Terrorism And Interational 'Rothschild-ean' Deap State Of City Of London Connected International Billionares Control CIA,UK 'Intelligence,Mossad,Military Inustrial Complex et.al.

Allen Dulles and one of his lovers Queen Frederika . DULLES was a Nazi and a Zionist - helping to run the SECRET GOVERNMENT
In 1956, Allen Dulles, the boss of the CIA, set up Operation Gladio.
Dulles, and his allies in the UK and elsewhere, recruited thousands of former top Nazis, and other fascists, for Operation Gladio.
Operation Gladio.
The main purpose of Operation Gladio was to carry out false flag terrorist attacks, in order to promote a 'fascist' agenda.
By 'fascist' we mean the brutal, racist philosophy of certain members of the rich elite, whether atheist, Christian, Jewish or Moslem.

Bologna Bombing 1980 - 'the work Gladio, the CIA and P2'
Working alongside Operation Gladio was Propaganda Due, known as P2.
P2 is the Masonic lodge set up in Italy after World war II.
The members of P2 included spy chiefs, military chiefs, political chiefs, business chiefs, media chiefs, Mafia chiefs and top aristocrats.

"P2's boss Licio Gelli was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of Argentina, Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in the Italian and American governments – he is also reported to have had some financial dealings with the George Bush for President campaign."
P2's boss, Licio Gelli, worked for Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon's White House Chief of Staff Alexander Haig
Operation Gladio.
Propaganda Due.
In 1956, Allen Dulles, the boss of the CIA, set up Operation Gladio.
Dulles, and his allies in the UK and elsewhere, recruited thousands of former top Nazis, and other fascists, for Operation Gladio.
Operation Gladio.
The main purpose of Operation Gladio was to carry out false flag terrorist attacks, in order to promote a 'fascist' agenda.
By 'fascist' we mean the brutal, racist philosophy of certain members of the rich elite, whether atheist, Christian, Jewish or Moslem.

Bologna Bombing 1980 - 'the work Gladio, the CIA and P2'
Working alongside Operation Gladio was Propaganda Due, known as P2.
P2 is the Masonic lodge set up in Italy after World war II.
The members of P2 included spy chiefs, military chiefs, political chiefs, business chiefs, media chiefs, Mafia chiefs and top aristocrats.

"P2's boss Licio Gelli was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of Argentina, Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in the Italian and American governments – he is also reported to have had some financial dealings with the George Bush for President campaign."
P2's boss, Licio Gelli, worked for Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon's White House Chief of Staff Alexander Haig
Operation Gladio.
In the book The Pope, The Mafia and Agca, Ugur Mumcu, a top Turkish journalist, wrote, "Henry Kissinger is a member of the Monte Carlo lodge, which is the P2's 'board of directors', also known as the Monte Carlo Committee."

Kissinger and Rockefeller.
Friends of P2 included Edmond de Rothschild, and David Rockefeller.
The CIA used Propaganda Due to channel money to fascist groups in Europe and South America.
Peron and Gelli
The CIA used Propaganda Due to channel money to fascist groups in Europe and South America.

Michele Sindona, the treasurer of P2, worked for the CIA and the Mafia.
He channeled funds to the Greek military junta and other extremists.
An Italian parliamentary commission discovered that P2 was an international organization involved in arms trading and the looting of banks.
Propaganda Due

P2 was involved in rituals suggesting mind-control.
P2 was involved in blackmail.
Propaganda Due .

The July 1981 issue of The Middle East International Journal established that P2 had close links with the Jewish community in Italy, with Israel and with Mossad.
The Jewish-Italian oligarch Carlo De Benedetti was friends with P2.
The Italian journal Panorama wrote that Ellie de Rothschild financed the Masonic hanging in London of the P2-linked banker Roberto Calvi.
Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P2's Grand Master, was a friend of Mossad and of Operation Gladio.

The purpose of terrorism is to keep the rich elite in power.
The British journalist Martin Short wrote that P2 had a close relationship with the English Grand Lodge.
In 1977 Lino Salvini, Grand Master of the Italian Grand Lodge, instructed Gelli to continue its work, in secrecy.
Propaganda Due | Conspirazzi.
He channeled funds to the Greek military junta and other extremists.
An Italian parliamentary commission discovered that P2 was an international organization involved in arms trading and the looting of banks.
Propaganda Due

P2 was involved in rituals suggesting mind-control.
P2 was involved in blackmail.
Propaganda Due .

The July 1981 issue of The Middle East International Journal established that P2 had close links with the Jewish community in Italy, with Israel and with Mossad.
The Jewish-Italian oligarch Carlo De Benedetti was friends with P2.
The Italian journal Panorama wrote that Ellie de Rothschild financed the Masonic hanging in London of the P2-linked banker Roberto Calvi.
Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P2's Grand Master, was a friend of Mossad and of Operation Gladio.

The purpose of terrorism is to keep the rich elite in power.
The British journalist Martin Short wrote that P2 had a close relationship with the English Grand Lodge.
In 1977 Lino Salvini, Grand Master of the Italian Grand Lodge, instructed Gelli to continue its work, in secrecy.
Propaganda Due | Conspirazzi.
Freemasonry was introduced to Italy in or about 1733 by an Englishman, Lord Sackville.
Propaganda Due

P2's Italian boss was Licio Gelli.
Gelli's P2 was exposed in 1981 when police were investigating the Michele Sindona bank scandal.
During World War II, Gelli worked for Nazi SS and, after World War II, Gelli helped many top Nazis to escape to South America.
Gelli attended the inauguration of President Regan in January 1981.
In 1981, the police discovered a list of members of P2, drawn up by Gelli, contained the names of nearly a thousand of Italy's most powerful men.
Gelli was taken into custody in Switzerland, but, he mysteriously escaped and disappeared to Monte Carlo and then to Uruguay.
Gelli was facing charges of extortion, blackmail, drug smuggling, arms smuggling, conspiracy to overthrow the legal government, political espionage, military espionage, illegal possession of state secrets, and involvement in a series of bombings, including the Bologna station attack in which 84 people died.
P2 members Gelli and the head of the secret service Pietro Musumeci attempted to mislead the police investigation into the Bologna massacre on 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people.
There is evidence that Gelli was involved in the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.
Propaganda Due

P2's Italian boss was Licio Gelli.
Gelli's P2 was exposed in 1981 when police were investigating the Michele Sindona bank scandal.
During World War II, Gelli worked for Nazi SS and, after World War II, Gelli helped many top Nazis to escape to South America.
Gelli attended the inauguration of President Regan in January 1981.
In 1981, the police discovered a list of members of P2, drawn up by Gelli, contained the names of nearly a thousand of Italy's most powerful men.
Gelli was taken into custody in Switzerland, but, he mysteriously escaped and disappeared to Monte Carlo and then to Uruguay.
Gelli was facing charges of extortion, blackmail, drug smuggling, arms smuggling, conspiracy to overthrow the legal government, political espionage, military espionage, illegal possession of state secrets, and involvement in a series of bombings, including the Bologna station attack in which 84 people died.
P2 members Gelli and the head of the secret service Pietro Musumeci attempted to mislead the police investigation into the Bologna massacre on 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people.
There is evidence that Gelli was involved in the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.
Propaganda Due
P2 was implicated in the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi, and corruption cases within the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli.
Propaganda Due - Revolvy
P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state"[5] or a "shadow government".[6]
P2 was implicated in the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi, and corruption cases within the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli.
Propaganda Due - Revolvy
P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state"[5] or a "shadow government".[6]
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