Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid ...
Fox News-Oct 20, 2016
Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12 million ... the charge is that the allegation came from Clinton's loyal aide, Huma Abedin, ... "Saudi Arabia giving $25 million, Qatar, all of these countries.
Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin Marriage Is Like The De Facto Israel ...
VDARE.com-Oct 29, 2016
Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin Marriage Is Like The De Facto Israel-Saudi ... lay down with Gulf State contributions to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary also received $10 million from her girlfriend Huma Abadin's bosses in Saudi Arabia after U.S. sold billions in U.S.weapons used mainly for war crimes in Yemen and probably to arm more Islamic terrorists her and Israeli agent John Kerry's U.S. State Department calls 'freedom fighters' in Iraq,Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan,Libya,etc....
If you look closely at Mexican Lebanese 'Christian' Carlos Slim,the alleged by Forbes along with Microsoft's Bill Gates to be off again on again richest billionaire in the world,you will find all sorts of evidence of his collusion and alignment with elite Jewish Zionists such as the owners of the NY Times and probably explains why he was allowed to enter the Eastern European domination of cell phone business with the like of Austrian Jewish mafia billionaire Martin Schlaff.
Carlos Slim Inches Closer To Retaking World's Richest Man Title From ...
Jul 13, 2014 - Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim is getting close to dethroning Bill ... Currently, Slim's América Móvil controls 70% of the mobile phone market in ... will pursue expansion into Central and Eastern Europe through America ...The Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim: We Want to Invest More in Israel ...
Nov 28, 2013 - Jewish Business News ... Mexico's wealthiest businessman Carlos Slim. – ... BMV: AMX) made a strategic investment in mobile social networks ...http://nypost.com/2016/11/05/the-clinton-foundations-off-the-books-20-million-mystery/
The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.
The Fund was supposed to supply desperately needed seed money to Haitian entrepreneurs after an earthquake devastated the country in January 2010.
But The Post found only one project that it funded with a fraction of the start-up cash.
Since the Fund is incorporated as a private entity and not a non-profit, it is not subject to the same disclosure rules as a public charity.
And the Clinton Foundation never disclosed the Fund as a “related entity” on its tax filings as required by IRS rules. It was only after the Clinton Foundation, under mounting scrutiny and media pressure, “voluntarily” decided to refile five years’ worth of tax returns in 2015 that the Fund appears on the forms.
And the Clinton Foundation never disclosed the Fund as a “related entity” on its tax filings as required by IRS rules. It was only after the Clinton Foundation, under mounting scrutiny and media pressure, “voluntarily” decided to refile five years’ worth of tax returns in 2015 that the Fund appears on the forms.
The for-profit Fund was managed by Jean Marc Villain, who was going through a bankruptcy in 2010 when he was working for the Clinton Foundation. The non-profit paid him an annual salary of $100,000 to oversee the Fund, according to pay records attached to the Podesta emails.
The Florida Elections Commission found that Villain also had violated state laws in 2001 when he did not file donation reports for the Haitian-American Political Caucus, a political committee where he was listed as treasurer.- NY Post
Yahoo holds key to FBI probe of Hillary-Huma emails
WND.com-Oct 30, 2016
Yahoo holds key to FBI probe of Hillary-Huma emails ... In August, WND realized that anyone with Abedin's Yahoo email account username ...
Huma Abedin's April warning from the FBI
New York Post-Oct 31, 2016
FBI agents in April confronted Huma Abedin with an email she received in 2010 warning her that her Yahoo email account — where she'd ...
Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at ...
AOL News-Nov 5, 2016
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing ...
Here's why Chelsea Clinton may be a HUGE problem if Hillary ...
Conservative Review-Nov 2, 2016
During that time, the Clinton Foundation continued to receive money from ... aide,Huma Abedin, simultaneously worked for both the State Department and ... like Saudi Arabia and Qatar to a family-run foundation when making ...
OPINION: News media covering up for Hillary Clinton?
The Clinton News Media is not covering the WikiLeaks emails, which could be a duplicate of those in the procession of the FBI from off a backup server tape. All emails including speeches to Wall Street are now being made public.
This has become such an embarrassment to the FBI that they have reopened their investigation of Hillary’s emails. Below is a quick summary for those uninformed people who get their news through regular channels (NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, AP, ABC, etc.) e.g. controlled by Clinton, Obama, and the Democratic National Committee and may not know the truth.
From other sources, you could learn the following:
Hillary’s Blackberry was hacked by the Chinese on her first trip to China in 2009.
State Department pleaded with her to stop using her unsecured Blackberry and she refused.
Hillary’s unsecured server sat next to the Clinton Foundation server and she knew it had been hacked by the Chinese and Russians.
Hillary received and sent classified email on her Blackberry and server.
After receiving $1.5 million donation to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary approved the sale of 20 percent of our weapons-grade uranium to a Russian firm controlled by Putin.
Obama used a fake name to send Hillary emails through her unsecured server and Blackberry for over four years and he knew it was unsecured.
Obama knew that the Chinese and Russians had hacked Hillary’s server and Blackberry and were monitoring them yet did nothing to prevent the transfer of classified data to our enemies.
Saudi Arabia moved Huma Abedin’s parents from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia so her parents could do PR work for the Muslim World League. Ms. Abedin’s brother is employed by the Muslim World League.
The mother of Hillary’s top aide, Huma Abedin, shares office space with the Muslim World League , which Hillary stated supports terrorists.
The Muslim World League is the terrorist arm of the Saudi government.
Huma Abedin and employees at the Clinton Foundation had access to Hillary’s emails.
The FBI agent in charge of investigating Hillary’s emails received $765,000 from a Clinton operative so his wife could run for state Senate, which she lost.
I believe Ms. Abedin transferred classified data to the Saudis.
The Russians with the classified data at their disposal knew about illicit US weapon transfers from Libya to Syria through the Muslim World League in an effort to topple the Assad regime.
I believe the Russians orchestrated the killing of our Libyan ambassador and three others in Benghazi.
I am of the opinion that Obama and Hillary knew what was going to happen in Benghazi, which is why they took no action on 646-plus requests for additional security and they refused to send help after the attack started.
I believe Ms. Abedin, Obama and Hillary have committed treason and should face the consequences.
The old Soviet Union controlled the news available to millions behind the Iron Curtain so we established Radio Free Europe to broadcast news to those folks. We are currently in need of Radio Free America to broadcast the truth to millions of Americans in our large cities and coastal areas (Missoula included).
Norm Johnson is a resident of Polson.
The Clinton Foundation’s $20 million off-the-books mystery
The inner workings of a mysterious off-the-books arm of the Clinton Foundation were partially revealed in the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
The little-known Haiti Development Fund, an LLC incorporated in Delaware in August 2010, was created by the Clinton Foundation with an initial endowment of $20 million from shady Canadian mining mogul Frank Giustra and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.
The Fund was supposed to supply desperately needed seed money to Haitian entrepreneurs after an earthquake devastated the country in January 2010.
But The Post found only one project that it funded with a fraction of the start-up cash.
Since the Fund is incorporated as a private entity and not a non-profit, it is not subject to the same disclosure rules as a public charity.
And the Clinton Foundation never disclosed the Fund as a “related entity” on its tax filings as required by IRS rules. It was only after the Clinton Foundation, under mounting scrutiny and media pressure, “voluntarily” decided to refile five years’ worth of tax returns in 2015 that the Fund appears on the forms.

The for-profit Fund was managed by Jean Marc Villain, who was going through a bankruptcy in 2010 when he was working for the Clinton Foundation. The non-profit paid him an annual salary of $100,000 to oversee the Fund, according to pay records attached to the Podesta emails.
The Florida Elections Commission found that Villain also had violated state laws in 2001 when he did not file donation reports for the Haitian-American Political Caucus, a political committee where he was listed as treasurer.
“This cries out for an audit or an investigation,” said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center a Virginia-based watchdog group. “Its director was in bankruptcy and there’s almost nothing in the public record showing what happened to the millions of dollars it supposedly was going to use to help poor Haitians.”
Giustra, one of the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation, is also no stranger to controversy. In 2005, he and President Clinton traveled together to Kazakhstan to meet with the former Soviet republic’s authoritarian leader. Days after that meeting, Giustra acquired uranium assets in three of the country’s state-run mines — a venture valued at more than $3 billion. Both Giustra and Clinton have denied that the former US president helped him cement the Kazakh deal.

At least some of the Haiti Fund cash ended up with Haitian entrepreneurs. According to a Clinton Foundation press release, the Fund made its first investment of $415,000 in a group of artisans in the Caribbean country, in August 2011. That year, the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings show $307,000 going to the Fund.
But in that same year Villain had bigger projects in mind requiring more than $12 million, the emails show. In November 2011, he requested a meeting with Podesta, who was filling in as head of the Clinton Foundation.
“I planned to send notice to the [Investment] Committee to schedule a meeting to consider taking action on a pending transaction and the presentation of 8 investment opportunities … totalling $12.3 million with a potential of 2,775 prospective new jobs,” writes Villain in an email to Podesta’s secretary.
In a return email, Podesta said he would get Villain an answer the next day.
But it’s not clear from Clinton Foundation tax filings if the cash ever made it to Villain’s projects, or what those projects were.
Villain left the Clinton Foundation in 2013 and now works for a hospital in South Carolina, according to his LinkedIn page. He could not be reached for comment.
The Clinton Foundation did not return repeated requests for comment.
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