shooters were working for the security services.
In the Dunblane shootings, "none of the survivors would have been able to obtain a good viewing of the gunman.
"Most of those that did see the gunman would have immediately associated him with the figure of Thomas Hamilton that lay dead within the gymnasium after the massacre. That is the way the mind works."
The Murder of Thomas Hamilton | Dunblane Exposed

Some schools have guards and a locked gate with limited access for visitors.
The Newtown shooter wore a mask, a bulletproof vest, and was carrying four guns.
Reportedly, a very powerful figure called "Lord Cullen had physically walked Thomas Hamilton to the massacre."
Lord Cullen | simianpress.com
Newtown is home to the "Fairfield Hills" Hospital, used as the set of the Wilkinson Home for Boys in the film Sleepers in 1995. In the Wilkinson Home for Boys, children are systematically beaten, abused, and raped.
Some shooters are brainwashed Sleepers.
A bus driver who drove the Lanza brothers from and to school recalled them as "really nice boys, well-behaved."[37]

Some shooters are brainwashed Sleepers.
The "sleeper" will live a normal life until required to perform the mission/s for which he was created.

Adam Lanza - really nice kid.
Adam Lanza, age 20, an honors student at Newtown High School had no criminal record.[30][5][31]
He was born in Kingston, New Hampshire, where his parents were married.[32]
Lanza lived with his mother five miles from Sandy Hook Elementary school.[33]
At the time of the shooting, Adam Lanza was allegedly carrying the identification of his older brother, Ryan Lanza, age 24,[34]
Peter Lanza
Adam's father, Peter Lanza, is a vice president at GE Capital and had been a partner at global accounting giant Ernst & Young.

Adam Lanza - really nice kid.
Adam Lanza, age 20, an honors student at Newtown High School had no criminal record.[30][5][31]
He was born in Kingston, New Hampshire, where his parents were married.[32]
Lanza lived with his mother five miles from Sandy Hook Elementary school.[33]
At the time of the shooting, Adam Lanza was allegedly carrying the identification of his older brother, Ryan Lanza, age 24,[34]

Adam's father, Peter Lanza, is a vice president at GE Capital and had been a partner at global accounting giant Ernst & Young.
He is also an adjunct professor at Northeastern University in Boston
He lives in Stamford, Connecticut.[35]
A bus driver who drove the Lanza brothers from and to school recalled them as "really nice boys, well-behaved."[37]
"In Dec of 2009 Umar Fizzlepants ( Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab ) or someone who looked a little like him was led onto a plane by a state department official and lit up his diaper of doom over Detroit on Christmas day. His daddy is one of the wealthiest bankers in Africa.
"Of course we all know of James Holmes’ father’s connection to the financial industry “Robert M. Holmes, father of James E. Holmes, is a senior executive of the NYSE listed financial firm FICO“"
Sandy Hook Shooting: Shooters Brother and Father Deeply Connected to Financial Elites
Sandy Hook Shooting: Shooters Brother and Father Deeply Connected to Financial Elites

A typical scene in Newtown.
Americans love killing people.
Police initially identified the shooter as Ryan Lanza, the 24-year-old elder brother of Adam Lanza.
The news first said he had TWO 9mm pistols, and then said he had a .223 rifle.

Newtown: home of Richard Craft; ex-CIA.

Shooters outside Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut, December 14, 2012. Photograph: ADREES LATIF/REUTERS
During its operation, treatments at Fairfield Hills, in Newtown, included use of the drugs metrazol and insulin in shock therapy, patient seclusion, electric shock therapy, and frontal lobotomy.

Brad Renfro brainwashed by the spooks? Website for this image
"An ongoing lawsuit by American veterans reveals a series of secret experiments ... at Edgewood Arsenal and Ft. Detrick, Maryland, experiments that included ‘septal implants’ meant to control human behavior and will.
"Other experiments involved the testing of chemical and biological substances such as sarin nerve gas, LSD, and PCP. Considering the rash of ‘lone-gunman’ shootings of late, I thought it important to bring up this matter, especially the mind control aspect of these experiments. Is it possible that the technology is such now that a simple, tiny, RFID chip can be slipped surreptitiously into a persons drink or food, thereby gaining control over that persons will? If so, it would easily explain the recent outbreak of ’lone-gunman’ shootings and ‘zombie’ attacks."
7,800 Veterans sue CIA/DOD/Army for experimentation...
The alleged shooter in the Connecticut school shooting "was identified by NBC News as Ryan Lanza, 24, who reportedly also killed his father in Hoboken, N.J."
Is This Connecticut School Shooter Ryan Lanza's Facebook ...
According to sources, Lanza went to Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.
His mother, Nancy Lanza, 52, lived in Newtown, where the school, Sandy Hook Elementary, is located.
She was employed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School and worked with kindergarten children. Some of her students were among the 20 pupils killed in the attack.

Americans love killing people.
On 14 December 2012, it was reported that gunmen had opened fire at a small rural school in the USA - Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.
Adam Lanza was later identified as the suspected shooter, the Associated Press reports.
The "shooting involving two gunmen erupted at a Connecticut elementary ...authorities said..."
Two Gunmen at Elementary School Shooting - Yahoo! News
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media

Anders Breivik. aangirfan: BREIVIK IS INNOCENT (Note also BREIVIK'S DOUBLE)Adam Lanza was later identified as the suspected shooter, the Associated Press reports.
The "shooting involving two gunmen erupted at a Connecticut elementary ...authorities said..."
Two Gunmen at Elementary School Shooting - Yahoo! News
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media

Police initially identified the shooter as Ryan Lanza, the 24-year-old elder brother of Adam Lanza.
It was reported that the masked gunman, or gunmen, killed at least 27, including 20 children aged under 10.
Reportedly Lanza's body was lying in a classroom.

Newtown: home of Richard Craft; ex-CIA.
There was a 'second gunman'.
A little girl said that she saw someone pinned to the ground.
One person was being held in police custody after he was detained in the woods near the school wearing camouflage pants, CBS reported.
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media
One person was being held in police custody after he was detained in the woods near the school wearing camouflage pants, CBS reported.
Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media
Newtown is home to the "Fairfield Hills" Hospital, used as the set of the Wilkinson Home for Boys in the film Sleepers in 1995. In the Wilkinson Home for Boys, children are systematically beaten, abused, and raped.
Who really did the shootings?
Who really did the shootings?

Shooters outside Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut, December 14, 2012. Photograph: ADREES LATIF/REUTERS
During its operation, treatments at Fairfield Hills, in Newtown, included use of the drugs metrazol and insulin in shock therapy, patient seclusion, electric shock therapy, and frontal lobotomy.
Brad Renfro brainwashed by the spooks? Website for this image
"An ongoing lawsuit by American veterans reveals a series of secret experiments ... at Edgewood Arsenal and Ft. Detrick, Maryland, experiments that included ‘septal implants’ meant to control human behavior and will.
"Other experiments involved the testing of chemical and biological substances such as sarin nerve gas, LSD, and PCP. Considering the rash of ‘lone-gunman’ shootings of late, I thought it important to bring up this matter, especially the mind control aspect of these experiments. Is it possible that the technology is such now that a simple, tiny, RFID chip can be slipped surreptitiously into a persons drink or food, thereby gaining control over that persons will? If so, it would easily explain the recent outbreak of ’lone-gunman’ shootings and ‘zombie’ attacks."
7,800 Veterans sue CIA/DOD/Army for experimentation...

Victim of CIA brainwashing
"Twelve years ago the parents of an autistic boy won $2.1 Million from the estate of a deceased neuropsychiatrist who had tried to turn the boy into a weapon.
"Doctor Dudley claimed to be working for the CIA and he may have been involved in the CIA’s investigation into human manipulation via psychotropic drugs..."
Manchurian Candidates « Shrine of Dreams
"Twelve years ago the parents of an autistic boy won $2.1 Million from the estate of a deceased neuropsychiatrist who had tried to turn the boy into a weapon.
"Doctor Dudley claimed to be working for the CIA and he may have been involved in the CIA’s investigation into human manipulation via psychotropic drugs..."
Manchurian Candidates « Shrine of Dreams

Is This Connecticut School Shooter Ryan Lanza's Facebook ...
According to sources, Lanza went to Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.
His mother, Nancy Lanza, 52, lived in Newtown, where the school, Sandy Hook Elementary, is located.
She was employed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School and worked with kindergarten children. Some of her students were among the 20 pupils killed in the attack.
Police originally identified the suspect as Ryan Lanza, but then state police Lt. Paul Vance says the shooter's identity remains unclear.

Gladio-style shootings?
From neuroscience student James Holmes‘ suspicious military psychiatrist toJared Loughner‘s fascination with mind control – mirroring that of Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris and Klebold – the narrative on recent mass shootings share unmistakable similarities."
Connecticut Shooting

The US has had a number of mass shootings in 2012.
In Oregon, on 11 December 2012, 'a gunman' opened fire at a shopping mall, killing two people and then himself.
In July 2012, at a screening of a Batman film in Colorado, 12 people were killed and 58 wounded.
The shooting at Columbine high school in Colorado in 1999 killed 12 students and two teachers.
A gunman killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007.
A former school board member killed 45 people with three bombs in 1927 in Bath Township, Mich.

NSA: home to MK Ultra - Monarch brainwashing
"As we have documented on numerous occasions, many of the mass casualty shootings in the United States have the hallmark of being perpetuated by mind controlled assassins or are attributed to mind controlled patsies.
The shooting at Columbine high school in Colorado in 1999 killed 12 students and two teachers.
A gunman killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007.
A former school board member killed 45 people with three bombs in 1927 in Bath Township, Mich.

NSA: home to MK Ultra - Monarch brainwashing
"As we have documented on numerous occasions, many of the mass casualty shootings in the United States have the hallmark of being perpetuated by mind controlled assassins or are attributed to mind controlled patsies.
From neuroscience student James Holmes‘ suspicious military psychiatrist toJared Loughner‘s fascination with mind control – mirroring that of Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, as well as Columbine killers Harris and Klebold – the narrative on recent mass shootings share unmistakable similarities."
Connecticut Shooting

Not Ajmal Kasab. aangirfan: KASAB IS INNOCENT
Conn. teacher kills masked teen, learns it was son September 28, 2012
“NEW FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) — A small Connecticut town was sent reeling in grief and confusion Friday after a popular fifth-grade teacher shot and killed a knife-wielding prowler in a black ski mask, only to discover it was his 15-year-old son…..
"He confronted someone in a ski mask and opened fire when the person came at him with something shiny in his hand, police said.
"When police officers arrived, Tyler was lying dead in the driveway with a knife in his hand …
"State police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said the boy had never been in trouble with the law, and some of those who knew him described him as a good kid with an easygoing personality.
"Investigators and acquaintances said they were at a loss to explain what he was doing outside dressed all in black and carrying a weapon….
"He confronted someone in a ski mask and opened fire when the person came at him with something shiny in his hand, police said.
"When police officers arrived, Tyler was lying dead in the driveway with a knife in his hand …
"State police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said the boy had never been in trouble with the law, and some of those who knew him described him as a good kid with an easygoing personality.
"Investigators and acquaintances said they were at a loss to explain what he was doing outside dressed all in black and carrying a weapon….
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