Golda Meir told Poland: Don't send sick or disabled Jews to Israel ...
Dec 9, 2009 - In 1958, then-foreign minister Golda Meir raised the possibility of preventing handicapped and sick Polish Jews from immigrating to Israel, a recently discovered Foreign Ministry document has revealed. "A proposal was raised in the coordination committee to inform the Polish government that we want to ...
Vicktor Rothschild is on record as saying: 'There will be no room in the new country for shnorrers' (poor Jews). "He only wanted the rich powerful and influential for the new land,(Israel) the rest were to be sacrificed." The Truth Seeker - The Biggest Secret of World War II

A Rothschild and a Rockefeller.
There is a belief that certain billionaire capitalists started the two World Wars in order to weaken certain rival powers and strengthen their own Empire.
In December 1942, Heinrich Mueller, Chief of the Gestapo, uncovered the names of the British members of a Cabal who were said to be spies and informants for some sort ofKosher Nostra or Deep State.
This Cabal is said to have controlled both the German Nazis and the Russian Communists.
Heinrich Mueller died in California in 1983.
The CIA recruited Mueller in Switzerland in 1948 and paid him $1 million.
Mueller's list of names 'reads like a who's who of the British establishment'.
Henry Makow

Victor Rothschild. It's not Zionists versus fascists. It's the feudal elite and their mafias versus the rest. "Lord Victor Rothschild ... made Churchill's decisions, including the bombing of the food trains into the concentration camps, and the continued strafing of the inmates. "Rothschild is on record as saying: 'There will be no room in the new country for shnorrers' (poor Jews). "He only wanted the rich powerful and influential for the new land, the rest were to be sacrificed." The Truth Seeker - The Biggest Secret of World War II
Mueller's list of spies and informants includes:
1. Victor Rothschild.
2. Lord Halifax, Neville Chamberlain's Foreign Secretary.
Halifax's son married a Rothschild.
Halifx's closest adviser was Philip Kerr, Lord Lothian, a member of the Rothschild-Milner-Rhodes Round Table secret society.

Lord Halifax and friend.
3. Charles Hambro, a banker of Jewish origin, who was part of a Bank of England decision to continue financing Nazism in 1934.
4. Sir Robert Waley-Cohen and many members of the "Focus" group that funded Winston Churchill.
Waley-Cohen was the Chairman of the Rothschild-controlled Shell Oil and the leader of the British Jewish Community.
Henry Makow

Herbert Morrison. "After World War II, the UK and its Labour Government were targeted by Jewish terrorists hoping to drive the British out of Palestine. Many of the top people in the UK were secretly supporting the terrorists. The Labour Government Cabinet at this time contained a number of reported Jews, and crypto-Jews, such as Herbert Morrison, George Isaacs, and Emanuel Shinwell. Hugh Dalton was one of the Zionists in the cabinet. One of the key people in MI5 was Victor Rothschild, who reportedly gave away British nuclear secrets to Israel."
5. Maurice Baring, Leonard Montefiore, Edward Guggenheim, Sir Robert Mond and Sir Phillip Sassoon - all of Jewish origin.
6. Certain right-wing Labour Party and trade union leaders including Ernest Bevin, Harold Laski, Herbert Morrison and Sir Walter Citrine.
7. Members of ancient aristocratic families include Richard Combe Abdy, Baron Strabogli, and Admiral Reginald Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax.
8. Press mogul J.S. Elias and Daily Express Chairman Ralph D. Blumenfeld.
9. Top civil servants including Sir Maurice Hankey, who was cabinet secretary.
Henry Makow

First World War Hidden History.
Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor, in their book Hidden History, refer to a secret cabal being responsible for deliberately starting World War I.
Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Max Warburg's brother Paul was the Jewish head of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
5. Maurice Baring, Leonard Montefiore, Edward Guggenheim, Sir Robert Mond and Sir Phillip Sassoon - all of Jewish origin.
6. Certain right-wing Labour Party and trade union leaders including Ernest Bevin, Harold Laski, Herbert Morrison and Sir Walter Citrine.
7. Members of ancient aristocratic families include Richard Combe Abdy, Baron Strabogli, and Admiral Reginald Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax.
8. Press mogul J.S. Elias and Daily Express Chairman Ralph D. Blumenfeld.
9. Top civil servants including Sir Maurice Hankey, who was cabinet secretary.
Henry Makow

First World War Hidden History.
Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor, in their book Hidden History, refer to a secret cabal being responsible for deliberately starting World War I.
Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Lord Nathaniel Rothschild
The cabal is said to have included:
The Rothschilds have had links to the Rockefellers in the USA, the top Zionists, and top people in Austria, Germany, Britain, Italy, Russia and France.
The cabal is said to have included:
1. Lord Nathaniel Rothschild.
The Rothschilds have had links to the Rockefellers in the USA, the top Zionists, and top people in Austria, Germany, Britain, Italy, Russia and France.
One can see the Rothschilds as the leaders of an international cabal.
In 1914, Sir William Wiseman, a top Jew high in British Intelligence was friendly with Max Warburg, a top Jew in German intelligence.
In 1914, Sir William Wiseman, a top Jew high in British Intelligence was friendly with Max Warburg, a top Jew in German intelligence.

A Rothschild and a Rockefeller.
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild was a prominent member of the Round Table movement, created in 1909.
Irish American academic Carroll Quigley believed that the Round Table Group was the front for a secret cabal, set up with the help of Cecil Rhodes.
The Rothschilds helped finance Wellington House which became the Tavistock Institute.
Cecil Rhodes
2. Cecil Rhodes.
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company and the De Beers diamond conglomerate.
Rothschild administered Rhodes' estate after Rhodes' death in 1902 and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford.

Gavrilo Princip, the alleged assassin of the heir to the Austrian throne, and his lookalike body double?
There is evidence that certain top people in Russia, Austria, Serbia and elsewhere may have plotted the murder of the heir to the Austrian throne, thus sparking World War One.
Certain Russians wanted to put the Jews into power in Russia.
Certain top Austrians did not like the pro-Slav heir to the Austrian throne.
Certain top Englishmen wanted Palestine to be removed from the Turkish Empire.
Certain top people wanted to make a lot of money.
Sir Basil Zaharoff, a top Jew, boasted to Rosita Forbes, "I made wars so that I could sell arms to both sides."
Sir Basil Zaharoff
There is evidence that certain top people in Russia, Austria, Serbia and elsewhere may have plotted the murder of the heir to the Austrian throne, thus sparking World War One.
Certain Russians wanted to put the Jews into power in Russia.
Certain top Austrians did not like the pro-Slav heir to the Austrian throne.
Certain top Englishmen wanted Palestine to be removed from the Turkish Empire.
Certain top people wanted to make a lot of money.
Sir Basil Zaharoff, a top Jew, boasted to Rosita Forbes, "I made wars so that I could sell arms to both sides."
Sir Basil Zaharoff

A Rothschild and a Rockefeller.
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild was a prominent member of the Round Table movement, created in 1909.
Irish American academic Carroll Quigley believed that the Round Table Group was the front for a secret cabal, set up with the help of Cecil Rhodes.
The Rothschilds helped finance Wellington House which became the Tavistock Institute.

Cecil Rhodes
2. Cecil Rhodes.
Lord Nathaniel Rothschild funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company and the De Beers diamond conglomerate.
Rothschild administered Rhodes' estate after Rhodes' death in 1902 and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford.
Rhodes's close associates included William Stead, a top journalist, and Lord Esher, a close advisor to the British Monarchy.

Alfred Milner
3. Alfred Milner.
Alfred Milner was a colonial administrator.
He was a chief author of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which was a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild, supporting the setting up of a Zionist state.

4. Lord Northcliffe.
Lord Northcliffe was related to the Rothschilds through marriage.
Northcliffe, the owner of The Times, wanted a World War.

Alfred Milner
3. Alfred Milner.
Alfred Milner was a colonial administrator.
He was a chief author of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which was a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild, supporting the setting up of a Zionist state.

4. Lord Northcliffe.
Lord Northcliffe was related to the Rothschilds through marriage.
Northcliffe, the owner of The Times, wanted a World War.

Arthur Balfour
5. Arthur Balfour.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration was a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild declaring support for the setting up of a Jewish state called Israel.

6. Herbert Asquith.
Prime Minister Asquith was a friend of the Rothschilds.
Lord Salisbury, who allegedly had Jewish origins, and Lord Rosebery, who was related to the Rothschilds, were also linked to the cabal.

Grey (left)
7. Lord Edward Grey.
Grey, a friend of Milner, was the British Foreign Secretary in 1914 and he wanted war.

5. Arthur Balfour.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration was a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild declaring support for the setting up of a Jewish state called Israel.

6. Herbert Asquith.
Prime Minister Asquith was a friend of the Rothschilds.
Lord Salisbury, who allegedly had Jewish origins, and Lord Rosebery, who was related to the Rothschilds, were also linked to the cabal.

Grey (left)
7. Lord Edward Grey.
Grey, a friend of Milner, was the British Foreign Secretary in 1914 and he wanted war.

Prince Edward and Lord Nathaniel Rothschild
8. Prince Edward who became King Edward VII.
Edward, who became King Edward VII, was close to the Rothschilds.
Edward VII, had borrowed heavily from Sir Ernest Cassell, the Rothschilds and the Sassoons.
Edward helped to create the military alliances with Russia, France and Belgium.

The future George V.
King George V, who became king in 1910, urged his Foreign Secretary Edward Grey to go to war with Germany.
When Grey said that the cabinet had not found a justifiable reason to go to war, the King replied: "You have got to find a reason, Grey."
8. Prince Edward who became King Edward VII.
Edward, who became King Edward VII, was close to the Rothschilds.
Edward VII, had borrowed heavily from Sir Ernest Cassell, the Rothschilds and the Sassoons.
Edward helped to create the military alliances with Russia, France and Belgium.

The future George V.
King George V, who became king in 1910, urged his Foreign Secretary Edward Grey to go to war with Germany.
When Grey said that the cabinet had not found a justifiable reason to go to war, the King replied: "You have got to find a reason, Grey."
George V was influenced by Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, Sir Samuel Montagu and Sir Robert Waley Cohen
(British Jews Hold Rites for King George)

Grey and Churchill
9. Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill, whose mother was Jewish, was part of the cabal that wanted a World War.
Churchill was said to be controlled by the Rothschilds.
Winston Churchill & the Rothschild Connection.
Churchill and Grey threatened to resign from Prime Minister Asquith's cabinet if he did not agree to a war.
Asquith did not want his government to fall, so he gave in to Churchill and Grey.

The heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated on June 28, 1914.

The history books have said that the above photo shows the arrest of 'the man who assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire'.
Historian Tim Butcher in History Today states that the man shown above was 'innocent'.
The 'innocent man' shown above is Ferdinand Behr.
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
Tim Butcher is the author of The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin who Brought the World to War.
Anonymous comments:
"Ferdinand Behr was no innocent bystander, but one of the Jews behind the whole plot."

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, in Bosnia, in the Austrian Empire, on 28 June, 1914.
The assassination caused the outbreak of World War I.

Princip, or his double, and, Princip, or his double.
The historians have claimed that the assassin was a teenager called Gavrilo Princip.
But the historians have got most things wrong about Princip, as Tim Butcher explains:
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
The historians told us that Princip jumped on the running board of the archduke's car to take his shot.
This is not true.
Other things that were not true include the claims that:
The archduke's wife was pregnant when she died in the shooting.
It happened on the anniversary of their marriage.
The car did not have a reverse gear so was incapable of correcting the driver’s error that delivered it to the assassin.
The archduke caught the grenade thrown earlier at the couple and tossed it away
Princip stopped to eat a sandwich at a corner café before emerging to take his shot.

Above we see 'the innocent bystander' Ferdinand Behr being grabbed and taken in for questioning.
The teenager Gavrilo Princip was small and thin.
Behr was over 6ft tall and was of solid build.
Princip was found guilty of the assassination and allegedly died a few years later in prison.
Gavrilo Princip was born on 13 June or 13 July, depending on who you believe.

Princip was born in Bosnia, part of the Austrian Empire.
Yet Austria blamed Serbia for the assassination.
There is no evidence that Princip was working for the Serbian government.
Serbia had warned Austria about the plotters.
Serbia had no motive for wanting the Archduke killed.
The people of Serbia are Slavs.
The Archduke had married a Slav and was known to be sympathetic to the Slavs.
Sophie, the Archduke's wife stated that they were both warmly welcomed by Bosnia's Slav population.
Sophie stated: "Wherever we have been everyone, down to the last Serb, has greeted us with such friendliness, politeness and true warmth that we are very happy with our visit."

The Archduke and his wife and children
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard.
(The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)
(British Jews Hold Rites for King George)

Grey and Churchill
9. Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill, whose mother was Jewish, was part of the cabal that wanted a World War.
Churchill was said to be controlled by the Rothschilds.
Winston Churchill & the Rothschild Connection.
Churchill and Grey threatened to resign from Prime Minister Asquith's cabinet if he did not agree to a war.
Asquith did not want his government to fall, so he gave in to Churchill and Grey.

The heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated on June 28, 1914.
The history books have said that this man (above) was the assassin who sparked the outbreak of World war I.

The history books have said that the above photo shows the arrest of 'the man who assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire'.
Historian Tim Butcher in History Today states that the man shown above was 'innocent'.
The 'innocent man' shown above is Ferdinand Behr.
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
Tim Butcher is the author of The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin who Brought the World to War.
Anonymous comments:
"Ferdinand Behr was no innocent bystander, but one of the Jews behind the whole plot."

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, in Bosnia, in the Austrian Empire, on 28 June, 1914.
The assassination caused the outbreak of World War I.

Princip, or his double, and, Princip, or his double.
The historians have claimed that the assassin was a teenager called Gavrilo Princip.
But the historians have got most things wrong about Princip, as Tim Butcher explains:
Sarajevo's Elusive Assassin | History Today / The Trigger: Hunting The Assassin
The historians told us that Princip jumped on the running board of the archduke's car to take his shot.
This is not true.
Other things that were not true include the claims that:
The archduke's wife was pregnant when she died in the shooting.
It happened on the anniversary of their marriage.
The car did not have a reverse gear so was incapable of correcting the driver’s error that delivered it to the assassin.
The archduke caught the grenade thrown earlier at the couple and tossed it away
Princip stopped to eat a sandwich at a corner café before emerging to take his shot.

The teenager Gavrilo Princip was small and thin.
Behr was over 6ft tall and was of solid build.
Princip was found guilty of the assassination and allegedly died a few years later in prison.
Gavrilo Princip was born on 13 June or 13 July, depending on who you believe.

Princip was born in Bosnia, part of the Austrian Empire.
Yet Austria blamed Serbia for the assassination.
There is no evidence that Princip was working for the Serbian government.
Serbia had warned Austria about the plotters.
Serbia had no motive for wanting the Archduke killed.
The people of Serbia are Slavs.
The Archduke had married a Slav and was known to be sympathetic to the Slavs.
Sophie, the Archduke's wife stated that they were both warmly welcomed by Bosnia's Slav population.
Sophie stated: "Wherever we have been everyone, down to the last Serb, has greeted us with such friendliness, politeness and true warmth that we are very happy with our visit."

The Archduke and his wife and children
The Sarajevo assassins were members of the Black Hand.
"Leading members of the Black Hand apparently met with French and Grand Orient Freemasons in January 1914 to arrange the assassination in Sarajevo..." - The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard.
(The Biggest Secret - Chapter 11)
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