Israelis Steal Private Info Of 83 Million American J P Morgan Clients - Connected To U.S.Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering,Bitcoin
Israel | JP Morgan
The firm has been committed to serving clients in Israel since the 1960s, when
The Chase Manhattan Bank, a predecessor firm, did business with leading Israeli
U.S., Israel make arrests related to JPMorgan hack: reports | Reuters
6 days ago ... U.S. and Israeli authorities arrested four people in Israel and Florida on Tuesday
in connection with several fraud schemes tied to last summer's ...
Of course The NY Times has known about this issue of Israelis and the CIA and CIA's and City of London connected Agora Inc of Baltimore for years if not decades.Apparently professor Peter J. Henning writing for them is the only one who didn't until now.Professor Henning is writing for the Zionist Israel First NY Times who lied about WMDS in Iraq that did to thousands of Americans being killed and crippled for life and that has placed Agora Inc's Bill Bonner and Lila Rajiva (whoever she is and whereever from)for their scam investment book 'Mobs Markets and Messiahs' THAT THEY PROBABLY BOUGHT COPIES OF THEMSELVES TO GET IT PLACED THERE.
When I posted on the indymedia about Israeli money laundering through penny stocks that included involvemebt of soon to be Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and soon to be convicted of rape Israeli President Moshe Katsav NY Times ignored these facts enabling criminal Olmert to become PM and mercilessly and bomb Lebanon.They were both involved with British Israeli Michael Zwebner's UCSY or Air Water Corp that claimed-lied about making a machine that got water from thin air.
On the other hand when the NY Post's Christopher Byron wrote about me in 2006 as a 'tireless complainant to the SEC'who was pointing out that the CIA wS ALSO INVOLVED AND AIDING AND ABETTING PEN NY STOCK FRAUD - AT TIMES IN DIRECT COLLUSION WITH ISRAELI GOVERNMENT AGENTS - the NY Times attacked me in defense of the CIA and its In-Q-Tel corporate sabotage unit.
Below is a link to the NY Times 'the deal book' - the very same section used by professor Peter J. Henning
that led me to write and post this blog post.NY Times Dealbook uses their article to they and make me look
ignorant and the CIA of course to look innocent.Note that all 3,(pro Israel Zionist),main steam media that covered this story about me and CIA NEVER mentioned Bellador Group because to do so would have given them the obligation to do a real investigation.But NY Post nor NY Times NOR CIA CONNECTED that got a direct reply from In-Q-Tel's and thus the CIA denouncing my investigation and indymedia posts ALL went out of their way not to mention the very Kuala Lumpur operastion Iwas talikng about called Bellador Group because then they would be the ones who were obviously protecting crooks at the CIA and their money laundering operations the the NY Times SEES AS BENEFITTING BOTH ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH ZIONIST CITY OF LONDON AND THUS WHO MUST BE PROTECTED BY THE NY TIMES AT ALL COSTS !See below that the very indymedia article by me that NY Post's Chris Byron refers to has Bellador Group in the title and ALL THREE MSM Zionist digitasl rags that write about me and the CIA ignores that and pretends they can't contact the penny stock promoters I was refering to ! Liars !
See below I mention Bellador Group in the TITLE of my 2005 indymedia post and yet the NY Post,NY Times as well as the that has since remnoved the reply that they received from CIA - In-Q-Tel liar and scumbag Donald Tighe from the internet.
CIA Gains in Hunt for VC CEO
Contrary to a recent media report, the CIA’s venture capital arm is attracting a steady stream of promising candidates to succeed Amit Yoran, who resigned as the CEO of In-Q-Tel three weeks ago, a company spokesperson said Wednesday............
Donald Tighe, the venture group’s vice president of marketing and communications, wouldn’t predict when the firm would appoint Mr. Yoran’s successor. But he did say Heidrick and Struggles, a well-known national search firm, is leading the headhunt.............
Mr. Tighe, however, noted the company’s portfolio has collectively returned somewhere north of 26 percent. “We’re real proud of those numbers,” he said. Mr. Tighe said ID Technologies was not even in In-Q-Tel's portfolio, although the firm had evaluated that company at one point.............
The Post column also flagged comments by frequent Internet poster Tony Ryals, who accuses In-Q-Tel, variously, of participating in penny stock “pump and dump” schemes in a variety of countries, including Dubai, Malaysia, and Israel, with the blogger adding an allegation that the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating In-Q-Tel.
Mr. Tighe said In-Q-Tel does not invest in public companies, and had no involvement in any of those countries mentioned.
“That simply isn’t accurate. We’re open to innovation wherever it is coming from in the world,but we have no activity in those regions,” he said........
SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group ...
Dec 21, 2005 - by Tony Ryals Monday December 19, 2005 at 01:22 PM ... U.S.penny stocks such as Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas who defrauded me with a ... One wonders if there is not perhaps a Bellador Group,CIA connection.:Comments of T. Ryals on S7-19-07
Sep 3, 2007 - IN TRUTH THE LIES OF ALL THESE PENNY STOCK FRAUDS ARE SO ... able to deal with Bellador Group and the now disappeared Peter Taylor(a Brit ?) ... Why not just be honest(hah)about it and if the CIA 'advises' Chris ...
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Spy-Fund Story vs. Spy-Fund Story - DealBook - The New ...
May 18, 2006 - In his column, Mr. Byron made reference to Tony Ryals, who, he wrote, “has been ... been steering money into penny stock 'pump and dump' firms in Israel, Dubai and Malaysia. .... Dear Chris Byron, re CIA,Bellador Group,etc.
The New York Times
Spy-Fund Story vs. Spy-Fund Story
As New York Post columnist Chris Byron tells it, In-Q-Tel, the C.I.A.-funded venture firm, is a stumbling, bumbling mess of an operation. It invests in money-losing companies, fools around with penny stocks and can’t keep chief executives in their jobs, Mr. Byron wrote in his May 15 column.
Mr. Byron noted that the firm has lost two chief executives in the past four months and said it is having trouble finding a replacement.
On Wednesday, The Red Herring followed up on Mr. Byron’s claims. It interviewed Donald Tighe, In-Q-Tel’s vice president of marketing and communications, who said the firm has a list of promising candidates for the chief executive job. Furthermore, the company’s portfolio has shown overall returns of more than 26 percent, he added. Some In-Q-Tel-backed companies do lose money, The Red Herring wrote in its unsigned article, “a situation not unknown to all venture firms.”
In his column, Mr. Byron made reference to Tony Ryals, who, he wrote, “has been bombarding the S.E.C. and Internet message boards for years with claims that he has uncovered a submerged world of In-Q-Tel-linked fraud stretching for Kuala Lumpur to the Middle East.”
According to Mr. Byron, Mr. Ryals’ complaints earlier this month were picked up by a “left-leaning Web site” that “reported that S.E.C. investigators think the C.I.A.-backed venture fund has been steering money into penny stock ‘pump and dump’ firms in Israel, Dubai and Malaysia.”
The firm’s linkages “are bewildering in their complexity” and “typically impossible to follow,” Mr. Byron wrote, “but conspiracy buffs find them irresistible.” As does, apparently, at least one newspaper columnist.
Mr. Byron’s declaration that In-Q-Tel “continues to funnel agency money into penny stock and micro-cap companies in Wall Street’s murkiest back alleys” is also countered in The Red Herring. “In-Q-Tel does not invest in public companies,” Mr. Tighe said. Further, it has “no involvement in any of those countries mentioned” by Mr. Ryals....................
The World Wide Web, the New Frontier in Fraud
JULY 27, 2015
Charges filed last week in Federal District Court in Manhattan in two seemingly unrelated cases give a small peek into the dark world of online crime, in which client information is swapped and the proceeds are sent over networks using new digital currency. As The New York Times reported, what may tie the cases together is a suspected link to the hacking of JPMorgan Chase’s network in 2014. In that incident, contact information for 83 million customer and small-business accounts was obtained, although the bank says that no financial information such as account numbers was taken.
A court in Jerusalem. The man hiding his face is one of two Israelis accused by prosecutors in the United States of operating a multiyear stock manipulation scheme.5 Men, 2 Fraud Schemes and a Possible Link to JPMorgan Chase HackingJULY 23, 2015
A Bitcoin conference and trade show in New York last year. The currency was unveiled by an anonymous creator in 2009.For Ransom, Bitcoin Replaces the Bag of Bills JULY 25, 2015
The security breach appears to have some connection to hackers operating in Russia. That makes it more challenging to find the perpetrators because of that nation’s continuing political tensions with the United States. Who was behind the breach, and how the information might have been used, remains shrouded in mystery at this point.
The charges filed last week in the two cases make no mention of hacking into JPMorgan’s network, and it is unclear whether any of the bank’s client contact information was used or sold. But there are hints at how defendants in one case might have used the information from the breach.
The Justice Department charged three men with securities fraud, identity theft and money-laundering conspiracy related to manipulation of penny stocks in 2011 and 2012, in what are known as pump-and-dump schemes. Two of the defendants, Gery Shalon and Ziv Orenstein, are Israeli citizens. They were arrested there last week and are being held. The third defendant, Joshua Samuel Aaron, is an American citizen living in Israel who is thought to have been in Russia recently, but he has not yet been arrested.
The indictment is a bare-bones set of allegations that gives few details about how the shares were manipulated. A statement by Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan, asserts that the defendants funneled “millions of dollars in unlawful proceeds through a web of international shell companies.” But the indictment itself has nothing about how much money they made from the scheme or the amount of losses that investors suffered. The money-laundering conspiracy references transactions totaling about $1 million, but little else about any connection to the penny-stock fraud.
The government’s filing is clearly a placeholder intended to allow the Justice Department to request the arrest of the three defendants by Israeli authorities and begin the extradition process. We can expect more details as the government supplies evidence to have Mr. Shalon and Mr. Orenstein sent to the United States, but those proceedings can be slow if the defendants fight extradition.
It may seem far-fetched that the JPMorgan breach figures into a penny-stock fraud. But a pump-and-dump scheme is built on the axiom attributed to P.T. Barnum that “there’s a sucker born every minute.” To make such a fraud work requires finding enough gullible investors to buy shares in thinly traded companies so that those who control the shares can sell their positions.
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The indictment accuses the three defendants of sending out spam email that promoted the shares of various companies to generate buying interest. Because penny stocks are not followed by the major brokerage firms, it is easy to drive up the price through sham trading and false rumors and make the so-called suckers think that the price is escalating because of corporate developments. A price rise of just 50 cents from the pump can generate enormous profits when millions of shares are quickly dumped.
The lifeblood of this type of fraud is a fresh supply of potential customers, so gaining access to the JPMorgan customer contact information could be quite valuable. Prosecutors have not yet shown such a link between the security breach and the defendants. But it is a tantalizing possibility that customer information was used for something as prosaic as an old-fashioned penny-stock fraud.
The links between the pump-and-dump scheme and the JPMorgan attack grow with the second case filed last week in Manhattan against Anthony R. Murgio and Yuri Lebedev. That complaint accuses them of operating an illegal money-transfer firm called that converted Bitcoin, the digital currency, into cash for criminals. The Times described on Sunday how Bitcoin had become “a new preferred method for hostage takers” who seize computers and websites and then demand ransom payments in the form of the digital currency.
A memorandum from the Federal Bureau of Investigation written last year identified Mr. Murgio as having some link to the JPMorgan breach, although the details remain sketchy. In an interesting twist, Mr. Murgio and Mr. Levedev attended Florida State University with Mr. Aaron, the missing defendant in the penny-stock case who was last thought to be in Russia.
The penny-stock defendants are accused of using accounts for Cyprus-based shell companies to launder the profits from the stock sales. The complaint against the Bitcoin exchange defendants describes using accounts in Cyprus, Hong Kong and Eastern Europe for their transactions. Mr. Murgio is also accused of taking control of a credit union in New Jersey to process transactions, showing the vulnerability of domestic financial institutions to misuse.
This all may be just a grand coincidence, but it shows the web of connections in the world of online crime and the challenges that investigators face when they try to build cases. Digital currency can disappear in the blink of an eye and bounce through numerous accounts in places where there is little transparency. Penny-stock frauds can be conducted anywhere in the world as long as there is access to servers and email.
We have become accustomed to hearing about computer network attacks and identity theft involving a number of different companies. And the controversy about Bitcoin being involved for illegal transactions is nothing new.
Yet, unlike other types of white-collar crime such as insider trading, prosecutors are struggling to even identify suspects behind these attacks, let alone preventing them from being so profitable.
In the Old West, it was a matter of chasing down train robbers like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Today, it requires penetrating the layers of secrecy provided by the Internet and countries that encourage bank secrecy. It is easy to see that a crime has taken place, but getting the robbers is more difficult than ever.
Peter J. Henning, a professor at Wayne State University Law School, is a co-author of “Securities Crimes (2d edition).” Twitter: @peterjhenning
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New Criticism Over the S.E.C.’s Use of In-House Judges JUL 20
Lawsuit Against General Motors Tests Attorney-Client Privilege JUL 13
Judge Rakoff Ruling on Tips May Help Prosecution on Insider Trading Cases JUL 7
Threat of Pay ‘Clawbacks’ May Be as Powerful as Recoveries JUL 6
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Manhattan D.A.’s Office Appeals Goldman Programmer Case
Sergey Aleynikov, left, with his lawyer, Kevin Marino. A state judge this month had overturned his conviction on a charge that he stole confidential computer code from Goldman Sachs. Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times
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The criminal case against Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman Sachs programmer, just will not die.
Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the district attorney for Manhattan, announced on Monday that his office was appealing a state judge’s ruling that overturned a jury’s conviction of Mr. Aleynikov on a charge he had stolen some of the Wall Street bank’s high-speed trading source code in 2009.
The decision by Mr. Vance’s office was a bit of surprise given the long legal odyssey Mr. Aleynikov has navigated, first in federal court in New York and more recently in state court in Manhattan.
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Sergey Aleynikov, left, the former Goldman Sachs programmer whose conviction was reversed Monday, with Kevin Marino in April.Conviction of Former Goldman Sachs Programmer Is OverturnedJULY 6, 2015
Sergey Aleynikov, left, a former Goldman Sachs programmer, and his lawyer, Kevin Marino, leave State Supreme Court in Manhattan last week.Mixed Verdicts in Second Trial of Aleynikov, Ex-Goldman Sachs ProgrammerMAY 1, 2015
New Stumbles by Prosecutors in Trial of Former Goldman ProgrammerAPRIL 14, 2015
Mr. Aleynikov, a Russian-born American citizen, first managed to get a federal appeals court to throw out his conviction in 2012, only to have prosecutors from Mr. Vance’s office indict him several months later on charges of violating a different set of state criminal laws. In May, a state jury convicted Mr. Aleynikov after more than a week of deliberation of a single count while acquitting on one charge and deadlocking on another count of the indictment...................
Spy-Fund Story vs. Spy-Fund Story - DealBook - The New ...
May 18, 2006 - In his column, Mr. Byron made reference to Tony Ryals, who, he wrote, “has been ... been steering money into penny stock 'pump and dump' firms in Israel, Dubai and Malaysia. .... Dear Chris Byron, re CIA,Bellador Group,etc.
The New York Times
Charles Schwab,CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran,SRA International ...
Feb 13, 2006 - by Tony Ryals ( endoscam [at] ) ... I hope your presence there prevents many a penny stock and pump and dump scam from ... Is Bellador Group boiler room CIA connected or do they just have a lot of 'chutzpa' or ...
San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center
SEC,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S ...
May 22, 2006 - WHETHER the SEC has looked into Ryals' charges and found them ... Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud ..... Kuala Lumpur and Dubai connected boiler room(Bellador Group)not only for a ...SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group ...
Dec 21, 2005 - by Tony Ryals Monday December 19, 2005 at 01:22 PM ... U.S.penny stocks such as Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas who defrauded me with a ... One wonders if there is not perhaps a Bellador Group,CIA connection.:Comments of T. Ryals on S7-19-07
Sep 3, 2007 - IN TRUTH THE LIES OF ALL THESE PENNY STOCK FRAUDS ARE SO ... able to deal with Bellador Group and the now disappeared Peter Taylor(a Brit ?) ... Why not just be honest(hah)about it and if the CIA 'advises' Chris ...
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Dear Chris Byron, re CIA,Bellador Group,etc. - OffshoreAlert
indeed wish to bring all attention I can to both Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and ... indeed allow to deal in U.S. penny stocks as well as In Q Tel's involvement in penny stocks as ... by Tony Ryals Wednesday December 21, 2005 at 10:22 AMZionist NSA Air Force Terrorist,Torturer Michael Hayden,CIA ...
Dec 10, 2014 - Peter Taylor of Bellador Group by the way appeared to have links not only to CIA ..... Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud ,Terrorism - by Tony Ryals .political and science rhymes: SEC:CIA HAS NO ...
May 6, 2013 - In his column, Mr. Byron made reference to Tony Ryals, who, he wrote, “has been ... been steering money into penny stock 'pump and dump' firms in Israel, Dubai and Malaysia. ..... Dear Chris Byron, re CIA,Bellador Group,etc.SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group - UK ...
Dec 24, 2005 - by Tony Ryals Monday December 19, 2005 at 01:22 PM ... U.S.penny stocks such as Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas who defrauded me with a ... One wonders if there is not perhaps a Bellador Group,CIA connection.
Independent Media Center
Penny stock pump and dump schemes and naked shorting! - Democratic ...
Oct 30, 2007 - I say this because Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai as well as ... into the CIA's penny stock dealings and even their using sensational claims ....Ryals, who accuses In-Q-Tel, variously, of participating in penny stock ...
Democratic Underground
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