Monday, 5 October 2020
Rothschilds patented Covid-19 tests in 2015 and 2017.

"What is ongoing is a process of concentration of wealth, whereby the financial establishment, (i.e. the multibillion dollar creditors) are slated to appropriate the real assets of both bankrupt companies as well as State assets...
"Under the so-called “New Normal” Great Global Reset put forth by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the creditors (including billionaires) will eventually buy out important sectors of the real economy as well as take over bankrupt entities.
Victor Rothschild has been linked to -
The CIA's James Jesus Angleton,

The 'Cambridge Five': Arnold Deutsch, Kim Philby, Donald MacLean, Guy burgess and Anthony Blunt
In 1972, Rothschild played a major part in choosing the new head of MI5, Michael Hanley.

Is Trump using a Strategy of Tension?
'A Trump-linked consultant is tied to Facebook pages warning that the election will cause civil war.'

"What is ongoing is a process of concentration of wealth, whereby the financial establishment, (i.e. the multibillion dollar creditors) are slated to appropriate the real assets of both bankrupt companies as well as State assets...
"Under the so-called “New Normal” Great Global Reset put forth by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the creditors (including billionaires) will eventually buy out important sectors of the real economy as well as take over bankrupt entities.
"The creditors will also seek to acquire ownership and/or control of “public wealth” including the social and economic assets of the State through a massive indebtedness project."
Combating The Virus: Mass Unemployment is Not the Solution
The German COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is planning to launch a Class Action Suit against the manufacturers of the infamous PCR test, which, according to honest virologists all over the world, is absolutely unsuitable for covid-19 testing. It has actually not even been licensed to carry out such tests.
Germany’s Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigative Commission Launching a Class Action Suit Against Corona Criminals

Combating The Virus: Mass Unemployment is Not the Solution
The German COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee is planning to launch a Class Action Suit against the manufacturers of the infamous PCR test, which, according to honest virologists all over the world, is absolutely unsuitable for covid-19 testing. It has actually not even been licensed to carry out such tests.
Germany’s Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigative Commission Launching a Class Action Suit Against Corona Criminals

How do you get control of countries?
According to ex-KGB Colonel 'F' and KGB officer Yuri Modin, Victor Rothschild was the key to most of the Cambridge ring's penetration of British Intelligence.
The CIA's James Jesus Angleton,
While CIA station chief in Rome, the CIA's Angleton "worked closely with the Zionist terrorists Teddy Kollek and Jacob Meridor, and later became chief of the Israeli desk at the CIA, helping Philby (Victor Rothschild's friend) to set up the lavishly funded international Mossad espionage operation, all paid for by American taxpayers.
MI6's Kim Philby, who was appointed as MI6's chief liaison in Washington, including with the Central Intelligence Agency.
Reportedly, Kim Philby was assisted in obtaining safe haven in the Soviet Union by the Israeli Mossad (cf. Sunday Telegraph, April 16, 1989) Cached.

The 'Cambridge Five': Arnold Deutsch, Kim Philby, Donald MacLean, Guy burgess and Anthony Blunt
Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean and other spies.
According to Roland Perry, in his book The Fifth Man: "Burgess, at MI6, and still on a retainer from Rothschild, recommended Philby for a job in Section D of MI6.
Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Edward Heath.
According to Yuri Modin, 'Rothschild had the contacts. He was able to introduce Burgess, Blunt and others to important figures in Intelligence such as Stewart Menzies, Dick White and Robert Vansittart, the Permanent Under-secretary of State in the Foreign Office, who controlled MI6.'
According to Perry, Rothschild "made sure Russia's scientists had the basics of every secret project from biological warfare to radar and the various types of potential nuclear bomb."
According to Perry, Rothschild "made sure Russia's scientists had the basics of every secret project from biological warfare to radar and the various types of potential nuclear bomb."
In 1972, Rothschild played a major part in choosing the new head of MI5, Michael Hanley.
Edith Suschitzky met 'Soviet spy' Arnold Deutsch in Vienna in 1926.
Arnold Deutsch later moved to Hampstead, in London.
Edith was friends with Litzi Friedmann, the wife of Kim Philby.
Edith was friends with Litzi Friedmann, the wife of Kim Philby.
Edith introduced Kim Philby to Arnold Deutsch.

'A Trump-linked consultant is tied to Facebook pages warning that the election will cause civil war.'
Dino Porrazzo Sr and Dino Porrazzo Jr. run a network of websites that enthusiastically promote Trump, and far right anti-government militias like the Three Percenters.
One of their Facebook pages is “Prepare to Take America Back”.
They warn of a stolen election.
One of their Facebook pages is “Prepare to Take America Back”.
They warn of a stolen election.
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown,Rothschild,Smartech
Rt Hon Missing: rothschild | Must include: rothschildKCMG is a former number two in the United Nations as well as having served in the British Cabinet ... Baroness Valerie Amos is the Master of University College Oxford. ... Emma Rothschild (United Kingdom).
Rt Hon Lord Mark Malloch-Brown KCMG is a former number two in the United Nations as well as having served in the British Cabinet ... Baroness Valerie Amos is the Master of University College Oxford. ... Emma Rothschild (United Kingdom).
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, started as political correspondent at The Economist, then ... Perspectives', Rothschild Archive Trust, London on 22 October 2010.
Mark Malloch‐Brown has been engaged widely in government, international organizations, business and civil society during his career. In addition to his role at ...
Missing: rothschild | Must include: rothschild
Sep 25, 2018 — Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's bio only cursorily discloses that he is a director ... rogue C.I.A., the Rothschilds and the Queen's Privy Council, not to ...
Jan 5, 2011 — ... George Soros, presunto operador de los banqueros esclavistas Rothschild. ... El británico Mark Malloch Brown ha sido socio de George Soros y su ... la anglósfera –sus copresidentes, el británico lord Christopher Patten y ...
Mark Malloch‐Brown has been engaged widely in government, international organizations, business, and civil society during his career. In addition to his role at ...
Works written: The Unfinished Global Revoluti...
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, started as political correspondent at The Economist, then ... Perspectives', Rothschild Archive Trust, London on 22 October 2010.
Mark Malloch‐Brown has been engaged widely in government, international organizations, business and civil society during his career. In addition to his role at ...
Missing: rothschild | Must include: rothschild
Sep 25, 2018 — Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's bio only cursorily discloses that he is a director ... rogue C.I.A., the Rothschilds and the Queen's Privy Council, not to ...
Jan 5, 2011 — ... George Soros, presunto operador de los banqueros esclavistas Rothschild. ... El británico Mark Malloch Brown ha sido socio de George Soros y su ... la anglósfera –sus copresidentes, el británico lord Christopher Patten y ...
Mark Malloch‐Brown has been engaged widely in government, international organizations, business, and civil society during his career. In addition to his role at ...
Works written: The Unfinished Global Revoluti...
Missing: rothschild | Must include: rothschild
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