This is Alexandre Bissonnette's Facebook AFTER it was interfered with.
We saw the Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette before it was interfered with.
The 'horror' images above were added AFTER the page was interfered with.
The original Facebook pages showed innocent stuff.
Who has the power to alter the pages of someone's Facebook?
CIA, Mossad or Canadian intelligence services?
CIA, Mossad or Canadian intelligence services?
Mathieu, Alaxandre and their father Raymond Bissonnette.
The above photo is from the original Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette.

Reportedly, Alexandre Bissonnette was being treated for anxiety and had developed alcohol problems.
The accused had alcohol problems and was treated for anxiety

The Sleep Room's Missing Memories. Quebec's hospital for stressed people.
Les parents d'Alexandre Bissonnette voudraient exprimer leurs regrets.

Quebec means mind control.
In Quebec, Dr. Ewen Cameron carried out unending torture of children - disguised as medical experimentation.
CIA mind control?
The Fort Lauderdale airport suspect admits he was 'mind controlled' .
Trudeau, prime minister of Canada.
Canadian news source Le Soleil reported that 'at least one gunman' took part in the attack at the Quebec Islamic Centre.
Justin Trudeau's office personally intervened and pressured Fox News to retract their statement about the arrested man being Moroccan.

Jews in Morocco.

Jewish Moroccans.
Initial reports said that 3 masked gunmen attacked the Quebec Islamic Centre.
Three Shooters Attack Québec Mosque

In Quebec, police Commander Sylvain Bissonnette and Public Safety Director Jordy Reichson
'The Jews of Quebec City' is a documentary film produced by Valérie Bissonnette.
Un film sur les Juifs de la ville de Québec
In June 2015, André Azoulay, the Jew who runs Morocco for King Mohammed VI, visited Quebec.
Communauté juive marocaine du Québec
The three key witnesses in the Quebec Mosque attack are reportedly Moroccan.
There is a Chabad house at the Laval university, attended by Alexandre Bissonnette.

Michel Kingma-Lord
After the security services have carried out a false flag terror attack, they like to get their agents, disguised as ordinary members of the public, to give interviews with the media.
Michel Kingma-Lord is not such an agent and appears to be telling the truth about Alexandre Bissonnette.
Michel Kingma-Lord is an international business consultant in Quebec City.
Michel grew up with Alexandre Bissonnette in the Quebec City neighbourhood of Cap Rouge.
Michel says: "We were good friends. He was a really good guy, and his parents were great."
About a year ago, Michel met Alexandre in the halls of Université Laval.
Michel says: "There was no sign of anything wrong; he seemed comfortable in his skin."
Michel says he was Facebook friends with Alexandre but never saw him post anything about his political ideology or agenda.
What happened to Alexandre Bissonnette? - Montreal Gazette

Mathieu, Alaxandre and their father Raymond Bissonnette.
The above photo is from the original Facebook page of Alexandre Bissonnette.

Reportedly, Alexandre Bissonnette was being treated for anxiety and had developed alcohol problems.
The accused had alcohol problems and was treated for anxiety

The Sleep Room's Missing Memories. Quebec's hospital for stressed people.
Alexandre's parents, Raymond Bissonnette and Manon Marchand, have been watching over Mathieu, Alexandre's twin brother, who was hospitalized the day after the shooting.
"Mathieu is still under the care of doctors."

Quebec means mind control.
In Quebec, Dr. Ewen Cameron carried out unending torture of children - disguised as medical experimentation.
CIA mind control?
The Fort Lauderdale airport suspect admits he was 'mind controlled' .

Trudeau, prime minister of Canada.
Canadian news source Le Soleil reported that 'at least one gunman' took part in the attack at the Quebec Islamic Centre.
A witness told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that they saw two masked gunmen open fire on worshippers.
The Sun quoted a 22 year old student named Abdi who said he was convinced he had seen two attackers.
Reuters referred to another witness statement which said that three attackers had taken part in the attack.

Pierre and Justin Trudeau.
The number of weapons reported as having been captured suggests that there was likely more than one attacker.

Pierre and Justin Trudeau.
The number of weapons reported as having been captured suggests that there was likely more than one attacker.
The Daily Mail mentioned that weapons captured included an AK-47 assault rifle and two other rifles.
The Telegraph listed various rifles and a handgun as having been confiscated.

A Jew in Morocco.
Fox News reported that one of the suspects arrested, Mohamed el-Khadi, was Moroccan.

A Jew in Morocco.
Fox News reported that one of the suspects arrested, Mohamed el-Khadi, was Moroccan.
Justin Trudeau's office personally intervened and pressured Fox News to retract their statement about the arrested man being Moroccan.

Jews in Morocco.
Quebec has a large number of Jewish Moroccans.
The CIA and Mossad are said to recruit Moroccans.
In Morocco, Elliot Rodger's stepmother Soumaya Akaaboune is seen above (right) next to Soumaya's father Abdeslam Akaaboune. ELLIOT RODGER - INNOCENT PATSY.
Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada, is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
The CIA and Mossad are said to recruit Moroccans.
Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada, is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
Trudeau appointed the first Jewish Cabinet minister (Herbert Gray), the first Jewish Supreme Court Judge (Bora Laskin), the first Jewish Secretary to the Prime Minister (Jack Austin), the first Jewish Envoy to the Hague Court of Justice (Maxwell Cohen), and the first Jewish Under Secretary of External Affairs from 1977 to 1981 - Alan Gotlieb - who then became Canada's first Jewish Ambassador to Washington.
A group of Jews soon joined Trudeau's personal staff, including H. Carl Goldenberg, Simon Reisman, Bernard and Sylvia Ostrey, Jerry Grafstein, and Mickey Cohen.
The Jewish Takeover Of Canada

In 1971, Pierre Trudeau married Margaret Sinclair who was diagnosed as having bipolar depression.[87].
According to the article at Henry Makow, entitled: Is Justin Trudeau a Product of Mind Control?:
"Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was 'arranged' by the military.
"The couple were programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.

Mick Jagger and Jimmy Savile are both linked to the spooks and to boys. Mick Jagger, like Pierre Trudeau, was educated at the London School of Economics.
"After Margaret ran off with the Rolling Stones in 1977, the marriage was over.
"Soon after, as a single father, Pierre turned to a York University sociologist, John Seeley, for parental advice.
"John Seeley, a self-proclaimed 'sadist and pedophile' would fly up to Ottawa on weekends to 'advise' Pierre on how he should be raising his three sons. Justin was six." (See also this article.)
A group of Jews soon joined Trudeau's personal staff, including H. Carl Goldenberg, Simon Reisman, Bernard and Sylvia Ostrey, Jerry Grafstein, and Mickey Cohen.
The Jewish Takeover Of Canada

In 1971, Pierre Trudeau married Margaret Sinclair who was diagnosed as having bipolar depression.[87].
According to the article at Henry Makow, entitled: Is Justin Trudeau a Product of Mind Control?:
"Pierre's 1968 marriage to Margaret was 'arranged' by the military.
"The couple were programmed with LSD at a remote farm in British Columbia.

Mick Jagger and Jimmy Savile are both linked to the spooks and to boys. Mick Jagger, like Pierre Trudeau, was educated at the London School of Economics.
"After Margaret ran off with the Rolling Stones in 1977, the marriage was over.
"Soon after, as a single father, Pierre turned to a York University sociologist, John Seeley, for parental advice.
"John Seeley, a self-proclaimed 'sadist and pedophile' would fly up to Ottawa on weekends to 'advise' Pierre on how he should be raising his three sons. Justin was six." (See also this article.)

Jewish Moroccans.
Initial reports said that 3 masked gunmen attacked the Quebec Islamic Centre.
Three Shooters Attack Québec Mosque
Ahmed Ech-Chahedy, a Moroccan, now says that there was only one attacker, and, that the attacker's face was not covered.
Quebec terror attack
Ahmed Ech-Chahedy and his friends visit the Quebec Islamic Centre in connection with taekwando.
Ahmed Ech-Chahedy and his friends visit the Quebec Islamic Centre in connection with taekwando.

In Quebec, police Commander Sylvain Bissonnette and Public Safety Director Jordy Reichson
'The Jews of Quebec City' is a documentary film produced by Valérie Bissonnette.
Un film sur les Juifs de la ville de Québec
After 1956, many Jews left Morocco and moved to Quebec, which now has a very large Moroccan-Jewish community.
In June 2015, André Azoulay, the Jew who runs Morocco for King Mohammed VI, visited Quebec.
Communauté juive marocaine du Québec
There is a Chabad house at the Laval university, attended by Alexandre Bissonnette.

Michel Kingma-Lord
After the security services have carried out a false flag terror attack, they like to get their agents, disguised as ordinary members of the public, to give interviews with the media.
Michel Kingma-Lord is not such an agent and appears to be telling the truth about Alexandre Bissonnette.
Michel Kingma-Lord is an international business consultant in Quebec City.
Michel grew up with Alexandre Bissonnette in the Quebec City neighbourhood of Cap Rouge.
Michel says: "We were good friends. He was a really good guy, and his parents were great."
About a year ago, Michel met Alexandre in the halls of Université Laval.
Michel says: "There was no sign of anything wrong; he seemed comfortable in his skin."
Michel says he was Facebook friends with Alexandre but never saw him post anything about his political ideology or agenda.
What happened to Alexandre Bissonnette? - Montreal Gazette
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