Malaysia MH17,Ukraine And Israeli ZioNasties And Jewish-Australian Space Cadet Fatima
Fatima(now that;s a nice Jewish name - NOT ! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Fatima(now that;s a nice Jewish name - NOT ! Ha! Ha! Ha!It's sort like naming their son Ishmael.Ha!Ha! Ha!
Fatima (given name) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Fatima - meaning of Fatima name
HAND OF FATIMA: Connection with Judaism ...
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— 26 July 201
— 26 July 201
Mossad Clique Exposed Faking it as MH17 Parents plus Passenger
It is the Israeli Mossad and its collaborators which are behind the MH17 crash hoax. Based in Australia Mossad agents George Dyczynski and Angela Rupart Dyczynski are Israeli spies. Masquerading as Australians and part-time Dutch they are Israeli agents, dual citizens.
Dyczynskii is a hoaxer to the extreme. The Dyczynski clique’s role is to fabricated the death of their daughter. Yet, now, suddenly they claim she is still alive.
There is nothing wrong with this woman, Fatima Dyczynski. She is alive and well.
She is apparently greater than life. Here is what the family has to say about her:
The Netherlands is a mere staging area, as it is for many arch-Zionists. Her real enclave appears to be Jerusalem:
It is an entire family of arch-Zionist liars and deceivers, leading by the bombastic one herself, criminal mind Angela Rudhart-Dyczynski. Considering the degree of this fraud it is no surprise what is the nature of her actual profession, a drug-pushing clinical psychologist:
It seems her Website is a shill company, just like her daughter’s. No one in this universe can find her believable or her lying, fabricating husband. They did this for pay and also to promote Zionism. Too, their daughter is directly involved. The only element that she speaks that is true is that her daughter is alive.
Who in the world would go to an airliner crash site to search for the remains of their daughter? It couldn’t get more ludicrous than this. Mr. Dyczynski thinks the same:

These people are filthy fraudsters spewing lies and fabrications on behalf of the arch-Zionist cabal. Her video performances are among the most unbelievably asinine ones ever seen, that is regarding death hoaxes.
The Dyczynskis are working on behalf of the Zionist murder machine. Through their treachery they are cohorts in great crimes against humanity, the mass slaughter of unarmed, defenceless innocents, the people of Gaza, the Ukraine, and far more. The entire passenger list is infested with wretched Mossad agents, faking it as grieving parents as well as dead passengers. Essentially, it is beyond a mere hoax. It is getting ridiculous beyond belief.
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