Donald Clark who also 'investigated' or covered up true facts behind Achiles Lauro cruise ship terrorism used to blame Palestinians for 'terrorizing' Israelis and Jews again was later involved in the WTC bombing cover up for his FBI terrorist colleagues probably in collusion wirh high level Pro Israel Jewish Zionists who wanted to bomb WTC in 1993 to restart U.S.war in Midle Est shortly afer President George Herbert Walker Bush's Gulf War.Donald Clark was later head of Bush's Houston FBI Office and helped corrupt Houston attorneys Wes Christian and deceased John O'Quinn run a stock fraud hoax called 'naked short selling' of penny stocks that was use to cover uip or distract from Israeli and even CIA involvement in using worthless U.S.incorporated 'peny stovks' for faud and money laundsering to fund their decadent lifestyles and probably promote more covert terrorism against AMERICANS AND OTHERS.
Gene Dios - Don Clark's Big Lie About Roland Carnaby
1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia, the free ...
CBS News - FBI Foreknowledge of the 1993 World Trade ...
Dec 14, 2010 - Uploaded by rubixlucifer
Dan Rather reports that the FBI ran a fake terror drill with a real ... CBS News - FBI Foreknowledge of the ...Bomb Informer's Tapes Give Rare Glimpse of F.B.I. Dealings ...
The New York Times
1993 World Trade Center An FBI Setup - Ted Gunderson ...
Apr 29, 2011 - Uploaded by Anthony Hilder
It proves that Apparatchecks of the Government working through the FBI and CIA carried both 1993 and 9/11 ...CIA trained and funded 1993 wtc bombers - JREF Forum
James Randi Educational Foundation
Aug 10, 2007 - 40 posts - 19 authors
CIA trained and funded 1993 wtc bombers 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. ... is completely different from your "FBI" funds the 1993 WTC bombers.
Ali Mohamed became a friend of El Sayyid Nosair.
El Sayyid Nosair - History Commons.
El Sayyid Nosair became involved with the CIA's al-Farouq mosque and with the CIA's Ali Mohamed.
El Sayyid Nosair lost his job as a lighting technician following an injury.
Zak was aged 7 when his father, El Sayyid Nosair, was arrested for the shooting of Rabbi Meir Kahane.
El Sayyid Nosair has been in prison ever since.
El Sayyid Nosair was put on trial for the 1990 assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane a right-wing Israeli politician.
In 1991, El Sayyid Nosair was acquitted of the murder, but sent to jail on other charges.
El Sayyid Nosair was later accused of "plotting the 1993 World Trade Center bombing" while he was in jail.

Zak Ebrahim with his father, El-Sayyid Nosair
Zak had a 'relatively normal' early childhood in Pittsburgh, 'with soccer, Disney movies and family togetherness.'

El-Sayyid Nosair's son, Zak Ebrahim, 31, has spent a lifetime being puzzled.
Zak Ebrahim, presumably with the help of the CIA, has written a memoir entitled: The Terrorist's Son: A Story of Choice.

Zak's mother was Karen Ann Mills Sweeney.
Zak's mother was Karen Ann Mills Sweeney.
Zak had a 'relatively normal' early childhood in Pittsburgh, 'with soccer, Disney movies and family togetherness.'
Zak describes El-Sayyid Nosair as a kind, hands-on father with a slapstick sense of humour and a fondness for American culture.

However, El Sayyid Nosair moved his young family from Pittsburgh to Jersey City after an accusation of rape by a woman from the family's mosque.

Brooklyn's al-Farouq mosque, which has links to the CIA.
El Sayyid Nosair became involved with the CIA's al-Farouq mosque and with the CIA's Ali Mohamed.
El Sayyid Nosair lost his job as a lighting technician following an injury.
El Sayyid Nosair became friends with Abdullah Yusuf Azzam who was a friend of the CIA's Osama bin Laden.
Zak was aged 7 when his father, El Sayyid Nosair, was arrested for the shooting of Rabbi Meir Kahane.
El Sayyid Nosair has been in prison ever since.
The last time Zak spoke to his father was in 1998.

Zak (left)
Zak does not seem to understand that his father has been manipulated and mind-controlled.
Early terrorist in U.S. condemns today's jihad - LA Times
My father was a terrorist. I'm not: Zak Ebrahim at TED2014 | TED Blog
My dad, the terrorist: 1993 WTC jihadist’s son reveals painful past | New York Post
No Tanks!
Mar 3, 2011 - Dan Rather CBS – FBI Involvement in 1993 WTC Bombing ... JB: It's what Kennedy said about the CIA – smashed into a million pieces.
THE NEW YORK TIMES. * * * * *. Thursday October 28, 1993 Page A1. "Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast". By Ralph ...
Feb 26, 2003 - "Many of the individuals involved in the 1993 WTC bombing were ... popular culture that portrayed the CIA and the FBI as 10-feet tall," he said.
Jul 23, 2009 - Ted Gunderson, former FBI chief of three major US cities, says in this documentary that the FBI and CIA MUST have had prior knowledge of the ...
(published in Prevailing Winds Magazine, Number 3, 1993 ... bomb at the World Trade Center in New York on February 26 of this year (1993), FBI ... are completed," if only because the bombing "could," according to CIA analyst Graham Fuller, ...
WTC 1993 world trade center bombing van 9/11 terror attack Salameh ... Within moments of the explosion, James Fox, assistant FBI director, declared that ... They were snuck into the country by the CIA, despite a State Department ban on their ...
In 1993, the FBI tried to bring down one of the World Trade Center towers. The massive supporting columns proved a little to strong even for the FBI's...
Zak (left)
Zak does not seem to understand that his father has been manipulated and mind-controlled.
Early terrorist in U.S. condemns today's jihad - LA Times
My father was a terrorist. I'm not: Zak Ebrahim at TED2014 | TED Blog
My dad, the terrorist: 1993 WTC jihadist’s son reveals painful past | New York Post
No Tanks!
Dan Rather CBS – FBI Involvement in 1993 WTC Bombing ... › Americas
The FBI Allowed the 1993 WTC Bombing to Happen
BBC NEWS | Americas | Lessons of first WTC bombing
British Broadcasting Corporation
Former FBI Chief says FBI/CIA were behind 1993 WTC bombing ...
Who Bombed the U.S. World Trade Center? - Taking Aim ...
First WTC Bombing - 9-11 Review
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