Cambridge Analytica's Mark Turnbull has said that his company has links to certain Israelis and "people who used to work for ... Brad Parscale Trump's political internet fraud gofer is also a penny stock fraudster of course like so many of the Jewish scheisters I find him to have an association such as Uri Tadelis,Harvey Kesner and in my opiniion Facebook's Zuckerberg as well who sleazy 'public company' Facebook has mantained an artificial value only thanks to his Zionist government and Wall Street connections.
Attorney Attorney Kessner and his law firm have suspect connections to and with Israel and Budapest,etc. and a sleezy indebted scam company called PolarityTE™ that he personally touted at the NASDAQ 'BELL RINGING' ceremony.Uri Tadelis who turned up touting Brad Pascale's CloudCommerce has HIS OWN ONGOING U.S. penny stock pump and dump called World Health Energy Holdings Inc. which brags of its 'Israeli software'
Trump's New Campaign Head Linked To Company With Fraud ...
Feb 28, 2018 - The AP's report, published Tuesday, found that Parscale sold his web development company, Giles-Parscale, in August for $9 million to CloudCommerce Inc., which is listed as a penny stock (traded apart from the major exchanges and at a very low price) and hasn't been profitable “in nearly a decade......
Trump Election,Penny Stock Money Launderer Brad Parscale, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica Jewish Zionists,Uri Tadelis,Harvey Kesner
Trump Facebook Internet Stockfraudster Brad Parscale. CloudCommerce Represented By PolarityTE™ Penny Stock Fraudster Attorney Kessner
Facebook and Cambridge Analytica worked side by side at a Trump ...
1 day ago - In fact, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica worked side-by-side for the 2016 Donald Trumpcampaign at its digital operation in San Antonio, Texas—a year ... “Project Alamo,” headed Trump's digital operation and also used information from Cambridge Analytica and the Republican National Committee.......Brad Parscale, a political newbie who created a database nicknamed “Project Alamo,” headed Trump's digital operation and also used information from Cambridge Analytica and the Republican National Committee. Facebook helped disseminate its messages. Parscale has denied that Camridge...https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/brad-parscale-cloud-commerce-ties_us_5a960153e4b0e6a523026b6d
Trump's New Campaign Head Linked To Company With Fraud ...
Feb 28, 2018 - The AP's report, published Tuesday, found that Parscale sold his web development company, Giles-Parscale, in August for $9 million to CloudCommerce Inc., which is listed as a penny stock (traded apart from the major exchanges and at a very low price) and hasn't been profitable “in nearly a decade.The AP’s report, published Tuesday, found that Parscale sold his web development company, Giles-Parscale, in August for $9 million to CloudCommerce Inc., which is listed as a penny stock (traded apart from the major exchanges and at a very low price) and hasn’t been profitable “in nearly a decade.” After the acquisition, Parscale was appointed to CloudCommerce’s board of directors.
According to a recent quarterly earnings report obtained by the AP, the company has $107,000 in funds, but has spent more than $19 million in investor money since 1999......
The company has repeatedly changed its corporate name and lines of business, according to the AP.
Anonymous20 March 2018 at 10:13
There are recent comments in the press that Britain will investigate Cambridge Analytica, because the used Facebook data in violation with privacy.
Steve Bannon of Robert Mercer-owned media outlet Breitbart News joined the Board of Cambridge Analytica. Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway also has close ties to Robert Mercer. Mercer funds Cambridge Analytica. At one time Michael Flynn worked for the parent company of Cambridge Analytica – SCL Group.
From shortly after its inception in 2005 until June 2015, the largest of the 15 shareholders of the UK Strategic Communications Laboratories Ltd. (in 2015 renamed to SCL Group) was Vincent Tchenguiz.
Tchenguiz has been involved with the Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, who was involved with (once Trump’s campaign manager) Paul Manafort.
In March 2011, the brothers Tchenguiz were arrested for a bankruptcy fraud involving the Icelandic bank Kaupthing, for which they were acquitted.
Kaupthing’s largest shareholder, Meidur (now called Exista), owned 25% of its shares, had ties to Alfa Bank. Alfa Bank was caught communicating with a Trump server and Spectrum Health (of the DeVos family) during the US presidential campaign.
Trump adviser Richard Burt was a senior advisor to Alfa Bank. Burt has also been associated with Nat Rothschild, Rusal (of Rothschild and Oleg Deripaska) Henry Kissinger, and Libertarian Congressmen Ron and Rand Paul.
The Alfa Bank was also involved with Gazprom (also active in the Ukraine with Firtash) and (through Sibur) Rothschild agent, Trump’s Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
All this and more in the following thread.
Another interesting story is that Qatar was hit by a blockade shortly after it refused to provide funds to Jared Kushner.
Recently fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson opposed the blockade of Qatar.
Tillerson also got Sheldon Adelson “furious” for wanting to delay the move of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (also in the thread).
Steve Bannon of Robert Mercer-owned media outlet Breitbart News joined the Board of Cambridge Analytica. Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway also has close ties to Robert Mercer. Mercer funds Cambridge Analytica. At one time Michael Flynn worked for the parent company of Cambridge Analytica – SCL Group.
From shortly after its inception in 2005 until June 2015, the largest of the 15 shareholders of the UK Strategic Communications Laboratories Ltd. (in 2015 renamed to SCL Group) was Vincent Tchenguiz.
Tchenguiz has been involved with the Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, who was involved with (once Trump’s campaign manager) Paul Manafort.
In March 2011, the brothers Tchenguiz were arrested for a bankruptcy fraud involving the Icelandic bank Kaupthing, for which they were acquitted.
Kaupthing’s largest shareholder, Meidur (now called Exista), owned 25% of its shares, had ties to Alfa Bank. Alfa Bank was caught communicating with a Trump server and Spectrum Health (of the DeVos family) during the US presidential campaign.
Trump adviser Richard Burt was a senior advisor to Alfa Bank. Burt has also been associated with Nat Rothschild, Rusal (of Rothschild and Oleg Deripaska) Henry Kissinger, and Libertarian Congressmen Ron and Rand Paul.
The Alfa Bank was also involved with Gazprom (also active in the Ukraine with Firtash) and (through Sibur) Rothschild agent, Trump’s Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
All this and more in the following thread.
Another interesting story is that Qatar was hit by a blockade shortly after it refused to provide funds to Jared Kushner.
Recently fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson opposed the blockade of Qatar.
Tillerson also got Sheldon Adelson “furious” for wanting to delay the move of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (also in the thread).
Cambridge Analytica's Mark Turnbull has said that his company has links to certain Israelis and "people who used to work for MI5, MI6".
Executives at Cambridge Analytica have been caught on hidden camera boasting about using Ukrainian sex workers to create honey traps.
Dirty Tricks or Black Ops? .

Cambridge Analytica is part of the SCL group.
Anonymous left this comment on this post -
Steve Bannon of Robert Mercer-owned media outlet Breitbart News joined the Board of Cambridge Analytica.
Cambridge Analytica's Mark Turnbull has said that his company has links to certain Israelis and "people who used to work for MI5, MI6".
Executives at Cambridge Analytica have been caught on hidden camera boasting about using Ukrainian sex workers to create honey traps.
Executives at Cambridge Analytica have been caught boasting about bribing foreign political candidates and of using former intelligence agents to dig up dirt to help them blackmail politicians.
Cambridge Analytica has worked on elections in North and South America, East Asia, Africa and Europe.
Cambridge Analytica has worked on elections in North and South America, East Asia, Africa and Europe.
Dirty Tricks or Black Ops? .

Cambridge Analytica is part of the SCL group.
Anonymous left this comment on this post -
Steve Bannon of Robert Mercer-owned media outlet Breitbart News joined the Board of Cambridge Analytica.
Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway also has close ties to Robert Mercer.
Mercer funds Cambridge Analytica.
At one time Michael Flynn worked for the parent company of Cambridge Analytica – SCL Group.

Who .
From shortly after its inception in 2005 until June 2015, the largest of the 15 shareholders of the UK Strategic Communications Laboratories Ltd. (in 2015 renamed to SCL Group) was Vincent Tchenguiz.
Tchenguiz has been involved with the Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, who was involved with (once Trump’s campaign manager) Paul Manafort.
In March 2011, the brothers Tchenguiz were arrested for a bankruptcy fraud involving the Icelandic bank Kaupthing, for which they were acquitted.
Kaupthing’s largest shareholder, Meidur (now called Exista), owned 25% of its shares, had ties to Alfa Bank.
The Alfa Bank was also involved with Gazprom (also active in the Ukraine with Firtash) and (through Sibur) Rothschild agent, Trump’s Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
https://www.lawfulpath.com/ / Donald Trump's Data Analytics

Cambridge Analytica's CEO Alexander Nix; chief data office Dr Alex Tayler; managing director of CA Political Global Mark Turnbull.

Who .
From shortly after its inception in 2005 until June 2015, the largest of the 15 shareholders of the UK Strategic Communications Laboratories Ltd. (in 2015 renamed to SCL Group) was Vincent Tchenguiz.
Tchenguiz has been involved with the Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, who was involved with (once Trump’s campaign manager) Paul Manafort.
In March 2011, the brothers Tchenguiz were arrested for a bankruptcy fraud involving the Icelandic bank Kaupthing, for which they were acquitted.
Kaupthing’s largest shareholder, Meidur (now called Exista), owned 25% of its shares, had ties to Alfa Bank.
Alfa Bank was caught communicating with a Trump server and Spectrum Health (of the DeVos family) during the US presidential campaign.

Trump adviser Richard Burt was a senior advisor to Alfa Bank.

Trump adviser Richard Burt was a senior advisor to Alfa Bank.
Burt has also been associated with Nat Rothschild, Rusal (of Rothschild and Oleg Deripaska) Henry Kissinger, and Libertarian Congressmen Ron and Rand Paul.
The Alfa Bank was also involved with Gazprom (also active in the Ukraine with Firtash) and (through Sibur) Rothschild agent, Trump’s Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
https://www.lawfulpath.com/ / Donald Trump's Data Analytics

Cambridge Analytica has been hit by allegations that its parent company, SCL Group, tampered in an election in St Kitts and Nevis in 2010.
SCL reportedly carried out a 'sting' on Lindsay Grant, leader of the opposition in St Kitts and Nevis, when he ran against CA's client.
SCL allegedly paid a contractor £12,000 to approach Grant's election campaign, posing as an international property developer, and offer £1.07million in a cut-price deal on 200 acres of land.
The incident, at a Marriott hotel in St Kitts, was filmed on hidden cameras and released online.
SCL allegedly paid a contractor £12,000 to approach Grant's election campaign, posing as an international property developer, and offer £1.07million in a cut-price deal on 200 acres of land.
The incident, at a Marriott hotel in St Kitts, was filmed on hidden cameras and released online.
Cambridge Analytica's CEO Alexander Nix; chief data office Dr Alex Tayler; managing director of CA Political Global Mark Turnbull.
Another interesting story is that Qatar was hit by a blockade shortly after it refused to provide funds to Jared Kushner.
Recently fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson opposed the blockade of Qatar.
Tillerson also got Sheldon Adelson “furious” for wanting to delay the move of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (also in the thread).
Recently fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson opposed the blockade of Qatar.
Tillerson also got Sheldon Adelson “furious” for wanting to delay the move of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (also in the thread).