Trump Israeli Agents Laura Loomer,Jacob Wohl Stock Fraud Money Launderer Jacob Wohl - Using Internet To Defraud Americans,Tout Trump,Steal Palestine
This scumbag is a white piece of shit from Israel who also claims to be a Semite no doubt who is parasiting the American public with made in USA penny stock frauds to subsidise his and the state of Israel's political sabotage and highjacking of the U.S. economy and U.S. military to its own ends.
Jacob Wohl with Trump

Mar 15, 2019 - Alt-right activists Jacob Wohl and Laura Loomer have also been after representative Omar, a hijab-wearing Muslim and the first ...
Jacob Wohl Finds Religion In Maryland Strip Mall, Goes To Dark Side ...
Jan 11, 2018 - Jacob Wohl appears to have found a new career. The self-described “financial expert,” whose expertise includes having been banned for life ...
Jacob Wohl, In Limelight, Seeks To Replace Jamie Dimon on ...
Aug 18, 2017 - 21,125 of Jacob Wohl's Twitter followers are labled fake ... The SEC letter went on to state that “in the final paragraph of Securities Act Release ...
Mar 13, 2019 - In fact, there's only about 48 seconds of them interviewing people here. ... Ilhan Omarreleased tonight by Jacob Wohl, Laura Loomer, and Ali ...
Trump Israeli Agents Jacob Wohl Stock Fraud Money Launderer Jacob Wohl - Using Internet To Defraud Americans,Tout Trump,Steal Palestine
This scumbag is a white piece of shit from Israel who also claims to be a Semite no doubt who is parasiting the American public with made in USA penny stock frauds to subsidise his and the state of Israel's political sabotage and highjacking of the U.S. economy and U.S. military to its own ends.

Jacob Wohl.
Jacob Wohl is an alt.right figure who has worked for The Gateway Pundit, which is run by Jim Hoft, who is gay.
Wohl has claimed that he has received numerous messages from Iranians saying that they would welcome the United States bombing their country.
The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) charged Wohl with 14 counts of securities fraud, and forced him to pay $32,919 in restitution.[18][19][16]
Wohl is Jewish[53], describes himself as a Zionist, and co-hosts a podcast for Jewish Trump supporters with Laura Loomer.[54]
Laura Loomer is a leading Jewish voice on the 'alt-right.'
Laura Loomer wrote: "How many more people need to die before everyone agrees that Islam is cancer and we should never let another Muslim into the civilized world?"
Laura Loomer wrote: "How many more people need to die before everyone agrees that Islam is cancer and we should never let another Muslim into the civilized world?"

"" was registered to Wohl's name
In 2018, Wohl created and registered the company Surefire Intelligence, LLC.
A photograph of Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli was used on a profile claiming that she was the company's "Tel Aviv station chief" [23]
Wohl claimed that Surefire consisted of former Israeli intelligence agents and various other investigative experts.
Wohl's father, David Wohl, is a conservative commentator who has been a guest on Fox News programs.[3][20][55]
Other tweeters have enjoyed mocking Wohl for a curious trope he repeats: a contention that he hears “coffee shop hipster liberals” praising the president. He has said so six separate times.
AUGUST 7, 2018
JEW YORK — If you scroll down the Twitter feed of Jacob Wohl, former teenage hedge fund manager and current pro-Donald Trump provocateur, you’ll see a stream of insults directed at Robert Mueller, liberals and a proposed plastic straw ban.
The economy is absolutely booming, yet democrats are too worried about plastic straws to work! Too bad— Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) August 3, 2018
To his 158,000 followers, Wohl, 20, describes himself as “Conservative, Trump Supporter, Zionist.” So he seemed like an interesting person to profile for JTA. And in the 19 minutes before he hung up on me, Wohl said his share of interesting things.
1. I never said Puerto Rico wasn’t in the US (work on reading comprehension)— Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) August 5, 2018
2. Stop blaming capitalism. The out of control welfare state is what destroyed Puerto Rico
3. Blame corrupt Puerto Rican officials for the third-world hell hole that it’s become, NOT the GOP
“I think that conservatives find that I really have my finger on the pulse of the issues that matter,” Wohl said of his hyperactive Twitter feed, which has gained nearly 100,000 followers in the past year. “I don’t spend a lot of time on things I view as unimportant.”
The weekend saw more bombastic tweets. On Sunday, Wohl called Trump “the greatest friend of the Jewish People to ever occupy the White House.” Two days earlier he called on Barack Obama to be extradited to Israel for meddling in its 2015 elections (A former Obama campaign aide, Jeremy Bird, worked for a nonpartisan Israeli NGO that campaigned against Benjamin Netanyahu. American campaign consultants of both parties have a long history of working on Israeli elections).
Also on Sunday, he debated the causes of Puerto Rico’s economic misery with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York congressional nominee and a rising star of progressive Democrats.
The way Wohl tells his story, he began his first hedge fund, Wohl Capital Investment Group, with money from high school classmates and their parents. In a Bloomberg profile, he claimed the principal of his high school invested with him. Subsequently he started another investment fund, Montgomery Assets. Both funds are currently inactive.
But the young investor, who has been called “The Wohl of Wall Street,” soon ran into trouble and has been investigated by multiple regulatory organizations. He also posted personal ads on Craigslist seeking attractive women while claiming to run a modeling agency, according to the Daily Beast. One woman accused him of posting her photo online, in a bra, as the “Wohl Girl of the Month” without her permission. The domain expired last month.
Wohl told JTA that he now does due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, though he would not reveal the name of his company or any further details.
“I’m not going to tell you because I don’t like journalists meddling in my private business,” he said. “It can only cause problems when journalists start meddling around in my employment situations and what I’m doing businesswise, as I’ve learned.”
Wohl was raised and still lives in Orange County, a politically conservative area of Southern California, in a Republican home. His father, David Wohl, is an attorney who has appeared on Fox News as a commentator and describes himself as a campaign surrogate for Trump. Wohl has followed in his father’s footsteps, appearing on Fox Business as early as 2015 to discuss his hedge fund.
His political activism ramped up with the start of Trump’s campaign in 2015, and since has skyrocketed. In addition to his Twitter activity, Wohl writes pieces for the right-wing site The Gateway Pundit, runs his own right-wing news site called The Washington Reporter and co-hosts a podcast with the independent journalist Laura Loomer called “2 Live Jew,” which is advertised as the “#1 Podcast for Jewish Trump Supporters.” Episode titles have included “The Caliphate Comes to Toronto” and “Full Commie.”
Loomer boasts of “confronting public figures” in the style of Project Veritas, the right-wing gotcha operation where she worked in 2016. Last month she asked a Democrat gubernatorial candidate in Michigan who is Muslim to “reconcile your own personal practice of Islamic law with your Marxist socialist political platform that directly contradicts tenets within Islamic law.”
“Laura is on the cutting edge of stopping the Sharia invasion that’s happening in the United States, the Islamification of neighborhoods,” Wohl said on a recent podcast, referring to Islamic religious law. “They want Sharia courts. This is what they’re calling for, this is their vision, is to establish a caliphate in the West.”
Wohl said he agrees with Trump “on 90 percent or 95 percent of his positions” — first and foremost immigration. He said that “illegal immigration has just devastated communities” in Southern California, something Wohl said he realized when most of his second-grade class could not speak “a lick of English.” He said that hindered his education.
“A wall would change a lot about a lot of border states as far as public safety,” he said. “What’s coming across our southern border is in many cases, not in all cases, but in many cases tremendous crime.
“When Trump came down the escalator and said ‘We’re going to build a great, great wall and we’re going to make Mexico pay for that wall,’ he had my vote,” Wohl said, referring to Trump’s campaign launch.
One of the issues on which Wohl disagrees with Trump relates to Israel. Wohl would like to see the president, who has been friendly to the Israeli government’s agenda, take an even harder line against the Palestinian Authority, which administers the Palestinian areas of the West Bank.
“I would like to see the Palestinian Authority defunded completely by the United States and treated like ISIS or any other terrorist organization because that’s what they are,” he said.
Wohl’s political opinions are no less pointed on Twitter, where he focuses his commentary on praising the president and opposing his opponents. Wohl said proudly that Trump has retweeted him three times and replied to one of his tweets, which he said is “a recognition that you’re doing something right.”........
Aug 7, 2018 - Jacob Wohl, Jewish Trump supporter, on his YouTube channel. .... One of the issues on which Wohl disagrees with Trump relates to Israel.
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Feb 26, 2019 - He's also one of President Donald Trump's biggest supporters. ... She said Wohlpretended to be an Israeli-trained intelligence investigator who ...
Jacob Wohl (born December 12, 1997) is an American far-right conspiracy theorist, fraudster, .... In the ad, Wohl falsely claimed that Surefire consisted of former Israeli intelligence ... Trump posed for a photo op with Wohl and has retweeted him.
Jun 14, 2018 - Jacob Wohl scored headlines with claims of managing millions of dollars as a teenage hedge fund owner. Even President Donald Trump has ...
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Jul 4, 2017 - (It's worth wondering, how did Trump find Wohl.) He also appears to be a veritable mini-Trump, racking up a reputation for defrauded investors, ...
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Oct 31, 2018 - Wohl's origin story, like many right-wing media stars of the Trump era, ... actually belonged to celebrities including Israeli model Bar Refaeli and ...
Feb 26, 2019 - Trump has retweeted Jacob Wohl's praise – of the president's .... who was trained by Israeli intelligence forces and agreed to help her with ...
Oct 31, 2018 - Right-wing troll Jacob Wohl appears to have orchestrated an attempt to smear ... by Jacob Wohl, a 20-year-old right-wing troll, Trump superfan, ... are pictures of celebrities, like Christoph Waltz, Israeli model Bar Rafaeli, and ...
Oct 30, 2018 - Jacob Wohl, a 20-year-old conservative activist who is most well ... in downtown LA” about how Trump is secretly popular among young ... Their “Tel Aviv Station Chief” uses a photograph of Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli.
Nov 2, 2018 - MAGA sycophant and Gateway Pundit journalist Jacob Wohl tried to create fake ... a right-wing lobbyist, and Jacob Wohl, a 20-year-old, pro-Trump, failed .... bid to win a fifth term and become Israel's longest-serving premier, ..
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