ted turner cnn jewish stock takeover
Truth from the "Zog Bog" - Page 86 - Google Books Result
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn - 1993 - Conspiracy theories
(AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE poll, 1982) So perhaps America does suffer from a Zionistpresence forcing its will on the rest of us (OCCUPATION), but is it actually powerful enough to qualify as a Government? ZOG's POWER IN THE MEDIA Lawrence Tisch controls CBS, Inc., and William Paley is its president.Daniel Patrick Moynihan: A Portrait in Letters of an American Visionary
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Steven R. Weisman - 2010 - Biography & Autobiography
This for the reason that official Soviet held that Babi Yar was a collaboration of the Gestapo and “their accomplices and followers—the Zionists.” This assertion (What about Jews who think the same or worse as Mel Gibson?
CBS and Warner Bros., partners in CWTV, are Jewish media giants. CBS, founded by William S. Paley (Palinski) in 1928, has always been under control of strongly pro-Zionist Jews, including present ownerSumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein). The owner of CBS until 1995 was a devoutly Orthodox Jew,Laurence Tisch.Israeli International Jewish Oligarch Takeover Of Ted Turner CNN,U.S. News Media
Note that the New York Times or Jew York Times never paid a price for its pro- Israel lies-propaganda in claiming WMDS in Saddam Husseins Iraq,whereas it appears that CNN was itself sabotaged by Jews from within in order to destroy Ted Turner and his financial and stock holdings in his own company CNN.Ted Turner had the ethics to criticise Israel and its treatment of Palestinians and perhaps to even investigate Israeli and U.S. Zionist involvement in perpetrating 9-11 and then claimg Iraq was behind that as well.So he was dangerous to international Jewish oligarchs from the New York City Stock Exchange who destroyed his share value through disinfo sabotage to the City of London with its Rothschild money to Russian Jewish oligarchs and parts in between from Argentina and Australia to Sweden,etc.
Note CBS mentioned below was bitterly contested between Turner and U.S. Jewish Zionists in the 1980'S .The Jewish Zionists won as usual and now control virtually all news for Israeli propaganda
and the Jewish financial military industrial complex which they also control.
Laurence A. Tisch, Investor Known for Saving CBS Inc. From Takeover ...
by Ted Turner
Nov 16, 2003 - In 1985, Ted Turner, the cable television entrepreneur, tried unsuccessfully to acquireCBS with a package of high-risk securities. Marvin Davis, a wealthy oilman and ... He was alsopresident of the United Jewish Appeal of New York and a director of the Legal Aid Society. He became a prolific fund-raiser ...
And just who is was billionaire Laurence A. Tisch ? A Jewish pro Israel Zionist fascist fanatic who himself stole CBS for the propaganda interests of greater Israel and the international Jewish Zionist financial military industrial elite.
Jewish billionaire Laurence Tisch who manipulated sale of CBS to keep it out of hands of Ted Turner and in hands of pro Israeli Zionist of the New York and international Jewish Zionist financial military industrial complex and fellow closet Zionist and open fascist murderer Henry Kissinger.:
In 1985 Laurence Tisch , Chairman of the Board of New York University, former President of the Greater New York United Jewish Appeal, an active supporter of Israel, and a man of many other roles, started buying stock in the CBS television network through his company, the Loews Corporation. The Tisch family, worth an estimated 4 billion dollars, has major interests in hotels, an insurance company, Bulova, movie theatres, and Loliards, the nation's fourth largest tobacco company (Kent, Newport, True cigarettes). Brother Andrew Tisch has served as a Vice-President for the UJA-Federation, and as a member of the United Jewish Appeal national youth leadership cabinet, the American Jewish Committee, and the American Israel Political Action Committee, among other Jewish organizations. By September of 1986 Tisch's company owned 25% of the stock of CBS and he became the company's president. And Tisch -- now the most powerful man at CBS -- had strong feelings about television, Jews, and Israel. The CBS news department began to live in fear of being compromised by their boss -- overtly, or, more likely, by intimidation towards self-censorship -- concerning these issues. "There have been rumors in New York for years," says J. J. Goldberg, "that Tisch took over CBS in 1986 at least partly out of a desire to do something about media bias against Israel." [GOLDBERG, p. 297]
The powerful President of a major American television network dare not publicize his own active bias in favor of another country, of course. That would look bad, going against the grain of the democratic traditions, free speech, and a presumed "fair" mass media. And if it ever became clear that the CBS news department was in danger of turning into an ad agency for Israel, the resulting controversy would probably defeat Tisch's purpose in helping them. But word leaked out, that CBS news under Laurence Tisch lived in fear of being ethically compromised.During the Palestinian Intifada (the stone-throwing revolt by Palestinian Arabs against Israeli military rule), a birthday party was held by Jewish TV personality Barbara Walters and her husband Merv Adelson for Jewish Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan. Other invited Jewish guests included former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and U.S. News and World Report publisher, Mortimer Zuckerman.
According to Roone Arledge, the President of ABC News, who was also a guest at the party, a long and heated debate arose about television's depiction of the Israeli military's attempts to crush Arab rioting. CBS President Tisch argued that TV should effectively censor reports on what was happening, that "television ought to be banned in the occupied territories "because it portrayed Israeli soldiers in a bad light. Kissinger had argued the same a few weeks earlier, publicly concerned that "TV cameras incited riots and tarnished Israel's reputation." Arledge vehemently argued that the media's ethical stand should be to be present and report whatever
Destruction of a Planet: Zionism Is Racism
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn - 1991 - Anti-Jewish literature
Goldenson became chairman of the executive committee of the new company, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. Although the chairman and CEO of Capital Cities now is ... To block Turner's bid CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a "friendly" takeover of ...How CNN was Taken Over by the Neocons and Zionists -- Puppet ...
Oct 14, 2010 - Ted Turner made his professionally-fatal mistake of merging CNN with Time Warner in 1996. Turner resigned as vice chairman of the merged AOL Time Warner in 2003. Turner lost some $7 billion in stock after the merger in 1996 but his financial losses would soon grow larger. In 1998, Time Warner, ...Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media |
Oct 17, 2015 - When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN. Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had ...Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World's Media! « Socio ...
Apr 15, 2013 - When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN. Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had ...The Jews Who Own The Media | Real Jew News
Jun 23, 2013 - When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN. Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had ...Jewish groups outraged at Ted Turner's terrorism comments - smh ...
www.smh.com.au › Home › World News
Jun 19, 2002 - Jewish groups attacked CNN founder Ted Turner today after he accused Israel and the Palestinians of being.https://www.sott.net/article/216504-How-CNN-was-Taken-Over-by-the-Neocons-and-Zionists
It was CNN-US President Rick Kaplan who pushed the Tailwind story over the objections of several CNN news veterans. Kaplan is now the executive producer of the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric in the anchor chair once occupied by Rather...........
CNN was faced with law suits from Tailwind veterans. Turner, who lost several billions in stock after the merger with Time Warner in 1996, saw the company's stock take a further hit as a result of the Tailwind debacle. The stock value loss weakened Turner's financial interest in the firm, making it more vulnerable for a buyout. Turner would see Time Warner and its chairman Gerald Levin, a heavy donor to Jewish causes, exercise more control over the editorial direction of CNN. After the disastrous Time Warner merger with AOL in 2000, CNN, as it was originally envisaged by Turner when he founded the world's first global cable news network, was a thing of the past. CNN's editorial direction saw correspondent Wolf Blitzer, formerly a public affairs spokesman for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), assume dominant anchor responsibilities for CNN's influential Washington bureau after first becoming a CNN anchor in 1999 and moving up the ranks to hosting the three-hour Situation Room in 2005.......''
The recent firings of CNN Middle East editor Octavia Nasr and news anchor Rick Sanchez capped off the slow drift of CNN to becoming a propaganda outlet for Israel and the Israel Lobby in the United States. CNN announced that in its move to help rehabilitate former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, forced from office over a prostitution scandal, he would co-host a program in Sanchez's time slot. CNN Washington is now essentially a Blitzer and Spitzer operation.
© Unknown
Source: WayneMadsenReport.com
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
CNN's Wolf Blitzer - agent of Zionism and CNN's Larry King and "femme sioniste" Christiane Amanpour
By Freedom Research, May 2009 | radioislam.org
CNN:s anchor Wolf Blitzer has for years been one of their main media profiles in charge of explaning the news flow for the millions of CNN viewers.
Some people have understood that Mr. Blitzer - although he doesn´t carry the Jewish skullcap/yarmulke - is a Jew. But that he also is an ardent follower of the state ideology of Israel, Zionism, is perhaps not so well known. The facts are even more compromizing as mr. Blitzer has a background as an open and even paid Zionist propagandist.
From the 1970s Blitzer worked for the pro-Israel lobby organization the American Israel Public Affairs Committee where he had the position as the editor of their monthly in house publication, the "Near East Report". In 1973 Blitzer was hired as a a journalist for the English language Israeli Newspaper Jerusalem Post where he worked as their Washington correspondent/Bureau Chief until 1990, when he quit for CNN.
In CNN Blitzer has been involved in programs such as the "Late Edition" and "The World Today", as CNN:s man to cover the 2004 and 2008 US presidential elections and "The Situation Room", a three-hour afternoon/early evening program.
One can hear Blitzer in his advertisement trailer for the "The Situation Room" as regularly aired on CNN, calling his show "An American perspective on US politics".
An "American" perspective? This makes grim irony when knowing his Zionist agenda.
The clip bellow from a 8th of November 1989 debate at the Penn State University is particularly revealing, where Wolf Blitzer is acting as an advocate of Israel and confronted by anti-Zionist Jewish writer Norman Finkelstein.
Here we can hear the Zionist Blitzer rant:
"Israel has all the justifications in the world to exist."These are the opinions of a man who for millions of viewers worldwide - especially the so-called "elites" who boast that they regularly view CNN to keep themselves "informed" - has the enormous privilege of choosing which news should be divulged and how they should be interpreted, who chooses who to interview and which questions to pose. A racist Zionist deeply entangled both emotionally and professionally with the state of Apartheid Israel.
"Thank God that there is at least one Israel."
"And I think, as I said before, all of us should be delighted that we happen to be around at a time in this world when there is this Israel."
"Zionism is an ideology, its the national liberation movement, of the Jewish people. To deny Zionism, to reject Zionism, is about as racist an element as you can get."

© Unknown
Jewish Zionist Wolf Blitzer interviews Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto as he has interviewed other corrupt Moslem leaders such as Presidents Asif Ali Zardari and Pervez Musharaf and the Afghanistan stooge of Zionism, President Hamid Karzai.
Jewish Zionist Wolf Blitzer interviews Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto as he has interviewed other corrupt Moslem leaders such as Presidents Asif Ali Zardari and Pervez Musharaf and the Afghanistan stooge of Zionism, President Hamid Karzai.
Larry King (actual name Lawrence Zeiger) hosting the show "Larry King Live" is another Jew who has a prominent position in CNN since the start of his show in 1985.

© Unknown
Mugshot of Larry King during his larceny investigation. In the early 1970s, King was entangled in legal and financial troubles. He was arrested on December 20, 1971 and charged with grand larceny. The charges stemmed from a deal he had made with another Jewish person, Louis Wolfson, who had been convicted of selling unregistered stock in 1968.
Mugshot of Larry King during his larceny investigation. In the early 1970s, King was entangled in legal and financial troubles. He was arrested on December 20, 1971 and charged with grand larceny. The charges stemmed from a deal he had made with another Jewish person, Louis Wolfson, who had been convicted of selling unregistered stock in 1968.
Larry - King of CNN
The Jewish Journal.com writes in its article "Q & A With Larry King" by Gaby Wenig, November 13, 2003:
"Larry King is as known for sitting hunched over a microphone, schmoozing with everyone who is anyone, as he is for wearing big black glasses and suspenders over shirt sleeves. But as the TV icon approaches the big 7-0 (his birthday is Nov. 19), he's increasingly wearing something else on his sleeve: his Judaism.Larry King also contributed with a chapter in What Israel Means to Me: By 80 Prominent Writers, Performers, Scholars, Politicians, and Journalists, compilated by arch-Zionist Alan Dershowitz, published by John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
Viewers are as likely to spy him at a benefit for the State of Israel Bonds or the Jewish Braille Institute as they are to see him interviewing the Duchess of York or Barbara Bush on CNN's 'Larry King Live.'"
In it we can read some revealing Larry King statements on the state of modern Apartheid, Israel. King writes (pages 223, 224)
"There is something uplifting and breathtaking about the way Israel was born."
"Visionary Zionists had been working for a Jewish state for some sixty years before Israel´s birth."
"The establishment of the state of Israel was an awesome historical event."
"Israel isn´t a symbol. Israel is the practical manifestation of hope, freedom, and self-determination.CNN's Christiane Amanpour is CNN's Chief International Correspondent and well embedded/in-bedded in the Zionist establishment as she since 1998 is married to James Rubin, whose jewish, who at the time was an Assistant Secretary of State and spokesman for the US State Department during the Clinton regime. The couple Amanpour-Rubin even have a son together.
I´ve never been a particularly observant Jew, but when I look upon Israel´s achievements, its strength and its vibrant democracy, I feel tremendous pride to be a Jew."
The New York Times, August 9, 1998 (page 6 of the New York edition), reported on their half-Jewish wedding:
"Christiane Amanpour, the chief international correspondent for CNN, was married yesterday to James Phillip Rubin, the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.In the Clinton times, Rubin was considered the likewise Jewish Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's right-hand man. Rubin has since worked for Jewish Presidential Candidates General Wesley Clark and John Kerry but also as anchor at the TV show "World News Tonight" on Zionist Rupert Murdoch´s "Sky News".
The Rev. Ambrose O'Farrell, a Roman Catholic priest, performed the ceremony at the Church of Santo Stefano in Bracciano, Italy. Later in the day, Rabbi Guy D. Hall performed a Jewish ceremony at Castello Orsini-Odescalchi."
An article by James Rubin (The Huffington Post, September 4, 2008) on Mr. Joe Biden, who became the Vice-President of the US, reveals Amanpour´s husband´s Zionist affiliations. Rubin writes:
"As far as Israel is concerned, having worked as his senior foreign policy adviser for five years, I know Senator Biden is one of Israel's staunchest supporters in the Senate. In fact, during the time I worked for him, Israel was one of the few subjects we rarely spoke about because his views were so clear and long-standing there wasn't much to say.
He did tell me how support for Israel and Jewish causes was one of the first positions he adopted in the Senate -- initially after talks with a close friend from Delaware and then as a result of his first trip abroad in 1973 when he met Prime Minister Golda Meir and her young military aide, Yitzhak Rabin. He also told me how much he learned from the late Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor and until recently Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who worked as an adviser to Senator Biden in the 1970s. Podhoretz's story about an exchange with Menachem Begin is more than anything else a reminder of how long-standing and close the Senator's relationship is with the state of Israel and how much he has fought for Israel over the years, leading the fight in Congress against the sale of F-15s and AWACs to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and taking on semi-official anti-semitism in the Middle East and Europe."

© Unknown
The Institute of Jewish Policy Research (JPR) carries an article in it´s Newsletter for Autumn 2001 on a lecture delivered by James Rubin at that Jewish institution.
In the photo above From the left: William Frankel CBE, Vice-President of JPR, with James Rubin, former US Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Lord Rothschild GBE, JPR President.
The Institute of Jewish Policy Research (JPR) carries an article in it´s Newsletter for Autumn 2001 on a lecture delivered by James Rubin at that Jewish institution.
In the photo above From the left: William Frankel CBE, Vice-President of JPR, with James Rubin, former US Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Lord Rothschild GBE, JPR President.
"Uzi Safanov, a writer at the Seawanhaka newspaper of Long Island University in New York, agreed. 'I'm a Jew before being a journalist, before someone pays me to write,' he said. 'If I find a negative thing about Israel, I will not print it and I will sink into why did it happen and what can I do to change it.' Safanov said that even if he eventually wrote about negative incidents that happen in Israel, he would try to find the way 'to shift the blame.' "- Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, November 23, 2001, in an article reporting on a Jewish journalist meeting at "Do the Write Thing", a special program for student journalists sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities.
In more than seven years of war in Syria, we have seen many times how Western governments and news media shamelessly invert reality.
The same was seen this week over the grim fighting around Eastern Ghouta, the suburb near the capital, Damascus, where 400,000 people are said to be trapped.
But who is trapping who?
US and European media breathlessly claim that Eastern Ghouta is under siege from Syrian "regime forces" allied with Russia. This description is posing things upside down.
The district was taken over nearly six years ago by foreign-backed extremists, like Jaysh al Islam, Ahrar al Sham, and Al Nusra Front. The latter is an internationally outlawed terror group, but they all share the same murderous ideology, as well as the same Western covert sponsors in the American CIA, British MI6, French DGSE, and lavish Gulf Arab funding. It is these illegally armed insurgents who are holding the civilian population under siege in a reign of terror.
The same situation, and Western inversion of reality, has been seen before, most notably regarding Syria's second city of Aleppo. The Syrian and Russian forces liberated that city at the end of 2016, and since then life for the residents there has fortunately returned to the normal peaceful, pluralist coexistence which prevailed before the foreign-backed terror goons took over.
Yet, Western media and officials continually fabulate about "rebels" and civilians being besieged by Syrian state forces. This inversion of reality is of course necessary in order to push the Western false narrative that has underpinned the covert Western war for regime change in Syria, including the clandestine support for terror groups as proxies.
Further twisting the situation in Eastern Ghouta this week, the Western media blamed the Syrian "regime" and Russia for not implementing a ceasefire plan to enable evacuation of civilians.
Russia proposed a daily five-hour truce, and the Syrian government established humanitarian corridors exiting from the conflict zone. The proposal from Moscow was a reasonable counter to what the US, Britain and France had wanted, which involved a 30-day cessation of all military operations.
The Western powers had tried the same proposal during the liberation of Aleppo. Syria and its legally mandated Russian ally are within their sovereign right to take back remaining territory that has been illegally occupied by foreign-backed militants.
What the Western powers would like to impose is a No-Fly Zone over parts of Syria to enable their residual proxies time and space to regroup. Why should the Syrian government forfeit its sovereign rights by accommodating foreign enemies?
The reason why the Russian humanitarian relief plan proposed this week for Eastern Ghouta did not gain traction was simply because the militants continually shelled the designated corridors for escaping civilians. Video footage clearly showed buses and aid workers organized by the Syrian government waiting to receive the civilians. But none were permitted from the area because of sniper and mortar fire from the militants. ................................
The same was seen this week over the grim fighting around Eastern Ghouta, the suburb near the capital, Damascus, where 400,000 people are said to be trapped.
But who is trapping who?
US and European media breathlessly claim that Eastern Ghouta is under siege from Syrian "regime forces" allied with Russia. This description is posing things upside down.
The district was taken over nearly six years ago by foreign-backed extremists, like Jaysh al Islam, Ahrar al Sham, and Al Nusra Front. The latter is an internationally outlawed terror group, but they all share the same murderous ideology, as well as the same Western covert sponsors in the American CIA, British MI6, French DGSE, and lavish Gulf Arab funding. It is these illegally armed insurgents who are holding the civilian population under siege in a reign of terror.
The same situation, and Western inversion of reality, has been seen before, most notably regarding Syria's second city of Aleppo. The Syrian and Russian forces liberated that city at the end of 2016, and since then life for the residents there has fortunately returned to the normal peaceful, pluralist coexistence which prevailed before the foreign-backed terror goons took over.
Yet, Western media and officials continually fabulate about "rebels" and civilians being besieged by Syrian state forces. This inversion of reality is of course necessary in order to push the Western false narrative that has underpinned the covert Western war for regime change in Syria, including the clandestine support for terror groups as proxies.
Further twisting the situation in Eastern Ghouta this week, the Western media blamed the Syrian "regime" and Russia for not implementing a ceasefire plan to enable evacuation of civilians.
Russia proposed a daily five-hour truce, and the Syrian government established humanitarian corridors exiting from the conflict zone. The proposal from Moscow was a reasonable counter to what the US, Britain and France had wanted, which involved a 30-day cessation of all military operations.
The Western powers had tried the same proposal during the liberation of Aleppo. Syria and its legally mandated Russian ally are within their sovereign right to take back remaining territory that has been illegally occupied by foreign-backed militants.
What the Western powers would like to impose is a No-Fly Zone over parts of Syria to enable their residual proxies time and space to regroup. Why should the Syrian government forfeit its sovereign rights by accommodating foreign enemies?
The reason why the Russian humanitarian relief plan proposed this week for Eastern Ghouta did not gain traction was simply because the militants continually shelled the designated corridors for escaping civilians. Video footage clearly showed buses and aid workers organized by the Syrian government waiting to receive the civilians. But none were permitted from the area because of sniper and mortar fire from the militants. ................................
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