Trump Allied To Jewish Zionist Interests In China And Around World,Protocols Of Elders Of Zion Come True
Israel: The Promised Land For Chinese Investors – Jewish Economic ...
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26 nov. 2017 - China's total investment in Israel has tripled last year to $16 billion. Among Chinese investors, there is the belief that Israel is the new promised ...Traducir esta página
Chinese to Invest in Israel Real Estate | Jewish News | Israel News ...
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17 abr. 2016 - Israeli and Chinese companies have signed an agreement to develop a number of real estate projects in Israel for an estimated $3.7 billion, .Traducir esta página
By Timothy Fitzpatrick
May 13, 2018 Anno Domini
May 13, 2018 Anno Domini
How Trump fits in the global neocon-Likud-Chabad organized crime syndicate
The Talmudic-Zionist illegal state of Israel is currently officially run by gangster Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel’s organized crime-run Likud party. Likud’s roots trace back to Jewish terrorist organizations like the Stern Gang and Irgun, which later evolved into the murderous Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). These modern day zealot organizations, with the aid of International Jewish criminals like mob boss of bosses Meyer Lansky, helped establish the Zionist state of Israel in 1948.
After years of criminal activity in America with Jewish mobsters like Mickey Cohen and Lansky, Irgun terrorist Menachem Begin would be rewarded by the Zionist-controlled West by becoming Prime Minister of Israel in 1980. He entered the national ministry through the Likud party, which he founded in 1973 through a blending of existing right- and left-wing parties in Israel—almost all of which agreed in their Zionism. Although Likud is based in Israel, it’s founding and ongoing political success exist because of the loyal labouring of a global organized crime syndicate, which is even composed of some non-Jews.....................

The family is said to work for ISIS.

"The lawyer for Carl Icahn's Freeport was videotaped not long ago at an ISIS ceremony, where he was one of two people presiding as a group of young men pledged allegiance to ISIS." TRUMP, CARL ICAHN AND ISIS IN INDONESIA - Daily Kos.
Indonesia has seen the return of some of the estimated 1,100 Indonesians who went to fight with Israel's ISIS forces in Syria.

Playboy in Indonesia.
A leaked US Embassy cable (2006) shows that Indonesia's Islamist FPI militia, which supports ISIS, has been financed by the Indonesian police, the Indonesian security services and Playboy.

Above, we see the Indonesian military training the friends of ISIS, the FPI.
"Using a British passport a Mossad agent named Anthony Tingle arrived in Indonesia to help train Indonesian secret agents in the Special Intelligence Unit in Cipayung."
Tel Aviv -Jakarta ... / Inside Indonesia's Intelligence Service
International drug lord Freddy Budiman is said to finance ISIS in Indonesia.
Freddy is very friendly with certain members of the police and military in Indonesia.
Mabes Polri selidiki kabar gembong Narkoba jadi simpatisan ISIS.. / 4 facts about Freddy Budiman

The Indonesian special forces Kopassus cooperate closely with Mossad.
Israel and Indonesia are close friends.
Mossad has a large office in Jakarta.

Playboy in Indonesia.
A leaked US Embassy cable (2006) shows that Indonesia's Islamist FPI militia, which supports ISIS, has been financed by the Indonesian police, the Indonesian security services and Playboy.

Above, we see the Indonesian military training the friends of ISIS, the FPI.

"Using a British passport a Mossad agent named Anthony Tingle arrived in Indonesia to help train Indonesian secret agents in the Special Intelligence Unit in Cipayung."
Tel Aviv -Jakarta ... / Inside Indonesia's Intelligence Service
International drug lord Freddy Budiman is said to finance ISIS in Indonesia.
Freddy is very friendly with certain members of the police and military in Indonesia.
Mabes Polri selidiki kabar gembong Narkoba jadi simpatisan ISIS.. / 4 facts about Freddy Budiman

The Indonesian special forces Kopassus cooperate closely with Mossad.
Israel and Indonesia are close friends.
Mossad has a large office in Jakarta.

Trump's friends have been busy in Indonesia.
In Indonesia, China is to help build and finance the Lido City project, which is linked to Trump.
'The Lido City project involves Trump-branded hotels, residences and a golf course, as well as other hotel, shopping and residential developments.'
The Lido City project links Trump's business interests to China.

Lido City in Indonesia.
China's 'infrastructure initiative' aims to connect China with Africa, Asia and Europe through a vast network of ports, railways, roads and industrial estates.
In 2017, China approved almost 40 trademark applications by Trump, to protect Trump business interests in China.
McClatchy reported the involvement of China in a Trump project in Dubai.
Trump Tower houses the American headquarters of China's ICBC bank.

The Chinese-Indonesian Hary Tanoe and Trump, both claiming to be Christians.
Trump's partner in the the Lido City is the Indonesian businessman Hary Tanoe.
Trump's Indonesian Business Partner Is Knee-Deep in Dirty Politics
Hary Tanoe is close friends with the politicians who are using Islamic extremists to try to achieve power.

Hary (left) holding hands with former General Prabowo Subianto, who is reportedly a friend of the CIA and Israel.
Journalist Allan Nairn was told that funds for the Islamists "came from Donald Trump's billionaire business partner Hary Tanoe, who was repeatedly described ... by key movement figures as being among their most important supporters."
"The supporters of the FPI (ISIS linked Islamists) see Hary, who is a Christian, as being a bridge between Trump and Gen. Prabowo."

Attacks on churches 13 May 2018. The top Indonesian generals have all been trained in the USA, and are said to run all the Islamist terrorist groups.
There are conlicting reports on the church bombings of 13 May 2018.
A witness interviewed by CNN Indonesia said shortly before the explosion he saw a person on a motorbike drive in carrying a cardboard box.
Separately, an internal police report reviewed by Reuters said a suspected bomb exploded in a car in the parking lot of a Pentacostal church, setting alight dozens of motorbikes.
Why would Trump's Indonesian friends use ISIS to attack churches?

Above we see the FPI, which supports ISIS, being trained by the Indonesian military.
The Indonesian generals work closely with the CIA and Mossad.

Former General Prabowo Subianto.
Prabowo's late mother, Dora, was a Christian.
Prabowo graduated from The American School in London. [9]
Prabowo was trained at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the US.
(General Prabowo and terror / Prabowo)
Prabowo is said to have worked for the USA's Defence Intelligence Agency.
Domingos Guterres, from East Timor, claims General Prabowo personally carried out acts of torture.
In the 1983 Kraras massacres in East Timor, about 300 people are believed to have been buried in mass graves after a series of executions that the locals say were carried out under General Prabowo.
(Torture evidence mounts against Indonesian general )

19 people were killed and scores injured in a series of attacks on churches on Christmas Eve in 2000.
In February 2001, the respected Indonesian newsweekly Tempo published a cover story suggesting links between the church bombings and the Indonesian military, the TNI.
The article pointed out that Edi Sugiarto, who was quickly arrested and confessed to assembling 15 of the bombs used in the town of Medan, has long run a car repair shop in the province of Aceh, where a separatist group named GAM operated.
Members of TNI and Indonesia’s special forces, Kopassus, regularly went to his shop for repairs and just to hang out.
As a result, GAM claimed he was a TNI lackey and burned down his shop and house in 1997.
Phone records also indicated that Sugiarto called Fauzi Hasbi seven times before the bombings.
Hasbi is a leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, but Tempo outed him as an Indonesian government agent.
In 2005, two years after Hasbi’s death, the Australian television program SBS Dateline provided additional evidence of Hasbi’s long-time links to the TNI.
Fasbi also called Jacob Tanwijaya, a businessman well connected with the TNI, 35 times.
That businessman in turn talked on the phone to Lt. Col. Iwan Prilianto, a Kopassus special forces intelligence officer, over 70 times. (Source: Kopassus)

In Indonesia, the special forces regiment, Kopassus, works closely with Mossad (MOSSAD IN INDONESIA) and the American military.
There is evidence linking Kopassus to attacks on Christian churches in Indonesia.
"The most vicious combined operation of Coker (Chrtistian gangsters) and Kopassus was the attack on the village of Soya...
"22 houses were destroyed by fire, as well as the historic church of Soya built during Portuguese times and 12 people were killed.
"The Soya bloodbath created new tensions between Muslim and Christian communities.
"It is now clear that the attack was not the work of Muslim warriors as was thought at the time but an attack by a Christian militia gang together with Kopassus units."
(aangirfan: The 'terrorism' is often linked to Christian gangsters ...)
The CIA's Allen Pope during his trial in Jakarta, 28 December 1959.
The CIA secretly bombed Christians in Indonesia, in order to topple President Sukarno.
On 15 May 1958, a CIA plane bombed the Ambon marketplace, killing a large number of civilians on their way to church on Ascension Thursday.
Three days later, during another bombing run over Ambon, a CIA pilot, Allen Lawrence Pope, was shot down and captured.
Document:Indonesia 1957-58 .
9 May 2017 - The Pentagon's chief Indonesian friend, former general Prabowo, is said to be one of the brains behind the idea of using the FPI (friends of ...Aangirfan: CONSERVATIVES VERSUS LIBERALS IN INDONESIA
1 Mar 2017 - Rizieq Shihab is the leader of Indonesia's Islam Defenders Front (FPI). The IndonesianCatholic Students Association has filed charges against ...
1 Mar 2017 - Rizieq Shihab is the leader of Indonesia's Islam Defenders Front (FPI). The IndonesianCatholic Students Association has filed charges against ...~~
By Timothy Fitzpatrick
May 13, 2018 Anno Domini
May 13, 2018 Anno Domini
How Trump fits in the global neocon-Likud-Chabad organized crime syndicate
The Talmudic-Zionist illegal state of Israel is currently officially run by gangster Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel’s organized crime-run Likud party. Likud’s roots trace back to Jewish terrorist organizations like the Stern Gang and Irgun, which later evolved into the murderous Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). These modern day zealot organizations, with the aid of International Jewish criminals like mob boss of bosses Meyer Lansky, helped establish the Zionist state of Israel in 1948.
After years of criminal activity in America with Jewish mobsters like Mickey Cohen and Lansky, Irgun terrorist Menachem Begin would be rewarded by the Zionist-controlled West by becoming Prime Minister of Israel in 1980. He entered the national ministry through the Likud party, which he founded in 1973 through a blending of existing right- and left-wing parties in Israel—almost all of which agreed in their Zionism. Although Likud is based in Israel, it’s founding and ongoing political success exist because of the loyal labouring of a global organized crime syndicate, which is even composed of some non-Jews.
Chabad mafiya
This syndicate—which appears to have been re-organized as a religious front called Chabad Lubavitch, a mystical Orthodox branch of right-wing Judaism created in Russia—conducts much of its illegal activity in and through the United States of America and Russia, whether its running drugs, arms, carrying out fraudulent business and real-estate transactions, sex trafficking, extortion, or assassinating undesirables. It sometimes wears the mask of the intelligence community and exists among Democrats and Republicans alike. No American president, save for JFK, has dared to cross it. Late FBI director and closeted homosexual John Edgar Hoover was so controlled by this syndicate that he publicly claimed that the mafia did not even exist! Lansky is alleged to have had photos depicting Hoover in homosexual acts, particularly one showing Hoover performing fellatio on his lover and assistant Clyde Tolson—once again, we see elite Jews using sexual blackmail in their systems of control and dominance.
Like Hoover, current U.S. President Donald Trump appears to be in total submission to this same international Jewish crime syndicate, which, without any shred of opposition from Trump, is directing U.S. foreign policy (naturally favouring Israel) as well as protecting the usurers who control the entire financial and political establishments. Trump’s administration might as well be renamed the “Goldman Sachs Administration”. Whether Trumps obedience to the syndicate is a result of his sexual compromise at the hands of Israel’s Mossad (discussed in Part I of this series), his familial ties to Zionism and international Jewry, or personal opportunism, Trump’s administration can be said to be nothing short of being Zionist- and Jewish-occupied. What Likud wants, America will bring it, regardless of which figurehead poses as the American leader.
Likud’s Oded Yinon Agenda for Trump
It seems the Likud agenda for Trump is mainly for war and the advancement of U.S. foreign policy in the interests of Likud-run Israel and its Judeo-masonic overlords. More and more we see the escalation of the threat of war against Middle East countries supposedly not already subservient to Israel and its Oded Yinon Plan (the Balkanization of the Middle East with Jews gaining more and more control), namely Iran and Syria, which just happen to be two of Russia’s biggest Soviet Arab satellites. Where the Zionist Bush regime finished in 2008 (Afghanistan and Iraq), the Zionist Trump regime has begun. However, Iran’s Jew-friendly leadership could broker a backroom deal with international Jewry to keep America out of a war, but they need Likud-controlled Trump in power as a hedge. As for Syria, Israel and international Jewry seem content letting both the United States and Russia tear it to pieces. It makes little difference to Jewry if Syrian pipelines are run by Russian Jews or American Jews.
Bibi, Trump, and the Kushners

“Kushner’s father, Charles Kushner, had a personal relationship with the Israeli prime minister. Netanyahu visited Charles Kushner, a real estate mogul, in his office and also spent time at a Jewish school financed by the family. Netanyahu even included Charles Kushner on a list of wealthy American Jews likely to contribute to the Likud primary elections a few years ago, reported the New York Times.”[2] We’ve only scratched the surface here of the relationship between Bibi and the Kushners, but another interesting association is between Netanyahu’s disgraced former chief of staff Ari Harow, Trump-Russia back channeller Erik Prince of the Mossad-like Blackwater (now Academi), and Jewish billionaire Vincent Tchenguiz, who was once the largest shareholder in the SCL Group, the parent company of Cambridge Analytica (CA). CA is the data mining company currently under investigation for its involvement in getting Donald Trump elected president. Trump is tied to CA in multiple ways. But conflicts of interest are only the beginning, as the company is known for its use of sexual blackmail and other dirty tricks in achieving its objectives.[3]
Outrageously, Trump has his supporters fooled that he could use a Likudnik, Jared, to broker peace in the Middle East. The only kind of peace Trump could be interested in is a one-sided deal benefiting racist Israeli settlers and their criminal Likud government.
And wouldn’t you know it, Trump and Kushner interests were named finalists earlier this year to build the FBI’s new headquarters.[4]They are actually going to replace the old headquarters—dedicated to Lansky crime syndicate operative and FBI director John Edgar Hoover. Remember that Hoover was connected to the Roy Cohn pederast ring with which both Roger Stone and Donald Trump are implicated. Fittingly, the Trump interest—Vornado Realty Trust—is a major investor in 666 Fifth Avenue, the flagship skyscraper of the Kushner Cos. Vornado is run by Jew Steve Roth, “who has been advising Donald Trump on his plans to revamp the nation’s infrastructure.”[5] Roth also served as one of Trump’s top economic advisors during his 2016 election campaign. Despite his fake conservative sympathies, Roth is liberal through and through—donating money to gay marriage causes, likely provoked by the fact that Roth’s own son is gay.[6] This moral compromise exists with Trump, too, who has flip flopped on such important issues as abortion and gay marriage. To confirm this, Trump attended the gay wedding of Roth’s son Jordan in September 2012.[7] Chief usurist at Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein was also in attendance. Trump’s consistent flip-flopping, I should point out, does not seem to be due to Trump’s confusion or trying appease both sides. Instead, it appears that the about facing is deliberately done as part of some kind of shock-and-awe confusion doctrine, where nobody can figure out anything, especially Trump’s opponents..............................
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