Emil Georg von Stauss, the president of Germany's largest bank, the Deutsche Bank, lent Hitler a portable Remington so he could write his infamous anti-Jewish banker manifesto "Mein Kampf."
Von Stauss, a principal Nazi Party fundraiser, also was a longtime business associate of the Rothschilds.- Henry Makow
I add 9/11 because Deutsche Bank was suspect in anonymous accounys used to short various particularlyAmerican airline stocks whose planes were implicated in 9711 AND THAT THEIR SHARES SHORTED JUST PRIOR AS IF IN ANTICIPATION AND WITH FOREKNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS TO COME.
Henry Makow is wrong about one thing,that is that Ron Paul is himself a 'Rothschild-ean' and has both CIA and Rothschild's City of London by way of Agora Inc whose founder James Dale Davidson and his deceaeced partner Lord Wiliam Rees-Mogg employed ex CIA Chief William Colby at the time of his strange demise in the 1990's.If Ron Paul's touting of gold,(as well as penny stocks), isn't sign of Rothschild connections his ties to Agora Inc. and Porter Stansberry certainly is.
Stauss who lent the infamous Reminton typewriter to Hitler while his was vacationing briefly in prison shows that Deutsche Bank had a Rothschild connection to Deuthschbnk at the time of Hitler's rise to power.
Bin Laden and The 911 Illusion: Part II: Deutsche Bank & Blackstone
Posted on 07/27/2014 | 12 Comments
2011 7-18 Custer State Park, Harney Peak - Needles (63)(Part two of a three-part investigation)
Around the same time a Navy Seal team was descending upon the Abbottabad complex allegedly housing Osama bin Laden, the US Justice Department was suing Deutsche Bank. Bin Laden was a disciple of Muslim Brotherhood leader Abdullah Azzam. Abbottabad is named after British military officer Sir James Abbott.
In a civil lawsuit filed in federal court in Manhattan, US Attorney Preet Bharara seeks damages and losses on Deutsche Bank-issued mortgages backed by US taxpayers via HUD. The world’s second largest bank – majority-owned by the Warburg dynasty that funded Hitler – also needs to answer for its role in 911.
(Excerpted from Chapter 20: 911: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
Deutsche Bank Goes Short
Days after 911 Bush SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt, who was later forced to resign over his pathetic response to a series of corporate scandals, appeared on CNN to reveal a pattern of unusually heavy volumes of short selling of both airline and insurance stocks in the week prior to 911. Pitt vowed to track these trades down, speculating that al Qaeda may have been involved. It was the last time anyone in the Bush Administration mentioned it............
Hitler Used Rothschild Banker's Typewriter
July 6, 2007

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Sometimes the symbolic details speak volumes.
Emil Georg von Stauss, the president of Germany's largest bank, the Deutsche Bank, lent Hitler a portable Remington so he could write his infamous anti-Jewish banker manifesto "Mein Kampf."
Von Stauss, a principal Nazi Party fundraiser, also was a longtime business associate of the Rothschilds.
Hitler dictated "Mein Kampf" to typists Rudolf Hess and Emil Maurice during his cushy eight-months stay at Landsberg Prison in April-December 1924. (His five-year sentence was commuted. He had a two-room suite with a view and was allowed to receive gifts and visitors.)
Von Stauss was part of a "Hitler support group" consisting of wealthy Illuminati. Helene Bechstein, the wife of the piano manufacturer pretended to be Hitler's adopted mother and smuggled out sections of the manuscript. She took care of all Hitler's expenses and hoped he would marry her daughter Lotte. Franz Thyssen, the chairman of United Steelworks sent Hitler a birthday gift of 100,000 gold marks.
This account is taken from Rudolf Hess' letters by Belgian author Stan Lauryssens,("The Man Who Invented the Third Reich" 1999, pp.130-135.)
It contradicts the image we have of Hitler in 1924 leading a grass roots fringe party. In fact, he was a front man for the international bankers he pretended to oppose. But if we read the "The Protocols of Zion" carefully, we shouldn't be surprised.
The Secret Masonry is setting up "our own, to all appearance, off position, which in at least one of its organs will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards." (Protocol 12.11)
Both Nazism and Communism were fake opposition concocted by Illuminati bankers. As we are dragged kicking and screaming into the next world war, let's recall that the people who issue our currency are behind every war and control both sides.
The Deutsch Bank helped to create Hitler because he represented war profit. (Branch managers and executives belonged to the Nazi Party.) During the Second World War, the Deutsche Bank profited when it took over banks and industries in occupied countries, "Aryanized" Jewish-owned businesses, and confiscated Jewish accounts. (See Harold James, "The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews" 2001.)
Before becoming president of the bank, Von Stauss was General Director ofSteaua Romana, a Romanian oil company owned by the bank. He was Managing Director of the European Petroleum Union, (EPU), an oil cartel. The E.P.U. was "an international association of industrialists whose object was to make the greatest possible profit on their products."
The EPU represented the Rothschild interests, the Nobel interests and the Deutsche Bank interests. The latter two probably included Rothschild interests.
After the Nazi seizure of power, Von Stauss coordinated the war buildup at major German corporations such as Daimler Benz and BMW, who were connected to Deutsch Bank.
One book describes him as "an enigmatic character of the Wiemar and National Socialist periods, albeit one who has rarely been given his due in historical studies." While a major supporter, he never became a member of the Nazi Party and "always maintained good relations with prominent economic figures who were Jews such as his colleague Oscar Wassermann at the Deutsch Bank." (David Bankier ed. "Probing the Depth of German Anti Semitism," 2000, pp 256-257.)
Nevertheless he was instrumental in Aryanizing Jewish assets, even those of Jews who had long ago converted and intermarried. Clearly there were in-Jews and out-Jews, i.e. Illuminati or not.
War is the centerpiece of the bankers' longterm plan to decimate, degrade and enslave humanity, which is necessary to protect their fraudulent world monopoly over our credit. This logic explains the real meaning of "revolution," and why they consider war "revolutionary."
Mankind is stymied because a tiny clique usurped control of money making. This began when gold dealers realized they could issue receipts for gold they didn't have. They became bankers who figured they could also issue more loans than they have money, by a simple bookkeeping entry.
They used this Golden Goose to take control of the world's wealth and put accomplices in charge of government, media and education. They arranged for our national governments to guarantee the paper they print.
War distracts us from this state of affairs, degrades, brutalizes, and increases debt and profits. (The bankers naturally put most faith in government debt.) Central bankers also love socialism. They buy people with their own debt.
Woodrow Wilson was a pawn of this "money power." But to save his soul, he said American industrialists are afraid of "a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive" that they dared not speak above their breath.
Wilson actually identified this power:
"The great monopoly in this country is the monopoly of big credits. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credits. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities, are in the hands of a few men who chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom." (Robertson, Human Ecology, p. 166.)
War, including the "war on terror", is designed to create a world police state to protect the central banker monopoly on power and wealth. With the exception of Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, it doesn't really matter who gets elected. They all work for the central bankers.
The Illuminati bankers sacrificed Jews when they created Nazism, Communism and Zionism. If necessary, they will do so again to create their New World Order.
Masons, Bilderbergs, Jesuits and Zionists are all empowered by the bankers. Mankind will never get on the right foot until bankers turn over their power to create money using our credit. In the meantime, our lives are shaped by a series of fantastic hoaxes, not the least of which is war.
Related: "Illuminati Bankers Hired Hitler to Start World War Two"
and "Did Bormann Run Hitler for the Illuminati?"
Second Only to the Rothschilds
Speyer banks funded the London underground, placed the first Union Civil War bonds in Europe and built the Madeira-Mamore railroad.
Before World War I, Edgar Speyer headed the London branch of the German-based Speyer banking conglomerate. Among other things, he was a great lover of music. His mansion on Grosvenor Square was a cynosure for composers—Debussy, Elgar, Richard Strauss, Schoenberg—all of whom availed themselves of the luxuries of the house, playing or conducting their work in private performances. “We live even more elegantly than kings and emperors,” Grieg wrote, referring to the mansion’s suite of rooms for visitors.
Not all of Edgar Speyer’s interests were so ethereal. The British Speyer branch was a key source of railroad finance, and Edgar himself was best known for creating—in partnership with Charles Yerkes, a Chicago entrepreneur—the London tube system, with its innovative “deep-tube” design. Edgar persisted in expanding the system despite its precarious finances and for many years functioned as its chief executive.
Although Edgar Speyer was a baronet and a member of the king’s Privy Council, he would become a target of the McCarthy-style attacks that were directed at Germans in England during World War I. The attacks grew to such an intensity—Speyer was accused of signaling to German submarines—that he resigned his official positions, over the protests of the king and prime minister. He soon liquidated the British branch of the firm and joined his elder brother, James, in New York. James was then running the Speyers’ branch in America, but it too would succumb before the next war broke out. It is this arc of centuries-long success and sudden diminishment that George W. Liebmann describes in “The Fall of the House of Speyer,” a solid work of financial and social history. They don’t make bankers like this anymore.
By George Liebmann
I.B. Tauris, 244 pages, $35
I.B. Tauris, 244 pages, $35
The Speyer bank, Mr. Liebmann tells us, had roots going back to the 14th century, at the threshold of a long surge in international commerce. New forms of paper—bills of exchange, letters of credit and much else—allowed traders to leverage up their businesses quite remarkably. Over time, houses like those of Baring, Rothschild and Speyer shifted out of their traditional-goods trading for the higher volumes and higher fees available from trading just the paper claims. The Speyers were known as the leading investment and trading house in Frankfurt, Germany, usually ranked just behind the Rothschilds in the Jewish financial imperium.
Philip Speyer came to New York in 1837 and opened an American branch. He was the first banker to place Union Civil War bond issues in Europe, and he introduced both Jacob Schiff and Otto Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb to the American market. James and Edgar were his nephews, born in New York in 1861 and 1862, respectively, and both educated in Europe. James may have been the more Germanophilic: He spent most summers in Germany and was on relaxed personal terms with the Kaiser, but he was also active in international peace groups and made a number of attempts to forestall the coming of World War I. Both brothers were small in stature, dapper, eager to collect beautiful objects and prickly to the point of imperiling their business relationships.
As Mr. Liebmann relates, Edgar and James frequently partnered on massive financings in Latin America, mostly in railroads, often in league with Percival Farquhar, a graduate of Yale and the Columbia Law School and a former ward-heeler in the Tweed organization. Farquhar was reputed to be able to sell anything to anyone—the perfect frontman for a bond operation. In truth, he accomplished prodigies, like the Madeira-Mamore railroad, designed to bypass the rapids of Amazonia; 3,600 men are reported to have died in its construction. Another Farquhar road, running from São Paulo to the city of Santos about 50 miles away, was called by a contemporary writer “one of the most difficult feats of railroad engineering in the world executed with absolute perfection.” Many of Farquhar’s railroads are still in use, although they are now typically owned by governments, for few of them made much money.
There were many reasons why the Speyer bank did not survive the interwar period. The J.P. Morgan bank was the gatekeeper of financing for European reconstruction and blackballed any Speyer participation, quite possibly because of the Speyers’ Jewishness. Both brothers, moreover, may have lost their taste for the business. Edgar concentrated on his musical and charitable interests after he emigrated to America, and James’s operation was a “one-man show,” with a small number of partners, and wound up both its New York and Frankfurt branches within a year of his retirement in 1938. He may also have run the business on a shoestring; a 1923 legal action revealed that the firm’s capital was only about $715,000, of which James owned a 30% share.
The author sums up: “The demise of the Speyer firm may have been due to nationalism, personal prickliness, and the brothers’ lack of sons.” But it may well have been doomed anyway, as Mr. Liebmann notes. The firm “dealt primarily in government and railroad bonds,” he writes, and fixed-income securities would not be good investments in a postwar world “in which the gold standard had been renounced in favour of the managed currencies of the Bretton Woods system.”
Mr. Liebmann has done a service by bringing the history of an important, but almost forgotten, banking family to notice. But his execution can be frustrating. Whole chapters can read like a recitation of investment activities or, in one case, of charitable bequests (the brothers were very generous). There is also a good deal of jumping back and forth between eras. And the notes are impossible. It is common for books to forgo, as “The Fall of the House of Speyer” does, numbered notes in the text, but then the back matter includes snippets from the text to link to the note. Here, the notes appear at the back but without textual clues. The curious reader must waste time trying to match a source to the text it refers to. Surely Edgar Speyer treated his London house guests with more courtesy.
Mr. Morris is the author of “The Tycoons: How Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and J.P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy.”
Appeared in the January 26, 2016, print edition as 'Second Only to.'