Barack Obama's NSA Hoe Susan Rice A danger to us all:Lied about 9/11, Gaddaffi Viagra Lie,Benghazi,Libya Lies and now WMDs in Syria
Obama's NSA Susan Rice A danger to others:Lied about 9/11, Gaddaffi Viagra Lie,Benghazi,Libya Viagra Lie and now WMDs in Syria
Quote below from 'Hagel suggests US moving forces closer to Syria, Obama
Before the alleged chemical weapons assault, the US military's top officer, General Martin Dempsey, had expressed caution over any military action in Syria.
Dempsey had warned that imposing a no-fly zone would carry the risk of being dragged into a protracted conflict or inadvertently aiding Islamist militants fighting Damascus.
Note that the quote above from Susan Rice who blatently lied about Moamar Gaddaffi forcing Viagra on his troops to induce them to rape Libyans to justify war crimes of the NATO Libya bombing - now uses W Bush,Dick Cheney, lie about Syria's Assad being guilty of having huge stores of chemical weapons even
though she knows the CIA's Al Qaeda she is supporting in Syria against its secular Baathist government that is in fact like the old Baathist Party of Saddam Hussein and Iraq,favorable to multi-ethnic cooperation just as the Iraq Baathists had Christians in high government positions such as Tariq Aziz who the very U.S.NATO fascists who claimed to be bringing 'democracy' to Iraq punished him with his life in the hands of the very real Shia dominated Islamofascist government they put in place and hypocritically called a 'democracy' that actually is a threat to the very Aramaic speaking Iraqi Christians who should have been given and assured
at least the same political and religious-ethnic protections that they were provded under the old Saddam Hussein or Iraq Baathist regime,that in comparison with the fascist fraud that is American and EU 'democracy' .
Note also that Susan Rice whose 'leadership' led us to more mass murder based upon lies similar to those used by W Bush,Dick Cheney regime to justify invasion and occupation and looting of Iraq and its ol fields by the international arms and petroleum trafficking syndicates official and hidden who are their real clients just as the are the clients of W Bush and Susan Rice.No surprise that Susan Rice had hewr 'education' bought for her by the Zionist UK Rhodes scholarship just as Bill Clinton and others before her.However the fact that she comes at least in part from African blood roots and has prostituted herself so obviously to the
UK Lords and City of London and has too many Canadian ties with petroleum conflicts of interest just like the UK and Israeli interests she appers to mainly represent.Cecil Rhodes of course made his money by creating South Africa's apartheid system.And Susan Rice's blatent lies along with Moreno International Court of the Haque in ex Queen Bitch Beatrix corrupt Netherlands about Gaddaffi supplying Viagra to his troops to induce them to rapwe Libyans insted of defending against U.S.,French,NATO terrists and war criminals bombing the countries billions of dollars in infrastucture 'back to the stone ages'. Susan Rices UK and Canadian and Israeli bias in foreign policy as Barack Obama's aka Barry Soetoro's NSA advisor is a conflict of interest as she is working and lobbying for foreign countries without disclosing her relations that are clearly in conflict as are her and hubbies international oil interests !
Asked about Dempsey's statements, Hagel said he agreed with the four-star General's assessment, calling it "very accurate."
National Security Adviser Susan Rice took to Twitter to urge the Syrian government to permit UN inspectors to probe the latest chemical weapons allegations.
The world is demanding an independent investigation of Wednesday's apparent CW attack. Immediately," she wrote.
Note that the quote above from Susan Rice who blatently lied about Moamar Gaddaffi forcing Viagra on his troops to induce them to rape Libyans to justify war crimes of the NATO Libya bombing - now uses W Bush,Dick Cheney, lie about Syria's Assad being guilty of having huge stores of chemical weapons even
though she knows the CIA's Al Qaeda she is supporting in Syria against its secular Baathist government that is in fact like the old Baathist Party of Saddam Hussein and Iraq,favorable to multi-ethnic cooperation just as the Iraq Baathists had Christians in high government positions such as Tariq Aziz who the very U.S.NATO fascists who claimed to be bringing 'democracy' to Iraq punished him with his life in the hands of the very real Shia dominated Islamofascist government they put in place and hypocritically called a 'democracy' that actually is a threat to the very Aramaic speaking Iraqi Christians who should have been given and assured
at least the same political and religious-ethnic protections that they were provded under the old Saddam Hussein or Iraq Baathist regime,that in comparison with the fascist fraud that is American and EU 'democracy' .
Note also that Susan Rice whose 'leadership' led us to more mass murder based upon lies similar to those used by W Bush,Dick Cheney regime to justify invasion and occupation and looting of Iraq and its ol fields by the international arms and petroleum trafficking syndicates official and hidden who are their real clients just as the are the clients of W Bush and Susan Rice.No surprise that Susan Rice had hewr 'education' bought for her by the Zionist UK Rhodes scholarship just as Bill Clinton and others before her.However the fact that she comes at least in part from African blood roots and has prostituted herself so obviously to the
UK Lords and City of London and has too many Canadian ties with petroleum conflicts of interest just like the UK and Israeli interests she appers to mainly represent.Cecil Rhodes of course made his money by creating South Africa's apartheid system.And Susan Rice's blatent lies along with Moreno International Court of the Haque in ex Queen Bitch Beatrix corrupt Netherlands about Gaddaffi supplying Viagra to his troops to induce them to rapwe Libyans insted of defending against U.S.,French,NATO terrists and war criminals bombing the countries billions of dollars in infrastucture 'back to the stone ages'. Susan Rices UK and Canadian and Israeli bias in foreign policy as Barack Obama's aka Barry Soetoro's NSA advisor is a conflict of interest as she is working and lobbying for foreign countries without disclosing her relations that are clearly in conflict as are her and hubbies international oil interests !
UN Susan Rice,Viagra Rape Libya?:ICC Luis Moreno-Ocampo ...
9/11,UN Susan Rice,Viagra Rape Libya?:ICC Luis Moreno-Ocampo ...

John Hart, head of a Chemical and Biological Security Project in Stockholm, says none of the images of victims shows pinpoint pupils. Pinpont pupils would indicate a nerve gas attack. Evidence
It looks as if the USA organised 'the gas attack' in Syria.
Having allegedly organised 'the gas attack' in Syria, "the Pentagon is moving forces closer to Syria...
It looks as if the USA organised 'the gas attack' in Syria.
Having allegedly organised 'the gas attack' in Syria, "the Pentagon is moving forces closer to Syria...
"Media reports say the US Navy is strengthening its presence in the eastern Mediterranean..."
Syria crisis: US weighs military options
Reportedly, the USA put its forces into Syria before 'the gas attack'.
It would seem that the USA is pretending that it is not involved in 'the gas attack' and is not planning major military action.
US prepares for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian schools and hospitals.

Hitler organised the burning of his own Reichstag.
"The Syrian government has said it has discovered chemical agents in tunnels in Damascus after the killing of hundreds of Syrians in a suspected chemical weapons attack on Wednesday.
"Syrian state television said government soldiers found chemical agents in rebel tunnels in the Damascus suburb of Jobar on Saturday and some of the troops were suffocating.
"'Army heroes are entering the tunnels of the terrorists and saw chemical agents,' state television quoted a source as saying. 'In some cases, soldiers are suffocating while entering Jobar.'
"'Ambulances came to rescue the people who were suffocating in Jobar,' the broadcaster said, adding that an army unit was preparing to storm the suburb where rebels fighting to oust the president, Bashar al-Assad, are based."
Syrian government has found chemical weapons in rebel tunnels
"Syrian TV showed video of a room containing gas masks and gas canisters that the Army said were discovered in a storage facilityin Jobar."
Competing claims on chemical weapons use in Syria

"Russia says there is evidence that the rebels were behind the attack."
Syria crisis: US weighs military options
According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich:
1. "There are reports ... that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack.
2. Assad's government has demonstrated a 'constructive approach' to the chemical weapons issue by allowing UN experts into the country.
3. It’s alarming that the 'same signals' aren’t coming from the Syrian opposition, which so far hasn't displayed willingness to ensure the safety and efficient operations of UN investigators on the territory it controls, he said.
"This directly impedes the objective investigation of allegations of possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria..."
Materials Implicating Syrian Government in Chemical Attack Prepared Before Incident

"US troops and intelligence officers reportedly made their way into Syria a few days before reports emerged that hundreds of men, women and children were killed by an alleged chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus."
"US special operations and CIA teams, along with Israeli and Jordanian troops, have entered Syria to command members of the militant groups fighting against the Syrian government."
U.S forces reportedly enter Syria, commanding specially trained rebels
CIA commandos, US special forces entered Syria: Report
Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA ...
3. It’s alarming that the 'same signals' aren’t coming from the Syrian opposition, which so far hasn't displayed willingness to ensure the safety and efficient operations of UN investigators on the territory it controls, he said.
"This directly impedes the objective investigation of allegations of possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria..."
Materials Implicating Syrian Government in Chemical Attack Prepared Before Incident

"US troops and intelligence officers reportedly made their way into Syria a few days before reports emerged that hundreds of men, women and children were killed by an alleged chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus."
"US special operations and CIA teams, along with Israeli and Jordanian troops, have entered Syria to command members of the militant groups fighting against the Syrian government."
U.S forces reportedly enter Syria, commanding specially trained rebels
CIA commandos, US special forces entered Syria: Report
Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA ...
A fake gas attack, organised by the CIA, could be the prelude to some sort of large scale assault by US forces?

Plotting a gas attack? General Dempsey, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz , Israel's Chief of Staff, in Tel Aviv, Israel, August 13, 2013. (Photo credit: D. Myles Cullen, DOD)
17 Agust 2013:
"Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was in Amman this week to inaugurate the Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan manned by 273 US officers...
"The US Air Force command section is in direct communication with the US, Israeli, Jordanian and Saudi Air Force headquarters ready for an order by President Barack Obama to impose a partial no-fly zone over Syrian air space."
U.S. military chief sees more room to boost Syrian rebels ... / New Centcom underground war room in Amman for US intervention ...
"It is odd that none of the medical personnel are wearing protective clothing, since sarin gas – which activists say was used in the attack – can be transferred from those already afflicted, with deadly effect... By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that some unscrupulous rebel faction could have launched a so-called ‘false flag’ operation to discredit the regime even further. By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"The use of such provocative weapons would make little sense for President Assad.
"His forces have been winning ground in the suburbs of Damascus where the attack took place, so why would he or his commanders resort to using weapons that elicit such international condemnation – and will probably increase support for the rebels?
"What confuses the issue is the presence of 20 UN weapons inspectors, admitted on Sunday by the Syrian government itself. Their job is to investigate claims that chemical weapons have already been used in the conflict...

Comments in the Mail online:
"Why is everyone leaning over backwards to avoid the conclusion that the most likely perpetrators of this atrocity are the rebels."

According to Oxford University's Marc Almond:
"If Assad's forces had done this... surely they would have sent in special troops under the cover of the chaos caused by such an attack to occupy the area in order to precisely prevent the kind of films and pictures emerging that have been sent around the world by the opposition.
"This, after all, is the area controlled by the opposition.
"So a further problem arises with the demands Syrian government permit experts to visit the scene.
17 Agust 2013:
"Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was in Amman this week to inaugurate the Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan manned by 273 US officers...
"The US Air Force command section is in direct communication with the US, Israeli, Jordanian and Saudi Air Force headquarters ready for an order by President Barack Obama to impose a partial no-fly zone over Syrian air space."
U.S. military chief sees more room to boost Syrian rebels ... / New Centcom underground war room in Amman for US intervention ...

"It is odd that none of the medical personnel are wearing protective clothing, since sarin gas – which activists say was used in the attack – can be transferred from those already afflicted, with deadly effect... By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that some unscrupulous rebel faction could have launched a so-called ‘false flag’ operation to discredit the regime even further. By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"The use of such provocative weapons would make little sense for President Assad.
"His forces have been winning ground in the suburbs of Damascus where the attack took place, so why would he or his commanders resort to using weapons that elicit such international condemnation – and will probably increase support for the rebels?
"What confuses the issue is the presence of 20 UN weapons inspectors, admitted on Sunday by the Syrian government itself. Their job is to investigate claims that chemical weapons have already been used in the conflict...
"The British government ... should be careful that words of condemnation uttered after an alleged atrocity do not escalate into rash talk of no-fly zones or greater military involvement.

Alleged victims of 'the gas attack in Damascus', not in the foetal position.
Comments in the Mail online:
"Gas poison victims die in the foetal position, and riger mortis sets in very fast."

According to Oxford University's Marc Almond:
"If Assad's forces had done this... surely they would have sent in special troops under the cover of the chaos caused by such an attack to occupy the area in order to precisely prevent the kind of films and pictures emerging that have been sent around the world by the opposition.
"This, after all, is the area controlled by the opposition.
"So a further problem arises with the demands Syrian government permit experts to visit the scene.
"Syrian government does not control the scene of the crime...
"It is up to the rebels.
"Yet we see no attempt to press the rebels to cooperate.
"So in fact, it seems to be primarily to embarrass the Syrian government, to say, 'Why don’t you let the experts go to the scene?' where the fact is they don’t control the scene and therefore could not guarantee their security or even possibly enable them to enter the area where these attacks are supposed to have taken place."
Syrian rebels control alleged chemical attack site: Govt can't grant secure entry
It is the rebels who use chemical weapons.
In the above video, the FSA, with their al Qaeda flag behind them, threaten to use chemical weapons.
(The Islamists are not what they seem - The Jewish side of Muslim Brotherhood )

This picture above is supposed to show a victim of 'the gas attack' in Damascus.
The picture has also also been used to show a victim of an attack in Egypt.
The picture has also been used to show a victim of an attack in Palestine.
Timeline Photos / brian
"If there was a military-grade chemical attack involving thousands of death, how come that entire area of the city was not evacuated, and how could videographers and photographers be on the scene so quickly after the attack without suffering the effects they claim to be documenting?"
'Chemical Weapons' media propaganda in US, UK is designed to ...

We’ve got a new offer.
It’s about Syria again.

The Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, are the ones using sarin gas.
"It is up to the rebels.
"Yet we see no attempt to press the rebels to cooperate.
"So in fact, it seems to be primarily to embarrass the Syrian government, to say, 'Why don’t you let the experts go to the scene?' where the fact is they don’t control the scene and therefore could not guarantee their security or even possibly enable them to enter the area where these attacks are supposed to have taken place."
Syrian rebels control alleged chemical attack site: Govt can't grant secure entry
In the above video, the FSA, with their al Qaeda flag behind them, threaten to use chemical weapons.
(The Islamists are not what they seem - The Jewish side of Muslim Brotherhood )

This picture above is supposed to show a victim of 'the gas attack' in Damascus.
The picture has also also been used to show a victim of an attack in Egypt.
The picture has also been used to show a victim of an attack in Palestine.
Timeline Photos / brian
"If there was a military-grade chemical attack involving thousands of death, how come that entire area of the city was not evacuated, and how could videographers and photographers be on the scene so quickly after the attack without suffering the effects they claim to be documenting?"
'Chemical Weapons' media propaganda in US, UK is designed to ...

Leaked emails from a defense conractor refer to a plan, approved by Washington, to carry out a chemical weapons attack on Syria.

Here is the hacked e-mail "from a British private defense contractor called Britam Defence."
We’ve got a new offer.
It’s about Syria again.
Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
We’ll have to deliver a CW (chemical weapon) to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.

They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards
We’ll have to deliver a CW (chemical weapon) to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.

They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards

The Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, are the ones using sarin gas.

Assad does not use sarin gas.

The Free Syrian army are the ones who murder women and children with chemical weapons.

News of chemical weapons attack in Syria published one day before .
This video of the Damascus gas attack was published on 20 August 2013.

The Free Syrian army are the ones who murder women and children with chemical weapons.

News of chemical weapons attack in Syria published one day before .
This video of the Damascus gas attack was published on 20 August 2013.
According to Reuters, the Damascus gas attack was on 21 August 2013.
Look at the photo below of a chemical weapon.

The Syrian rebels, the FSA, have chemical weapons.
The above photo reportedly shows the FSA with chemical weapons.
"Russia has given irrefutable evidence regarding the use of chemical weapons by the armed Syrian opposition to the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council according to a statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov."
Proof of FSA's chemical weapons

Victims of FSA chemical attack in Damascus 21 August 2013?
May 2013:
"Military sources reported that the militants 'were preparing to fire mortars in the suburbs of the capital and were going to pack missiles with chemical warheads.'
"On July 7, the Syrian army confiscated '281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials' that they found at a cache belonging to rebels in the city of Banias...
"Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said that the chemicals were 'capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country.'"
"Why would the Assad government, which has recently been retaking ground from the rebels, carry out a chemical attack while UN weapons inspectors are in the country?"
"A foreign ministry spokesman in Moscow said the release of gas after U.N. inspectors arrived suggested strongly that it was a 'provocation' to discredit Syria's government."
The Free Syrian Army is "a motley collection of fanatics, Islamists, Chechen and Afghan mercenaries, terrorists, murderers, rapists and torturers" supported by Obama.

Look at the photo below of a chemical weapon.

The Syrian rebels, the FSA, have chemical weapons.
The above photo reportedly shows the FSA with chemical weapons.
"Russia has given irrefutable evidence regarding the use of chemical weapons by the armed Syrian opposition to the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council according to a statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov."
Proof of FSA's chemical weapons

Victims of FSA chemical attack in Damascus 21 August 2013?
May 2013:
"United Nations investigators say they have found testimony from victims and medical staff that shows militants have used the nerve agent sarin in Syria....
"The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria could not find any evidence that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against militants, commission member Carla Del Ponte said, Reuters reported."
"The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria could not find any evidence that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against militants, commission member Carla Del Ponte said, Reuters reported."

The US-backed Free Syria Army with an al Qaeda flag.
July 14, 2013
"The Syrian army has discovered a storehouse belonging to rebels in the Damascus area of Jobar, where toxic chemical substances have been produced and kept...
"A video shot by RT’s sister channel Russia Al Youm shows a... building which was set up as a laboratory. After entering the building, Syrian Army officers found scores of canisters and bags laid on the floor and tables.
"According to a warning sign on the bags, the 'corrosive' substance was made in Saudi Arabia.
fsa's chemical weapon stash found by the syrian army in damascus

Victim of the FSA's chemical weapons on 21 August 2013?
fsa's chemical weapon stash found by the syrian army in damascus

Victim of the FSA's chemical weapons on 21 August 2013?
"On July 7, the Syrian army confiscated '281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials' that they found at a cache belonging to rebels in the city of Banias...
"Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said that the chemicals were 'capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country.'"

Alleged victims, 21 August 2013
On 21 August 2013, the Syrian rebels, the FSA, claim that chemical weapons killed hundreds of people on the outskirts of Damascus, in an area where Assad has a residence.
Frank Gardner, the BBC security correspondent asks:

In the above photo, these alleged victims in Damascus are actually from Egypt. #FSA pages are using photos of #Rabaa victims in claims of chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta. #Syria #FSAcrimes 1/2
"A foreign ministry spokesman in Moscow said the release of gas after U.N. inspectors arrived suggested strongly that it was a 'provocation' to discredit Syria's government."
"The timing and location of the reported chemical weapons use - just three days after the team of U.N. chemical experts checked in to a Damascus hotel a few km (miles) to the east at the start of their mission - was surprising.
"It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country," said Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat who headed a team of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in the 1990s."

Rabaa - victims of mysterious snipers in Egypt, 14 August 2013
Brian comments:
1. The FSA rebels are using photos of the victims of the Rabaa killings in Egypt for their claims of chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta on the outskirts of Damascus.
2. The Syrian government denies using chemical weapons.
Some of the videos of 'the gas attack' were apparently put on YouTube, before 'the gas attack' took place.
Rebel Free Syrian Army fighters and their victims. Photograph: Emin Ozmen/AFP/Getty Images
The Free Syrian Army is "a motley collection of fanatics, Islamists, Chechen and Afghan mercenaries, terrorists, murderers, rapists and torturers" supported by Obama.

Drugged or dead?

You can get the sheep to believe anything.
On April 19, 1993, the US Government gassed a church full of women and children to death

John Hart, head of a Chemical and Biological Security Project in Stockholm, says none of the images of victims show pinpoint pupils. Pinpont pupils would indicate a nerve gas attack. Evidence
Having allegedly organised the alleged gas attack in Syria, "the Pentagon is moving forces closer to Syria...
Having allegedly organised the alleged gas attack in Syria, "the Pentagon is moving forces closer to Syria...
"Media reports say the US Navy is strengthening its presence in the eastern Mediterranean..."
Syria crisis: US weighs military options
Reportedly, the USA put forces into Syria before 'the gas attack'.
The USA is pretending that it is not involved in 'the gas attack' and is not planning major military action?
US prepares for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian schools and hospitals.

Hitler organised the burning of his own Reichstag.
"Russia says there is evidence that the rebels were behind the attack."
Syria crisis: US weighs military options
According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich:
1. "There are reports ... that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack.
2. Assad's government has demonstrated a 'constructive approach' to the chemical weapons issue by allowing UN experts into the country.
3. It’s alarming that the 'same signals' aren’t coming from the Syrian opposition, which so far hasn't displayed willingness to ensure the safety and efficient operations of UN investigators on the territory it controls, he said.
"This directly impedes the objective investigation of allegations of possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria..."
Materials Implicating Syrian Government in Chemical Attack Prepared Before Incident

"US troops and intelligence officers reportedly made their way into Syria a few days before reports emerged that hundreds of men, women and children were killed by an alleged chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus."
"US special operations and CIA teams, along with Israeli and Jordanian troops, have entered Syria to command members of the militant groups fighting against the Syrian government."
U.S forces reportedly enter Syria, commanding specially trained rebels
CIA commandos, US special forces entered Syria: Report
Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA ...
3. It’s alarming that the 'same signals' aren’t coming from the Syrian opposition, which so far hasn't displayed willingness to ensure the safety and efficient operations of UN investigators on the territory it controls, he said.
"This directly impedes the objective investigation of allegations of possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria..."
Materials Implicating Syrian Government in Chemical Attack Prepared Before Incident

"US troops and intelligence officers reportedly made their way into Syria a few days before reports emerged that hundreds of men, women and children were killed by an alleged chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus."
"US special operations and CIA teams, along with Israeli and Jordanian troops, have entered Syria to command members of the militant groups fighting against the Syrian government."
U.S forces reportedly enter Syria, commanding specially trained rebels
CIA commandos, US special forces entered Syria: Report
Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA ...
A fake gas attack, organised by the CIA, could be the prelude to some sort of large scale assault by US forces?

Plotting a gas attack? General Dempsey, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz , Israel's Chief of Staff, in Tel Aviv, Israel, August 13, 2013. (Photo credit: D. Myles Cullen, DOD)
17 Agust 2013:
"Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was in Amman this week to inaugurate the Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan manned by 273 US officers...
"The US Air Force command section is in direct communication with the US, Israeli, Jordanian and Saudi Air Force headquarters ready for an order by President Barack Obama to impose a partial no-fly zone over Syrian air space."
U.S. military chief sees more room to boost Syrian rebels ... / New Centcom underground war room in Amman for US intervention ...
"It is odd that none of the medical personnel are wearing protective clothing, since sarin gas – which activists say was used in the attack – can be transferred from those already afflicted, with deadly effect... By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that some unscrupulous rebel faction could have launched a so-called ‘false flag’ operation to discredit the regime even further. By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"The use of such provocative weapons would make little sense for President Assad.
"His forces have been winning ground in the suburbs of Damascus where the attack took place, so why would he or his commanders resort to using weapons that elicit such international condemnation – and will probably increase support for the rebels?
"What confuses the issue is the presence of 20 UN weapons inspectors, admitted on Sunday by the Syrian government itself. Their job is to investigate claims that chemical weapons have already been used in the conflict...

Comments in the Mail online:
"Why is everyone leaning over backwards to avoid the conclusion that the most likely perpetrators of this atrocity are the rebels."

According to Oxford University's Marc Almond:
"If Assad's forces had done this... surely they would have sent in special troops under the cover of the chaos caused by such an attack to occupy the area in order to precisely prevent the kind of films and pictures emerging that have been sent around the world by the opposition.
"This, after all, is the area controlled by the opposition.
"So a further problem arises with the demands Syrian government permit experts to visit the scene.
17 Agust 2013:
"Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was in Amman this week to inaugurate the Centcom’s Forward Command in Jordan manned by 273 US officers...
"The US Air Force command section is in direct communication with the US, Israeli, Jordanian and Saudi Air Force headquarters ready for an order by President Barack Obama to impose a partial no-fly zone over Syrian air space."
U.S. military chief sees more room to boost Syrian rebels ... / New Centcom underground war room in Amman for US intervention ...

"It is odd that none of the medical personnel are wearing protective clothing, since sarin gas – which activists say was used in the attack – can be transferred from those already afflicted, with deadly effect... By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that some unscrupulous rebel faction could have launched a so-called ‘false flag’ operation to discredit the regime even further. By MICHAEL BURLEIGH

"The use of such provocative weapons would make little sense for President Assad.
"His forces have been winning ground in the suburbs of Damascus where the attack took place, so why would he or his commanders resort to using weapons that elicit such international condemnation – and will probably increase support for the rebels?
"What confuses the issue is the presence of 20 UN weapons inspectors, admitted on Sunday by the Syrian government itself. Their job is to investigate claims that chemical weapons have already been used in the conflict...
"The British government ... should be careful that words of condemnation uttered after an alleged atrocity do not escalate into rash talk of no-fly zones or greater military involvement.

Alleged victims of 'the gas attack in Damascus', not in the foetal position.
Comments in the Mail online:
"Gas poison victims die in the foetal position, and riger mortis sets in very fast."

According to Oxford University's Marc Almond:
"If Assad's forces had done this... surely they would have sent in special troops under the cover of the chaos caused by such an attack to occupy the area in order to precisely prevent the kind of films and pictures emerging that have been sent around the world by the opposition.
"This, after all, is the area controlled by the opposition.
"So a further problem arises with the demands Syrian government permit experts to visit the scene.
"Syrian government does not control the scene of the crime...
"It is up to the rebels.
"Yet we see no attempt to press the rebels to cooperate.
"So in fact, it seems to be primarily to embarrass the Syrian government, to say, 'Why don’t you let the experts go to the scene?' where the fact is they don’t control the scene and therefore could not guarantee their security or even possibly enable them to enter the area where these attacks are supposed to have taken place."
Syrian rebels control alleged chemical attack site: Govt can't grant secure entry
It is the rebels who use chemical weapons.
In the above video, the FSA, with their al Qaeda flag behind them, threaten to use chemical weapons.

This picture above is supposed to show a victim of 'the gas attack' in Damascus.
The picture has also also been used to show a victim of an attack in Egypt.
The picture has also been used to show a victim of an attack in Palestine.
Timeline Photos / brian
"If there was a military-grade chemical attack involving thousands of death, how come that entire area of the city was not evacuated, and how could videographers and photographers be on the scene so quickly after the attack without suffering the effects they claim to be documenting?"
'Chemical Weapons' media propaganda in US, UK is designed to ...

We’ve got a new offer.
It’s about Syria again.

The Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, are the ones using sarin gas.
"It is up to the rebels.
"Yet we see no attempt to press the rebels to cooperate.
"So in fact, it seems to be primarily to embarrass the Syrian government, to say, 'Why don’t you let the experts go to the scene?' where the fact is they don’t control the scene and therefore could not guarantee their security or even possibly enable them to enter the area where these attacks are supposed to have taken place."
Syrian rebels control alleged chemical attack site: Govt can't grant secure entry
In the above video, the FSA, with their al Qaeda flag behind them, threaten to use chemical weapons.

This picture above is supposed to show a victim of 'the gas attack' in Damascus.
The picture has also also been used to show a victim of an attack in Egypt.
The picture has also been used to show a victim of an attack in Palestine.
Timeline Photos / brian
"If there was a military-grade chemical attack involving thousands of death, how come that entire area of the city was not evacuated, and how could videographers and photographers be on the scene so quickly after the attack without suffering the effects they claim to be documenting?"
'Chemical Weapons' media propaganda in US, UK is designed to ...

Leaked emails from a defense conractor refer to a plan, approved by Washington, to carry out a chemical weapons attack on Syria.

Here is the hacked e-mail "from a British private defense contractor called Britam Defence."
We’ve got a new offer.
It’s about Syria again.
Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
We’ll have to deliver a CW (chemical weapon) to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.

They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards
We’ll have to deliver a CW (chemical weapon) to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.

They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards

The Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, are the ones using sarin gas.

Assad does not use sarin gas.

The Free Syrian army are the ones who murder women and children with chemical weapons.

News of chemical weapons attack in Syria published one day before .
This video of the Damascus gas attack was published on 20 August 2013.

The Free Syrian army are the ones who murder women and children with chemical weapons.

News of chemical weapons attack in Syria published one day before .
This video of the Damascus gas attack was published on 20 August 2013.
According to Reuters, the Damascus gas attack was on 21 August 2013.
Look at the photo below of a chemical weapon.

The Syrian rebels, the FSA, have chemical weapons.
The above photo reportedly shows the FSA with chemical weapons.
"Russia has given irrefutable evidence regarding the use of chemical weapons by the armed Syrian opposition to the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council according to a statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov."
Proof of FSA's chemical weapons

Victims of FSA chemical attack in Damascus 21 August 2013?
May 2013:
"Military sources reported that the militants 'were preparing to fire mortars in the suburbs of the capital and were going to pack missiles with chemical warheads.'
"On July 7, the Syrian army confiscated '281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials' that they found at a cache belonging to rebels in the city of Banias...
"Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said that the chemicals were 'capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country.'"
"Why would the Assad government, which has recently been retaking ground from the rebels, carry out a chemical attack while UN weapons inspectors are in the country?"
"A foreign ministry spokesman in Moscow said the release of gas after U.N. inspectors arrived suggested strongly that it was a 'provocation' to discredit Syria's government."
The Free Syrian Army is "a motley collection of fanatics, Islamists, Chechen and Afghan mercenaries, terrorists, murderers, rapists and torturers" supported by Obama.

Look at the photo below of a chemical weapon.

The Syrian rebels, the FSA, have chemical weapons.
The above photo reportedly shows the FSA with chemical weapons.
"Russia has given irrefutable evidence regarding the use of chemical weapons by the armed Syrian opposition to the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council according to a statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov."
Proof of FSA's chemical weapons

Victims of FSA chemical attack in Damascus 21 August 2013?
May 2013:
"United Nations investigators say they have found testimony from victims and medical staff that shows militants have used the nerve agent sarin in Syria....
"The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria could not find any evidence that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against militants, commission member Carla Del Ponte said, Reuters reported."
"The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria could not find any evidence that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against militants, commission member Carla Del Ponte said, Reuters reported."

The US-backed Free Syria Army with an al Qaeda flag.
July 14, 2013
"The Syrian army has discovered a storehouse belonging to rebels in the Damascus area of Jobar, where toxic chemical substances have been produced and kept...
"A video shot by RT’s sister channel Russia Al Youm shows a... building which was set up as a laboratory. After entering the building, Syrian Army officers found scores of canisters and bags laid on the floor and tables.
"According to a warning sign on the bags, the 'corrosive' substance was made in Saudi Arabia.
fsa's chemical weapon stash found by the syrian army in damascus

Victim of the FSA's chemical weapons on 21 August 2013?
fsa's chemical weapon stash found by the syrian army in damascus

Victim of the FSA's chemical weapons on 21 August 2013?
"On July 7, the Syrian army confiscated '281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials' that they found at a cache belonging to rebels in the city of Banias...
"Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said that the chemicals were 'capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country.'"

Alleged victims, 21 August 2013
On 21 August 2013, the Syrian rebels, the FSA, claim that chemical weapons killed hundreds of people on the outskirts of Damascus, in an area where Assad has a residence.
Frank Gardner, the BBC security correspondent asks:

In the above photo, these alleged victims in Damascus are actually from Egypt. #FSA pages are using photos of #Rabaa victims in claims of chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta. #Syria #FSAcrimes 1/2
"A foreign ministry spokesman in Moscow said the release of gas after U.N. inspectors arrived suggested strongly that it was a 'provocation' to discredit Syria's government."
"The timing and location of the reported chemical weapons use - just three days after the team of U.N. chemical experts checked in to a Damascus hotel a few km (miles) to the east at the start of their mission - was surprising.
"It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country," said Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat who headed a team of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in the 1990s."

Rabaa - victims of mysterious snipers in Egypt, 14 August 2013
Brian comments:
1. The FSA rebels are using photos of the victims of the Rabaa killings in Egypt for their claims of chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta on the outskirts of Damascus.
2. The Syrian government denies using chemical weapons.
Some of the videos of 'the gas attack' were apparently put on YouTube, before 'the gas attack' took place.
Rebel Free Syrian Army fighters and their victims. Photograph: Emin Ozmen/AFP/Getty Images
The Free Syrian Army is "a motley collection of fanatics, Islamists, Chechen and Afghan mercenaries, terrorists, murderers, rapists and torturers" supported by Obama.

Drugged or dead?

You can get the sheep to believe anything.
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