9/11:Police Officer Who Caught WTC Celebrating Israelis
DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-11 that mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.
Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and “was posted on the highway” to prevent traffic from entering New York City.
“There was a BOLO, which is a ‘Be On the Look Out’ for a particular van, perhaps loaded with explosives,” explained DeCarlo, “that may have been on its way to destroy the George Washington Bridge.”
DeCarlo explained: “It [the suspicious van] happened to come our way, and I grabbed my sergeant [DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at that time] and said: ‘Hey, man, that’s our van.’ It wasn’t the exact license plate given reported—it was off by one numeral—but I said: ‘That’s gotta be it; it’s just too close.’”.......................
AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders. DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, “You ever have a gun pointed at your head?”
DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their van. “When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: ‘We’re not your enemy, we’re your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,’” DeCarlo said. “At that point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, ‘Hey, we’re on your side.’”
“We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the Meadowlands Stadium, and that’s the last I saw of them,” he said. Shortly after that, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. “to document the event.”
9-11 Cop Breaks Silence
By Dave Gahary
The New Jersey police officer responsible for capturing five Israelis who filmed and celebrated while the World Trade Center towers burned has broken his silence, agreeing to a September 16 exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS.
As AFP readers are no doubt aware, these are the same Israelis who were working under the direction of Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company at the center of Israeli involvement in the September 11 attacks.
Sergeant Scott DeCarlo has never spoken to the media about the details of that day except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined sources. In fact, DeCarlo confirmed that this is the first, and last, interview he will ever grant in regard to this subject.
DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-11 that mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.
Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and “was posted on the highway” to prevent traffic from entering New York City.
“There was a BOLO, which is a ‘Be On the Look Out’ for a particular van, perhaps loaded with explosives,” explained DeCarlo, “that may have been on its way to destroy the George Washington Bridge.”
DeCarlo explained: “It [the suspicious van] happened to come our way, and I grabbed my sergeant [DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at that time] and said: ‘Hey, man, that’s our van.’ It wasn’t the exact license plate given reported—it was off by one numeral—but I said: ‘That’s gotta be it; it’s just too close.’”
He continued: “The van was coming off the [N.J.] Turnpike trying to get on Route 3. Traffic was rolling at two miles an hour, so we got in front of the van on foot, weapons drawn, and stopped it.”
All five of the Israeli spies refused to exit their vehicle, so DeCarlo was forced to get physical.
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“We asked them to get out of the van, but they didn’t listen,” he said. “So, we . . . put them in handcuffs and did it as quickly as possible.”
AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders. DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, “You ever have a gun pointed at your head?”
DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their van. “When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: ‘We’re not your enemy, we’re your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,’” DeCarlo said. “At that point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, ‘Hey, we’re on your side.’”
“We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the Meadowlands Stadium, and that’s the last I saw of them,” he said. Shortly after that, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. “to document the event.”
Sgt. DeCarlo asked AFP to request interested parties not to contact him.
Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
Be sure to check out all of AFP’s free audio interviews. You’ll find them on the HOME PAGE, in the ARCHIVES & in the AUDIOsection.
Although a total of three Israeli lives were reportedly lost on 9/11, speechwriters for President George W. Bush grossly inflated the number of Israeli dead to 130 in the president's address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001. The fact that only one Israeli died at the WTC, while 4,000 Israelis were thought to have been at the scene of the attacks on 9/1 1 naturally led to a widespread rumor, blamed on Arabic sources, that Israelis had been forewarned to stay away that day. "Whether this story was the origin of the rumor," Bret Stephens, the Post's editor-in-chief wrote in 2003, "I cannot say. What I can say is that there was no mistake in our reporting." ODIGO INSTANT MESSAGES Evidence that Israelis had been forewarned several hours before the attacks surfaced at an Israeli instant messaging service, known as Odigo. This story, clear evidence of Israeli prior knowledge, was reported only briefly in the U.S. media - and quickly forgotten. At least two Israel-based employees of Odigo received warnings of an imminent attack in New York City more than two hours before the first plane hit the WTC. Odigo had its U.S. headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The Odigo employees, however, did not pass the warning on to the authorities in New York City, a move that could have saved thousands of lives. Odigo has a feature called People Finder that allows users to seek out and contact others based on certain demographics, such as Israeli nationality. Two weeks after 9/11, Alex Diamandis, Odigo's vice president, reportedly said, "It was possible that the attack warning was broadcast to other Odigo members, but the company has not received reports of other recipients of the message." The Internet address of the sender was given to the FBI, and two months later it was reported that the FBI was still investigating the matter. There have been no media reports since. Odigo, like many Israeli software companies, is based and has its Research and Development (R&D) center in Herzliya, Israel, the small town north of Tel Aviv, which happens to be where Mossad's headquarters are located. Shortly after 9/1 1, Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five executives from Comverse were reported to have profited by more than $267 million from "insider trading." Through Israeli "venture capital" (VC) investment funds, Mossad spawns and sponsors scores of software companies currently doing business in the United States. These Israel-based companies are sponsored by Mossad funding sources such as Cedar Fund, Stage One Ventures, Veritas Venture Partners, and others. As one might expect, the portfolios of these Mossad-linked funding companies contain only Israeli-based companies, such as Odigo. Reading through the strikingly similar websites of these Israeli "VC" funds and their portfolio companies, one can't help but notice that the key "team" players share a common profile and are often former members of "Israel's Intelligence Corps" and veterans of the R&D Department of the Israel Air Force or another branch of the military. Most are graduates of Israel's "Technion" school in Haifa, Mossad's Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, or a military program for software development. The IDC, a private, non-profit university, is closely tied to the Mossad. The IDC has a "research institute" headed by Shabtai Shavit, former head of the Mossad from 1989 to 1996, called the International Policy Institute for Counter- Terrorism. The IDC also has a "Marc Rich Center for the Study of Commodities, Trading and Financial Markets" and a "Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy." The cosmetics magnate Ronald S. Lauder, who is a supporter of Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his far-right Likud Party, founded the Lauder school. Lauder, president of the Jewish National Fund and former chairman of New York Governor George Pataki's Commission on Privatization, is the key individual who pushed the privatization of the WTC and former Stewart AFB, where the flight paths of the two planes that hit the twin towers oddly converged. Ronald Lauder played a significant, albeit unreported, role in the preparation for 9/1 1 . Pataki's wife, Libby, has been on Lauder's payroll since at least 2002 and reportedly earned $100,000 as a consultant in 2004. According to The Village Voice, between 1994 and 1998, Gov. Pataki earned some $70,000 for speaking to groups affiliated with Lauder. THE PTECH CUTOUT Ptech, a mysterious software company has been tied with the events of 9/11. The Quincy, Massachusetts-based company was supposedly connected to "the Muslim Brotherhood" and Arab financiers of terrorism. The firm's suspected links with terrorism resulted in a consensual examination by the FBI in December 2002, which was immediately leaked to the media. The media reports of the FBI "raid" on Ptech soon led to the demise of the company. Ptech "produced software that derived from PROMIS, had an artificial intelligence core, and was installed on virtually every computer system of the U.S. government and its military agencies on September 11, 2001 ," according to Michael Ruppert's From the Wilderness (FTW) website. "This included the White House, Treasury Dept. (Secret Service), Air Force, FAA, CIA, FBI, both houses of Congress, Navy, Dept. of Energy, IRS, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and more," FTW reported. "Whoever plotted 9/1 1 definitely viewed the FAA as the enemy that morning. Overriding FAA systems would be the most effective way to ensure the attacks were successful," FTW reported. "To do this, the FAA needed an evolution of PROMIS software installed on their systems and Ptech was just that; the White House and Secret Service had the same software on their systems - likely a superior modified version capable of 'surveillance and intervention' systems." But did the U.S. government unwittingly load software capable of "surveillance and intervention" operations and produced by a company linked to terrorism onto its most sensitive computer networks, or was Ptech simply a Mossad "cutout" company? Oussama Ziade, a Lebanese Muslim immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1985, founded Ptech in 1994. But the company's original manager of marketing and information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications, currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company. And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith for decades. So, why would a recently graduated Juris Doctor in Law leave a promising law career to join forces with a Lebanese Muslim's upstart company sponsored with dodgy funders in Saudi Arabia? "As information systems manager [for Ptech], Michael handled design, deployment and management of its Windows and Macintosh, data, and voice networks ," Goff s website says. "Michael also performed employee training and handled all procurement for software, systems and peripherals." AFP asked Goff, who left the Worcester law firm of Seder & Chandler in 1994, how he wound up working at Ptech. "Through a temp agency," Goff said. Asked for the name of the agency, Goff said he could not remember. Could it be Mossad Temps, or maybe Sayan Placement Agency? Goff, the original marketing manager for Ptech software, said he did not know who had written the code that Ptech sold to many government agencies. Is this believable? Goff leaves a legal practice in his home town to take a job, through a temp agency, with a Lebanese Muslim immigrant who is selling software, and he doesn't know who even wrote the code? AFP contacted the government agencies that reportedly have Ptech software on their computers, and IBM, to ask if they could identify who had written the source code of the Ptech software. By press time, only Lt. Commander Ron Steiner of the U.S. Navy's Naval Network Warfare Command had responded. Steiner said he had checked with an analyst and been told that none of the Ptech software has been approved for the Navy's enterprise networks. Finis Israel did 9/11: ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD! ! This article was written and prepared by ZCF (zioncrime factory); For the full report visit this website (site blocked)! Make sure to check out this article entitled "A Tribute To Those Who Spoke Out" commemorating all of those honest, honorable and courageous Jews who had the heart and good will to put their own neck out on the line to speak out against this criminal cabal. To them we owe our gratitude and respect. Israel did 9/1 1 Figuring out exactly how 9/1 1 was done is the work of crime investigators or conspiracy hobbyists who will endlessly go on discussing and debating every minuscule and intricate detail of the event to no avail. It doesn't take a structural engineer to tell you that two 110 story buildings and a 47 story steel skyscraper plummeting to the ground at nearly free-fall speed requires the assistance of explosives. All you need is two eyes that can see and a brain that thinks to come to that sound conclusion. This is why it is of my opinion that more emphasis should be placed on the "who" instead of the "how". It should be obvious to anyone that discovering 'who did 9/11' is infinitely more important than discovering how they did it. An Uncanny Prediction Comes True First we start off with an unusual and eerie prediction that was made by a most suspicious individual. This prediction, in unison with the status of the person of who made it, is extremely indicative and foretelling of who planned and executed 9/1 1 . Isser Harel - Spymaster of the Israeli Intelligence Services. Director of Mossad and Shin Bet from 1952-1963. In 1979, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9-1 1 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter of Zionist extremists of the Jabotinsky sort. On September 23, 1 979, Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner with him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then prime minister Menachem Begin. In an editorial entitled "America the Target", published in the Jerusalem Post of September 30, 2001 Evans — a Khazar Jew masquerading as a Christian — asked Harel about Arab terrorism and if it would come to America. Harel told Evans that Arab terrorists would likely strike the "tallest building in New York City" because it was a "phallic symbol". The fact that 9/1 1 was planned by the Mossad through the admittance of Isser Harel is well documented and appears in a book written by Michael Evans. ( See Article 7th Paragraph ). Securing Control of World Trade Center Complex The first step in the preparation of the 9/1 1 attacks was to secure the control of the WTC into private hands. This was crucial to the success of 9/1 1 because without complete control over this complex there would be no opportunity or possibility of setting explosive charges in place as the coup de gras in bringing the towers to the ground. In steps four key Jewish Crime Network assets: 1) Larry Silverstein — Larry is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Larry obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001 . The nearly worthless trade towers I should point out due to them being filled with asbestos that needed removal; a process that would have produced a cost that would have rivaled the cost of the lease itself. Larry explains his reason for purchasing the towers as "I felt a compelling urge to own them." Is this a believable reason coming from a supposed successful businessman? Larry had breakfast in "Windows on the World" restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every single morning . Larry was absent from this routine meeting on the morning of September the 1 1th. Larry's two offspring, who also worked in the WTC, also conveniently decided to take the day off. Either the Silverstein family is clairvoyant, or then knew exactly what was going down that day. Take your pick. Larry Silverstein scored more than $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of his complex. Silverstein was personal friends with key player in Zionist controlled media Rupert Murdoch, former Israeli president & infamous Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu . Silverstein was such good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu that he would receive a phone call from him every single Sunday . 2) Frank Lowy - Lowy, a Czechoslovakia born Jew, was the owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping mall conglomerates in the world. Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Frank Lowy has quite an interesting history. He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist organization. Frank Lowy spends three months of the year at his home in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as "a self-made man with a strong interest in the Holocaust and Israeli politics." He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy , which will "operate within the framework of Tel Aviv University" in Israel. He is also close friends with many top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak. He was also implicated in an Israeli Bank Scandal with Olmert. Frank Lowy steered clear of the WTC on 9/1 1 . More information about Lowy can be further researched here . Lease Transfer Authorization 3) Lewis Eisenberg — This Jewish criminal personality was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorized the lease transfer to his Zionist brethren Larry and Lowy. Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs. Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the U.S. WTC Privatization 4) Ronald Lauder - Billionaire Estee Lauder Cosmetics magnate. He was the chairman of NY Governor George Pataki's commission on privatization. He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC ( Source , 9th pp) — but he also got the former Stewart Air Force Base to become privatized. Oddly, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 1 1 converged directly over this airport. Lauder is active in the following organizations : Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Theological Seminary. Ronald Lauder was elected president of the World Jewish Congress on 10 June, 2007. Lauder founded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel called the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strateg y. He is the key Sayan involved in the preparation of 9/11. WTC Security In Zionist Hands The second crucial aspect of control that needed to be established in order to pull off 9/1 1 was to gain control of security of the WTC complex. This way, Mossad explosive experts — that just so happened to be in town just prior to and on 9/1 1 — could be readily allowed access to strategic areas of the buildings in order to prep for the demolitions. The contract to run security at the WTC was designated to Kroll Associates after the 1993 wtc bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as a "Wallstreets CIA". Who gave them the contract? The Port Authority of New York paid them $2.5 million to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll was two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll. The managing director of Kroll at the time was Jerome M. Hauer. Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guiliani's office of emergency management OEM) from 1996 to 2000. He is the key individual that pushed for this office to be placed in Silverstein's building 7. Jerome Hauer is also Jewish and a staunch Zionist. Hauer's mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel. Pre-Knowledge of Anthrax Mailings A hardly known fact is that Jerome Hauer is the one who advised the WhiteHouse to go on the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax — Cipro — a week prior to the mailings. How convenient. How did he know? Hauer is an 'expert' in Bio-Terrorism and was the one who was in charge of the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. His reactions to the anthrax mailings were 'very slow' to say the least, and he took every opportunity to invoke "Osama Bin Laden" in his rhetoric. Who Killed John O'neil? Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was Former special agent FBI, John O'neil, who was tasked with investigating Bin Laden coincidentally enough, was hired as head of security at the WTC by Jerome Hauer. Amazingly, O'neil was killed on his FIRST day of work — 9/11. It is important to note that O'neil had quit his job at the FBI after his investigation into the U.S.S. Cole attack in Yemen was obstructed & sabotaged by U.S ambassador to Yemen, Zionist Barbara Bodine. This is because the U.S.S. Cole was NOT done by Al Qaeda. The USS Cole was hit by an Israeli cruise missile( Source, 39th pp ) to sway public opinion against Arabs (Al Qaeda), as well as demonize the democrats (didn't take terror threat seriously) — so that their puppet George Bush Jr. could be hurled into office in time for 9/1 1 . This was of course completely covered up. Airport Security The third crucial aspect of control that needed to be established was to gain control of airport security at all of the airports that the hijackings would originate from. Passenger screening needed to be handled by their operatives in order to allow certain people & certain items (i.e. weapons) onto the planes. Who ran airport secuirty at all three ports of alleged hijackings? That would be ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA (wholly owned subsidiary) Owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon . Both Israeli Jews. It is run by "experts" in the security and intelligence field. Israeli intelligence that is. Most employees were ex- Shin Bet agents. Is this airport security company, who ran the security at Boston's Logan Airport, as well as Newark, really that shotty to allow 19 arabs on board 4 different planes with boxcutters, mace, and even a gun, or is there something else going on here? Menachem Atzmon, former Likud treasurer in the 80's, was involved in an Israeli political scandal involving Ehud Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel. He was cirminally convicted of fraud, falsifying documents, as well as breaching Party Funding Law. ICTS was also in charge of airport security when the shoe bomber, Richard Reid, allegedly boarded a plane with a shoe bomb. If Reid is really a terrorist and not just an innocent man being used by the Mossad to incite more fear of terrorism, then why did ICTS let him board the plane knowing he could be dangerous? Another point indicating ICTS's complicity is that a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted on, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/1 1 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports. Prior Knowledge Gomel Chesed Cemetary Incident In October 2000 , approximately 1 1 months before 9/11, a retired Israeli Defense Forces(IDF) officer, and veteran of the Yom Kippur War(1973), was collecting English Ivy Cuttings at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery located at Mccellan and 245 Mount Olive Avenue, which is near the city lines of Elizabeth and Newark, New Jersey. The Gomel Chesed Cemetary is a Jewish cemetary. The man overheard a couple of people having what he believed to be a conversation spoken in Hebrew, which drew his attention. He hid behind an 8-foot tall retaining wall and listened in to their conversation as they stood below. Shortly after a Lincoln town car approached the two people — presumably Israelis — and the man in the backseat got out to greet them. After normal niceties were exchanged the third man said: "The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September." One of the men that had been leaning against the retaining wall expressed concerns regarding whether the upcoming presidential election (November 2000) could impact the plans. The man that arrived in the Town Car pacified the doubts by saying: "Don't worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything." The observer who overheard this conversation related it to the FBI on numerous occasions only to be ignored each time. Nothing was done about it, and no investigation into the incident has ever took place. Israeli Citizens Get Tipped Off Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting. This warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives. Odigo has a feature on its service that allows the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality, such as Israeli. Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewanred, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Israelis considering that out of the 4000 Israelis believed to be in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only FIVE died. 5/4000 Israelis. Mathematically (if Israelis were not forewarned) about 10% (400/4000) would have died; even as low as 200-300/4000 would not really indicate foreknowledge. Yet only FIVE Israelis died and two of the five were actually aboard the supposedly hijacked flights; therefore only three Israelis died at the WTC on 9/11. An astonishing feat. We're talking about 'Israelis' here, not 'American Jews'. Many Jews died in the wtc on 9/1 1 . Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Do the math. Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, "dual" Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud. Goldman Sachs Forewarned - On Sep 1 0, 2001 , the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings. Israeli ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Forewarned * * * * GLOBAL REACH LOCAL TO JCH oldman aehs Integrated Shipping 5ervioe5 Ubd. 1 - ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office (1 0,000 square feet) in the North WTC tower a week before 9/1 1 , breaking its lease. 49% of this company is owned by the Israeli government. The lease ran till the end of 2001 , and the company lost $50,000 by breaking the lease. Later, FBI agent Michael Dick, [url=http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=3655=who was investigating Israeli spying before and after 9/1 1[/url] and looking into the suspicious move, was removed from his duties by the head of the Justice Department's criminal division, Michael Chertoff. According to a non-official cover or N.O.C. CIA source who worked closely with Dick, the Israeli movers moved in explosives when ZIM moved out. With ZIM Israel bailing out just in time, this left one Israeli company, Clearforest , with 19 employees, in the WTC on 9/1 1 . Of the five employees in the building all managed to escape. Mossad Is Guilty U.S. Army Study: On Mossad U.S.ARMY An elite U.S. Army study center had devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli- Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state. The SAMS paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides. Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." The amazing thing about this is that this story was reported in the Washington Post on September 10, 2001. Israeli espionage around 9/11 - Shortly before 9/11, over 140 Israelis had been arrested for suspected espionage. Some of them were posing as Art students. These suspects targeted or penetrated Military bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshal's Service, various U.S. Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices Unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officers. Most of the suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units. Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American malls kiosks selling toys, acting as a front for a spying operation. 60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli company AMDOCS which provides most directory assistance calls and almost call records and billings services for the U.S. by virtue of its contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in the U.S. All alleged 9/11 hijackers had fake IDs. During a joint FBI-CIA operation against the lead patsy hijacker Mohammad Atta in Fort Lee, NJ in 2001, the operation was photographed by Israeli agents and thereby compromised. These Jews were providing cover for the future patsy hijacker teams. More Israelis caught after 9/1 1 — 90 of them! After 9/1 1 - More detentions of Israelis Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either under the Patriot anti-Terrorism Act or for immigrations violations. Some of them were active Israeli military personnel. A number of them failed polygraph examinations when questioned for surveillance activities against the U.S. Some of them were found to have been spying on Arabs. Israelis caught up in terror sweep ■OffliBflttifrUQO forcif,Tiern arnwi™! tiller Sept It flO to 100 are Israeli cttJHens Br JWQMUOWWT NAZARETH. iHUi-l • The day mnA hut partner ware kit aji eBfiPti* mii^toick. btwllnfi «,isrjH[ In- nni stoU Ln Aiwrlcnn l.ilk Ant bu- tft'minK lil^rviudnely LntuallcnE. IjhhI J'^irnelbri nuiv jhwu ifw ITS :.i]tih.-it**d(ir. [T-.inlk'l Kurtwr, fln nhi- imul l . McmLvr* fifth* Israclj uor3Lainijni hnv* lurch it him 4 pe- liuiki mi? pawiiit «r iho n.w mnwri iiil| bfingnHd In n M*ml pciw-a Ln lirraikj^ii h-ivif *n]l*1ec thr hi'lp ijtflh.* raayuruf Jerusalmti EhuiL Olmcn. tvlylnif nn Ills tl*» 1 1PS rr*K May«i titst. Elc saw MiajibL, delivered nir nlliui: CO Allan*;! mid dniiv fay Urtweland In M*ni |ihit l.Ui(r
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