Matt Taibbi who Rolling Stones makes a pseudo-hero for criticising Goldman Sachs is in that only acknowledging the obvious and in doing so using the credibility gained to cover up one of the biggest lies and offshore stock shares money laundering operations in world history erroneously and fraudulently blamed on so called 'naked short selling' or 'naked shorting' a term made up by Rothschild and CIA connected James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc who also founded the NTU or National Taxpayers Union,a billionaire's tax dodging and money laundering operation in Alexandria,Virginia a few blocks from the corrupt main office of the U.S.SEC or Securities Exchange Commission.Davidson is also founder of a CIA.etc. connected far right digital rag that helped lie us into Iraq etc. and is occasionally promoted by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News.
James Dale Davidson began his 'naked short selling' or 'naked shorting' lie in shortly after 9/11 in 2002 in order to distract naive investors from the fact that he and insiders to his biotech frauds at the time,Genemax and Endovasc,were really just illegal pump and dump scams as usual.By 2008 even the U.S.SEC Chair Christopher Cox was using the lie to claim that even interst paying financial stocks from Fannie Mae to Freddie Mac to Bank of America and Bear Stearns and on and on to Goldman Sachs shares had collapsed due to naked short selling' - something that Matt Taibbi conveniently foragets to mention as he lies about Geico billionaire Patrick Byrne's pump and dump money laundering fraud and NFI or Nova Star Financial that also paid dividends so the shares couldn't have been 'naked shorted' or 'counterfeited' as the they came to more clearly define their fraudulent lie - or many with shares simply would not have received their dividends as the stock price continued to collapse.All share holders in the dividend paying shares always received their dividend so there were no 'counterfeit ' shares involved.Matt Taibbi and Rolling Stones are securities fraud aiders and abettors at best posing as honest 'business journalists'.
In truth Rolling Stones has been a Zionist rag using 1960's rock to promote itself ever since its founding by its Zionist owners.
OWS:Rolling Stone 'Naked Short Selling 'Reporter' Matt Taibbi Lies ...
wolfblitzzer0: Charles Schwab,Thomas Stern,Jonathan Feldman ...
''That is to say, a gullible teenager, manipulated and framed by the FBI for a bombing he didn’t commit, hunted for three days through the suburbs of Boston, brutalized and hospitalized by the ‘authorities’ then dragged before a court for a ‘trial by media’. Even worse, along the way, they changed his American accent for a thick Russian one.
''Speaking of voices and their provenance; you may remember that, after his capture, the young Tsarnaev was reported to be (conveniently) unable to speak because of a throat wound, allegedly self-inflicted. Do you see any throat wound in the image below?'' - Joe Quinn
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s “thick Russian accent” in court
Houston, we have a problem.
Last Wednesday, alleged Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, appeared for the first time in court. Much like James Holmes who was accused of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting in July 2012, Tsarnaev appeared confused and distracted in court, and “acted weird”. Such behavior is, of course, not necessarily unusual for someone who stands accused of mass murder. In Tsarnaev’s case however, we have a problem that can’t be explained away so easily.
Check out this video I put together of recent mainstream media reports and a short video of Tsarnaev himself.
The True Face of Boston Terrorism
That particular image of Dzhokhar is notrepresentative of the face of terrorism, and certainly not the face of the terrorism that struck the Boston area on April 15th and the following days. I therefore also find myself agreeing with the decision of ‘tactical photographer’ Sgt. Murphy of the Boston police who, in an effort to “show the true face of terrorism”, released three images of the badly injured Dzhokhar crawling out of the boat, sniper rifle dot trained on his head.
This, indeed, is the true face of modern-day ‘terrorism’.
That is to say, a gullible teenager, manipulated and framed by the FBI for a bombing he didn’t commit, hunted for three days through the suburbs of Boston, brutalized and hospitalized by the ‘authorities’ then dragged before a court for a ‘trial by media’. Even worse, along the way, they changed his American accent for a thick Russian one.
Speaking of voices and their provenance; you may remember that, after his capture, the young Tsarnaev was reported to be (conveniently) unable to speak because of a throat wound, allegedly self-inflicted. Do you see any throat wound in the image below?
Then again, at the time, the details of that rather outlandish claim were that the “throat wound” was actually to the back of his neck, and that Dzhokhar had actually shot himself through the mouth in an abortive suicide attempt while lying in the boat.
“he might have stuck a gun in his mouth, and fired and actually just went out the back of his neck without killing him.”
Yeah, I guess he ‘might’ have. But in that case, ‘where’s all the blood?’ Was Dzhokhar an ‘actor’?!? Seriously though, can you imagine someone living for any considerable amount of time without treatment after such a wound? Who knows. Sounds pretty implausible to me. Not to mention that, in the above image, Dzhokhar doesn’t look like someone who had sometime previously placed a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. BUT, it may explain why he had that “thick Russian accent” in court recently. Maybe the bullet severed the ‘accent nerve’ in his throat.
But the real question is, how did he shoot himself at all if he was unarmed as claimed?
And why has the Russian-accented Dzhokhar, who his friends don’t recognise, pled ‘not guilty‘ if he had already confessed to everything?
I suppose the only conclusion is that anything and everything is possible in the phantasmagorical ‘war on terror’, as reported to you by the FBI and mainstream media.
Fifty years ago, Rolling stone didn’t exist, but if it had, the editors would undoubtedly have produced a cover like this.
Same story, different century. Between the ‘furor’ of opposing views and phony dialectic, the truth lies bleeding.
Now we have photographic proof that a member of the Boston police brazenly lied on TV saying Tsarnaev had a throat wound. Leaked photos of his capture on April 19 clearly show that the young man had a head injury and his hand was badly mangled but his larynx was fine – there was no blood dripping down his neck.
Photos leaked to the internet that were taken at the hospital clearly show a straight slash about 5 inches long down the side of his neck near the ear, but his larynx is just fine. Why was the public told he could not speak? And what happened to him afterwards?
At the court hearing on July 10, “his eye was almost completely swollen shut, his cheek was very swollen – I’m pretty sure these were on the left side of his face- and one side of his mouth was droopy.. His mouth kind of reminded me of when someone has a stroke… the swelling wasn’t bruised from what I could see,” an onlooker told TMO.
There are many questions remaining. The marathon bombing took place April 15, 2013. On April 21, government prosecutors submitted a motion to the court to seal Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s case. The judge granted the motion. On the same day they submitted their criminal complaint under seal. This all took place on a Sunday, oddly enough. On April 22, Tsarnaev was handed over to US Marshals by the FBI and was charged with using a “weapon of mass destruction” and property damage resulting in death. He nodded in response to the judge a couple of times, then he said “No” once. The case was then unsealed, but many files are missing from the docket.- Karin Friedemann
Boston Bombing Mystery: Leaked Photos Prove Police Lied
It is naive to assume good will on the part of government prosecutors, especially in these fake “Islamic terror” cases, knowing how much foul play has gone on in courtrooms especially over the past few years that involved the FBI and high ups in the government misrepresenting evidence and engaging in illegitimate smear campaigns. It appears that the government’s purpose for putting a Muslim on trial in America is rarely to establish the facts of the case but to create deliberately misleading narrative for the purpose of bolstering a political agenda that most Americans would not agree with if they knew the facts.
At this point there is zero proof being offered that the Tsarnaevs were responsible for the Boston marathon bombings, and even less convincing evidence that if they did, that their motivation was religion. That’s all part of a stereotypical, false narrative-with-an-agenda the media promotes, similar to Nazi journalism about Jews in the 1940s. While the agenda is unclear here in the US, the narrative is spectacular.
We have countless unverified statements made by FBI and Boston police to the media. These media claims are then used as evidence in court. This is standard operating procedure for a frame up. Many of these claims are obviously implausible, like the “confession letter” that mysteriously appeared inside the boat nearly 3 months after the suspect’s capture. The entire world is laughing their heads off about that one.
Now we have photographic proof that a member of the Boston police brazenly lied on TV saying Tsarnaev had a throat wound. Leaked photos of his capture on April 19 clearly show that the young man had a head injury and his hand was badly mangled but his larynx was fine – there was no blood dripping down his neck.
Photos leaked to the internet that were taken at the hospital clearly show a straight slash about 5 inches long down the side of his neck near the ear, but his larynx is just fine. Why was the public told he could not speak? And what happened to him afterwards?
At the court hearing on July 10, “his eye was almost completely swollen shut, his cheek was very swollen – I’m pretty sure these were on the left side of his face- and one side of his mouth was droopy.. His mouth kind of reminded me of when someone has a stroke… the swelling wasn’t bruised from what I could see,” an onlooker told TMO.
There are many questions remaining. The marathon bombing took place April 15, 2013. On April 21, government prosecutors submitted a motion to the court to seal Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s case. The judge granted the motion. On the same day they submitted their criminal complaint under seal. This all took place on a Sunday, oddly enough. On April 22, Tsarnaev was handed over to US Marshals by the FBI and was charged with using a “weapon of mass destruction” and property damage resulting in death. He nodded in response to the judge a couple of times, then he said “No” once. The case was then unsealed, but many files are missing from the docket.
A probable cause hearing was scheduled for May 30, but on April 20, it was rescheduled to July by agreement of both parties “in view of the complex factual and legal issues present in this case and the need for adequate time to obtain and review evidence.” The Federal Grand Jury indicted the suspect on June 28, so the probable cause hearing never happened.
What is bizarre is that the killing of MIT police officer Sean Collier was added to the multiple grave charges, even though Cambridge police never claimed the murder was related to the bombing suspects. Why was the cop-killing charge thrown in later?
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s friends and family all describe him as a friendly, laid back guy and without exception, they are universally confused by government accusations that he bombed the Boston marathon. The predatory media could not find one person to say a bad thing about him. Meanwhile, on June 9, police found someone who actually fits the profile of a psycho killer.
27-year-old Daniel Morley “had all the materials needed to build a pressure-cooker bomb before this kind of weapon was used in the Boston Marathon attack in April,” according to comments made by the man’s own mother in a recently unsealed police affidavit.
“Police also said they found a shoe box with the head of a decapitated bird, dismantled cell phones, flex cuff restraints, black gun powder, and a burnt green stuffed animal that had been stabbed repeatedly,” wrote Tim McLaughlin for Reuters. The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force said it is investigating. But the only investigation that has been reported is whether or not the man has any ties to the Tsarnaevs.
All we know for sure about the Tsarnaevs is that they were fleeing from the police, shortly after their faces appeared on TV. Lightly armed, Tamerlan engaged in a shootout with police, which was filmed from a window. The brothers appeared vulnerable and crouched behind a car on the side of the street. Then, there were some loud explosions and smoke filled the air. But there was no property damage, no shrapnel, nor any reported injury from these explosions, just some marks on the pavement on the opposite side of the street – not where the Tsarnaevs were crouched. When the smoke cleared, Tamerlan was dead and Dzhokhar was on the run.
It will be interesting to see if government prosecutor Carmen Ortiz will provide proof that Dzhokar Tsarnaev bombed the marathon, or if she will resort to the cheap tactic of using “secret evidence” against the accused. Other than wild media stories about the manhunt that resulted in the cities of Boston, Cambridge and Watertown being shut down under martial law, all the public has to go on is surveillance camera footage showing Dzhokhar and Tamerlan walking peacefully through the crowd at the Boston marathon wearing light backpacks. The criminal complaint is based solely on the affidavit of one FBI agent, Daniel Genck, who, based on video footage that no one else has seen, claims that the men were carrying large heavy backpacks and that they set their backpacks down prior to the explosions.
The public should demand to see a real investigation of all the actors in this drama, not just the accused. The FBI should not be simultaneously investigating a case and framing a case for the prosecution. That’s a conflict of interest.
Jon Roland of the Constitution Society wrote, “The Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been charged with multiple federal offenses, but none of them are authorized by the U.S. Constitution… If the federal courts were constitutionally compliant, they would be compelled to dismiss them all, and let the State of Massachusetts prosecute him under its laws.”
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