Rothschild,Winston Churchill And Jewish Zionist Infiltration Of Politics,Intelligence In UK And City Of London
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Sunday, 21 September 2014

1917 was the year of the Balfour Declaration which stated that the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish "national home" in Palestine.
The UK Prime Minster, David Lloyd George (above) supported the Zionist cause.
Lloyd George 'was beholden to Rufus Isaacs, by whom he was implicated in insider trading in Marconi shares.'
Lloyd-George also seduced and molested large numbers of young ladies, which left him open to blackmail.

Churchill's Jewish mother, Jeanette Jerome. There is some doubt about who was Churchill's real father.
In 1917 Churchill supported the Balfour Declaration, which favoured a national home for the Jews in Palestine.
In 1917 Churchill supported the Balfour Declaration, which favoured a national home for the Jews in Palestine.
Churchill's financial backers were Jewish.

One of Churchill's chief friends was Rufus Daniel Isaacs (above), who was Foreign secretary, Lord Chief justice and a Marquis.

Agents of the elite infiltrate political parties.
Hugh Dalton (above) was one of several top Zionist who became powerful within the UK government.
Hugh Dalton helped pave the way for the creation of Israel.
Hugh Dalton shaped UK Labour Party foreign-policy from the 1930s onwards.
Hugh Dalton served in Churchill's wartime cabinet.

Prince Albert Victor.
Hugh Dalton's father, a Church of England clergyman, was tutor to princes Albert Victor andGeorge, later King George V.

Prince Albert Victor was involved in the Cleveland Street boy brothel scandal of 1889.
Hugh Dalton's biographer Ben Pimlott suggested that Hugh Dalton was homosexual.

Special Operations Executive.
Hugh Dalton was educated at Eton, Cambridge and the London School of Economics, all recruiting grounds for spies.
During World War II, Hugh Dalton set up the Special Operations Executive, and was later a member of the executive committee of the Political Warfare Executive.

James Bond (right) and a reportedly gay man. The author Ian Fleming was of course gay and a spy.
Hugh Dalton acted as a mentor to various handsome young lads.

Leo Amery
Leo Amery was in Winston Churchill's Cabinet.
Leo's mother was Jewish-Hungarian.
Leo was the author of the final draft of the Balfour Declaration, a trustee of the Rhodes Trust and a supporter of the Rothschild-Warburg-financed Paneuropa Union.
Leo Amery's sons were John Amery and Julian Amery

John Amery
John Amery was a diamond smuggler, gun-runner, fascist, bisexual, and a bigamist through his marriages to two prostitutes.
In 1942, John Amery made Nazi propaganda broadcasts from Berlin.

Herbert Morrison
After World War II, the UK and its Labour Government were targeted by Jewish terrorists hoping to drive the British out of Palestine.
Many of the top people in the UK were secretly supporting the terrorists.
The British Cabinet at this time contained a number of reported Jews, and crypto-Jews, such as Herbert Morrison, George Isaacs, and Emanuel Shinwell.
Hugh Dalton was one of the Zionists in the cabinet.
One of the key people in MI5 was Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away British nuclear secrets to Israel.

Winston Churchill's close friend Robert Boothby (above left with a gangster and a young man) was another top Zionist.
Boothby was involved with rent boys and the part-Jewish Kray Twins, who were suppliers of boys to the elite.

Special Operations Executive.
Hugh Dalton was educated at Eton, Cambridge and the London School of Economics, all recruiting grounds for spies.
During World War II, Hugh Dalton set up the Special Operations Executive, and was later a member of the executive committee of the Political Warfare Executive.
James Bond (right) and a reportedly gay man. The author Ian Fleming was of course gay and a spy.
Hugh Dalton acted as a mentor to various handsome young lads.

Leo Amery
Leo Amery was in Winston Churchill's Cabinet.
Leo's mother was Jewish-Hungarian.
Leo was the author of the final draft of the Balfour Declaration, a trustee of the Rhodes Trust and a supporter of the Rothschild-Warburg-financed Paneuropa Union.
Leo Amery's sons were John Amery and Julian Amery

John Amery
John Amery was a diamond smuggler, gun-runner, fascist, bisexual, and a bigamist through his marriages to two prostitutes.
In 1942, John Amery made Nazi propaganda broadcasts from Berlin.

Herbert Morrison
After World War II, the UK and its Labour Government were targeted by Jewish terrorists hoping to drive the British out of Palestine.
Many of the top people in the UK were secretly supporting the terrorists.
The British Cabinet at this time contained a number of reported Jews, and crypto-Jews, such as Herbert Morrison, George Isaacs, and Emanuel Shinwell.
Hugh Dalton was one of the Zionists in the cabinet.
One of the key people in MI5 was Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away British nuclear secrets to Israel.

Winston Churchill's close friend Robert Boothby (above left with a gangster and a young man) was another top Zionist.
Boothby was involved with rent boys and the part-Jewish Kray Twins, who were suppliers of boys to the elite.

"This book unveils the reality of an inbred caste... and its ... servile substrata of button-polishing bully-boys." - The Observer
Calder Walton's book Empire of Secrets tells the story of Britain's spies.
Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton – Observer / How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy / Empire of Secrets by Calder - Telegraph. / Bernard Porter reviews 'Empire of Secrets' / Book review: Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton
Calder Walton explains how the British spies operating in Palestine and in the UK were outwitted by the Zionists.
Immediately after World War II, MI5 had its number reduced from 350 officers to around 100 officers.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Top spy Kim Philby, friend of Victor Rothschild. Britain's spies seem to be a strange mixture of homosexuals, fascists, Satanists and Zionists. PHILBY : WHO WAS HE WORKING FOR?
"In April 1947 a female terrorist slipped into the main headquarters of the Colonial Office in London."
She was carrying "twenty-four sticks of dynamite, wrapped in newspaper."
Her aim was "to use violence to force the British government into establishing an independent Jewish state in Palestine."

The Jewish terrorists had a plan to bomb the UK parliament from the air.
According to Calder Walton, Britain lost the intelligence war in Palestine.
Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton – Observer
The Zionists had fully infiltrated MI5 and MI6.

British army sergeants, Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice murdered by the Irgun in July 1947.
During World war II, members of the Irgun and the Stern Gang had been in the British army and had been trained by MI6.
Some of these Jewish terrorists remained in the British army after the end of World War II.

MI5 relied on getting getting much of its information from such people as Reuven Zislani.
Zislani worked in the foreign intelligence department of the Jewish Agency, a body which encourages Jews to move to 'Israel'.
After 1948 Zislani changed his name to Reuven Shiloah and he became the first head of the Mossad.
One leader of the IRA was the Jewish, Zionist Robert Briscoe, a future mayor of Dublin.
Briscoe supported Irgun.
He said he helped the Irgun to organize themselves on "IRA lines."

Chaim Herzog
The former chief rabbi of Ireland, Isaac Herzog, moved to Palestine in 1936 and gave his support to Zionist terrorism.
Isaac Herzog's son Chaim Herzog, who was born in the United Kingdom, was in British military intelligence.
He eventually became president of Israel.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Rahm Emanuel and his father Benjamin Emanuel. Benjamin was in Irgun and 'specialised in bus bombings'. Benjamin was a Jew from Russia and his real name was Ezekiel Auerbach.
The US government supported the Zionists and so gave no support to MI5 in its struggles against the Jewish terrorists.
US Navy intelligence was intercepting cable traffic with Jewish gun-runners.
But, this intelligence was not shared with Britain, and nor was it acted upon by the US government.
Jewish groups within the USA were giving military aid to the Irgun and the Stern Gang.
The Soviet communists were also believed to be giving help to Jewish terrorists.

Thatcher, many of whose friends were child-abusing Jews, reportedly.
In 1945, the Zionists were clearly the enemy of Britain.

A drive-by shooting in which Jewish Irgun terrorists shot several Arab bystanders after raiding the Jaffa Ottoman Bank. This Day in History.
In 1945, MI5 was responsible for security intelligence in all the territories controlled by Britain, from India to Palestine.
A main priority for MI5 was the threat of terrorism from the Jewish terrorists - the Irgun and the Stern Gang.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy
In the spring and summer of 1946, MI5 received reports that the Irgun and the Stern Gang were planning to send five terrorist "cells" to London, "to work on IRA lines."
The reports stated that among the targets for assassination were Britain's foreign secretary, Ernest Bevin, and the British prime minister Clement Attlee.

The Deir Yassin massacre. The Jewish gangsters who had arrived from Europe and America massacred Palestinian women and children in order to drive them off their land.
In November 1944, in Cairo, the Stern Gang assassinated the British minister for the Middle East, Lord Moyne.
In June 1946, in British controlled Palestine, the Irgun bombed five trains and 10 bridges.
In July 1946, the Irgun bombed Jerusalem's King David Hotel, which housed British officials and which was the headquarters of the British Army in Palestine.
The bombing was planned by the Nobel peace Prize winner Menachem Begin.
91 people died in the bombing.

The Jewish criminal and terrorist Menachem Begin, who was born in Belarus.
Menachem Begin was being hunted by MI5, but was able to give an interview to the author Arthur Koestler.
In October 1946, Irgun bombed the British Embassy in Rome.
In late 1946 and early 1947, the Jewish terrorists carried out sabotage attacks on British military transport routes in Germany.
In March 1947, Irgun bombed the Colonial Club in London.
In June 1947, the Stern Gang launched a letter-bomb campaign targeting all the top members of the British cabinet.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

In the late 1800s, Palestine had very few Jews (about 4% of the population). Most of the population were Arabs. Most of the 'Jews', who pushed their way into Palestine to found the state of Israel, were 'Khazars' who had converted to the Jewish religion. Jews - Aangirfan.
MI5 believed that mass Jewish immigration from Europe and the USA to Palestine would cause strife as more and more Palestinians were driven off their land.
The British tried to stop the ships carrying 'Jews' to Palestine.
However, in 1947, Britain gave up on Palestine and this led to the creation of Israel.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Rothschild's friends: the spies Blunt, Maclean, Burgess and Philby
One of Britain's top spies was Kim Philby, who was a close friend of Lord Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away secrets to Israel.
Kim Philby's father, Harry St John Philby, supported the idea of an Israeli state.
It is believed that Kim Philby may have circulated disinformation about Irgun's plans, as a way of helping Irgun.
Kim Philby eventually escaped to the Soviet Union.
More here: How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Justin Welby (left), with Sir John Sawers (right) currently head of MI6, in Baghdad 2003.
Increasingly, all the top positions in the UK are going to people with 'Jewish connections'.
Archbishop Justin Welby, the head of the Anglican Church, is the son of a German Jew called Bernard Weiler.
Justin Welby: Secret life of my father

Immediately after World War II, MI5 had its number reduced from 350 officers to around 100 officers.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Top spy Kim Philby, friend of Victor Rothschild. Britain's spies seem to be a strange mixture of homosexuals, fascists, Satanists and Zionists. PHILBY : WHO WAS HE WORKING FOR?
She was carrying "twenty-four sticks of dynamite, wrapped in newspaper."
Her aim was "to use violence to force the British government into establishing an independent Jewish state in Palestine."

The Jewish terrorists had a plan to bomb the UK parliament from the air.
According to Calder Walton, Britain lost the intelligence war in Palestine.
Empire of Secrets by Calder Walton – Observer
The Zionists had fully infiltrated MI5 and MI6.

British army sergeants, Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice murdered by the Irgun in July 1947.
During World war II, members of the Irgun and the Stern Gang had been in the British army and had been trained by MI6.
Some of these Jewish terrorists remained in the British army after the end of World War II.

MI5 relied on getting getting much of its information from such people as Reuven Zislani.
Zislani worked in the foreign intelligence department of the Jewish Agency, a body which encourages Jews to move to 'Israel'.
After 1948 Zislani changed his name to Reuven Shiloah and he became the first head of the Mossad.
One leader of the IRA was the Jewish, Zionist Robert Briscoe, a future mayor of Dublin.
Briscoe supported Irgun.
He said he helped the Irgun to organize themselves on "IRA lines."

Chaim Herzog
The former chief rabbi of Ireland, Isaac Herzog, moved to Palestine in 1936 and gave his support to Zionist terrorism.
Isaac Herzog's son Chaim Herzog, who was born in the United Kingdom, was in British military intelligence.
He eventually became president of Israel.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Rahm Emanuel and his father Benjamin Emanuel. Benjamin was in Irgun and 'specialised in bus bombings'. Benjamin was a Jew from Russia and his real name was Ezekiel Auerbach.
The US government supported the Zionists and so gave no support to MI5 in its struggles against the Jewish terrorists.
US Navy intelligence was intercepting cable traffic with Jewish gun-runners.
But, this intelligence was not shared with Britain, and nor was it acted upon by the US government.
Jewish groups within the USA were giving military aid to the Irgun and the Stern Gang.
The Soviet communists were also believed to be giving help to Jewish terrorists.

Thatcher, many of whose friends were child-abusing Jews, reportedly.
In 1945, the Zionists were clearly the enemy of Britain.

A drive-by shooting in which Jewish Irgun terrorists shot several Arab bystanders after raiding the Jaffa Ottoman Bank. This Day in History.
In 1945, MI5 was responsible for security intelligence in all the territories controlled by Britain, from India to Palestine.
A main priority for MI5 was the threat of terrorism from the Jewish terrorists - the Irgun and the Stern Gang.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy
In the spring and summer of 1946, MI5 received reports that the Irgun and the Stern Gang were planning to send five terrorist "cells" to London, "to work on IRA lines."
The reports stated that among the targets for assassination were Britain's foreign secretary, Ernest Bevin, and the British prime minister Clement Attlee.

The Deir Yassin massacre. The Jewish gangsters who had arrived from Europe and America massacred Palestinian women and children in order to drive them off their land.
In November 1944, in Cairo, the Stern Gang assassinated the British minister for the Middle East, Lord Moyne.
In June 1946, in British controlled Palestine, the Irgun bombed five trains and 10 bridges.
In July 1946, the Irgun bombed Jerusalem's King David Hotel, which housed British officials and which was the headquarters of the British Army in Palestine.
The bombing was planned by the Nobel peace Prize winner Menachem Begin.
91 people died in the bombing.

The Jewish criminal and terrorist Menachem Begin, who was born in Belarus.
Menachem Begin was being hunted by MI5, but was able to give an interview to the author Arthur Koestler.
In October 1946, Irgun bombed the British Embassy in Rome.
In late 1946 and early 1947, the Jewish terrorists carried out sabotage attacks on British military transport routes in Germany.
In March 1947, Irgun bombed the Colonial Club in London.
In June 1947, the Stern Gang launched a letter-bomb campaign targeting all the top members of the British cabinet.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

In the late 1800s, Palestine had very few Jews (about 4% of the population). Most of the population were Arabs. Most of the 'Jews', who pushed their way into Palestine to found the state of Israel, were 'Khazars' who had converted to the Jewish religion. Jews - Aangirfan.
MI5 believed that mass Jewish immigration from Europe and the USA to Palestine would cause strife as more and more Palestinians were driven off their land.
The British tried to stop the ships carrying 'Jews' to Palestine.
However, in 1947, Britain gave up on Palestine and this led to the creation of Israel.
How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Rothschild's friends: the spies Blunt, Maclean, Burgess and Philby
One of Britain's top spies was Kim Philby, who was a close friend of Lord Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away secrets to Israel.
Kim Philby's father, Harry St John Philby, supported the idea of an Israeli state.
It is believed that Kim Philby may have circulated disinformation about Irgun's plans, as a way of helping Irgun.
Kim Philby eventually escaped to the Soviet Union.
More here: How Zionist Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy

Justin Welby (left), with Sir John Sawers (right) currently head of MI6, in Baghdad 2003.
Increasingly, all the top positions in the UK are going to people with 'Jewish connections'.
Archbishop Justin Welby, the head of the Anglican Church, is the son of a German Jew called Bernard Weiler.
Justin Welby: Secret life of my father

At Eton, Justin Welby studied 'alongside the scions of banking dynasties'.
"The head of the Church of England (Justin Welby) has a secret past smuggling in cold war Europe, briefing US state department officials on rebels in the Niger Delta and chatting to the future head of MI6 in Baghdad."
MI6 spy - Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Justin Welby, as a young man, "was an Elf finance 'shark'".
dailymail / WELBY 'THE SPOOK'.

In 'Churchill and the Jews', by historian Martin Gilbert, it is argued that Winston Churchill was the champion of the Jewish people.
Churchill's mother was Jeanette "Jennie" Jerome.
In an article in The Jerusalem Post, 15 January 1993, Moshe Kohn explained that the Jerome family name was originally Jacobson, and that Jennie was of Jewish descent.

L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke's Peerage, wrote that:

In 'Churchill and the Jews', by historian Martin Gilbert, it is argued that Winston Churchill was the champion of the Jewish people.
Churchill's mother was Jeanette "Jennie" Jerome.
In an article in The Jerusalem Post, 15 January 1993, Moshe Kohn explained that the Jerome family name was originally Jacobson, and that Jennie was of Jewish descent.

Churchill's Jewish mother, Jeanette Jerome.
L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke's Peerage, wrote that:
"Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also."
(Tales of the British Aristocracy 1957, p.219.)
Mountbatten, the uncle of Prince Philip, married the granddaughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel.
Mountbatten, the uncle of Prince Philip, married the granddaughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel.
Ernest Cassel.
Churchill's closest American friend was the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch.
Churchill found 'Jewish money' useful.

Reportedly, there are very few English aristocrat families left that have not intermarried with Jews.
( - exposing feminism and the new world order)
Reportedly, Jennie Jerome's father, Leonard Jerome, 'was the Jewish owner of the New York Times.
Reportedly, Jennie Jerome's father, Leonard Jerome, 'was the Jewish owner of the New York Times.
He was a close friend of August Belmont, Sr American representative of the Rothschildfamily's banking.'

Sir Philip Sassoon
According to an article in The Independent:

Sir Philip Sassoon
According to an article in The Independent:
"Churchill benefited from the generosity of rich Jews such as Sir Ernest Cassel and even joked about Sir Philip Sassoon being the restaurant car attached to his train. His sponging induced grotesque fantasies that he was in the pay of 'International Jewry'."
Cassel was alleged to have been involved in a financial scam along with Churchill during the First World war.
Cassel was alleged to have been involved in a financial scam along with Churchill during the First World war.
Allegedly, Churchill was bribed by Cassel to rig the news releases after the Battle of Jutland, so that Cassel could make up $40 million on the New York stock exchange.
Churchill's closest American friend was the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch.
Churchill found 'Jewish money' useful.

Henry Strakosch
By 1938 Churchill was in financial difficulty.
According to an article at (Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin: Bosom Pals) :
According to an article at (Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin: Bosom Pals) :
"At this hour of crisis a dark and mysterious figure entered Churchill's life: he was Henry Strakosch, a multi-millionaire Jew who had acquired a fortune speculating in South African mining ventures after his family had migrated to that country from eastern Austria.
"Strakosch stepped forward, advanced the ageing demagogue a 'loan' of £150,000 just in time to save his estate from the auctioneer, and then quietly slipped into the background again.
"In the years that followed, Strakosch served as Churchill's adviser and confidant.."
Another friend of Churchill was Chaim Weizmann, President of theWorld Zionist Organization and the first President of Israel.

Another Churchill friend was Rufus Isaacs (above) who became (as Lord Reading) both viceroy of India and foreign secretary.
"Strakosch stepped forward, advanced the ageing demagogue a 'loan' of £150,000 just in time to save his estate from the auctioneer, and then quietly slipped into the background again.
"In the years that followed, Strakosch served as Churchill's adviser and confidant.."
Another friend of Churchill was Chaim Weizmann, President of theWorld Zionist Organization and the first President of Israel.

Another Churchill friend was Rufus Isaacs (above) who became (as Lord Reading) both viceroy of India and foreign secretary.
Isaacs was suspected of having had a hold over certain politicians and of having used this to advance the cause of Zionism.
What was Churchill's attitude to Jews and to the setting up of a Jewish state?
In 1920, Churchill wrote about a Jewish state which would be linked to Britain: 'If as may well happen, there should be created in our own lifetime by the banks of the Jordan a Jewish State under the protection of the British Crown, which might comprise three or four millions of Jews, an event would have occurred in the history of the world which would, from every point of view, be beneficial.'
In 1920, Churchill wrote about a Jewish state which would be linked to Britain: 'If as may well happen, there should be created in our own lifetime by the banks of the Jordan a Jewish State under the protection of the British Crown, which might comprise three or four millions of Jews, an event would have occurred in the history of the world which would, from every point of view, be beneficial.'
(Real History and what Great People thought of the Jews )
Churchill was the colonial secretary (1921-22) who had the job of implementing the Balfour Declaration.
In 1921, in the House of Commons, Churchill spoke in favour of Jewish land purchase in Palestine.
In 1922, Churchill's White Paper stated that the Jews were in Palestine 'of right, and not on sufferance'.
In the 1930s, Churchill opposed proposals to limit Jewish immigration into Palestine.
Churchill resisted the setting up of democratic institutions in Palestine, which would have given the Palestinians a chance to oppose the immigration into Palestine of Jews from Europe, America and elsewhere.
Churchill was the colonial secretary (1921-22) who had the job of implementing the Balfour Declaration.
In 1921, in the House of Commons, Churchill spoke in favour of Jewish land purchase in Palestine.
In 1922, Churchill's White Paper stated that the Jews were in Palestine 'of right, and not on sufferance'.
In the 1930s, Churchill opposed proposals to limit Jewish immigration into Palestine.
Churchill resisted the setting up of democratic institutions in Palestine, which would have given the Palestinians a chance to oppose the immigration into Palestine of Jews from Europe, America and elsewhere.
Churchill saw the Arabs as a "lower manifestation" of humanity, who would use their huge majority to keep out Jews.
(Churchill and the Jews, by Martin Gilbert - Independent Online ...)
During the second world war Churchill suggested appointing the Zionist leader, Dr Chaim Weizmann, as British high commissioner for Palestine.
When Jews used terrorism against the British in Palestine and against the British mainland, Churchill continued to support the Zionist aims.
During the second world war Churchill suggested appointing the Zionist leader, Dr Chaim Weizmann, as British high commissioner for Palestine.
When Jews used terrorism against the British in Palestine and against the British mainland, Churchill continued to support the Zionist aims.
In 1944, the Jewish Stern Gang assassinated Churchill's close friend Lord Moyne.
After this murder, Churchill tried to distance himself somewhat from the extremists.
( aangirfan: An attempt to bomb the House of Commons)
Piers Brendon (Churchill and the Jews, by Martin Gilbert - Independent Online ... ) believes that Churchill "saw the Holy Land, a quasi-colony guarding the Suez Canal, as 'an immense advantage to the British Empire'."
Churchill preferred Jews to Arabs. But he apparently believed in conspiracy theories about the Jews.
In 1920, Churchill wrote an article entitled 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' which appeared in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (February 8, 1920). (The
Churchill wrote: ‘This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
"It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.
"It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their beards and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
In 1937 an article under the name of Winston Churchill blamed Jews for their own persecution.
(Churchill took swipe at Jews in 1937 article - International ... )
Some experts say this 1937 article was never published because Churchill rejected the views of the ghost-writer who composed it.
Some European Christian supporters of the Balfour Declaration wanted the setting up of Jewish homeland so that Jews would leave Europe.
"Many British Zionists, including Balfour... thought Gentile society could not assimilate 'rootless cosmopolitans'."
Piers Brendon (Churchill and the Jews, by Martin Gilbert - Independent Online ... ) believes that Churchill "saw the Holy Land, a quasi-colony guarding the Suez Canal, as 'an immense advantage to the British Empire'."
Churchill preferred Jews to Arabs. But he apparently believed in conspiracy theories about the Jews.
In 1920, Churchill wrote an article entitled 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' which appeared in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (February 8, 1920). (The
Churchill wrote: ‘This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
"It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.
"It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their beards and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
In 1937 an article under the name of Winston Churchill blamed Jews for their own persecution.
(Churchill took swipe at Jews in 1937 article - International ... )
Some experts say this 1937 article was never published because Churchill rejected the views of the ghost-writer who composed it.
Some European Christian supporters of the Balfour Declaration wanted the setting up of Jewish homeland so that Jews would leave Europe.
"Many British Zionists, including Balfour... thought Gentile society could not assimilate 'rootless cosmopolitans'."
Herbert Morrison was the grandfather to Peter Mandelson
'NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS' by Arthur Greenwood (British War Cabinet)
read pages 305-307 from The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction & Domination by Deanna Spingola in which Leo Amery goads Greenwood to vote against appeasement, ironically leading to the deaths of up to "85,000,000", presumably including millions of jews.
Chapter 8b – The Bay of Pigs and The Kennedy Assassination
Alex Constantine's Anti-Fascist Research Bin: Nazi Gold ...
Read Me Deadly: Review of Ben Macintyre's A Spy Among ...
ПОГЛЕДИ :: View topic - Cercil spasao Ante Pavelica! - Pogledi
Chapter 8b – The Bay of Pigs and The Kennedy Assassination
Alex Constantine's Anti-Fascist Research Bin: Nazi Gold ...
Read Me Deadly: Review of Ben Macintyre's A Spy Among ...
ПОГЛЕДИ :: View topic - Cercil spasao Ante Pavelica! - Pogledi
aangirfan: Kennedy assassination